Better together (a clace fan...

By little_squirrel_234

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Jace mysteriously is found dead at the entrance to the institute. Clary is so upset. What happens when he mys... More

This cant be happening
Feeling better
First day back to school
The institute
The day it happened
The greenhouse
The fashion show
A big suprise
The calls
A very busy day
The trip
Telling everyone
Girls night
A day with jace
Leaving for Italy
Prank wars
The next day
Dreams and Promises
Moving day
The note
Feeling sick
I hate the flu
Where am I?
I need you
The rescue
What do I do?
a new friend
Some huge news and of course
Dress shopping
The beach
A day at the beach
Clary's day
A wedding problem
The wedding
The honeymoon
Herondale manor
Back to New York
He wants me back?
The castle
Coronation day
The missing cup and sword
The faerie court
Telling some big news
The letters
Whats it gonna be?
Shadowhunter academy
Picking out the nursery
Please jem?
Who did this?
2 days
Running out of time
I'm coming Clary
A sleeping clary
Waking up
Going Back to New York
A disney marathon!
She's coming
The bet
A surprise
New and old aquaintances
The truth comes out
A werewolf problem
Poor Wolves
A wolf prison
The auction
A plan
A visitor
The interview and photo shoot
The Jace Journal
Going back to the castle
In the begining
Go home!
Logans birthday
Ascension Day
Looking for clary
Lightwood family dinner
Sneak peak
Protect her
Graces announcement party
Grace leaves
It hurts
The dinner
The horse show
News from mom
The questioning
Queen for a day
The beach
Donuts and birthday presents
Sorry guys
Alices birthday
Going home
Isabelle and Simons wedding
Sorry guys
King for a day
Jace gets sick
Jaces Birthday
A declaration
I need an answer
Telling the family
a few days before the wedding
Jonathan and alices wedding
Good news and bad news
Coming home
Bad news
Bad news
Graces return party
Neice or nephew?
Los angeles
Seeing family again
Meeting with Aubrey
Meeting with the king and queen
Dont hate me please
What to do?
Shoping with ash
Gender reveal
Christmas eve
Jaces turn
Meeting with a verlac
Doctors visits and shopping trips
The day before
Home again
A break in
Hawaii pt. 1
Hawaii part 2
Alice leaves

Grace meets family

219 9 1
By little_squirrel_234

Vader isn't doing good guys. Vader is my dog with cancer if you didn't know. I'm really worried about him. Friday he had a fever and had to stay at the vet for the weekend. He won't eat any of his food or take his medicine he has to take. He is also being really lethargic and that's not good.

Clary POV

The plane lands and I grab Grace's hand when we are finally allowed to get off. The three of us get our bags and go get in my car. I help her get in her booster seat that mom lent me and I get in the drivers seat with Jace beside me.

"Where are we" Grace asks. "New York. We have to take your moms car back to your nana and papas house and then we can head home" jace says. "Oh okay" Grace says. "If they are home when we get there you can meet them if you want" I say. "I do. I want to meet my family" she says. "Okay Grace. I know you do. Most of them live back home where we live" I tell her. "Where is stephie and Travis" Grace asks. "Back home where we live" jace tells her. "Okay" Grace says.

We drive the rest of the way to moms house. "I'm going to put the car keys inside. Do you guys want to come in or wait out here" I ask. "We will wait out here" jace says. "I will be right back" I say. I unlock the front door and go inside. "Your back" I hear. I put the keys on the hook and look at Luke. "Yeah. We landed about an hour ago and came back here to drop my car off" I tell him. "What happened with Grace" he asks. "She's coming home. She's with Jace right  now outside" I tell him. We look out of the window to the front yard. I see jace holding Grace. "She's still got him wrapped around her little finger doesn't she" Luke says. "Yeah I guess she does. When mom and Tessa get off of work you guys can feel free to come to the castle and spend the night and meet Grace in the morning like you did before" I say. "We probably will. I can't wait to finally get to meet her" he says. "I know. I can't wait for you guys to get to meet her too" I say. "Your mom said Jonathan and Alice were watching Braxton" he asks. "Yeah. I better go get Grace home and relieve Jonathan and Alice of Braxton duty" I say. "He may like it. I haven't been to the Morganstern manor in years. But it's a nice house" he says. "It is. I'll see if Braxton wants to come back home or spend another night with Jonathan and Alice" I say. "That's a good idea. I guess we will see you three tomorrow" he says. "I guess so. I'll see you later" I say. I grab another granola bar and head out of the house. "Luke's home. I told him after mom and Tessa get off of work they can come to Idris and meet Grace. That way they can all meet her at once tomorrow" I say. "That works" he says.

I open a portal. "Okay hold on Grace" jace says. I see her wrap her little arms around his neck.

He steps through and I go back through behind them. "Welcome home Grace" I say. She looks around. "It's so pretty" she squeals. "I know. Hey jace go show her around and to her room and I will go see about Braxton" I say. "Okay come on Grace" jace says. He sets her on the ground and walks off towards the castle holding her hand.

I get autumn ready. "Is the king back" I hear someone ask behind me. I look back to see a young stable boy. "Yes he's back. Along with your princess finally. He's showing her around the castle. I'm going to go see about Braxton at Jonathan and Alices house" I say. "Okay I'm glad. Do you want me to get autumn ready" he asks. "Yeah. Thank you" I say. "No problem. I will bring her out of the front of the barn when she's ready" he says. "Thanks" I say and leave her stall. It's already almost dinner time. I better hurry. If I'm not back in time they can go ahead and eat and I will get something later.

The boy brings autumn out. "Thank you so much" I say. "Of course ma'am. I'll be here when you come back" he says. "Thank you. I'll be back" I tell him. I get on autumn and ride over to the Morganstern manor.

I knock on the door. "Hey clary, come in" Alice says. I enter her house. "I'm just making dinner do you want any" she asks. "I'm good. We just got back and dinner is in an hour and a half at the castle. I came to check on Braxton" I tell her. "He's fine. Braxton" she calls. I hear little feet on the stairs. Braxton comes in the kitchen. "Hi mommy" Braxton says. "Hi Braxton. How's it going over here" I ask. "Good. I love being with Aunt Alice and unca Jo Jo" Braxton says. "That's good. Have you been good for them" I ask. "Yes mommy" he says. "Good. Do you want to come home with me or spend another night" I ask. "I wanna stay here" Braxton says. "Is that okay with you and Jonathan or do you want me to take him back" I ask. "It's fine if he stays here. He's not causing any problems" she says. "Good just let me know if he needs to come home. I will come get him" I say. "Okay" she says. "Hey Braxton. Can you go tell your unca Jo Jo dinners ready" Alice asks my three year old. "Yeah" he says. He runs from the room.

He comes back a few minutes later with Jonathan. "I thought I heard your voice" Jonathan says. "Yeah I'm back" I say. "Did she agree to come back" he asks. "Oh yeah. Grace is back and she's excited to be home and meet everyone. Mom and the others in New York are coming over night so they can all meet her tomorrow morning at breakfast" I tell him. "That's good. I can't wait to meet her" he says. "I can't wait for you all to meet her too. I guess I should probably get back. Love you Braxton" I say and kiss he top of his head. "Love you mommy" he says. "I'll see you guys later" I say. I grab a green bean and leave their house.

"Clary can I tell you something" I hear. I grab autumns reigns and look back at Alice at the front door. "Yeah" I say. She comes closer to me.  "Jonathan and I found out amazing news yesterday before I left for work" she tells me. "What" I ask. "I'm going to have a baby" she tells me. I hug her. "Congratulations. I'm so happy for you" I say. "Thanks. I'm scared though Clary" she says. "I know. It is scary, but you will be a great mother and Jonathan will be a great dad. You will be okay. I know you will. Jonathan will take care of you the whole way" I tell her. "Thanks. I know he will too" she says. "It's okay to be scared. I was" I say. "Thanks. It's good to know I have you too" she says. "Of course you do. When the baby is born I will let you and Jonathan go to Los Angeles and see your other family" I say. "Thanks Clary. I'd love to go see them. When we come tomorrow can I call them and tell them about what you just found out" she asks. "Of course. And I won't tell the others. I will wait to let you tell them" I say. "Thanks" She says. "Of course. I'm going to head on to the castle. Let me know if you need anything" I say. "Thanks Clary" she says. I get on autumn and ride to the castle.

The same barn boy as before comes out and takes autumn back to the stables for me. I find Grace and Jace at dinner. "We just got in here so you're just in time" jace says. "Is all this for me" Grace asks. "You can eat all you want, three meals a day" I tell her. She starts filling up her plate. "Where's Braxton" Jace asks. "He wanted to spend another night with unca Jo Jo and aunt Alice" I tell him. "Who's that" Grace asks. "Your aunt alice and uncle Jonathan. Your uncle Carson and Braxton couldn't say Jonathan so they call him Jo Jo" jace tells her. "Oh okay" Grace says. She takes a bite of her chicken and I do too. "Have you seen your room yet Grace" I ask. "No" she says. "I haven't shown her that part yet" Jace says. "You'll like it Grace. Ours and Braxton's rooms are over by yours too" I tell her. "Okay" she says.

We all eat dinner. "Do you want me to go tell someone that your mom and the others are coming later in the middle of the night" jace asks. "That's fine. Come on Grace let's go see your room. Your stuff should be set up and ready for you by now" I say. I take Graces hand and we walk over to the tower.

"This is your room" I say and open her bedroom door. "Wow" she says. Her eyes are big. "Do you like it" I ask. "Yeah" she says. "It looks like they unpacked all of your stuff like we asked. Your closet is in here and your bathroom is in here" I tell her showing her where everything is.

"Mommy" she asks. "Yes baby girl" I ask. "Do I get a tiara" she asks. "Maybe. I'll talk to your daddy and see" I tell her. "Okay" she says. "We can have you fit for some dresses later. Do you want to" I ask. "Yeah. I wanna be a real princess. Do you wear dresses too mommy" she asks. "Sometimes" I say.

"Which pajamas do you want to wear" I ask her. She looks in the drawer I have open. "This one" she says and pulls out one. "Okay Grace. Go change into your pajamas and get ready for bed and I will wait here for you" I say. She goes and changes her clothes. "Are you ready to go to sleep" I ask her. "Yes mommy" she says. "Goodnight my angel. I will wake you up in the morning. You have a big day. You get to meet all of your family tomorrow" I say. "Okay mommy" she says. I kiss the top of her head.

"My room is up those stairs outside your bedroom door. Just come get me if you need anything. Your dad will be passing through the tower soon" I tell her. "Okay mommy" she says. "I love you baby. I'm glad you're home at last" I say. "Me too mommy" she says. I smile at her and turn her lights out. I leave her bedroom and go up to my own.

I get in my Winnie the Pooh pajamas and I go get ready for bed. When I finish and get out of the bathroom Jace is just getting in our room. "What took so long" I ask. "I went and told some people on the night shift to go keep a lookout for your mom and the others coming tonight. Then I went down to the kitchen and made the breakfast order. I asked for pancakes and waffles. I figured Grace might like that. Carson and Logan too" he says. "I know they will" I say. "Then I went and said goodnight to Grace before coming up here" he finishes. "You're great" I say. "I try" he says. "Go get ready for bed. When you join me in bed I wanna tell you something Grace said" I tell him. "Can't you tell me now" he asks. "Yes but I will wait till you get ready for bed" I tell him.

He goes into the closet and changes into some pajama pants and finishes getting ready for bed  in the bathroom. When he comes back he gets in the bed with me and faces me. "Grace asked if she can have a tiara" I tell him. "Oh. I don't know" he says. "I don't know either. Should we get her one" I ask. "I guess it wouldn't hurt. It won't be as big as ours though but we can get her one" he said. "Okay then. I'll look into getting one for her. Even if it's something small" I say. "That's perfect. She can get a bigger one when she's older" he says. "Yeah" I say.

I lie down and lie my head on his bare chest. "I'm glad our oldest baby is home" I say. "Me too Clare, me too" he says. I fall asleep listening to the soft sound of his heart beat and the feeling of his wings closing in around me.


"Wake up" I hear a voice say. I groan. "It's time to wake up my love" I hear. Something rubs my back. "Ugh okay fine" I groan. I let go of Jace and roll out of bed. I take a shower and get ready for the day. When I'm finally ready I announce "I'm going to go wake Grace up and go get her ready for breakfast." "Okay, I'm gonna finish getting ready and I will meet you down in the dining room" jace says. "Alright" I say and go downstairs.

I open Graces bedroom door and see she's still asleep. "Time to wake up Grace" I say standing next to her bed. She stays asleep. "Grace you need to get up" I say and gently shake her. She hits me. "Grace baby. Please get up" I say. She hits me again. I walk out of her room. "Jace" I say as he's walking out of our room. He stops walking down the stairs and looks at me. "Can you wake her up? She won't get up. She keeps hitting me" I ask. "Yeah. I remember she sleeps like you. I'll show you how I wake you up and it's probably how to wake her up too" he tells me. He comes down the stairs and we go in Graces room. He bends down beside her sleeping form. "Grace baby. It's time to wake up" jace says petting her hair. "Why" she whines. "You've got to meet your family. Some of them are here already" jace says. "Okay" she says and gets up. "Thanks" I say. "No problem. I'll be at breakfast" he says and leaves the room.

"What do you want to wear today" I ask her and open up her small closet. "Can I wear my Minnie Mouse outfit " she asks looking up at me. "Sure baby. Which one" I ask. "This one" she says and grabs a pair of overalls. I grab a white shirt to go under it. She goes and changes. "Can you help me with the buttons" she asks. I help her with the buttons and get her converse on. "Go brush your teeth and then we can go to eat breakfast" I tell her. She looks so cute in her Minnie Mouse overalls.

(The outfit above but without the Minnie Mouse ears)

When she's done brushing her teeth I brush her hair. "Do you want me to put it up or leave it down" I ask her. "Up please" she says. I put it in a ponytail.

"Mommy" she asks. "Yes Grace" I ask. "What if they don't like me" she asks. "They will love you baby. I know they all will. When some of them found out Jace and I were going to go get you they were excited to finally get to meet you and see you again. When we have a party to celebrate you being able to come home and announce that the kingdom also has a prince as well the people will love you too. I know they will" I try and reassure her. "I hope you're right" she says. "Are you ready to go eat breakfast? Your dad and some of our family are waiting" I ask her. "I guess. Is Braxton there yet" she asks. "No I don't think so, he will probably come in a couple of hours with your aunt alice, or he will come at lunchtime with your uncle Jonathan" I tell her. "Oh, okay" she says. I hold my hand out to her and she takes it. We walk to the dining room.

The moment we walk in the dining room they all look at Grace like she is the most adorable little girl they have ever seen. I go and sit down and she sits beside me. "Pancakes and waffles" Grace says excited. "I figured you would like that for breakfast. I requested for that last night for you" Jace tells her. "I like your Minnie mouse. Its sparkly" Logan says. "Thank you..." she trails off. "I'm Logan and this is my momma and daddy and sister Emily" he says. "You're so beautiful Grace" mom says. "Thank you, I think" she says looking slightly confused. "Grace this is your nana, papa and your uncle Carson" I tell her. "Oh" she says. She starts eating her waffles and pancakes. "Can I have some strawberries" she asks. "Of course" I tell her. I call a servant over and ask for some strawberries. He comes back from the kitchen with a bowl full of strawberries and sets them in front of us.

"Where's Jo Jo" Carson asks. "At his house. He will be here later today. He wants to meet Grace too" I tell my younger brother. "Wait wheres Braxton" Luke asks. "He wanted to spend another night at Jonathan and Alices house. I went over to get him last night and he wanted to spend another night" I tell the others. "What is it again that he calls Jonathan" Jem asks. "Unca Jo Jo" Jace says. "I think its cute that he likes hanging out with unca Jo Jo and Aunt alice" Tessa says. "Me too. For a while he was kinda stand offish around Jonathan but now I think he really likes him" I say. "I think so too" Jace agrees.

"What time did you guys get here" I ask. "It was three in the morning here" Tessa says. "Oh wow. Yeah, I was already fast asleep" I say. "That's why when we got here we just went straight to bed" mom says.

"Is that really how you have to wake me up" I ask jace. "She hit you a few times didn't she" he asks trying to confirm what he already knows. "Yeah" I confirm for him. "Yes it is. She sleeps just like you. A very hard and aggressive sleeper" Jace says. "I remember it was always so hard to get you out of the bed. I had to watch out and dodge a few hits and kicks every now and again" mom adds. "I had to teach Jonathan and the others how to avoid getting hit and kicked. I think she hurt him and Isabelle once and that made them scared to wake her up" Jace says.

I eat the pancakes and waffles I put on my plate. I look over to my right and see Grace talking to Logan and Carson. She smiles. I'm glad she's making some friends. Even if is is with her family.

"I know she's been quiet to you guys but she was excited when she found out she could meet the rest of her family" I tell them. "She is talking to carson and Logan so I guess that's better than not talking at all" Tessa says. "Give her a little while and she will warm up to you. I promise she is more talkative" I tell them. "Okay, I believe you" mom says. "I am going to fit her for some dresses in a little while. If you guys want to come to the dress room" I tell them. "Sure. Is there going to be another party announcing her return" Tessa asks. "Yeah. It will be another month probably until we can have it but we will have one. When alice gets here I will talk to her about planning it" I answer. "Can you design my dress for it" Tessa asks. "Mine too. I want to see what you can do for one for me" mom asks. "Yeah. Olivia will make them once I get the design created" I tell them. "Can she do all of them in time" mom asks. "Yeah, you would be surprised at how fast she can get them done" I say.

After breakfast mom, Tessa, Grace, Emily  and I go to the dress room. "Wow" mom says looking around at all of my dresses. "Olivia where is the measuring line" I ask. Olivia comes around the corner from one of the small rooms connected to this one. She gets it out of one of the drawers for me. "Thank you" I say to her. "Hello princess Grace. It's nice to see you once again after all of these years" Olivia says to my daughter. "Hi" Grace says. I grab my journal that I keep in this room and open it to a new page since I need to take measurements. "Who is going first" I ask. "I will" Tessa says. "Okay stand up here" I tell her. She stands up on the small step up. I take all of her measurement length and sizes and write them down in my journal. I take Graces next then moms. "Emily do you want a dress made just for you" I ask the three year old sitting on the bench on the corner of the room. She never leaves Tessa's side since she got back from the war. She's a quiet girl, rarely ever talks I know she can but she doesn't. She looks up at Tessa. "Do you want one Emily" Tessa asks. The three year old looks up at Tessa and barely moves her head. "Use your words em, we don't know what you want" Tessa tells her daughter. "I-I guess" the little girl says. "Okay come here" I tell her. She looks between me and Tessa. "Clary isn't going to hurt you Emily" Tessa reassures the little girl in the corner. She gets up from the plush bench and steps up where mom was standing a little while ago. "Can you hold your arms out for me like your flying" I ask her. She does as I ask her and I measure the length of her arms. "You can put them down" I tell her and she does. I take the other measurements I need for her dress. "You can step down. I've got all of the measurements I need. Thank you Emily. " I say and help her down. I finish writing the last few numbers for her in my journal.

"What colors do you guys want your dresses to be" I ask. "Can I have grey and white in mine? I don't care about the other colors and the design" Tessa asks. "Yeah" I say. I flip to the next page and write down Tessa's request. "What about you Emily? What's your favorite color" I ask. "Green" she says. I write down the color. "Mom" I ask. "Hm" she hums looking at all of my dresses. "What colors do you want yours to be" I ask. "Blue" she says. "Okay" I say and write it down. "Grace, what color do you want yours to be" I ask. "Red" she says. I chuckle and write it down. She said her answer fast. "I will probably end up doing Isabelle and Alices too. I will need to take Isabelles since I haven't done hers in years" I tell the others. "Why don't you have to take Alices" Tessa asks. "I have hers already. I took hers before Graces announcement party. Unless she wants me to I don't think I need to measure her again" I reply. "Oh" she says.

"Have you worn all of these" mom asks looking at all of my dresses still. "Not all of them" I say. "I don't think any of them would fit you Mrs. Jocelyn with Queen clarys small unique frame. If there is one of hers you like the best I can make it for you so it would fit you better" Olivia says. "Oh okay, thank you" mom says. "These are all beautiful clary" mom tells me. "Thanks" I say. "This was your coronation dress" mom says pulling it off of the rack. "Yeah" I say.  She puts it back and looks through the rest of them on the one rack out of many. "Did you design all of these" she asks. "Not all, some we bought remember. I designed most of them though" I tell her. "They are all beautiful" she says. "I'm glad you think so" I say.

There is a knock on the door. Olivia opens it. "Sorry to interrupt your majesty. Mrs. Alice has arrived with prince Braxton" a guard says on the other side of the door. "Thank you Ethan. Is Jonathan here yet" I ask. "Not yet, I can let you know when he arrives, if you'd like ma'am" he says. "Yes, thank you. Please send a message to Alec and Magnus Lightwood-bane and Isabelle and Simon Lovelace requesting for them to cone to the castle for lunch" I say. "Yes ma'am" he says. He bows and leaves the doorway .

"Are you ready to meet your little brother and Aunt Alice" I ask Grace. "Yeah" she says with a little more enthusiasm than she had at the breakfast table this morning. I close my journal and put it back in the drawer. I hold Graces hand and we all leave the dress room.

We find Alice and Braxton in the hallway. "Braxton meet your big sister Grace. Grace meet your aunt Alice and little brother Braxton" I say. "Hi" Grace says. "You are so cute. We have all missed you so much" Alice says. Grace smiles at her. Braxton doesn't say anything just hugs his older sister. Grace looks a little taken aback but hugs him back. "Mommy has told me about you" Braxton says when he lets her go. She smiles at him.

"We are going to have to split up charlotte an Christopher" I tell alice turning my attention to her instead of my two kids. "Why mommy? I like them" Braxton asks. "You will still see them but one of them has to be with your sister in case she needs anything" I tell him. "Oh. Who do you want Grace" Braxton asks his sister. "I don't know who they are" Grace says. "I will talk to them and see which one of them wants to stay with Grace" Alice tells me. "Braxton which one of them is your favorite" she asks Braxton. "Umm... I like them both" Braxton says. "Well that helps us decide" I say sarcastically. I hear mom giggle. "I will talk to them and see what they want to do. Charlotte watched Grace when she was still here as a baby so she probably will want to see her and take care of her again" Alice said. "She did" Grace asks. "Yeah, she loved you Grace" I tell her. "Oh" she says.

"Are you going to join us for lunch" I ask Alice. "I wish I could. I have to get some things done. If I get them all done before I leave I can see all of you. I have something important to tell you all" she says. "Okay then. Do you know what time Jonathan is coming" I ask her. "Who" Braxton asks. "Jo Jo" I say. "Oh" he says. It feels weird calling my brother that. "I think he was going to eat lunch back home then head over. So he should be over in an hour" Alice tells us. Cookie comes walking down the hall. She yips and comes up to Alice. "Hey cookie. You've gotten so big" Alice says petting the Great Dane that comes up to her waist. "That's a big doggy" Braxton says looking wide eyed at cookie. "That's cookie" Grace says to Braxton.

"Lets go to lunch" I say. "Bye aunt Alice" Braxton says. The six of us head over to the dining room. The others get here a minute later. After everyone arrives in the dining room the servants bring out the food. "Can I have some grape juice" Grace asks me. A servant comes over to me. "She would like some grape juice" I tell her. "I'm not sure if we have any" she says. "Just see if you do" I say. "Any particular kind princess" the servant asks. "Purple" Grace says. "Okay, I will be back" the servant girl says. "Is someone going to get the others" Jace asks. "I sent Ethan to go get them. Alice said Jonathan should be here in an hour" I tell them.

The door opens and Magnus and Isabelle are talking about something. After walking a few feet Alec and Simon stop and Izzy and Magnus run into them. "What the heck guys" izzy asks. "That's why they wanted us" Simon says pointing at Grace. "You're already my favorite, you're wearing sparkles" Magnus says walking over and sitting next to Grace. She giggles and smiles at him. "I'm your uncle Magnus darling" he says. She giggles again. "I've missed that giggle" Alec says. "So have I" Isabelle says. "You giggled a lot as a baby" Tessa tells Grace. "Oh" she says.

"Has Jonathan and Alice already met her" Simon asks. "Alice met her just a little while ago. Jonathan hasn't yet. He is coming in about an hour Alice said" I tell him. "Did you get to ride on Scout Braxton" mom asks. "Yeah" he says, "I got to ride on Chance too. Unca Jo Jo took me for a ride on chance." "Where did you go" Tessa asks. "In the backyard. They have a big backyard" Braxton says. "I've never seen their house" mom says. "Its nice. I've only been inside once. Its further down from the Herondale manor and the Lightwood manor" Jace says.

The servant comes back. "We don't have any, is there anything else you would like instead princess Grace" she asks Grace. "No, that's okay" Grace says looking down disappointed. "What did you want mini biscuit" Magnus asks Grace. "Purple grape juice" Grace tells him. He snaps his fingers and a glass of purple grape juice appears in front of Grace. "Yay" Grace squeals. "And there's that squeal" Jem says looking fondly at her. Grace drinks some of her juice.

After lunch we all visit and Grace gets to know her family. I can tell she likes them. Jonathan gets here and he smiles at her when he first sees her. "It's nice to see you once again Grace. Its been lonely around here without you" he says. She smiles at him. "I'm happy to be home" she says. Carson goes and sits next to Jonathan.

After a few hours Alice finally comes back. "Charlotte wants to be the one to take care of Grace" she tells us. "I figured she would" I say. "But I want Miss Charlotte too" Braxton says. "You have to share" Jace says. "You will still see her she will just be with Grace most of the time" Alice tells him.

"Did you tell them" Alice asks. "No, I thought you had" Jonathan says. She shakes her head. "What" Simon asks. "I'm going to have a baby" Alice announces. Izzy runs and hugs her. "I knew it was going to happen soon" Izzy says. "You did" Jonathan says. "Yeah, I knew it was only a matter of time before you got her pregnant" izzy says. "Well I'm happy for you two" mom says. "Thanks" my brother says.

All of the guys talk and us girls get in a group and talk. "I'm nervous guys" Alice says. "I know you are. You will be alright though. I know you will" Tessa reassures to her. "I will have to put you on maternity leave really early since you cant ride a horse. Lets say we wait until you start to show, like maybe two or three months along then you can start staying home. We can't have you hurting the baby" I tell her. "Okay, but who is going to take care of things over here" she asks. "I can, or I can find someone to do it" I tell her. "Okay then, if you're sure" she says. "You can have my maternity clothes if you want them" I offer. "Sure, I'll take it" she says.

"I had a great idea last night clary" Tessa says. "What is it" I ask. "We need models for Herondale designs. We can use some of you guys as our models" Tessa suggests. "Yes! I would love to do it" Izzy says. "What do you think clary" Tessa asks. I look at izzy and she is practically begging me with the look in her eyes. I sigh. "I guess. Who would do it though" I ask. "I think Isabelle has already volunteered" mom says. "Can I do it too" Grace asks looking up at me. "Sure baby. I just have to start a new line. A line for kids" I say. "We may need to buy more space for the store" Tessa says. "If we have the money to do it, I'd say lets go for it" I say. "I don't know who would do it though" I say. "I'm not sure yet. I think Jonathan would be a good one if he would do it" Tessa says. I laugh. "Good luck trying to convince him to do it" I say. "Lucy thinks hes cute, I would do it. We need to do it before I start showing though" Alice says. "So we have about four months" mom says.

"Clary, can you cut Carsons hair? I need to take him somewhere but I don't want to spend the money" Mom asks. "Yeah, I will do it tonight. After dinner" I ask. "That's fine" she says. "Since when do you cut hair" Tessa asks. "I've cut my own since I was 13" I tell her. "That's cool" she says.

After a while we go to dinner. "Can I have some more juice Uncle Magnus" Grace asks. "Of course darling" he says and makes grape juice appear in front of her. "Yay" she says excited. She drinks some of her juice. "What do you say" I say to her. "Thank you uncle Magnus" she says. "Anything for you mini biscuit" he says.

"I'm so glad you're back" Alec says. "Me too" Grace says.

Grace has met the rest of her family!!

What do you think of Alice and Jonathan having a baby?

Will it be a boy or a girl? Any guesses?

Should I do a chapter with some of them as models?

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