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"Curiosity killed the cat" "Maybe the cat is supposed to be killed" Note: this is an fictional story. No... Mais

Curiosity // styles
prologue; not so easy
one; idiotic detectives
forty-nine (part one)
forty-nine (part two)


172 10 0

Chapter 21

H A R R Y 

I looked over at Cat who was leaning against the car door, asleep. I've been driving for seven hours now and we aren't even half way there. We’re in Maryland now and everything seems to be completely empty and vacant. There are no cars on the highway what so ever and there are no lights on in the buildings and houses we drive past. But it is two in the morning and that could explain why it feels like a ghost town. 

Cat had fallen asleep an hour ago and said to wake her up when we stopped at a motel. I felt kind of bad that I knew we weren't stopping at a motel; we would only stop to get something to eat. My eyes were starting to get heavy so I decided to go to the next fast food drive in for coffee. I would enter the next town within twenty minutes so in the mean time I entertain myself with the quiet music playing. 

I make the next exit that led to the small town; I passed a sign saying there was a Wendy’s. I remember Niall getting a coffee from Wendy's once he said it tasted like shit but I need to stay awake. I drive around the small vacant down looking for the Wendy's. When I spot it I drive through the drive through. 

"Would you like anything else?" The lady over the motor spoke. 

I looked over at Cat seeing if she was awake which she was surprisingly. "Cat do you want anything?" 

"Frosty please." She said. I smiled and told the lady over the motor. She told me the price and said to pull up to the second window. I did, when the window opened a girl handed me the coffee and the Frosty. I paid and thanked her. 

She said have a nice day and I drove off. 

"Frosty at two in the morning huh?" I asked looking over at Cat who was peacefully eating her frosty. 

"It's never too late to have a Frosty." She said which made me chuckle. 

"Wait, Harry aren't you tired?" She asked. 

"No, not really." I lied. 

"Right, that’s why you got a coffee from Wendy's," She said, "I can drive if you’re tired. You just need to tell me where we're going." 

"Nice try." I smirked. 

"Seriously Harry do you need me to drive?" She asked. 

"No I'm fine. Just eat your frosty." I said. 

She didn't say anything she just continued eating her chocolate ice cream.

"You better not spill that in my car." I warned her. 

"And you better not spill your own coffee in your own car." Cat said. 

I smiled and headed back to the highway. "Why don't you tell me about your home and family you know before what happened to you sister." 

I felt her look at me before she talked, "We were happy. We live in a huge house; mom and dad would be at work all the time though. It was just Charlie, me and the baby. Charlie and I were like best friends. He'd tell me everything and I'd tell him everything. He told me he wanted to join the military. I wasn't sure what to say or if I was happy or sad. He said he was nervous to tell mom and dad. Of course I was proud of him for wanting to join but at the same time all I can think about was the bad things that might happen to him. One of my old friends father was in the army and they lived in constant fear whenever the phone rang and it was about their dad. I just didn't want to know what that felt like. I honestly didn't want him to go, he would be missing out on Shai's life if he went, and I wouldn't have my big brother to look out for me. I was scared for him. One night he said he was ready to tell mom and dad and he would do it at dinner. You could tell they weren't okay with the idea. The tension in the air was horrible. It seriously looked like mom and dad had seen a ghost. Charlie convinced them and they finally said it was ok but from their expressions you could tell they still weren't sure about the idea." 

"He was just about to leave but then there was the crash. He didn't go because he wanted to be there for mom and dad, so I basically ruined his dreams of going to the military. The first week of my sister’s death was the hardest but that first week my brother was there for me. He said it wasn't my fault. But then the town found out and started saying I killed her on purpose. My brother didn't want people to hate him like they did me so he went along with it. Soon enough my parents went along with it and then my friends followed the path everyone else did. I think my brother started believing everything everyone said because he was the first in my family to say I was a murder and I was the reason Shailene is dead. Then my parents followed his path." 

"Cat I said before the crash." I reminded her. 

"You could say my brother and I were at the top of the school. Or as people call it the popular ones. My brother was the king of sports you could say. He played just about every spot at the school and team captain for all of them. And I was the head cheerleader." 

"So you had all of the boys after you didn't you?" 

"No and yes. At first all of the playboys wanted me in bed with them but I would refuse. I remember when Charlie first found out about the first guy who played a move on me; he grabbed my ass while I was walking in the hall. Rumor got around and Charlie was beyond mad. After school on the day he found out her beat the kid up which I did not approve even though he grabbed my ass. After every guy found out about what happened to the perverted guy the guys left me alone. I started hanging out more with my brother and his friends and I met Andrew. Andrew also happened to be Charlie’s best friend. After a couple weeks of getting to know him he asked me out. I made sure my brother was okay with hit. He was hesitant at first but he finally agreed and said he was a good guy. And he was." 

"What happened?" 

"My sister died and he believed what everyone else was saying about him." 

"What do your mom and dad do for work?" I asked changing the subject. 

"Mom was a lawyer and my Dad was a doctor." She said. 

"Have you talked to them since you ran away?" 

"Nope. They said not to come back and they never wanted to talk to me." 

"Your parents said that?" 

"Well no, Charlie did. My parents didn't say anything to me, they just watched me leave." 

"Wow." I said. I felt even more guilt. I'm taking her to the place where her brother said he didn't want to see her again and her parents watched her walk right out the door.

"What about you?'' She asked, "What was your life like before the fire?" 

I tensed up when she asked about my past life she must of saw because she immediately apologized, "Sorry you don't have to if you don't want to."

"No it's fine it’s only fair since you answered my questions." I said. 

"I guess you could say I was bad when I little also. I had this like evil side of me that came out whenever it wanted to. I didn't have a good childhood. I spend most of it in a mental hospital. Mum and Dad said they were only trying to help me. And I understood; I needed help. I didn't know how to control it. After years of beings in hell they let me out. They said I should be able to control it. But it only got worse. It would come back and control me. When I went back to my normal self I didn't remember anything that happened. For years I thought I was fine until the fire." 

I looked over at her. Her expression looked like she had already heard that story. 

"How can you control it now?" 

"My sister." I said. 

"Haven’t you ever thought of visiting her?" 

"All the time. I'm just afraid of getting rejected by her like the other times." 

Twenty-nine hours. I've been awake for twenty nine hours. Cat went back to sleep and was still asleep at the moment. I was now in Houston and I hope she wouldn't wake up until I was at her house. Liam had given me the address to her house before I left. I put it into my phone and it was only twenty minutes away from where I was at. I was beyond tired at the moment. My ass was exhausted for sitting for so long, I felt like shit because I was so tried, and I was hungry. 

I followed the directions to her house. I kept glancing over at Cat making sure she was still asleep. She could wake up any minute now considering she’s been asleep for almost six hours. After our conversation about our past we didn’t talk much. It seemed like we stayed silent the whole ride. She didn't ask as many questions about where we are going like I thought she would. Instead she just looked out her window or was asleep. 

I was scared for her honestly. After what she told me about what her family did when she ran away I wanted to turn around and go back to Boston. I'm afraid they might treat her like a stranger and not a sister or daughter. And I don't want that for her. I want her to be happy with her family. 

It seemed like hours but I finally pulled up to a huge house. It must have been bigger then my home as a child and that home was pretty big also. I parked in the drive way and that’s when Cat slowly woke up. 

"Why are we stopping?" She asked her eyes were still closed. 

I didn't say anything; I felt that if I told her where we were I would hurt her. I didn't want to hurt her. Then I remind myself why I brought her here, for her safety. I looked down at Cat and it looked like she was going back to sleep again. 

"You're here." I finally said. When I said it, I felt a pain in my stomach. As if someone threw me on the floor and stabbed me in the stomach a million times. 

Her eyes jolted opened and there was a smile on their face, she then looked out her window. It was like she was frozen, starring at the view in front of her; the view of her house. From the side of her face which I could see, she was pale. There was no color in her face. It was like she had just seen a ghost. I felt more pain only this time it was in my heart. 

"Cat, say something." I said after minutes and minutes of silent. 

"H-how could you?" She choked out. I could barely hear her when she said that. 

"Cat it's for your own good." 

"So you take me to the place where I'm most hated?" She nearly yelled. 

"Cat I'm sorry but you’re not safe with us anymore." 

"I don't care if I'm not safe with you guys! I actually felt like I belonged! And you’re just going to take that away for me?" This time she yelled. 

"Cat I'm sorry." I say. That's all I could think of. 

"That's why they were saying those goodbyes to me. I wasn't leaving for just two weeks, I'm leaving aren't I? I'm not coming back am I?" 

I looked down at the steering wheel. I didn't want to say yes but it was the truth. 

"Harry take me home." She said. 

"This is your home." I say. 

"No home is back with the boys and Annabelle. This is not home and it never will be." She said through her clenched teeth. 

"Get out of the car." I said. 

"No." She said stubbornly.

"Cat get out of the car now." I repeated myself, only I was louder this time. I saw her flinch before putting her hand on the door handle. She pulled it and the door opened. She unbuckled herself and stepped out of the car. 

I probably shouldn't have been so rude to her but it was the only way she was going to listen to me. I keep repeating to myself it's for her safety. 

Her slamming the car door took me back to reality. I quickly got out of the car and saw her leaning up against the white car. She had her back to me but I could see her arms crossed. She looked beyond pissed and this was only the view of her back. 

I opened the trunk where Cat's large duffle bags were. I took each of them out, setting them on the ground. 

"You guys packed all of my stuff too?" She asked. Her voice sounded hurt which made me hurt even more even though I was feeling so much pain already. 

I just nodded deciding not to say anything. I took all four of the bags off the ground once the trunk was closed. I began walking up to the stairs to the front door. When I didn't hear footsteps behind me I turned around seeing Cat hadn't moved. 

"Cat get over here now." I demanded. She looked at me for what seemed like minutes then moved her feet, so she was slowly behind me. 

"Are you parents’ home?" I asked. 

"Nope. I assume Charlie is though." She said. I nodded and walked further up to the porch. When I reached the door I tried ringing the doorbell but I couldn't since my hands where full of Cat's belongings. 

I looked back at Cat then to the doorbell. I repeated that until Cat got the hint. Cat glared at me then walked to the door and rang the doorbell. I set the bags down on the floor and stepped behind Cat before the door opened. 

The boy standing before us looked around my age, he had blue eyes and a light color brown hair. The front of his hair was pushed back and up to the side, like Niall's hair almost. He was bigger then when I saw him on Cat's picture that used to be on her dresser. Then again that was taken years ago. He looked more buff and muscular now. 


I heard the locks unlock and the door opened revealing my brother. He hasn't changed much; just his hair was a lighter brown and was more muscular. 

I looked at his expression when his eyes landed on me. At first his eyes softened and it looked like his lips were about to curve into a smile but then it dropped. His eyes became a darker blue and he frowned at me. It looked almost in the beginning he was happy to see me, and then something reminded him about what happened. He just stared at me and I did the same to him. I finally looked down at my shoes seeing his stare was getting more intense and made me feel uncomfortable. 

"Hi sis." He finally said. He's voice sounded sweet; like how he sounded before Shailene died. I looked at him and he had a smile on his face. When he saw that I was just going to look at him probably confused, he stepped out of the house and embraced me. 

Feeling his arms around me again brought me to tears. I felt safe in his arms and I've missed him so much. When he felt that I was crying his thumb rubbed against my back trying to calm me down. "I've missed you so much." He said quietly. 

I couldn't talk because of crying so I just nodded and began crying more. We hugged for another minutes or so then he kissed my check before pulling away. 

"Aren't you disappointed in me?" I finally asked when I could speak. 

"I was stupid then Cat. I shouldn’t have ever said any of those things. You’re my sister. I would never want to hurt you but I did and you ran away because of it. I can't explain how sorry I am." He said. At first I didn't believe him but then he looked at me and he looked sincere. He was telling the truth. 

Then he continues talking, "What happened to Shailene was an accident. I should've believed you when you told me it was. Ever since you walked out that door I've been wanting to apologize." He said. 

"Why didn't you call?" I asked whipping underneath my eye making sure my making wasn’t ruined. 

"I was afraid you'd hate me." He said. 

"I would never hate you. You’re my brother." I smiled at him. It felt like a hundred pounds of weight that I have gotten used to over the years was lifted off of my shoulders. He forgave me. That's all I wanted to hear since my sister’s death. Now I can only hope I hear the same from mom and dad. 

I almost forgot Harry was here until I saw Charlie looking over at him. I saw Charlie's fist clench. When we were in high school he did the exact same thing whenever I was around a guy. 

"Charlie this is my friend Harry." I say seeing Charlie looked like he was going to kill him. I looked over at Harry who looked awkward. "He’s a really good friend actually." I say smiling at him. He returned my smile. I mouthed thank you to him for bringing me here even though I acted like bitch when he first pulled up here. He just nodded and smiled. 

"I should get going." Harry said. I looked at him confused. "I have a long drive ahead of me." 

"No Harry you’re not going anywhere." I say. 

"I have to get back home Cat." He said. 

"You just drove for twenty nine hours straight. I think you can wait one more day before going back." I said. 

"I'll stay at a motel if I get tired." He said. 

"No harry you’re staying here for a day." I insisted.

"Cat," He said looking directly into my eyes, "Have fun being back home okay? I don't belong here and it's not my place to stay. I wanted to get you hear and see you happy and I got that. Now I need to go home." 

"No," I said quietly on the verge of tears, "Stay with me." 

"I'll let you two talk. I'll be inside Cat." Charlie said taking my bags into the house. I watched him shut the door behind him and then turned back to Harry. 

"I need to go back home Cat, you got to understand that." He said. When he saw I didn't know what to say he spoke again, "You have your brother back and you'll see your mom and dad soon. I did my job and brought you back home. Annabelle and the boys need me back in Boston Cat." His voice was calming, which I didn't hear often. 

He started to turn to the steps but I grabbed his hand before he could take any more steps. When he felt his touch he turned back towards me. We stared at each other; I was trying to find what to say to him.

"I need you Harry." I finally said. And what I said was true. I need him. When I say that I realize that he was there for me at my breaking points. He was the first one to ask if I was alright, the first to hug me when I needed one and the others had no clue that I just needed a hug. He listened when I needed someone to talk to. He was there for me when I needed him and if he leaves he's not going to be there to comfort me when I need that. 

In a fast motion, Harry pulled me closer to him. We we're inches away from each other. I could feel his hot breath on me. We stay like this for a moment. Until his he places a kiss on my forehead.

"Stay strong for me and be happy. That’s what I want for you okay Cat?" He put his pointer figure on my chin, lifting my head up so I was looking for him. 

"Okay." I said. 

"Thank you for everything Cat. I can't thank you enough for putting your time and your life into helping me." 

"But that's the thing. I didn't help you Harry. I failed like I always do." 

"I don't want to hear you say that anymore. You didn't fail me. You made me happy. You made Annabelle feel like she had a sister again. And you made the boys happy also. You we're like my other anchor that kept me sane. The other anchor I have isn't here to support me like you were." 

"Will I see you again?" I asked, I felt tears forming in my eyes. I didn't want him to leave me. 

"That will be a surprise." He said. 

"I hate surprises." I sighed. 

"I know you do, but you just got to trust me. I’m doing this for you." 

"But I chose to help you guys, and I want to keep helping." I said. 

"I know you do, but it's not safe. We don't want you to get any more hurt then you already have." He said. 

I didn't know what to say so he continued, "If something we're to happen to you I would never be able to forgive myself. Having you here is the best thing for you." 

"But," I say lost at words, "What if I need you. You know how to make me feel better. Who's going to be there for me now?" 

"You have a brother inside that cares about you, he'll be there for you." He said. 

"I know you’re doing this for my safety Harry, but what about you? What if something happens to you? Or Annabelle? Or the boys?" I asked. 

"You don't need to worry about that Cat. You don't need to worry about us. You need to live your life now that you are back home." 

"This isn't home Harry." I finally say, I honestly didn't know where this was coming from. He looked at me confused, "This is where I might have grown up but this is not home." 

"Home is back at Boston with the boys and Annabelle. Home is with you Harry." I finally get out what I've been trying to say. I finally looked up when I realized I was staring at my shoes the whole time I was telling him that. 

It was hard for me to read him. His eyes we're softened but his jaw was clenched meaning he was angry about something. He wasn't looking at me he was looking off into the distance behind me. Was he angry at me? 

"Just stay for one night please?" I begged him. He finally looked down at me. His jaw wasn't clenched anymore but his eyes were still softened. 

It took him what seemed like ages when he gave me his answer. He nodded yes in response. "Just one night, I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon then." I smiled. I took his hand leading him into the house. When I walked in, nothing really has changed since I was last here. 

You had the small round table when you first walked in that was full of pink, blue and purple flowers. On each side of the greeting area was double stair cases leading up to the second floor. If you walked forward you would go into the kitchen that was connected to the living room. On both sides of the greeting room were hallways. The hallway on my left lead to my dad's office and laundry room and the hallway on my right was the hallway that leads to the basement where I remember Charlie stayed. From when I used to remember there we're four rooms upstairs; the master bedroom where my parents stayed, my room, a guest room and a gym room. 

I assumed Charlie was in the kitchen because I smelt food cooking. I walk towards the kitchen Harry following me. I saw Charlie cooking something on the stove. 

"Charlie?" I asked. He turned to me and I spoke, "Can Harry stay for one night? He hasn't got one bit of rest." 

"I don't care but my opinion doesn't count, Mom and Dad need to make that decision. Their house, their rules." Charlie said. 

"When are they coming home" I asked. 

"Around six or five." He said. It was three so they would be here in a couple hours. 

"What do you think they'll do when they see me?" I ask no one in general. I didn't mean to say that out loud, it just slipped out. 

"They’ll be happy." Harry said. 

"Well, they may not know what to do. They may not be open to the idea of their daughter who ran away just showed up. But they'll forgive you. Maybe not as fast I did but they will." Charlie said. 

For now I wait, for my mom and dad to walk through the door. 

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