Better together (a clace fan...

By little_squirrel_234

39.7K 1.5K 479

Jace mysteriously is found dead at the entrance to the institute. Clary is so upset. What happens when he mys... More

This cant be happening
Feeling better
First day back to school
The institute
The day it happened
The greenhouse
The fashion show
A big suprise
The calls
A very busy day
The trip
Telling everyone
Girls night
A day with jace
Leaving for Italy
Prank wars
The next day
Dreams and Promises
Moving day
The note
Feeling sick
I hate the flu
Where am I?
I need you
The rescue
What do I do?
a new friend
Some huge news and of course
Dress shopping
The beach
A day at the beach
Clary's day
A wedding problem
The wedding
The honeymoon
Herondale manor
Back to New York
He wants me back?
The castle
Coronation day
The missing cup and sword
The faerie court
Telling some big news
The letters
Whats it gonna be?
Shadowhunter academy
Picking out the nursery
Please jem?
Who did this?
2 days
Running out of time
I'm coming Clary
A sleeping clary
Waking up
Going Back to New York
A disney marathon!
She's coming
The bet
A surprise
New and old aquaintances
The truth comes out
A werewolf problem
Poor Wolves
A wolf prison
The auction
A plan
A visitor
The interview and photo shoot
The Jace Journal
Going back to the castle
In the begining
Go home!
Logans birthday
Ascension Day
Looking for clary
Lightwood family dinner
Sneak peak
Protect her
Graces announcement party
Grace leaves
It hurts
The dinner
The horse show
News from mom
The questioning
The beach
Donuts and birthday presents
Sorry guys
Alices birthday
Going home
Isabelle and Simons wedding
Sorry guys
King for a day
Jace gets sick
Jaces Birthday
A declaration
I need an answer
Telling the family
a few days before the wedding
Jonathan and alices wedding
Good news and bad news
Coming home
Bad news
Grace meets family
Bad news
Graces return party
Neice or nephew?
Los angeles
Seeing family again
Meeting with Aubrey
Meeting with the king and queen
Dont hate me please
What to do?
Shoping with ash
Gender reveal
Christmas eve
Jaces turn
Meeting with a verlac
Doctors visits and shopping trips
The day before
Home again
A break in
Hawaii pt. 1
Hawaii part 2
Alice leaves

Queen for a day

143 10 9
By little_squirrel_234

This chapter is dedicated to whatever-life-sucks . Happy thanksgiving guys!!

July 15th

Clary POV

"Good morning love" jace says. I open my eyes and look at him. "Good morning" I say. I get out of the bed and go change into a dress. I know I need to get up then I can go back to sleep when I get to the manor house.

We are holding the Queen for the day drawing after lunch. I get dressed in a pretty long burgundy dress. I had it brought to us last night before bed. Jace changes too and we go down to breakfast.

"Okay, explain how this is going again" Jonathan asks once we are all sat at the breakfast table. "After breakfast the two of us will go to the throne room. Someone will bring us a big bowl. A bunch of women and young girls have entered in the Queen for a day contest. We haven't seen the entries we just know there is a bunch of them. Jace will draw a name from the bowl and whoever he picks will come in the castle. I will get her fitted in a dress. She gets to wear my crown and get treated like a queen for the day. I will leave and go to the manor house and stay there for the day. The girl stays here for the day and gets treated like a queen and spends a whole 24 hours with jace. Tomorrow I will come back before or after lunch" I explain. "Okay, what am I going to do" Jonathan asks. "That's up to you. You can come with me or stay here. But Alice, I know it's gonna be hard, but you might want to sleep in your room tonight. Just for tonight so whoever gets picked doesn't get mad or anything, after she leaves you can go back to sleeping with Jonathan" I say. She sighs and says. "Okay".

"After we all finish eating I need you to send Bridget to the dress room" I say. "Okay" Alice says. I had all my dresses moved to their own room to make room in the closet.

We all finish eating. We head to the throne room. Someone brings us our crowns. It's my original one. Someone brings us a big bowl. There are about a 200 different entries. The entries are all on folded up pieces of paper in the bowl. All the girls who entered are all in a room.

Jace reaches into the bowl. He pulls out a piece of paper and unfolds it. "Gwen Singer" he says. A minute later a girl comes out. She smiles at us. She has grey skin and blue eyes. Her eyes flash blue lightning.

"You are pretty" jace says looking interested in this girl. He knows his boundaries though. We went over it. He is allowed to kiss her if he wants just not any further than that.

"Come on, there is something waiting for you" I say. She follows me out of the throne room. I lead her down to my room with all my dresses. Some have been made for me, some bought, and some given.

When we get down here she looks around her. I look through the different dresses trying to find one that would look good and fit her. "Are these all yours? I've never seen so many dresses in my life" she asks. "Yeah, they are all mine" I say. I grab a couple of dresses. "Here, try these on, let me see them once you have one on" I say. "Oh but I couldn't" she says. "You can. You are the queen today. Go, try them on" I say. She takes the dresses and goes behind the curtain to put them on. She shows me the first one. "Mm no, it doesn't exactly go well with your skin color" I say. She goes back and tries on the next one.

She tries on different ones until I look in my dress rack again. "I wonder" I mumble. I grab a long purple dress out. "I haven't gotten a chance to wear this one yet. Try it on" I say and hand her the dress. She goes and tries it on and comes back out to show me. "I like that one. Wear that today. Now come, let me do your hair then I will leave and you can have Jace to yourself" I say. She goes and sits at a vanity. "Up or down" I ask. "I usually put it in a ponytail" she says. "Okay, I've got this" I say. I put her hair up in a pretty updo.

"You look beautiful. Now, shoes" I say. I find some black dress shoes and give them to her.

"Perfect. Now quick question, how do you feel about dogs" I ask. "I'm allergic" she says. "Oh, I got ya. Well, I will take Chrissie with me. Jonathan has a dog too. I don't think I should take bear from him. He shouldn't bother you, Bear tends to keep to himself and Jonathan" I say. "Okay" she says.

"Now" I say. I take my crown off and give place it on her head. "The king is waiting. I should be off" I say. "Where are you going" I ask. "I'm staying at our manor house for the rest of the day. I will be back tomorrow long after you've left. Have fun" I say. "Thank you" she says. We leave the room.

I go find Chrissie. "You want to come back to the house with me" I ask. She stands up and wags her tail. "Come on then" I say. I go out to the barn. Someone gets autumn all tacked up and ready. I get on and ride over to the manor house, my second home. I set autumn free in the pasture and Chrissie and I go inside the house. I had some clothes brought over yesterday for me for today so I can change into comfy clothes.

Jace POV

I look out the window and wait for Gwen to come. I see Clary go out to the barn. This whole thing was her idea. I hope today goes okay.

I hear the door open. I look back at it. "Queen Gwen is here" a servant says. "Send her in" I say. Queen Gwen, I'm not used to hearing that. I usually hear Queen Clary.

He leaves the room and Gwen comes in. She has her hair up and is in a long purple dress. She gives me a small smile. "That dress looks beautiful on you" I say. It mean it. "Thank you" she says. She smiles at me a little bigger.

"How are you Gwen" I ask. "I'm good. I never believed when I entered my name into this contest that I would actually win and get a day with the king, and have him all to myself" she says. "You did it and I'm all yours for the day. What would you like to do first" I ask. "Can you show me around first" she asks. "Of course" I say.

I take her hand and show her around the castle. I show her everywhere except where my bedroom is. I guess that's where she is going to sleep tonight.

"It's beautiful" she says. "Yes. I'm glad you like it. It is yours for today too" I say. "Yeah" she says. Her eyes flash blue lightning.

"Jonathan, clary's brother, is he here" she asks. "Yes Jonathan is here" I say. "Where is he, I haven't seen him" she asks. "I'm not sure. He usually comes to lunch with Clary and I. Maybe he will be there, if he is not I know where he will be" I say. "Are you hungry" I ask. "Yes" she says. "Then let's go eat" I say.

We go down to lunch. People start bringing our food out. "Where is he" Alice asks after she sets some fruit on the table for us. "I don't know. I haven't seen him since breakfast this morning" I say. "I have an idea of where he is. I'll go send him in. He needs to eat too. Especially since we have training after I eat" she says. She walks out.

"Who was that" Gwen asks. "Alice, Jonathan's girlfriend" I tell her. She nods.

"Where are you from Gwen" I ask. "Singapore, What about you? Or have you lived here your whole life" she asks. "That's cool. And no I haven't lived in Idris all my life. I lived here till I was 10 then I was adopted by the lightwoods and lived with them in New York" I tell her. "That's cool" she says. "Yeah" I say.

"My turn, what is your favorite color" she asks. "Green" I say. It's because of Clary. "Cool, mines red" she says.

I grab a container of cut up mangoes and take a bite of one.

The doors open and Jonathan comes over and sits down. "Sorry I'm late" he says. "It's fine" I say. "I'm Jonathan, what's your name" he asks looking at Gwen. "I'm Gwen" she says. He makes his plate.

We talk to Gwen some more and learn more about her. After lunch we go walk around and Jonathan goes and trains Alice.

Clary POV

I finish making my cheese toast and put them in the oven. They just need to be in there for about 5 minutes.

I hear a knock on the front door. Chrissie goes to the door. I hear her bark at whoever is there.

I go and open the door. Simon and Izzy are on the other side. "Come on in guys. I was making cheese toast for lunch, you want some" I ask. They come in. "I do" Izzy says. "Okay I will make you some and stick it in the oven. Come on" I say. We all go to the kitchen.

"I didn't know you were back in town Simon" I say as I cut up a tomato to make Izzy's cheese toast. "I got back yesterday" he says. "Cool" I say. I sprinkle oregano on top of the cheese toast. I put it on a pan with tin foil. I stick it in the oven next to mine.

"So I know you guys must want something if you came to me" I say. "Can't we come just to hang out" Simon says. "You can, but that doesn't sound like you Izzy" I say. "I'm hurt" Izzy says mock hurt with her hand over her heart.

"But you're right" she says. "I knew it. What do you want" I ask. "We want our wedding on March 10th of next year" Simon says. "That's great you guys. It gives us time to plan then" I say. I get my cheese toast out of the oven and Izzy's too.

"One more thing I want to ask you" Izzy says. "Go for it" I say and slide her her plate of cheese toast. We all sit at the table.

I take a sip of my water. "Can you sing at the reception" Simon asks. I spit out my water. It goes all over my sweet dog. "Sorry Chrissie" I say and look back at them. "I don't think that's a good idea" I say. "Why not" they ask. "Well for one you haven't heard me sing. Nobody has except Jace, Grace, and Jonathan who wasn't supposed to but he did" I say. "Come on Clary please" Izzy begs. "Let me think about it. If I do it what song would I sing anyway" I ask. "I'll tell you later if you agree, I really hope you will do it" Izzy says. I don't say anything.

"You guys want to come over for dinner tonight? It's just me and Chrissie" I say. "We'd love to" Simon says. "Okay, what do you think about tacos? I was thinking that would just be simple and easy" I say. "Sure, I haven't had tacos in a while" Simon says. "Okay cool" I say.

Jace POV

"Jace" Gwen asks. "Yeah" I ask. "Can we go for a ride on one of your horses" she asks. "Yeah, do you know how to ride" I ask. "Not really, but I want to ride one" she says. "Come on then" I say.

We go out to the barn. I have someone get major ready. She looks around for one to ride. "What about this one" she asks stopping at a stall. I look in. "That's ebony. You can ride him" I say. I have someone get Ebony ready for her. Ebony is a black Murgese. (Fun fact, I didn't know that was a type of horse until I was looking up something for Gwen to ride in this chapter.)

Our horses are brought out to us. "I must warn you, Ebony has some energy in him" I say. "Okay, but you're not leaving are you" she asks.  "No, of course not. Here let me help you up" I say. I give her a leg up and she gets on top of ebony. "Wow, that's a long way down" she says looking down. "You okay" I ask. "Mhm" she hums. "Okay, let me know if you aren't" I say. I can tell she's nervous. Her eyes flash lightning again. I think that's so cool.

I get on major. "You know how to get him walking" I ask. She shakes her head. "Kick him. But do it lightly. If you do it too hard you might find out what I meant when I said he has some energy in him" I say. She lightly kicks his side. Ebony starts walking. I walk on up to her. "Good, you want to go on a trail" I ask. "Okay" she says.

I stop. "Hold on I've got an idea. Pull back on him and I will be right back" I say. She stops Ebony. I get off major and go inside the barn. I grab a double ended lead rope.

I walk out and attach the lead rope to his bridle and the other end to majors. "There, now Ebony will be beside me the whole time. You won't have anything to worry about" I say and get back on major. "Okay" she says. I get major walking and Ebony follows.

"I heard about the threat against the princess. Im sorry to hear about it" she says. "Yeah. I wish she was here, but we had to send her away to keep her safe" I say. "I understand, I bet it was a hard thing to do" she says. "It was" I admit to her.

"Hey Gwen, do you by any chance know Magnus Bane? Or Tessa gray" I ask. "I know Tessa more than Magnus. I was with Tessa in the spiral labyrinth when Sebastian attacked. We got to know each other there" she says. "That's cool. Magnus lives about half a mile from here and Tessa lives in New York, clary's Mom does too" I say.

"I didn't know when I signed up for this she was leaving. I thought Clary was staying here, just staying in different rooms" Gwen says. "No, she left. She's still in Idris just not staying at the castle tonight. She will come back tomorrow either before or after lunch. It's up to her" I say. "Oh" she says.

"What is one thing I would never guess about you? I don't know much about you so you can say pretty much anything" she says. I think about it for a minute. "I play the piano" I say. It's something simple about me, but most shadowhunters don't do and most people don't know I do. "Really? Since when" she asks. "I learned how when I was little" I tell her. "I will tell you something about me. I'm younger than Tessa" she says. "Are you really? By how much" I ask. "I was born in 1948" she says. "Oh okay, so you're not that old for a warlock really" I say. "No" she says.

"You want to head back" I ask. "Yeah sure" she says. I turn around and we head back.

"So where is Jonathan, after lunch" she asks. "Training Alice. She's training to be a shadowhunter. He said she could train but only if he trains her" I tell her. "That's cool. Is that what happened with Clary" she asks. "No, Clary already had shadowhunter blood. I trained her, but she didn't have to go through ascension" I tell her. "Oh" she says. "There's a hill where we can see all the training below us" I say.

I lead her over and we ride to the top of the hill. She looks down at the people training. Her eyes lightning. "Wow. I've never seen people or shadowhunters train like this before" she says. "It's hard. It's worth it though" I say. "Yeah" she says.

I find Jonathan and Alice. Jonathan brings over a bow staff to Alice and tosses her one and he takes the other. He swings and knocks her down. She gets up and swings it at him. He blocks it with his.

I hear sliding and I see Gwen has gotten off Ebony and sits down in the grass. She is watching them train. I go and sit beside her.

"It's really cool to watch. Especially when you haven't seen it before. It looks different than what you'd usually see at gyms or something" she says. "Yeah, our training is definitely more different and intense" I say. "Mhm" she hums as she keeps watching them.

We watch them fight until it gets to be 15 minutes 'till dinner time. Jonathan gets to dinner a little later than us. "Sorry, I had to shower" he says as he sits down. "How did it go" I ask. "It was fine. She's catching on to this fast" he says. "That's good" I say.

The three of us talk over dinner. Then Gwen asks "where am I sleeping tonight?" "With me of course in my room. That is, as long as you want to" I say. "Okay" she says. A small smile is forming on her lips.

We hang out some more with Jonathan. Then I notice Gwen starts to get tired even though she keeps denying it I can tell. her eyes aren't lightning as much.

"Well I'm going to bed. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning" Jonathan says. He leaves the room. "You ready to go to bed too" I ask even though I know she is. "Sure, is it where you showed me the bedrooms are" she asks. "Sorta" I say.

I stand up. I take her hand and show her my tower. We go up to my room. I had the tower already opened. "This is beautiful" she says when she sees the room. "Yeah. I'll go get you something to sleep in" I say.

I go into the closet and grab a big way oversized shirt Clary uses to sleep in. It should fit Gwen. I take it out to her. "This should fit you. I don't know if you'd fit in any her sweatpants or anything" I say. Gwen is much taller than Clary. "This is fine. It should cover enough" she says. She goes into the bathroom and changes. I go into the closet and change into a t-shirt and sweatpants. I come back out and wait for her. She eventually comes back out. "This will have to do for now" she says. She sets clary's crown on the nightstand.

She gets in the bed. I get in too. "Goodnight Gwen" I say. "Goodnight" she says.

Clary POV

Simon, Izzy, Alec, and Magnus all leave after a while. I clean the kitchen and give Chrissie the leftover taco meat.

I sit on the couch in the living room and think about what Izzy asked me. I just don't know if I should do it. I mean what if I'm not good enough? I'd love to, but I'm scared. What if people laugh at me? What if I'm not loud enough? I mean my singing voice is so quiet.

"Stay here Chrissie. I will be right back" I say and get off the couch. I go to my bag that I brought with me in the bedroom. I grab the book partials out of my bag. I've been wanting to read it but I've been busy. I take the book and go back to sitting on the couch with Chrissie. She lays her head of my lap.

I open the book to chapter one. 'Newborn #485GA18M died on June 30, 2076, at 6:07 in the morning. She was three days old. The average lifespan of a human child, in the time since the break, was fifty-six hours'.

I read until I get tired. So I read about two chapters. I mark my page and close the book. I set it on the coffee table and Chrissie and I go up to my room. I change into a t-shirt and go to bed.


Jace POV

I go get changed and ready for the day and let Gwen sleep for a few more minutes. "Good morning Gwen" I say when I leave the closet and see her already awake just still laying in the bed. "Good morning" she says.

"Someone brought up a dress for you this morning, before we woke up" I say. She sits up. "They can do that" she asks. "Only select few are allowed too" I say. There are only two servants who are allowed in here if they are told to while we are asleep.
She goes in the closet to change into the dress hung up while I wait for her. She comes back out in a pale pink dress and clary's crown. She goes in the bathroom and finishes getting ready and comes back out. "Ready" I ask. She nods.

We go down to breakfast. Jonathan hugs Alice and she leaves the room.

"Hey Jonathan" she says. "Hey Gwen" he says.

We talk over breakfast. I really like Gwen. She's  really nice, and pretty too. "Is Clary ever doing this? Except it will be a king for a day" she asks. "Eventually, we are giving it some time before she does it though" I say. "Oh, I understand" she says.

After breakfast I walk her to the entrance hall. There's a maid there with her dress from yesterday hung up.

"You can keep the dress from yesterday and today. Goodbye Gwen. It was nice meeting you. I hope to see you again soon" I say. "Thanks, you too. Can I ask for something before I go" she asks. "Anything. Except to keep her crown, she needs that back" I say. She giggles. "I know that silly. Can I have a kiss" she asks. "Okay" I say. She kisses me. I kiss her back. It's not like Clary though.

She lets go and looks at me. She smiles. "Thanks. I hope to see you again. Thanks for an amazing day yesterday" she says. I smile back at her. "Of course" I say. She gives clary's crown to me. "Give this to her when she comes back, would ya" she says. "I will" I say. She takes the dress from the maid and leaves the castle.

Clary POV

I wake up to the stupid sun. I hate the sun. I put the pillow over my head and try to sleep some more. I can't though because no matter what I do the sun manages to bother me. I groan and get out of the bed. I go into the kitchen and pour myself some lucky charms. I look at the clock. It says 10:30

After breakfast I sit on the couch. I grab my book and open it to chapter 3 and start reading.

My stomach starts rumbling, guess I better go back to the castle now. It's lunchtime anyway. I go in my room, put my book back in my bag. I change into some clothes and brush my teeth. I get autumn ready and Chrissie and I go back to the castle.

Jace comes out to me. When I see him I hug him. "I missed you" he says. "You shouldn't have. You had Gwen" I say. "But I didn't see you for like a good 24 hours" he says. "I know. I would have stayed at the house longer but I got hungry. I didn't have enough food to make lunch so I came back home. Can we eat now" I ask. "I'm glad you came back. Lets go eat love" he says.

Soo... what did you guys think?

I got the chapter idea from the show reign. In season 1 the king does something called queen for a day or something like that. This isn't exactly like the show though. It's a lot more different, but that's where I got the idea from.

Should I do a king for a day chapter?

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