Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea...

By cliffordpunkrock

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Engaged, happy, and in love, Carter Chase and Ashton Irwin are setting off on a new adventure as she joins hi... More

Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chater 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chaper 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183

Chapter 148

408 17 3
By cliffordpunkrock

"What's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost." Harry said as he sat next to me and with a shaking hand I handed him my phone. "This isn't good." He said after reading it.

"Why does this always happen?" I whispered so Ender or Gracie wouldn't hear.

"I don't know." He whispered back. "I'm sorry."

"I mean, I was even wearing my engagement ring in the photo we took yesterday."

"That won't stop them from making up lies."

"I shouldn't even have to prove anything to them."

"Then don't."

"Well now I have to say something because it's obviously not true and if Ender finds out he's going to be devastated."

"Then talk to Ashton and figure out what to do." Harry said and I nodded.

Since we were already at Harry's house I decided to make dinner there with the kids, Harry helping me cook.

"Mommy, I like your food." Gracie said and she sat at the bar eating spaghetti with meatballs.

"I miss it when you cook too." Ender said and I smiled at the both of them.

"You do cook very well." Harry added.

As we ate dinner I got a text from Ashton.

'Going out with friends tonight.'

I sighed.

One, I thought we were going to have alone time tonight, and two, I wanted to talk to him about the rumours.

When we were done with dinner I began to clean up.

"Let's take some pasta home for Daddy." I said to Gracie and she nodded as she helped me clean.

I put the leftovers in a plastic container and then went to gather my things.

I said goodbye to Harry and Jupiter before getting in the car with the kids and having them take me back to the hotel.

When we arrived at our room I heard the sound of video games from the boys' room across the hall. I sent Ender and Gracie into our room before letting myself in across the hall to see Luke, Michael, and Calum sitting on the sofa playing on the playstation.

"I thought you guys were out with Ashton." I said and they paused the game before looking over at me.

"No he went out with some other people." Luke said nervously.

"Where did he go?"

"A bar." Michael squeaked out.

"And you didn't want to go to a bar?"

"Not right now. He's pissed." Calum spoke up.

"Why is he pissed?"

"Did you not see the article?" Calum raised his eyebrows.

"No I did. But it's obviously fake, so why is he pissed?"

"Because he thinks it's true."

"Why would he think that's true?! We didn't even break up! That's stupid!"

"Because he thinks you're going to leave him for Harry." Luke said.

"That's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard."

"Well that's what he thinks."

"I would never leave him, and if he thinks that I would then that's a separate issue. And besides, i'm not into Harry like that."

"Yeah but he's into you." Michael said.

"No he's not. He dates other girls, we're just friends."

"Well, tell that to Ashton."

"You know what, this is insanely immature of him and I don't even want to think about it anymore. So i'm going to go take care of our children and when he gets back let me know." I said and then turned around and walked out.

I was angry.

But I couldn't show that to Ender and Gracie.

So when I walked in I forced on a smile and then went to get Gracie in the bath.

As I bathed her she played with the bubbles and bath toys and I smiled at her innocence and prayed no one ever did her wrong.

I got her out of the bath and dressed her in her pyjamas before braiding her hair.

I then went to tuck her and Ender into bed and then sat on the edge as I read them a bedtime story. It was mostly for Gracie but she would always cuddle with Ender while I read, and I think he liked being her big brother in those moments.

After I finished the story I kissed them both goodnight and waited until they fell asleep before going across the hall.

"He's still not back yet?" I asked the three guys who were still on the sofa.

"No." Michael shook his head, and I was about to pull out my phone to call him when the door abruptly opened and Ashton stumbled in. Obviously drunk.

This pushed my anger over the edge.

"Wow. What a pathetic excuse for a father and a husband. Staying out late and coming back drunk." I bit at him.

"And what a pathetic excuse of a mother and wife. Cheating on her husband with her friend." Ashton slurred back at me.

"Oh shit." I heard Luke say but I ignored him.

"I'm not cheating on you. How dare you accuse me of that?"

"Maybe because it's true?"

"Except for the part where I never left you and I never cheated on you." I said. "And if you think I would EVER cheat on you then you obviously don't know me."

"Obviously I didn't."

"He's my friend Ashton. You know that."

"Yeah, well the two of you seemed to become pretty close pretty fast."

"What, so I can get engaged to you after five months but not be best friends with someone after two?!"

"That's not what I said." Ashton shook his head.

"That's exactly what you said!" I shouted at him.

"You're putting words in my mouth!" He fired back.

"No! You're the one that's talking and accusing me of something I would never do! That's what you do Ashton! You get these thoughts in your head that something's wrong and then freak out! You're obsessive and jealous!"

"I have every right to think that something isn't right!"

"Yeah, you're what's not right!"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"You're too controlling! You treat me like a stupid kid! You're not my father!"

"Well someone has to be!" He yelled and my jaw dropped.

"Ashton. Stop. Talking." Michael said between his teeth.

"Before me you had nothing! I gave you everything!" Ashton continued and that's when I lost it.



"Guys. Let's just take a second and calm down." Calum held out his hands.

"No! I don't need to calm down! He needs to see how stupid he's being!"

"I'm stupid?!" Ashton turned to shout at me. "You're the one who's stupid for thinking I wouldn't see what's going on!"

"There's nothing going on!" I screamed. "Nothing! Absolutely nothing!"

"You're a liar!"

"Really? Who's the one who hid the fact they were famous for a better part of our relationship? Oh wait, that was you."

"Carter don't go down that road." Calum said to me.

"No! He's a hypocrite! He's so scared of me leaving him because he knows I deserve better." My voice got darker. I knew my words were hurtful, but so were his, and at this point I wasn't thinking about what I was saying, I just wanted to make him feel what I was feeling.

"You're so stuck up and bitchy! It's like nothing is good enough for you! If anyone deserves better it's me!"

"Ashton!" Luke, Michael, and Calum all shouted in unison.

"You can't get better than me! You've said it yourself!" I shouted at Ashton. "And if you think i'd ever cheat on you then maybe we shouldn't even be together! Maybe I do deserve better!"

"Maybe you're right! Maybe we shouldn't even be together!"


"Fine! I don't need this right now." He shook his head. "I need a beer. Beer won't cheat on you."

I let out a defeated laugh and then sighed.

"I'm done."

"Done with what?"

"Done with us." I said and began to walk away.

"If you walk out that door and go to Harry's don't bother coming back!" Ashton shouted.

"Gladly." I looked him dead in the eyes before slamming the door shut behind me and walking down the hall.

I was shaking I was so mad. I was literally seeing red.

I stomped down the hall and then took the elevator down to the lobby before I got into a car downstairs.

"Take me to Harry's, please." I asked the driver who could obviously tell something was wrong but began to drive.

At this point I couldn't control my emotions, and I felt the tears begin to roll down my cheeks.

I shakily unlocked my phone and dialled Harry's number.

"Hello?" He answered, his voice tired.

"Can I come over?" I sobbed into the phone.

"Woah, is everything okay?" His voice became more serious.

"Just please, can I come over?" I continued to cry.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'll go unlock the door." He said and I tearfully thanked him before hanging up the phone.

I couldn't believe what had just happened, but yet I was still so upset with Ashton I didn't feel bad for anything I had said.

When we got to Harry's house the driver pulled up to the side door and as soon as he did the door to the house opened and Harry was standing there in sweats and a tee shirt, concern coating his features.

I was still shaking so bad I could barely open the car door and I stepped out of the car, Harry then moving forward when he saw my state.

"Hey, what happened?" Harry quickly pulled me inside and shut the door before tucking me into his embrace.

"We-" I went to talk but couldn't and just completely mentally and physically broke down. My limbs were trembling so bad that I couldn't even stand up anymore and ended up basically collapsing to the floor.

Harry halfway caught me and slid down to the floor with me, tugging my body into his arms.

"Shh. It's okay, it's okay." He tried to get me to settle down, but I was now realising the consequences of mine and Ashton's words.

"Tell me what happened." Harry said and I gasped for air before talking.

"We had a fight."

"You and Ashton?" He asked and I nodded. "Did you break up?"

"I- I think we did."

When the words left my mouth I began to cry even harder.

Harry didn't ask me any more questions, but instead held me and let me cry.

And I did.

For what felt like hours I sat there and sobbed.

Ashton was my first love, and I had thought he was going to be my last, but apparently I was wrong.

I never thought that he and I would end, and if I had thought we would end, I never would have imagined it would end like this.

I looked at the time on Harry's watch through blurry eyes and realised that it was three in the morning.

Wiping at my cheeks I took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"He thinks i'm cheating on him." I whispered to Harry.

"I find it hard to believe you would cheat on anyone, Carter. That's not in you."

"Well that's what he thinks. He said he deserved better than me."

"Carter." Harry said in a soft voice and began to rub his hand up and down my arm.

"And so I said that maybe we shouldn't even be together if he ever thought I would cheat on him. And he said he agreed."

"Shh." He said when I began to cry again.

"I thought he was my forever."

"I'm so sorry." Harry hugged me tighter and I held onto his arms.

"Harry, what am I going to do?" I cried and his arms just tightened around me.

I mean I had kids with Ashton, a home with him, my entire life was centred around him.

"I don't know." He responded. "But why don't you sleep on it. That always makes you feel better right? Sleeping?"

"If I go to sleep I won't ever want to wake up."

"Don't think like that." Harry said and then lifted me up before carrying me to the living room where he laid me on the sofa.

"I'll be right back." He said and then walked upstairs.

He came back down after a few minutes with a pillow and blanket in hand, and Jupiter padding alongside him.

I barely smiled at this as Harry placed the pillow under my head, and the blanket over me, and then turned on the fireplace.

"Get some rest, and then we'll figure out what to do together. Alright?"

I nodded.

"Where are Ender and Gracie."

"Oh my God...they were asleep across the hall at the hotel."

"Do you want them here?" He asked me and I nodded slowly.

Harry took out his phone and I saw him press on Luke's contact name in his phone and then held it up to his ear.

"Hey, is Ashton there?" Harry asked and since he was so close I could hear Luke respond.

"Yeah, he's sobering up. Dude, what is happening?"

"They had a fight and broke up, that's all I know."

"Yeah I was right there, but I meant if you and Carter are really together."

"No, were not." Harry said and looked at me. "You know she would never betray Ashton like that."

"That's what we're trying to make him realise, and I think he will after he sobers up."

"Well i'm calling because Carter wants the kids to be with her."

"Okay... where is she?"

"She's with me." Harry said and I closed my eyes tightly.

"Ashton's going to be pissed." Luke said.

"At this point I honestly don't give a damn how he feels."

"He's in the wrong, you're right." Luke said after a minute.

"I'm sending a car over for the kids so if you could get them ready and in the car I would really appreciate that."

"I'll have Michael and Calum distract Ashton. But can I talk to Carter please?"

"I don't think that's the best-"

"She's like my sister, man. I need to talk to her."

I opened my eyes and nodded at Harry and he passed me the phone.

"Hey." I said, trying not to cry.

"Carter, i'm so sorry." Luke apologised.

"It's not your fault."

"Look we all know you're not cheating on Ashton, and I think he knows that too, and once he's able to think clearly we're going to do whatever we can to make him realise that so the two of you can work this out and everything will go back to normal."

"I just never thought it would end like this." I sniffled dabbed at the wetness on my cheeks.

"It's not over. You know it's not. You and Ashton are meant to be together, you both know that. This is just a very bad bump in the road, but you'll get through it, you always do." Luke said in ernest.

"But what if we don't?"

"You will. I promise you, Carter. You will."


"Alright, i'll get the kids ready and send them over to you."

"Don't tell them anything, because Ender is going to ask questions. You know how he is."

"I'll try to keep him distracted." He said. "Do you need anything from the hotel?"

"I have a blue box in my nightstand, could you bring me that?" I asked him.

"Yeah, i'll do that."


"No problem. I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Yeah." I said and then hung up before handing the phone back to Harry.

He then called his driver to go get the kids.

"Get some rest." He told me and stood up before leaning over me to kiss my forehead, and I remembered he had done that when I was sleeping the other night.

I wanted to tell him that he shouldn't do that but a part of me knew Ashton would be furious if he found out Harry did that, so I didn't say anything.

I closed my eyes and heard Harry walk out of the room and into the kitchen where I heard the sound of the Keurig making coffee and then heard him walk back into the room to sit in the arm chair.

I could hear the jingle of Jupiters collar as he followed Harry around and then went to sit with him.

Turning my head to the side I took a deep breath, figuring this must be Harry's pillow because it smelled like him.

I couldn't sleep.

I wished tonight had never happened. I wished I could rewind time and go back to the fight and try to explain to him how much I loved him and would never do that to him instead of fighting the fire with fire.

Ashton was the love of my life. He had to be.

At this I began to cry again and then heard Harry get up and come over to console me.

"It's okay." He whispered to me and began to lightly stroke my cheek with his fingers as I cried into his pillow.

I stopped crying eventually when Harry told me the kids would be here any minute, and stood up trying not to look so devastated in front of my kids.

There was a knock on the door and Harry went to go get it, his driver on the other side holding a sleeping Gracie and her bag along with Sprinkles in her travel crate, while Ender stood next to him, droopy eyed as well with a backpack on his shoulders.

Harry took Gracie from his driver and set her bags by the door before having Ender come inside.

"Car." Ender walked up to me and put his arms around my waist, hugging me.

"Hey baby." I placed a hand on his head. "Let's get you to bed, okay?"

"What's happening?" He spoke into my stomach.

"It's nothing for you to worry about." I kissed his hair. "Now come on."

Harry followed me with Gracie and I had Ender follow me upstairs and to one of the guest rooms where I pulled back the duvet.

I took off his backpack and let him get under the covers while Harry did the same for Gracie.

I then covered them up and leaned in to kiss Ender.

"Go to sleep. I love you."

"I love you too." He mumbled sleepily and then closed his eyes as I moved over to Gracie and kissed her sleeping face. Harry set Sprinkles on the bed with them and then we left the room, leaving the door open a crack so I could hear if either one called for me.

We went back downstairs where Harry grabbed the pillow and blanket from the sofa.

"Come on." He nodded for me to follow him and we went back upstairs where he walked into his room.

"Go to sleep, I'll wake you up if Luke calls." He said and set the pillow down where it went. The sheets were still messed up from where Harry had been sleeping when I called him. I laid down anyways and got comfortable before watching Harry turn out the lights and leave the room.

I knew Ashton and I would have to talk eventually, but I didn't know how that would go, and if he and I would really work past this like Luke said.

But even after everything Ashton had said and accused me of, I hoped we did.

My eyes shot open as I heard my name being cried out, and I sat up, remembering everything that had happened.

I must've fallen asleep.

"Mommy!" I then heard Gracie call out for me again and I got out of Harry's bed and left his room, walking down the hall to the guest room where Gracie was sitting up in the bed.

Miraculously Ender was still asleep next to her.

"Hey, baby girl." I walked over to her. "What's wrong?"

"I have to go to bathroom." She said.

"Okay, come on." I picked her up and carried her down the hall to the bathroom.

There was a clock in the bathroom and it read 6:34 A.M.

After Gracie went to the bathroom and washed her hands I carried her downstairs where Harry was in the living room, reading a book.

When he heard me he looked up and watched as I walked to the sofa and sat down, Gracie curling up in my lap.

She leaned her head against my chest and put her thumb in her mouth.

"Has anyone called?" I asked Harry as I took Gracie's other hand and began to play with her fingers.

"Luke called to say Ashton is now just hungover but knows what happened." He said.


"And he's apparently upset but they are making him get past the hangover before they let him talk to you, and before I let him talk to you."

I nodded.

"Ari also called you a few times but I didn't answer."

"Okay." I said and then looked down at Gracie.

"Mommy, can I have milk?" She asked me.

"I'll go get it for her." Harry stood up and set his book down, going to the kitchen where Gracie's bag was on the counter and he opened it to find her sippy cup and fill it with milk before bringing it over to me.

I held it like a bottle and brought it to her lips, letting her drink from it.

I knew she was four years old, but I still wanted to baby her.

As she drank she reached out a hand to touch my engagement and mother's day ring and I lightly smiled as she did this.


I looked up to see Ender standing on the landing of the stairs.

"Good morning, End." I gave him a tiny smile as well and he finished walking down the stairs before coming over to me, sitting down next to me on the sofa.

He leaned onto me and I leaned over to kiss his forehead.

"Where's Dad?" Ender asked me. I knew that question was coming.

"He is busy right now, so we are staying here." I told him and he nodded.

Harry's phone began to ring and he glanced at it before looking up at me.

"Hey, why don't you and Gracie go take Sprinkles and Jupiter outside in the backyard." I suggested to Ender and he agreed before taking Gracie and the puppies outside.

Harry then answered the phone and moved to sit next to me so I could hear.

"Hey Luke."

"Hey. So Ashton is ready to talk to Carter." Luke said and I dropped my head.

"I don't know if it's the right time yet." Harry said.

"I don't know what else to do here. He found out the kids were with her and now he's freaking out that she's going to take them away from him."

I shook my head.

"She's not doing that, I think she just wants the space."

"I can't talk to him yet." I whispered and Harry placed a hand on my back.

"She said she's not ready to talk to him yet. I think they both should give each other a day to breathe before they talk. And even if he tries to talk to her today I won't let him."

"I'll...pass that along I guess. How is Carter doing?"

"She has the kids so I think she'll be fine." He said and I turned to place my head on his arm.

They hung up the phone and he tossed it aside before turning so he could hug me properly.

"You have a day to get your thoughts together, if you need more time i'll call back."

I nodded into his chest.

"Thank you for listening to me." I said and he chuckled.

"Id do anything for you." He hugged me tighter.

After a few minutes I let go and then went to get the kids in from outside.

"Do you want to help me make breakfast?" I asked both of them and they nodded eagerly before coming to join me in the kitchen.

Gracie sat on the counter where I had her mix pancake batter and then put Harry in charge of making them.

"No, Harry, you have to do it like this." Ender said and I turned around to see him showing Harry how to flip the pancakes.

I smiled at this and went back to cooking the eggs.

I plated the breakfast and then the four of us sat down to eat.

Ender and Gracie were chatting with each other about Jupiter and Sprinkles and I only ate one bite of eggs before I felt sick and got up so I could go to the bathroom to throw up.

Harry came in there to check on me and ended up carrying me to his bedroom so I could rest.

"It's the anxiety." I said as he laid me down and I saw him frown.

"I'll get you something."

Harry went downstairs and a few minutes later I was feeling a bit better when he came back with a nausea pill.

I took it and then went to Enders backpack where Luke had packed me a few things like my toothbrush and some clothes.

I changed into sweats and a tee shirt before brushing my teeth and then putting my hair in a bun.

I then got Gracie and Ender dressed before going downstairs to watch television with them.

Midway through their show my phone went off and I looked to see Calum had texted me, but a surprise was waiting for me when I opened my messages.

'Car, please come home. We need to talk this out. I'm so sorry. -Ash'

I stared at it before passing my phone to Harry so he could read it.

"Don't respond." Harry said and shut my phone off.

"Mommy, we see Daddy today?" Gracie asked me and I sighed.

"Not today baby girl."

She frowned and then climbed up on the sofa to cuddle me.

This was what I needed, to be consoled by my kids.

Ender was working on homework most of the day and Gracie spent a lot of her time playing with the new puppies.

I took her upstairs to see all of the dresses I had in Harry's closet and she happily looked through them with Harry and I before I put both her and Ender down for a nap.

Harry suggested I take one as well, and I took my phone up with me and turned it on so I could set an alarm.

After a while I was able to drift off, and what felt like seconds later I was ripped from my dreamless sleep by my phone ringing.

I whined and reached over for it, answering the phone.



It was Ashton.

I looked to see he was calling from Michaels phone.

"Car." He said again but I quickly ended the call and threw the phone across the bed.

I then jumped out of the bed and ran downstairs to where Harry was.

"He called me."


"He just called me."

"Did you speak to him?"

"I didn't mean to. He called from Michaels phone when I was sleeping and I didn't look but when I answered he said my name."

Harry looked annoyed and then pulled out his own phone before calling Luke.

"You might want to keep a closer watch on your phones because Ashton keeps trying to get in contact with Carter." Harry said while he had the phone on speaker.

"You're lucky he hasn't shown up at your door yet, we are keeping him locked in our hotel room."

"Just inform him that she's not ready to talk yet and to stop making things worse. He's done enough already."

Harry then hung up.

"Go back to sleep." He then instructed me and I did as he said, Jupiter following me this time as I went to Harry's bedroom and laid down again.

Harry came and woke me up to say he had ordered in Italian for dinner, and we ate at the table with Ender and Gracie before Harry suggested we watch a movie.

Gracie and Ender cuddled on the sofa together and I couldn't help but smile at them.

I took their picture and went to post it but Harry moved my phone away from me.

"I think you should stay off social media for now."

I then canceled my post before finishing watching Pocahontas.

After that I gave Gracie a bath and had Ender shower before I put both of them in bed.

"Car, are we going to see Ashton tomorrow?" Ender asked me.

"Um, I'm not sure yet."

"Why are we here?" He asked me and I couldn't lie to him but I couldn't tell him the truth either.

"Well, it's difficult to explain, so I will just tell you this. No matter what happens, I love you so much, and that's the way it will always be. Promise me you will always remember that."

"I promise." He said and nodded at my lax answer and I then moved to Gracie.

"I love you, sleep tight." I kissed her cheeks, nose and lips before telling them goodnight and leaving their room.

I then went to the guest bathroom to take a shower and change into some pyjamas Harry let me borrow, before going back to his room where I decided to call Ari.

"Thank God! Now what is going on?!" She exclaimed into the phone.

"Well hi." I said, a bit startled.

"What is the deal with you and Ashton?!"

"We had a fight." I answered. "And I think it might be the end this time."

Those words were enough to bring tears to my eyes.

"What was the fight about?" Ari asked in a softer tone, noticing my change in demeanor.

"He thought I was cheating on him with Harry."

"Because of the article?"


"That's ridiculous. You'd never cheat on a test let alone a person. He's being ridiculous."

"That's what I said, and I was going to talk to him about it to see what was the best way to handle it but instead he came home drunk and we had this big fight and now i'm hiding out at Harry's house with the kids."

"Woah." She said. "Well what did he say? In the fight, of course."

"He accused me of cheating on him and that I was a horrible mom and stupid to think he wouldn't find out. And then he said he didn't need me, and that before him I had nothing."

"But he was drunk when he said that, so maybe that was drunk Ashton talking."

"But aren't people more honest when they're drunk?"

"I mean...it depends on the person." She said. "But what did you say back?"

"That if he ever thought I would cheat on him then he obviously didn't know me and maybe we shouldn't even be in a relationship and he said he agreed and then I left."

"And you went to Harry's? Carter, won't that only make him angrier?"

"I don't have anywhere else to go. Harry's my best friend here, and he's looking out for me."
I began to cry.

"I know." She shushed me to calm me down. "And i'm sure Ashton knows that and was just upset and went about this in the wrong way."

"I don't know what to do Ari."

"Well have you talked to him at all?"

"Not directly. Harry and Luke have been going back and forth and we said that we would take today to calm down and then talk tomorrow but I don't think i'm ready to face him."

"Well you'll have to face him at some point Car, he's your fiancé, but if you're not ready then you're not ready, and he should respect the fact that after what happened you need a bit of time to gather your thoughts."

"Yeah." I croaked.

"I mean, are you thinking of ending the engagement or what are you doing?"

"He's my first love, and I want him to be my husband, I do, but I can't forget what he said. It's like it's playing on a constant loop in my head. He promised he would never hurt me again and he broke that promise to me."

"I understand." She said and I tried to dry up my tears. "I think if you do take more time to think about what you want then you need to call him and tell him personally, not through Harry or Luke, but then you two need to get together and figure out what you're going to do."

"Yeah." I said.

"Okay, well I love you, and get some rest and then let me know what you're going to do. And if you need me you know i'm only a phone call away."

"I love you too. Thank you."

"Bye doll."

"Bye." I said and then hung up the phone, wiping my cheeks off with the back of my hand.

I heard footsteps and turned around to see Harry walking in the bedroom.

"You can sleep in here." He said and I nodded before moving to the other side of the bed so he could have his spot.

He laid down and then I scooted over to him to
lay my head down on his chest.

"Harry?" I asked him. "If you were me, what would you do?" I asked him as his arms came around me.

"If I were you, I would be with the person who made me happy like I had never been before, and who could love me more than anyone else ever could."

I nodded at this and then closed my eyes as the teardrops began to fall once more and Harry began to move his hand up and down my back to soothe me, reminding me of how that's what Ashton had always done to calm me down too.


Did you see that coming?

I sure as hell didn't.

How do you think things will go down when/if Ashton and Carter talk, and how do you think Ashton is really feeling about the whole situation.

Did Carter do the right thing by going to Harry, and do you think that there is a double meaning behind what he said in that last paragraph?

More to come!

Much love xx-m

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