Better together (a clace fan...

By little_squirrel_234

40.1K 1.5K 479

Jace mysteriously is found dead at the entrance to the institute. Clary is so upset. What happens when he mys... More

This cant be happening
Feeling better
The institute
The day it happened
The greenhouse
The fashion show
A big suprise
The calls
A very busy day
The trip
Telling everyone
Girls night
A day with jace
Leaving for Italy
Prank wars
The next day
Dreams and Promises
Moving day
The note
Feeling sick
I hate the flu
Where am I?
I need you
The rescue
What do I do?
a new friend
Some huge news and of course
Dress shopping
The beach
A day at the beach
Clary's day
A wedding problem
The wedding
The honeymoon
Herondale manor
Back to New York
He wants me back?
The castle
Coronation day
The missing cup and sword
The faerie court
Telling some big news
The letters
Whats it gonna be?
Shadowhunter academy
Picking out the nursery
Please jem?
Who did this?
2 days
Running out of time
I'm coming Clary
A sleeping clary
Waking up
Going Back to New York
A disney marathon!
She's coming
The bet
A surprise
New and old aquaintances
The truth comes out
A werewolf problem
Poor Wolves
A wolf prison
The auction
A plan
A visitor
The interview and photo shoot
The Jace Journal
Going back to the castle
In the begining
Go home!
Logans birthday
Ascension Day
Looking for clary
Lightwood family dinner
Sneak peak
Protect her
Graces announcement party
Grace leaves
It hurts
The dinner
The horse show
News from mom
The questioning
Queen for a day
The beach
Donuts and birthday presents
Sorry guys
Alices birthday
Going home
Isabelle and Simons wedding
Sorry guys
King for a day
Jace gets sick
Jaces Birthday
A declaration
I need an answer
Telling the family
a few days before the wedding
Jonathan and alices wedding
Good news and bad news
Coming home
Bad news
Grace meets family
Bad news
Graces return party
Neice or nephew?
Los angeles
Seeing family again
Meeting with Aubrey
Meeting with the king and queen
Dont hate me please
What to do?
Shoping with ash
Gender reveal
Christmas eve
Jaces turn
Meeting with a verlac
Doctors visits and shopping trips
The day before
Home again
A break in
Hawaii pt. 1
Hawaii part 2
Alice leaves

First day back to school

917 21 0
By little_squirrel_234

---------------------time lapse 3 weeks------------
                   I start school today. Mom is making me go to school to try and get my mind off Jace and so I can finish school. I get up early as usual because Simon is coming to pick me up so we can walk to school together. I quickly walk to the bathroom and take a quick shower and after throw on a blue t-shirt with some jeans and black converse. I start to make my bed when I hear my phone buzz.
                       I look down at it expecting it to be Simon when I see it is from izzy. It says 'hey clary, I convinced mom to let me try mundane high school. I am starting with you and Simon today. Can't wait to see y'all later.' I am so surprised, I didn't think Isabelle had any interest in going to mundane high school. I get excited to see her again and rush to make my bed and go downstairs to eat breakfast. Mom and Luke are already in the kitchen. "Why are you so excited?" Luke asks me seeing the huge smile on my face. "Isabelle convinced her mom to let her try high school with me and Simon so I get to see her today!" I tell them with some enthusiasm. "That's great clary, I know you are excited to see her since you haven't seen her in a little over 3 weeks." My mom says as I head over to the cabinet and pull out some lucky charms. I quickly scarf down my food and go back upstairs to brush my teeth and I hear a knock on the door and Simons voice from the kitchen. I run downstairs and tackle him in a hug. When he looks confused as to why I am so happy I tell him about seeing Izzy at school. He smiles and we both say bye to mom and Luke and head over to school.
                         When we reach the school I go to the office and get my schedule and locker number. I go to  find my new locker and look at my schedule and it says I have

1st period: French-------mrs. Greenwood
2nd period: English 2---Mr. Donaldson
3rd period: art 2----------mrs. Goldson
4th period: algebra 1------Mr. Velesquez
5th period: yearbook------ mrs. Anderson
6th period: fashion design----mrs. Atkinson
7th period: world history-------Mr. Easton

"Wow clary it looks like we have most of the same classes together" Simon said. I already can guess which one Isabelle would have with me, fashion design. Fashion design is a new class that they have decided to have this year.
                 Me and Simon go ahead and head to French class. I have always wanted to learn French but have never gotten the chance. When we walk in Isabelle turns out to not be in this class, it figures considering most shadowhunters are fluent in most languages. We walk in and the teacher introduces herself as Mrs. Greenwood.
                        After French, we walk over to our lockers and grab our English book in them and then head over to English. As soon as we get there we see Isabelle sitting on one of the desks talking to a boy that is definitely not Alec. This boy has light brown hair and brown eyes, he is wearing a blue and white flannel shirt and jeans with a pair of nikes. Isabelle is wearing a short black dress with flowers on it and of course with her tall six inch heels. We walk over to Isabelle and each hug her and ask her who she is talking to. "Oh, this is Grant Pennington. We were both meeting each other since we are both new to this school." Me and Simon both catch up with Isabelle and get to know Grant. Soon the teacher gets here. He introduces himself as Mr. Donaldson.
                           After English we all split up and I go over to art class. My art teachers name is Mrs. Goldson. She lets us free draw today so she can see what level we are all at. I start to draw a beach. I end up drawing the Los Angeles institute along in the drawing. I did not mean to but I guess it just happens.
I am definitely not looking forward to algebra next period, I have never been good at math. When Mrs. Goldson walks by and sees my drawing she says "oh my goodness clary, this is so good!" Then she walks over to the girl next to me. My phone buzzes and I know I am not supposed to look at it but I do anyway and I see it is from Simon. It says 'hi clary I have algebra with you next period I will just meet you over there right after this period. Do you want to try to sit together during math?' I look up to see if Mrs. Goldson is looking at me and I see that she is at her desk looking at her computer so I text Simon back. I say 'hey Simon that's great. Yeah I would love to! I will head straight over there after this period too. See you then.' I go back to drawing my beach adding details to the waves and some dolphins. When the bell rang I put my sketchbook in my book bag and walked to algebra class.
                       As soon as I get there I don't see Simon yet so I grab a seat by the window and Simon walks in and sits beside me. "So what did you have last period?" I ask him. "I had guitar" he informs me. "Ah, well that should be way too easy for you." Grant and Isabelle walk in. Isabelle takes the seat in front of us and Grant takes the one behind us. "Hey do you guys want to sit all together at lunch later today?" I ask talking to all of them. They all agree then the teacher walks in and says his name is Mr. Velesquez. The class seemed to go on forever.
                          I pull out my schedule and look at what is next, thankfully yearbook was next but unfortunately it is on the other side of the building and upstairs. "Hey I have that too we can walk up together I don't know exactly where it is" Grant says. "Yeah sure" I say back. Isabelle and Simon have Latin together next period.
                        So as soon as the bell rings I head over to my locker and put my math binder in there and see Grant's locker right next to mine. We head upstairs after I grab my yearbook folder. The room is full of computers, cabinets, and shelves which are full of other yearbooks cameras, and other yearbook stuff and supplies. Me and Grant get a desk in the middle of the room at sit across from each other. "So clary, how long have you known Simon?" "I have known Simon since we were 10 years old and have always been best friends" I tell him. "You both seem so close like you have such a strong friendship." "Yeah we do" I say. "That's great" he says. Simon may not remember everything about me but I still remember everything about him so I still make an effort to try and stay close to him.
                        Just then the teacher walks in and introduces herself as Mrs. Anderson. She says she wants us to go to someone in the room that we don't know and talk to them and write a story about them. She also says the story is due by tomorrow at the beginning of class. It's a good thing I don't know Grant and he doesn't know me so we decide to do each other. I ask him about where he came from before this school, he said he used to live in Houston Texas but his dad got transferred to New York because of his job, so now he is here. He asked me the same question I told him I have always grown up in New York. I ask him about his hobbies, and he says he loves playing the guitar, hunting, and fishing, and photography. I told him I like skateboarding, reading, drawing and painting. I am bad at skateboarding so I just made that up. I have others but I don't tell him because of me being a shadowhunter.
                      I think I might have a crush on Grant, I know crazy right. It has only been 3 weeks since Jace died and I didn't think I could ever fall in love with anyone else but I guess I can. We laugh and ask each other more questions. Then the bell starts to ring and it is lunch time. I decide I will write my paper tonight at home. We head downstairs to the lunchroom. We get our tray and we see Isabelle and Simon getting their waters. We all sit down at a table together. Simon has film class whith Grant has next while me and Isabelle have fashion design. Me and Isabelle get up to go get dessert and I ask her on the way what she had first period since she wasn't in French with me and Simon. She said she was taking earth science. I didn't have to take a science this year since I needed more credits with electives and I took earth science last year. We grab an ice cream sandwich each and walk back to the table. Two minutes later the bell rang for lunch to end and for us to head over to fashion design.
                          Me and izzy walk over to the classroom together and it is right next to the yearbook room. The teacher says her name is Mrs. Atkinson. She gives us the assignment of each designing 4 outfits each for a fashion show for the richest entrepreneurs of New York. Mrs. Atkinson said she will pick the 4 students with the best designs and she will create their outfits. The other students who do not get picked will get to be the models. I look over at izzy and immediately start sketching a dress and hope that If I get picked she will be my model.
                         Then suddenly izzy asks me "hey clary do you want to come over to the institute today after school with me? Mom and Alec would love to see you. We have all missed you. You can go visit Jace too. He is still where we promised he would be". I do miss Maryse and Alec too. "Yeah izzy I would love to. I have missed y'all too but it was just really hard for me to come over there at the time." "Yeah I get it it would be hard for me too. It is different without him there. We all miss Jace so much" she says.
                       When the class ends I go to world history and all four of us are in there together, me, Simon, Grant, and Isabelle of course. The teacher introduces himself as Mr. Easton and he starts going over the thirty year war. Just then the bell rings for school to be out and I tell Simon I am going to go home with Isabelle and I will text my mom letting her know. He says ok and hugs me before leaving the building. Grant leaves following Simon. Me and Isabelle decide to take a cab over to the institute.

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