Better together (a clace fan...

Door little_squirrel_234

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Jace mysteriously is found dead at the entrance to the institute. Clary is so upset. What happens when he mys... Meer

This cant be happening
Feeling better
First day back to school
The institute
The day it happened
The greenhouse
The fashion show
A big suprise
The calls
A very busy day
The trip
Telling everyone
Girls night
A day with jace
Leaving for Italy
Prank wars
The next day
Dreams and Promises
Moving day
The note
Feeling sick
I hate the flu
Where am I?
I need you
The rescue
What do I do?
a new friend
Some huge news and of course
Dress shopping
The beach
A day at the beach
Clary's day
A wedding problem
The wedding
The honeymoon
Herondale manor
Back to New York
He wants me back?
The castle
Coronation day
The missing cup and sword
The faerie court
Telling some big news
The letters
Whats it gonna be?
Shadowhunter academy
Picking out the nursery
Please jem?
Who did this?
2 days
Running out of time
I'm coming Clary
A sleeping clary
Waking up
Going Back to New York
A disney marathon!
She's coming
The bet
A surprise
New and old aquaintances
A werewolf problem
Poor Wolves
A wolf prison
The auction
A plan
A visitor
The interview and photo shoot
The Jace Journal
Going back to the castle
In the begining
Go home!
Logans birthday
Ascension Day
Looking for clary
Lightwood family dinner
Sneak peak
Protect her
Graces announcement party
Grace leaves
It hurts
The dinner
The horse show
News from mom
The questioning
Queen for a day
The beach
Donuts and birthday presents
Sorry guys
Alices birthday
Going home
Isabelle and Simons wedding
Sorry guys
King for a day
Jace gets sick
Jaces Birthday
A declaration
I need an answer
Telling the family
a few days before the wedding
Jonathan and alices wedding
Good news and bad news
Coming home
Bad news
Grace meets family
Bad news
Graces return party
Neice or nephew?
Los angeles
Seeing family again
Meeting with Aubrey
Meeting with the king and queen
Dont hate me please
What to do?
Shoping with ash
Gender reveal
Christmas eve
Jaces turn
Meeting with a verlac
Doctors visits and shopping trips
The day before
Home again
A break in
Hawaii pt. 1
Hawaii part 2
Alice leaves

The truth comes out

206 9 5
Door little_squirrel_234

We get in our cars and head back to the institute.
I call Jace on the way. "Hey clary" I hear his voice say. "Hey, Jace did you get Grace down for her nap," I ask. "Yeah finally. The bottle helped" he says. "Good, I told you it would," I say. "Yeah, she should be asleep for a little while," he says. "Hope so," I say back. "So how long will you guys be gone," He asks. "the two of us are heading back now," I say. "Good. Its so bad Clary" he says. "What's bad," I ask. "Maryse made me cut my hair and it's not that long anymore like you told her to let it be," he says. "Oh gosh, why did she cut it all off," I ask? "I don't know, just know I had no say in it," he says. I can sense that he doesn't like it either. "There's nothing we can do now. At least it will grow back now and hopefully soon" I say. "I know," he says. "Well, I will see you soon," I say. "Okay Love, I will see you soon," he says. I hang up and turn the radio on.

When I start to get closer to the institute I hear my phone ring. "Hello" I answer without looking at it and putting it on speakerphone. "Clary, Hey, I'm sorry to bother you I'm sure you're busy taking care of Grace" I hear Tessa say. "It's fine, I'm on the way back to the institute. What's up" I say. "Logan keeps asking for you and about some story, you told him. He won't take a nap just keeps asking about that story" she says. "What in Raziel's name is he talking about," Tessa asks. "I told him a story I made up last night. It's has a little bit of the princess bride story in it but other than that it's made up" I say. "Huh... what do you think I should do? I mean I can't bring him over there if he's running a fever since we can't have Grace getting sick" she says. "I know. I don't remember the exact words of the story but you could try and make something up. I changed the names too so it wasn't buttercup, Wesley, and Humperdinck. I think I used the names Jordyn for buttercup, I always said the boy for who would be Wesley, and I said the prince. But Jordyn was a princess" I say. "Okay, I will try something. Thanks, clary" she says. "No problem. Good luck getting him to sleep. Jace sad the same problem with Jace a little while ago" I say. "Thanks, clary," she says and hangs up.

I turn the radio back up as I drive the rest of the way to the institute. I pull in and Izzy pulls in not long after me and parks her car in the garage too. She parks next to me in her spot and we enter the institute and go up the elevator.

As soon as we step out of the elevator cookie and bear happily run up to us. Cookie is holding one of her new squeaky toys. "Why did you have to get them a toy that squeaks? It's annoying" Jace says. I look up and see him walking down the stairs. He really does look different without his long curly hair. You can hardly tell it has any curl in it now. "Well we let them pick out their toys and that just happened to be one of them," I say. "Well all the squeaking is annoying" he complains.

"Where's Grace," Isabelle asks. "Taking a nap. Don't wake her up since I just got her down" Jace says. "Okay well, I want to see her when she does," Izzy says and walks off.

"I need to ask you something," I say to Jace. I take a seat on the steps. "What about," he asks. He comes and sits next to me. "How come you never told me you dated Paige? You know she hates me" I say. "Why Jace? Why her? Why of all people would you want her" I ask hurt in my tone? "Yes, I know that she hates you. Let me explain, I never dated her. I don't know what you are talking about" he says. "I saw her today and she said that you two dated and when I left Grant you dumped her," I say. "Oh, I know what you're talking about now. You want to know how it really happened" he asks. I nod. "We never dated. Yes, you were with Grant at the time. Whenever I was walking down the hallways at school she would cling to me. I couldn't get rid of her. She was like a little leech. She would tell other people in the school that we were dating but we never were and never did" he says looking at me. "Oh," I say. "I would never date her. She wasn't even my type anyway. And I knew she hates you for some reason" he says. "Yeah, she does. I don't know why. I'm sorry I assumed things" I say avoiding his gaze. "It's okay, I know you didn't know and could just go by what she told you," he says. "Thanks. If it makes it any better I didn't tell Isabelle. I knew she likes to hold grudges and she would hold one and hate you for never telling her" I say. "Oh good. Yeah, she would hate me especially since she knows Paige hates you too" he says. "Yeah," I say.

For the next 2 hours we basically just sit at the institute doing nothing. Until I hear Grace crying. I sigh and say "I will go get her" and I leave to go to our bedroom. Cookie gets up at the same time I do and she runs ahead of me to the bedroom.

When I get in there cookie sits by Grace's bassinet and is looking down on her. It's cute. "Come here sweet girl," I say as I pick her up. She keeps crying. "Shh... shh... I've got you. It's all right. What's wrong baby? Huh? Shh..." I say and try and calm her down. I sit on the bed and hold her. She eventually calms down. "Did you stay with your daddy when you came home? Huh? Do you want to go see aunt Isabelle? She has been wanting to see you since we got home" I ask her. She looks up at me. "Come on baby girl. Let's go see Jace and your aunt Isabelle" I say and take her from the bedroom.

When I bring Grace down to the living room where Isabelle and Jace are. Cookie stays right next to my side. Isabelle leaves and comes back with a colorful mat we got for Grace and I set her down so she can be with us and us not have to hold her. "Are you sure cookie or bear isn't going to hurt her down there?" Jace says sounding worried. "No, but if they try and hurt her we will stop them hopefully before they do," I say.

Cookie goes and sits beside where Grace is laying. Grace looks over at cookie. Cookie bends her head down and touches Graces' face with her nose and Grace laughs. Cookie does it again and Grace laughs again. We all watch the two. Cookie lays down next to Grace. Grace grabs cookies ear and pulls it. Cookie lets her. She just lays down on her side next to Grace. Grace puts her tiny hand on cookies snout. Cookie lays there next to Grace.

They lay there together next to each other for a few minutes. Bear drops the rope toy that he has been chewing on and walks towards Grace and cookie. Cookie sits up quickly and growls lowly at bear. Bear turns and walks the other way. "Cookie is... protecting Grace," Isabelle asks surprised. "I guess so," Jace says. Cookie walks back to Grace and sniffs her all over. Grace giggles and grabs cookies' nose. Cookie lays back down next to Grace.

Grace falls asleep. Cookie scoots a little closer to Grace and lightly sets her head on Grace. "Cookie is gonna hurt her," Jace says sounding worried. "I guess she's doing it lightly so she doesn't hurt Grace," I say.

We all keep watching them for a few more minutes making sure Cookie doesn't hurt Grace. She doesn't she just lays next to Grace watching her. "What do you want for your birthday Jace," Isabelle asks. "I don't know," he says and shrugs. Izzy humphs out a breath. "Well that doesn't help," she says. He shrugs again.

Jonathan and Alice walk in. "Clary can we talk to you," Jonathan asks. I get up and go over to them. "I'm sorry Clary. Peter wants to meet you. I don't know why but he does" Alice says. "You don't have to go if you don't want to" she adds. "It's fine," I say and we leave the library. "Does he have the sight?" I ask. "It goes in and out," she says. "I've never heard of that happening before," I say. "Yeah, it's weird. Like right now he doesn't know this is the institute. He just sees an abandoned church. Sometimes he will see it sometimes he doesn't" Alice says. We all go down the elevator.

I meet peter outside of the institute. "Well I never expected someone like you to live in an abandoned church," Peter says to me. "It's nice and quiet," I say. "Hm... well it's nice to meet you. Alice isn't too bad is she" He asks me. "She's great," I say. "Well good if you ever have a problem let me know," he says back.  "Okay but I don't think I will," I say. He has some look in his eyes, one I have seen before. I ignore it though.

"So what is your new last name? Did it use to be fray right? Jonathan and Alice told me you are married" he asks. "Yeah it used to be fray, I am married. My last name is now herondale" I say. "I like it. Where is he now?" Peter asks. "Upstairs with our daughter and two dogs" I answer. He looks shocked. "You have a kid already," he asks. "Yeah," I say. "She's cute too," Alice says. "How old are you," he asks me. "24," I say. "Wow. You don't look 24. You look younger" he says. "Well thanks," I say.

"I just hope the dogs haven't killed each other yet, "I say. "Why would they do that" peter asks. "One of them has made a new friend and is protective of this friend," I say. All three look confused. "You two will see later," I say looking at Alice and Jonathan.

Peter's eyes get big. "Holy cow. What is this place? The only other one I've seen is in Los Angeles" he says. What is the angels' name is he talking about? "Peter, what do you see," Alice asks. "It's tall and huge and looks like a mansion," he says. Now I know he's talking about the institute. Alice looks at me. "I told you it goes in and out," she says. "Huh, peter you have seen this place before in Los Angeles?" I ask. He nods. Yeah, it figures. "Don't worry about what this place is?" I say. He looks a little unsure then nods anyway.

"How long are you staying in New York," I ask. "Probably another week," he says. "Okay, have you been here before," I ask him. "No this is my first time," he says. "That's cool," I say.

"I should probably go back inside to make sure nothing is on fire," I say. "Could that happen?" Peter asks. "Oh yeah," I say. "The two biggest trouble makers are together in the same room," I say. "Who's that," Jonathan asks. "Jace and Isabelle. Alec is more of the mediator who they rarely listen to him though when he tries to talk them out of doing something bad" I say. "I see," Peter says. "What's the age difference between you and whoever you married," Peter asks. "About 5 months," I say. "Well, it was nice meeting you peter," I say. "You too queen clary. I will talk to you later Alice" he says. "Okay I love you, Peter," she says and hugs her brother. "Love you too Alice," he says. Me, Alice, and Jonathan go back inside the institute. When we walk out of the elevator Izzy and Jace walk down the steps the opposite direction of the library.

"Hey, where's Grace," I ask. "With cookie," Izzy says. I nod and keep walking. I hear two pairs of feet following me.

When we get in the library Grace is still on the floor. Cookie is beside her but she is growling. I look over from cookie and bear is slowly inching towards her and Grace. "She's going to hurt Grace," Jonathan says wide-eyed. "No, she's not. Look who she's growling at" Alice says. "Why is she growling at bear," he asks. "Cookie is protective of Grace now," I say. "I see that and why," he asks. "I don't know cookie just became attached and protective of Grace today," I say. "Will she let one of us pick Grace up off the floor," Alice asks. "I don't know. None of us have tried. We will leave cookie with Grace now since she is protecting her" I say. "This is so cute," Alice says.

We watch them for a minute standing at the door. When bear gets as close as cookie will let him cookie jumps up and goes over to him. She pins him to the ground. He whimpers. She gets off of him and goes back to lay next to Grace. Grace wakes up and cookie bends her nose down and tickles Graces tummy. Grace giggles and grabs her nose. "That's cute," Alice says. "Yeah, it is," Jonathan says.

"I'm going to go shower. Make sure cookie doesn't kill bear" I say and leave them all in here.

I go into the bedroom and change into some new clean dry clothes. I change into a blue t-shirt, yoga pants, and converse.

I start walking down the hallway. I realize I forgot something terrible. I walk faster down the hall in search of Jace.

I find him and Izzy in the kitchen. "We have to go back to the Seelie queens court," I say. "Why," they both ask. "When the Seelie queen has taken me from the castle into her courts. She had hurt me as you know. There was a servant there who was forced to stay there. She would help me the best she could. I promised her if I got out of there alive I would try and get her out" I say. "I'm sure there's a reason she's there," Jace says. "Yeah right. We all know what the Seelie queen does. She will do whatever she has to trick mundanes into being her servant or slave" I say back. "That's true. But I don't know if you should come Clary" Izzy says. "What? Why not? I ask. "I'm with Izzy on this one Clary. We will go after the girl but you need to stay here. If you go with us the queen might try and take you again" Jace says. "Fine," I say. I turn and leave them in the kitchen.

I go back to the living room. Bear is now in Jonathan's lap and cookie is laying next to a laughing Grace. "This baby hasn't stopped laughing at this dog. No matter what cookie does Grace loves cookie" Alice says. "I know," I say. It's cute. I go sit next to one of the chairs and hang my legs over the armrest.

"Hey clary," Alice says I look over at her. "What's that dome looking place you can see from outside the institute," she asks. It takes me s minute to think of what she's talking about. "Oh you mean the greenhouse," I say. "There's a greenhouse," Jonathan asks. "Yeah. Not many people go up there anymore. Alec and Isabelle hate going up there" I say. "Why," Alice asks. "Allergies. You want to know when a good time to go up there is a little before midnight. Don't stay too long past midnight though because the sprinklers come on" I say. "Hm... I may just have to go see it. Is it pretty" she asks. "Oh yeah. It's beautiful at night" I say. "I may just have to go up there one night before we leave," she says. "You should," I say. "When was the first time you learned about it," Jonathan asks me. "My 16th birthday. That was the first time I ever went up there too. I haven't been up there this trip to New York" I say. "If she ever goes missing when we are here and you can't find her she's usually there" I hear Jace say. I look over and he and Izzy walk in. Jace sits down on the floor in front of the chair I'm in. Izzy sits on the floor against the coffee table. "How did you know I was talking about the greenhouse," I ask. "You said your 16th birthday," he says. "A lot of things happened on my 16th birthday like the fact that that was right after mom put herself in that coma and was taken by valentine," I say. "Yeah, whatever. I was right wasn't I" Jace says.

My phone rings. "Hello," I ask. "Clary, is Jonathan and Alice back yet," mom asks. "Yeah they got back a little while ago," I say. "Okay good to know to love you," she says and hangs up. That was weird.

Maryse comes in and starts looking through one of the cabinets. "Maryse does the sprinklers still come on at midnight in the greenhouse," I ask her. "On Monday Wednesday and Friday they come on right before 6:00. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday it comes on after midnight. Why" she asks. "Just wondering," I say. She grabs what she needs out of the cabinet and walks out of the living room.

We all sit in here for a while longer. Mom opens the door and walks in. "Jonathan Christopher," she says sounding really mad. Jace and Jonathan both look at her. Alice looks at me confused. That's right, she only knows my brother as Jonathan Christopher. 'I will explain later' I mouth. She nods and we both look at my mom. "Why didn't either of you tell me the Seelie queen had taken Clary" she demands. Mom is scary when she is mad. I think Jace and Jonathan can see that now. "Umm" is all Jonathan says. "That was a long time ago. We were busy trying to come up with a way to get Clary back" Jace says. "How did you find out about that," I ask mom. "You want to find out about faeries ask a vampire," she says. That's probably true. "Why didn't you tell me I would have come help get her back," she says. "As I said, I was a little busy. Neither of us thought about it" Jace says back. "Well it would have been nice for at least one of you to let me know," she says. Nobody says anything after that for a minute. "Did Alec and Isabelle go with you?" mom asks. "Yes ma'am," Isabelle says. Mom sighs but stays quiet for a few minutes.

"What happened after you got Clary back," she asks. This time it's Jonathan that talks. "Magnus checked on her. Clary has some kind of virus that the Seelie queen gave her. She was asleep for a few days. Wouldn't wake up. But we could still talk to her and she would talk to us in a weird way" he says. "So you could see her talk to you," mom asks. "Not exactly," Jonathan says. "What do you mean," she asks. "It's hard to explain mom. He and Jace had to completely clear their minds and stop thinking about anything" I say. "I think I get what you're talking about. You mean like a ligilimens?" She asks. I made her read me harry potter when I was little too. "Sorta. It was sorta like if you were trying to block out one. There were times when I could talk to them. They couldn't see me The way I was talking to them but I could see them. I could move around but not far from my physical body" I say. "So it wasn't your physical body talking," she asks. "No," I say. "That's weird," she says. "I know," I say. "If it was the only way we could talk to Clary and hear her we would take what we could," Jace says. "I'm still mad at you. Don't think you're off the hook" she says.  Yes, ma'am" Jace says.

Mom leaves the room a few minutes later. I run my fingers through jaces hair. We both find it relaxing when the other one does it.

"Okay I have a question," Alice says. Jace sighs and groans "more questions." I smack Jaces head. "Why does Grace have wings? I know she's like 3/4 angel but I didn't think that gave her wings" Alice says. Jace looks up at me and I look down at him. I look over at cookie and Grace who is looking at each other sweetly. "Cookie," I say. She looks over at me. "Can I have Grace please?" I ask. She stands up, stretches,  and grabs the back of Graces onesie and lifts her into the air. Grace squeals. Cookie brings Grace over to me. "Thank you," I say and take my daughter gently.

"It's not from all the angel blood. I guess I will tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone else" Jace says. "I won't," she says. "They are from me. She got the wings from me" Jace says. "Wait wait wait, so you're telling me that you have wings and she's got them from you," Alice asks. Jace nods. "Do you use them?" she asks. "Not much," he says. "Why not," she asks again. "I don't have much need to," he says. She nods.

Grace looks around. When she spots cookie she reaches her small hands for the dog. "Wow I've never seen a baby so attached," Izzy says. "I know," Jace says. "How are you holding up Clary," Izzy asks. "I mean I don't know but there are some things I can do that cookie won't be able to give for Grace. If you are talking about the whole protective of my baby thing, I've been better but it's taking some getting used too" I say. She nods her head. I love my Grace and I want to protect her.

We all sit in here for a little while longer. "I'm going to go on a run outside," Jace says. Jace bends down by my ear and says "I'm going to change into an animal. Not sure what kind yet but I won't be gone too long" he says. When he leans away I nod. "Just be careful," I say. "When am I not" he teases. "Do you want me to put that in number order from when I met you to when I met you, or do you want it in alphabetical order?" I ask. He rolls his eyes. "I will be back later," Jace says and leaves the room. I wait a few minutes then go to the window. I see him go out the back door. He changes to something that looks like a coyote and a wolf. It's kinda cute. And he takes off at a jog then disappears from my sight at the window.

"What are you looking at," Jonathan asks. "Oh, nothing," I say. I stand here for a few more minutes then walk back to them like it was natural. Although to Alice and Jonathan it probably wasn't.

Bear looks up from his lying position on my brothers' lap. He sees Grace in my arms. He jumps down and starts to come towards her. Cookie immediately sees him and plants herself right in front of me and Grace protectively. She starts growling as bear gets closer. It takes a few minutes before he finally gives up. He walks back to Jonathan and jumps and gets on top of his lap. He lays down and Jonathan pets him.

"So Isabelle have you seen his wings? Have you seen him use them ever" Alice asks? "Yeah, I have. As far as I know, he just does not use them often" Isabelle says. "Have you clary?" Alice asks. "I have" I answer.

Grace reaches her tiny chubby hand for cookie again. I walk over to her mat in the middle of the floor and set her on it. Cookie goes back to the baby and lays with her. I go back to my position on the chair.

A while later I hear a weird noise come from outside. I look out the window and see the animal again. I guess Jace is back from his run. It has been 2 hours so it seems about right for him to be back. "What in the angels' name was that noise," Jonathan asks. "I will be right back. Whether I come back with an animal or a person I'm not sure yet" I say. "I will come with you," Izzy says. "Okay. Can y'all just make sure bear stays alive? I'm not really worried about Grace" I ask. "Yeah," Jonathan says.

Me and Izzy leave the living room and let Jace in through the training room in the basement. I open the door and he comes in. "You just have to make a scene don't you," I say. He looks up and wags his long tail. "You gonna change into yourself or just stay like this," I ask. He sits down. "Well okay then," Isabelle says. The three of us walk up to the living room where Jonathan, Alice, cookie, Grace, and bear are.

I see moms in here too when we open the door. "Clary what did you let in," Jonathan asks wide-eyed. "I'm not sure but it was outside and it was cute so we let it in," Izzy says. "I don't think you should have done that," Alice says looking at Jace. She doesn't know it's him though. "It's cute. Come here buddy" mom says. Mom knows who it is though. He goes over to her and she pets his back. She rubs his ears and he leans into her. He looks at me as he does and I roll my eyes. He is trying to make me feel guilty for not petting and loving him like that. It ain't working on me. "Can we keep it Clary?" mom asks. "I am not owning a zoo. Three dogs are enough" I say. Jace looks to me and walks over. He whines and makes another weird sound. "I said I am not raising or taking care of another animal. So my answer is still no" I say. Bear starts growling at him. Jace sits down in front of me. Bear jumps from Jonathan's lap and gets closer to Jace. Once he reaches Jace he starts barking and bites at one of Jace's legs. Jace has enough of it at this point and picks bear up by the scruff of his neck and walks him over to a corner. He sets the dog down and goes back to me. Bear seems confused at this point. He doesn't seem to know what just happened to him.  He comes back to Jace and the whole thing repeats once more and bear finally gives up. Jace looks up at me. "I said I'm not taking any more animals," I say. He shifts back. He's sitting on the floor leaning back on his hands. Alice and Jonathan get wide-eyed. "You wouldn't even take me," he asks. "I knew it was you. My family is currently big enough. And I'd like to keep it that way for now" I say. He shrugs.

"Can someone please explain to me what in the angels' name just happened?" Jonathan says. "Yeah, please. This is confusing the mess out of me right now" Alice says. Bear is now back in Jonathan's lap. "It's a really long story," me and Jace say. Mom is quiet I think probably waiting to see how we handle this. I run my fingers through Jace's hair. It calms us both down for a minute. "We've got time," Alice says. I run my fingers through Jace's hair again. "It's not my secret to tell," I say. They both narrow their eyes at us. "Mom can you tell us," Jonathan asks. "It's not my secret to tell" she repeats what I said. They both just look to Jace next. He throws his head back looking up at me for a few seconds then back at them. "I guess I better start from the very beginning then," he says. Izzy gets up and walks out. I know this must be hard for her too since Jace is her adoptive brother. "Years ago I was walking through the institute and someone snuck in and killed me" Jace starts. I guess he can tell I am trying to calm myself down since it's a hard subject for me to talk about too. He lifts me and sits in my seat placing me in his lap. "Why did you get up," Jonathan asks. "Clary was hit the hardest out of everyone" Jace answers. "Okay then continue with the story," Alice says.

"After I was killed I went up with the Angel Raziel. I met people up there who I would never meet or get to meet" he says. He tells the whole story about watching over us and the whole begging the angel to let him come back. "Still the same in heaven and on earth," Jonathan says after hearing the whole story. "Yep pretty much," I say. "It explains a lot about you two," Alice says. "It does," Jace asks. "Yeah," she says. I just wave that off and just sit here in jaces lap happily.

A while later I ask mom, "hey mom?" She looks up from her book, "Can we use the theater room in your basement at some point while we are here? For when we watch the three movies." I can tell Jace likes this idea. "There's a theater room," Jonathan asks. Apparently, he hasn't been in the basement where it is. "Yeah, we do have a theater room. And yeah you can Clary when were you planning on coming over" mom asks. "Today," Jace says quickly before I can answer mom's question. "No Jace, not today it's almost dinner time and we don't have anywhere to keep Grace if we stay over there," I say to him. "I think it's supposed to rain tomorrow. If it doesn't snow which you never know at this time of the month in New York, we will come over" I say. "Okay. I think Luke is working tomorrow but I will be home so that's fine" she says. I nod and lean against Jace. "What movies," Alice asks. "I've been reading Harry Potter to Jace since he had never heard of it. I promised him I would let him watch the movies we had read when we were back home in New York" I answer. "Which ones have you read," she asks. "The first three" Jace says. "Little Harry Potter is so cute," Alice says. "I know," I say.

"What do you want for dinner," I ask still in my position against him. "You wanna make that Mexican chicken casserole you used to make," he asks. I look up at him. "You really want that," I ask shocked he brought that up. I haven't made that since we lived in the manor house in Idris. We would swap nights making dinner. "Yeah," he says. "I guess I can make that. Are you gonna stay for dinner" I ask mom? "I've got to go make dinner at home," she says. Jonathan looks slightly disappointed but nods anyway.

"Wait, Jace, So are you like a full angel or something," Alice asks randomly. "I don't think so," he says. I've never thought about it but he could be.

Grace starts grunting and her little face turns red. "Um, guys I think baby needs her diaper changed," Jonathan says. Just on cue we all smell something really bad come from her. She lets out a small breath of relief. "Nose goes" I yell and put my finger to my nose. The others do it too. Jace is, unfortunately for him, too slow and ends up having to change the diaper. "Man," he says sounding disappointed. "I will go start on dinner and you go ahead and change her diaper," I say. He nods. "Where are the diapers you bought," he asks. "In one of the target bags" I say. He nods again. I get up and go to the kitchen.

I start boiling the water first. I start cutting up chicken. "Do you want any help" I hear. I look up and see Alice. "You sure? You don't have to" I say. She nods. " You can help me cut and melt the cheese," I say. I get out a bunch of cheese from the fridge and give it to her and hand her a knife. We start making dinner.

After dinner, I start cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen. I call to bear and cookie and feed them while I'm cleaning up.

   "Clary, we've got a problem" I hear.

What do you guys think the problem is?

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