Better together (a clace fan...

By little_squirrel_234

39.7K 1.5K 479

Jace mysteriously is found dead at the entrance to the institute. Clary is so upset. What happens when he mys... More

This cant be happening
Feeling better
First day back to school
The institute
The day it happened
The greenhouse
The fashion show
A big suprise
The calls
A very busy day
The trip
Telling everyone
Girls night
A day with jace
Leaving for Italy
Prank wars
The next day
Dreams and Promises
Moving day
The note
Feeling sick
I hate the flu
Where am I?
I need you
The rescue
What do I do?
a new friend
Some huge news and of course
Dress shopping
The beach
A day at the beach
Clary's day
A wedding problem
The wedding
The honeymoon
Herondale manor
Back to New York
He wants me back?
The castle
Coronation day
The missing cup and sword
The faerie court
Telling some big news
The letters
Whats it gonna be?
Shadowhunter academy
Picking out the nursery
Please jem?
Who did this?
2 days
Running out of time
I'm coming Clary
A sleeping clary
Waking up
Going Back to New York
A disney marathon!
She's coming
The bet
A surprise
New and old aquaintances
The truth comes out
A werewolf problem
Poor Wolves
A wolf prison
The auction
A plan
A visitor
The interview and photo shoot
The Jace Journal
Going back to the castle
In the begining
Logans birthday
Ascension Day
Looking for clary
Lightwood family dinner
Sneak peak
Protect her
Graces announcement party
Grace leaves
It hurts
The dinner
The horse show
News from mom
The questioning
Queen for a day
The beach
Donuts and birthday presents
Sorry guys
Alices birthday
Going home
Isabelle and Simons wedding
Sorry guys
King for a day
Jace gets sick
Jaces Birthday
A declaration
I need an answer
Telling the family
a few days before the wedding
Jonathan and alices wedding
Good news and bad news
Coming home
Bad news
Grace meets family
Bad news
Graces return party
Neice or nephew?
Los angeles
Seeing family again
Meeting with Aubrey
Meeting with the king and queen
Dont hate me please
What to do?
Shoping with ash
Gender reveal
Christmas eve
Jaces turn
Meeting with a verlac
Doctors visits and shopping trips
The day before
Home again
A break in
Hawaii pt. 1
Hawaii part 2
Alice leaves

Go home!

170 6 1
By little_squirrel_234

This chapter is dedicated to Sam_The_Moose_2021. You wanted this to happen so here you go

We have been back home at our castle for two weeks now. It's nice. Chrissie is happy we are home but it is taking some time adjusting to having a baby here and two new dogs.
   "Clary I did it, or at least I think I did" jace says.

I am brought out of my thoughts and I look up from my spot on the couch in the office at him. "What exactly did you do" I ask. "I figured out how to get rid of this stupid curfew the clave put up, I just need you to sign this" jace says holding out a piece of paper. "And what exactly am I signing" I ask. "The paper to end it" he says. "I get that but what does it say" I ask. "Is basically saying that we are ending the curfew the clave put up that won't let the people of Idris be outside of their houses past 7:30. They are now allowed to come out at any time. Night or day it doesn't matter. All guards who were sent out to any part of Idris to make sure the curfew is kept is to come back here immediately and we will reassign them. It just uses a bunch of big words and other stuff" he says. "Okay give me the paper" I say and go over to the desk. I sign on the second line. Jace signed the first line.

"I'm glad you figured out how to fix this" I say. "Me too" he says.

We hear a knock on the door. I open it. Jackson is at the door. "I am sorry to bother you but there is someone the guards caught at the border and took him into custody. He has been demanding to see who is in charge" Jackson says. "Thank you Jackson we will take care of it. Have the guards bring the person in the throne room in about 20 minutes" I say. "Yes ma'am" he says and leaves. I close the door.

"I will take care of it" I say. "Are you sure" he asks. "Yeah. Go ahead and do whatever you want. I will call you if I need you" I say. "Okay if you're sure" he says. "I'm sure. I'm going to go find Alice and then I'm going to go pick out a dress. I want this guy to know who he's talking to" I say. "Go ahead" he says.

I look around the castle till I find Alice. She's in the dining hall. "Alice" I say. She looks up at me. "Yes ma'am" she asks. "I have something I have to do and I need my crown" I say. "Yes ma'am. Which one do you want" she asks. "My new one please. Can you bring it to the throne room. I will be there in about 5-10 minuets" I ask. "Yes ma'am" she says. "Where is bear" I ask. "Probably with Jonathan" she answers. "Where is Jonathan" I ask. "The last time I saw him he was in his room" she tells me. "Okay I will check there, thanks" I say. "Of course" Alice says.

  I head over to Jonathan's room. I open the door and see him sitting on his bed petting bear with one hand and holding a book in the other. "Well Thanks for knocking" he says sarcastically. "You're welcome. I need bear" I say. Bear perks his head up when I say his name. "Why" Jonathan asks. "I've got to talk to someone who crossed our border who is not supposed to and I need bear since he is big and looks scary" I say. "But bear isn't scary" Jonathan says. "Not now but he looks scary. I have to go change but I will come back for bear" I say. "Okay" he says. (No joke, I have the same type of dog as bear and people think he is scary but I don't think he is. He is just a big baby)

I leave his room and go up to mine but I check on Grace first. She's still taking her nap peacefully. Cookie is laying on he floor by her crib. I go on upstairs. I look through my closet for a dress to wear. I decide on a long orange dress that goes over only one shoulder. It makes my hair look brighter too. It takes a minute with the zipper but I get it. I put on some flats even though you can't see my feet I still put shoes on.

    I walk down the stairs and go into Jonathan's room. "Nice dress" he says. "Thanks. It's new. I came for bear" I say. Bear is too heavy now since he has grown so I can't pick him up. "Come on bear" I say. He gets off the bed and comes to me. "Thanks I will bring him back to you when we are done" I say. "Okay" Jonathan says. Jonathan and bear have gotten close.

Bear walks beside me and the two of us go to the throne room. I sit down. Bear looks at me. I make him stand to my left side. "Sit bear" I say. He obeys like a good boy. He is now facing whoever will be in front of me.

Alice walks in. "Oh I like that dress. It's pretty. Here's your crown" she says. "Thank you Alice. You can go. I don't think I will need you" I say. "Yes ma'am" she says and leaves the room.

   I wait here for a little while. The guards walk in they push a man in. His head is down. He has his hands tied with a rope. The guards back up and stand against the wall.

"Who are you" I ask. The man looks up.

I feel my breath get caught in my throat. I never thought I would ever see him again.

It's Grant. He has a split lip but other than that he looks fine.

"What are you doing here Grant" I ask. "I've been looking for you Clary. I tracked your phone. It brought me here but as soon as I got wherever here is my phone stopped working" he tells me. His voice is raspy. It's like it's been worn out some.

"How do you think he possibly got in Idris" I ask looking at the guards. "We are not entirely sure ma'am. We are thinking there is something wrong with the spell to keep mundanes from entering" one of them says. "Well when we are done here you better go fix them. We can't have mundanes come into Idris without permission" I say. "Yes ma'am" they say.

"Grant Pennington I'm only going to tell you once, go home and never tell anyone about what you see here" I tell him. "But Clary I cant" he says. "Why not" I ask. "Because I have nowhere else to go" he says. "Why not" I ask. "I just... I can't" he says. It looks painful for him to say so I don't push it on any further. "Please don't make me go back. Please? I will do anything" he begs.

  "I have a question" he asks. "What is it" I ask. "Well actually many but here are some, why are you dressed like that? Why are you on a throne" he asks. "Because I am a queen you idjit. This is my throne and my crown" I say. "Oh. Where is this so called husband of yours" he asks. "King jace is somewhere else in the castle. I told him I would take care of this" I say putting the emphasis on king so he can get the point that Jace and I are now royalty. "Oh" he says.

  "Well since you are staying here you will now address me and Jace as Queen Clary and King Jace" I say. He nods.

"I will give you a choice but I won't tell you what they are. Whatever you choose is what job you will have here. Pick a number one or two" I say. It's quiet for a few minutes. "Number two" he says. "Good we can always use more servants" I say. His eyes get big. "Can one of you please go get Alice" I ask and one of the guards leaves the room.

He comes back with Alice following behind. "Alice I need you to train someone please. This is Grant Pennington, he's a new servant" I say. "Yes ma'am. Follow me" she says to him and leads Grant out of the room.

"Did he have anything with him when you found him" I ask the guards. "He had a backpack with him. We searched through it when we caught him" one of them says. "What was in it" I ask. "There was some clothes, food, and a mundane weapon" he says. "What was the weapon" I ask. "A gun" he says. How did Grant get a gun? "What did you do with it" I ask. "We took it and burned it" he says. "Good. I'm glad. You can go. I want those spells fixed ASAP" I say. They nod and leave without another word.

"Good boy bear. Lets get you back to Jonathan" I stay. He stands up and wags his short nubby little tail. Its cute. I stand up and we both go to find Jonathan.

When we find him he hasn't left his bed. Bear walks in and goes back to his spot against Jonathan. "How did it go" he asks. "It was fine. Alice is training him to be a servant now" I say. "Who is it" Jonathan asks. "Its a mundane who wandered in. The spell to keep mundanes out faltered and he got in" I tell him. I am not telling him that it is my ex-boyfriend who is here. Jonathan could probably hurt Grant if he wanted. "That's not good" Jonathan says. "No. I am sending someone to get the spell fixed and back up" I say. "Good we don't need any more mundanes coming into the country" he says. "I know" I say.

I hear Grace start crying. "I will go get her if you want to change" Jonathan says. "Okay thanks" I say. "Sure" he says.

I go on up the stairs and he goes into Graces room. I go into the closet and find something more comfortable clothes. I put on some jeans and a grey t-shirt, leather jacket, and some converse on.

I head downstairs and check on Grace. "She just needs her diaper changed. I don't want to do it wrong so I will let you do it" Jonathan says. He hands me Grace. "Okay I've got her. You can go back to bear now" I say. "Okay" Jonathan says happy and leaves to go back to his room. I'm glad that his room is just a few doors down from hers so if me and jace don't hear her he might.

I set her on her little changing table and change her diaper. I hear her sigh like she's happy to have a clean diaper.

I'm telling you this baby who's already a month old has so much attitude and personality I never thought it was even possible. People in the castle love her when they get to be with her. She certainly entertains people when she is awake. She is so much like Jace already. I pick her up and walk with her out of her nursery and around the castle.

   Alice comes up to me. "Do you know where Jonathan is" she asks me. "In his room" I say. "Thanks. Hey you know how all the servants and people work here who how to fight somewhat" she asks. "Yeah" I say. "Can I ask Jonathan to train Grant some" she asks. "Yeah That sounds like a good idea" I say. "Okay thanks I will go find him now" she says. "Okay. Hey where is Grant" I ask. "I told him he could walk around and learn his way around" she says. "Okay that's fine. He will need to know his way around" I say. She nods and heads down the way I just came to go find Jonathan.

I keep walking around. I see something that could possibly end bad.

Grant is about 30 feet away from jace. I walk closer and I can see jace glaring at Grant. Grace reaches for jace when she sees her daddy. His eyes soften when he sees her and takes her from me.

"Clary why and how is he here" jace asks through gritted teeth. "Come on I need to talk to you" I say. Grace lays her head on jaces shoulder.

I start walking down the hall castle to the music room. I close the door behind us.

"First know I'm not excited that he's here or even happy about it" I say. He doesn't say anything so I continue. "Grant was the one who had crossed the border into the country without permission" I say. "And you just let him stay" jace asks furious. He hates that grant is here. "Not at first. I told him to leave. He practically begged me to let him stay saying that he had no where else to go" I tell jace."You didnt ask why" he asks. "No because by the look on his face I knew He probably would not want to tell me" I say. "Well what is he doing here then" Jace asks. "I gave him two numbers to pick option one or two. I never told him what the numbers choices were. Number one was for him to be trained and to become a guard. If he chose number two he would be a servant" I say. "What did he choose" Jace asks."He chose option two not knowing what he would be doing. Alice is going to be training him in the whole servant part and Jonathan is training him in the fighting area since everyone who works here knows how to use some kind of weapon or a way to defend themselves" I say. "Does Jonathan know that this is your ex boyfriend he has heard about" Jace asks. "No, I dont even think Alice knows" I say. "Lets see if Grant survives this if Jonathan ever find out" Jace says. "We'll see" I say.

Grace starts making noise. "You hungry little one" Jace asks. She keeps making the noise. Her stomach growls. "I will go down to the kitchen and get her a bottle" I tell him. "Okay I will stay in here so you know how to find us" jace says. I nod and leave them in the music room.

I go down to the basement of the castle and into the kitchen. "Yes ma'am" one of the cooks asks me. "Oh, I just need to get a bottle for Grace then I will get out of your way" I say. "I can do it for you" he says. He starts getting out the stuff for Graces bottle. I remember Logan coming in a month. "I have someone coming in a month. Don't worry it's just one person not like when we left. He is coming on his birthday just to spend the night. Can you maybe make a cake for his birthday? It doesn't need to be big. He's going to be three years old so he doesn't need something really big" I say. "We can do that. You said next month" one of the cooks asks. "Yes. He is coming on March 25th" I say. "Okay we can do that" he says. "Thank you" I say. The microwave goes off and I am given the bottle. "Thank you" I say and leave the kitchen.

  I go back up to the music room. Jace is sitting on the piano bench with Grace still in his arms. "Here, she will probably want you to feed her" I say and hand Jace her bottle. She takes the bottle happily. She drinks it all. She leans in to Jace when he takes it away from her once its empty. I can tell she is happy right where she is at the moment.

"She is a month old now" I say. "I know," Jace says smiling down at her. "When do you think we should introduce her to the shadow world" I ask. "We should probably give her some more time. I mean she is still probably getting used to everyone around here" he says. "Yeah I guess so. Lets just give her a couple more months. Maybe at 5 months old you think" I ask. "I think so, that way she could be old enough to do some more things by herself like sit up, or something, I don't really know anything about babies" Jace says. "I know you don't" I say.

  Grace falls asleep not long after. Jace takes her over to her room and sets her in her bed. We go up to our room and sit on one of the couches. I curl up against him.

"I sent someone out to go make sure the people in Alicante and Idris know the curfew is over and that the guards need to come back" Jace says. "They will be glad its over. We need to set the people who got put in the prison because of the curfew free " I say. "Yeah but not right now, I'm happy like this right now" Jace says and wraps his arms around me. "Oh I'm sure. We can do it later after dinner" I say. He leans his head down and kisses the top of my head.

We sit here like this for a few more minutes.

  "Lets go down to dinner" I say. "Okay" Jace says. "You want to read some of harry potter tonight? We haven't read any since we got back from New York" I say. "Okay I guess so" Jace says. Something must be off. He is usually excited like a little kid when I mention reading the book. Maybe he is just not into it anymore. "I mean we dont have to" I say. "Whatever you want clary" he says. So I guess that means he doesn't want to. I don't know why but whatever.

  When we get to dinner Jonathan is already down here. Chrissie, Cookie, and bear are eating there food in their bowls. "Where is Grace" Jonathan asks. "Sleeping" I tell him. I start filling my plate. I start eating. "Alice asked me to train the new servant some. Am I supposed to do that" Jonathan asks. "If you want. You don't have to we can get someone else" I say. "Yeah I can" he says. We both keep eating.

I'm not that hungry. I excuse myself and leave the dining room while jace and Jonathan are talking.

  I hear Grace start crying. I go into her nursery. I pick her up. "It's okay baby. It's okay. I'm going to take care of you" I say. I sit down in her rocking chair and rock her slowly. She eventually quits crying and looks up at me with her sweet innocent blue eyes. I hold her close to me. "I love you Grace" I say and kiss her little head. She may not knowing what is going on at this age but I will keep her safe no matter what.

She falls back asleep eventually. I look at the small clock I got for her room. It says 9:45. I put her in her crib and close the door to her nursery.

I head upstairs to my bedroom. I change into some pajamas. I put on a pair of snoopy pajamas I got one day when we were in New York. Jace usually comes up around this time.

Since jace didn't want to read tonight I will just read for myself. I know what happens but I still love these books.

I open the book and start reading. Halfway through the chapter jace comes in. "Where were you at dinner" he asks. I look up from the book. "I wasn't that hungry so I left. No one seemed to notice or care. When I was in the hall Grace started crying. I went into the nursery and took care of her" I say. "Why are you reading without me" he asks. Geez why is he interrogating me? "Because you said you didn't want to when I suggested it so I just went ahead" I answer him. "But-" he says. "I know where we were. We can just go back to that spot whenever you want to start back reading it again. I get it you just didn't want to read some tonight, it's fine" I say. Jace doesn't say anything after that. He goes into the closet and closes the door behind him. More like slam it. I don't know what is going on with him. He comes out and slams the door behind him when he goes into the bathroom. I just ignore him and go back to reading.

He comes back and just sits beside me on the bed. I read two chapters the close it. "Are you Okay jace" I ask. "I'm fine. Don't worry about it" he says.

But I know he's not fine. Or else he wouldn't be acting this way. I wish I had that rune on his arm. That way I could read his mind and see what's really going on. But I know he would never let me do that right now. Jace is not a feelings person. He doesn't tell people what's going on. When something is wrong he shuts down and blocks people out. The only one I know that could really get him to talk would be Alec. I won't get Alec yet. I want to see if jace opens up first.

I set the book on my nightstand and lay down. Jace does too. I never feel like I usually do when I go to sleep though. Usually right after I lay down he pulls me against him and I feel safe and loved in his arms or he wraps his wings around me. But he doesn't do that tonight. He turns the other way. I wrap my hand around my necklace and fall asleep.

Hey guys! Hope you like the chapter. Feel free to vote and comment. What do you think about Grant coming back?
Do you think Jonathan will ever figure it out Clary dated Grant?
Do you think something is wrong with Jace?
Let me know what you think.
I'm always up for requests.

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