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"Curiosity killed the cat" "Maybe the cat is supposed to be killed" Note: this is an fictional story. No... Mehr

Curiosity // styles
prologue; not so easy
one; idiotic detectives
forty-nine (part one)
forty-nine (part two)


293 21 1

"Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody." 

Mark Twain

Chapter 5

The wind blew strands of hair in my face. Talking my fingers, I pulled one strand back and tucked it behind my ear. I wrapped my arms around myself trying to keep myself somewhat warm seeing I had nothing but my thin shirt on. 

I followed Annabelle, Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Harry to a tall office building. I stepped inside of the building being impact by the warmth the building was providing. 

We went up to the front desk where a lady, probably in her late forties, starred at the computer screen in front of her. Zayn cleared his throat getting her attention. 

"How may I help you?" The lady spoke. 

"We would like to see Mr. Dairs. He's expecting us." Zayn spoke.

"Your name?"


"Alright let me just give him a call to tell him your here." She smiled before picking up the telephone. She pressed some buttons on the keypad before holding the phone up to her ear. 

"Hello, Mr. Daris. We have a group here who says you are expecting them? One of them is named Zayn?" She spoke into her phone. 

"Alright. They will be up shortly." She said before hanging up the phone. 

"Alright go on up. Floor eight." She smiled at us before returning to her work on her computer. 

We headed towards the elevator. Harry pressed the up button and we waited for a ding. Once the elevator made the noise we stepped into the confined space. The ride was silent as we were lifted up to the eighth floor. 

The elevator went ding once more, before the sliding metal door opened. We stept into the office floor, where there were people starring at computer screens in cubes. Clicks echoed thought out the room from fingers tapping against the keys on the keyboard. 

Not many people looked up from what they were doing when we had stepped out of the elevator. 

"I believe it's this way." Zayn said taking the lead. 

I followed the group in front of me to an office door. Zayn politely knocked three times before stopping and waiting. 

"Come in." A male voice said faintly; most likely because of the shut door. 

Zayn turned the door knob opening up the door. We walked into to a quite big office. It had a small black leather couch, black coffee table in front of the couch, two black reclining chairs, colorful painting hung on the walls, there was a television hung up on the wall in the corner of the office, a modern desk sat in the back of the room with an swivel chair. On top of the black polished desk was a computer and some office supplies. 

"Hello boys and Annabelle." He greeted them. I'm not so sure he had spotted me yet. I can tell that the man was tall, lean and was fairly built. His hair was a dark brown and looked as if he was in his early fifties. From a distance I could see he had brown eyes. Since he was sitting behind the desk, I could see he wore a light blue button up shirt and a dark blue tie. 

There were some hellos from the boys and Annabelle. 

"And you must be Cat." He turned to me. I nodded in response seeing I was lost at words. 

"Well, welcome to the team Ms. Miller." He smiled at me. I'm not so sure if I want to be art of this "team" to be honest. I could be fired if anyone from work finds out I'm helping the serial killer who we are investigating on. If I did get fired, my life would really be ruined. I spent my whole life savings on getting myself out here to Boston. I did not spend all of this money and time just to have it be done; be over with. 

"Why did you call us in Alex?" Louis asked. 

"I got an email from Caleb. It's a video about Chrissy." Alex said. 

I looked at Harry who was beside me. He went from a confused and angry facial expression to a pale, emotionless one. He's eyes had also turned pale and his lips were pressed in a thin line. 

That's when a light bulb went off inside of my head. Chrissy is someone special to Harry. That's why he wants to find the three girls so fast. 

"W-What was the video about?" Harry stuttered. His voice was shaky and had an worried tone. 

I was worried about Harry to be honest. I've never seen him this sad and hurt. Even when he had the cuts on his face and was in pain, he never showed this expression before. This was a different side of him. I'm not sure if I like it as much as his sarcastic, cocky self. He looked so lifeless, as if his whole life meant nothing to him anymore. 

Alex sighed before speaking, "I'll put the video on the television." He clicked a few buttons on the computer mouse before grapping the TV remote switching it on. 

He hit play on the video and we all watched the video playing on the TV. There was a girl laid out on one of those reclining chairs you would sit in if you were at the dentist. Her wrist and legs were cuffed on to the chair. There was a light that hung above her head. Next to the car there was a swivel chair and a tall table. On the table there was a metal tray with some tools that I couldn't quite identify because of the distance between the camera and the tray. That was really all you could see sense the room they were in was so dark. 

"Well Chrissy let’s get started shall we?" The male voice asked rhetorical question. He wouldn't even give her an choice if he asked her. He would probably ignore her answer and go along with what he wants. That's what killers are; demanding and selfish. They only do the things they want.  

"No! Please!" Chrissy yelled trying to break her wrists and ankles free from the cuffs around them. 

"Hush baby." said the voice. The man who was talking still hadn’t showed himself in the camera. The way he said 'baby' absolutely disgusted me.

"Harry!" Chrissy screamed. Her scream made my heart break. Her voice sounded as if she knew Harry wasn't going to come but she had just a tiny bit of feeling he was. 

A figure ran out of the shadows of the camera to Chrissy. The man faced the back of the camera and we couldn't see what he was doing. 

Out of nowhere there was a slapping sound then a scream from Chrissy. 

"Shut up you stupid girl! He isn't going to come for you guys so give up!" He yelled at her. 

There was whimpering coming from Chrissy. Watching this made my heart sting. How could anyone treat an innocent girl like this? It's disgusting. 

"Stop your crying." HE snapped at her. She tried to stop but you could still her he faintly cry. 

"Alright now I want you to look into that camera and say hello to Harry and his friends because he's going to be watching this." His voice sounded as if he was talking to a three year old. 

She didn't say anything; she just kept trying to stop crying. 

"Say hello!" He yelled even louder than the past couple of times. She flinched at his harsh tone. 

"H-Hello Harry." She sounded so quiet and he voice had fear in it. I've never seen anyone so scared before. 

"Good." He said. He put on, what looked like blue rubber gloves. I felt my heart beat increase seeing I know that this isn't going to turn out well. 

He reached behind the tall table that had the tray on top of it and pulled out a hammer. Chrissy say the object in the man’s hand. She started screaming and tried even harder to get out of the grasps of the tight cuffs. But it was no use. She can't out of them. All she can do is sit there and be tortured. 

"If you stop moving this will be quick." He said to her. 

"No! No! Please don't! Please!" She pleaded. She had failed to stop crying. Watching this is making me feel horrible. I want to go there and help her. But all I can do is sit here and watch her be in fear and pain. 

"Alright fine. Have it your way if you’re not going to stay still." He said. Chrissy kept crying and begging him to not do what he was about to do. All he did was ignore her. 

He moved further down the chair from where he was standing, to where her legs were. HE was going to break them with the hammer. 

He raised the hammer a foot over her right leg before, swinging it down. I flinched at watching it and turned my head away from the television screen. A painful, high-pitched scream came from the television. The scream made me clench my eyes shut. You could seriously hear the bone crack when the hammer made contact with her femur. 

I hear another slam, crack and then a scream. This needs to stop playing. I can't watch or hear this. It's too horrible. 

"Stop it. Stop it now!" Harry demanded. His tone was loud and angry. 

Alex quickly hit stop on the video. It was finally quiet but in the back of my mind I can still hear the whole video replying. 

Harry stormed out of the office slamming the door behind him. Besides the slam we were all silent; not knowing what to say.

Before I realized what I was doing, I found myself running after Harry. I say him take the stairs down. I ran as fast as I could towards the stairs. I probably got stares since I was running as fast as I could. But that doesn't matter right now. Harry is the only thing I need to worry about now. 

He's angry which means he's dangerous. The bad thing about this is I think this is possibly the angriest he could possibly get. I need to stop him before he does something stupid. 

As I entered the flights of stairs, there was an echoing of sobbing and cry’s. 

"Harry?" I asked. 

"I want to be alone please." He said, trying to stop himself from crying. I walked down to the bottom of the stairs where Harry sat on the bottom step crying. 

Seeing a boy cry is honestly heartbreaking. I hate seeing guys cry for some reason. 

I ignored his last statement because I knew it was a lie from past experience. When someone is crying and ask to be left alone; you don't leave them alone. You try and help them and pick up the pieces and try to fix them. 

"You fancy Chrissy don't you?" I asked. 

He nodded wiping a tear that was running down his cheek. "We've been dating for two years." 

"Is she part of this 'team'" I asked using my index fingers as quotation marks around team. 

"No, she had no idea I did any of this." He said. He started crying again. 

"Harry stop crying." I said. He didn't say anything. He just keep crying. 

"I'm going to find her Harry. You'll have her back in your arms Harry." I said. 

This time he turned his attention to me. 

"I promise." I let the words slip out of my mouth. 

I nodded before standing up from the step. He offered a hand for me to get up and I took it. 

I need to solve this case soon before anything happens to Chrissy and the other two girls. 

 Gif on the side of when Cat first meets Alex.



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