Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea...

By cliffordpunkrock

45.4K 1.6K 199

Engaged, happy, and in love, Carter Chase and Ashton Irwin are setting off on a new adventure as she joins hi... More

Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chater 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chaper 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183

Chapter 175

477 18 1
By cliffordpunkrock

Twenty one hours later we were landing in Sydney.

Gracie and Ender had been really good during the flight, neither of them making a sound unless the flight attendant was asking them what they wanted to drink, or they needed to use the restroom.

We de-boarded the plane and I held onto both Ender and Gracie's hands as we walked through the airport to baggage claim.

I was completely aware of photos being snapped of me by teenage girls and finally made it to baggage claim where I saw Ann and Brad, one of the security guards, waiting for me.

"Hi!" Ann said excitedly when she saw us and came over to hug me. "Oh my gosh you're so tiny!"

"It's so good to see you!" I hugged her back.

"How was your flight?" She asked.

"Long, but it's over now." I laughed.

"Well let's get your suitcases and get you home, you must be exhausted." She patted my stomach twice and we went over to wait for our luggage.

We had two large suitcases and Brad lifted them for us, airport workers taking them out to the van before we left baggage claim and made our way outside.

"Carter! Carter!" The voices of paparazzi and fans called at me but I kept my head down and held onto the kids hands before hurriedly getting them and myself into the van.

We pulled away from the curb and I let out a breath. That part always made me anxious.

I pulled my phone from my bag and took it off airplane mode, dialling Ashton.

"Hey babe!" He answered on the second ring.

"Hi." I smiled.

"How was your flight?"

"It was good."

"Did you walk around every hour like the paper said?"

"Yes I did." I laughed lightly.

"How did the kids do?"

"They did really well." I reached over to poke Gracie's cheek who squirmed in her car seat.

"So where are you now?"

"I'm in the van with your mom, and we are on our way back to the house."

"Good. I miss you like crazy already, Car."

"I miss you too." I smiled into the phone.

"I miss Daddy!" Gracie tapped my arm.

"Gracie says she misses you too."

"Aw, give her a hug for me." He chuckled.

"I will."

"Okay, well let me know when you get back to the house and I'll FaceTime you tonight."


"Love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up and and texted Ari that I would be home shortly.

"So how have you been feeling about having the baby, Ashton's told me you're pretty scared?" Ann patted my leg.

"Yeah, I'm bit anxious, but I've been reading a lot on what to do once the baby is here, and I know I have a lot of people to help me."

"That's wonderful. Believe me, I know it's terrifying, but the feeling of holding your baby for the first time is worth all of the stress, fear and tears."

I smiled at her, thankful for her encouraging words.

I took a little nap on the way over to Haven Harbour and finally the ferry docked so we could get home.

The moment we pulled up into the car lot I felt a sense of relief.

I rolled one of the suitcases behind me and Ann took the other while we walked down the docks to the house.

Opening the door I was hit by the fact that I was home and a giant smile broke out across my face.

"Carter!" Ari squealed from the kitchen where she and Jason were standing and ran over to gather me in a hug.

Her hair was a little shorter and more blonde, but she was still the same old Ari, my best friend.

"Hi!" I hugged her back.

"Oh my gosh let me look at you!" She held me back at arms length, surveying my appearance. "You're absolutely glowing!"

"Thanks." I laughed.

We got settled in and I felt so much better just being in my own home again.

I was laying down on my side on the sofa, Gracie cuddled up with me, and Ari sat on the floor in front of us.

"So what are your plans for a nursery?" She asked.

"Well, there's no space in my bedroom for a crib or anything, and I can't put it in Ender's room, so I was actually thinking about me and Ashton moving into my parents room, giving Gracie my bedroom, and using the dining room back there for the nursery." I pointed to the empty space on the left of the staircase and next to my parents bedroom.

That was technically the dining room of the house but no one ever used it, there were no doors, just one pillar that was for the house support.

"That could work. But are you ready to move into your parents room?" She asked.

"I think so. I mean, honestly, Ashton and I should've done that as soon as Gracie arrived, but I was too stubborn. But we need the space for the baby and I think that works. Besides, it's right next to the bedroom so I can hear if he cries."

"That's a good point. Well, Jason and I will help you as much as you need."

"Thanks Ari, that's means a lot to me. I'm really glad you're here." I reached out to hold her hand, a few seconds later, the little footie star kicked inside me.

Gracie turned to look at me, her eyes wide and she gasped happily.

"Did you feel him kick too?" I asked her with a laugh and she nodded excitedly, everyone bursting into laughter.

I fell asleep again, taking a nap with Gracie on the sofa until it was dinner time.

Ashton video called us that night and I told him of my plans on where to put the baby and he agreed that sounded like the best plan.

We talked for a while and then he chatted with the kids and his mom a bit too before I was tired and ready to go to sleep.

The next few days were slightly chaotic in the sense that there were so many decisions to be made and Ashton wasn't there to help me, so I was constantly texting him for his opinion.

Ann was staying at the house to help me with the kids, so that was extremely good for my stress levels because a few days after we got back, Gracie got sick.

It was only a cold, but still, I had so much on my mind and having to take care of a sick four year old was pushing my limits.

Ari and Jason came over almost every day too to help me move everything around in the house.

First I had to start by packing up my parents bedroom, which was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

Ever since they had passed away I hadn't touched their belongings because it felt wrong to me, and sitting on their bedroom floor putting their things into boxes was like torture.

"Are you sure you want to do this Carter, if it's too much then we don't have to move in there." Ashton said over the phone after I had called him on the verge of a breakdown.

"No I have to this, it's time, it's just hard." I sighed.

"I know baby, I'm sorry. I wish I was there to help you." He said and I could hear the frown in his voice.

"I wish you were here too." I murmured, missing him like crazy.

Ari and I decided to donate all of my parents old clothes to the resale shop but packed away my moms wedding dress in the attic along with their other personal items that Jason carried up to the attic for us.

Ari, Ann, and I went to the home furnishing store and bought new bedroom furniture for me and Ashton since my parents was a little outdated and creaky from no use, and we also bought a new mattress as well.

Jason and the furniture moving team brought in the new furniture and I told them where I wanted things as they arranged it how my pregnant and indecisive self wanted it.

Next I had to move mine and Ashton's things into our new bedroom, setting it up for us, and making it into our own place.

After our bedroom was finally complete it was time to move Gracie into my old room. We had a lot of fun decorating it for her and she was thrilled by the fact that she got such a big space. She was spoiled too, never had I seen a four year old with a full sized bed, but she now had one and she loved it.

While all of this was happening I also had to get a nursery together, Ann, Ari, Jason, and I drawing out plans we had for the space.

There simply wasn't enough time to wall the dining room in, so we left it open and planned on where the furniture would be best.

That being said, Ashton wanted to spare no expense on the baby's room, which Ann and I rolled our eyes at and bought the lesser priced top of the line items that were still durable and cute.

I would send Ashton pictures of items we found in baby boutiques (only the ones that I agreed with the price) and we'd decide that way.

We purchased all of the necessary items like the crib, changing table, nursing chair, dresser, and a few more storage items.

The furniture was painted white and I got a light blue rug, lamp, blankets, and other accessories to tie the room together for our baby boy.

Being the stubborn and hands on person I was, I insisted on helping Jason and Ender put the furniture together.

Once the room was how I wanted I sent a picture to Ashton who called me to tell me that he loved it.

In between all of the moving and decorating, I also had to go to the doctors once a week since I had entered my third trimester.

Since Ashton wouldn't be home for two more weeks, he was on speaker phone during my doctors visits so he could hear updates and ask questions he had as well.

The doctors here were still concerned about my lack of weight gain and kept encouraging me to gain a few more pounds before I ultimately went into labour.

Time seemed to fly by and suddenly Ashton would be home in one week, and was on FaceTime telling me his flight arrangements.

"So how was your day?" He asked as I lounged on the sofa having lunch.

"Good. He's been moving a lot today." I nodded down to my stomach and then moved my fork around the take out container in my lap.

"What are you eating?" He asked.

"Salad." I replied as I attempted to stab a tomato.

"Carter, how do you expect to gain three more pounds by eating salad? You need to eat like a hamburger or something."

"I've tried, but it makes me sick." I frowned.

"Well, it's just going to be safer for you during the birthing process."

"I'm trying Ashton, I really am."

"I know you are love, I just want you be safe." He gave me a gentle smile.

"I know." I smiled.

I received a text from Ann saying that she was on her way back with Ender and Gracie from the park.

"Oh my gosh I love your mom. I'm so glad she's here." I said after I had read the text.

"Oh yeah?" He laughed.

"Yes. She took the kids to the park today and she's so helpful and sweet and I don't know...it's kind of like having a mom again."

"Car you're like her daughter now, she loves you and the kids. Plus she's about to be a grandma."

"Woah." I sucked in a breath.

"What?" He asked.

"Ann's going to be a grandma, you and I are going to be parents...its just so cool to think about, slightly terrifying, but cool."

"You're funny." He chuckled. "I can't wait to see you."

"I can't wait to see you too." I smiled.

I had no sooner ended my call with Ashton when Ann walked through the door with the kids.

"Hi guys." I had on my biggest smile and hugged them both. "How was the park?"

They told me about their adventures that day and then went off to play again and while they did I was able to sit down with Ann so she and I could talk about the baby.

Finally a week passed by and Ashton was coming home for a while after promoting the new album.

I was sitting on the floor in front of the changing table stacking diapers and towels in the cabinets underneath when the front door to the house opened.

"I'm home!" Ashton's voice called through the front room and I turned to see him walking through the door.

"Hi!" I gasped and quickly stood up making my way towards him and throwing myself in his waiting arms.

"Hey, hi!" He hugged me tightly, one of his hands holding my head to his chest. "Oh my God, I missed you."

"I missed you too." I pressed myself into him, breathing in his cologne and feeling his warmth. "Don't let go."

"I won't." He buried his face into my neck.

We stood there for a few minutes just holding onto each other when the front door opened and Ann and the kids walked in.

"Daddy's home!" Gracie shouted and unfortunately Ashton was taken away from be by his four year old angel.

"Gracie!" He picked her up and spun her around in a few circles, stopping to kiss her cheeks. "I missed you."

She hugged his neck, smiling happily.

"Ender, mate!" Ashton said when he saw my little brother and Ender went to hug him as well.

He set Gracie down and then went to hug his mom.

"Daddy come play!" Gracie tugged on Ashton's hand.

"Let your dad unpack his stuff first, okay Gray?" I patted her head and she nodded up at me.

Ashton grabbed his suitcase and began to roll it to the stairs before stopping.

"We don't sleep there anymore." He shook his head.

"Nope." I laughed and took his free hand, leading him to our new room.

"Wow Carter, this is amazing." He said as he walked in, surveying the room. I had kept the bedroom a surprise and was excited for him to see what I had done with it.

"You like it?" I asked.

"I love it Car, you did an amazing job." He came over to hug me again.

"I'm glad you like it." I said softly and he smiled down at me, tilting his head down to connect his lips to mine.

I happily accepted his kiss, moving my lips against his.

"I missed kissing you." He said as he took a breath and I smiled before he attached his lips to mine again.

I let one of my hands travel to his cheek so I could pull him closer, his hands travelling down my sides.

Taking a breath I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Just think, in two weeks you and I are going to be parents." I murmured.

"And we are going to have a baby boy, and he's going to be the most loved child in this world along with Gracie and Ender."

"Yes." I laughed. "And, I was doing the math earlier, and we will have been together for one year on December 19th."

"So in the year that I've been with you, we've dated, gotten engaged, and will have almost had a baby." He laughed.

"That pretty much sums it up."

"Well it's been the most amazing year of my life." He kissed my lips sweetly once more.

He unpacked all of his belongings, me showing him where I had put his other clothes and things, and I put his dirty clothes in the laundry so he was officially unpacked.

"So does Gracie know it's her birthday tomorrow?" He asked as he put a few things in his nightstand.

"Yes, and she's very excited about it. I have a strawberry cake all ready to go, and I also bought her that doll you suggested."

"Awesome." He grinned.

Once he was done putting away his things we went out to the living room so I could show him around the nursery we had created. He learned where I had put everything and then hugged me tightly, a happy grin on his face.

"Okay Gracie, it's time to take your bath." I said after we had finished dinner, and she jumped from the couch to run upstairs.

I bathed her and got her into her pyjamas, Ashton coming upstairs so he could help tuck her in.

"Wow Gray, you have a whole room to yourself." Ashton said and she nodded proudly.

After Gracie was put to bed and so was Ender, we bid Ann goodnight and then retreated to our room, both of us getting ready for bed.

"It's so tiny." Ashton said as I got comfortable, his hand moving over the baby bump I had developed.

"I know, I'm getting kind of nervous. I mean I've seen so many pictures and read so many books and all of the women were so much bigger than I was. Most people don't realise I'm pregnant unless I tell them, and when they ask how far along I am they don't believe me."

"Well, as long as the baby and you are healthy that's all that matters."

"You're right." I nodded.

Suddenly a movement was felt under Ashton's hand as the baby kicked.

"Hey, there he is." Ashton laughed and he kicked again.

I laughed at first and then groaned, getting out of the bed.

"What is it?" He asked.

"He thinks my bladder is a punching bag." I groaned in frustration, Ashton laughing, and I slipped into the master bathroom to relieve myself and then got back in bed.

Turning on my side I nestled into Ashton, finally being able to sleep in his presence again.


It's going to be a double update tonight so look out for another chapter! It's going to be a sweet one!

Much love xx-m

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