Better together (a clace fan...

By little_squirrel_234

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Jace mysteriously is found dead at the entrance to the institute. Clary is so upset. What happens when he mys... More

This cant be happening
Feeling better
First day back to school
The institute
The day it happened
The greenhouse
The fashion show
A big suprise
The calls
The trip
Telling everyone
Girls night
A day with jace
Leaving for Italy
Prank wars
The next day
Dreams and Promises
Moving day
The note
Feeling sick
I hate the flu
Where am I?
I need you
The rescue
What do I do?
a new friend
Some huge news and of course
Dress shopping
The beach
A day at the beach
Clary's day
A wedding problem
The wedding
The honeymoon
Herondale manor
Back to New York
He wants me back?
The castle
Coronation day
The missing cup and sword
The faerie court
Telling some big news
The letters
Whats it gonna be?
Shadowhunter academy
Picking out the nursery
Please jem?
Who did this?
2 days
Running out of time
I'm coming Clary
A sleeping clary
Waking up
Going Back to New York
A disney marathon!
She's coming
The bet
A surprise
New and old aquaintances
The truth comes out
A werewolf problem
Poor Wolves
A wolf prison
The auction
A plan
A visitor
The interview and photo shoot
The Jace Journal
Going back to the castle
In the begining
Go home!
Logans birthday
Ascension Day
Looking for clary
Lightwood family dinner
Sneak peak
Protect her
Graces announcement party
Grace leaves
It hurts
The dinner
The horse show
News from mom
The questioning
Queen for a day
The beach
Donuts and birthday presents
Sorry guys
Alices birthday
Going home
Isabelle and Simons wedding
Sorry guys
King for a day
Jace gets sick
Jaces Birthday
A declaration
I need an answer
Telling the family
a few days before the wedding
Jonathan and alices wedding
Good news and bad news
Coming home
Bad news
Grace meets family
Bad news
Graces return party
Neice or nephew?
Los angeles
Seeing family again
Meeting with Aubrey
Meeting with the king and queen
Dont hate me please
What to do?
Shoping with ash
Gender reveal
Christmas eve
Jaces turn
Meeting with a verlac
Doctors visits and shopping trips
The day before
Home again
A break in
Hawaii pt. 1
Hawaii part 2
Alice leaves

A very busy day

502 14 3
By little_squirrel_234

I wake up at 6:30 like always when I'm riding the bus and look at my phone. Simon texted me. 'Hey izzy said we need to ride three us today, something about you. I will be at your house in 15 minutes.'

Okay I have to hurry and get ready. I grab a blue sweater and some jeans and converse out of my closet. I put on my sweater and hear my phone go off again and I see it is from izzy. 'Hey Simon agreed to ride the bus with us. I will see you both soon. Can't wait to start working on that dress!'

I put my jeans on and tie my converse. I go to the bathroom across the hall and brush my teeth and comb through my hair. I walk back to my room to finish getting ready by making my bed. I text Tessa since I have some time. I say 'hey Tessa it's clary. Me, izzy and Magnus are going shopping later. Do you want to come with us?' I send it and put my sketchbook in my book bag.

I grab it and head out to the kitchen. I put some egos in the toaster for breakfast. It comes up and I put it on a plate and pour a lot of syrup on it. I start eating and hear Simon come in the front door. "Hi Simon. Are y'all riding the bus this morning?"I hear my mom ask him. "Yes ma'am" Simon says before walking into the kitchen. I take a bite of my waffles. He tries to take a piece of my eggos. "Hey!" I yell "hands off my eggos man." He raises his hand up in surrender. He walks over to the fridge and pours some orange juice. He walks over with his juice and sits beside me. "So why are we riding the bus? Isabelle said it was something about you." I tell him about me getting he offers from Sherri hill and jovanni. "Well that's great! Why are we riding the bus?" I sigh and say "because, the moment we step foot on school grounds I will be attacked with questions and girls will stress me out with questions about can I make their homecoming dresses. I just really need to be with 3 of my best friends in the whole world. And izzy has already asked me to do her dress." He looks at me like he is sorry. He hugs me and says "the three of us are not going anywhere. I promise. You just let me know if you get too stressed out and we will go do something just us later." I smile and say "thanks Simon. Now help me finish these eggos the bus will be here in 3 minutes. We are eating and Luke walks in and says "hey you two. Are y'all walking or riding the bus?" "Yeah"me and Simon say at the same time. "Well you better hurry I saw it coming around the corner" we put our forks down and put them and the plate in the sink. I grab my lunch out of the fridge and put in in my book bag. We grab our book bags and say bye to mom and Luke and walk to the sidewalk to see the bus waiting for us.

We walk up the bus stairs and as all the girls yell "clary! Come sit by me. Can you make my homecoming dress?! Please! I want to say a designer made mine!" I roll my eyes and look to Simon like 'see this is what I mean' he smiles and walks over to the empty seat behind jace and izzy. They look at me and jace says "wow. How does everyone know about that already?" We all shrug. "And this is why I wanted to ride the bus today. I needed you three." Izzy pulls something up on her phone and says "this is why" and shows me. It is pulled up to the schools website. In big green letters it says clary fray has two job offers from jovanni and Sherri hill designer dress companies. "Of course" I say and pass me he phone back to izzy. I put my head in my hands. This is way too much already. Izzy is the one who loves attention. I wish I could give her the jobs.

I feel my phone vibrate. I look and see a text from Tessa. 'Hey clary. I would love too. Just let me know when and where and I will be there.' I look over at Isabelle and say "hey izzy, Magnus says if I am going to be working for designer companies I need to look like it. We are going shopping. Magnus says I have to. We are probably going after school. Do you want to come?" "Absolutely! I never thought I'd see the day when clary fray asks me to go shopping." "Ok good I will let Magnus know. I am inviting Tessa too." "Yay! This will be so much fun!" Izzy squeals. The boys groan. I text Magnus and say to pick me and izzy up from school at 3:30. Then I text Tessa and tell her 'we are going after school so meet us at the mall around 3:45-4:00'. I put my phone in my pocket as we pull up to the school.

As we are walking off the bus jace says "Are you okay? You hate shopping." "I'm fine. Honestly, It's not like I want to go but Magnus is right. I need Isabelle to go with me so I don't end up like a glitter monster or worse. Isabelle can help me look great but hopefully stay in my style range."

As we walk off the bus there is people crowded around the bus taking pictures and I run back inside the bus. Everyone else has gone off.

I sit down on the floor of the bus. Someone comes and sits across from me. It's Jace. "Hey look at me" I look up at him "I know you didn't want all of this. It just got thrust upon you. We will here and make it to the school. I have almost every class with you. I will be right here. Isabelle and Simon haven't left you either they are waiting for you at the door for the bus." I nod my head and we stand up. We hug and I wish we could just stay here. We let go and he stays close to me. So much for Grant helping me. Some boyfriend. We walk off the bus and the cameras start flashing and people keep yelling "clary! Clary over here!" And "clary is the blond your boyfriend?" "Clary! How does it feel to have gotten such big job offers at such a young age?" I'm not that young. I look at jace and he looks at me and we both walk to the school doors.

As soon as we walk about every girl in the school comes running up to me and asks me to make their dress. I don't say anything. I take Simon's hand and we walk to French class.

I sit down and jace and Simon sit beside me. "Oh crap!" I say and Simon says "what?" "We have a test today. I don't know anything. I tried studying on my own but it's useless. And we didn't get anything done on Saturday." "Simon, just remember what I taught you Wednesday and clary,... good luck" jace says. I'm doomed. The teacher walks in and says "good morning everyone. Put your books away and pull out a pencil or pen." We all do as we are told and the tests are passed out. I do remember some of this so I shouldn't make a zero. I finish the test in 10 minutes and hand it in. I take out my sketchbook and work on the dresses for Sherri hill first because they want the most.
I finish one and the bell rings. The three of us stand up and jace says "so how do y'all think you did?" "Well, I remembered most of what you taught me so I think I did pretty good" Simon says and I say "well I'm pretty positive I didn't get a zero but still failed." We all walk to English.

I see izzy sitting down and Grant is beside her. He sees me come in and I walk over to him and he stands up. "Where were you when I was trapped in the bus?" I practically yelled. "I was walking in the school like I have to. You were doing fine." No I wasn't I was TRAPPED ON THE BUS! I had to have help. And where were you, in the school. I am so mad at him right now." "Well sorry. I thought you were fine." "Ugh" I grunt and sit down. I still can't believe he left me. I look over at Simon jace and izzy and they are trying not to laugh. "Go ahead, I don't care I know you all want to" I say and they start laughing.

Mr. Donaldson stands up from his desk and starts teaching about literature and says that we will all have to read a tale of two cities, hamlet, and the lamplighter. I've read a tale of two cities before and so have jace and izzy but I guess we can read it again. I remember jace reading it to me like it was yesterday. The thought makes me smile and apparently Jace sees me because he whispers "I remember too, I will do it again" and my smile just gets bigger. Mr. Donaldsons class drags on and on. My mind starts drifting to those dresses and I am itching to work on them. Maybe mrs. Goldson will let me work on them in art. "-and that is why literature is important in our world today. Okay everyone come get your homework off my desk." As soon as he says that the bell rings. We grab our homework and walk out into the hallway.
"That class took forever" I say and everyone nods. A couple of girls walk up to me and say "hi. Your clary right. I'm Sophie Petters and this is my friend Olivia Maters. We just wanted to know if you could make our dresses for the dance?" "I guess so. I'm charging $100 per dress" I say. "That's fine. It's so much cheaper than a normal dress too. I want a purple one" Olivia tells me and Sophie says "and I want a blue one." "Okay I will put that in the book." I say and walk over to art class.

I walk over to mrs. Goldsons desk and ask her "hey mrs. Goldson, can I work on designing some dresses for work. Please? I'm currently swamped." She thinks about this for a little bit then says "I guess so." I say thanks and walk over to a table and pull out my sketchbook and start drawing. I add some sparkles to the first and start on the second. I draw a short cut dress that flares out below the waist. I get up and walk to the cabinets and grab the colored pencils. I take them back to my seat and start coloring in the dresses.

Someone walks over and sits beside me and says "hey clary" I look over and see the quarterback for the schools football team. "Hey Josh. What's up?" "I wanted to know if you wanted to be my date for the homecoming dance?" "Is this because I got two jobs as a professional designer?" I say and he says "well yeah. I want everyone to think I'm with a cute famous person." I figured. "Well in that case.... no." He looks at me and asks "what? Why? Don't you want to go with the hottest and most popular jock in school?" "Well I would if you liked me the right way but you don't. I don't want to be used as a play toy. I know how you are Josh, you just find a girl and date them for a day or two and make them feel all special and then dump them, but I'm not being used like that. My answer is still no." He sighs and says "come on, you need someone like me. I've seen you with that scrawny blonde. I can take so much better care of you than he can. I am so much hotter and stronger too." I can't believe what I am hearing. "Excuse me?! For your information, that so called 'scrawny blond' is so much cuter than you will ever be. He could knock you out faster than you can say pineapple. He also does not use me like a play toy and have me as his girlfriend one day and leave me the next like you will." "So the answer is still no?" "Yes Josh, the answer is still no" I say. He sighs and walks away. I'm not being used.

I pull out a piece of paper and label it dress orders. I put Sophie and Olivia's names down and their dress colors. I put it in a folder and keep up with my designs. I go up to mrs. Goldsons desk and ask her "can I use my phone to look up something?" "Yes just keep it on your desk" she says and I walk to my desk and look up Sherri hill. They are very sparkly and florally. I design a long two piece dress that cut off in the middle. I put some flowered lace on the bottom. I hope they like it. I finish another one. I start on Olivia's long purple dress. I go ask mrs. Goldson if I can go to a classroom to ask someone what they want for their dress and she lets me go. I go to the library and log into my yearbook account and look up Olivia's name. I see she has history this hour. I go to the classroom and ask if I can see her for a minute. She walks in the hall and says "hey clary, what's up?" "I wanted to know about your dress. Do you want it long? Do you want it with straps or without?" She thinks for a minute then says "I have to have straps but you create the rest I know you will make it amazing!" "Thanks Olivia. I won't let you down" I say and she goes back in the classroom and I walk back to the art room. I add straps to it and a sparkles to the waist line. The bell rings and I have to put it up to finish later.
As I am walking to math I pass Grant talking to some girl. I don't think they see me so I pretend to put my stuff in my locker. I hear him say "will you go to the dance with me Christie?" "But what about your girlfriend clary?" She says in a soft voice and he just says "She means nothing to me. I promise." Really? "I mean nothing to you! Really Grant?! I thought you cared about me, but I guess I was wrong. We are done" I say and walk to class. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, crying is for mundanes and you are stronger than that.

I walk fast to math and sit down. Everyone is already in here and is looking at me. Grant walks in and says "clary, let me explain." "There's nothing to explain. You said I don't mean anything and you asked another girl. I don't want to hear anything. Just leave me alone." I say that last part harsher that I meant to. Jace looks so mad like he wants to kill someone or possibly punch a wall. I look at him and shake my dead and mouth the word 'don't'. He still looks ticked off. Mr. Velesquez stands up and starts writing equations on the board. I start writing notes down. I still can't believe Grant said that. He is such a jerk. I will stay with Jace and we will be happy, back to the way we were before he died.

I raise my hand and ask to go to the bathroom and I go in there and sit on the floor and cry. I won't let Grant see he got to me. I'm stronger than that. Why am I crying over some stupid guy?

Izzy walks in 5 minutes later and sees me on the floor and squats in front of me and says "what happened" in her sweet softest voice. I tell her "Grant asked a girl to the dance. When she asked about me. He said I meant nothing. I cared about him izzy I really did. I did what I had to do, I broke up with him. I'm going to have to tell Tessa that I am going to take her offer and not wait to see if someone asks me." She says "oh Clare I'm so sorry." She hugs me and helps me to my feet. "Come on to the counter let's get you cleaned up." I sit in the bathroom counter and she cleans my makeup and makes it look better. "What was Tessa's offer?" She asks me and I say "that we will wait till Thursday and if nobody asks me by Wednesday we will go have a girls night while you and Simon go to he dance and we will leave the boys." "Oh that will be fun" she says and hugs me and asks me "are you sure you're ok?" I nod my head and we walk back together. On our way back I stop izzy and say "I'm going to work him extra hard in yearbook today." She laughs and says "great idea" I smile and we walk in the classroom. When the bell rings Mr. Velesquez says "homework work sheets are on my desk and they are due tomorrow." I grab the sheet and stuff it in my binder and put it in my locker.

At my locker jace comes up to me and says "hey you okay? I'm right here. Remember I'm not going anywhere. I will do anything for you. I've been waiting for you and I hate to see you hurt again." I sigh and grab my yearbook folder and say "yeah jace. I'm fine. I still love you. You don't need to do anything I promise I have handled it. I am going to assign him most of my stuff for yearbook but don't tell him. It will be sort of a payback. I love being in charge. If I need you to handle it for me I will let you know. Can we just go back to the way we were before you left?" He smiles and says "I love you too. I've never stopped. Of course we can." I smile and he kisses me short but sweet. We hold hands and walk over to yearbook and

I start on a list for Grant to do. It's a good thing he hasn't come in here yet. "Hey where is that camera with the pictures you took of the fashion show?" I ask jace and he walks over to the cabinet and hands me a camera. Grants list says:
1. Go get 3 different quotes for homecoming football game coming up
2. Do 2 spreadsheets for school spirit
3. Put pictures on page 200
4. Come up with a list of 10 different headlines

Grant walks in and sees me finish the list and sits down at our team table and says "what is that?" "It's your list of things to do for this class today" I say and slide it across the table to him. He gets wide eyed and looks up at me and says "but this will take forever." I smirk and say "good. Get to work." He sighs and walks out of the classroom to get 3 quotes. "Have you done yearbook before?" Jace asks me and I shake my head. He looks surprised and he says "well you are good at it." "Thanks" I say.

I smile and pick up the camera and look through the pictures. I pick some of the best ones and I take the card out and put it in to the computer. I log into my account and upload the pictures. I find an empty page on 145 and put the pictures in the picture slots. I title the page amazing dresses and designs. I start writing about the show. "Hey jace, I need you to please go find izzy and get a quote about being a model in the fashion show." "Why don't you put that on the list for Grant to keep him busy?" "Because I didn't think about it then and he took it with him" I say and jace rolls his eyes and walks out to go find Isabelle. I finish writing about the fashion show and add some school colors to the background. While Jace and Grant are gone I pull out my sketchbook and work on Olivia's dress. I make it a high low dress.

Grant and jace walks in and jace hands me the journal and I open to the page. I put in the quote at the top of the page. I go to my pictures on my phone and find a picture of izzy. I upload it and put it in there next to the quote. I work on Olivia's dress and add layers and ruffles to the bottom. I take the next page and start on Sophie's blue dress. Before I start Grant whines and says "how come you don't have to do anything?" "I already did my stuff when you were gone. If you want to create girls dresses for the homecoming dance I will give you this job too it would take off my load." He whines again and says "fine you win" and starts on doing the 2 spreadsheets on the list. I look up Sophie's name and find she is in speech class and tell the two boys "I will be right back" and go find her. I put on my yearbook badge so it looks like I am doing this for yearbook. I walk over to room 12b and ask to borrow her for a minute.
"Hey clary" she says. "Hey Sophie, I have a few questions about your dress. First, straps or no straps? And second do you have any preferences for it?" "No straps please. And I do want it to be long and simple." I smile and say "okay great. I will have it to you soon, can you and Olivia bring me the money in he next day or two?" "I think so." "Great thanks" I say and she walks back in the classroom and I walk to the yearbook room and work on the actual dress. I make it strapless like she wanted and I add a line of sparkles to make it different but still keep it simple. I make it long and add a couple of layers. 5 minutes later the bell rings.

We walk over to our lockers and I grab my lunch. "Did you finish everything?" I ask Grant. "No because all those things you put on there would take forever." I smirk and say "well you can do the next thing on the list for homework and do the rest tomorrow and I will have more for you tomorrow too." He sighs and nods his head.

On our way to the lunchroom 5 girls stop us. The look like juniors. "Hi clary. I'm Sarah and this is Emma, Britney, Mia, and Scarlett. Can you please make our dresses for the dance?" I nod and pull out my piece of paper for the orders and put their names down and I ask what colors they want. Mia and Scarlett wants a hot pink, Sara wants yellow, Emma wants red and Britney wants green. I write them down and I say " who wants strapless?" Scarlett, brittney and Sarah raise their hands. So now I know Mia and Emma want straps. "Okay I will get on it. But you must know I'm charging $100 per dress." They all nod their heads and say thanks and walk on to the lunchroom.

"Wow. $100 dollars. Your getting pretty good at this" jace says and I smile and we walk down to the lunchroom. "I need the cash and I figured since people would be asking me to make their dress I would make something off of it. Most dresses for things like this at a normal store would be like $300 or more so $100 is pretty good" I say as we walk down.

We grab a water before we walk to the table. Izzy and Simon are already sitting down. "So I was thinking of a baby pink dress" Isabelle tells me as soon as I sit down. "Okay straps or no straps?" She thinks then says "hmm..., straps. I know you could make it so much better than I ever can." I smile and take out the sheet of paper and right her name down and preferences. I start eating my small bowl of easy mac and cheese for lunch. It's a good thing Grant does not sit with us today. Instead he sits across the room with Danny.

"So are y'all really done?" Simon asks me taking about Grant. "Yep. Best thing that has ever happened. Now it's back to me and jace. The way I like it." I say and me and jace both smile. I finish my mac and cheese and open my fruit bowl. "Wow. I've never seen someone so happy because of a breakup" izzy says.

As soon as the bell rings we all separate and me and izzy walk to fashion design. On the way there I stop her and ask her "do you know how to sew?" "Yeah I learned at the beginning of the year. Why?" "Because I don't know how and I need help with making these dresses for other girls. I will start on yours this period. Can you please make one of these for me?" "Yeah of course. Mines going to be the best though right?" "Yeah. You still have to pay me." "Okay I will bring the money tomorrow but I am expecting a amazing dress." I nod my head and we walk to the classroom. I walk over to the copy machine and make a copy of Olivia and Sophie's dress and write blue on Sophie's and purple on Olivia's. I hand them to izzy and she gasps and says "oh these are so good!" I smile and walk to my desk and start sketching izzys dress. I make hers a single strap over the shoulder and down to the floor. I add a small train to the bottom. I put some sequins on it. I make it open in the back. It takes me half a class period to do. She's going to look amazing it. Simon will thing she's drop dead gorgeous which she will be. I write her name on top. I get started on Sarahs yellow strapless dress. I make it mid thigh and tight. I can picture her in a tight dress. I make it simple. Just plain. I think she will like it. I don't know her so I don't really know. I put her name on it and start in Scarlett's hot pink strapless dress.

"Hey clary. I'm Georgie. Can you make my dress for me please?" "Sure Georgie. What color? And do you want straps, and do you want it long or short?" "I'd like a blue dress, straps, and long please" She says. I write it down on my list. "Okay I will get right on it. I am charging $100 per dress though." "That's fine I will bring it to you tomorrow" she says and walks away. I work on Scarlett's dress. I make it long and with sequins along the straps and the top and in the middle. The bell rings for 7th period.
I put my sketchbook in my backpack and izzy walk over to me and we head over to history class. 2 girls come up to us. I recognize one of them as Christie the girl Grant cheated on me with. "Hi clary. I'm Christie and this is my best friend Leah. Can you make our dresses for the dance?" I nod and pull my list out of my backpack and put their names down and I say "what color? Straps or no straps? Long or short?" Christie says yellow, strapless, and long. Leah says black, straps, and long as well. "All right I will get on it. I am charging $100 per dress." They both nod and walk away. I put the paper away and me and izzy walk to history.

When we walk in we sit in our usual seats. Grant doesn't sit with us so I take his seat next to jace. Jace smiles at me and winks. I smile and blush. Mr Easton stays seated at his desk and tells the class we have a free day today. Oh thank the angel. Someone walks up to me and says "hi clary I'm Riley. Will you make me a long black dress for the dance. Can you do it with strap?" I pull out the paper and put her name down and say "sure but it's $100 per dress." "Thanks clary" she says and walks over to her group of friends.

"So you going to work on your long list?" Jace asks me. I say "yeah I need to get working. I have already done a bunch of them. But I still have a lot to go." I pull out my sketchbook while they talk and work on Britney's green dress. I do a simple green dress with a sequined waist line. "Did you do mine yet?" Izzy asks me excited. "Yes but I'm not showing you yet till it is made I want it to be a surprise. You will look gorgeous in it. I will get someone to make it. Oh that reminds me we didn't measure you so we will have to do it right after school." Her face lights up and I start on Emma's red dress. I do a simple long dress that connects around the neck. It goes down to the ankles.

The bell rings for class to end. "I will see you later beautiful" jace says to me and I smile up at him. I missed this so much. Man am I glad me and Grant are over. Me and izzy separate from the two boys and we walk across the school to the fashion design room. I get the measure out of the closet and izzy stands in he middle of the room. I measure her waist, how tall she is, and her shoulder length and write it down.

When we are done before we leave I text Luke because I know he won't get mad at me and say 'hey Magnus and Isabelle are insisting that I go shopping since my new jobs. Saying if I am going to work for them I have to look like it. I will either come home late or spend the night at the institute. I will let you know what happens.' "Come on I bet Magnus is waiting for us" I say to Isabelle and we walk out the school doors. I was right Magnus is waiting on us. I get in the back of his car and Isabelle gets in he passenger seat. Magnus looks very sparkly today. I text Tessa and say 'we are leaving the school heading over to the mall.' "What took y'all so long" Magnus asks us and Isabelle says "clary had to size me for the homecoming dress she is making me." "Ah" is all Magnus says and we head over to the mall. I get a text from Luke saying 'okay just let me know. Have fun kiddo.'


We arrive at the mall and I see Tessa waiting for us at the entrance. I walk up and hug her and we walk in to Nordin's. "You are going to need to wear dresses and nice stuff for now on" Isabelle says and everyone grabs a bunch of dresses for me to try on and I go into the changing room. I find 4 dresses out of a dozen that I like. We buy these and walk to another store. I try on 7 more dresses and only get 3 of them. They are all pretty but super expensive even though they all say don't worry about it but I do. I have been picking out the cheapest ones and saying I either don't like the others or they don't fit on purpose. I don't think they have noticed yet.

We keep shopping till my hands are full and izzy helps hold more. We finally go to the food court for dinner. I actually pay for this. I get a sandwich from subway and sit down. Everyone joins me after getting their food. "So clary why are we here" Tessa asks me and I tell her about Sherri hill and jovomni offering me a job and me taking it. "Oh that's amazing! Congrats!" I smile and say thanks and eat half my sandwich.

"So Tessa I want to know about Will who is he? You always talk about him" I say to her. Tessa and Magnus laugh and Tessa says "Magnus, jem and I were very close to Will. Will is jaces great great great great grandfather. They act the same attitude wise. He looked nothing like jace does. He looks just like Alec though. He wasn't always the kindest. Will cared about people though it took him a while to show it to me, jem, and the others at the institute. I could go on and on about him. I won't though because we could be here all night." "Thats true but you can't really blame him for it now that you know what happened" Magnus says. I like Will already. "He sounds awesome. I like him already" I say. I finish my sandwich and start On my Doritos that came with it.

Once we finish our dinner me and izzy go over to Abercrombie and fitch while Tessa and Magnus go somewhere else. Izzy picks me out some cute tops and I try them on and get them all. She gets some outfits for her too. "You have to wear one of those outfits tomorrow" she tells me and I say "what about my runes? Most of them are sleeveless." "Don't put any on in the morning just don't worry about the permanent ones." I nod my head and we head over to bath and body works. We both get a thing of lotion and she gets some more perfume. Next we head over to the shoe barn with her insisting that I can't wear converse and tennis shoes every day. She makes me get some heels that at least I can walk in. I'm still short even with them.

I look at my phone and see it is already 7:30. "Hey izzy I'm going to spend the night at the institute tonight okay." "Yay this will be great. And I will help you get ready in the morning and Grant will be sorry he ever cheated. Jace won't be able to resist you." I laugh and say "whoa there izzy. You are getting way ahead of yourself." She laughs and we go over to one last store, Ralph Lauren. Everything in here is a little expensive but I need some of it. She gives me some outfits to try on and I do and we get some of it. While we are in the checkout line I text Luke and say 'hey I know it's late. We are leaving the last store. I think I will just spend the night at the institute tonight so y'all don't have to stay up and wait for me. I already got dinner so don't worry about me.' We check out and go to meet Magnus and Tessa at the entrance for the mall. We have to put the bags in both Magnus and Tessa's car.

We head over to the institute and unload and put all of my bags in my bedroom and I say "thanks for coming with me Tessa. You were a lot of help. I think I will take your offer for Friday if nobody asks me tomorrow or Wednesday because me and Grant broke up." "I'm sorry to hear that. What happened?" "He cheated but I am with Jace now and things are better." I hug her and say thanks to her and Magnus for everything and they leave. I take my book bag to the library and sit down and start doing English homework. Jace is already in here doing his homework. "What are you doing here" jace asks me and I just say "nice to see you too. I'm here because it's too late to go home so I am sleeping here tonight." I start on the homework and pull out math. I work out the equations the best I know how. I hear my phone ring in my book bag I look and see it is my mom. "Ah oh" I say. "What?" "It's my mom." His gets wide eyed because we both know when she calls knowing I'm spending the night here there's a long lecture.

"Hello?" "Clary, Luke said you are spending the night at the institute." "Yes I am" "you know my conditions if you sleep over there I expect you to obey them. I know you are dating Grant but you are not to have sexual interactions with Jace while you are there. I know you think I am a horrible mom right now but I'm just looking out for you." I sigh "yes ma'am." "I love you clary I will see you after school tomorrow." "Love you too. I mom I'm working on homework so I will just see you tomorrow" I say and hang up before she can say much more. "Was It the usual?" Jace asks me and I nod my head. I work out the last 2 math problems the best I can.

"So can I learn some French now please before I fail her class?" Jace looks up at me and laughs and says "haha! Sure I guess." In an hour he teaches me how to say a whole simple conversation. "That's as far as me and Simon got so you are all caught up." "Thanks. Your much more helpful and a better teacher. And your cute." He smiles and winks at me. "So what should I put on Grants list of things to do tomorrow? We can add some of your assignments too so he's stuck doing most of the work." "Great idea. Payback time. You could put do 3 separate spreadsheets about the football team, the tennis match last weekend, and the game Friday." "Perfect" I say and add a couple of the things to his list. "This should keep him busy. Was that your work for tomorrow?" "Yep" he says. Of course he would put this to his advantage. I put it in my folder and pull out my sketchbook. I work on the rest of the dresses on my list I haven't done yet. I finish it at 9:00 pm. I sigh a sigh of relief. I am finally done with it. I look up. Jace has left already. I head up the stairs to my bedroom and walk in and get ready for bed. I text Simon sand let him know I spending them night here.
I need to go and read a tale of two cities so I get off my bed and go head down to the library because I know it will most likely be there. I look on the first row and don't see it so I look up to the third level. I see it in the middle of the third row, but because of my short size I cant reach it.

I walk out of the library and go over to Jace's bedroom and open the door. He is sitting on the bed reading a book, not a tale of two cities but still reading. "hey jace?'" I say and he looks up. "can you get something for me on the third row in the library?" he smiles and gets up and we walk out the room and to the library. "what do you need?" he asks me and i tell him "a tale of two cities." he nods his head and looks up and sees it. he opens his large beautiful grey wings and flies up to go get it for me. He grabs the book and flies down and hand it to me. "Thank you beautiful" i say and give him a quick kiss. He smiles and says "I am sorry for what he did to you. You deserve so much better than him. I hate to see you hurt. I promise I will never leave you again." He takes my hand and we walk over to my room. We walk down the hallway and pass both of our rooms. "Where are we going" I ask him and he just says "our special spot." What is he talking about? We walk down some more hallways. "It will be faster this way" he says and picks me up bridal style and we are flying through the institute. I still have no idea where we are going.
Suddenly we are at the greenhouse doors. Instead of landing he blows them open. Once we are inside he sets me down. We walk over and sit down on a bench in here. I look into his beautiful golden eyes. I love him so much.

"How about you and me go spend Saturday together" he asks me. "I would love that" I say with a big smile on my face "what were you thinking?" "Have you ever ridden a horse?" "Believe it or not I have but I'm not very good at it." "Well we can do that then I have some other surprises in store. I would take you to the dance Friday but I am going hunting with Alec. You know how he is." I nod my head because I do. I look up at him and say "I love you jace Herondale." "I love you clary fray" he says and pulls me into a kiss. I pull away after a minute and say "you know if my mom finds out we kissed she would have a cow". He laughs and says "I know." I tell him I will be right back and I run down there stairs to my room and grab my sketchbook. I run back up and I say "I need to find someone to make Isabelle's dress. I designed it but I need someone to make it because I want it to be a surprise. I will have to find someone soon or else she won't have one." He smiles and watches me finish every one else's dresses. And I finally finish the Sherri hill ones after an hour and a half. I look up at him and say "you ready to go to bed?"

He picks me up again and we fly down to my room. My sketchbook and a tale of two cities in my hand. We land right outside my door. He looks at me and says "are you tired" I smile and say "it's been a long day. I'm ready to go to sleep" and he opens my door. He pulls back my covers and lays me in my bed. He kisses the top of my head and tells me goodnight. He turns out the light and walks out. I love that man.

I look at my phone it says 11:10. I set my phone alarm to 6:15 and go to sleep.

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