Does He Really Love Me? [E.D]

By TwoFacedLilac

15.7K 704 56

"I thought you loved me." "I do." He whispers, as he reaches to wipe my tears. I smack his hand away. "Then y... More

0.1: The Library
0.2: The Day of The Party
0.3: Restless
0.4: Double Date?
0.5: See You Later
Author's Note
0.6: Suspended
Must Read!!
0.7: VIP Tickets
0.8: Here's Your Ticket
0.9: I'm Sorry
1.0: Forget About Him
1.1: 4OU Show
1.2: Meet and Greet
1.3: What The Hell
1.4: Q&A
1.5: Excuse Me?
1.6: Yes
1.7: I Can't
1.8: Spring Break
Dolan Twin Fandom
1.9: Spring Break Pt. 2
2.0: Are You Serious?
2.1: Thanks
2.2: Really?
Dear Hannah,
2.3: He Won't
2.4: Hotel
2.5: Dad
2.6: TYSM
2.7: You're Lying!
2.8: Promposal
2.9: Morning Sickness
3.0: Pregnant?!
3.1: Lies
3.2: A Break?
They deleted chapter 3.2!!
3.3: Girl's Day
3.4: This is crazy!
3.5: Please
Not an Update
Fan Fiction Awards?!
5.0-(The End?)
The Note


182 9 1
By TwoFacedLilac

"Ready? One, two, and three." Ethan says, as helps me off of the hospital bed, and onto a wheelchair.
"Holy crap." I say, as my stomach starts to ache.
I grip the wheels of the wheelchair in pain, as I squeeze my eyes shut.
Breathe, Sky. Breathe. 
"Are you sure you don't want to take any pain meds?" My mom asks, as she runs her fingers down my hair.
"The pain meds are only going to help my physical pain, not my emotional pain." I sigh, as I open my eyes to look at them. My mom is frowning at me, and Ethan's mouth is in a tight line. "I'm sorry." I say, even though I don't mean it.
"We need to go." My dad says, as he sticks his head into the room.
"Let me just put a sweater on Sky." My mom says, as she digs in her purse, and pulls out a light pink sweater.
"Why do I have to wear that?" I ask. "We're literally going down the hall for this testimony." I say, as I cross my arms over my chest.
"They changed it. We're going there." Ethan says, as he comes behind my wheelchair, and puts his hands on my shoulder. "It'll be alright." He says, as he leans over, and kisses my temple.
I bite my lip nervously, as I nod my head, and my mom slips the sweater over me, which puts me in a great deal of pain for five minutes. Ethan pushes me out of the room, and to the elevator, as my parents walk hand in hand behind us. He clicks the button to go down, and as we're waiting he pulls out a small box. 
"Sky." He says, as he puts the box in my hands.
I give him a confused look, as I ran my thumb over the pink ribbon that kept the box close.
"Open it." He says, with a small, but eager smile on his face.
I slid the ribbon off, and slowly opened the box. There, sat a silver necklace with the name Charlie on it, and the day we found out we were expecting. I ran my finger over her name, as tears slowly built up in my eyes.
"Wait lift that up." Ethan says, as he pulls the necklace out, along with the white stand it was stuck too. I looked back down into the small box, and there was another necklace, but it was a heart shaped locket. I picked it up carefully in my hands, as I wiped the tears from my eyes. I carefully opened the gold locket, and there was a picture of Ethan and I hugging. I looked on the other side of the locket, and it read 'I love you to the moon and back.' 
"Ethan." I say, as he bends down to hug me.
I wrap my arms around him, as he kisses my jawline. "The elevator." He whispers, as he stands back up, and pushes me in. My parents also step into the elevator, and it gets cramped.

My dad holds the door open, and everybody in the court room turns to look at me. I put my head down, as I let my hair fall in my face. Ethan pushes me passed everyone, as he stops by the table I'm supposed to be sitting at with my attorney. He then starts to leave, so he can sit with my parents, with the rest of the crowd.
"No! Ethan, stay here, please." I beg, as I look at him with desperate eyes.
"I can't. I'm not supposed to." Ethan says, as he comes back towards me, so we're not talking to each other from across the room.
"Please, I can't do this if I'm by myself." I say, as my heart starts to pound.
Ethan looks up at the crowd of people then back to me.
"You have to go sit down." A guy says, and I turn to look at him.
"I need him." I say, as I grab onto Ethan's arm. "He's my support. Don't people have like support dogs and stuff all the time?" I ask.
"They do, but he-."
"Let him stay, or I'm going to ask for another attorney." I say sternly.
"Fine, but I'll have to pass it with the judge first." He says, as he sets a folder on the desk.
I look at Ethan, as he crouches down next to me. "Wow, that was hot." He says smiling, and I push him lightly, but he ends up completely falling over.
"Oh my gosh." I say chuckling, as he gets back up.
Ethan starts laughing, as he straightens up the suit he's wearing.
"But in all seriousness. Why are there so many people here?" I ask, as I look around the room.
The amount of people in here are making me nervous, and my anxiety is high. I gulp, as I look back to Ethan. "It's an open court." He pulls a chair out from next to me, and sits in it.
"Why?" I sigh in frustration. "And why are all these things being planned without me? Like, I didn't know that I was going to have to testify against you know who, to his face. I also didn't know that you guys decided on an open court."
"Your parents decided this with your attorney." Ethan says, as he places his hand over mine.
The attorney came back, as he nodded at Ethan, giving him an 'okay.' Everybody suddenly quieted down, and I saw the judge walk in. She looks like those judges you see on TV shows. Her hair is long and brown. She has on a pair of glasses, which are pushed down to the edge of her nose, and she's also wearing that weird black robe. I uncomfortably shift in the wheelchair, and it creeks.
"You okay?" Ethan whispers to me, and I shake my head.
"My back is starting to kill me." I say, as I try to sit up, but it hurts my stomach.
He gets up, and leaves the room. Where is he going? 
Ethan comes back moments later with a small pillow. He puts it behind my back, and I feel everyone's eyes on me.
"Okay, we will be getting started." The judge says, as she shuffles some papers together. "Bring in Kaelin Abbott." I suck in a breath, as one of the side doors open, and Kaelin appears.
Two cops are on either side of him. His hands shackled together, and he's wearing a blue button down with some khakis. I feel Ethan's hand tighten around mine, so I look at him. Ethan's jaw is clenched, and he's glaring at Kaelin. I wanted to tell Ethan to calm down, but I couldn't. My heart was pounding, and I felt sick to my stomach, to see him again. One of the cops then attached one of Kaelin's handcuffs to the chair. The crowd murmured to each other, as they watched Kaelin.
"Kaelin Abbott you are here today, because you have raped and murdered Sky Winters unborn child." The judge says, as she looks at Kaelin.
I feel my self start to shake in fear.
I can't do this. I can't. Get me out!
"Ms. Winters, I'd like you to come to the stand, and explain to me what happened. We will then proceed from there." She says, and Ethan gets up to push me over.
He brings me to the stand, and bends the microphone, so I could speak into it. "Go ahead." he whispers to me.
I nod my head slowly, and lick my lips.
"On February fifth, Kaelin and I were working a late night shift till eleven, but Kaelin said the boss called, and said that we could leave early. It was about ten." I say, as my voice quivers. "I was going to call Ethan, my boyfriend, to pick me up, but my phone was dead, so I asked Kaelin to use his phone, and he said I could, but his phone was in his car. For some reason, I decided to just follow him to his car which was out back, but as soon as we got outside, he pulled out a pocket knife on me. He threatened me, so I did as he asked. I didn't want to die, and I was scared. He told me to get on the ground, so I did." I bite my lip, as I try to keep back the tears.
I look up at Ethan, and he's crying. I haven't told him a detailed description on what's happened yet.
"Please keep going, Ms. Winters." The judge says, and I look over at Kaelin who looks unfazed.
He doesn't even look sorry, which makes me feel worse. "He then pushed my shoulders back, and I hit my head on the concrete." Some of the people in the audience gasped, but this wasn't even the worst part. I clenched my jaw together, as I closed my eyes, and spoke. "Kaelin then proceeded to touch me. I begged him to stop, I even tried to fight back, but he kept bringing the knife to my neck, so I stopped fighting. He then raped me. It was awful." I say, as tears start to come down my face.
Ethan wipes the tears off with his thumb.
"Then, he punched me. Not in the face, but in my stomach. Over and over again. After he finished punching me, he left. He got in his car, and drove away. He left me there on the ground. I don't really remember anything else, except hearing Ethan call my name." I cry, and I use the back of my hand to wipe away my tears.
"Thank you, Ms. Winters. You may go back to your seat." The judge says, and Ethan wipes his eyes, before he pushes me back.
Ethan sits down, and I look at him. His eyes are red and puffy. I caress his cheek gently, and I kiss him on the cheek. "It hurts. I know." I whisper, as the judge starts to talk again. I don't really know what she said, but Kaelin goes up to the stand.
"Why did you do this to Sky Winters?" The judge asks, as she folds her hands on the table.
"She lied." Kaelin says, as he stares at me.
"And what did she exactly lie about?" 
I take a peek at the crowd, and there all shaking there heads. I don't know if there upset at Kaelin or me.
"What about dating?" She asks.
"Sky said that she wasn't allowed to date, because her parents didn't want her too, but literally a month later, she announced she was dating him." Kaelin says, as he points a finger at Ethan.
"Objection." My attorney says, as he stands up.
"Accepted." The judge says.
"Sky and Ethan were not in a relationship till three months after Kaelin asked, which gives Sky's parents enough time to change their minds about dating, so that is a pathetic excuse."

The judge was about to announce Kaelin's sentence, but she asked Ethan to testify first.
"Ethan, have you ever suspected that Sky was only dating you, because you were famous?" The judge asks.
"No, she didn't even want me to tell my fans in the first place. She was okay with it being a secret, but I didn't want to hide my feelings for her any longer." Ethan says, as he ruffles his hair nervously.
"Did it ever seem as if she just wanted you for money?"
"No, she always offered to pay. She even got the job specifically, so I wouldn't use my money on her." He says, as he looks at me.
"Did you ever hear or see anything prior to this incident that had to do with Kaelin?" The judge asks.
"There was this time when Kaelin was talking horribly about her." Ethan says, as he grits his teeth.
"Okay, thank you, Ethan. That is all I need to hear." She says, and he stands up from the stand.
Just as Ethan was passing Kaelin's table, Kaelin made a remark. "Well, Sky enjoyed every second of it. More then she enjoyed it with you." Before Kaelin could say anything else, Ethan lunged at him in full rage. I screamed, horrified. The cops pulled Ethan off, and put him in handcuffs.
They sat him back down next to me, and I looked at him. His face was luckily unscratched.
"Kaelin Abbott, you are sentenced to life in prison with no probation or parole for the rape of Sky Winters and the murder of her unborn child, Charlie Dolan. Case closed." The judge says, as she hit the wooden hammer on the pad.
I heard a horrible cry, and I saw Kaelin's mom slumped over into her husband. My heart tightened, as I watched her cry. I slowly closed my eyes, as tears trickled down my face. One by one. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. Ethan. He was hiccupping from all the tears he also shed. 
"They already let you go?" I ask, as I pull away from him. 
His wrists were free from handcuffs. 
"Sky." My mom cried, as she hugged me, then Ethan.
I looked at my dad, and he hugged me. "I love you, sweet heart." He says, as he kisses my head.
"Love you too." I say, as I faintly smile, and another tear slips down my face.

My parents, Ethan, Grayson, and Julia were crowded around my hospital bed, as we ate some food from the hospital cafeteria.
"When do you get to leave?" Julia asks, as she takes a bite of her BLT sandwich.
"In a few days." I say, as I poke at my salad. I'm not hungry.
"That's good. It'll be nice to sleep in your own bed again I suppose." She says.
"Are you coming home with us?" My dad asks, as he looks at me with hopeful eyes, and I shake my head.
"I'm staying with Ethan and Grayson. They just rented the apartment, and they already paid for a whole year, so might as well stay." I say, as I put my salad to the side.
"Bu-." My mom trued to contradict, but my dad stopped her, and she sighed, as she stopped eating.
"Are you not hungry?" Ethan asks, as he looks at me.
I shake my head. 
"But you haven't eaten since yesterday morning." He says worriedly, as he scrunches his eyebrows.
"I'm not. I'm fine." I say, and Grayson looks at me sympathetically.
There was a heavy knock at the door, which made us all jump. "Come in!" My mom hollered, as she threw the rest of her food away.
A doctor I've never seen before came in, and he cleared his throat, as he got closer to us. "I have some news. Is everyone allowed to stay?" He asks me, and I nod my head, as I look at my parents. "Okay, so when we were doing the C-section yesterday, we noticed that your uterus and ovaries were severely damaged when you were assaulted." He says, as he puts all his weight on one of his legs.
My stomach tightens, and my heart speeds up. I put my hand over my mouth, as I try to keep down the one piece of lettuce I ate.
"I'm sorry to inform you, but Sky may no longer be able to have kids." The doctor says, and my mom sobs onto my legs, as she grabs a hold of my hand.
"A-are y-you serious?" I ask shakily, as I feel my throat start to close up.
"I'm sorry, but yes." He says, and Ethan holds my other hand.
I cry. I cry like there's no tomorrow, and I hear Julia start to cry to, as she hugs onto Grayson. My throat is burning from all the crying, and I just want it all to be over. I just want to go home.


One more chapter before this book is done!! OMG THAT"S CRAZYYY! But, I might put an extra chapter, but it would be like, really short. But I don't know yet, so we'll have to wait, and see. Also, if you haven't followed me on Twitter yet, you totally should! It's @XxGraysQueenxX I had to change it a bit, so people at school wouldn't find me. Lmao, well I hope you enjoyed it!

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