Better together (a clace fan...

By little_squirrel_234

39.7K 1.5K 479

Jace mysteriously is found dead at the entrance to the institute. Clary is so upset. What happens when he mys... More

This cant be happening
Feeling better
First day back to school
The institute
The day it happened
The greenhouse
The fashion show
A big suprise
The calls
A very busy day
The trip
Telling everyone
Girls night
A day with jace
Leaving for Italy
Prank wars
The next day
Dreams and Promises
Moving day
The note
Feeling sick
I hate the flu
Where am I?
I need you
The rescue
What do I do?
a new friend
Some huge news and of course
Dress shopping
The beach
A day at the beach
Clary's day
A wedding problem
The wedding
The honeymoon
Herondale manor
Back to New York
He wants me back?
The castle
Coronation day
The missing cup and sword
The faerie court
Telling some big news
The letters
Whats it gonna be?
Shadowhunter academy
Picking out the nursery
Please jem?
Who did this?
2 days
Running out of time
I'm coming Clary
A sleeping clary
Waking up
Going Back to New York
A disney marathon!
She's coming
The bet
A surprise
New and old aquaintances
The truth comes out
A werewolf problem
Poor Wolves
A wolf prison
The auction
A plan
A visitor
The interview and photo shoot
Going back to the castle
In the begining
Go home!
Logans birthday
Ascension Day
Looking for clary
Lightwood family dinner
Sneak peak
Protect her
Graces announcement party
Grace leaves
It hurts
The dinner
The horse show
News from mom
The questioning
Queen for a day
The beach
Donuts and birthday presents
Sorry guys
Alices birthday
Going home
Isabelle and Simons wedding
Sorry guys
King for a day
Jace gets sick
Jaces Birthday
A declaration
I need an answer
Telling the family
a few days before the wedding
Jonathan and alices wedding
Good news and bad news
Coming home
Bad news
Grace meets family
Bad news
Graces return party
Neice or nephew?
Los angeles
Seeing family again
Meeting with Aubrey
Meeting with the king and queen
Dont hate me please
What to do?
Shoping with ash
Gender reveal
Christmas eve
Jaces turn
Meeting with a verlac
Doctors visits and shopping trips
The day before
Home again
A break in
Hawaii pt. 1
Hawaii part 2
Alice leaves

The Jace Journal

240 6 2
By little_squirrel_234

                   When I wake up I am still in jaces arms but my hands are holding feathers. I let them go and look over. He is still asleep so I just lay here. I turn over so that I am facing him. I lean in a little and just lay here.

              A few minutes later Grace starts making some noise. I wiggle out of his arms and go get her. I pick her up. I walk her around the room.

                I hear Jace start to wake up. "How long have you been up" he asks. "Not too long. You want to go down and get some breakfast" I ask. "Yeah" he says. I change Graces diaper and the three of us head on down to the kitchen.

                 When we get down here mom is making chocolate chip muffins. Jace grabs a muffin and I look through the cabinets for Graces bottle and formula and start making it. "So Jonathan told me you guys are leaving tomorrow" mom says. "Yeah we are" I say. "Why" she asks. "The clave has messed up big time and we have to go back early to fix their mess" Jace says. "Makes sense" mom says.

                   Jonathan walks in. "How did last night go" he asks. "It was good I have some pictures on my phone since I know you wanted to see. Some should be up on the website around noon" I say. "Let me see" he says. "My phone is upstairs if you want to go get it" I say. He leaves the kitchen probably to go get my phone. Graces bottle finishes heating up and I take it out of the microwave and feed her.

                               As soon as she is done with her bottle Jonathan comes back down. He hands me my phone. I enter the password and go to the pictures from last night. I hand the phone back to him and he goes through all of them. "Wow these are really good" he says. "Thanks" I say and put my phone in my pocket. "What happened yesterday" Mom asks. "I had an interview yesterday morning because apparently people had been wondering about me since I had quit my job. I didn't tell them really what was going on because mundanes cant really know about the shadow world. I just kinda made some stuff up. The story and some pictures from last night will be put up on the sherri hill website sometime today they told me" I tell mom. "So were the pictures like the ones from the other photo shoots in the past" she asks. "Yeah pretty much but this one lasted a while" I say. "Yeah we were there till like 9:00 and then we went to takis but stayed there for a while" Jace says. "You were there too" mom asks. "Yeah they wanted me there too" he answers. "Lets see the pictures" she says. I open up my phone and show mom the pictures. "These are really good" she says and hands me back my phone. "I like how they put some of the pictures of you two together together" she says. "Yeah" I say. I grab a muffin and start eating it. Everyone starts coming in a little while later.

                           My phone starts ringing and I see its Tessa. I answer it. "Hey Tessa" I greet. "Hey clary. I heard from your mom who heard from your brother that you guys were leaving tomorrow" Tessa says. "Yeah we are. We have to cut our trip a little short" I say. "I'm sorry to hear that. If you don't mind I will bring Logan over soon. He will want to see you before you leave" she says. "Yeah of course" I say. "Good we will come over in a few hours" she says. "Okay that's fine I will see you then" I say. "Okay bye clary" Tessa says. "Bye Tessa" I say. I hang up and eat another muffin. "Tessa, Jem, and Logan will be here in a few hours" I tell everyone.

                   After we all eat we all take an easy day and sit in the library. Some of us will need it come tomorrow. Cookie and bear come push the door open and come walking in. They see Simon and growl some at him. Cookie comes and sits in front of me and Grace like she is trying to protect her. "What is with those dogs? They hate me or something" Simon says. "They don't hate you, they just don't know you like they know us" I say. "That, and cookie is protective of Grace" Alec says. "That's true too" Jace says. Bear jumps up in Jonathans lap and curls up.

                     Maryse comes in and sits at her desk and starts doing something. "Clary does your mom know what you told me last night" Jace asks. "About my you know what" I ask meaning my paycheck. He nods. "No. No one knows except me, my old boss, and you" I say. "Know what" Magnus asks. "How much my paycheck was when I was working" I say. "I bet it was a lot" Alec says. "Yeah clary I bet it was a bunch of money considering you were like super famous" Izzy says. "How much was it" Alice asks. "How much did I get paid a month or a year" I ask. "A month, since I know its still going to be a lot" alec says. "Well I got paid every month and I got paid 66,000 dollars" I say. "That's what almost 800 grand a year" Alice says shocked. "Yeah" I say. "Holy cow clary, no wonder you had that nice house" Isabelle says. "And could buy those cars" Alec says. "How many cars do you have" Alice asks. "Technically three. But ones Izzy's and ones Jaces" I say.

                Tessa, jem and Logan get here soon. When Logan sees me he runs up to me as fast as his little legs can take him. "Hi clary" he says. "Hi Logan" I say to him. He climbs up onto the couch and sits beside me. "Clary why you have to leave" he asks. "I just do. I will have you over at the castle soon" I tell him. "Clary don't go. I don't want you to. I will miss you" he whines. "I know buddy, but I have to" I say. He pouts.

                      Grace starts to stink and I leave everyone in the library to go change Graces diaper. I take her upstairs to our room and I change her diaper. "Is that better baby" I ask. I tickle her tummy and she giggles. I pick her back up and we go back downstairs and join the others.

                          I get back in the library and go back to my spot between Jace and Logan. "Logan when is your birthday" I ask. "March 25th" he says. "What if for your birthday I let you come to the castle and spend the night" I ask. "Yay" he says excited. "I know its not for another two months but at least you can have something to look forward too" I say. "Yay" he says again excited. "Ask long as it's okay with your momma and daddy" I say. "Can I daddy pwease" he asks. "Yes baby. You can go to see Clary. As long as it's okay with you Tess" Jem says. "Yeah I guess so" Tessa says. "Why did you ask your daddy and not momma" I ask quietly in his ear. He leans up and whispers "because I know daddy will let me come" in my ear. He's a smart little 2 year old I will give him that. He knows who to ask to get what he wants.

                     I look around me and I see a cabinet under the stairs that would be behind where the portal used to be. "Maryse, whats that" I ask. "Just some of Hodges stuff that he had here, so nothing important" she says without looking up. "What all is in it" I ask. "Don't know, never looked" she says still not looking up from what she's doing. I go over to the cabinets and try and open them. They are locked. I am even more curious now as to what Hodge could have in that cabinet now. "Clary just leave the cabinet alone, i'm sure its nothing" mom says. "I want to know what is in here now that I know its locked" I say. "Maryse, is there a key" I ask. "There is a drawer in this desk but I've never been able to get the drawer open" she says. I can't help the curiosity that has built inside of me.

                        Grace reaches for Alec and I hand her to him and I leave the library. I go upstairs and grab my stele off the dresser and return back downstairs. I go up to the cabinet and use an unlocking rune. The cabinet opens. It's filled with tons of books and old stuff. One thing catches my eye. A big brown leather journal. I take it from the shelf it's on and see a symbol. I can't tell what it is since it's covered in dust. I take it along with other books. I take them back to where everyone is and I set it on the coffee table in the center of us. "It's just a bunch of old books covered in dust" Tessa says. I flip through some of them. There's nothing interesting about them.

                                I pick up the leather one. I blow the dust off of it. I realize what the symbol is now that the dust is off. Its the Herondale family symbol. I set it on the table so everyone can see it. "It must be yours Jace" Alec says. "I've never seen that in my life" Jace says. "Well it must be yours it's got your family symbol on it" Isabelle says. It's got a lock on it so no one gets into it when they are not supposed to. I pick it up and try an unlocking rune. It doesn't work. "That's weird that an unlocking rune didn't work especially for you Clary" Magnus says. "I know" I say. I'm surprised too. (A/N picture the journal above but with the Herondale symbol on the lock)

                           Grace starts getting fussy and I take her from Alec and up to our bedroom. I set her down for her nap. "Take a nap baby an I will be back up to get you in a little while" I tell her.

                          I go back down to the library. I can tell everyone is getting curious about what is in this journal too. Jace picks it up and the lock opens. We all look at him. He shrugs. "Well open it" Alec says. Jace does. The first journal entry says January 18th. "Read it" Isabelle asks.

                    "January 18th 1991. Valentine and I have been watching Celine for a while now. She has followed Valentines instructions and mixed the angels blood with her own food, unknowing what she is really doing. Stephen was murdered not long ago and we managed to cover it up so it looks like he died in a raid. The time has come for her to die" he reads. "It pauses there for a big space then keeps going. This is all Hodges handwriting" Jace says. "We have the child. He has been good so far but I can tell he is a fighter and will always be one. He tends to kick and likes to hit with his tiny hands a lot. It doesn't hurt but he still likes to do it. It's amazing he survived after his mother was murdered. Must be because of the extra angel blood" Jace reads and stops. "That's all it says for that date" he says.

                                                   "Well now we know when your birthday is Jace" Isabelle says. "Yeah I guess so" he says. "Wait I thought she died of suicide. Everyone did" mom says. No one says anything after that. I feel bad for Jace now. Finding out about his parents this way. I lay my head on his shoulder.

                             We all stay quiet then Isabelle leaves and a few minutes later I smell something burning. Izzy is cooking again. "I will go make sure she doesn't burn the institute down" Simon says and leaves.
                              Logan lays his head down in my lap. He looks cute like this. I start running my hand through his hair and pet his soft little head. He eventually falls asleep. "Clary I can already tell you will be a great mother when Grace gets a little older just by how you are with him" Jem says. I smile. I love Logan honestly. I hope that by the time he comes over we have already cleaned up the claves mess.

                        Isabelle comes back with Simon. She is carrying a bowl that I think was supposed to be soup but is a brown and chunky color. She sits down and starts eating it. "How are you possibly eating that" Jace asks. She just shrugs.

                              "Clary is the pictures and interview up" Isabelle asks. "I don't know. You can go get my laptop and bring it down and I will check" I say. She leaves again. When she comes back she has my laptop. I set it beside me since Logan is in my lap. I enter in my password and go to the Sherri Hill website. "Wow they even have a link to it" I say. I click it. "It's up Izzy" I say. "Ooh let me see" she says and grabs my laptop. "Oh I love the pictures" she says. She looks some more. "Hey me and Alec are in it" she says. "Yeah I made sure to mention you two" I say.

                          When she is done she passes my laptop back to me. Jace takes it from me and reads it. "I like Living in France even though we technically don't" Jace says. "We live in a secret country that no one will ever be able to find. We live in a castle. I don't think it really matters what country I tell people we live in" I say. There's wards on the border of Idris to keep mundanes out and if they manage to wonder in they will get sent somewhere else.

                                       "Jace read some more of the journal. I want to find out more about baby jace" Isabelle says. Jace glares at her. He hands the book to me. "You read it" he tells me. I take the book. I open to the next page.

                                  "This is valentines handwriting." I say. I start reading "February 18th. Baby Jonathan had been a good baby so far since we took him. He doesn't wake up every night but most nights. He manages to kick all the time and sometimes hit. He is certainly strong for a newborn. He will be a good fighter when I start to train him. And I am certainly planning on doing it early" I read. "It just stops there. But look Izzy" I say. Under the writing it's a picture of baby Jace. It's so cute.

                      I hand Izzy the book. "Aww he was so cute" she says. She passes it around. "Aww look at baby Jace" Tessa says when she sees it. Jace turns red not mad but embarrassed. I don't know why though because he was cute then and he is still cute now to me. Jace closes the book when he gets it back. He locks it. "Now no one gets to know what's in the book since I'm the only one who can open it" he says. "I want to see baby Jace" Maryse says. She didn't get to see the cute chubby baby. Jace opens the book and shows it to her. "Oh my gosh you were adorable" she says. Jace rolls his eyes and closes and locks the book again. "Am I not still cute now" he asks. "Yeah but babies are always cute" I say. "Well now we know why Grace is always kicking" mom says. "Yeah really" I say. "I wish we found this book earlier when we were making that video for the wedding" Tessa says. "Oh I know and we could have even tried to put baby Jace in there since we had baby clary" mom says.

                    "Hey you want to go fly" I ask Jace. I know he probably wants a break from everything and all of this. He looks at me surprised that I mentioned it. "Yeah I do actually. I've been wanting to do it for a while to stretch them out. You want to come" he asks me. Now I'm the one surprised. "Really" I ask. "Yeah. I mean you don't have to if you dont want to but I figured it would be fun to have you around" he says . "Yeah, it would be fun" I say. "Where were you thinking we should go" he asks. "What about the spot you took me after I went to tessas house. When we went on that date and you taught me how to ride a horse" I suggest. "I'd like that" he says.

                      "We will be back later guys. We are going somewhere for a little while but we will be back" Jace says. "Where are you two going" Jem asks. "You guys would have no idea, but it was after I spent the night at you guys' house" I say to Jem and Tessa. "Clary, you have spent the night at our house many times, which time are you talking about" tessa asks. "The first time now we will be back later so Grace should be okay till we get back but in case she wakes up just let Cookie or someone hold her" I tell them all and me and Jace leave the library.

                         We go out the back door of the training room and Jace picks me up. He lets his wings out and starts flying up in the air. It took us less time to get there flying than if we took a car. It took us only 10 minutes to get here. Jace drops down and lets me down. We both walk a little ways through the woods and he makes the wind blows the wines apart showing our pretty little hideout. He makes the waterfall start and we both sit down next to the pond. I set my phone beside me on the grass. He does the same.

                             "I'm sorry you had to find out about your parents this way" I say and lay my head on his shoulder. "I know. I'm glad that I know the truth now and don't have to just believe a lie" he says. "I know. When you saw them, you know when you died, were they happy" I ask. "In a way, yes" he says. We both just sit here in silence.

                           "I love how Grace took your stubborn fighter side" I say. "Me too" he says. "She really loves you ya know and she hasn't even been in this world that long" I say. "I love her too. I would do anything for her" he says. He looks at me. I move my head and look up at him. "Clary, I have a question" he says. "What is it" I ask. "Would you do what Lily did and die for your child if it came down to it" he asks. "Yes Jace. If it comes down to it I would. I hope it never does but I would If It does. I know if it came to it you would too" I say. I know he would, if he had to but I hope nothing ever happens and we don't have to. "Yeah, I figured you would. You have always been that selfless person that I love so much" he says. "Why because I grew up poor and living in two two bedroom apartments" I say. He wraps he in his arms and we just sit here quietly looking at our quiet peaceful waterfall.

                                "So I guess I have to get you something now that we all know when your birthday is even though it has passed" I say. "No, I don't want you to. This is perfect the way we are right now and Grace is the best present I could ever get" he says. "I'm glad we came here just us before we head home tomorrow" I say. "Me too. How do you think its going to be for Grace having to meet all those people" Jace asks. "I'm not sure. We cant leave her alone though since she is in a new place and has to get used to everyone and everything. We should probably wait a little while to introduce her to the other shadowhunters and downworlders" he says. "Yeah thats probably a good idea. We should wait a few months till we can clean up the claves big mess up
I say. "Yeah" he says. I set my phone beside me on the grass.

                       He bubbles up the water.  "Get in" he says. "In the water" I ask. "Yeah in the pond" he says. "But I dont have any swimsuit and I dont want to get my clothes wet" I say. "Come on clary, I will push you in if you dont get in" he says. "You push me you are going in with me" he says. The next thing I know is I am being pushed in the pond. Before I go all the way under I grab his ankle and he comes with me. Its a deep little pond. I surface and he comes up not long after. He starts laughing. I lunge and dunk him in the water. He pulls me under with him. We both resurface after that. I miss getting to be like this with him. It's fun. "You are drying me off when we get out of here" I say. He laughs and says "whatever you want love."

                          We swim for a little while then decide to get out. "That was actually fun" I say. "Yeah" he says. "Now dry me off" I say. He does. It takes a little while but I soon become dry. I put my phone back in my pocket. "What about you" I ask. "I will dry off when I am flying. I can take the scenic route back to the institute so I can make sure I am all dry" he says. I nod. "Can you put my phone in your pocket I don't want it to get wet" he says. "Yeah" I say and put his phone in my pocket.

                     He picks me up and we start flying back. But we take a trip all around New York and then we land back at the back of the institute. "I'm glad we did that" I tell him. "Me too" he says. He tucks his wings back in his extra layer of skin so no one can see them. He takes my hand and we walk back inside.

                          It smells good in here. I look at my phone and realize it's dinner time. "We stayed there till dinner time" I say to Jace. "Well good since I'm hungry" he says. We go in the kitchen. Maryse is making grilled cheese and soup. "Hey you two. Did you have fun wherever you went" she asks. "Yeah. That smells good Maryse" I say. "Thanks. I figured it would be an easy dinner. What kind of soup do you two want" she asks us. "Tomato" Jace says. "Either tomato or chicken noodle for me please" I say. "Alright. I will call you guys in when dinner is ready" she says. "Thanks" we say and leave the kitchen.

                      We go back in the library. I see Alec walking around holding Grace. In Graces hand is my stele. "Why does she have my stele" I ask. "She was getting fussy and wanted something to hold on to. She wouldn't hold my finger so I gave that to her" Alec says. "Well she's not fussy anymore so I guess it's okay as long as the point doesn't touch her skin because it will hurt her" I say.

                                       "Where did you go? I looked on find my iPhone since the three of us are on the same plan and Apple ID and it said you were in the middle of the woods" Jonathan asks. "Technically Yes we were in the middle of the woods" I say. "Luke is coming for dinner but we are leaving after that" mom says. "Okay" I say. "What time are you guys leaving tomorrow " Jem asks. "Probably noon" Jace says. "Can I stay with Clary tonight until tomorrow" Logan asks. "You don't have your pajamas here Logan. We will come back in the morning so we can say bye" Tessa says. "Hey mom, can me and Jace drive our cars to your house in the morning and drop them off and you just bring us back here" I ask. "Sure" she says.

                                       "Dinners ready" Maryse calls. We all go in the kitchen and get our food. Jace takes mine to the table for me while I make Graces bottle. When it's done I sit down and take her from Alec. She waves my stele around. "Here baby" I say and she drinks her bottle happily. Luke walks in. "Heyguys" he says. We both look at him. "Hey Luke" I say. "I talked to Maia. If you don't mind I'm going to get back with the pack again and be the alpha" he says. "Yeah of course" I say. "But to be alpha don't you have to kill the previous alpha" Jace asks. "Well Maia basically asked for me to take her place. I said I would. Maia is just going to be my beta" Luke says. "Sounds good enough for me" I say.

                                      I make the dogs their bowls and set it on the ground. We all eat dinner. Jonathan, mom and Luke leave not long after. Tessa, jem, and Logan do too. "Well I've got to go pack mine and graces stuff. We've got a busy day tomorrow" I say. "I'll go too. I need to pack my stuff up" Alice says and we leave the kitchen.

                                I go into my room and set Grace down in her bassinet. I text mom. I say 'hey mom can you please make sure Jonathan is all packed up for tomorrow since we will be there in the morning' and I send it. I start packing my stuff in my duffle bag. I pack Graces stuff in her bag too. I notice she still has my stele. I go over to her. When she sees me she waves it around like she's proud of it. "That's mommy's baby girl. You will get one of your own one day. Can I have mine back" I ask as I go for it. She hits me with it. "Ow. Give it" I say and try and get it from her. She hits me with it again. "Grace want me to get your daddy" I ask. She waves it around some more.

                  I leave the bedroom. I find jace, Alec, Isabelle and Maryse in the kitchen still. "Jace can you come help me with Grace please" I ask. "Yeah I'm coming" he says and follows me up to the bedroom. "I can't get her to give my stele back" I say. "Why not" he asks. "Watch" I say. We go back to Grace she squeals when she sees Jace. I try and get my stele back and she hits me multiple times with my own stele. Jace laughs. "It's not funny" I say. "Yes it is" he says. "Come on little girl" he says as he picks her up out of her bed. She squeals. "Can daddy have mommy's stele back please" he asks her. She gives it to him. "Thank you sweet baby" he says. He hands me my stele. "Now was that so hard" Jace mocks me. "Not for you which was why I got you" I say. He holds her and sits on the bed while I finish packing up Graces things except I leave out a diaper and a outfit for her for tomorrow. I manage to fit cookie and Bears stuff in my bag and some in Graces bag.

                     "You gonna pack for me too" he asks. "No" I say. "But I'm holding Grace. I can't do it holding her at the same time" he says. "I will hold her while you pack your stuff up" I say. I take Grace from him and take a seat on the bed. He packs up. "Now was that so hard" I mimic mock him. "Yes now lets go to bed. It's getting late and we will have a busy day tomorrow" he says. "Okay. You want to go somewhere for breakfast. I would say we could go to java jones but there not on the way to moms" I say. "Yeah sure" he says. I set Grace down in her bassinet and get in the bed. I go to bed soon after.

A/N: did you guys like the chapter? Comment and let me know what you think. Make sure to vote too. Let me know if you think I should do a chapter for Logans birthday or not.

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