Better together (a clace fan...

By little_squirrel_234

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Jace mysteriously is found dead at the entrance to the institute. Clary is so upset. What happens when he mys... More

This cant be happening
Feeling better
First day back to school
The institute
The day it happened
The greenhouse
The fashion show
A big suprise
The calls
A very busy day
The trip
Telling everyone
Girls night
A day with jace
Leaving for Italy
Prank wars
The next day
Dreams and Promises
Moving day
The note
Feeling sick
I hate the flu
Where am I?
I need you
The rescue
What do I do?
a new friend
Some huge news and of course
Dress shopping
The beach
A day at the beach
Clary's day
A wedding problem
The wedding
The honeymoon
Herondale manor
Back to New York
He wants me back?
The castle
Coronation day
The missing cup and sword
The faerie court
Telling some big news
The letters
Whats it gonna be?
Shadowhunter academy
Please jem?
Who did this?
2 days
Running out of time
I'm coming Clary
A sleeping clary
Waking up
Going Back to New York
A disney marathon!
She's coming
The bet
A surprise
New and old aquaintances
The truth comes out
A werewolf problem
Poor Wolves
A wolf prison
The auction
A plan
A visitor
The interview and photo shoot
The Jace Journal
Going back to the castle
In the begining
Go home!
Logans birthday
Ascension Day
Looking for clary
Lightwood family dinner
Sneak peak
Protect her
Graces announcement party
Grace leaves
It hurts
The dinner
The horse show
News from mom
The questioning
Queen for a day
The beach
Donuts and birthday presents
Sorry guys
Alices birthday
Going home
Isabelle and Simons wedding
Sorry guys
King for a day
Jace gets sick
Jaces Birthday
A declaration
I need an answer
Telling the family
a few days before the wedding
Jonathan and alices wedding
Good news and bad news
Coming home
Bad news
Grace meets family
Bad news
Graces return party
Neice or nephew?
Los angeles
Seeing family again
Meeting with Aubrey
Meeting with the king and queen
Dont hate me please
What to do?
Shoping with ash
Gender reveal
Christmas eve
Jaces turn
Meeting with a verlac
Doctors visits and shopping trips
The day before
Home again
A break in
Hawaii pt. 1
Hawaii part 2
Alice leaves

Picking out the nursery

257 10 0
By little_squirrel_234

I wake up and see Jace still asleep. I just lay here. I feel something hard. I think little Grace just kicked. I smile. "Good morning beautiful" jace says. "Good morning" I say. I smile. "The sun hasn't come up so I think we still have a little while" he says. I nod. I get up and he pulls me back to the bed. I squeal. He pulls me into a hungry kiss. I return the kiss. "Wow. You are in a much better mood." "Mm hmm" is all I get and I break apart. "Is this because I read to you last night?" "Mm hmm" I get again kissing my neck. "Maybe I should do that more, ya think?" "Yes please" he says. I giggle. I grab the witchlight on the shelf across the room and I turn on all of the lights in the room. "You want me to read another chapter since we have a little while?" He nods. "Will that put you in a so much better mood and make you happy" I ask. He nods again. I open the book and start reading chapter 4. I read " it took Harry several days to get used to his strange new freedom. Never before had he been able to get up whenever he wanted to eat whatever he fancied. He could even go wherever he pleased, as long as it was in diagon alley, and as long as this cobbled street was packed with the most fascinating wizarding shops in the world, Harry had no desire to break his word to fudge and stray back into the muggle world. ..." I read the whole chapter. "Now we really have to get ready. You are training and going hunting with Alec and I'm going to pick out everything for the baby's nursery" I say. "Ugh... fine" he groans. I smile.

I get up and out of the bed fast so he can't pull me back again. As much as I want to stay in bed I really need to get out. I go to the closet and pick out a red shirt and scarf. I put on some black pants and boots. I walk out and I see Jace still in the bed. "Come on. You have to get up. You are going to spend the day with Alec remember?" "I remember I just don't want to get out of bed" he says. I walk over and grab both of his hands. I pull him up and out of the bed. I am careful not to use much strength because I don't want to hurt my baby. "Come on Jace. Go get dressed and we can head down to breakfast" I say. He slowly makes his way to the closet. While he is getting dressed I get into the bathroom and finish getting ready. I make sure to cover the scar on my cheek since I am leaving the castle. Jace comes in the bathroom soon and brushes through his beautiful golden curls. I grab my stele from the drawer in the nightstand and strap it to my waist.

"You ready to head down to breakfast" I ask. "Yeah. Lets go" He says. I open the door and we walk out and head down the stairs. "I want cinnamon rolls" I say. "We will get you some when we get down to breakfast" he says. "He keeps on smiling. I smile and link my fingers in his. When we reach the hallway at the bottom of the steps mom and Luke walk out of their room. Good so we are not the last ones out. Mom walks next to me. "Whats up with Jace? He seems in a really good mood this morning" she whispers. I lean over to her. "I read to him last night. It made him in a good mood this morning" I whisper. She smiles and softly nods. Luke looks at me like 'why is he in such a good mood?' We all know Jace is not a morning person. I mouth the words 'I will tell you in a minute'. He nods.

The four of us wonder into the dining hall. Jace and mom go sit down. I go up to Luke before he does and I tell him. "I read to him last night. I got tired of the whining. It put him in a good mood I guess" I say. "It doesn't take much to put him in a good mood does it" he says. "I guess not now that I found something he likes." We both go sit down. Food is brought to us. I start lining my plate with cinnamon rolls.

While they are talking I am happily eating my cinnamon rolls. We all sit here at the table and eat. Mom, And luke drink their coffee. And jace drinks hot chocolate since he doesn't like coffee. Man I miss coffee so much. I have been stuck with orange juice for right now. When Grace is born I will go on to get myself some coffee from Java Jones first before I leave to come back here. I add bacon, ham, and grits to my plate as well as more cinnamon rolls. When I finish We all get up and leave the dining room.

"Do I need to ride with you guys to the academy or can you find your way over there" Jace asks. "Its a long way over there. You want to come with us?" Luke asks. "Sure. Clary you go on. Take someone with you to help bring everything back here" he says. "Okay I will see you guys later" I say. I dissapear from their sight turning around the corner.
I find Charlotte talking to Oliver. I go up to them. "Hey you two. Can you to do me a favor?" I ask. "Sure. What can we do for you Mrs. Clary?" Oliver asks. "Can you two come with me? I have to go pick out things for the baby's nursery. I need someone to help me." "Sure. Are we leaving now?" Charlotte asks. "yeah I was planning to. I don't know how long this will take. I need to pick everything out" I say. They nod. I go to the office and grab some money from one of the cabinets. I also grab my phone from one of the drawers. It is next to Jace's phone.

We start walking down the castle hallways. We pass Jace still talking to mom and Luke. They all stop and look at me. As we pass by them I wave and we keep moving. Oliver and Charlotte following behind me. We walk outside into the front of the castle on the hill. "Where do you guys think we should go to get the stuff for the baby's nursery" I ask. I mean we do have the whole world to look. I can pretty much portal us anywhere. "How about... London" Charlotte suggests. "Okay" I say and open a portal to London. They walk in first then I follow and close it behind me. We show up on Blackfriars bridge. "Okay. We have till 7:00 to get back. Where should we go first to look" I say. "I know where we can go for baby clothes" Oliver says. He also tells us he is from London so he probably knows more about London and around here than we do. That explains his accent. I text Tessa. I say 'Guess where I am? I'm in London. I'm just here for the day. I'm picking out things or the nursery. Feel free to come. I could probably use your help with picking stuff out.' We start walking down the sidewalks. He leads us into a town with lots of stores. I get a text back. It says 'really?! I will talk to Jem right now to see if he will stay with Logan while I come. I would love to help you pick out things for the nursery'.

We go into a store that has tons of baby clothes. "I figured we could get this done first since it's easy" he says. "It's a good idea" I say. "Is it a girl or a boy" Charlotte asks. "Its a girl" I say. "Oh that's even better" she says. We find the baby girl clothes. We stay in here and pick out a bunch of clothes for my little girl. I pay for all of the clothes then I feel my phone again. Its from Tessa. It says 'I talked him into it. I can meet you at blackfriars bridge in a minute'. "We need to go back to the bridge. I can open a portal and we can put these bags through." They nod. With that said we head out of the store and start back toward the bridge.

I open a portal and we see the large castle. We Throw the bags in the portal and I close it. After I close it another one opens. Tessa comes through this one. "Tessa!" "Hey clary. Who is this?" "Oh, this is Charlotte Porter and this is Oliver Collins. Charlotte is one of my servants at the castle and Oliver is Jaces." I turn to look at Charlotte and Oliver. They both nod and smile at Tessa. "Guys this is Tessa Carstairs. She used to be Tessa gray. She is also from London. I invited her to come and help us pick things out" I tell them. "The Tessa gray" Oliver asks surprised. I nod. He looks at Tessa like he can't believe he is meeting her. She just smiles. "So what have you guys gotten already" she asks us. "Baby clothes. It's a girl so we need to pick things out for a girls nursery" I tell her. She nods. "Okay. There is a place down the street with lots of stuff for babies" Tessa tells me. I nod.
We start walking down the street with Tessa in the lead. I catch up to her. "So how's Jem and little Logan?" "They are both good. Logan keeps talking about you." I laugh. "Before I left he begged me to let him come with me. I had to tell him no. I haven't heard from you in months" she says. "Oh yeah. Sorry I forgot. We have decided to come over to New York in January. We both want to be back home when she is born." "Oh that's great. Logan will be so excited to see you. He just turned two. Have you picked out a name yet?" "Yeah. Jace picked it out. Her name is going to be Grace Anneliese Herondale." "Oh that's so pretty. I wonder who she will look like." "I don't know. Logan looks a lot like Jem" I say. "Yeah he does. It's surprising how much. You know it took me a while to get used to what Jem really looks like." "What do you mean?" "Well, when I met Jem neither me, will, Charlotte, Henry, or anyone saw what his natural hair and eye color was. Because of the yin fen. When we first saw him after he had started the transformation into a silent brother we started to see what it really looked like. I'm happy he is back to his self again. I wouldn't trade anything we have been through for anything in the world." I smile. "I'm glad. So how did he look different?" "The yin fen would change the color of his hair and his eyes. It made them silver. Not like Sebastian and valentines, that was white. Or like and old man, this was silver." "Wow" I say and She nods.
"This is the store" she says. She opens the door and we all walk in. There is lots of stuff for baby's in here. Cribs, rocking chairs, everything. We start looking to where the cradles are first. "This place has been open forever. This is actually where I got James and Lucy's baby things a long time ago" Tessa says. I find a white crib I like, it has a little canopy over part of it too. I also find a bunch of other things too. I find a chair and lamp for her room. I find a mirror that I think would look so good in her room. The walls are grey where we are going to put her room. I find a dresser and changing table. "I may end up having the walls repainted in Graces room" I say. "Well I would make sure whatever color you pick goes with these things" she says. "Is there anything behind the store" I ask. She shakes her head. "Good. Oliver, if I open a portal to the castle after I pay for everything, can you take it all through?" "I think so ma'am" he says. I smile.

I go to the counter. I pay for everything. It costs a lot it at lest. "Do you want us to have it delivered to your house or are you going to take everything now?" The lady behind the counter asks. "I'm going to take it now. I have someone here to help me" I say. She nods. "Okay Oliver grab something. Tessa or charlotte can help" I say. "Hold up. I did not say I would be lifting anything. I just said I was picking things out" Tessa says. "I will help" charlotte says. Her and Oliver grab the dresser and walk out. I hold the door open for the two of them. I open a portal back behind the store. They both take it though and come back. I stay by the portal just in case. They come back with a chair. They go back and forth between the store and the castle for an hour. "That's everything ma'am" Oliver says. "Thank you both. That helped a lot."
"Now, where should we go for lunch?" I ask. "Edilios " Tessa and Oliver say at the same time. Me and charlotte both exchange glances and giggle a little at the two of them. We both also agree to go. We decide to walk since the roads look busy and at a standstill. We have to walk a while but we eventually make it. I get a chicken salad sandwich and a water. The others order too. I pay for mine, Oliver's, and charlottes. When we get our food we sit down at a table. "Clary I'm sorry you had to watch me give birth a year ago. At least now you know what it's like for when you go through it" Tessa says. "That's true. It wasn't one of the best things I ever wanted to watch. I kept trying not to but every time I would try I just kept turning back." She gives a small laugh. "Wait you saw it" Oliver asks. "Yeah. It's not like I had much of a choice" I say. "Why? Were you helping?" Charlotte asks. "Oh no. I was stuck in the infirmary. I had just been brought back from being kidnapped. I had hurt my leg and ankle and couldn't move it. I was stuck in the bed. Jem came in With her and I had to sit through the whole thing" I say. Oliver and Charlotte both look at me wide eyed. "It's true. I and my little boy probably wouldn't even be here today if it wasn't for her. The same person who took her also wanted me. I was pregnant at the time." I nod. "Long story short, the person kept asking me where Tessa was. Every time I would tell him I didn't know or I wouldn't tell him he would hurt me. When I was saved and brought back we found out my knee was shattered along with my elbow, wrist, ankle, both feet and some ribs." I get flashbacks of what I went through. I see Ashtons face and him bringing down the whip. I see the demon playing with the knife all over me. It sends shudders all over my body.
Oliver just keeps looking at me wide eyed like he can't believe a word I just said. Charlotte just looks sad. "Oh mrs clary. You should never have had to go through that. I'm so sorry" Charlotte says. "It's alright. I'm okay now. I still have the scars and everything but I'm fine."

We all eat our food. "So you are really the Tessa gray" Oliver asks. I guess he still doesn't believe it. "Yes Oliver. I am. I was first married to William herondale and now James Carstairs" Tessa says. "So is all the stories we have heard about you true? About you being half shadowhunter half warlock? About mortmain?" "Yes. It's all true." "Wow. That's so awesome. I always heard the stories. I never thought I'd get to meet you though. Is it true with the angel necklace?" "Oh this" she asks and pulls out a small angel necklace. "Yeah. Does it still tick?" "No. It hasn't since I changed into the angel and set it free" she says. "Oh. Well it's all still so cool" he says. I just roll my eyes. "Wait how did you get that" I ask. That was locked up in the New York institute. "Oh uh... jace said I could have it back" she tells me.

We all decided to go our separate ways at the blackfriars bridge. "Bye Tessa. It was so good seeing you again. I will see you in two months. Hey can you do me a favor?" "Sure what is it?" "Can you not bring Logan till after I have had the baby. It will just be hard" I say. "I understand. I will just wait and we will all come after the baby is born. It was good seeing you too. Jace hasn't driven you too crazy has he" she jokes. "Almost. I made him happier though so he would quit." She laughs. "I'm sorry. I will see you in 2 months. Bye clary" she says. "Bye Tessa" I say. I open a portal. We can see the castle from here. Oliver and Charlotte walk through. I follow them. The portal closes behind me.

"Well mrs. Clary, we just need you to tell us where you want all the stuff to go" Oliver says. "Where did you both put it all?" "In the spare storage room at the end of the hallway where all the bedrooms is" Charlotte says. I nod. We start walking over that way. "This is where it's going to be. We just need to get this bed out of here. Can you both lift it or do we need to get some more people?" "Probably more people" Charlotte says. I nod and leave them in the future nursery.

I walk around for a little while. Man I wish we had a warlock here. Unfortunately we don't. It's a high price to pay for having a warlock work for you. If I didn't know Alec I wouldn't be able to get Magnus to helper times when I need him. I don't know where Magnus is at the moment though. I know, I can get a couple of jostens people to help. They will be plenty strong enough. I go down to the training grounds and see josten watching a bunch of his men training. I go up to him. "Hey josten, can you get maybe, let's see, 4 people to help me move something?" "Sure" he says. He calls 4 people named George, Sam, clay, and Landon. He tells them to follow me.

I lead them to where the nursery is. "I need you to move this bed out of here." They nod. Two of them get on both sides of the bed. They lift it with ease. "Charlotte will show you where it goes" I say. She nods. She lead the way out of the room and the four soldiers carry the bed out too. "Thank you Oliver. I think that is all I need from you. I will just get them to help m move everything" I say. He nods and leaves the room. Two of the soldiers come in carrying the chair I had gotten. "Where do you want this, queen clary?" Sam asks me. "Hmm... Set it over there on that wall. Right there" I say and point. They do. They leave and all four of them come back with the crib. I tell them to put it over in the corner by the window. They do as I tell them. We do this for a while setting up the baby's nursery. I hope this looks good. "Thank you so much for helping me with this you guys. You can go back to your training now" I say. Hey nod and leave.

I need a nap. I guess I will let Charlotte know and I will go rest. I go out in the hallway and see Charlotte still in the hallway. "Hey Charlotte?" She looks at me. "Yes ma'am?" "I'm going to take a nap so if anyone comes looking for me I'm going to be resting okay?" "Yes ma'am. Go right ahead" she says. "Thanks Charlotte for everything" I say. She nods and smiles. I turn and head down the hallway. I open the way to my bedroom and I start up the stairs. As soon as I get up and into my bedroom I love the sight of the big king size bed. I take off my scarf and boots. I turn off the witchlights and I get in the bed. I soon drift off to sleep.


I wake up to feel something hard. Grace kicked again. I sigh. "Oh grace. Why can't you kick when mommy is awake" I say. She does it again. I smile but stay laying here. I eventually fall back asleep.


I wake up and decide to get out of the bed. I feel better now. I put my boots back on and remake the bed. I look out on the balcony and see horses ride up. There is four of them. I walk down the stairs and down the hallway. I go out to the back where the steps are outside. I wrap my arms around me since it's cold out here. I see it's Alec, jace, mom, and Luke. I smile a little and watch as they ride up and get off before entering the barn. I lean against the rail. The four of them disappear inside the barn. They will probably be in there for a little while.

Jace will kill me if he finds me out here in the cold waiting on them to come on in. I go back in and walk in the drawing room. I grab the book I was reading yesterday from the mantel above the fireplace. Charlotte walks in. "Hi mrs. Clary. It's a little cold in here. Do you want me to start a fire up for you?" "Yes please Charlotte. Thank you" I say. She goes up to the fireplace and starts a fire up for me. Once it gets going she leaves. The room heats up quickly.

A few minutes later mom and Luke and Alec come in. "How did I know you would be in here" Luke says. "Cuz I like this room. It's one of my favorite rooms in the castle. Oh hey Alec" I say. "Hey clary" he says. "I bet the other is that bedroom of yours" mom says. "It's one of them" I say. Alec looks confused. "What's so special about it? It's just a little bedroom" he says. Mom and Luke look at him. They look surprised. "You haven't seen it" mom asks. He shakes his head. "Clary you have got to show this boy that bedroom of yours" she says. I smile. "What's so special about it" he asks. "I will" I say.

I pause for a minute. "I just noticed something, where's jace?" "He's coming. He was down at the barn" Alec says. That's when Jace walks in. He is covered in dirt. I try to cover my laughter. "You are a dirty mess" I say. "Don't remind me. Major decided to take me on a longer ride than we were supposed to" he says. "Go take a shower. A long one from the looks of you. It looks like it might take a while to scrub all that dirt off" I say. "Let me see your wings." He lets them out. I can barely see the grey. They are covered in dirt. "How did they get filthy too? It's going to take forever to clean. Go shower now" I command. He really is covered in dirt from head to toe. He nods and leaves.
"Are you staying for dinner Alec" I ask him. "I think so" he says. I look at the clock on the wall. It is 5:30. Wow. "Well we have a while to wait till dinner" I say. They come and sit down on the chairs and sofa around here "it's warm in here" Alec says. I nod. "You think he will need help getting all that dirt out of his wings" mom asks. "Probably. I will give him a while then I will head up and help him clean it off" I say. They nod. I open my book and start reading.
"Clary he has been gone for 45 minutes" mom says a while later. I sigh. "Fine. I guess I better go help him clean himself off. I swear if that man just sat on the bed instead of showering I will murder him" I say. "He would do that. I'm not joking." I close my book and set it on the sofa and leave the drawing room. I hear them laugh a little before I close the door behind me.
I head around the corner and up the stairs to our bedroom. When I get in our room I hear the shower going. I nock on the door twice then walk in the bathroom. "Jace? Do you need help getting the dirt off? You were caked in it. You have also been in here for 45 minutes." "Please. You have no idea how long and hard I have been trying" he says. He turns the shower off and the towel disappears. He steps out. He has a towel wrapped around his waist. His wings are folded. I can see the feathers wet but still caked with mud and dirt. "Looks like you got half of it off. The bottom half of you is clean. Come sit down on the stool right here" I say. He does. "Yeah that's because I spent most of my time scrubbing down there making my way up." I go to the bathroom closet and grab a washcloth. I take a picture of him covered in dirt and mud first. "This is hilarious" I say. "Did you really have to do that?" He asks. "Yes I did. This picture is not going anywhere either" I say. I set my phone back in the counter. I start scrubbing the dirt off his arm.  "So what happened?" "Oh we were on the way back from the academy and my foot got stuck in the stirrups. I guess my foot kicked him and he thought it meant go faster and major took off. I lost control." I sigh and shake my head. I keep scrubbing. "How did I get stuck cleaning you up?" "Because it would drive you insane if I walked around like I am covered in dirt. And also because you love me." "Yes I do. You're lucky too." I start washing the dirt off of his face. "Did you get things for the nursery?" "Yeah. I got baby clothes too. Apparently Oliver is from London. That's where we went. I also texted Tessa when we got over to London and she came and helped pick out things. When me, Oliver, and Charlotte came back we set up the nursery. We can still move things around if you want to."
I manage to get all the dirt off him. Well, all except his wings. "I'm going to have to blow dry your wings. It will make it easier to get the dirt off" I say. He sighs. "Won't that damage them" he asks. "Not if I don't put it on full blast" I say. "Thanks for helping clary" he says. "You're welcome. You are right." "About what? I'm right about a lot of things." "It would drive me insane if you walked around covered in the dirt that you were." I put the 2 washcloths that I had to use that are now covered in dirt in the hamper. I get the hair dryer out of the cabinet. It's a battery powered one so it's good for here. "Spread them out" I tell him. He slowly spreads his wings out. I start drying them. The feathers blow in the wind. I turn it off when I finish drying them. I get another washcloth and start cleaning the feathers one by one. It takes forever. "Finally clean" I say. He stands up. "Thanks sweet thing" he says. "You're welcome. Now let's head down. It should be dinner time" I say. "Wait" I say before we leave the bedroom. "What?" "As much as I love seeing you shirtless I'm pretty sure the others don't and won't. You should probably get dressed first." He sighs and goes into the closet closing the door behind him. He comes back out in jeans and a t shirt. He grabs my hand and we head downstairs.
We pick up mom, Alec, and Luke on the way for dinner. "What took you guys so long? You were gone for a while" Alec asks after we have sat down in the dining room. "Jace. Jace took a bath in the mud and went for a ride with major. That's why it took forever. I was having to scrub him down. What's worse is his wings were caked too." "How did they get dirty? They were covered" Luke asks. "Beats me. They were though." I start putting food on my plate. "Why is there cinnamon rolls at dinner" Alec asks. "It's for clary" Luke says. "Why?" "Because I have been in love with cinnamon rolls lately" I say. I shove a cinnamon roll in my mouth. "Why cinnamon rolls though" he asks looking confused. I just shrug and continue with my current cinnamon roll. I finish one.
I feel grace kick again. I gasp. It took me by surprise. Then I smile. They all look at me. "What's wrong" jace asks. "It's nothing. I just felt grace kick and it took me by surprise" I say. They nod in understanding. I finish eating my plate. We all do. "I'm actually surprised that room of yours is clean. I would have the hardest time getting you to clean your room when you were younger" mom says. "Yeah. If the room gets even a little messy Jace flips out. And the room is always clean. The maids don't even come in there to clean much anymore. Just to make the bed and get the hamper" I say. "Well maybe it's good you are living with Jace. He's teaching you things like that" she says. I roll my eyes. "I still don't get what's so great about a bedroom" Alec says. "Come on Alec. We will show you" jace says. We all stand up and leave the dining room.

As we are walking down to the hallway I lean towards Jace. "I bet his reaction will be like mom and Luke's. It is a pretty impressive bedroom" I say. "Probably" is all he says. "It's a dead end" Alec says. Me and jace look at each other. He opens the secret door to the opening up to our bedroom. Alec just looks confused. Mom and Luke go ahead of us. I motion for Alec to go. He does. We follow behind and we close the door behind us. "Do I go up" Alec asks. I nod. He does. I don't see mom and Luke so I guess they already went up. We follow Alec.

I open the doors for him. He walks in my room. I see a fire is going in the fireplace. "Wow" he says. I see him move his head looking around the large room. "Told you" Luke says. "This is you guys room" Alec asks us. We nod. "This is the biggest bedroom I have ever seen" he says. Mom nods. "The bathroom and closet are big too. Not as big as the bedroom but still pretty big" she says.

We all go sit on the sofa and chairs by the fireplace. "Clary do you ride" Alec asks me. "Yeah" I say. "What style?" "She rides English" jace says for me before I can. "Yeah because you won't let me ride western" I say. "It's probably a good thing clary. Western can be dangerous. Well, all riding can be dangerous but still" Luke says. I just shrug. "English riding seems to be easier to me" mom says.

So we are going home to New York in January?" Alec asks. "Yeah.m, we wanted to be home when grace was born. Why? You coming?" I ask. "Of course I'm coming. I want to go back home too. Me and Isabelle also don't want to miss our niece being born either" he says. I smile. "I wouldn't want you not there" I say. I feel grace kick again. I sigh. "Grace, baby, you have got to stop kicking this much" I say.

"Clary, when do you read at night" mom asks. "Before bed" I answer. "Does jace here actually listen" she asks. "He does don't you jace" I say. He nods. "How do you know he does? He could just be doing it just to get a chance to listen to you and look at you" mom says. "He's not. Well that might be a reason but he actually does listen" I say. She looks at me like she doesn't believe me. She starts asking jace a bunch of questions from the 1st and 2nd book. He answers them all and gets them right. "Told you" I say. Jace puts his arm around me and I lean into him.

Alec looks confused. "What in the Angels name are you guys talking about?" "Harry Potter" Luke says. "What's that?" "An amazing book series. Isabelle has read them. If she doesn't own them and borrowed simons copy of the books, come back if you want to read them and I will give you the first one to read" I say. He nods. "Those were easy questions" jace says. "I thought those were some easy and hard questions I asked" she said. "They were easy ones. You just haven't read them in a while" I say. "I guess not" she says.
"Tomorrow is our last day talking at the academy" Luke says. "You're leaving already? You just got here" Jace says. "We don't have to leave so soon. We can stay here if you want. We are just finishing talking at the academy tomorrow" mom says. "You can stay here if you want. We both will be busy but will still be here. Well, I will probably laying across the small couch in the office while Jace does all the work" I say. "We will think about it. We also don't want to overstay our welcome" mom says. "You are not. I'm glad you're here" I say. "Me too" Jace says.
I hear a scratch at the bedroom door like we did last night. "What in the world was that" Alec asks. "That sounded like church." "I will go open it. You'll see Alec" I say. Jace moves his arm and I get up and open the bedroom door. Chrissie happily prances in and goes over to the others. I go back as well. She lays on the floor in front of me and Jace. "She does not sound like a dog sometimes. That sounded like that stupid cat we used to have" Alec says. "yeah she did that last night too. I thought she was a cat at first but then we realized we don't have a cat. Church is back in New York living happily with Jem and Tessa" Jace says. "Honestly I'm glad that cat is gone. He hated everything and everyone" Alec says. Jace nodded in agreement. Chrissie looks up at all of us. I reach down and pet her. "Does she get on the furniture" mom asks. "Not really. I mean she has gotten on the bed before but she mostly just stays on her dog bed" I say. "That's good" Luke says.

"So there's this question I've been meaning to ask you both" Alec says looking at me and jace. "What is it" I ask. "When did you do it" he asks. Mom and Luke both look at us like they want to know too. "Do what?" They all look at us like 'you know what we are talking about'. I look up at jace. He is looking down at me. I put a hand on my large stomach and feel little grace kick again. "Oh uhh...... it was back at the manor house" jace says. "So before you came here" he asks. We both nod. They all sigh a sigh of relief. "What" I ask. "Well I don't know about them but I was worried that the baby was growing way too fast" mom says. "Of course she's growing faster than normal babies. Magnus said so. And he also said she is going to be a powerful baby also" I say. "I'm sure she will be. Especially with her mom and daddy having extra angel blood. And her dad having powers. I wonder if she will get one of your powers jace or if she will just get new powers or none at all" mom says. We both just shrug. "Oh I don't know. I have thought of that a little myself but we won't know until she is here and maybe a while later till she's older" jace says. "I guess so" she says.

"Seriously jace, you are perfect for clary. If it was anyone else we would be worried and wouldn't trust anyone else with our clary" mom says. Jace smiles. I lean into him and his right wing slips out and covers me.

"Alec do you just want to stay he night here and go back tomorrow morning" I ask. "Yeah sure" he says. "Good. Breakfast is at 8:30 in the morning." "Okay. I'm going to head on to bed. I will see you all in the morning" he says. "All right. Good night Alec" I say. "We should probably be heading down too. See you tomorrow guys" Luke says. "Bye guys. See you later" I say. They both leave the bedroom.

I sigh and lean into Jace. "What's wrong love" he asks. "Hm? Nothing is wrong. This baby is just wearing me out. She keeps kicking" I say. He just looks at me. "Here. I will show you" I say. I grab his hand and set it on my stomach. Grace kicks again. "No way. That's her? That's so cool" he says. I smile and say "yeah that's her. I know right. She does it a lot." "Hm... maybe she will stop if you go to sleep" he suggests. I shake my head. "No she won't. I tried to sleep earlier when I got back from London. I took a nap. She woke me up by kicking." "I'm sorry love. She will have to stop eventually." "You want me to read to you two chapters before we go to sleep?" "I thought you'd never ask. Let's go" he says. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the bed. "I'm going to go change. I will be right back" I say. I go over to the closet and walk in. Apparently he followed me. "What? I can't sleep in this" he says. I roll my eyes. He walks up the stairs, yes there are stairs in our closet, there is two levels.

(This is the closet ☝️).
I slip on some pj shorts and a tank top. I walk back out of the closet and go to the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth.

(This is the bathroom ☝️)

When I leave the bathroom Jace is back on the bed. I shake my head and get in bed next to him. I turn off all the lights except the witchlight next on my nightstand. I grab the book and open to chapter 5. I start reading. I read "Tom woke harry the next morning with his usual toothless grin and a cup of tea. Harry got dressed and was just persuading a disgruntled hedwig to get back in her cage when Ron banged his way into the room, pulling a sweatshirt over his head and looking irritable. ..." I read chapters 5 and 6. "Whoa. So are the dementors demons? What does the grim even represent" jace asks. "No, the dementors are not demons. They are guardians of the wizard prison. And the grim represents death" I say. "Huh... well that Draco kid is a little turd" he says. I laugh. "He is." "Goodnight jace" I say. I lean up towards him and kiss his cheek. "Goodnight clary. Love you" he says. "I love you too Jace" I say. I lay down and roll over my back facing him and drift off to sleep.


I am woken up to someone poking my shoulder. "Clary?" I hear whispered. "What" I whine. I don't open my eyes. "Oh praise the angel you are okay" I hear Jaces voice say. I sit up and see him sitting up too. "What are you talking about Jace? What happened?" "Nothing. Just a bad dream" he says. "What happened?" "In my dream I was walking and walked in a room and saw everyone I cared for dead. It scared me so bad. When I saw you laying there and I prayed it wasn't real." He sighs a sigh of relief.

I turn on the witchlight on the nightstand closest to me. "Jace look at me" I say. He does. "I'm right here. I have not gone anywhere. And Alec is downstairs too. Everyone is still alive as far as I know." He pulls me to him and holds me. I tuck my head into him. He lets me go and I lay back down but I lay on my back this time. He lays down next to me. He lays his head against my shoulder. I reach over and run my fingers through his golden blonde hair and pet his soft curls. "In my dream... there was also this girl. She was little. Not a baby but not a full grown girl. Clary, I don't want to loose you or our daughter." What do I say to that? "Jace... you are not going to loose me. At least not without a fight. I'm not going anywhere, you hear me? I love you and there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. In January Grace will be born. We will have a daughter. She will be beautiful and she will be ours. I will not and never let anything happen to her. Neither of us are going anywhere and we sure aren't leaving you or this world. I won't let anything happen to you. I lost you once. I won't and can't loose you again" I say. The room is quiet for a while. I look over at him and see he's still awake. "Okay clary. I believe you. I can't wait two more months for our little girl. She will be beautiful since she's my child of course. I love you clary" he says. "I love you too Jace. Go to sleep. I will stay awake until you fall back asleep" I say. "Okay" he says. He closes his eyes and I keep playing and petting his curls. I can eventually tell he's asleep since his muscles relax and he looks more peaceful. I turn the light off and go back to sleep too.

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