Jikook Stories 2 [Completed]...

By BtsJkXJm

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So....this is the second Jikook Oneshot. I hope you will enjoy the stories I made. :) EDIT 2023 : Listen you... More

I like you.
Thantophobia pt2
Thantophobia Pt3
Thantophobia Finale
You're Cute.
You're Cute 2
Time 2
It ain't me
Will I be a burden to you?
You're not a burden to me.
I am here
I am here 2
Friends? 2
Friends? 3
Friends? 4
Friends? 5
Unexpected move
Lucky Me
Lucky Me 2
Lucky Me 3
Shortie Jimin-shii
I'm fine
My life
Soulmate 2
Kitty 2
Kitty 3
Kitty 4
A Wish
Prank gone wrong
A wish 2
A wish 3
A wish 4
A forgotten Marriage
A forgotten Marriage 2
Fighting 2
Fighting 3
Fighting 4
Nerd x Bad boy
Nerd x Badboy 2
Broken 2
Broken 3
Broken 4
My Bully
Bonus: Broken
Two Face Bitch
Two Face Bitch 2
The loner and the Rich
Teacher Jimin loves me
Change for you
Alpha lovers
Guardian Ghost
Guardian Ghost 2
Anger Management
Anger Management 2
My Bully 2
Not so sweet no more
Not so sweet no more 2
I love you
Just one day
I'm sorry and I love you
Surprised date.
Magic Dust
Future meets the Past
Future meets the past 2
Mummy and baby time
Missing you
Omega bully
Break up
Time traveler ⏳
Time traveler 2 ⏳
Cafe love
One last time

Virgin Boy

6K 156 59
By BtsJkXJm

This was requested by ShariLeeRatapu:

Might not be how you expected but I hope it's okay. :)


"Look it's the virgin"

"Park Jimin is such a virgin"

Virgin, Virgin, Virgin.

That is the only word that will ALWAYS come out from the boys and girl. Mostly the popular ones.

Oh, how Jimin wish to punch their fake faces.

But he just sigh and walk away, avoiding the teasing words.
He open his locker door, only to be slam back close again by non other than

"Jeon Jungkook, stop doing that please" Jimin whine. Jungkook grin and ruffled Jimin's hair. "Sorry hyung, just trying to make you happy..."

Jimin sigh and open his locker door again. "I am happy...can't you see?"
Jungkook shake his head and said "That's such a fake smile hyung...I don't know why you still manage to smile like nothing happen.."

Jimin shrug and take out his book, closing his locker door after that.
"I guess I'm a professional you could say..."

Jimin walk away, leaving Jungkook behind.

Jungkook POV
When Jimin left me alone, I smile sadly and take out my phone.

[ Message ]
Jk: Hyung~ What should I do?? Jimin looks so sad....

Mochi: How would I know?

Jk: That's why I'm asking you! How do I make Jimin hyung happy?

Mochi: Uh...If I was Jimin, I think I would be really happy if you try to cheer me up...

Jk: I already did! But he was fake smiling!

Mochi: Then...give him something that he likes! I'm sure that will make him happy!

Jk: Hmm...Okay! Thanks Taemin hyung!

Mochi: Welcome...

[ Message Ends ]

I quickly put my phone back and went to class. Maybe during recess, I'll give him something...or maybe after school! Yeah! That will work! I thought to myself and listen to the teacher's words about shit that I'll never use...

*Time Skip*
"Guys guys guys! Virgin is COMING!!"

"Ooooo Look at the little virgin walking alone as always~~"


I was very pissed. The worst part is that their my friends. I want to kill them but they will still do the same thing anyway...*sigh*

I saw Jimin walking faster and letting his head down. I sigh again, knowing that he was gonna cry soon.
I ran towards him and grab his wrist.
He yelp and tried to pull my hand away. "J-Jungkook?! Let me g-go!"

I didn't listen, instead I continued to pull him until we're finally out from that Hell.
I let go of him and he immediately scolded me. "Yah! Why would you do that! What if Your friends end up beating you?"

I roll my eyes and said "Hyung, I care about you more than my popularity and my asshole friends"
He look at me surprise and blush.
"You...really mean...that?"

I smile and nodded "I mean it...seriously..."

He smile and I wrap my arms around his shoulder. "Okay now! Let's go get you some Ice cream~ How bout that?"

He giggle and nodded.
"You know me so well Jungkookie..."

"I know"

End of Jungkook POV

*Next Day*
"Whatcha look at that EVERYONE! The virgin is coming- WAIT HOLD UP!! EVERYONE IT'S A FALSE ALARM!!"

"Wait why do you mean false alarm Taehyung- HOLY SHIT THE VIRGIN HAS A HICKEY!!"

"Yah Jung Hoseok, don't shout!!"

"But Jin hyung! We can't tease The virgin anymore!! He has a fucking hickey!!"

Jimin couldn't help but to blush, he tug on Jungkook's clothes to cover his entire face. Jungkook smirk and hug Jimin's waist tightly and walk towards his asshole friends.

"So~~ The virgin thing....will you guys shut the fuck up now?"

They nodded but Taehyung whine. "Yah!! I was having fun teasing him!! What did you do to him??"

Jimin muttered a 'No Kookie' but Jungkook just chuckle and kiss Jimin's neck. "If you guys wanna know...let's just begin with..."

After they got their ice cream, they went back to their house.

Yes. They live together but are still friends for so many years.

Jimin then went to shower while Jungkook was busy playing with his phone.

He suddenly got a notification by mochi.

[ Message ]
Mochi: Did you cheer him up? Where are you now?

Jk: I already cheer him up. And I'm at my house, just chilling. What about you hyung?

Mochi: Was about to shower but then It's been a few hours since I text you so here I am doing that :)

Jk: Lol. You know, even my friend is showering

Mochi: Wahh! It's like I'm connected with your Hyung!

JK: Yeah...

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and titled his head. "It can't be....Jimin....that is texting me right?"
He decided to text mochi again.

JK: Hey hyung...

Mochi: Yeah?

Jk: Can you tell me what's my biggest secret?

Mochi: Oh that's easy! Your biggest secret is that you prefer Women's perfume than Men's perfume...

JK: That's correct!!

Oh my god...he is Jimin! He's the only one that knows this!! Jungkook thought.

"But...just to be sure..."

Jk: Hey hyung! I got a game for you since you're not showering....

Mochi: Okay?

JK: I want you to go downstairs and pick your favorite fruit from the kitchen and take a picture of it

Mochi: What kind of game is that?

JK: It's call, the I'm too bored right now game. Special edition. ;)

Mochi: Ughhh fine!!

[ Message Ends ]

Jungkook heard footsteps coming down and he turn to see Jimin holding his phone, grabbing his favorite fruit.

"What are you doing hyung?" Jungkook asked. Jimin look at him and said "O-Oh...I wanted an apple....yeah..."

Jungkook raise his eyebrow. "I thought you were gonna shower?"

"I got hungry...." Jimin said. Jungkook chuckle and secretly dial 'Mochi' number.

Jimin's phone rang and Jungkook almost wanted to laugh.
Immediately, Jimin pick up the phone and said "Hello?"

Jungkook smirk and put his phone on his ear. "Hello hyung...it's nice to see you..."

Jimin's jaw dropped.

He turn off the call.

And tackled Jungkook.

"YOU ARE MY ONLINE FRIEND THIS WHOLE TIME?!!" Jimin scream. Jungkook laugh loudly and said "Yah! Park Jimin! I'm more shock than you!!"

"Oh my godddd!!!"

Jimin let go of Jungkook and sat beside him, arm crossed.
"I'm so embarrassed right now...ughhh"
Jungkook chuckle and lay his head on Jimin's neck. "Don't be....."
Jimin pout and turn to look at the T.v.

Jungkook couldn't help but to stare at Jimin's face. Jiminie...looks really pretty....so cute....

Then, his eyes landed on Jimin's lips.

I wonder how it feels like....

"Why are you staring at my lips?" Jimin asked, still pouting.
Jungkook lick his lips and cup Jimin's cheeks.

*Eyes widen* "W-What are you d-doing?"

Jungkook smirk and said "I'm going to make you mine"
and then he kiss Jimin's lips harshly.

Jimin gasp in shock and tried to push Jungkook away but Jungkook was too strong.
Slowly, Jimin enjoyed the kiss and Jungkook smile, wrapping his arms on Jimin's waist.

Jimin let go and smack my chest. "S-stop I need oxygen! Jeon Jungkook mphhh!!"

Jungkook didn't let him finish as Jungkook pull him, straddling Jimin. Jimin was already kicking Jungkook so Jungkook quickly use his legs to spread Jimin's.

Jungkook kiss Jimin again and pull away after. "Park Jimin, I like you...do you even know that?"

Jimin was shock and he shook his head. "I...didn't know Jungkookie..."
Jungkook made a are-you-serious face and said "Park Jimin, I've been telling 'Mochi' that I LIKE PARK JIMIN. C'mon! You should have known by now!"

"I-I thought it was a different Park Jimin..."

*face palm* "Oh god...you are so stupid aigoo... we literally just make out and now my mood is ruin..."

Jimin giggled and blush. "Sorry....I like you too Jungkookie~ Please forgive me~"
Jungkook roll his eyes and lift Jimin's chin up.
"You deserve a punishment for breaking my hearteu"

Jimin gulp and said "What is it? Is it a game?"

Oh my duck he is too innocent...

Jungkook shake his head and said "This punishment is different because I am going to fuck you"

"W-What? Why?"

"Because I hate to see you so sad....I don't like it when they tease you for being a virgin..."

"Oh...." Suddenly Jimin felt sad. He thought that Jungkook was only doing this because he just want the teasing to be stop. Not because He loves Jimin.

Jungkook notice it and kiss Jimin's forehead. "I'm sorry...I'm not going to fuck you...."
Jimin look at Jungkook and furrowed his eyebrows.

Jungkook smile softly and said "I'm going to make love to you...because...I love you Jimin...."

Jimin tear up and kiss Jungkook's lips.
"Then make love to me right now Jungkook..." Jimin said in between the kiss.

And with that, Jungkook rip his and Jimin's shirt and made love with Jimin.

(I can't do smut because I'm horrible at it sorry...)

*flashback ends*

Jungkook POV
When I was done with the story, my asshole friends were speechless but Taehyung was busy crying.

"T-That was so s-s-sweeett!! Wahhhh! I take it back! I won't tease him anymore!! Huhuhu...." Taehyung said and look at Jimin. He then took Jimin's hand and said "Park Jimin, do you want to be my friend?"

Jimin giggled and nodded which made Taehyung cry again.

"Wahhhhh!! He still wants to be friends even though I teased him too much!! Park Jimin I love you!!"

I grab Jimin and hug him tightly.
"No! He's mine! Only he gets an I love you from me!!"

"Aish you dipshit! I will disown you motherfucker!! " Taehyung said and flip his hair. They all chuckle.

Namjoon: Yah yah yah! Chill!

Suga: Yeah, And I think we all should apologize to Jimin right now

Jin: *nodded* Agreed...

All of them bow to Jimin and said "We are sorry Park Jimin!! Forgive us!!"

Taehyung: Or else muscle pig motherfucker will kick us to mars

Jimin laugh and said "Ok ok no need to apologize! It's fine now, I forgive all of you!"

They grin and hug Jimin.
"Thank you~~~"

I felt a little jealous and push them away and backhug him while glaring at them.
"He's MINE! You all are forbidden to hug him or hold him or anything!"

Jimin sigh and stare at me.
"Aish Jungkookie...what will I do with you?"
I thought for awhile and said "You should give me a kiss"

He smile and lean in but was interrupted by

"Wow thanks Jungkook for letting me watch porn, I am so honored"

"Shut the fuck up Taehyung"


Done~ I hope you enjoyed it and if you guys want to request some stories then be my guest. I will gladly do it.

Except for smut. I will never do that. :)

Never again.


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