Better together (a clace fan...

By little_squirrel_234

39.7K 1.5K 479

Jace mysteriously is found dead at the entrance to the institute. Clary is so upset. What happens when he mys... More

This cant be happening
Feeling better
First day back to school
The institute
The day it happened
The greenhouse
The fashion show
A big suprise
The calls
A very busy day
The trip
Telling everyone
Girls night
A day with jace
Leaving for Italy
Prank wars
The next day
Dreams and Promises
Moving day
The note
Feeling sick
I hate the flu
Where am I?
I need you
The rescue
What do I do?
a new friend
Some huge news and of course
Dress shopping
The beach
A day at the beach
Clary's day
A wedding problem
The wedding
The honeymoon
Herondale manor
Back to New York
He wants me back?
The castle
Coronation day
The missing cup and sword
The faerie court
Telling some big news
The letters
Whats it gonna be?
Shadowhunter academy
Picking out the nursery
Please jem?
Who did this?
2 days
Running out of time
I'm coming Clary
A sleeping clary
Waking up
Going Back to New York
A disney marathon!
She's coming
The bet
A surprise
New and old aquaintances
The truth comes out
A werewolf problem
Poor Wolves
A wolf prison
The auction
A visitor
The interview and photo shoot
The Jace Journal
Going back to the castle
In the begining
Go home!
Logans birthday
Ascension Day
Looking for clary
Lightwood family dinner
Sneak peak
Protect her
Graces announcement party
Grace leaves
It hurts
The dinner
The horse show
News from mom
The questioning
Queen for a day
The beach
Donuts and birthday presents
Sorry guys
Alices birthday
Going home
Isabelle and Simons wedding
Sorry guys
King for a day
Jace gets sick
Jaces Birthday
A declaration
I need an answer
Telling the family
a few days before the wedding
Jonathan and alices wedding
Good news and bad news
Coming home
Bad news
Grace meets family
Bad news
Graces return party
Neice or nephew?
Los angeles
Seeing family again
Meeting with Aubrey
Meeting with the king and queen
Dont hate me please
What to do?
Shoping with ash
Gender reveal
Christmas eve
Jaces turn
Meeting with a verlac
Doctors visits and shopping trips
The day before
Home again
A break in
Hawaii pt. 1
Hawaii part 2
Alice leaves

A plan

121 6 1
By little_squirrel_234

Simon's POV

"Hey boy" I hear someone call. I turn around and see a tall man maybe mid-fifties looking straight at me. I motion to myself like I'm asking if he is talking to me. He nods. I walk over. "Hey kid, you know all around the castle right," he asks. "I guess so," I say. "Well, you're a guard, right? I mean you are wearing a guard uniform" he says. It's true I am wearing a guards uniform. Josten says I am ready for the next ascension and is letting me help out here for right now.

The castle has been crazy. The day after Clary and Jace left the clave let themselves and some others stay at the castle. It has been chaotic since they left.

"I guess I am," I say to the man. "Good, So can you show me to the king and queens bedroom? I'm sure it's much nicer than any of the other bedrooms. Me and my wife want to move in there for the rest of the month" he says. "I can't sir," I say. "Why not," he asks. "Because I have an order to stay here and guard the front gates," I say. "Well, I am giving you a new order. Show me where the king and queens room is" he says. "I bet their bedroom is nice sir. The only problem is I don't know where it is exactly" I say. It's true, I don't know where their bedroom is. I also heard josten tell mike and Dave that they are guarding the king and queens room today so it might be a little harder getting in there than this man thinks it will be.

He grabs my arm and pulls me inside. "I gave you an older boy. I expect you to follow it. Now go show me where their bedroom is" he snarls. "My name is not boy and I told you, I don't know where it is," I say. "Well we are going to find it," he says back. He pulls me some more. We go all around the huge castle.
After a while of walking around, he lets me go. "Fine I will find it myself," he says and walks away. I turn and go the opposite direction not wanting to have to go with that man again.

I hear a group talking. "You know she does nothing Kim. She's just a pretty face and the king does all the work since they've been here" I hear a woman say. I hide around the corner so they don't see me but I still listen. "I know Molly. She just had to get pregnant right after she got coronated. I bet it was on purpose too so she wouldn't have to do the work to help rule us" another lady's voice say. "I don't know guys. I heard from Michael that she does do stuff" a man says. "Oh come on Andrew, you know that's not true. In fact, I bet that's not even his child that is someone else's and he is just helping her and is taking care of it" I hear Kim say. "And what is with them doing wedding rings? I'd expect more since he was raised a shadowhunter even if it was by valentine" I hear Molly say.

This is when I move around the corner. I know they are talking about my best friend and from what I've learned from being around Shadowhunters you have to stick up for yourself and your best friends. Otherwise being a shadowhunter and living here like them will be brutal.

"Actually queen Clary does do stuff. King Jace just prefers her not to do a whole lot because of the baby. And that is their child by the way. She would never do that to him. He had a reason for getting her a ring. They still did the runes but he did the rings for when they were out in the mundane world and he wanted mundanes to know she is his and she wanted them to know he is hers" I tell them. "How do you know this" who I guess is Molly says. "I've known Clary since we were little. And being here I've seen them. They basically sit in their office all day working" Simon says. "He's got a point, guys. I went into their office and saw papers scattered across the desk. Both of their names have been signed on some of them" Andrew says. "How do you know the king didn't just sign both of their names for her" Kim asks. "Because it's different handwriting. And I've seen her handwriting myself before. It's hers. I mean she must know what she's signing right" he says. "Yeah I guess so" Kim and Molly both say. I can tell by the sound of their voice that they don't believe me but I don't care. I know Clary does stuff. I mean the shadow world hasn't fallen apart has it? "Well, I've got to go," I say and leave them.
Someone grabs my arm and pulls me into a room. I notice we are in the ballroom. I've only been in here one time and that is on coronation day. The whole academy got out that day to come to Alicante for it.

There are tons of people in here. They actually work here.
"What do you think Simon," a man asks. I notice it's Oliver. I've seen him with Jace before. "Think about what," I ask. "What do you think about the clave has done to the castle," he asks. "I don't like it. Wasn't this month supposed to be like a little vacation for you guys? I feel like they have invaded the castle" I say. "Yeah, he's right. This was supposed to be our break. Who knows when the next time we will have another free month like this" someone else says. There's a bunch of "yeah". "The king and queen are going to be mad when they find out what the clave has done," a woman says. "I know. And I don't want to be there when they do see what they have done" I say. "It's going to be bad," a woman says.
  "What should we do Simon," a man asks me. "Why are you asking me," I ask. I'm not the leader type. "Because you can help us come up with a way around this" someone says. "Yeah I mean you did come up with the plan to help Queen Clary, King Jace, Alec, and Isabelle in Edom," someone else says. "I didn't think anyone would actually do what I suggested or that it would actually work when I suggested it. And if you haven't forgotten, my memory of everything was wiped by a greater demon in order for them to get out of there" I say. "We know. Just we don't know how long we can take these people. They are worse than any guest the Herondales have had over here" someone says. "Yeah," a bunch of people says.
  "We need to find a way to bring Queen Clary and King Jace back" I finally hear Charlotte say. "But Charlotte, what about the baby," a woman asks. "I know. But when they left Clary was so pregnant that I don't think she had long till Grace actually comes. She may have already had her" Charlotte says. She's probably right. "So how do we bring her back? Huh? There's no warlock here and the only shadowhunter who can do a portal rune is Clary and she's across the world in New York" I say. "But Simon don't you know a warlock who is currently in Idris," one of them asks me. They are right. I do know one warlock but She's was out away from Alicante. "Catarina? Yeah, I know her but she's far from here. She's way over at the academy" I say. "How far is it from here," one of them asks. "It's like an hour and a half ride on a horse from here. And that's only if you ride as fast as you can" I say.
  "Where are you guys going with all of this," I ask. "We want to bring queen Clary and king Jace back Simon. But we need to convince Catarina to open a portal for one of us to go through to get them back" Oliver says. "I think it should be Simon," someone in the crowd says. There is a chorus of yeahs. "Why me," I ask. "You know your way to the academy. You know Catarina. When she makes you the portal you know how to get to New York" someone says.
"Okay, but what if someone notices I'm gone," I ask. "We will cover you. We trust you" Charlotte says. "Okay, I just need permission from Josten to borrow one of the horses. When should I go" I ask. "As soon as you can. Please, Simon" she says. "Okay. Just let me go ask Josten" I say. I can't believe I'm doing this. "Thank you, Simon," some of them say.

I nod and walk out of the room. How am I going to convince josten to let me leave the castle?

I walk down to the castles training grounds and see him.

"Hi, Josten," I say when I get to him. "Hi, Simon," he says. "Is there any chance I could borrow one of the horses from the stables?" I ask. "Why," he asks. "I was wondering if I could visit a couple of my friends at the shadowhunter academy," I say. "Yeah go ahead. Take domino" he says. "Thanks, Josten. Hey, what do you think about what the clave has done with the castle" I ask? "I don't know Simon. Not everything they have done has been bad. But the whole letting just anybody into and stays in the castle, it's too much. I've had to triple the guards to make sure they don't go in somewhere they shouldn't be. And even this curfew, it is putting more work than we need" he says. "I know. I had someone come up to me and demand I show him to the king and queen's bedroom. He wanted to move in there with his wife" I say. "What did you tell him," he asks. "I told him I didn't know where it is because I don't," I say. "Good. Nobody is allowed in there except the king and queen and the people they allow. I just hope if the man and his wife find it that mike and Dave won't cave and let them stay in there" Josten says. "Is it nice?" I ask. "Oh yeah it's really nice," he says. "I figured it was. Thanks for letting me go to the academy" I say. "Sure kid," he says. I go get domino rest and head to the academy.

When I get to the academy I go inside. I might as well see George and some of the others while I am here. It's lunchtime so I head to the cafeteria. I find George Lovelace, Jonathan Cartwright, Julie Beauvale, Marisol Garza, and Beatriz Mendoza sitting at our usual table.
"Simon is it really you," Julie asks when she sees me. "Yeah. It's me" I say. "What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in like forever. Look at you in your fancy castle guard uniform. Are you staying" George asks? I sit down with them. "I know. And no I'm not staying. I'm here to talk to Catarina but I figured I would talk to you guys for a little bit first" I say. "Ooh is it for the king and queen," Beatriz asks. "Sorta," I say.
  "Has the princess been born yet?" Julie asks. "I'm not sure but probably," I say. "What do you mean you don't know," she asks. "They left at the beginning of the month to go to New York. They wanted to be there with their family when she was born" I say. "Do you get to see them often when they were here?" George asks. "All the time. They are always busy but I see them everyday" I say.

"Are you excited about ascension Simon? You are ascending aren't you" Marisol asks. "I am going to ascend. It's not for another two weeks though. Josten said I am ready for it now. Since it's not for a little while longer he is letting me help with guarding the castle" I say. "That's so cool I wish I had come with you," George says. "Me to George," I say.

"I wonder what Clary is going to look like on ascension day," Julie asks. "I know. She always has the prettiest dresses" Marisol says. "What color do you think her dress is going to be" Beatriz asks. "I don't know but she looked so pretty on coronation day," Marisol says. "Yeah, she did" Julie agrees. "You know she does her hair herself right? She doesn't have anyone to do it for her. I mean I guess she could have someone do it for her but she doesn't" I say. "No way are you serious" Beatriz asks surprised. "Yeah, she does it all herself," I say. "Simon do you think we will be able to meet them before the ceremony," George asks. "Who Clary and Jace," I ask. He nods. "Maybe. I could ask them before. But I can't promise anything" I say. "Man that would be awesome," he says.

"Hey I have an idea, how about you lead tonight's mission, Simon," Jon says. "I would love to but I have to get to Catarina and carry out my own mission," I say. "Come on Simon we want to see how good the castle guards can teach you to train," George says. "Guys Really I would love to and I wish I could but I have to finish my own mission first," I say. "Well, what's your mission," Julie asks. "I wish I could tell you guys. It's a secret. If something happens and they ask you and you know you guys can get in trouble" I say. "Ooh it must be huge then," Beatriz says. "Sorta. I'm not really supposed to be doing it but I am" I say. "I never thought you had it in you to do something like this Simon," Marisol says. "I do if I'm desperate enough. I will tell you guys what if I come back alive and before ascension, I will go with you guys on a mission" I say. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be alive since I'm just going to see Clary and Jace in New York, but they don't know that. "That sounds good," George says.

"Hey quick question Simon," Jon says. "What," I ask. "Is the food there any good?" he asks. "Of course. I mean it's nothing like if I was sitting and eating with Clary and Jace, now that's the good food, but it's still great" I say. "Man, that's not fair. Simon is at the castle eating like a king, eating all good food and we are here stuck eating whatever this is" George says poking his grey mush with his fork. "Yeah, I know. That's one thing I don't miss about the academy. I miss you guys though" I say. "We miss you too Simon. It's not quite the same without you here" Beatriz says. "Yeah. Well, I've got to go find Catarina. I will see you probably ascension day" I say. They all say bye and I leave the cafeteria.
The other kids who see me here don't recognize me. They think it's so cool that a castle guard is here. I am no real castle guard though. As I pass down the hallway I hear people whisper about me but they don't know I used to go here I just transferred to the castle to be trained.

I find Catarina in her classroom. "Hey Catarina," I say. She looks up at me. "Simon! Come in" she says. I do. "It's been a while how have you been," she asks. "I've been good. I've been busy" I say. "I can see. Why are you in a guards uniform" she asks. "Well I got trained and ready for the ascension and Josten said I am ready so he is letting me help be a castle guard until then. Then he said I could choose what I wanted to do after the ascension" I say. "That's cool that they are letting you do that," she says. "Yeah will you be at the ascension day ceremony," I ask. "Yeah, I will be. I wonder what the king and queen will do after the ceremony if they are going to do anything" she says. "I don't know," I say.
  "So Catarina I have something I need you to do for me," I say. "What is it," she asks. "I need you to make a portal. I would ask Magnus but he's in New York" I say. "And why might I ask do you need me to make a portal," she asks. "I just need to get one and go somewhere. Please, Catarina" I say. "Fine Simon. Can you give me some time? I have a class I have to teach in a few minutes" she says. "Yes, Catarina. Thank you very much" I say. "Sure Simon," she says.

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