Better together (a clace fan...

By little_squirrel_234

39.7K 1.5K 479

Jace mysteriously is found dead at the entrance to the institute. Clary is so upset. What happens when he mys... More

This cant be happening
Feeling better
First day back to school
The institute
The day it happened
The greenhouse
The fashion show
A big suprise
The calls
A very busy day
The trip
Telling everyone
Girls night
A day with jace
Leaving for Italy
Prank wars
The next day
Dreams and Promises
Moving day
The note
Feeling sick
I hate the flu
Where am I?
I need you
The rescue
What do I do?
a new friend
Some huge news and of course
Dress shopping
The beach
A day at the beach
Clary's day
A wedding problem
The wedding
The honeymoon
Herondale manor
Back to New York
He wants me back?
The castle
Coronation day
The missing cup and sword
The faerie court
Telling some big news
The letters
Whats it gonna be?
Shadowhunter academy
Picking out the nursery
Please jem?
Who did this?
2 days
Running out of time
I'm coming Clary
A sleeping clary
Waking up
Going Back to New York
A disney marathon!
She's coming
The bet
A surprise
New and old aquaintances
The truth comes out
A werewolf problem
Poor Wolves
The auction
A plan
A visitor
The interview and photo shoot
The Jace Journal
Going back to the castle
In the begining
Go home!
Logans birthday
Ascension Day
Looking for clary
Lightwood family dinner
Sneak peak
Protect her
Graces announcement party
Grace leaves
It hurts
The dinner
The horse show
News from mom
The questioning
Queen for a day
The beach
Donuts and birthday presents
Sorry guys
Alices birthday
Going home
Isabelle and Simons wedding
Sorry guys
King for a day
Jace gets sick
Jaces Birthday
A declaration
I need an answer
Telling the family
a few days before the wedding
Jonathan and alices wedding
Good news and bad news
Coming home
Bad news
Grace meets family
Bad news
Graces return party
Neice or nephew?
Los angeles
Seeing family again
Meeting with Aubrey
Meeting with the king and queen
Dont hate me please
What to do?
Shoping with ash
Gender reveal
Christmas eve
Jaces turn
Meeting with a verlac
Doctors visits and shopping trips
The day before
Home again
A break in
Hawaii pt. 1
Hawaii part 2
Alice leaves

A wolf prison

123 8 0
By little_squirrel_234

Jace POV

I'm laying in my crate. My head on my paws. Maia keeps giving me weird looks because she has never seen me before but I just ignore her. I've been in this prison for three days. I've tried to figure out where I am but I still have no idea. I haven't talked to Clary in a while. I wonder how she and Grace are doing. I miss hearing Graces squeals. Sure I can talk to Clary anytime I want and hear her voice in my head but I can never hear my best friend's voice, my daughters' squeals and giggles, or Maryse's nagging.

It's been quiet in this large room we've been in. Real quiet. Too quiet.

The door to the room opens. A man who I've seen before walks in. I notice everyone looks up. I don't. He walks over to my crate. "Hello beautiful," he says to me. I don't lookup. He opens my crate. "Well get out," he says. I sigh but stand up. As soon as I walk out he puts a leash on my collar. They don't trust me here, and I understand. I wouldn't trust me either.
He walks me out and down a long hallway. He opens a door and leads me through it. I realize I am now outside. But still, there are walls up so I can't go anywhere. But at least I'm outside. I feel the wind go through my pure black fur.

"You are a pretty one aren't you. Not a spot that makes you different is there. Let's see how fast you are" he says. I look out and see there's a huge dirt track in front of me. He walks me over to it.

"You run on the dirt only you hear me. I will let you know when but wait till I move out of the way. You don't do what I tell you you will face the consequences" he says. He lets me go and moves to stand against the wall.

As soon as he touches the wall I take off running. I make sure to stay in the dirt track because I don't know about you but I don't want to get shocked again. Once I pass the guy he calls me back to him.

"Impressive. You are fast" he says to me. He puts the leash back on. So much for having some freedom. At least I got to stretch my legs. "John" he calls. A boy who looks younger comes over to him. "Look at this," he tells the boy. John looks at the mans watch. "So he's fast. What does that matter" John asks? "If we play our cards right with this one maybe things will work out the right way," the man says. "John, go get the brown wolf. The one in the cage next to this ones opens one. The scruffy girl mutt" the man says. John nods and goes back inside. The man bends down on one knee so he's at eye level with me. Which you would think he wouldn't do since most people find it common sense not to get face to face with a wolf. "So you got a mate? Some pups?" He asks. I cock my head to the side trying to act like I don't understand what he's saying.

John walks back out with Maia walking leash-less beside him. She trots over to me and tries to tell me everything is going to be okay. "How touching," the man says sarcastically. He yanks me away. I yelp. Maia looks at me again. She looks confused then she squints like she's trying to figure something out. Her eyes get huge. She bows her head like in submission. "Okay. We are going to see who the fastest is. The winner will find out what his prize is" the man says and laughs. Maia looks confused. John kicks her over to where I am. She snaps at him but looks at me and back down again. "Ready," the man says and watches his watch. "Go" he yells and I take off running. I hear Maia catch up. I speed up and I win of course.

"Maybe this one's not a werewolf-like the girl. Not a single spot that makes him look different and he's faster than her" the man says. "That just makes him even better. We never planned on hunting a real wolf. We've just got to keep him here and prep him" John says. Wait, what? I'm all kinds of confused right now. Prep me for what? And what in the angels' name are they doing? I look at Maia and she is looking at me. She looks probably the same as me. Confused. "What do you want me to do with the mutt," John asks. "Oh put her to work. We could use her. Get the others too. I will take this one to the special room" the man says. What the heck is he talking about?! John takes Maia back inside with her giving me one last look before the door closes.

I sit. "Come on pretty boy," the man says. I don't move. "I said come on," he says and pulls the leash. I still don't move. He takes a remote out of his pocket and presses a button. I'm shocked and stand up. "Good boy. Now, let's go" he says.

He leads me back inside and to a door, I've never seen before. There's a keypad on the door above the door handle. He punches in a code and opens the door. 

He walks me inside. He trips me and I fall over on my side. He ties my back legs together then my front legs together. I am now more confused. Why is he tying me up? He ties my muzzle not that I was really going to do anything anyway but still Why? He drags the leash pulling me over to a metal thing on the floor. He unhooks the leash and the floor raises up. Wait this is weird.

He starts looking at my paws for some weird reason. Then my back legs. "This is a lot of muscle you've got," he says. He moves up to my tail and moves it up. I push it back down. I growl. That's far enough thank you. He slams my head against the table thing and lifts my tail again. I growl but don't move it. "And what are you going to do little wolf? You look all tied up at the moment" he mocks. He lets my tail go and goes to a computer. He types something in. He pulls some wired stick thing from a drawer and moves back to me. He moves it around my tail and pulls. It hurts too. I cant see what he just did but I hope he didn't pull my tail off or break it. I whine. "That's better," he says looking at me. He takes the stick and puts it in this small round thing. It starts making a weird noise. He runs his hand down my side. He stops at my underbelly. "Huh," he says. He moves the fur there. He moves his hand around some more. "I guess that is alright. I will have our wolf vet look" he says and smooths the fur back out. What is he going on about? He starts feeling around my chest. "We will have to cut those claws," he says going back to looking at my paws. He goes to the drawers and digs around in them again. He pulls out what doesn't look bad until he takes the cap off. "This pet nail grinder should cut those claws back," he says. He starts it up and cuts my claws back so far that they start hurting. I whine. "Oh, hush. You want me to go further" he asks. I whine again. He just keeps cutting them back. When he is done all four of my paws hurt. He moves up so he is now feeling around my neck. He looks at my big canines. He swabs the outside of my teeth with one of the cotton pads he has. "I will go get the vet to continue to look at you. Don't go anywhere" he says. He leaves me in this room.

I've got to get out of here. I just don't know-how. I snap the tie on my muzzle. I try to get out of the ones tying my paws together but I can't. I lick my paws. They stop stinging as bad after a while.

I lay back down on my side when I hear something at the door. The door opens and two people walk in. The same man and a new person. She's pretty. Tall, blond hair, blue eyes. "He's not a bad looking wolf Nick. I can take it from here thank you" She says. "You don't want me to stay Shelby," Nick asks. "No, thank you please just leave me to work," she asks politely. He leaves the room.

"You're a beautiful wolf you know that. It's a shame what they're doing. You don't deserve it. You deserve to be free. I'm not going to hurt you if you cooperate" Shelby says. She goes to the counter and puts those doctor gloves on that always creeps the patients out. Particularly me.

"Now let's see if you are a werewolf or a normal wolf," she says. She ties a new band around my muzzle for now. She starts looking at my eyes and ears. It's a good thing my eyes are golden since some wolves are around that color. I shouldn't look too different. She takes the band off. She looks at my nose and teeth next. "I need you to open your mouth for me please so I can get a sample," she asks. She pries my jaw open and sticks another cotton pad on the side of my mouth on the inside and rests something on my tongue. She lets it go but keeps the thing on my tongue. She takes the cotton pad to that round thing making the weird noise. She sticks it inside of the thing and comes back to me. She looks over my paws. "These are way too short. I'm sorry if he hurt you doing this. I know it must have. Unfortunately, I can't make them grow back they have to do that on their own over time" she says. She finishes looking over my back legs.

The machine makes a ding noise and goes quiet. She leaves me and goes over to it. She taps on it a couple of times. "It says a pure wolf. You are beautiful. You know that. You look like the alpha. Are you? You certainly could be one. I love wolves in case you couldn't tell. They are my favorite animal" she tells me. I let out a breath of relief internally. Maybe she's not crazy like those men are. "Well I've got to flip you to your other side so I can check that side but you look fine," she tells me. I already knew that thank you very much!

She lifts me and flips me like I was a pancake. My back facing her. She starts checking everything on this side too. "Okay you look perfectly fine," she says. She starts typing something into the computer. When she finishes she looks at me. "I'm going to talk to nick and see what to do with you," she says and leaves the room.

When she comes back in she says "unfortunately you can't leave this room. Let me take that pad off your tongue. I will just have to leave you alone since I'm not allowed in here unless I'm working." She takes the band off and opens my mouth. She takes the rough gross pad thing off my tongue. "I will take this to Nick and I will be back," she says. She lowers the table some and leaves the room.

Is this what Clary felt like when she was kidnapped the first time? Scared and not knowing what's going to happen next. I'm not scared I just don't know what's going to happen to me next and not in a good way. I will have to make it up to her.
Shelby comes in followed by nick. "Please, don't do this nick" she begs. "Just tell me what the results said about him," Nick says. "It said pure. There's no trace of human or any other type of animal" she tells him. "Good he could get us a lot of money," Nick says. "Nick he doesn't deserve this. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time when carter took him. Let him go. Please nick? He deserves to be in the wild" she begs. "After tonight he won't be any of my concern. It will be his buyers" nick says. What is he talking about? Is he trying to sell me? I've got to tell Clary. But I still don't know where to tell her to come. "Then please tell me where to go. I want to try for him" she says. He laughs. "You could never afford him. He's too pure. Worth so much more than you could ever dream of. Still, I don't see the harm in telling you where the auction is. A wear house just outside of Chelsea is where it's being held first thing tomorrow" he says. "I thought you said tonight," Shelby asks. "We are loading all of them in the van tonight and driving them over there. The auction starts tomorrow at 8:00 am. He is going last since he's the most beautiful and pure he can get us a bunch of money" Nick tells her. "I will be there. He needs to be free not sold and slaved" Shelby says. "Yeah, whatever. Just get a blood sample from him before we pack him up. He is far too valuable" nick says. "Yes sir," Shelby says not looking at him. "One question though dr. Shelby" he says. She looks at him. "What about his underbelly," he asks. "What about it," she asks. "It feels weird," he says. "It's supposed to feel like that. He's perfectly fine" she tells him. "Whatever you say just get that blood sample," he says. "Alright," she says. "Oh and prep him for tomorrow so he can look his best tomorrow," Nick tells her. Shelby nods.
He leaves the room. She comes over to me. "I'm sorry my little friend. I'm going to try and get you but I'm worried someone might offer more money than I have" she tells me. She starts petting my fur. "I'm going to move this off of you," she says and slides the band that's around my snout. She takes a syringe out of a box on the counter and comes back over. She takes blood from my side and sets it in the counter. She opens a big box that was locked on the floor. She takes out a brush, two kinds of spray, and a shampoo bottle. She comes over with some kind of sprayer thing. She sprays me. It's water. Now I'm all wet. She turns the water off and unties my feet. She puts the leash on me and ties me to a hook on the wall. She sprays me down all over. Now I'm all wet and dripping water. She puts shampoo in my fur and scrubs me down. She rinses me off. She dries me off some with a towel. I'm not completely dry but whatever. She brushes through my fur and sprays it down with some other kind of spray. "I will bring you something to eat," she says and once again I'm left alone.

I don't know how long I have until I will get loaded in that van. I've got to reach out to Clary now.  I don't know what time it is but I've got to tell Clary and the others where we will be in the morning.

I open up our link. 'Clary I know where you can find us' I say to her. 'It's about time. Where are you so we can find and save you guys' she asks. It feels so good to hear her voice again. 'I don't know where we are now but I do know where we will be tomorrow morning' I tell her. 'Where will that be' she asks. 'They are taking all of us to a were house outside of Chelsea. We will be there at 8 a.m.' I tell her. 'Okay I will tell the others and we will be there in the morning' she says. 'Okay. Clary can I ask you a question' I ask. 'What is it?' She asks. 'Is this how you felt the first time you got kidnapped?' I ask. 'Like what Jace' she asks. 'Scared. Not knowing what will happen to you next. I'm not scared I just don't know what will happen between now and tomorrow morning' I say. 'Yes, Jace. That's how I felt. We will be there at 8:00 tomorrow. I will have Alice or cookie watch Grace and the rest of us will come to save you' she says. 'Okay,' I say. 'Have they fed you' she asks me. 'Some. They want to keep us fed for tomorrow morning' I tell her. 'Do you know what they are doing in the morning' she asks. 'It's some kind of auction. They said I'm going last. Something about me being the most beautiful of all of the others and getting them the most money' I tell her. 'Okay, I will let the others know what's going on. I will see you hopefully at 8 tomorrow morning' she says. 'Hopefully. I'll see you then' I tell her. I feel her close the link.

Shelby comes into the room. I smell chicken. She sets the plate on the floor.
She unhooks me from my leash.  I walk over to the plate on the floor and eat the food. It actually tastes good. When I finish she takes the plate. She sets it on a counter.

She grabs my head. And forces it up so I'm looking at the ceiling. I feel a prick in my neck and something goes inside of me. She makes me lie on my side again. She pulls the fur back on my side and injects some green liquid into me.

"Unfortunately my little buddy you have to stay here until 9:00. So I will just leave you alone. Someone will come to get you. Goodbye, for now, buddy" she says. She leaves me alone in this horrible room all alone. I know it may sound crazy but I didn't really want her to go. So far she is the only one here who has been some kind of nice to me. Now I'm all alone. I lay down and stay in the same position as I was earlier before all of this happened.


It's been really quiet for who knows how long. It feels like forever but I know it hasn't been forever since no one has come to get me. I lift my head and let out a howl. A few seconds later I hear the others answer and howl back.  It actually sounds kinda cool. I lay my head back down and wait.

Nick walks in. I guess it's 9:00. He puts a rope around my neck. He leads me out and into a truck. It looks like the inside of an empty 18 wheeler. I thought he said van? He ties me to a pole and leaves me alone in here. John, nick and a couple of others come back with cages with the wolves in them. They put Maia's cage near me. The others all look at me weirdly.

I lay down and ignore all of their weird stares and looks. They don't know whats going on or what's going to happen to them. They don't know about the auction. I would shift and tell them but I can't risk getting caught. The doors to the truck close and I feel it start to move. They all just keep looking at me. I don't do anything. I wish I could tell them what going on but I can't risk it.

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