Kidnapped baby

By StuckInLove123

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Ariana and Justin has had a relationship for three years. It was filled with fights, crying, but love. On the... More

Chapter 1: The anniversary
Chapter 2: Moving On
Chapter 3: The Big News
Chapter 4: Everything will be ok
Chapter 5: Goodbye America Hello Paris
Chapter 6: Accidents
Chapter 7: New guy
Chapter 8: The Date
Chapter 9: Moving In
Chapter 10: Abusive much?
Chapter 11: Baby Gender
Chapter 12: Birthday Fun Part 1
Chapter 13: Birthday Fun Part 2
Chapter 14: Food Poison
Chapter 15: Tracy convinces Ariana
Chapter 16: Apologies
Chapter 17: Date with Connor
Chapter 18: Day out with Tracy
Chapter 19: Jeanette
Chapter 20: Pool Party
Chapter 21: Painting
Chapter 22: Surprise Surprise
Chapter 23: The Call
Chapter 24: My Water Broke
Chapter 25: The Baby is Born
Chapter 26: Taking The Baby Home
Chapter 27: Stay with me
Chapter 28: Came back early
Chapter 29: Im not ashamed
Chapter 30: The Bridges of Seine
Chapter 31: More news
Chapter 32: Birthday Girls
Chapter 33: Realize
Chapter 34: In the hospital
Chapter 35: All that Matters
Chapter 36: The Cookout
Chapter 37: Kidnapped
Chapter 38: Never Wanted To
Chapter 39: Tracking
Chapter 40: Blaming
Chapter 41: I love you
Chapter 42: The meet
Chapter 43: What a Friend
Chapter 45: Im Sorry
Chapter 46: Bye Bye Madison
Chapter 47: Forgive Me?
Chapter 48: Aquaboulevard
Chapter 49: Date With the Kidnapper
Chapter 50: Visiting Tracy
Chapter 51: Bye Emily
Chapter 52: His Ex
Chapter 53: Another Dream
Chapter 54: Don't Stress
Chapter 55: Getting Briana Back
Chapter 56: Dinner Date
Chapter 57: Argue
Chapter 58: Taken at The Mall
Chapter 59: Revealed
Chapter 60: Help us Connor
Chapter 61: The Plan
Chapter 62: Arrested
Chapter 63: Another One
Chapter 64: Visitor

Chapter 44: Another Kidnapping

4.4K 107 24
By StuckInLove123

Chapter 44: Another Kidnapping

Ariana's P.O.V.

We all sit at the table eating breakfast in silence. No one has said a single word all morning.

Madison is still here, sadly. I really don't know why.

"Why are you still here? You couldn't catch another flight?"I ask her annoyed, breaking the silence.

"I've talked with Justin already. I've decided to stay and help look for Sophia"She says.

"Excuse me?"I raise an eyebrow.

"You're excused. Look I'm just trying to help. You don't have to hate on me"She says.

"She has every reason to hate on you. Your Justin's ex for crying out loud"Emily cuts into the conversation. I'm surprised by her bravery to talk to Madison like that.

"I'm sorry but this is an A and B conversation so see your way out of it"Madison smirks. "That's it"Emily stands up and goes up to Madison.

"You think your all that huh? I've been a belieber for a long time now and I follow everything Justin does. You happened to be apart of his life for awhile so I know a lot about you. Your a rich, perky, self centered snob who cares nothing about anyone else. You think your all that but to tell you the truth your just trash. Ariana and Justin love each other dearly and you just keep trying to get in the way of that. Sweetie that is and A and B relationship so You need to see Your way out of it. Am I clear?"Emily yells in Madison's face. I try my best to hold in the laugh that's trying to escape my mouth.

"I said am I clear?"Emily asks louder.

"Whatever"Madison stands up from the table embarrassed and storms away. "That's how you handle a brat"Emily bows and I clap for her.

"You have so much bravery and maturity for being a thirteen year old"I say, still shocked she just did that.

"Thanks"She laughs. "That was amazing"Frankie says. "You guys are so cute"My mom laughs.

"So your up to date on everything I do huh?"Justin asks her. "Yes, I told you that I'm your number one fan didn't I?"She asks. "Yes you did"Justin laughs.

We finish up breakfast and then I pull Justin outside away from everyone.

"Justin we need to talk"I say.

"What's wrong?"He asks. "It's about Chaz"I mutter. "What about Chaz?"He asks.

"Well-"I begin but I'm cut off by his phone ringing.

"Hold up it's Officer Woodrow"He whispers and puts the phone to his ear.

"Hello? Hey Officer. No not at the moment. Is everything alright? Ok, I'm on my way"He says and then hangs up.

"Officer Woodrow needs us both at the station"He says. "Wait but I was telling you something"I say.

"We'll talk later. Let's go"He pulls me back into the house.

"Guys, they need us at the station so we'll be back"Justin tells my mom and Frankie.

"Ooh can I come with you guys?"Emily asks. "Sure come on"Justin says. He grabs his keys and opens the door.

When we walk out, Scooter is pulling up in the driveway with Pattie and Ryan.

"Hey where you guys going?"Pattie asks us. "They need us at the station. We'll be back soon"Justin tells her and unlocks the car. We hurry in and he drives away.

"Is everything okay?"I ask him. "I don't know but I don't think it's good"Justin says.

"Let's just pray for the best"Emily says in the backseat.

We soon arrive and we hurry into the station.

"Right this way"An officer notices us and leads us to Officer Woodrow's office.

He opens the door for us and sitting there is Tracy, crying. Her parents, Elizabeth, and Blair are also here.

"Tracy!"I shout and hug her.

"What's going on here?"Justin asks clearly confused on why they're here.

I know why, because of the video I received last night from kidnapper.

"It seems that Tracy's son, Jayden was kidnapped yesterday"Officer tells Justin.

"What?"Justin asks.

"Tracy here explained to me that she was in the market store shopping. She turned around for a second and that's when the kidnapper took the baby and ran out the store"Officer explains.

"Oh my gosh"Emily gasps. I begin crying along with Tracy.

"I am so sorry"I tell her. "H-He's my who-whole world"She sobs into my shoulder. I feel terrible for this. This is all my fault.

"I don't understand. Chaz was in questioning yesterday all day long"Justin ponders.

"We think that he has an accomplice working with him"Officer says.

"Who would work with him?"Justin asks aloud, clearly thinking.

"This is all my fault"I say. "No it's not. You didn't know this was gonna happen"Blair tries to comfort me along with Tracy.

"I knew something terrible was gonna happen"I say.

"How?"Elizabeth asks.

"I should have just let Chaz do whatever he wanted with me. This would've never happened if I just cooperated with him that night"I say.

"Ariana how could you say that?"Justin breaks away from thinking.

"I don't know. I just know this is all my fault. I'm so sorry Tracy"I cry even harder.

"Can one of you explain what's going on?"Tracy's mom asks.

"Ariana and Justin's daughter was kidnapped. She was taken by Justin's good friend Chaz. We don't know where he has her but we do know that he wants Ariana for himself"Officer tells her.

"This is all your fault! If my daughter never met you, Jayden would still be safe and sound!"Her mother yells at me.

This is all terrible. This shouldn't of happened.

"Ryan! Oh my gosh it's Ryan!"Justin yells out.

"What?"Officer Woodrow asks confused.

"He's Chaz's accomplice. I can't believe I didn't realize this before. Both of my best friends are traders"Justin yells, even more angry now.

"What makes you think it's Ryan?"Officer asks.

"It has to be him. He likes Tracy. He was all lovey dovey with her. It was probably an act so he could get close to her. He kidnapped Jayden!"Justin says with tears in his eyes.

"Oh Justin, please don't cry"I go over to him. "Both of my friends betrayed me"He says.

This is all just wrong.

It's now five o'clock.

All of us just sit in the living room in silence. Emily fell asleep on my shoulder.

Scooter and Pattie are out looking again since we didn't have the strength to do it today. Not with everything that's happened.

The police came and arrested Ryan.
He said he didn't do it but they still arrested him anyway.

I was supposed to tell Justin about Chaz not being the kidnapper. Now poor Ryan is in a cell for a night.

I don't know how I'm gonna tell Justin about Chaz without telling him about the video I received.

I can't tell him. I know we promised each other to tell each other everything but I can't risk this. Brianna and Jayden might get killed if I do.

I have to come up with a plan to get those kids. I don't know what I'll do but it has to be good.

Jeanette's P.O.V.

I sit on my motel bed bored out of my mind. This has just been crazy. I'm losing everything and everyone.

Chaz, Ariana, my sister. Who else am I gonna lose?

Thank God I found a cheap motel room to rent for a couple nights. I have to find a way to get Chaz out of jail.

I'm not gonna just go back home to Italy and leave him here.

A knock at the door surprises me. I hope it's the pizza I ordered.

I open the door only to be met with lips crashing onto mine. I back away and feel my eyes widen.

"Connor?"I ask.



Hey guys. Here's the update.
Sorry it was short and sorry for the cliffhanger.

If I get over twenty votes on this chapter in the next hour or two then I'll update again tonight. That means if I get 21, I'll update for you guys.




Love ya😘

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Holaaa readersss!!(: hows life? so. Right now your about to read mah storryy. and yeah. click start reading and enjoyyyy loviees. <3