Better together (a clace fan...

By little_squirrel_234

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Jace mysteriously is found dead at the entrance to the institute. Clary is so upset. What happens when he mys... More

This cant be happening
Feeling better
First day back to school
The institute
The day it happened
The greenhouse
The fashion show
A big suprise
The calls
A very busy day
The trip
Telling everyone
Girls night
A day with jace
Leaving for Italy
Prank wars
The next day
Dreams and Promises
Moving day
The note
Feeling sick
I hate the flu
Where am I?
I need you
The rescue
What do I do?
a new friend
Some huge news and of course
Dress shopping
The beach
A day at the beach
Clary's day
A wedding problem
The wedding
The honeymoon
Herondale manor
Back to New York
He wants me back?
The castle
Coronation day
The missing cup and sword
The faerie court
Telling some big news
The letters
Whats it gonna be?
Shadowhunter academy
Picking out the nursery
Please jem?
Who did this?
2 days
Running out of time
I'm coming Clary
A sleeping clary
Waking up
Going Back to New York
A disney marathon!
She's coming
The bet
A surprise
New and old aquaintances
The truth comes out
A werewolf problem
Poor Wolves
A wolf prison
The auction
A plan
A visitor
The interview and photo shoot
The Jace Journal
Going back to the castle
In the begining
Go home!
Logans birthday
Ascension Day
Looking for clary
Lightwood family dinner
Sneak peak
Protect her
Graces announcement party
It hurts
The dinner
The horse show
News from mom
The questioning
Queen for a day
The beach
Donuts and birthday presents
Sorry guys
Alices birthday
Going home
Isabelle and Simons wedding
Sorry guys
King for a day
Jace gets sick
Jaces Birthday
A declaration
I need an answer
Telling the family
a few days before the wedding
Jonathan and alices wedding
Good news and bad news
Coming home
Bad news
Grace meets family
Bad news
Graces return party
Neice or nephew?
Los angeles
Seeing family again
Meeting with Aubrey
Meeting with the king and queen
Dont hate me please
What to do?
Shoping with ash
Gender reveal
Christmas eve
Jaces turn
Meeting with a verlac
Doctors visits and shopping trips
The day before
Home again
A break in
Hawaii pt. 1
Hawaii part 2
Alice leaves

Grace leaves

188 9 4
By little_squirrel_234

Stephanie Monteclare is played by Julia Roberts

Travis Monteclare is played by Robert Downey Jr.

May 22

I wake up with Jaces arm wrapped around me. He wakes up and kisses my forehead. "Good morning love" he tells me. "Good morning" I tell him back. We both get out of bed and go get changed.

While I am picking out what to wear I ask "Hey jace?" "Yeah" he asks. "How could you decide which wedding ring to get? I mean you could have used your family ring. And I'm sure there were a bunch of other ones to pick from" I ask him. "I had help from Alec and Isabelle. It took a while. But I picked one out" he says. "It must have been way too expensive. I can't believe you even spent this much on me. I mean I'm too small and definitely not special enough for something this perfect and expensive" I tell him. He comes down the stairs and over to me. "Clary," he starts. He sighs and continues by saying "don't worry about how much the ring cost or anything. I'm not even gonna tell you that. You're special and perfect to me and I would do anything for you. I would do anything to make you happy. That includes Grace too." He hugs me and I hug him back. "I love you so much Jace" I tell him. "I love you too Clary" he says.

He lets me go and looks at me. "Clary, when the demon attacked and went after both me and Grace you told him to take you instead. Why would you do that" he asks me. "I knew what I was doing. I couldn't bear the thought of you and Grace dying when I could have done something or saved you both so I did the first thing I thought of. When he wouldn't take me instead I remembered the knife in my pocket and I tried to grab it but it fell between my fingers to the floor. And you know the rest" I explain. "Clary, I love that you would do that and sacrifice yourself for me and Grace both, but I don't want to loose you either. I don't think I would be able to survive without you" he tells me. I smile and little.

"We will get our Grace back won't we" I ask him. "Of course. As soon as all of this is over with the seelie queen we will go get her and bring her back" he promises. I nod.

"Lets get changed and we can go get Grace and get some breakfast" he tells me. I nod. He goes back upstairs and I look through my clothes. I decide on a loose denim shirt, jeans, and converse. I go into the bathroom and brush my hair and my teeth.

We both go down to Graces nursery to find her sitting up waiting for us. She squeals and reaches for one of us. Jace takes her while I pick out something for her to wear. Jace sets her down and I change her diaper and her clothes. He picks her back up and we go to breakfast and Jonathan meets us there.

After breakfast the four of us go for a walk outside. We go to one of the little ponds in the woods. I sit down in the grass. Jonathan and jace do too. I set Grace in the grass beside me. She starts picking and playing with it. "So whoever you two have chosen to take Grace is coming to get her today huh" Jonathan says. "Yeah" I tell him. " How long will she be gone" he asks. "Until this whole thing with the seelie queen is over. Until she gives up on trying to get Grace" jace says.

I hear a soft thud. I look over and Grace is lying flat on her back. She fell. She looks very confused on why she is now lying down. I help her back up. I run my hands through my long red hair. "Ugh I really need to cut my hair. Maybe I will do it later today after she leaves" I say. "Why would you cut it? It looks good like it is" Jonathan asks. "Because it's too long and hard to take care of" I tell them. Right now my long red hair comes down almost to my waist. It's a pain to take care of some days but I have to. "How short" jace asks. "Probably my collarbone. I'm tired of it being this long" I tell them. "That's a lot Clare" Jonathan says. "I know" I say.

After a while of just sitting here talking we decide to head back to the castle. Oliver comes up to us. "There has been something going on at the academy and you both are needed there" he says to me and jace. "Alright we are coming" jace says. "Can you get autumn and major ready for us? We will be at the barn in a little while" I ask him. "Yes ma'am" Oliver says and leaves. "Jonathan can you take Grace while we are gone? I don't think it should be too long" I ask him. "Of course" he says. I pass him Grace. "I will go send Alec and Magnus a message to meet us at the academy. We might need the help" jace says and goes off.

"When are the people coming for Grace" Jonathan asks. "Later this afternoon. So we should be back by then" I tell him. He nods understanding.

Jace comes back a few minutes later. "Okay let's go" he says. "Okay. Bye Jonathan we will be back later" I tell him. "Bye guys" he says.

Jace takes my hand and we go out to the barn. They had the horses ready like we asked. We get on and head over to the shadowhunter academy.

Alec and Magnus come out of a portal there the same time we get there. "That's just lazy" jace says. "We don't all live at a castle and have a bunch of horses jace" Alec says. "You don't have to. Just walk" jace says.

The four of us go inside. Someone leads us to one of the empty dorm rooms. Catarina is in here. "What happened Catarina" Magnus asked. "Someone left a warlock baby at the academy's front door" she says. "Where is it" I ask. She reaches in a small box and pulls out a bundle of blankets. I take the baby. "I will just leave you guys with the baby then" Catarina says and leaves the room.

I notice the baby's blue. He's cute too. "We will take him" Magnus says looking down at the baby. "We will" Alec asks surprised. "Can I hold him Clary" Alec asks. I give the baby to Alec. Alec is gentle with the baby and the baby seems to like Alec. "Yeah don't you want to" Magnus asks Alec.

"I want to hold the baby" jace says. Alec passes the baby to his parabatai. I notice the blue warlock baby is wearing an orange onesie with the feet to look like little fox paws. Jace rubs one of the fox paws. The baby starts wiggling. We are all ready to catch the baby if it falls. He doesn't though. Jace keeps hold of the baby. "He's a tough little boy" jace tells us. Jace bounces the baby gently and the baby ends up hittting jace with his tiny fist. "Good. Maybe a little harder next time and we will have you punching demons in the face in no time" jace encourages. "Jace honey give me the baby" I tell him. "No" jace says.

"I guess we can adopt the baby" Alec says. "Is that okay with you two" Magnus and Alec both ask. "Fine with us. We only have Grace until after lunch then someone is coming to get her" I tell them. "Oh... I'm sorry. I'm going to miss her. We all are" Alec says.

"What are we going to name him? I mean he needs a name" I ask. Alec reaches for the baby and jace hands him over. "What about max? I mean it's entirely up to you two but it's a suggestion" jace suggests. "I like it. Hi max" Alec says and smiles down at the baby.

"Isabelle is going to kill us for bringing home a baby" Alec says looking at Magnus. "She will have to get over it" jace says.

We stay at the academy for a little longer with the baby before heading back to the castle.

As soon as we get back we look for Jonathan and Grace. We find him sitting on the floor with Grace in the library.

"Did you fix the problem" Jonathan asks."Yeah. It was a cute little problem" jace says. "What happened" Jonathan asks. "Lets go get lunch and I will tell you" I tell him. He gets off the floor and picks Grace up. We all go together down to lunch.

Our food comes. "At the academy, someone left a warlock baby at the academy's front door" I tell Jonathan. "Why would you leave a baby somewhere alone? There of all places" Jonathan asks. Me and jace both shrug. "I don't know but I know when mother's or fathers find out they have a warlock for a child they end up hating their child. It's more out of fear than hate really" I tell him. "That's terrible" Jonathan says. "I know" jace says. "So what happened to the baby" Jonathan asks. "Magnus and Alec took him. They wanted to adopt him" I tell Jonathan. He nods. Grace squirms to sit up and Jonathan helps her sit up on his lap.

We all finish eating. I set Grace down for her nap and find the others. They are both in the living room. "How does it feel that people know your alive" I ask Jonathan sitting down. "I don't know. I'm still kinda afraid to leave the castle because I still don't know what's going to happen" he says. "I get it" I tell him.

I hear a squeal. It's not a Grace type squeal either. It's louder. No, this is the kind you don't forget. This is an Isabelle type squeal.

The door opens and Isabelle runs in. She stops in front of me and jace ignoring Jonathan completely. "It happened and I'm so excited" she squeals. "Okay take it down from a 10 to a 2 please. And what happened that you are so excited for" I ask. "Simon proposed" she says. "That's great Izzy" jace says. "Guess you can't take the New York institute" I say. "What do you mean" she asks. "Simons going to be my parabatai. I thought you knew. The ceremony is next Friday" I tell her.

Everyone knows you don't separate parabatai. I mean you can but parabatais are stronger when they are together. A parabatai is someone who knows you the best. Someone who will always have your back no matter what. "Oh I guess you will have to find a new person to be head of the institute then" she says. "I guess so" jace says.

Izzy goes and sits next to Jonathan. "Oh hey Jonathan" she says. "Hey Izzy"Jonathan says. "Has Grace gone yet or is she still here" Izzy asks. "No she's still here. She's taking her nap. The people coming for her isn't coming for another few hours" I tell her. "Oh okay" she says. "Wait is she going to wrangle island? The seelie queen won't look there" she asks. "Izzy stop guessing. And no we are not sending our baby girl to wrangle island. It's too cold over there" jace says. "Worth a guess" she says.

Bear, Chrissie, and cookie both stand up and run out the door barking. "I'll go see what their barking at" I say. I leave them all in the living room.

I follow my dogs to the entrance of the castle. They still keep barking.

The doors open by two guards and two people come in. It's Stephanie and Travis Montclaire. "Hi we weren't expecting you until later" I tell them. I give them both a hug. "I know we just figured we would come a little earlier. We don't have to take her until you guys are ready" Travis says. "That's fine. She is taking a nap for now but she should be up soon. Come on, Jace, Jonathan and Isabelle are all in the living room" I tell them.

They follow me down the hallway. I hear the dogs follow too. "Are these dogs yours" Stephanie asks. "Yes. One of them will be going with you. We think it would probably be best. One of them is kind of attached to little Grace. She would protect Grace no matter what" I tell them. "That's cute" Stephanie says. "You said Isabelle? Who's that" Travis asks. "Isabelle lightwood. Graces aunt" I tell them. "Oh" he says.

We go into the living room. "They came a little early but that's okay" I tell jace, Jonathan, and Izzy. Bear jumps and lays on the couch next to Jonathan. Travis and Stephanie take the two empty chairs.

"So what all do you want us to do with her again" Travis asks. "Raise her like a mundane. Clary was. We have already got the house ready for you" jace says. "For how long" Stephanie asks. "Until the seelie queen quits looking for Grace. I'm not sure how long that will be but we will let you know when that happens. Until then you will need to live like a mundane and get a mundane job" I tell them. "That might be a little hard" they both say. "Yeah. I'm sure you can find something to do for a job. I did. Mom and Luke did too. Also there are two cell phones at the house waiting for you. All set up and ready" I tell them. "Okay" Travis says.

"Is there anything I can get you while you're here? Something to drink maybe" I ask. "I'm fine" they both tell me. "I'm going to go check on Grace. I will be back" I tell them. "Take your time" Stephanie tells me.

I go over to Graces nursery. She is just starting to wake up. She starts to cry so I pick her up. "Shh it's okay sweet girl. Mommas got you" I tell her trying to calm her down.

I sit down in her rocking chair. I hold her tight to my chest. "I don't want you to go baby. I don't. I love you Grace" I tell her. She starts to calm down and looks up at me. She smiles and lays back down against me. I guess this is her way of giving me a hug. It's cute and I like it. I keep my arms around her. After a while of just sitting here I get up and change her diaper. We leave her nursery and head back to the living room.

When we get inside the living room Travis and Stephanie smile at us. Grace reaches out for Jonathan. He takes her. "Don't hurt her" Travis says worried. "Why would I hurt her? I love little Grace" Jonathan says. Grace sits on his lap and she starts playing with his fingers and he smiles down at her. Travis and Stephanie look both surprised and confused. "You really are different" Stephanie says. "I told you. I guess nobody believes me" Jonathan says.

I go sit next to jace. I braid my hair trying to get it out of my face.

"Can you tell us about Grace? We never actually got to spend time with her before. Besides the announcement party we have never seen her before" Stephanie asks. "Like what" I ask. There's so much about Grace I just don't know what they want to know. "When is her birthday" Travis asks. "January 9th. Nine days before my birthday" jace says. "Cool. Is there anyone special she likes" Stephanie asks. "She's 4 months old Stephanie, she's not old enough to have a favorite person yet, but she likes cookie probably the best. People wise she loves all of us. She just hasn't been around a bunch of people" I tell her. "Who's cookie" she asks. I point to cookie who is sitting in the middle of all of us. Travis and Stephanie both get wide eyed. "Is that who's coming with us" Travis asks. I nod. "Does she have a favorite toy" Stephanie asks. "Not really" Jonathan says.

Grace starts squirming to be set down on the floor. Jonathan does what Grace wants. Cookie slides Grace over to her. "Anything special about her" Stephanie asks. "Besides the fact that she's the princess? When she sneezes bubbles appear" Jonathan tells them. They both look confused at what he said. Cookie brushes her long tail against Graces nose and Grace sneezes. Bubbles appear everywhere. "Wow. Why" Travis asks. We all shrug. We are not going to tell them the power is from jace.

I kinda want to know what her big power is going to be. Magnus said she is powerful but he did not say what it is. I guess we have to wait till she's older to find out. I'm not sure bubble power is very powerful or useful.

"What's the house and the area like where we are going to live" Travis asks. "I've got everything in the office. Follow me" he says. We all get up. I pick Grace up. "Bye clary. I'm going to go tell Alec and Magnus the news. I'm so excited" Isabelle tells me. "Okay. Bye Izzy" I say. "Bye Clary. Bye little Grace" she says. She tickles Graces tummy and Grace giggles. Izzy leaves after that.

I go over to the office. Jonathan, Jace, Travis, and Stephanie are all in here. Jace starts looking through the filing cabinet drawers. He pulls out a folder. He opens it and puts a picture of the house on the desk. "This is the House" he says showing us a brick house. "It's three bedroom 2 bathrooms" jace tells us.

"You will also have two cars while there" jace adds. He shows us a picture of two cars. Ones a black Nissan Rogue and one is a white Chevy equinox.

"What do we use for a last name" Stephanie asks. "You can either come up with one or use the name you have now" jace says. "What did your parents do Clary? I know you said you were raised a mundane" Stephanie asks. "They came up with a last name. I am known in the mundane world. I am known by my shadowhunter last name. The choice is up to you" I tell them.

Jace gets out a piece of paper. He writes something down on it and slides it to me. "Me and Clary will write out phone numbers on it so you can have them in your phones" jace says. I write my phone number on the paper.

Grace starts crying. I smell something bad. "I need to go change her diaper. Stephanie you want to come with me" I ask. "Oh uh, yeah sure" she says.

Stephanie follows me to Graces nursery. I left the tower open last time I was in here. I lay Grace down on her changing table.

"So I take it you are going to be the one taking care of her most of the time" I ask. "Probably" she says. I change graces diaper and pick her up. "Then there's something I should probably tell you" I tell her. "What is it" she asks.

"Grace won't sleep by herself at night" I tell her. "What do you mean? So we have to have her sleep with us at night" Stephanie asks. "No, I mean she won't go to sleep unless she is in your arms. Something happened and she won't sleep in the crib if you set her down and leave her alone" I tell her. "So how do you get her to go to sleep" she asks. "Her nap time is right after lunch, so like 1:15. She usually goes right to sleep for nap time since she gets a bottle for lunch. For bed I learned I have to rock her to sleep and sometimes sing to her. We didn't put a rocking chair in the house but you can feel free to put one in there if you find you need to do that" I tell her. "Okay I will most likely get one sometime soon" she tells me.

"Is the house all furnished" she asks. "Yeah. Where you guys are going to live it's a very small town. For the most part everything is within walking distance" I tell her.

"That helps. The only problem is I can't sing so I will have to figure something out" she says. "Good luck" I wish her. "Thanks" she says. "Let's head back to the office before they start worrying" I suggest.

We both head back and find the boys outside the castle. "So how are you related to my mom" jace asks. His moms maiden name was Monteclaire. "I'm just a distant cousin" Travis says. "Oh I gotcha" jace says.

"Whenever you guys get there and get your phones set up text us so we have your number. We won't get it here at the castle since technology doesn't work here, but we will get your text when we get out of the wards" jace tells them. They both nod.

"You ready" Travis asks. Stephanie nods. "Bye baby. I love you" I tell Grace. I kiss her head and pass her to jace. She smiles up at jace. He smiles back at her. "Love you Grace. I'm going to miss you" he says. He kisses the top of her head too and passes her to Jonathan. Jonathan says goodbye to Grace like we did and passes her to Stephanie. I open a portal and they step through and disappear. Cookie follows them and I close the portal.

We all walk back inside. I lean against Jace. "I'm gonna miss her" I say. "Me too" he says.

A while later I say "I'm going to go take a bath". "You never take baths" jace says surprised. "Because I never have time but I figured now would be a nice time to take one" I tell him.

I leave them both and go up to my room. I start the bath water while I get clean clothes. I take off my necklace and wedding ring and set them on the bathroom counter since I don't want them getting wet.

I take my hair out of its braid and I get in the bath. This feels nice. I haven't had a bath in forever. I dip my head under water and get my hair wet. I wash my hair and then I just sit here and relax. Chrissie comes in and lays on the floor by the tub. I grab a wash cloth I had set beside the bath tub on the floor and wash my body. It feels so nice just having a few minutes to relax. I close my eyes and just relax in the nice warm water.

I feel someone looking at me. I open my eyes and right above me staring down at me I see gold. "Hi jace" I say. "Hi Clary" he says. He sits on the floor next to me on my left. "Clary I have a question" he asks. "Go on" I say wanting him to continue. "What's your favorite flower" he asks. "Why" I ask. "Just curious. You never told me before" he says. "Begonias. I love the picotee begonias. They are so pretty" I tell him.

We just sit here for a few more minutes. "Hey can you get me a towel? I forgot to get one" I ask jace. "Yeah" he says. He comes back with a towel. I stand up and wrap the towel around myself. I go and put my clothes in which consists of a tank top and shorts. "You are not going to put on shoes" he asks me. "Nah" I say and shrug. I put my necklace back on around my neck and my wedding ring back on.

I reach back and try to rub my tight shoulders. "Ugh" I grunt and keep rubbing my shoulders but fail. "What's wrong" jace asks. I roll my shoulders. Jace comes behind me and rubs my shoulders. A surprise moan escapes me. He chuckles. "You are so tight Clary" he says. He keeps massaging my shoulders.

He stops rubbing my shoulders and runs his fingers down my back. "Clary. Take your shirt off and lay on the bed on your stomach" he tells me. "Uh why" I ask. That's a weird request. "Just trust me. You trust me right" he asks. I nod. I do as he tells me and I take my shirt off and lay on my stomach on the bed.

He comes and sits beside me. He unclasps my bra. It stays on though. "What are you doing" I ask. "Shh" he says. He rubs my shoulders and moves down my back. As he goes down my back he rubs his thumbs in circles. It feels so good. I moan again. "Oh my gosh jace this feels so good. You have no idea how much I'm in love with you right now" I admit. He keeps rubbing my back. "I could probably fall asleep like this" I tell him. I close my eyes and enjoy this while I can. He is gentle but makes sure he gets the knots out.

I open my eyes. I feel better. More relaxed.

I look around. I guess I fell asleep because I'm under the covers in the bed. I notice my tank top is back on.

I hear the door knob move. I close my eyes and act asleep. I hear footsteps move around. "Clary wake up" I hear. I open my eyes and are met with two golden ones. I cross my eyes. He laughs at me. I give a soft smile. He returns it with one of his own. I sit up.

I wrap my arms around his neck. "Oh Jace thank you so much for that. It felt amazing and I feel so much better" I tell him. "Of course Clary. Anything for you" he says sweetly. I let go of him. He sticks his lip out making a pouty face. I cup his cheeks with my hand and kiss him. He kisses me back. I giggle and say "don't we have dinner any time soon." "Mhm" he answers not stopping kissing me. "We should probably go on down there" I suggest. He lets me go. "No" he says sternly. "Yes. I'm hungry. We can do this later tonight I promise" I tell him. I know what he wants. "Okay" he says finally giving up.

I get off the bed. He takes my hand and we walk down to dinner. "Hey little red" Jonathan says when he sees me. "Hey" I say smiling. I sit down and jace and Jonathan do too. "You kinda disappeared for a while after Grace left" Jonathan says. "Yeah sorry after my bath I kinda fell asleep" I tell him. "Not in the bath right" he asks. "No" I reassure. "Oh good" he says. People bring out the food. I make a plate and we all start eating.

"It's going to be weird not having Grace here" jace says. "I know" I say. I don't want to think about it much or I might start crying. I don't want to have my baby gone but it's better to have her safe. I keep eating.

"I'm worried guys" Jonathan says. "Why" me and jace ask. "I haven't seen Alice all day since lunch. It's like she just disappeared. She missed our afternoon training. It's not like her to miss that or just disappear. She really wants to train and become a shadowhunter" Jonathan says sounding worried. "I'm sure she's fine Jonathan" I tell him trying to reassure him but by the look on his face I don't think it's working.

After dinner I tell Jace and Jonathan I have something I need to do and I will catch up with them later. I find Jackson and say "Jackson, I need you to go get Mrs. Pennington and bring her tothe throne room in about 10 minutes" I tell him. "Yes ma'am" he says. I go up to my bedroom. I find a blue simple dress and put it on.

I put on some flats and walk down to the throne room. I put my crown on.

I sit down on the throne and shortly after Jackson comes in with Grants Mom. "Hello Mrs. Pennington" I greet and give a small soft smile. "Hi Clary. It's been a while" she says. She gives me a soft small smile back. "Yes it has. Mrs. Pennington we need to talk about what we are going to do with you" I state. She looks confused. "What do you mean? You're not going to kill me are you" she asks worried. "No of course not. I don't want your blood on my hands" I tell her. She lets out a breath of relief.

"I could give you a choice. Either you go back to America and never tell anyone about this country, or stay here and work for me" I tell her. "I don't really have anyone to go back to anymore" she says. "What about your husband" I ask. "He died in a car crash a few days before that, I think you called it Ascuiago, kidnapped me" she tells me.

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Ascuiago is a demon. He's the one that kidnapped you. I don't know where he took you but you are safe now" I tell her. "So demons are real? What about angels" she asks. "Angels are real too" I answer. "Wow" she says. "Yeah, so anyway you want to stay and work for me right" I ask. She nods. "Good we could use another maid. I will have Bridget train you to do that and possibly my brother train you to fight" I state. "Fight? But why" she asks. "All the people who work here at the castle know how to fight in some way" I tell her. "Even my Grant" she asks. "Yes. My brother taught him. He wasn't too happy when he found out Grant was the one who broke my heart years ago but he taught him" I tell her. "He won't hurt me will he" She asks. "No he won't" I promise her. She nods. "While you're working here for me you are to call me Queen Clary and my husband King Jace" I instruct. "Yes Queen Clary" She says.

"Jackson" I say. He comes forward and says "Yes ma'am"? "Take mrs. Pennington to Bridget and tell her this is one of the new maids" I command. "Yes queen Clary" he says. He leads her away.

After a little while I get up and go find Jace. "Come on Clary" he says. He takes my hand and leads me up to the bedroom.

Jonathan POV

I am getting worried about Alice. It's not like her to miss half the day and our training sessions.

I find Charlotte in the hallway. I know Alice said Charlotte was one of her best friends so she might know where Alice is. "Charlotte" I say catching her attention. She looks at me. "Have you seen Alice" I ask. "No, sorry. The last time I saw her was at lunch then she went down to her room to get something and that's it" Charlotte informs me. "Okay thanks Charlotte" I thank her. She nods.

I go down to where her bedroom is. I open the door to her room and don't see her. "Alice" I call. "Jonathan" I hear in the distance. I hear banging too but I can't tell where it's coming from. "Alice" I call again. "Jonathan" I hear. It sounds panicked.

I follow the sound of her voice to the room next to hers. I go in and still don't see her. "Jonathan I'm in here" I hear her voice better now. The door is locked. I use an unlocking rune and unlock the door. I open it and she falls out of what is the closet. She wraps her arms around me. "Don't let me go" she says. "I won't" I tell her. I pet the back of her head. "Alice why were you in a closet" I ask. She starts crying. "Shh it's okay" I say. I go sit on the bed. She keeps holding on to me. "I-it was gr-grant. H-he said he was go-going to take me and make me h-his after he gets back from din-dinner" she says still crying. I rub her back trying to calm her down.

After a while she finally calms down enough for me to talk to her. "How about I take you to my room and I will have someone bring you some dinner. You can stay in there with me" I suggest. She sniffs and nods. "Don't let him get me" she says. "I won't" I tell her. I stand up and hold out my hand. She takes it.

We both walk to my bedroom. "Now, I'm going to go get you something to eat for dinner and you can wait here for me. If it makes you feel better you can lock the door. I have my stele with me so I can just unlock it" I say. "Don't leave me. I'm scared he is going to take me" she says worried. She starts shaking. "Hey hey look at me. It's alright Alice. I won't let him hurt or take you. I promise. I won't be gone long. Just lock the door. Only I will be able to unlock the door since I have a stele. That's how you know it will be me. It's alright darlin' he won't hurt you" I tell her trying to reassure her. She nods.

I go out of the room and down to the kitchen. "I need you to make me a plate. I know the other servants and workers are eating now. I need you to make a plate for me though" I tell them. They get to work on making a plate for Alice.

Once it's filled up with all kids of food I take it from them and bring it up to Alice. When I get to the bedroom I take my stele out of my pocket and unlock the door. I see her sitting on the bed. I give her the plate. She eats the food.

Bear jumps on the bed and lays down. I pull the sheets back and lay down. When she finishes the food she sets the empty plate on the dresser. Alice gets in beside me and lays her head on my chest.

We lay here like this for a while.

I hear a banging on my bedroom door. Alice jumps. "It's him. Don't let him get me" she says quietly but not quite a whisper. "I won't don't worry. Just stay right here" I tell her. She nods. I hear more banging on my door.

I get out of the bed and go to the door. "What in the angels name do you want" I ask when I open the door. "Have you seen Alice" Grant asks me. "Why" I ask. "Because she is not where I left her and she will be mine before she ever becomes yours" Grant says trying to have authority in his voice. "She is not yours and she never will be. You leave Alice alone" I tell him. "She's in here isn't she" he says and tries to get by me.

He sees her on the bed and goes for her. "No" she yells and scoots back on the bed. He keeps a strong hold on her. "Take your hands off of her" I say trying to get his hands off of Alice. He keeps a hold on her.

I punch him and he lets go of her. She grabs onto me and cries. "Leave" I command. "You can't tell me what to do" he says. "You want me to go get Clary and jace. If apparently I can't tell you what to do they can" I say. He doesn't move. I go over to Alice. I bend down and whisper in her ear. "Go and lock yourself in the bathroom. I will be right back. I promise he won't be able to hurt you in there" I whisper. She nods and runs in the bathroom. "I will be back" I tell him.

I leave my bedroom and go up to Clary and Jaces room. "I hate your ex boyfriend Clary" I say as I enter the room. They both jump away from each other. "Not that I don't agree with you, but why do you hate him" jace asks. "He won't leave Alice alone. He said he was going to make her his. First he locks her in his closet and I take her to my bedroom and he comes for her there and tries to manhandle her. Dispite what he wants Alice is a person, not a thing to be taken or given" I tell them.

"That's it" Jace says and stands up. "What are you going to do" Clary asks. "I'm giving him to josten. He can figure out what to do with him for a month maybe longer" Jace says. "Jace no" Clary says. "Clary I'm tired of him doing this. He can't just have any girl he wants. He broke your heart for another girl and now he is after Alice. I can't just let him do this" Jace says. Clary nods. "Where are they" Jace asks. "My room" I tell them. "What?! You left them together alone" Clary asks freaking out. "No of course not. I told Alice to lock herself in my bathroom since he won't be able to get in there" I tell them. They nod. "Lets go on down there and fix this" Jace says.

The three of us go down to my room. "Grant Pennington" Jace says. Grant backs away from the bathroom door. "You leave Alice alone" he says.

Clary goes to the bathroom door. She knocks. "Alice? It's Clary. Can I come in" she asks gently. The door opens slightly and Clary disappears in the bathroom.

"Grant you have hurt enough girls. You can't just have any girl you want. I wish I didn't have to do this. I am sentencing you to a month in Jostens prison" Jace tells him. "No" Grant says quietly looking scared. "Yes. You stepped over the line this time" jace says. He looks scared. We all know Josten could probably do some bad things if Clary and Jace give him the permission to. I think they just did. "Come with me" Jace commands and leads Grant out of my room.

A few minutes later the bathroom door opens and Alice and Clary come out. Alice runs to me and wraps her arms around me.

"He won't bother you anymore Alice. We promise. Jace is taking care of him right now" Clary tells her. Alice nods and holds onto me. "You can take an easy day tomorrow and not have to work. We can find someone else to do that" Clary tells her. Alice nods again. "Have you had dinner Alice" she asks. "Yes ma'am" Alice answers. "Okay good. I'm going to go now. Let me know if either of you need anything" Clary says. "Okay thanks" I say. She nods and leaves the room.

I get in the bed and Alice does too. "What's going to happen now" Alice asks. "Jace is taking care of him. Don't worry about anything you're safe now darlin'" I tell her. She closes her eyes and eventually falls asleep on my arm. I want to move it but I don't want to wake her up. I lay be head down beside her and fall asleep too.

Clary POV

Jace finally comes back up to our room. But he flies up and lands on the balcony. I open the door and he comes in. "Now where were we before your brother came in" jace says and tries to kiss me. I turn away. "Moment is over" I tell him. He pouts. "I've got to go cut my hair and you do whatever" I tell him. "Don't cut it. I like it like that" he says. "I know you do but it's too long. It needs to be cut badly" I tell him.

I go into the bathroom before he can protest. I leave the door open but stay in the bathroom. I look through the drawers 'till I find a pair of scissors. I size my hair up to my collarbone and I cut. I've been doing this for years so I know how to cut my own hair and it look okay. I cut it again and again. Finally when I finish I sweep up my mess and throw it all away. It feels to much lighter now.

"How long have you been cutting your own hair" Jace asks. "Years. Mom didn't care if I did it. It saved her money so she didn't care" I tell him. He nodded.

I climb into the bed and lay down with jace. "She's really gone now isn't she" I say. "Yeah she's gone. She's not dead. Remember that. She's just not here" he says. "I know, I don't like it though. I don't like not having her here with us" I say. "I know Clary. I don't either" he says. "I trust Travis and Stephanie. I know they will take care of her" I say. "Me too. We will being her home as soon as we can okay" jace says. "Okay" I say and yawn. "Go to bed love. You're tired. It's been a long day" he tells me. I close my eyes and eventually fall asleep.

What do you guys think of the chapter?

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I need help guys. I need ideas. I know where I want this story to go but I need filler chapters. If you have any ideas for me for filler chapters I'd be glad to hear them. Thanks guys.

If you want a character in this book let me know and I will do what I can. I need to know his/her name and if she's a downworlder or shadowhunter.

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