Better together (a clace fan...

By little_squirrel_234

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Jace mysteriously is found dead at the entrance to the institute. Clary is so upset. What happens when he mys... More

This cant be happening
Feeling better
First day back to school
The institute
The day it happened
The greenhouse
The fashion show
A big suprise
The calls
A very busy day
The trip
Telling everyone
Girls night
A day with jace
Leaving for Italy
Prank wars
The next day
Dreams and Promises
Moving day
The note
Feeling sick
I hate the flu
Where am I?
I need you
The rescue
What do I do?
a new friend
Some huge news and of course
Dress shopping
The beach
A day at the beach
Clary's day
A wedding problem
The wedding
The honeymoon
Herondale manor
Back to New York
He wants me back?
The castle
Coronation day
The missing cup and sword
The faerie court
Telling some big news
The letters
Whats it gonna be?
Shadowhunter academy
Picking out the nursery
Please jem?
Who did this?
2 days
Running out of time
I'm coming Clary
A sleeping clary
Waking up
Going Back to New York
A disney marathon!
She's coming
The bet
A surprise
New and old aquaintances
The truth comes out
A werewolf problem
Poor Wolves
A wolf prison
The auction
A plan
A visitor
The interview and photo shoot
The Jace Journal
Going back to the castle
In the begining
Go home!
Logans birthday
Ascension Day
Looking for clary
Lightwood family dinner
Sneak peak
Protect her
Graces announcement party
Grace leaves
It hurts
The dinner
The horse show
News from mom
The questioning
Queen for a day
The beach
Donuts and birthday presents
Sorry guys
Alices birthday
Going home
Isabelle and Simons wedding
Sorry guys
King for a day
Jace gets sick
Jaces Birthday
A declaration
I need an answer
Telling the family
a few days before the wedding
Jonathan and alices wedding
Good news and bad news
Coming home
Bad news
Grace meets family
Bad news
Graces return party
Neice or nephew?
Los angeles
Seeing family again
Meeting with Aubrey
Meeting with the king and queen
Dont hate me please
What to do?
Shoping with ash
Gender reveal
Christmas eve
Jaces turn
Meeting with a verlac
Doctors visits and shopping trips
The day before
Home again
A break in
Hawaii pt. 1
Hawaii part 2
Alice leaves


288 12 0
By little_squirrel_234

"Clary? Clary?" I hear whispered sweetly. "Mm yes jace" I ask. "We have to go to breakfast. You can just stay in what you are in now" he says. I sit up and slide off the bed. I see he's already dressed and ready. "Give me just a second to brush my teeth pee and we can head on down" I say. He goes and sits on he bed and I go into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and hair.

I walk out and me and jace walk downstairs. "Did you mean what you said last night" he asks. I look up at him as we walk. "Of course I did. I meant every word I said. I need you in my life as much as you need me. Maybe even more." He smiles and wraps his arm around my waist and we keep walking to the dining room.
When we walk in the others are already in here. "Clary, we have decided we are going to leave tomorrow" Luke says. "Awh, okay. If you must. It was good having you guys here" I say. "It was nice being here. Thanks for letting us stay here and not have to stay at the academy" mom says. "Of course. We wouldn't make you guys stay at the academy." "So jace, can you still take us back over to the academy like yesterday?" "Yeah sure" he says. "If you are going to do that you will not be taking major. I will not be scrubbing dirt off of you again like yesterday." I say. "Yes ma'am. I will take trapper. I don't want to do that either. Yesterday was not fun" he says. Mom asks me "what horse is yours clary?" "Well, autumn is my favorite. I ride her the most" I answer. "Which one is she?" "I will show you after breakfast. She is sweet. You can take her with you if you want. She needs to get out and get some energy out." "Sure. I will see" she says. I nod and start eating some French toast.
"After breakfast I will head on back. Magnus and izzy will be wanting to know where I was all night and why I never came back home" Alec says. "Alright. You know how to get back" jace asks. "Yeah. I have been here more than once and I think I can remember my way back" he says. We both nod and we all keep eating.
When we all finish eating I walk with the three of them down to the barn while Alec goes back to his room to change. "This is autumn mom" I say. I open autumns stall. She looks up at me from eating her hay. "Oh she's so pretty" mom says. "Yeah she is" I say and pet my horses neck. Mom does the same right next to Me. "I will take her with me. I like her" mom says. "Alright. She probably needs to be lunged first so let me just get someone to do it real quick before you go" I say. She nods and I go get one of the barn boys. I ask him to give autumn short lunge and he agrees to do it. "Are you riding mrs clary? I thought you can't ride a horse when you are pregnant? We can't have something happen to our future princess now can we" he says. "Oh no, I'm not riding her. My mom is taking her with her to the academy. She's just riding her for the day." "Yes ma'am. I can go lunge her. Just give me a few minutes then I will bring her back. Do you want me to tack her up first" he asks. "Sure. That would be great. Thank you" I say. He nods and smiles. The two of us go over to autumns stall. "He is going to go ahead and tack her up and lunge her" I tell mom. The barn boy starts tacking up autumn. "I will bring her right back. Give me a couple of minutes" he says and leaves with autumn. I leave autumns stall and go find jace. I find him leaning against a fence in the barn. "Hey, you are riding trapper right?" "Yeah. I don't want a repeat of yesterday. I don't feel like having my foot stuck and major taking off and getting dragged in the mud and dirt" he says. "Yeah I don't either. You are lucky you didn't get a concussion. You need a horse more calm. Speaking of trapper, where is he?" "He's getting lunged. The only horse here that is being ridden and doesn't need to be lunged is Grey the dapple gray horse Luke is riding." "Oh. That makes sense. Mom is riding autumn today and she's getting lunged too." He nods. "When I get back where can I find you" he asks. "Where do you want to find me" I ask. "Just meet me at the office. You can do whatever. I don't care. I will just meet you in there" he says. "Okay" I say. Two barn boys walk in with trapper and autumn. Mom takes autumn and jace takes trapper.

Luke, jace, mom, and I walk out of the barn. Once we are all out they get on their horses. "I will see y'all when you get back" I say. "See you later clary" Luke says. They all ride off and disappear from my sight.

I walk back into the castle. I go in the drawing room and get the book I was previously reading and brought it to the office. I spread out on the couch and start reading it while I wait on Jace to get back.

A fire message shows up. I grab it out of the air. I unfold it and read. It says 'clary. I will take your offer. I talked to George about coming with me. He is going to stay at the academy. When do you want me to come so I can start? -Simon'. I forgot to ask josten if he will train and teach Simon. I will ask him the next time I see him. Jace walks through the door. "Where are you getting these books? I know you don't own this many" he asks eying the book on my lap. "Actually I do own the Harry Potter books but the ones I am reading are not mine. I will show you where I keep getting them" I say and stand up.

We both walk around the castle to the west wing. "I wasn't going to show you this until January for your birthday but I guess how's the best time Since we won't be here for your birthday" I say. I open the doors to the library. It's pitch dark in here. "Where are we clary?" "Here" I say. I swing the curtains open letting the light in the room. I also turn on the lights. "Holy Cow. How long have we had this?" "Since we moved in. I found this room when we split up to look around the castle." "This is so cool." "Yeah. I thought you would like it." "I do" he says.

We leave the library and walk down the hallway to the office. "Hey I have an idea for January when we go to New York" I say. "What's the idea?" "That when we go to New York we take Charlotte, Oliver, or Alice with us." "That's a good idea. We may need one of their help. You never know. We don't have to use them all the time over there like we do here. Maybe one of the girls would be better than Oliver at helping. Especially when little Grace comes" he says. "That's true. Who are you thinking we should bring then?" I ask. "Alice is older isn't she?" "I think so" I answer. "She might be able to help the best. With her being older I mean" he says. "Yeah that's true. I will ask her about coming with us. The next time I see her which shouldn't be long, but you know what I mean" I say. He nods and we keep walking down the hall.

Charlotte and Oliver come up to us. "I'm sorry your majesties but there is something that you both really need to see" Oliver says. Charlotte nods quickly. Something must be up. They seem on edge. "Okay... where are we going though" I ask. "To where josten keeps his 'special' guests'" Oliver says. I look at jace. He looks at me. We are going to where the prisoners are kept. We don't get called there usually except when something important happens. Josten usually just takes care of everything that goes down there. We nod and jace says "lead the way." Oliver and Charlotte lead the way down the hall and out the castle doors.
When we get here Oliver opens the door and holds it for the three of us while  Charlotte continues to lead the way.

When we reach where she leads us too I gasp. I'm surprise. What I see is a man with hair as white as snow and his head down. There are chains binding his wrists and pulling his arms out as wide as they can go. His feet are chained to the ground as well. I for some reason feel bad for him. There are four guards in the room.

"He won't talk to anyone else but you clary. He keeps saying he will only talk to his sister" I hear jostens voice say. I am just noticing he is here in the room. "How is he here" I ask. "I don't know. He wouldn't tell us anything just saying he will only answer to his sister" josten says. I nod. Should I talk to Sebastian? Should I do this alone? I mean I don't think he is going anywhere. He is as chained up and trapped as he could possibly be. I nod. "I will talk to him. I think it would be better if I talked alone" I say. Jace looks at me. We have a silent conversation with just looking at each other. 'Clary, I don't think that's a good idea' he says. 'I have to. It's the only way. I will be fine I promise' I say. 'Are you sure? I don't want anything to happen to you.' 'Yeah. I am sure. I don't think he is going anywhere. He looks pretty tied up.' Jace nods. "Are you sure ma'am?" Josten asks. "Yeah. I am. I don't think anything will happen. I don't think he can do anything" I say. He nods and motions for all the guards to leave. Everyone in the room leaves and only me and Sebastian are in here.
"Sebastian?" I ask. "Please don't call me that. That is not my name" he says with his head still down. The word please wasn't even in Sebastian's vocabulary. I know something is up. I am just not sure what yet. "Well what would you like for me to call you then" I ask. "My name is Jonathan Morganstern" he says. "How do I know you are telling the truth" I ask. "I am the son of Valentine Morganstern and Jocelyn Fairchild. I was given demon blood in my system before I was even born. The demon blood took over me and I had no control over it" he says. "My brother is dead. Before we even had a chance to see the real Jonathan he died." He lifts his head and looks into my eyes. I am surprised by what I see. His eyes are green. They look like mine and my moms. "How? How are you alive Jonathan?" I ask. "When I died there was a trial held as to where I should go. It lasted what seemed like forever. I was given the chance to come back. It was decided that What happened to me was not my fault and I should have a chance to live the life I was supposed to have. I was sent back like I am now. I was found by what I guess were your guards and brought here."

"Oh Jonathan. You don't know how happy I am to have a real brother. But I must ask, do you like me the way Sebastian did?" "No. I know how he treated you. I know how he looked at you. I tried to stop but I couldn't. The demon blood kept taking over. I only love you as a brother loves a sister. Nothing more" he says. Relief floods over me. "Oh good. Thank you Jonathan. I will see that you are released from these chains and taken care of. I would let you out and in the castle with us but our mother is here. She is here with Luke. You may not remember who he is. Maybe after they leave. I will have to talk to Jace" I say. "Why Jace? Why is our mother here?" he asks. "I will have to ask Jace because he is my husband. We don't make decisions without the other one. Mom is here because the Shadowhunter academy asked her to come and talk. Luke is here because he came with mom." "Oh." He looks at me with a look in his eyes. He smiles and says "so you're a Herondale now huh?" "Yeah I am. I don't know how mom will react when hearing that you are here. I will make sure you are taken care of though. Just know she did care about you Jonathan. When you died she cried and it made me cry. Every year she would open the box with some of her sons baby things because she thought he was dead and cry over them when I was growing up. She loved and cared for her son even though valentine had given him demon blood." "Did she really" he asks me. "Yes she did. Again, I'm not sure what she will do or how she will react but I do think she will forgive you. The other shadowhunters of the world will be harder to persuade." "I know. Sebastian did some awful and unforgivable things and I don't expect them to forgive me. I hope you will though. I just want you to know that I am sorry for what he did." "I do forgive you Jonathan. I know the demon blood took over. I believe you." "Thank you so much" he says. I smile as I look into his green eyes. "I just noticed that you are pregnant" he says changing the subject. "I am. I am due in January. Not sure what day but sometime in that month" I say. "Oh wow. Congratulations." "Thanks. I'll see what I can do about your situation" I say. He nods and says "please do, this is a really uncomfortable position. Thanks clary." I smile and say "you're welcome." I turn and walk out of the room not before looking back at him over my shoulder.
When I close the door behind me I see everyone else in the hallway looking at me. "Did you find out anything" josten asks me. "Yeah. That person in there. That is not Sebastian. That is my brother Jonathan morganstern. My real brother. The brother who died after we got rid of the heavenly fire in his body." "And why is he alive?" "Because after he had died a trial was help in the spiritual realms to decide where he should go, heaven or hell. It was decided that he could come back to earth since everything that Sebastian did was not his fault it was valentine and the demon bloods fault." "But how do you know it is your real brother not Sebastian" josten asks. "Because, his eyes had turned green when he died. He had tried to fight against the demon blood but lost every time. He had apologized for what Sebastian had done. Sebastian had never apologized for anything. He also said please which I don't think was even in Sebastian's vocabulary" I tell them all.

"Take those chains off of my brother. You can leave him in there for now but please just take them off." "Clary are you sure?" Jace asks. "Yeah I am. I don't think he will do anything. He's not Sebastian anymore." "Did he seem at all like Sebastian?" Jace asks. I shake my head and say "no. He said he doesn't." He nods his head in understanding and let's out a breath of relief. "Maybe he has changed" jace says. "He has. I believe what he says. Just talking to him has showed me that is the brother I always was supposed to have." Jace nods. "I believe you."

He turns to josten. "Take his chains off and unbind him. We will have to decide what to do with him." Josten nods and goes into Jonathan's room. He comes back a few minutes later. "He's freed from the chains. What do you want me to do with him?" "I'm not sure yet. Keep him in there until we decide" jace instructs. Josten nods. "Please take care of him. I don't want to find out he has been unfed and treated badly" I say. "Yes ma'am. We will take care of him" josten says. I nod.

Me, Jace, Charlotte and Oliver leave the prison. "Was that really your brother ma'am?" Charlotte asks me. "Yeah, It's him. I have no idea how he's exactly here now. It really is him though, green eyes and everything" I say. We stay quiet all throughout the way to the castle.

Me and jace separate from Charlotte and Oliver. "I can't believe he's back" jace says. "I can't either. I wonder what mom will think or do." "I'm not sure. Can you show me what you got for the nursery?" "Yeah. I forgot to show you everything" I say. We head around to the hall with the bedrooms.

I lead him to the last one on the left closest to the entrance to the secret staircase to our bedroom. "This is what I picked out. I had Charlotte, Oliver, and Tessa's help too. The girls helped more" I say. "I love it. It all goes together perfectly" he says. "Really? You do?" He nods. "I was worried you wouldn't like what all I picked out." "Of course I do. Why else do you think I got you to go pick out the things for the nursery instead of me. If I did it it would look awful." I giggle. "It probably would. Do you like the set up? I got some of jostens men to help move things in here. We can move things around" I say. "It's fine. You are much better at this than I am" he says. I smile. He looks down at me. I jump up and give him a kiss on the cheek. I hate being so short. "What was that for" he asks. "Just being you."

We both go into the office. I sit down on the sofa and jace sits behind the desk. "So what are we going to do about Jonathan" jace asks. "I don't know. I trust him. I know if we let him go loose and he goes outside of the castle grounds he will be bullied, possibly killed and who knows what anyone else will do to him. I feel bad for him. He comes back to life and he gets treated like we found him." "I know. So will we keep him here or where?" "I don't know. We can keep him here. We can also ask mom if she wants to have him back with her in New York. If she doesn't we can keep him here" I say. "Yeah. That's alright."

Jonathan POV

I am sitting against the stone wall on the floor. I'm glad clary actually believes me. I'm glad she has helped me by having them unchain me.

The door opens. "This is for you" a guard says and hands me a blanket and a plate of food. "The king and queen are having lunch now so we decided to feed you at this time too" he says. "Thank you" I say. He nods and leaves. On the plate is a biscuit, turkey sandwich, and an apple. I set the plate down on the ground and pick up the turkey sandwich. I start eating not realizing how hungry I have been. I haven't eaten anything at all today. I am so glad clary has made sure I am getting taken care of. I finish off the sandwich and the biscuit.

I take a bite of the apple and I hear a weird sound coming from where the door is. The next thing I know I hear a loud thud and the door swings open.

I do not expect what comes inside. A dog walks in and over to me. I quickly get up and close the door. I don't want to get in trouble for the door being open or this dog in here. Why is there a dog. The dog sniffs my empty plate on the floor. I go back to my spot and sit back down on the floor. "What are you doing in here little one" I ask holding out my hand for it to sniff. It does and sits down across from me. Who's dog is this? I see she has a collar so she is not a stray. I grab the tag attached and read the name Chrissie. I flip it over and read clary Herondale. It makes sense that this is her dog. At least I guess it does. I pat the spot on the floor next to me. She comes over and lays next to me. I rub my hand along her back and pet her. She pants and licks my face. I smile. It's nice to have someone in here with me. I hope clary lets her stay.

I hear a whistle come from outside. Chrissies floppy ears perk up. I stand up and go over to the small window and look out. I grab the bars and try to see who that is. I see clary whistle again. "Chrissie! Come on" she yells. Chrissie scratches on the door again. Someone opens it from the outside. "What are you doing in here Chrissie dog" a guard asks. He comes in the room after Chrissie leaves and I see her run up the hill. "Did you let her in? Did you trap her in here?" He snarls. "No, I I didn't. I didn't even know my sister had a dog or there was a dog. I haven't even touched or gone near the door" I say. "I don't believe you. You may have the queen fooled but not me. Josten will never find out" he says. I look at him confused. He swings his arm and punches me across the face. I stumble back. He comes closer and punches me again. This time I fall. I land in the ground and scoot back against the wall. He comes over to me and kicks me in the side. I don't move in fear that he will do it again. I hear the door open and slam. I grab the blanket and cover myself. I lay down and lay my head on my arms. I miss clary. I miss Chrissie too. I wish she would come back in here. I feel so alone now.

Clary POV
"What were you doing down by the prison Chrissie?" I ask as I pet the top of her head. I sit on the bench outside. I watch josten train and teach his men. A guard walks out of the prison. I look at him. He looks at me briefly before walking over and joining in the training. I look at my watch. I want to make sure Jonathan is fed and alright. I don't know why I just feel the need to protect him even after all Sebastian's done to myself and my people. I know he can probably take care of himself but still. "Come on Chrissie. You want to meet someone?" She stands up and wags her tail.
I stand up and we walk down to the prison. I walk down the long hallway toward the door where Jonathan is kept. I open the door. I see Jonathan asleep on the floor. Chrissie walks over and nudges him. He sits up and pets her. "We meet again huh little one" he says. I see a bruise on his cheek. "What happened to your face Jonathan" I ask. "Um.. I was sitting in here and chrissie came in. I pet her for a while then you called her outside. A guard came and let her out. After she left he asked me if I let her in and trapped her in here. I said no. He told me he didn't believe me. He punched me in the face twice and the second time I fell. Before I could get up he kicked me in the side and I just stayed down" he says. "Oh Jonathan. I'm so sorry. I gave specific instructions that nobody were to treat you like that. Can you show me from the window who it was?" He nods and stand up. We both go over to the window. "Him" he says and points. He is points to a tall man with black hair. "Jason?" "I guess so" he says. "I'm sorry. Do you need anything before I leave?" He shakes his head and says "I think I'm al right" he says. I nod. "Can I leave Chrissie in here just for a little while" I ask. "Yeah. I like her" he says. I smile. "Here, I will help you with that bruise" I say. He looks at me confused. I pull my stele out of my belt hook. "Let me know if I hurt you" I say. "Okay" he says. I draw an iratze on the bruise. It starts fading. "All better" I say and smile at him. He smiles back. "I will be back" I say and leave the cell.
I walk out and see all of jostens men all standing around talking in groups and laughing at each other. "Jason" I say. He looks over at me. I walk up to him. I punch him in the face. He looks more surprised than anything. "I gave specific instructions not to do anything to my brother. And you disobeyed them" I say super mad. "What is going on" josten yells. "Jason disobeyed my instructions not to do anything to my brother. He punched my brother in the face twice and kicked him in the side. When I went to see Jonathan he was on the ground and had a large bruise on his cheek." "Is that true Jason?" Josten asks. Jason looks down avoiding all the looks at him. Everyone of the men here know something is going to happen since he disobeyed the queens direct orders. "I said is that true?!" Josten yells. "Yes sir" Jason says quietly still not looking up. Josten goes up to him and grabs the top of his shirt and lifts him off of the ground. "You don't disrespect and disobey the queen. You understand me?! For that you will be dropped back down to private. You will have your medals stripped and everything you have gained will be lost. You will spend a whole night and day in the bunker with no food or water" josten says. As soon as he is done talking the other men gasp. He drops Jason and he falls to the ground. "Now you boys know what will happen if any of you decide to disobey he king or queen. Worse might even be inflicted. Depends on what all you do? Do all of you understand?!" "Yes sir" they all say in unison. "Good" he says and turns to me. "I'm so sorry queen Clary. I promise it won't happen again. I think these boys know what will happen if they decide to disobey you or king Jace." "Thank you josten." I go over to Jason. He looks up at me afraid. I squat down. " I may be pregnant but I can still kick your butt. If you touch my brother again I will make the rest of your pathetic little life miserable. You have no idea what all I am capable of" I say. I see the fear in his eyes increase. I stand back up and walk back to the prison.
I go into Jonathan's cell. "I'm sorry again Jonathan. He won't ever touch you again. I made sure of it." "Oh I saw and heard. What did you say to him when you bent down and whispered in his ear?" "I just told him that if he touches you again his punishment will be much worse than it is now. I can make his like miserable if I want to." "Wow. Thanks clary. You know you didn't have to do any of this. I don't really deserve it" he says. "Yes you do. You are my brother. I am going to take care of you. I care about you believe it or not." "Really?" "Yeah. Why wouldn't I? I have always wanted a brother. I believe what you said." He smiles, a real smile, not a creepy Sebastian type smile. "Thanks clary" he says. I smile and give him a hug.
We both sit down on the floor across from each other. "Can I meet the baby when it is born? What is it going to be anyway?" He asks. "It's a girl. We are naming her Grace Anneliese Herondale. And of course you can meet her we are going to New York though when she is born. Me and jace want to be back home when she is born. Depending on what happens with you, you can come with us maybe." "I like that name. She will be beautiful. I would love to be there when she is born" he says.

"I am going to see about bringing Alice with us too to help" I say. "Who's Alice?" "Alice is one of my servants here at the castle. She's the oldest of the servants so we figured she would be the better one to help with Grace. But of course we will have Tessa, Maryse, mom, and Izzy too. Maryse is Jaces adopted mom. Tessa is um... well, she's a warlock/shadowhunter who also happens to be Jaces great something grandmother and the person who did the protection spell on me when I was born. I've gotten closer to her lately."
"Oh wow. I still can't believe you are a queen. You didn't strike me as the royalty type." "Oh I know. I'm not. I had just finished recovering and my leg had just healed. I had gone into the institute and we were all called into the institutes library. Mayris told us that shadowhunters and downworlders were getting mad at the clave and starting riots. They were demanding a king and queen. They said they wanted me and Jace." "Why you two" he asks me. "Apparently they think we are good leaders. They wanted us because of the dark war. Alec, Simon, and Isabelle were there too, but they wanted us for some reason. We have been doing the best we can though" I say. "I'm sure you both are doing fine. Its a lot of responsibility but I know you can do it." "Thanks Jonathan."

"So have you decided anything on what will happen to me?" "Well, me and Jace will let you stay at the castle. We are going to talk to mom for the final decision On where you will stay for good. We just don't want to throw you to the wolves you know. If we let you out into the city and the world by yourself who knows what people will do or how you will be treated." "Yeah, I understand. Just let me know what you guys decide to do." I nod. "I have a question. When you were sent back do you have anything special?" He shakes his head. "No. As far as I know I don't. Unless I wake up one day and randomly have some sort of power or something. I shouldn't though. Why?" "I'm just wondering, no reason. Look, Jonathan, I really am sorry about Jason and what happened. If chrissie was in here he would not have done that. I can assure you he wont do it again. I think they all know to leave you alone from now on because of what he did. Josten made sure to make that really clear." "Its fine Clary, really. Thank you though." "Anytime. I should probably go. Do you want me to leave chrissie in here with you? I think she likes you." Chrissie is laying next to Jonathan with her head on his lap and looking up at him. "Sure I guess. I like her too" He says and pets the fur on her back. "Okay. I will come get her later then for dinner. I will make sure that dinner is brought to you later" I say. He nods. I stand up and leave the room he is in.

I walk back to the castle and see Alice in the hallway. "Hi Mrs. Clary. The king just left a few minutes ago to go pick up your mom from the academy." "That's fine. Alice you are the oldest out of you and Charlotte right?" "Yes ma'am." "Alice, how would you like to come with me and Jace to New York in January?" Her face lights up. "Oh mrs clary, I would love to. I have always wanted to go to New York. Is that where the two of you are from?" "It is. We wanted to be back home when our daughter was born. We will bring her back here but we wanted to be in New York when she was born." "I would be honored to be there when the princess is born. We are going in January you said?" "Yes. We don't know what day in January she is due but we know sometime during that month." She nods. "Alright. I will be ready to leave then." "Good. I'm glad you are coming to help. Thank you Alice." "Of course ma'am. If you excuse me I was going to go get the sheets from your bed to wash them" she says. "Alright. Thank you Alice." She nods and leaves. 
I go into the drawing room which is for some reason the closest to where I am. I look out the window and see three horses riding up. I leave the room and head out the back door of the castle. I sit down at one of the benches. I wait here for them.

Mom and Luke come first a while later. "Hey clary" mom says. "Hey mom. There is something important I need to talk to you about" I say. "Is everything alright" they both ask me. "Um... yeah. There is just something really big that has happened." "What happened" mom asks. "Um... so you know Jonathan my real brother, the one who we briefly saw eight before he died in edom?" "Yeah..." she says. "Well, he is back. Before you both freak out, he is not back as Sebastian but as the real true Jonathan. The brother I was always meant to have and the son you always wanted." "How do you know it's him clary?" Luke asks me. "Because just talking to him I could tell. He also says some words that I'm pretty sure wasn't in Sebastian's vocabulary like the words please or thank you. He is kind like he is supposed to be. He apologized for what Sebastian did. He said he had tried to stop Sebastian but he couldn't every time the demon blood would take over. I know it's the real him guys. I have spent time with him and talking to him." "Really clary? Is it really him" mom asks. I nod. "Where is he" she asks. "He is being kept in the prison until we all decide what to do with him and where to let him stay. I have made sure he is being taken care of." "I want to see him" mom says. "Jocelyn, I don't know if that's the best idea. What if he does something" Luke says. "He won't. He could have had many chances to hurt me or do something to me I was there with him. He didn't" I say. They both nod. "I still want to see him" she says. I nod and say "I will take you to him. Follow me" I say.
I walk over to the prison and lead them to where Jonathan's room is. "See for yourself" I say.

I walk in and see Jonathan petting on Chrissie and chrissie licking his hand. "Jonathan?" He looks at me. "There is someone here to see you" I say. "Who is it?" I look back at mom and she comes in. "Hi Jonathan" she says. "Hi mom" he says. I smile and close them in there together to talk in private. I know mom will want to talk to him. "Why did you do that? He could hurt her" Luke says worried. "Relax, he won't. I know he won't. I trust him. He had chances to do something to me but he didn't. I just want to give them some time to talk" I say. "Are you sure clary? I don't know about this" he says. "Yeah. Just trust me. You know better than I do how much mom missed him when she thought he had died as a baby. She needs to see him now as her real son and as he should be. The son she was always supposed to have." He nods. "I guess you are right. I will just wait for her here. You can go ahead and find jace or do whatever you want" he says. I nod and leave him. I'm glad mom actually wants to see Jonathan. I understand why likes on edge though.

Jonathan POV
"Hey mom" I say again. "Hi Jonathan" she says with a small smile. "Is it really the real you" she asks. "Yes. It's the real me" I say. I see relief, and happiness in her eyes. "I am so happy to see you, the real you" she says. She sits down on the floor across from me. "I have missed you" she says. I just look at her. "Really? I didn't expect you to. I am sorry for what Sebastian did. I know the things he did are unforgivable. I know he did a bunch of really bad things. Even to you. Every time I would try to stop him the demon blood would take over and I would be powerless" i say. "You really have changed. I believe you. It wasn't your fault that you had demon blood. It was valentines fault. It was also my fault for not figuring out sooner what he was up to. If I had I could have left sooner and saved you along with your sister." "No mom. You can't think that. It was all valentines fault. Valentine was manipulative. He was evil. It is not your fault. I'm back now. This time I'm back like I always should have been. I'm not going to hurt you or clary or anyone."
"Enough about that, what are we going to do with you?" "What do you mean" I ask. "Where are you going to live? I mean you can live with me and Luke but it would be dangerous. What do you want to do?" "It doesn't matter to me. Clary had said I could stay here with her and jace or I could stay with you. It all just depends on you." "Well, what do you want to do? I think it might be better and safer for you here at the castle with your sister. I'd love to have you with me but I can't risk it, it's not my protection and what people think of me that I'm worried about, it's you. I am worried about how people will treat you if they see you." "Clary said that too. I guess you both are right though. It is safer for me to stay here at the castle. The two of you should talk and figure this out between yourself." She nods.
"If I stay here, will I see you again" I ask. "Of course you will Jonathan. I will still come back here. Just not as often as I'd like to, but I will still come back." "Good. I'm glad. Thank you for forgiving me. Can you do something for me?" "Sure, anything Jonathan. What is it?" "Can you tell Luke I'm sorry too. I don't know who Luke is but I know Sebastian probably did something to him too." "I will. Thank you Jonathan." I nod. "You're welcome. I also talked to clary about the baby" I say.
"Yeah. She's having a baby. It's going to be born in January. It's a little girl" she says. "She told me. I'm so happy for her. I asked if I could meet the baby when she was born. She said I could. She said I might be able to go to New York with her. I want to. I want to meet my niece." "I know you do. I want you to. You will be a good uncle. I trust you so far. I know you will help take care of her. It might take a little longer to convince jace to trust you. Clary trusts you so he will too eventually."
"Who is jace exactly? I know he is a Herondale and clarys husband but that's about as far as I know." "Yes Jace is a herondale. He is also clarys husband. He loves and cares for clary more than anything else in this world. He would do anything for her. Jace is strong, stubborn like clary, protective, and special. He would protect clary with his life if she was in danger. He would do anything it takes to keep her safe." "That's good. I'm glad she found the one who loves her like that. She deserves it. Every bit of it. I'm glad she is happy. She should be happy. Is jace by any chance tall and blonde with curlyish hair?" I ask. "Yeah. That's him. Why?" "Oh because when clary was brought in here to find out I was here and alive, she had someone next to her. He stayed as close as possible to her." "Oh yeah, that would be jace" mom says.
"I figured. I like the name they picked out for the baby" I say changing the subject. "Oh yeah. Grace Anneliese. I like it too. It sounds good with their last name. You know who chose the name?" I shake my head. I mean wouldn't they both choose the name together or something? "Jace" she said. "Why did he get to choose the name" I ask. "Oh because they had a bet when clary found out she was pregnant and told him. Clary bet it was a boy. Jace bet it was a girl. The bet was that if the baby was a boy clary would name him. If the baby was a girl jace would name her. I don't know why he wanted to do the girl name but he did. They both really wanted their names to be chosen but jace was the one who won." "What name did she have picked out" I ask. "I don't know. You would have to ask her. But I know they are naming their daughter Grace Anneliese Herondale." "I like that name," I say,  "it's pretty. It does go good with their last name." "I know. I like it too. It does doesn't it" she says. I nod my head.

The door opens and a man walks in. I know he is not a guard since he is not dressed as one of them. "You ready to head up to dinner" he asks mom. "Oh yeah. I'm coming" she says. She stands up. "You going to be okay Jonathan?" She asks me. "Yeah I will be fine. Thanks" I say. "You think we should bring Chrissie up with us to dinner" the man asks her. "Probably. She needs to eat too" she says. He nods and says "come on Chrissie, dinner time." Clary's dog stands up and licks me on the nose before leaving the room. They all leave and I am once again alone in my cell/room.

Clary POV

"Hey jace" I say once I find him. He is in the library of course. "Oh hey clary. Where were you when I left?" "I couldn't find chrissie. I went outside and called her name and she came. I went with her to go see Jonathan and it turns out one of jostens men can't get it through their stupid heads that you don't disobey the queen. One of them had hurt Jonathan. I went over to where he was and punched him straight in the nose. Josten also helped take care of the rest. He made sure to get the point across to the rest as well that you don't cross me or disobey me. Also after josten was done I bent down and practically threatened his life" I say. Jace looks surprised. "Really? That's the little spitfire I know and love. You never let anything bad happen to the ones you love and care about." "Where do these nicknames you come up with come from? I mean it doesn't bother me but still." "It just comes to me you know" he says. "Mhmm sure it does. I feel like you think about things to call me a lot" I say. He just shrugs. "You ready for dinner" I ask. "Of course I am. I have been waiting since lunch for dinner" he says. I roll my eyes. I take his hand and we leave the library.

"So you really trust him" jace asks me. "Yeah I do. He's my brother. I trust him. He has changed." He nods. "I believe you. Does your mom know about him yet?" "Yeah she does. I told her when she came back. She wanted to see him first. I took her to him and let her talk to him. I wanted her to see for herself." He nods.

When we get to the dining room we get there the same time as mom, Luke, and chrissie. We sit down and start putting food on our plates. "So what do you think mom?" "You are right clary. That is the real Jonathan. Not like Sebastian at all." I nod. I take a bite of cinnamon roll. "So what are we going to do with him? I mean we can't let him stay in that prison cell forever" jace says. "I would let him stay with us in New York but I don't think it is safe. There are a lot of downworlders and shadowhunters in New York who would kill him if they saw him" mom says. "I agree. It might be safer for him to stay with you two here at the castle" Luke says. "He can stay here then. Clary," jace says. I look over at him with half a cinnamon roll in my mouth. He chuckles and says "when you finish stuffing your face with cinnamon rolls do you want to go get him and bring him in he castle? It's cold outside especially at night. He would freeze." I chew up the cinnamon roll then say "yeah. I can." I keep eating. There is other foods here but I just eat the cinnamon rolls. "Only you clary, only you" Luke and jace say together. "Only me what?" "Only you could possibly eat about 10 cinnamon rolls only for dinner" Luke says. "I can eat more. Just you both watch. I have been wanting them since after breakfast." They don't serve them for lunch just breakfast and dinner.

"You know clary, when Grace is born she will either really love cinnamon rolls or really hate them. Same goes for Harry Potter. She has been hearing you read the books so she will either like it or hate it" mom says. "Oh well" I say. We all talk after that until I clean the tray of cinnamon rolls. I'm sure I ate about 30 of them in total for dinner. "I will go get him and bring him in. You guys go on and do whatever. I will find you guys when I get back" I say. They all nod and I leave the dining room.

As soon as I get outside the wind starts blowing. It gets so cold. I pull my jacket tighter around me. The witchlight lampposts light up as I walk. I enter the prison and see josten. "Hey josten. I am going to bring Jonathan with me to the castle. We are going to let him live with us up there" I say. "Alright ma'am. I will unlock his room for you" he says. I look at my watch. It is 8:30. Josten leads me to where Jonathan's room/cell is. He unlocks it and leaves.

I open the door and see him laying on the floor on his back staring at the ceiling. He's covered up with the blanket resting his head on his arm."Hey Jonathan?" He looks over at me. "Hey clary" he says. "I am going to take you to the castle. We are going to let you stay there with us." He sits up. "Really?" He asks with what I can tell is excitement. "Yeah, come on" I say. He stands up. We both leave side by side to the castle.

When we get in mom sees him and smiles. "Hi Jonathan" she says. "Hey mom." "Did you get anything to eat for dinner" I ask him. "Yeah. I had a little bit of something. Some chicken, green beans, cheese, and a piece of watermelon. I'm good for now" he says. "Okay good. I will show you to your room then you can do whatever" I say. "Thanks clary" he says. "For what?" "For everything. For helping me, for letting me stay." "Of course" I say. I walk with him down the hallway. I don't see mom or hear her footsteps so I guess she didn't come with us. "Pick a room. Mom and Luke are staying in the third one on the left so except for that one" I say. "Does it matter which one I take" he asks. "Nope. These are all unused. Graces is going to be the one at the end of the hallway last one on the left though" I say. "I will take this one" he says pointing to the 5th door on the right. "Okay" I say and open it for him. "I will let you get settled and have some clothes brought to you then you can do whatever" I say. "Okay. Thanks clary" he says. I smile and nod and leave him alone in his new room.
I see Alice in the hallway carrying our bedsheets. "Hey Alice?" "Yes ma'am?" "Are those clean?" "Yes ma'am. I was just about to take them and put them back on your bed." "I can do that for you. Can you get a bunch of clothes for a man about Jaces size but it's not for jace. He has plenty of clothes. My brother is going to live here with us from now on. Whatever you know about Sebastian morganstern forget it. That is not him. This is my real brother. This is Jonathan. I expect him to be treated the right way. He may be coming with us to New York as well. He is staying in the 5th room down the hall on the right." "Yes ma'am. I understand. If he is like you say I am sure I will like him. I know you have been away from the castle all day. Is that where you were? With him?" "Yeah. He has changed completely from what he was in the past. He will be nice to you I know he will. He is polite, nice, and different in a good way. I promise. I can tell he is different." "Alright, I will go get him some clothes. I believe you. Here are the sheets" she says. I take them. "Thank you Alice" I say. She nods and turns down the hallway.

I go down the hallway until I reach Jonathan's room. I see him sitting on the bed. "Hey Jonathan, I got Alice to go get you some clothes. She should be over here soon with them."

"Okay. Thanks clary. Hey can I ask you a question?" I walk in and set the sheets on the dresser. "Sure" I say. "Come here" he says. I go and sit across from him in the bed. "How did you get that scar? Was it Jaces fault? Was it Sebastians?" "No. It wasn't either of them. Jace would never hurt me like that." "What happened?" "I will give you the whole story. I will save you some of the details because I still dont talk about it to other people. Its just hard you know" I say. He nods but stays quiet.

"Okay so what happened was I was sick with the flu. I had gotten kidnapped while I was home in bed. How someone knew I was there and sick I have no idea I just was. I was taken by a man named Ashton something I cant remember his last name since it was two years ago. Well he wanted me to do something for him and I wouldn't do it. He said he had studied valentines ways of getting his kids to listen and he tortured me. It went on for days. What was hard for me was the fact that I didn't have this necklace on" I say and hold the necklace around my neck in my hands so he can see it. "It made me feel lost without it. I started to loose hope that nobody would ever find me. I got this scar by a demon coming and running the blade of a knife down the side of my face. Anyways, the whole kidnapping thing I guess went on for about three or four days. I'm not sure. Anyways, I was found and saved. Jace had found me. Apparently I was on a boat and he said he had found me just before I had disappeared from sight. He saved me and brought me back to the New York institute. I kept drifting in and out of consciousness when he was bringing me back. I had a broken ankle, arm, wrist, foot, and a bunch of other broken bones along with bruised ribs and other bad wounds. I'm sorry I know you probably didn't want the whole story" I say.  He looks surprised at this. That this had even happened to me.

"When I found you, you were cut, bruised and looked like you had been through the end of the world but barely came out. You were knocked out and chained to a wall" I hear Jaces voice say from the door. I didn't know he was listening. "I can't believe that happened to you. I'm so sorry clary. I'm so glad jace found you just in time. You are lucky. Thank you Jace for getting to her just in time." "I'm glad too. It took me a while but I'm glad I found her. I am glad she stayed strong through it even if she did feel lost and started loosing hope. She saved Tessa too. Now little Logan is here with us." "How did she save this Tessa" Jonathan asks. "Because the guy who had me wanted Tessa. She has powers that can be very powerful and do some bad things if put in the wrong hands. She was pregnant, when I was gone, with a son. Ashton kept asking me where she was and where he could find her. I knew good and well where she  most likely was. If she wasn't where I thought, she would be with Jem and I know he would never let her out of his sight. I never told Ashton where she was. He broke my knee and wrist because I wouldn't tell him. After that he just made the pain worse until I would tell him. I kept my mouth shut. After I was brought back I was stuck in the infirmary for what felt like forever and a day because of all my injuries. I was unfortunately in the room when she had the baby. Trust me on this, you don't want to be there when someone is giving birth unless you want to." "Wow clary. You were strong when that happened" Jonathan says. I give a small quick smile. I take off my hoodie and you can see the scars on my arms and shoulder. He gasps looking at them. His mouth hangs open. He is speechless. "Yeah. It's bad. I'm fine though. I cover them up when I am outside the castle. I don't here though since nobody cares about seeing them." "Wow. I'm glad though. You still look pretty with them. Don't let people tell you you aren't" Jonathan says. "You sound a little like jace, but thanks. I have to go put sheets on our bed so we can sleep in our bed. Goodnight Jonathan" I say. "Goodnight clary. Hey what time is breakfast?" "8:30. I can come wake you up when we start heading to breakfast." He nods and me and jace walk out of his room.
I see Alice coming down the hallway with a big pile of clothes in her hands. I head up the stairs to our bedroom and walk in. I set the sheets down on the chest at the end of the bed. I grab the sheet that goes over the mattress. "Why are you the one doing the sheets" jace asks. "Because I said I would." I put the rest of the sheets on and start putting the pillow cases on.

When I'm done I go sit across from Jace in one of the chairs. "You know, people aren't happy we are leaving in January for a whole month. I sent out a notice to Alicante and they are not happy. They are worried that we are leaving them and they don't like us leaving. I heard someone in the city say they think we are leaving the clave in charge from now on and they are going to be back in the same way they were before" I say. "But we're not. We're not leaving for good. We are just for a month. The clave is in charge for a month but I have made sure they all know they can't make any large decisions without our approval. They need to know we will be back and are just going to be gone for a month. We are leaving for Grace. We will be back though." "I know. I can't wait to go. And especially for this little girl to be born." He nods. "I'm tired. Can we not do reading time tonight?" "Yeah. It's been a long day."

(A/N) I know it is a long chapter. It's 9,943 words. It's crazy. This is my longest chapter. Thanks for reading this far!! It means a lot!

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