Kidnapped baby

By StuckInLove123

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Ariana and Justin has had a relationship for three years. It was filled with fights, crying, but love. On the... More

Chapter 1: The anniversary
Chapter 2: Moving On
Chapter 3: The Big News
Chapter 4: Everything will be ok
Chapter 5: Goodbye America Hello Paris
Chapter 6: Accidents
Chapter 7: New guy
Chapter 8: The Date
Chapter 9: Moving In
Chapter 10: Abusive much?
Chapter 11: Baby Gender
Chapter 12: Birthday Fun Part 1
Chapter 13: Birthday Fun Part 2
Chapter 14: Food Poison
Chapter 15: Tracy convinces Ariana
Chapter 16: Apologies
Chapter 17: Date with Connor
Chapter 18: Day out with Tracy
Chapter 19: Jeanette
Chapter 20: Pool Party
Chapter 21: Painting
Chapter 22: Surprise Surprise
Chapter 23: The Call
Chapter 24: My Water Broke
Chapter 25: The Baby is Born
Chapter 26: Taking The Baby Home
Chapter 27: Stay with me
Chapter 28: Came back early
Chapter 29: Im not ashamed
Chapter 30: The Bridges of Seine
Chapter 31: More news
Chapter 32: Birthday Girls
Chapter 33: Realize
Chapter 34: In the hospital
Chapter 35: All that Matters
Chapter 36: The Cookout
Chapter 37: Kidnapped
Chapter 38: Never Wanted To
Chapter 39: Tracking
Chapter 40: Blaming
Chapter 41: I love you
Chapter 42: The meet
Chapter 43: What a Friend
Chapter 44: Another Kidnapping
Chapter 45: Im Sorry
Chapter 46: Bye Bye Madison
Chapter 47: Forgive Me?
Chapter 48: Aquaboulevard
Chapter 49: Date With the Kidnapper
Chapter 50: Visiting Tracy
Chapter 51: Bye Emily
Chapter 52: His Ex
Chapter 53: Another Dream
Chapter 55: Getting Briana Back
Chapter 56: Dinner Date
Chapter 57: Argue
Chapter 58: Taken at The Mall
Chapter 59: Revealed
Chapter 60: Help us Connor
Chapter 61: The Plan
Chapter 62: Arrested
Chapter 63: Another One
Chapter 64: Visitor

Chapter 54: Don't Stress

3.3K 112 23
By StuckInLove123

Chapter 54: Don't Stress

Ariana's P.O.V.

I wake up to the blinding sun rays coming through the window.

I flutter my eyes open to see Justin isn't in bed with me anymore. I look at the clock to see it's 10:30.

"Great, I overslept again"I mutter and pull the pillow over my face. I let out a small scream and take it off my face.

I breathe out and step out of bed.
I take a quick shower letting the hot water relax my tense muscles.

My thoughts travel over to the wonderful dream I had last night.

Justin was so playful and cute. Sophia was just the cutest little girl ever.

Why can't my life be like that? A life where everything is okay and carefree.

I finish up my shower and change into some clothes. I tie my hair up into a ponytail and go downstairs.

"Someone finally woke up"My mother comes out of the living room.

"Hey mom"I hug her. "I saved you some breakfast"She pulls me into the dining room.

She hands me a plate of food and takes a seat next to me.

"So, how are you feeling?"She asks.

"I'm feeling fine"I nod. "Are you sure? I'm here for you Ariana, just ask and it will be given to you"She says.

"Can you give me a million dollars?"I joke and she rolls her eyes.

"Mom I'm fine, why are you so worried?"I ask and take another bite of my food.

"Because your pregnant, and I want to make sure everything is ok"She says.

"Oh right, I'm pregnant"I say remembering the Pregnancy test I took last night.

"Umm..Where's Justin?"I ask her.

"Oh, he...uh..he left"She stutters.

"Where did he go?"I raise an eyebrow.

"Out with Selena"She smiles. I feel anger boil up in me at her words.

"What a jerk! What type of boyfriend leaves his pregnant girlfriend to hang out with his ex? He didn't even think to at least say goodbye!"I yell standing up.

I pace the room furious at the thought of him "hanging out with Selena."

I mean he did say he wanted to hang out with her but it still aggravates me.

"Ariana, calm down. You haven't even told Justin about you being pregnant again"My mom stands up too.

"I know but it's just...I'm scared mom"I feel tears about to spill out my eyes any second now.

"Of what?"She asks. "Of losing Justin"I say and look down at the floor.

She embraces me in a hug while I cry into her shoulder.

I hate that I'm so emotional all the time, that I always cry.

"Ariana look at me"She lifts my chin up so my eyes can meet with hers.

"I love you, Frankie loves you, Jeanette loves you, your grandparents love you, and most of all, Justin loves you. He's not gonna fall back in love with Selena. He's the father of your child, he's not gonna leave you all alone"She tells me.

"But Selena is way better than me. She's beautiful, talented, famous, rich, and everything a guy wants"I say feeling insecure yet again.

"Ariana your the most beautiful girl ever. Justin would be stupid if he ever thought otherwise. Now I know Justin enough to know that he will always love you. Don't you remember when you guys broke up?"She asks.

"Mom what does that have to do with anything?"I ask a little upset that she brought that up.

"Because, you and Justin did the same thing when you guys separated. You both tried moving on but you couldn't. Your love for each other is so strong, no one can ever break that. Not even Selena"She smiles at me.

"Don't always stress over things. You can't always think about the negative, you have to walk with your head held high with confidence that everything will be ok"She kisses my forehead.

"Act like that girl that Justin sings in his song confident"She says making me laugh. "Thanks mom"I say.

"No problem sweetie, now finish up your breakfast. You have a baby to feed"She rubs my stomach.

I sit back down and she walks out.

As I go to get another plate, Jeanette and Frankie come rushing in.

"Is it true? Are you really pregnant?"Jeanette asks and I feel my eyes widen.

"Mom!"I yell through the house. She comes back in looking nervous.

"You told them?"I ask crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it in anymore. Plus yesterday you said that you were gonna tell them so I did it for you"She apologizes.

"I guess it's alright, just don't tell anyone else please"I kinda beg. She nods and smiles.

"I can't believe my little sis is having another baby!"Frankie jumps up and down causing me to laugh at him.

"I kind of figured you were pregnant by all the signs you were showing. It was pretty obvious"Jeanette says before hugging me.

"So how did Justin react?"Frankie asks.

"I actually haven't told him yet"I answer. "You are gonna tell him soon right?"Jeanette asks.

"Yea, just waiting for the right time"I say. "This is so exciting"She says and hugs me again.

"Hopefully your next"I say making her smile fade away.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that"I apologize. "I'm fine Ariana, anyways we should go celebrate"She cheers.

"Yea, I want to get out the house so bad"My mom says.

"Where would we go though?"I ask.

"Anywhere but here"Frankie says.

Chaz's P.O.V.

As I walk through the mall, my mind travels over to Jeannette again.

I can't believe she didn't love me back. For a second, I thought I actually found myself a princess like Justin did with Ariana.

It really hurts a lot to know the person you love doesn't love you back.

It feels good to be back in California. This is my home and this is where I belong.

I brush away the thought of Jeanette and walk into foot locker.

"Can I help you?"One of the workers ask."I don't know? Can you?"I ask flirting with the beautiful girl causing her to laugh.

"I'm just looking for some new sneakers. Got any suggestions?"I ask her.

"Well these ones just came out a few days ago"She points to some sick sneakers.

I look at the tag to see that it's called Nike Hyperdunk. I pull them off the stand and try them on.

"These will be perfect"I say and take them back off.

She grabs them from me and I follow her to the register. I pay for the shoes and put them back on.

I want the whole world to see me in these bad boys.

"Thanks"I wave and walk out.

I instantly bump into someone, dropping all of her bags.

"I'm so sorry"I say picking some of them up for her.

I look up to see Madison.

"Chaz?"She asks confused. "Hey"I say and hand her back her bags.

"What are you doing here?"She asks.

"It's a long story"I sigh. "Oh, you're ok though right?"She asks with a sincere look in her eyes.

Her beautiful eyes pierce right through me.

"Y-Yea"I stutter. "Ok, well I'll see you later then"She begins to walk away but I pull her arm back.

"Mind if I join you while you shop?"I ask. "Umm, sure I guess"She says.

We both begin walking and talking.
The longer I hang out with her, the more I begin to fall for her.

"Can we go in here? I need some new sunglasses"She points to a sunglass hut.

I nod and we walk in. I pick off some cool sunglasses off the rack and put them on.

"Water bugs"I say making her laugh.

I put them back on the rack and grab another one.

We soon finish up and go to the food court. We end up getting Subway. I pay for her food too and we sit down.

"You know, your not that bad of a girl"I say. "Your not too bad either"She laughs.

Man is her laugh beautiful.

I keep staring at her and she looks down.

"So how is Jeanette?"She clears her throat. "Actually...we aren't together anymore"I say.

"Oh, sorry to hear that"She says.

"It's ok, I think I found someone slightly better"I still look at her.

"Who?"She asks. "You"I say and she blushes.

Justin's P.O.V.

"So how have you been?"I ask Selena as we walk along the beautiful streets of Paris.

"I've been good, I just finished up my tour so I came here to relax"She says.

"Did you have fun?"I ask. "Yea, one of the best tours yet"She smiles.

"So how about you Mr. Bieber, how has your life been?"She asks. "Hectic"I sigh.

"I can only imagine. I feel so terrible about your daughter"She says.

"I hope we're able to find her soon, I miss her a lot"I look down while walking.

"I always knew you were gonna be a great father one day"She says and I look back up at her.

"Really?"I ask, a smile forming again.

"Yea, but your with Ariana now"She says. "Right, I am"I look forward.

"How have your fans been taking all of this?"She asks. "They are really supportive"I answer.

"I'm sure some of them are little disappointed though"She says.

"Why?"I ask confused.

"Because your here in Paris looking for your daughter instead of singing and doing your career"She says.

"Yea but finding my daughter is way more important"I say. "I know, I understand"She says.

"I've really missed hanging out with you Justin"She says and takes my hand in hers. "Me too"I say.

My eye catches the flash of a camera.
I turn to see paparazzi running towards us taking multiple pictures.

"Are you two dating again?"

"Are you cheating on Ariana?"

"What about Sophia?"

"Are you two getting married any time soon?"

They ask a whole bunch of stupid questions.

I look back down at our connected hands. I instantly take my hand away from hers.

A whole bunch of fans crowd around us too making it impossible to walk anywhere.

"Did you get Selena pregnant?"

That question instantly made me snap.

"There is nothing going on! Now back the hell up!"I yell frustrated.

Selena grabs my hand again and I lead both of us out the wild crowd.

We both quickly run to Selena's security car. Once we get in, her driver drives away fast.

"That was insane"Selena shakes her head. "Tell me about it, I hate those guys. They always have to ruin everything"I sigh.

When will I be able to get freedom?

"Hey, why don't we go somewhere fun? It's only 8:30"Selena asks.

"I don't know, I should get going home"I say. "Come on, you deserve a break"She smiles.

"Alright"I give in.

Ariana's P.O.V.

It's already 1:00 in the morning and Justin still isn't home.

I sit here in our bed, waiting for him as I watch tv.

I hope he's ok.

I soon hear footsteps out in the hallway. The door opens and Justin stumbles in.

"Justin!"I yell and run up to him.

"Hey baby"He says and I back up from him, immediately smelling alcohol from his breath.

"Are you drunk?"I ask. He tries walking to the bed but stumbles over his feet.

"You are drunk!"I yell a little disappointed in him. He takes my hand and pushes me on the bed forcefully.

"Justin get off!"I try pushing him away.

He tries to kiss me but I push him off and stand back up. I'm about to cry as I look at him ashamed.

How could he get drunk?


Ugh! That girl has got to go. Look what she's done with him.

I hear faint snores and see that Justin has quickly fallen asleep.

I refuse to sleep in here with him.
I turn off the tv and walk out to the guest room. I shake Jeanette awake.

"What's wrong?"She groggily asks and sits up.

"Can I stay with you tonight?"I ask.

I can't really sleep in my mom's room since Frankie started sleeping in there with her.

And I really don't want to sleep in the living room.

"Why?"She asks confused.

"Justin came home drunk and now he's sprawled out over the bed asleep. I'd rather sleep in here with you tonight then stay in there with him"I say.

"Sure, I guess that will be fine. But tomorrow we are talking to him about this"She demands.

"Ok"I nod and get in bed with her.

I pull the sheets over me and close my eyes to go to sleep.



Hey guys!

I'll try to update either Tuesday or Wednesday.




Love ya😘

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