Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea...

By cliffordpunkrock

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Engaged, happy, and in love, Carter Chase and Ashton Irwin are setting off on a new adventure as she joins hi... More

Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chater 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chaper 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 179
Chapter 180
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183

Chapter 178

581 20 2
By cliffordpunkrock

Ashton held our baby as I was cleaned up, changed, and taken care of.

I watched as Ashton slowly walked around the room, holding the baby in his arms and saying things to him, a smile never leaving his lips.

I was given a blanket because I was shivering and then I was brought in a cup of tea and some toast since I hadn't eaten anything in fourteen hours.

The nurses took the baby from Ashton again to do a few more things and we took this opportunity to eat and drink before our little boy was placed back in my arms.

"He's so tiny." I whispered as I stroked his little cheeks.

"He has your nose." Ashton said, touching the little guys nose.

"And your lips." I let my finger travel down to his mouth. "He has your eyes too. Handsome hazel eyes."

"He's so perfect." Ashton pressed a kiss to my temple.

I watched as our little boy moved and his hand appeared from under the blanket.

I placed my finger in front of his hand and he touched my finger, his little tiny fingers wrapping around mine.

"Aw, hi. You are so cute, yes you are." I giggled and his fingers moved around mine.

There was a knock at our door and Ashton said it was okay to come in, Ann's head poking into the room. She had gone to bring the kids.

"Can we come in?" She asked and we nodded, Ann bringing Gracie and Ender into the room.

They all walked up to the bed, looking at the baby that was in my arms.

Ashton picked up Gracie so she could see the little baby, her eyes going wide.

"Does he have a name yet?" Ender asked and Ashton and I looked at each other before I nodded.

"We would like to introduce you to Brooklyn James Irwin." I smiled, looking down at my beautiful baby boy.

"James, like dads name?" Ender asked and I nodded.

"Oh that's so sweet." Ann fawned.

"It was Ashton's idea." I said and she patted her blushing son on the back.

I brought my gaze down to Brooklyn, my fingers messing with the little blue hat that was covering his head.

"Why is he so small?" Gracie asked and we all laughed.

"Because he was just born. You were that small when you were born too." Ashton told her with a smile.

"How old is he?" She asked.

"About three hours old." Ashton replied, hugging the little girl.

She gasped at that and we laughed again.

"He's my brother?" Gracie asked again and I nodded up at her. There was no point in telling her that he really wasn't. Technically he was like her third cousin or something like that, but Gracie was a daughter to me, and Brooklyn was going to be her little brother, blood aside.

"Yup, this is your little brother." Ashton kissed her cheek and she smiled.

"Can I play with him? We could have a tea party." She smiled and Ashton laughed.

"Well, he needs to stay with me and Mommy right now and the nurses so we can take care of him." Ashton told her and she nodded, still smiling.

Ann held Brooklyn for a little bit, cooing at the precious little boy, until he started crying, signalling he needed something.

A nurse came in with a bottle so we could feed him, her putting Brooklyn back in my arms and teaching me how to hold the bottle properly so he could drink the formula.

"There you go love." I sighed as he finally started to drink.

"He's so good. When Ashton was born he didn't stop crying." Ann said as we watched Brooklyn eat.

"Thanks mum." Ashton laughed.

"With those lungs I should've known you'd be in a band." She retorted and I busted into laughter.

Once Brooklyn was done eating a nurse took him off to put a little identification band on his wrist and also get his footprints.

I was exhausted and needed to rest so Ann took the kids out and Ashton held Brooklyn so I could rest.

Brooklyn cried a bit later because he needed to be changed and the nurse showed Ashton what to do.

After this Ashton handed me Brooklyn then got into the bed with me, laying on his side so that he could rest his head on my arm while softly stroking Brooklyn's tummy.

We watched as he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Leaning forward I pressed a feather light kiss to his forehead, so completely mesmerised and in love.

"I love you." Ashton kissed my jaw, his other arm going around my shoulders.

"I love you too." I leaned my head into him. "I'm so happy."

"Me too."

"And I'm so in love with him." I said, my fingers touching my baby's skin. "I just can't help but think about how he is ours, and I love even more that he's part yours. I don't know...I'm just so happy."

"I know what you mean. It was just that moment when he looked at me and it hit me that this was my son, and I get to raise him and love him with the most incredible girl and now mother of my child. I've never been more in love than I am right now." He said against my neck and I closed my eyes, blissful peace surrounding me.

Ashton pulled out his phone and smiled before showing me what was on his screen.

'Today Ashton and Carter welcomed their little bundle of joy into the world! Mom and baby are both doing excellently. Ashton, Carter, and the rest of our family is so excited as we get to hold, snuggle, and love the new member of the Irwin family! -Ann'

She had tweeted from Ashton's account and I smiled as I read.

Ashton kissed my forehead before sending out a tweet of his own.

"Car and I welcomed our little boy into the world today! 7 lbs. and 1 oz, healthy, and adorable! Mommy and baby Irwin are cuddling right now and I've never seen anything more precious. We are so in love with our son and are very happy that he's here!'

We laid there for a long while, the both of us admiring our little baby when there was another knock on the door and Michael, Luke, Calum, Ari, and Jason walked in.

"Hey." Ashton turned to see who it was, smiling at them.

"We wanted to meet our nephew." Michael grinned and Ashton waved them over.

"Oh wow." They all oohed and awed as they gathered around the bed.

"Oh my God Carter, he's stunning." Ari said, leaning in to look closer. "He looks just like both of you."

"What's his name, what's his name?" Luke asked, excited like a puppy.

"His name is Brooklyn James Irwin." Ashton smiled, his fingers still stroking Brooklyn's face.

"That's so cute." Ari practically squealed.

Brooklyn moved in my arms, his little hands reaching up and he opened his eyes.

I gasped playfully. "Is someone waking up?" I cooed, leaning in to rub my nose against his cheek.

Ashton brought a finger to Brooklyn's hand, letting him hold onto it, a loving smile on his face.

"I can't believe you two are actually parents."  Michael said and I looked up to grin at them.

"I know. It didn't feel real at first but now it's like we actually have a baby together and I don't know, it's just an amazing feeling." Ashton said.

Ari and the guys wanted to hold Brooklyn so they washed their hands and then used sanitiser before I carefully passed Brooklyn off to Ari.

They passed Brooklyn between the five of them, having someone take a picture of them before he was handed back to me.

The nurse came in a bit later to check on me, and then they took Brooklyn off to the nursery for the night.

Ari, Jason and the guys left at this time, leaving me and Ashton to shower off in the bathroom of the private room he had booked for us.

"I miss him." Ashton and I both said as we got into the hospital bed together, my body sore and still recovering.

Ashton pulled out his phone and we looked at pictures of our baby boy until we both fell asleep, passed out from the past days events.

We spent the entire next day at the hospital with Brooklyn, filling out paper work, his birth certificate, and other things.

Ann had taken the kids home the night before and brought them back in the morning so they could see the baby again.

We let Ender hold him and then had Gracie sit in the chair and Ashton helped her hold him so Ann could take a picture.

Brooklyn cried a bit more today, us feeding him every three hours and changing him twice as often, Ashton and I taking turns on changing and feeding him.

But soon I was rocking him in my arms as he cried, not being able to figure out why.

"We just fed him and he's not wet, why is he crying?" I asked a nurse.

"Some babies just cry. You just have to comfort them until they stop." She said and I sighed at her lax answer.

"Please stop crying." I mumbled as I pulled Brooklyn up so that his head was closer to my face, and he wailed for a few more moments before quieting down.

"I did it." I said surprised and Ashton patted my arm.

"We'll get the hang of it." Ashton assured me.

Before we checked out the next day which was Christmas Eve, Dr. Roland had me taking iron, vitamin c, d, and b, pills to boost my strength since having Brooklyn at the weight I was took a lot out on my body.

As we checked out of the hospital, paparazzi were at the front doors so we had to go around the back, security making them leave so we could get into our vehicle that drove us back to the house.

When Ashton and I arrived at the house, we carried Brooklyn in in his car seat, the little baby asleep.

"They're here!" Ender whisper shouted and Ashton carried the car seat into the nursery where he unbuckled Brooklyn and carefully picked him up, setting him in the crib as to not wake him.

"He's going to wake up in about thirty minutes for his bottle." I said and Ashton pulled out his phone to set a timer.

"Why don't you two go rest until he wakes up." Ann suggested and Ashton and I both nodded, making our way to our bedroom.

We both collapsed onto the bed, our eyes closing as we rested until the alarm on his phone went off.

Getting up we made our way to the kitchen so Ashton could warm up a bottle while I picked up Brooklyn.

I used the nursing chair and brought the bottle to his little lips, watching him in wonder as he drank.

Gracie came and sat on the floor next to me and so did Ender, watching me take care of Brooklyn.

"Car, I know the baby just came home, but are we still going to have Christmas?" Ender asked me and I looked up at him like he was crazy.

"Of course we are still going to have Christmas! Once I put him back to sleep we are going to to put up the tree and decorate it, and we will go to the diner tonight for dinner and then come home and bake cookies and watch elf." I smiled.

"I told you she didn't forget." Gracie said to him and Ender rolled his eyes causing me to laugh.

Once Brooklyn finished most of his bottle and decided he was full, I carried him around the house, talking to him and showing him the different rooms, even though I knew he didn't understand me, and then went to put him in his crib.

Ashton got the Christmas tree down from the attic and he and Ender set it up, reminding me of the last Christmas when they had done that together. Ashton and I had only been dating for a week then... so much had changed in the past year.

Once they got the tree up I helped them put on the decorations, Ashton stealing kisses to my cheeks as often as he could.

"So I found this yesterday when I took the kids out for lunch when we were at the hospital." Ann said and handed me a box.

I opened it and pulled out a royal blue glass ball with a hook attached to it. On the glass in scrolling white font read "Baby's first Christmas."

"Oh it's precious! Thank you!" I hugged Ann and then placed it on the front of the tree.

Since it was Gracie's first year with us, we gave her the honour of putting the star on the tree.

Ashton lifted the five year old up so she could set it on the top branch, smiling the entire time.

"It looks wonderful." I smiled, hugging Ashton's side.

We rested until it was time to go get dinner, Brooklyn waking as we got him into his car seat.

I made sure Brooklyn was tucked in nicely and then everyone made their way to the car, Ashton and I sat in the back with Brooklyn and Gracie.

We arrived at Martha's diner, the lot of us unloading from the car and going inside. I took Brooklyn straight to the bathroom to change him and then joined everyone else at the large table we had to accommodate everyone.

Since we were the only people in the restaurant, we were able to be as loud as we wanted. Eating our fill, we left to go home, Brooklyn awake as we rode in the car home, me leaning over to tickle his little tummy and make little faces at him.

Once we were home Ashton took Brooklyn walking around the house with him, rocking him back and forth in his arms.

"And that is your mom making cookies with Ender and Gracie." I heard him say as he passed behind me in the kitchen while I was mixing cookie dough with Gracie.

I turned around and kissed Brooklyn's face a few times, smiling lovingly at him.

Gracie and I got the cookies in the oven to bake and then joined Ashton by the tree where he was showing Brooklyn the ornaments.

"Hey you two." I smiled as I stepped next to them, leaning my head on Ashton's arm so I could see Brooklyn's face.

Ashton moved his head towards me to kiss my forehead.

"Just think...last Christmas it was you me and Ender, and we had been dating for a week." I said.

"Yeah. And I slept on the couch and in the morning you ran downstairs and jumped on me to wake me up." He chuckled.

"And you got me this necklace." I touched the silver chain around my neck with the sea shell charm. "And the jewellery box to put it in."

"And you got me the book for me to put memories in and I filled it up so I had to get another one." He rubbed his nose along my cheek.

"Now look at us." I chuckled and he pressed his lips to my temple.

"I know. Who would've thought that in a year you and I would've gotten engaged and had a baby?"

"Some kind of fate." I replied happily.

"I love you." He rested his head on mine.

"I love you too. So much."

We stood there in front of the tree for awhile until the cookies were done and I went to take them out while Ashton went to change Brooklyn.

While the cookies cooled off I went to our bedroom to start wrapping presents that I had bought for the kids and Ashton, trying to stop Gracie and Ender from peeking under the door.

I finally got them wrapped and then placed them all under the Christmas tree, before going back into the bedroom to get the surprise I had purchased for everyone.

"Okay, you can open this gift tonight." I said as everyone sat around the living room.

Ashton gave me a funny look as he opened the bag I had given him along with everyone else, all of them pulling out a pair of matching pyjamas. The shirt was white with red snowflakes on it and then red bottoms for the boys, and white onesies with red snowflakes for the girls.

"I know it's cheesy, but I saw them and thought why not." I laughed.

"It's adorable Carter." Ann commented and I smiled.

"I got one for Brooklyn too, just in case, and now we get to use it." I said and Ashton laughed, standing up to pull me into a hug.

"You're seriously too cute." He said into my ear, a blush settling over my cheeks.

"I want to take a family picture, everyone go change." Ashton said and I went upstairs to get Gracie into her onesie and then back down to change into mine. Ashton came out of our room to help me get Brooklyn into the onesie, changing his diaper as well.

"Okay now sit in front of the tree." I told Gracie and Ender and had them sit next to each other, holding Brooklyn in my arms and walking toward them. I had them scoot together and then placed Brooklyn in Ender's arms, making sure he supported his head.

Ashton, Ann, and I took a few pictures of them and then Ann had Ashton and I get in the photo as well.

Ender passed me Brooklyn and then Ann took a picture of just me, Ashton and Brooklyn.

We took one of just me and Ashton then one of Ann and the kids, finally setting up a phone timer to take one of all of us.

In the middle of all the picture taking Brooklyn had fallen asleep.

As we finished our photos I got Gracie and Ender together in front of the stairs.

"Okay, so here are the rules. When you wake up, yell down the stairs to say your awake and wait for us to tell you it's okay to come down. Stay in your beds and go to sleep or else Santa won't come tonight. Alright?" They both nodded.

I got them up into bed and then went downstairs to say goodnight to Ann, and get Brooklyn changed, making sure he was good to go.

Ashton and I moved the gifts from Santa into the living room and then retreated to our bedroom.

I got in bed, exhausted, my body sore and aching. I shouldn't have moved around so much today but I couldn't help it.

I turned on the baby monitor on my nightstand and then curled up into my loving fiancé.

We fell asleep fairly quickly, only to be woken up at midnight by a crying Brooklyn.

"And so it begins." I yawned as I stood up, making my way into the living room and Brooklyn's nursery.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked as I picked him up, rocking him in my arms. Ashton entered the room a moment later, yawning as well.

"I'll get a bottle." He said and came back a few minutes later. I sat in the chair and put the bottle to Brooklyn's lips, sighing once he began to drink.

Ashton leaned against the changing table while I fed Brooklyn and then took the bottle back to the kitchen as I began to rock Brooklyn, trying to get him to go back to sleep.

It took him about ten minutes to finally stop moving around and close his little eyes.

Carefully I stood up, and placed him in his crib.

I waited a moment to make sure he didn't wake up and then Ashton and I headed back to bed.

Sleep only lasted three hours because at 3:00 am, Brooklyn was at it again.

Ashton and I got out of bed again, changing his diaper and feeding him again, getting him back to sleep.

As we walked back to our bedroom Ashton took the plate of cookies, taking a bite out of one.

"What?" He asked me when I gave him an odd look. "Santa is hungry."

I shook my head with a little laugh and happily went back to bed.

Like clockwork, at 6:00 am we were awoken again by his cries.

This time Ashton made some coffee while I changed Brooklyn and then started him on a bottle.

Once he was done I began to carry him around the kitchen and rest of the downstairs area of the house, his pretty hazel eyes staring at me until he fluttered them closed as he fell back asleep.

"Here I'll take him, get some coffee." Ashton said and I passed off our baby to him, thankfully gulping down a cup of strong caffeine. I took my vitamins as well and then poured myself and Ashton another cup of coffee.

"Car, come look." Ashton whispered to me and I walked over to where he was sitting on the sofa and saw Brooklyn holding onto Ashton's finger in his sleep.

"Aw." I smiled, cuddling up to the both of them. "Two out of three of my boys."

"Love you." Ashton laughed and I leaned my head onto his chest.

Ann arrived at around 8:00 am from the bed and breakfast and found Ashton and I asleep on the sofa with Brooklyn in Ashton's arms.

We woke up when we heard the door open and then placed Brooklyn back in his crib.

"So how was your first night with him at home?" Ann asked as we drank another cup of coffee.

"He woke up a few times but it wasn't too bad." Ashton shrugged.

"When they say you won't get a full nights sleep for awhile, they weren't kidding." I added.

"The older they get the longer they sleep." Ann assured us.

Around 9:00 Ender called down the stairs that he was awake, Gracie following along.

I got the camera ready and made sure everything was in check.

"Okay, come on down!" I called up the stairs and soon two bedroom doors were flung open and two sets of pounding feet rushed down the stairs.

They flew into the living room, stoping in front of the tree to gawk at the gifts, and then dove in.

"Is this for me?" Gracie asked when she saw a bright pink tricycle.

"It is." I smiled, Ashton putting an arm around my shoulder as we watched.

She jumped around happily and then began to tear into the present boxes with her name on them.

"Ender I got colouring books! What did you get?" Gracie said as she held up her frozen colouring book.

"I got a remote control car and a new skateboard!" He said back.

"Woah I got a spy kit!" Ender then exclaimed and I laughed.

"We might regret that one." Ashton murmured into my ear.

"You're probably right." I chuckled.

Gracie freaked out over a play food set we had got her and Ender cheered when he opened his new video games.

I was letting my hand rest on Ashton's chest when I heard Brooklyn moving about in his crib.

I stood up and walked over to him, my eyes meeting hazel irises.

"Is someone awake?" I asked in a high pitched voice, cradling his head as I picked him up. I let out a playful gasp. "Good morning. Hello, baby boy."

His hand moved up and landed on my face.

"You're so cute, yes you are." I cooed at him, moving in to rub my nose against his, giving him several kisses on his face.

I bounced him lightly in my arms as I made my way to the living room.

"Brooklyn wants to say good morning." I brought him over to where the kids were sitting on the floor and carefully sat down next to them.

"Good morning Brooklyn." Gracie smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

Ashton came to sit behind me, his legs going around mine and I leaned into his chest, his hand coming around to play with Brooklyn's fingers.

"Mommy, this gift says its for you." Gracie said and pointed to a red and white striped box.

"Why don't you open it for me." I said and she nodded, tearing away the paper to reveal a box with a light grey jumper inside.

"Oh that's so pretty! Who was it from?" I asked.

"Daddy." She answered and I leaned back to press a kiss to Ashton's jaw.

"There's something else in there Gracie, keep looking." Ashton said and she pulled out a little plastic card.

"What is it?" I asked and she brought it over to me. "A massage?" I read.

"I thought that once you are feeling up to it, you can go have a spa day to relax while I take care of the kids." He said.

"That is so sweet, thank you." I kissed him properly this time.

"Dad, this one is for you." Ender said and picked up a box that contained the gift I had bought for Ashton.

"Open it mate." Ashton said and Ender opened the box to reveal a Polaroid camera.

"Woah, are you serious?! That's so cool!" Ashton said as Ender brought him the box.

"Well, you like to take pictures so much I just thought you would like this." I said.

"I love it Car, thank you." He kissed me sweetly on the lips.

We spent a little more time on the floor before Brooklyn became fussy and I went to go change him.

After he was changed I took him over to the sofa where I sat down and held him in front of me, making sure I supported his head so we were face to face.

"Hi Brooklyn." I smiled at ihim, his big hazel eyes watching me.

I brought my legs up and bent my knees so I could could lean him against my legs. I took his little arms in my hands as he began to move them around, just feeling his little hands on mine.

"Hey there Brooklyn. How's my little man?" Ashton said as he came to sit next to me, going in for a few kisses on his cheeks.

"He's so cute." I said and Ashton laughed.

"He gets it from his mum." He rubbed his nose against my face.

"No, I think he gets it from his dad." I commented back and then turned my head to give him a quick kiss.

I then turned my attention back to Brooklyn, talking to him as if he understood me, but I knew baby's loved to hear the sound of their parents voices.

"So did you have a nice Christmas?" Ashton asked me as we continued to look down at our little boy.

"I had the best Christmas." I smiled.

"Me too."

"Did you have a good Christmas Brooklyn?" I traced my fingers down his clothed tummy and then up to his head where there was a little dusting of reddish brown hair.

Carefully I slid my hands beneath him and brought him over to lay him on my chest so that his head was right on my heart.

My fingers continued to stroke his back while I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of being close to my baby.

Ashton was doing something next to me and then all of the sudden I heard a click and then a humming noise.

I looked to see him using his new Polaroid camera I had gotten him.

He shook the picture in his hands as he waited for it to develop and then showed me the photo of me and Brooklyn.

"That's adorable." I smiled, feeling Brooklyn's hand at the skin of my neck.

"Your Daddy just took a picture of us." I smiled down at him and put my nose against his, his eyes meeting mine, and then gave him another kiss.

"Let me hold him for awhile." Ashton said and I passed him Brooklyn, Ash getting comfortable and tucking Brooklyn between his arm and his chest.

I watched as they stared at each other, a soft smile on Ashton's face the entire time.

"Babe, take a picture of us." Ashton said as he played with Brooklyn's little fingers.

I took his camera and snapped a photo of the two of them. Once it developed I showed it to him.

"Perfect." He smiled. "Come here."

He raised his arm that he was using to play with Brooklyn's hands, and I ducked underneath, pulling myself to him, and resting my head on his chest.

Brooklyn's eyes kept going between mine and Ashton's, looking at both of his parents.

"That's precious." Ann said and used Ashton's camera to take a picture of the three of us.

I snuggled myself into Ashton's chest, moving my hand over so I could stroke Brooklyn's tummy with my finger.

Ender came over from where he was sitting on the floor and I lifted my arm so he could crawl underneath it.

"Since I'm his uncle and older brother, can I teach him how to play footie when he's older?" Ender asked as I put my arm around him, returning my hand to Brooklyn's little feet.

"Of course." I smiled. "You'll make a good coach."

"I'm going to be the best brother ever." Ender said and I smiled, Ashton moving his arm so he could squeeze my thigh, then put it back over me and Ender so he could love on Brooklyn again.

Gracie then came over too, wiggling her way under our arms so that she was the closest to Brooklyn.

"Can he play tea party with me today?" Gracie asked.

"How about me and Brooklyn have a tea party with you Gray?" I asked and she nodded happily. Ashton moved his hand to tug lightly on one of her two braids, Gracie looking up at him with a smile.

Gracie snuggled her head back down on Ashton's chest like the rest of us, Brooklyn's eyes staring at her.

"He's looking at me." Gracie giggled.

"Mhmm." I hummed. "He's thinking, "I have the prettiest and coolest big sister in the world, and I love her so much"."I said, moving my hand to her arm.

"He loves me?" Gracie asked.

"Of course he loves you. You're his big sister." Ashton smiled.

"Well I love him too." Gracie smiled.

"Me too." Ashton grinned.

Ann snapped another picture of the five of us all cuddled together and I smiled, enjoying this time I was with my family.


Baby Brooklyn has arrived and is home with his family!

But the story isn't over yet! There's a lot more coming your way!

Much love xx-m

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