Benedict Cumberbatch Imagines

Par batchofhiddles

441K 12.9K 2.6K

Series of fluffy, smutty, daddybatch fun with Benedict Cumberbatch staring YOU! Please request some stories (... Plus

Chapter 1
Daddybatch Part 1
Daddybatch Part 2
Daddybatch Part 3
What Are Best Friends For?
Stay With Me
What's Eating Benedict Cumberbatch?
It's the Little Things Part 1
It's the Little Things Part 2
Just A Little Peek?
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
Happy New Year's Part 1
Happy New Year's Part 2
Doggy Style
To the Rescue
The Test
It's a...!
Earlier Than Expected
Traffic Ticket
Dr. Cumberbatch~Part 1
Dr. Cumberbatch~Part 2
Dr. Cumberbatch~Part 3
Dr. Cumberbatch~Part 4
What Makes You Beautiful
Kids Say the Darndest Things!
Someday Your Prince Will Come
You Don't Realize What You Have Until It's Almost Gone
My Favorite Mornings
Game Night
Will You Love Me?~Part 1
Will You Love Me?~Part 2
Will You Love Me?~Part 3
Will You Love Me?~Part 4
Will You Love Me?~Part 5
Will You Love Me?~Part 6
Will You Love Me?~Part 7
Will You Love Me?~Part 8
Will You Love Me?~Part 9
Will You Love Me?~Part 10
Will You Love Me?~Part 11
Will You Love Me?~Part 12
Will You Love Me?~MOVED
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 1
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 2
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 3
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 4
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 5
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 6
Professor Cumberbatch~Epilogue
Crash This Train
Missed Opportunity
Missed Opportunity~Part 2
Missed Opportunity~Part 3
Missed Opportunity~Epilogue
The Cumbersickness
Room 468~Part 1
Room 468~Part 2
Room 468~Part 3
Too Much to Ask
Important A/N
You Are All I Need
"Too Bloody Blind"
Best Friend's Sister
Best Friend's Sister~Part 2
Best Friend's Sister~Part 3
Best Friend's Sister~Part 4
Star-Crossed Lovers
Just A Little Longer~Part 1
Just A Little Longer~Part 2
First Time for Everything~Part 1
First Time For Everything~Part 2
The Rebel
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Best Friend's Girlfriend
Be Mine~Part 1
Be Mine~Part 2
Happy Birthday, Benedict
Stalker~Part 1
Stalker~Part 2
Stalker ~ Part 3
Stalker ~ Part 4
Stalker ~ Epilogue
Regret~Part 1
Regret~Part 2
Regret~Part 3
Regret~Part 4
Regret~Part 5
Regret~Part 6
Regret~Part 7
Regret~Part 8
Regret~Part 9
Regret~Part 10
First Meetings~Part 1
First Meetings~Part 2
First Meetings ~ Part 3

Stalker ~ Part 5

1.9K 95 18
Par batchofhiddles

"I'm not comfortable with you going into work," Ben told you, as you hobbled your nine month along belly out of the bathroom. "Ben, I'm not going to actually be working," you assured him. "Everyone was nice enough to throw me a little party before this one comes along. I'll only be a few hours, I promise."

He grumbled something about you being ready to pop, but you ignored him. He was only being protective since there was only a few days left until you were due. He's been on high alert everyday for three weeks, since you've gotten false contractions. 

"I will be back," you told him. "I love you. We love you." He smirked and placed a kiss on your lips. "I love you both, too. Call me if you want me to pick you up." You nodded, then gave him one more kiss before leaving and hailing a cab. 

You got to work a few minutes later and made your way up to your office. When you stepped off the elevator, the entire floor you worked with shouted, "Happy baby shower!" You jumped a bit, then started laughing. The entire office was decorated in blue and pink ribbons, balloons, confetti. 

They even wheeled out a cake that said, Stache or No Stache? You and Ben are waiting to find out the gender until the baby is born, so you've been having a lot of "boy or girl?" type games at a couple showers your friends have thrown you. 

You greeted everyone with hugs and kisses on the cheek and thanked them all for setting this up. You were then led over to a table they had set up full of junk food. One side had every type of chocolate with nuts and blue plates stacked next to them. The other side had every type of chocolate without nuts and pink plates stacked next to them. 

You had never laughed so hard and you sent a picture to Ben. 

For the first hour or so, you mingled with everyone while nursing a glass of water and talked about how excited you and Ben were for the little one. People asked why Ben didn't come and it was because he had an interview to do for Doctor Strange. It was a short one, but still required him to be gone for several hours. 

A little later, you all started playing some games. The first one was a race to see who could put the diaper on the doll the fastest. You knew if Ben were here, he'd win this no problem. Unfortunately, you got third place. In your defense, you were up against two women who each had two kids. 

The next game was "Pin the diaper on the baby". You got the closest to it, so you won that game. Finally, there was a break with the games and the cake was being served. As you were handed a piece, your phone rang. 

After excusing yourself, you went into your office and shut the door. "Hello, Mr. Cumberbatch," you answered. "Hello, Mrs. Cumberbatch. Having a fun time?" You smiled widely and told him, "I'm having a great time! You should stop by if you can!"

He hummed for a moment, then said, "It looks like I'll be getting out of here early, so I'll stop by, or at least pick you up. But everything's alright? Baby's okay?" You playfully rolled your eyes as you said, "Yes, the baby is fine. Perfect, in fact."

He chuckled, "That's what I like to hear. Okay, well I'll let you get back to your party. Karon is motioning for us to get the hell out of here, so it looks like I'll be there in a few minutes. I love you." You smiled as you said, "I love you, too. And hurry up! There's not much cake left."

"Oh, save me a piece! Please!" You laughed at how much of a child he turned into. This man's weakness is sweets. "Only if you get your cute ass over here." He promised to be there in a few short minutes, then hung up. 

In the meantime, you walked over to your desk and smiled at the pictures you had displayed. One was of you and Ben around the first time you met. Another was of your first anniversary together. The next one was of your wedding and your honeymoon next to it. The last one had the final ultrasound picture before this one would be born. 

You sighed contently and ran your hand over your stomach. There was then a sudden knock on your door, making you jump. "Come in," you called. You watched as your door was quickly opened and shut by a man dressed in all black. 

He startled you by how quickly he entered. "Um, excuse me, sir, but I think you have the wrong office," you told him. Very slowly, the man lifted his head up and looked at you. You immediately screamed and he locked the door. 

"It's you!" You shouted. "Get out! Get out right now!" He started coming closer towards you, but you grabbed anything you could reach and started throwing it at him. Nothing worked because he eventually got to you and grabbed your arm. 

"No! Let me go!" You screamed. You tried to fight him off, but he was too strong! He then threw you on to your couch and pointed at you. "Stay," he said. Your office door was being pounded on by incredibly concerned co-workers, all begging you to let them in. 

The man gave you a stern glare, but you quickly shouted, "Help me! Call the police! He's here!" The man then took a cloth out of his pocket and stuffed it in your mouth. You whimpered and cried, mentally begging for Ben to get here!

"You know, you're a hard broad to track down," he said, as he sat down on your desk and took off his hat, gloves and jacket. He looked as if he was preparing to stay for a while. "Which I don't understand because...why would you want to hide from me? To be away from me?"

You looked at him oddly as he stood and took a knife out of his boot. Your eyes widened and you immediately covered your hands over your stomach. "Do you remember how we first met?" He asked. "I'm sure you don't, it was a long time ago. I was taking pictures at a premier once. I wasn't the paparazzi, I taking pictures. Anyways, celebrities were passing by, blah, blah, blah. Boring. It was all boring."

He pointed the knife at you, then said, "But then you walked by. You and your celebrity boyfriend. I thought you were so beautiful...I dropped my camera. And you noticed. You rushed over and picked up my camera for me because I was too stunned by your beauty to move. I took it from you, said thank you and you gave me this...this...god, this smile that lighted up a thousand suns. And as you turned away, a pedal fell from your hair. It was a rose pedal from the clip in your hair."

Your mind was reeling. You don't remember this happening. You've been to so many premiers with Ben, it was impossible to remember just one. Well, there were a few memorable ones, but other than that, they all blended together. The hair clip, though, that you remember. You still have it, it was a gift from Ben. 

"I must have taken a hundred pictures of you that night," he continued. "Unfortunately, you were so cozied up to that asshole you were with, I only got a few good ones of you alone. I also remember you looking back at me and smiling. That smile, [Y/N], it's what got me. I knew that you were mine ever since."

You kept your hands securely around your stomach and moved further into the couch. "You are mine, [Y/N]," he said. "You're not his. You. Are. Mine." His face got right next to yours and you let out a muffled scream. 

The knocks on your door were getting more and more persistent. One person shouted how the police were on their way. "No more Benedict and [Y/N]," he said, completely ignoring them. "It's now Sebastian and [Y/N]. It always has been and it always will be. Oh, and I can't forget about our baby."

He went to put his hand on your stomach, but you slapped it away, then took the cloth out of your mouth and shouted, "You're sick! I don't remember you, I don't know you and don't you dare touch my baby!" 

This seemed to shock him, but he started laughing. "That's my girl," he said. "A fighter. I love that about you." He came closer, but you shoved him off and ran as fast as you could to the door. "No!" He shouted, before grabbing you and shoving you away from it. 

You started sobbing as you leaned against the wall and slid to the floor. "[Y/N]!" You suddenly heard that rich baritone voice shout. "Ben!" You anxiously called. "Ben, help me!" You could hear him pounding on the door. 

"Alright, whoever has my wife, I have a lot of money," he called. "Name the price, I'll give you however much you want!" Sebastian laughed and said, "Not about the money, Benny boy! We were gonna tell you later, but [Y/N] is leaving you for me. She loves me more, always has."

You were crying and shaking your head. "It's you, isn't it?" Ben asked. "You sick son of a bitch! If you lay one hand on her, I'll make you wish you were never fucking born!" He started hitting the door now, obviously trying to knock it down. 

"This is my baby, Benny," Sebastian continued. "I think we'll name him after my father, or her after my mother. Sound good to you?" You now had your eyes closed and hands to your ears. "Honey, we need to go over these things."

"Shut up!" Ben shouted. "She is not your wife, that is not your baby and she isn't going anywhere! Open the goddamn door!" He started kicking it now, but it also sounded like some people were joining in. 

In the meantime, Sebastian knelt down in front of you and said, "Look at me." You didn't want to, but were afraid of what would happen if you didn't. Very slowly, you opened your eyes and saw him holding up a rose pedal. "It's the same one," he said, "from the first night we met. I keep it with me everyday as a reminder that we will be together again."

Suddenly, your office door was knocked down and the police rushed in with their guns raised, shouting, "Police! Hands on your head!" Sebastian stood up, but picked you up with him and held the knife to your throat. 

Ben came in after the police and saw you. "No!" He shouted, while trying to get to you, but some officers were holding him back. "Let her go! Please!" Sebastian smiled and said, "If I can't have her...why should anybody else?"

"Put the weapon down!" An officer shouted. Sebastian gave them a devious smile, then moved the blade slowly down to your stomach. "Please, stop this!" Ben begged with tears in his eyes. Sebastian was about to say something, until he was hit in the head and fell limp to the floor. 

You quickly turned around and saw some officers had made their way up the building and climbed through the bathroom window. You sighed in relief, then turned to see Ben running at you. He hugged you tightly and you had never felt so safe.

"I'm so sorry," he cried. "I'm so sorry, I should have been here." You shushed him and brought him in for a kiss. "I was so scared," you cried. He nodded and placed several kisses on your head. "I know, darling, I know," he said. "Never again, I will never let anything happen to you."

You held each other for several more minutes, until a detective came over to you. "He escaped from jail this morning," he told you. "He'll be transferred to a much more high security prison tomorrow morning and he will be far, far away. I promise."

You and Ben both nodded. "Come on, I'm getting you home and never letting you out of my sight," Ben told you. You held on to him as he led you out of the office and down into the streets, where the press was trying to catch the story. 

He got you into his car quickly and drove you home where he was never ever going to let anything happen to you again. 

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