Jikook Stories 2 [Completed]...

By BtsJkXJm

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So....this is the second Jikook Oneshot. I hope you will enjoy the stories I made. :) EDIT 2023 : Listen you... More

I like you.
Thantophobia pt2
Thantophobia Pt3
Thantophobia Finale
You're Cute.
You're Cute 2
Time 2
It ain't me
Will I be a burden to you?
You're not a burden to me.
I am here
I am here 2
Friends? 2
Friends? 3
Friends? 4
Friends? 5
Unexpected move
Lucky Me
Lucky Me 2
Lucky Me 3
Shortie Jimin-shii
Virgin Boy
I'm fine
My life
Kitty 2
Kitty 3
Kitty 4
A Wish
Prank gone wrong
A wish 2
A wish 3
A wish 4
A forgotten Marriage
A forgotten Marriage 2
Fighting 2
Fighting 3
Fighting 4
Nerd x Bad boy
Nerd x Badboy 2
Broken 2
Broken 3
Broken 4
My Bully
Bonus: Broken
Two Face Bitch
Two Face Bitch 2
The loner and the Rich
Teacher Jimin loves me
Change for you
Alpha lovers
Guardian Ghost
Guardian Ghost 2
Anger Management
Anger Management 2
My Bully 2
Not so sweet no more
Not so sweet no more 2
I love you
Just one day
I'm sorry and I love you
Surprised date.
Magic Dust
Future meets the Past
Future meets the past 2
Mummy and baby time
Missing you
Omega bully
Break up
Time traveler ⏳
Time traveler 2 ⏳
Cafe love
One last time

Soulmate 2

3.7K 136 59
By BtsJkXJm

"How can you be sure?". She smile and said "Because it's love"
Jimin POV
"Because it's love" I mimicked my mom's voice. I was now outside, thinking about my new soulmate, Jeon Jungkook. I look at my wrist, caressing the words slowly.

"It's pretty cool that I have this thing on my Wrist but Jungkook? He doesn't even like me" I thought. I saw a playground near by and went towards there and sat down on the swings.

"This is the worst gift ever...." I sigh and continued to swing by myself. But while I was swinging, I saw a figure coming towards me.

"Great now what?" I thought. The figure was wearing a black hoodie that covered his face and blue jeans.
"Hi, please leave me alone because I'm trying to swing in peace" I said, still swinging. But he just stand in front which made me a little scared and annoyed.

"Please leave me alone or I'll kick your face with my powerful swing kick" I swing harder but the guy grab the metal holder and I was almost flying In the air


Until he grab my waist and maneuverd my legs so that it was now on his waist.

"F-Fuck you!" I tried squirming but then the guy took the hoodie off and I saw his face clearly.


Jungkook was smirking, his hand were now holding my thighs.
"Fuck me? Hm..I like the sound of that". I blush and bury my face on his chest.
"Shut up..."

For some reason, I didn't want him to let go. I like him holding me.

It's comforting.

I heard him chuckle and lift my chin.
"Want me to carry you home?" He asked. I widen my eyes and shake my head.
"Like this?! Oh no no no no! Let me go"

He chuckle again and lift me up a little because I was gonna fall.
"Just kidding Jimin".
I roll my eyes and said "Stop joking around and can you let go-"

"But I like holding you"

My eyes widen and I blush again.

"What if I don't want to?". I furrowed my eyebrows and said "What?"

He smirk.

"I like holding you Jimin, it's pretty nice holding your thigh."

My mouth drop.
"Uhhhhhhh...but...I have a soulmate now...so you should stop flirting with me" I said with a blank face.

What the fuck is wrong with you Park Jimin?! Your soulmate is in front of you!

He raise his eyebrows and said "Oh? Well then, show me your soulmate's name"
I gulp and shake my head.

It was too late, he grab my wrist and look at it.
I expected him to make a disgust face but I was surprised to see him smiling widely.

"You're.... you're my soulmate..." He said, still smiling widely. I nodded hesitantly.

"I'm sorry Jungkook-"

"So I wasn't wrong"

I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What do you mean?"
He grin and put me down and showed me his wrist that was written with my name.

He look at me with his doe eyes.
"Isn't this your name?" He said. My mouth drop.
"But your birthday is still a long way to go! How could you have it now?" I was so confused right now.

"I know that but my mom told me that when my soulmate blow out the candles, I will have the mark on the day he or she's birthday"


He scratched the back of his neck, chuckling awkwardly.
We both stare at each other and blush.
"So..what?" I said. He took a deep breath and said
"Will you go out with me?"

I thought for awhile before shrugging my shoulders.
"Alright then".
He squeal and hug me tightly.
"Thank you!!!!" He let go of me, his face look so happy.

He looks like a puppy. Cute...

I was about to say something but my phone rang.
"Sorry, let me just take this". I walk farther from Jungkook and pick up the phone.

Jm: What?

TH: Chimchim~ it's already 11pm! Where are you??

Jm: What? It is?!

TH: Well duhhh, now tell me where are you chimchim-

Jm: I'll call you later bye love you!

TH: Yah! You rude ass bitc-

[End call]

I ran towards Jungkook and said "I'm sorry for leaving you alone but I gotta go home".
He nodded and grab my hand.
"Then let's go together".


We walked together.

Holding hands.

I, Park Jimin, is holding Jeon Jungkook's hand and I think I'm dying.

But he didn't seem bothered by it.

"Is this our first date then?". He look at me and shrug. "If you want it to be". I hummed and we walk, holding hands. We both were silence, no one wanted to talk until finally, I've arrived at my house.

"Thanks for walking with me Jungkook" I said.
He smile and rub the back of neck.
"This is pretty awkward for a 'first date' right?"
I laugh and said "It's okay, tommorow it will be better"



He grin and clear his throat.
"Well then um..." *Looks around*.
Jungkook then grab my wrist and peck my lips.
"See you tomorrow Jimin" He said and winks.

When he left, my legs gave in and I fell down. On que, the door opened, revealing Taehyung, wearing his Tata hairband.

"Chimchim-OMG!! ARE YOU DEAD CHIMCHIM?! DID YOU BECOME SHORTER?! DO YOU NEED A STICK FOR SUPPORT?!" Taehyung was freaking out while I was giggling.
"W-Why are you giggling like you just met your senpai? Did you eat the expired pill?" Taehyung said.

I kept giggling and I shake my head.
"No Tae" I said and look up. "I'm drunk in LOVE Hehehehe"

"Well thank to the heaven's, my best friend is now in a relationship"

I shot my eyes open and ran downstairs.

"What?! What?! What?!!"

I saw my mom smile and said "Finally you're awake".
I roll my eyes and cross my arms.
"You didn't have to scream mom"

"I know" She grin. "But that wouldn't be fun would it?". I sigh and went upstairs again, going back to bed.
"Park Jimin get your ass down here and eat your breakfast!"


Then I went back to sleep.

But of course as always, My mom came with her slippers.



"Estúpido niño, levántate ahora, Park Jimin."
(Stupid child, get up now, Park Jimin)

(I'm sorry, I'm feeling reallyx300 Extra, I'm really sorry if it's wrong) 🙇

I groan and glared at her.
"Mom! You are not Spanish!". She scoff and flip her hair.
"Bitch I look better than your midget ass, Now get up and eat your breakfast! No me hagas repetir dos veces jimin! "
(Do not make me repeat twice jimin)

I sigh and stand up.
"me levantaré ahora, Dios mío (I'll get up now, my God)" I said. She grin, knowing that she won.

Odio la vida....(I hate life....)

(We'll just say that Jimin and her mom learns Spanish)

Time Skip

"Are you gonna have a date with your soulmate?". I look at my mom and nodded.
"How'd you know?"

"Taehyung called you but then I picked it up and then he was screaming like 'Wear the best clothes for your date chimchim~' but then when I said 'Hi Taehyung', he immediately said 'Oh shit, don't tell Jimin I said that bye bye' and hang up.". I face palm myself and my mom laughed.
"Don't worry Jimin, I wish you good luck for your date"

"Thanks Mom"

Ding dong!

The doorbell rang and my mom went there to open it.
"Oh? Hello There, you must be my son's soulmate"
I stop eating and I saw Jungkook waving at me.

Then I look down and noticed that I was wearing a t-shirt and my boxers only.

"¡Santa mierda mi reputación, AHHH!"
(Holy shit my reputation)

That was all I said before I ran upstairs and shutting the door.

Jungkook POV

I was nervous as hell. I gulp, my hands were shaking badly.

Calm down Jungkook...you just need to ring the doorbell.

I gulp once more and took out my phone and look at my reflection.

Does my outfit look okay?

Is it messy?

I put my phone down and took a deep breath.

Just ring the doorbell and you'll be fine.
Ding dong!

Omg I did it!!

The door opened and a woman looked at me surprised. But then she smile and said "Oh? Hello There, you must be my son's soulmate"
My eyes widen but I nodded.

Then I look at the other side and noticed Jimin just wearing his shirt and boxers, his mouth dropped and the toast that he ate fell down.


Suddenly he was screaming Spanish words that I don't understand and went upstairs.
The woman sigh and turn her head to look at me.
"I'm really sorry, you must be Jungkook right?". I nodded and she smile. "It's nice to finally meet you Jungkook, please come in". I entered the house and sat down on the sofa.

"Would you like anything?"

"A-Ah no thank you Auntie..."

She chuckle and said "Just call me mom Jungkook". I smile slightly and nodded.

It was silence for awhile until she sat beside me, holding a cup of tea.
"Can I ask you a question?" I said. She nodded and sip her tea.
"Ask away"

"Um....how does Jimin know how to speak Spanish?. She laugh and put down her tea.
"Well, I always wanted to try talking Spanish and since my husband is busy with his work, I've decided to bring Jimin to my friends house and she taught me and Jimin the language"

She look at me and grin. "I'm really surprised that Jimin pick up Spanish fast and since then, we would usually speak whenever we feel like it, but we would usually use it to swear at each other".
I laugh and said "Wow, I can't believe Jimin would do that to you".
She shrug and said "Meh, I don't really care, he still loves me anyway"

"MAMÁ NO TE ATREVAS DIGA NADA ESTÚPIDO!!" (Mom don't you dare say anything stupid) I heard Jimin yell from above which made his mom yell

"PERRA, ¿ME VEO COMO SI ME IMPORTARA?" (Bitch do I look like I care)


She roll her eyes and said "Don't worry Jungkook, he will be here in no time"

She was right. Jimin actually came after she said that.
"Hi Kook" Jimin said.

"Y-You look beautiful Jimin..." I said shyly. He blush and muttered a 'thank you'.

"Okay you two now go and have fun with your date" Auntie- I mean Mom said.
Jimin nodded and went to his mom and gave a peck on her cheeks.
"Bye mom"

"Bye Jimin, have fun"

"Where do you wanna go first Jimin?" I asked him. He made a thinking face and said "Arcade?"

"Let's go"

We went to the arcade and played games.
But then Jimin would whine, telling me to stop winning, making me grin.
"You're so cute Jimin, whining like a little baby"

He puff out his cheeks and place his hands on his hip.
"I am not cute!"
I chuckle and went closer to him.


I smirk and lean in close to his face and peck his lips.
"Don't lie Jimin or there will be more than just a peck"
He blush at that.

I chuckle and wrapped my arms on his shoulders
"C'mon, I'll buy you a teddy bear"

And I did.

And boy, was he jumping up and down at that.

"Kyahhh this teddy bear is so cute~~~" He was smiling so widely, I feel like his cheeks are gonna explode.
"Don't you think it's cute Jungkook??"

"I think I like the human one better" I said while smirking. He roll his eyes and grab my arm.
"I'm hungry, let's go eat!"


"What do you think about me Jimin?" I asked. He stop eating and looked at me.
"Do you want me to be honest?". I nodded and he took a deep breath.
"Well, I didn't like you. I mean why would I? You were mean to me and would tease me until I wanted to just cry my heart out"

I felt guilty when he said that.
It's true what he said, if I were him, I would hate me too.
He sigh and smile at me.
"But then...all of sudden....you started to be...really nice to me....I don't why or how but I was happy that you didn't say mean words....just nice and cheesy words..."

We both giggled and then he continued.
"So tell me Jungkook....why were you so sweet to me?" He asked, tilting his head.
I look down, too embarrassed to say it. "You will definitely laugh at me..."

"If it's that cheesy then just say it, I'm gonna get used to it anyway..."

"Well...". I look up and said.
"Well...I didn't mean to bully you, it's just that....I was really confused with my feelings and when I saw you so beautiful and cute, I ended up saying the opposite of what I wanted to say...."

He chuckle and said "really?"
I nodded. "Positive. I had enough of doing mean things to you so I made a mission to myself, to always make you blush, smile and stay happy"

"Did it work?" Jimin asked.

"Of course it did, look at us now, we're already soulmates!"

We laugh.
The last place that we both went was my house.

Fuck...wait no.... don't fuck him just yet....but ugh he looks so bootyful i can't...



"Why are we at your house?"

"O-Oh, I just wanted to watch a movie and cuddle with you all day" I said. He giggled.
"Okay then"

We went in and Jimin sat down while I go to the kitchen and take out a bunch of junk foods.
"Okay so I have popcorn, french fries, pizza, ice cream, Pop tarts, instant noodles, potato chips-"

"Jungkook do you want to give me diabetes?". I laugh and said "Well then what do you want? I have a lot you know?"

"Instant noodles and popcorn is already fine"


I sat beside him and turn on the TV.
While watching the movie, I look at him and he was too focused on the movie. I pout and thought "You should focus on me..."

Then an idea pop. I ran to my bedroom and grab the beanbag and put it in front of Jimin. He furrowed his brows and said "Why did you bring this?"

"I wanna cuddle here"

"But there's a couch-"


He sigh and stand up and sat down in the beanbag.
"There! Happy?"
"Hm...no not yet"

I carry him bridal style and then sat down on the beanbag. he look at me wide eye.
"Must you really carry me like this?" Jimin asked.
I smile softly and place my head on his chest.

"Yes because I'm a cheesy guy" I said and pat his thigh. He roll his eyes and continued to watch the movie.

(Their position is kinda like this)



"Can I kiss you?" I said. We stare at each other and then he blushed.
"Uh...I don't know....maybe???"
I smirk and grab his chin, licking his bottom lip.

"I'll take that as a yes then"

"Ew, repugnante pedazo de mierda-" (Ew,You disgusting piece of shit)

I didn't let him finish as I kiss him on the lips. He didn't respond but later he close his eyes and wrapped his arms on my neck.
I cup his cheeks and he titled his head, giving better access for me to kiss him.

I let go of the kiss and rest my forehead with his.
"Don't lick my lip Jungkook, it's nasty" he said. I chuckle and pamper his face with kisses.
"Sorry, I just like teasing you"

He roll his eyes and I smile softly.
I cup his cheeks and kiss him passionately.

"I love you Jimin" I said in between the kiss.

I felt him smile and said
"I love you too Jungkook"

1 month later.


Jimin turn around and grin.


I ran towards him and lift him up, spinning him around.
He laugh and said "Stop! I'm getting dizzy!"

I put him down and kiss him, which he return it immediately.
We let go and I smile.
"I miss you"

"Me too Kookie".

Being a soulmate with Park Jimin is like a dream to me.

But it definitely came true.

I get to bring him flowers.

"Aegiya, wait here for awhile"

"Oh okay"

I went to the flower shop and the worker smile.
"Hello, how may I help you?"

"I need flowers for my husband- I mean Boyfriend" I said. The worker nodded and said "How is he like?"


She chuckle and asked me to wait. It took her 5 minutes before she handed it to me.

"Is this ethereal enough?"

I grin and nodded.
"This is perfect, just like him"

I can back and tap Jimin's shoulder.
He turn around and smile, his eyes smile were glowing.


"Here..." I said shyly and handed him the flower. He gasp and said "These are beautiful Kookie!" And gave me a peck in the cheek. "Thank you Kookie"

"Your welcome"

*Flashback ends*

I gave him whatever he wanted and he would always smile brightly and thank me with his 'I love you kookie'


I'm so lucky to have him.

Jimin POV
I was reading my book when Jungkook entered the room and backhug me.

"Whatchu reading?"

"Hm, just a manga"


It was silence before he broke it.
"Aegiya, do you love me?"

"Of course I do, you're my soulmate and you're mine forever, anyone who tries to take you will pay"

He chuckle and said "Well, thank you for giving me such a heart warming speech, I'm glad I recorded it"

My eyes widen and turn to face him, and hit his chest.
"Hey! Delete it! That was too cheesy!! Delete it now Kook"

He laugh and hold my waist.
"But I like it, I can't delete it, it's too precious". I puff out my cheeks and wanted to get out but Jungkook already pull my legs and wrapped it around his waist.

"You're not going anywhere aegiya, we're gonna to stay and talk about cheesy stuff, and cuddle until we sleep"

I giggled and kiss him.
"I would love that"

I guess having a soulmate isn't so bad after all....


I apologise if it's not fluffy enough 😥. But anyways, hope you enjoy it!

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