Kidnapped baby

By StuckInLove123

389K 8.2K 1.9K

Ariana and Justin has had a relationship for three years. It was filled with fights, crying, but love. On the... More

Chapter 1: The anniversary
Chapter 2: Moving On
Chapter 3: The Big News
Chapter 4: Everything will be ok
Chapter 5: Goodbye America Hello Paris
Chapter 6: Accidents
Chapter 7: New guy
Chapter 8: The Date
Chapter 9: Moving In
Chapter 10: Abusive much?
Chapter 11: Baby Gender
Chapter 12: Birthday Fun Part 1
Chapter 13: Birthday Fun Part 2
Chapter 14: Food Poison
Chapter 15: Tracy convinces Ariana
Chapter 16: Apologies
Chapter 17: Date with Connor
Chapter 18: Day out with Tracy
Chapter 19: Jeanette
Chapter 20: Pool Party
Chapter 21: Painting
Chapter 22: Surprise Surprise
Chapter 23: The Call
Chapter 24: My Water Broke
Chapter 25: The Baby is Born
Chapter 26: Taking The Baby Home
Chapter 27: Stay with me
Chapter 28: Came back early
Chapter 29: Im not ashamed
Chapter 30: The Bridges of Seine
Chapter 31: More news
Chapter 32: Birthday Girls
Chapter 33: Realize
Chapter 34: In the hospital
Chapter 35: All that Matters
Chapter 36: The Cookout
Chapter 37: Kidnapped
Chapter 38: Never Wanted To
Chapter 39: Tracking
Chapter 40: Blaming
Chapter 41: I love you
Chapter 42: The meet
Chapter 44: Another Kidnapping
Chapter 45: Im Sorry
Chapter 46: Bye Bye Madison
Chapter 47: Forgive Me?
Chapter 48: Aquaboulevard
Chapter 49: Date With the Kidnapper
Chapter 50: Visiting Tracy
Chapter 51: Bye Emily
Chapter 52: His Ex
Chapter 53: Another Dream
Chapter 54: Don't Stress
Chapter 55: Getting Briana Back
Chapter 56: Dinner Date
Chapter 57: Argue
Chapter 58: Taken at The Mall
Chapter 59: Revealed
Chapter 60: Help us Connor
Chapter 61: The Plan
Chapter 62: Arrested
Chapter 63: Another One
Chapter 64: Visitor

Chapter 43: What a Friend

4.5K 101 38
By StuckInLove123

Chapter 43: What a friend

Justin's P.O.V.

I open my eyes and see that Ariana and Emily are still peacefully sleeping.

I feel horrible for what I said to Ariana yesterday. I know she forgave me but I shouldn't of called her what I did. I was mad and terrified all at the same time.

If Chaz hurt her in any way, I would've never been able to live with myself.

I love her way too much to let anything happen to her. I have to protect her, It's my job.

Girls take words like that to heart and I should've known better than to call her a bitch.

I have to make it up to her somehow and prove to her that I'm truly sorry.

Emily shifts in her sleep and I notice her eyes flutter open.

"Good morning"I say. She just stares at me with wide eyes.

"You ok?"I ask. "Yea, it's just I can't believe it's really you. I just slept in the same bed with Justin Bieber!"she silently squeals.

"You're a fan?"I ask excitedly. "Number one fan to be exact. I've been a fan since day one"she says.

"Well that's good. Look I'm sorry for yesterday. You should've never seen that side of me"I apologize feeling bad for making a scene in front of her.

"It's okay. I know you love Ariana very much and only want to protect her"she shrugs.

"How old are you again?"I ask. "I'm 13, but I'm turning 14 in a couple weeks"she adds.

"Wow, you're getting big. I remember when I was that age"I smile.

"Hey why don't we go freshen up and get some breakfast. Let's let Ariana sleep in a little"I suggest. "Sure"she agrees and we both get out of bed.

I get her an extra toothbrush out of the linen closet and we both brush our teeth. After we finish we head downstairs. Everyone is still asleep so we make sure to make little noise. I look at the clock and see that it's only 8:15.

"Why don't we make breakfast for Ariana?"I ask Emily. "Ooh yea. What are we gonna make?"she asks.

"Let's go see what we have"I say and we head to the kitchen.

We agree on making her some pancakes. I get all the ingredients and put them on the counter.

"First we need to make the batter"I say and get a bowl.

"I'll put the flour in"Emily says and pours some into the bowl. I pour in the baking powder and the salt. Emily adds in the sugar and then pours in the milk.

"We need an egg"I say and grab one out of the fridge. I smack the shell against the counter. Sadly the yolk falls on the floor.

"Aw man"I say. I wipe up the mess and Emily gets another egg.

"This is how you do it"she says. She lightly taps it against the bowl and then opens it. The yolk falls perfectly into the bowl.

"Show off"I say making her laugh. I add in the butter and then Emily mixes it all together until it's nice and thick.

I get a frypan and put it on the stove.

"We should make them heart shaped"Emily suggests.

"Do you know how to do that cause I surely don't?"I ask her. "Yep"she says and gets the bowl of batter.

She gets a spoon and takes some of the batter out the bowl. She puts some into the pan. She gets another spoonful and attaches it to the first glob making it look like a heart.

"That's cool"I say amused. "You try"she says and hands me the bowl and spoon.

I grab a spoonful and place it into the frypan. I grab another spoonful and try to attach it.

Emily laughs at my horrible job.

"It looks nowhere close to a heart"I laugh myself.

We let them finish cooking and then we place them on a tray. We put some to fry for ourselves too.

"Let's make her a breakfast smoothie too"Emily says.

"Your a real breakfast genius huh?"I laugh. She gets some bananas and strawberries. She puts them in the blender and then adds the milk.

Once she's done she pours it in a cup and puts it on the tray.

"Let's take this up to Ariana"I say and carry the tray. We reach the room and Ariana is still asleep. I hand Emily the tray and go next to Ariana.

"Sweet heart wake up"I nudge and she opens her eyes.

"Good morning sleeping beauty"I tell her and she smiles. "Me and Emily made you breakfast"I say as she sits up.

"Really?"she asks. "Yea"I nod and Emily hands her the tray.

"Aww these are so cute"Ariana smiles.

"I made that one"I point to Emily's heart. "No he didn't. He's lying. He made that one"Emily points to my jacked up pancake. Ariana laughs.

"It's unique, Thanks"she says.

"I'll meet you downstairs. Let me just speak to Ariana for a minute"I tell Emily. She nods and goes downstairs to start eating.

"Look, Ariana I'm really sorry for yesterday. I know you already-"I begin but she cuts me off.

"Justin just stop okay. I already said it's fine"Ariana says. "But it's not. I love you and I never want you to see that terrible side of me again"I say.

"Justin, I know you love me already. You say it a billion times a day"she caresses my cheek.

"Cause I never want you to think I don't. I'm not afraid of expressing my love for you. I want you to always know that in your heart, even when I blow up and act stupid"I say and bring my face closer to hers so our faces are inches apart. She presses her lips against mine and runs her fingers through my hair.

"Hey I-, Oh I'm so sorry"I look up to see Emily standing in the doorway.

"It's ok"I smile. "I think you're friend is here"she says.


"I'll be right down"I say and she walks away. "Enjoy your breakfast"I peck Ariana's lips once more before I walk back downstairs.

When I get down, I see Jeanette kissing someone by the door. I walk over to her and I notice that its Chaz.

"You son of a bitch!"I yell and tackle him to the floor. I throw punches to his face, taking all my anger out.

"Justin! Get off of him!"Jeanette tries to take me off but I continue to punch him.

"How could you do this to me? Your supposed to be my best friend!"I yell.

"What is going- Oh my goodness!"I hear Joan. Frankie comes down too.

Ariana's P.O.V.

I take a sip of my breakfast smoothie.

This is really good. Justin probably didn't make this.

"Ariana, come now! Hurry!"Emily yells.

I follow her downstairs only to see Justin on top Of Chaz. Jeanette stands there too, a horrified look on her face.

"Okay, break it up"Frankie finally breaks them apart.

Chaz now has a black eye and some bruises on his face. Jeanette helps him up.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"Jeanette yells at Justin.

"What the hell is wrong with me? I'll tell you what's wrong! Your little boyfriend here almost raped Ariana last night. He also took my daughter!"Justin yells.

"Excuse me? Chaz was with me the whole night"Jeanette tries to defend him. "Don't try to cover him up"Justin snaps.

"Jeanette where were you yesterday? Why are you coming home now?"I ask her.

"I was hanging out with Chaz. He planned a romantic night for us. He also rented a hotel for the night. We checked out early and came back expecting a warm welcome, not a freaking fight!"Jeanette yells, angry now as well.

"What do you mean? Chaz almost raped me last night. He also took Sophia"I'm about to cry again.

"What? Can someone please tell me the full story on what happened last night because I'm confused"Jeanette says in frustration.

"Chaz called me yesterday morning asking to meet him at Redberry Lane. I met him and he took me to this abandoned building. He tried having sex with me but I refused. I stabbed him in the leg.... I stabbed you in the leg"I trail away from the story and point to Chaz's leg.

"Look I don't know what you're talking about. I was with Jeanette all night yesterday. I swear"Chaz puts his hands up in defense.

"This doesn't make any sense! Why isn't your leg patched up or why aren't you limping? Why is your leg fine?"I begin to get angry.

"He could've got his leg fixed or something before coming here. I can't believe you're apart of this whole lie Jeanette!"Justin yells at her.

"Why aren't you guys believing us? Ariana you believe me don't you? Come on, we're best friends"Jeanette looks at me.

"I don't know what to believe"I look away from her.

"I'm calling the police now. You're gonna give me back my daughter and then I never want to see your face again"Justin brings out his phone and dials the police.

"Ariana make Justin stop! Chaz can't go to jail"Jeanette pleads.

"Yea, I don't know where Sophia is. If I did I would've told you. You guys know I would never hurt Sophia or any of you"Chaz says.

"Jeanette I thought you were my best friend"tears stream down my face.

"And I thought you were my best friend too. I guess not because real friends would believe each other"Jeanette yells and storms upstairs.

Minutes later the police arrive and handcuff Chaz.

"Meet us at the station"Officer Woodrow says before leaving.

Jeanette comes down with her stuff packed.

"Where are you going?"I ask her.

"I'm leaving. I'll just stay in a motel or something for awhile until I'm able to get Chaz out and prove he's innocent"she says.

"Why are you doing this?"I ask before she can reach the door. She turns around.

"I'll talk to you when you're ready to believe me. And by the way, best friends never lie to each other"She says before walking out.

I run up to my room and lock the door.

I can't believe my best friend just left me. Why is she lying to cover up Chaz?

"Ariana, open the door"Justin knocks on the door. I just sit still without saying a word.

"Princess"he says. I still ignore him.

"Well I have to go down to the station like Officer Woodrow requested but I'll be back later. I love you"he says but I don't reply.

Seconds later I don't hear him anymore.

Justin's P.O.V.

I drive down to the station.

They have Chaz in one of those questioning rooms.

I stand outside of the room looking through the glass listening to what the officer is telling Chaz.

"Where are you hiding Sophia?"Officer Woodrow slams his hand on the table.

"I already told you, I don't know. I didn't kidnap Sophia and I surely didn't try to rape Ariana last night. I was with Jeanette the whole time"Chaz growls.

"You're lying!"Officer Woodrow yells.

"I want a lawyer"Chaz says and Officer Woodrow comes out the room.

"He wants a lawyer"he says.

"I heard"I say. "We can't do anything further right now"he says. I yell out in frustration.

"We'll keep searching for Sophia. I'll also inform you on the court dates for Chaz"he says.

"Thank you"I shake his hand and walk out the station.

Ariana's P.O.V.

It's seven o'clock and I still sit here on the bed. I haven't opened the door all day.

My phone beeps and I pick it up from the dresser.

I've received a video message so I press play.

"Ari, Ari, Ari"a guy with a mask looks into the camera. "You just don't know how to listen do you?"he asks.

"I told you what would happen if you didn't listen. You disobeyed me and then blamed your friend Chaz for everything. Yea, I had a face mask made to look like Chaz. Smart huh?"he says.

What? Chaz isn't the kidnapper?

"I won't kill Sophia like I said I would. But I do have someone here I want you to see"he moves and I see Brianna tied up crying. That's Jeanette's little sister.

"I also have someone else I want you to meet"he says.

A guy hands him a baby and I notice that it's Jayden.

No! No! No! Not Jayden.


"You need to delete this video right after your done watching it. If you don't and you show the police then you know what happens. I'm sure Jeanette would be so mad at you for letting her little sister die"he brings a knife up to Brianna's neck.

"I'm also sure Tracy would be heartbroken if Jayden died"he laughs.

"See you soon baby"he winks and the video ends.

I quickly delete the video like the kidnapper asked.

My life is a huge wreck. I'm so mad at myself for not believing Jeanette.

I dial Tracy's number but she doesn't pick up.

"Ugh!"I let out a yell and throw a pillow on the floor. I hear the door unlock and Justin comes in.

"How did you unlock the door?"I ask.
He raises up one of my bobby pins. Emily follows in after him.

"You ok?"he asks. "Yea I'm fine"I say and put my phone down.

"I think I'm gonna go to sleep now"I say and lay down. I pull the covers over me and ignore them.

Soon I feel Emily and Justin get in bed too. They fall asleep but I can't. All I can think about is the kidnapper.

I have to try to convince the police they have the wrong guy and to let Chaz go.

But that means If Chaz isn't the kidnapper then who is?



Hope you liked the update!

Sorry for taking forever to update. I'll try to update again tomorrow.




Love ya😘

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