My Fear (Eric Divergent Fanfi...

By dauntlessborncandor

261K 4.8K 1.2K

COMPLETED Elena is Candor born but when she turns sixteen and chooses her faction--despite her test results s... More

My Fear (Eric Coulter/Divergent) Fanfic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41(Special Eric's POV Chapter)
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 (Special Eric's POV Chapter)
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 (Special Eric's POV Chapter)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72 (Special Eric's POV Chapter)
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77 (Special Eric's POV Chapter)
Chapter 78
Chapter 79 (Special Eric's POV Chapter)
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 20

3.8K 74 16
By dauntlessborncandor

When Eric came back from picking up Eans diapers and formula he walked in with Vanessa and Peter. I can tell he was doing this on purpose and I was getting annoyed.

I don't say anything to him as he walks by me and into Eans room along with his whore and apparent best friend. I hear talking and laughing so I move closer so I can see in the doorway.

Vanessa is holding Ean.

"What do you think you're doing?" I shout to her. The laughing abruptly stops.

"Elena-" Eric sighs but I cut him off.

"No Eric," I push him aside and grab Ean out of Vanessa's hands.

"I want her out of this apartment and I never want to see her with him again," I hold Ean close to me.

"Who are you to say my friends can't hold my son?"

"His mother," I grimace.

"You're just jealous," Eric crosses his arms and bites the inside of his cheek.

"Eric, I couldn't care less about what you do. Stop acting like everything I do relates to you," I roll my eyes. "I don't know this whore you've been sleeping around with and I'm certainly not comfortable having her around my son."

"I'm the whore?" Vanessa laughs. "You're the sixteen year old initiate who got pregnant."

"Oh yes because that makes me a whore," I scowl at how intelligent she sounds.

"You're just calling me one because I'm Eric's new girlfriend," she smirks.

"Girlfriend," I laugh a little too loudly. I smile widely and look at Eric, his exprrssion looks annoyed. "Wow, Eric, congrats on your first girlfriend, she must really be the one." I pat him on the back.

This is exactly how I know Vanessa is nothing but someone he is using to get under my skin. Eric liked me and never called me his girlfriend, I guarantee he doesn't like this girl. He especially wouldn't call her his girlfriend in such a short span of time.

Eric rolls his eyes.
"You better get use to it because you're going to be seeing a whole lot of me," she says. She's a lot taller than me and has dark red hair that's long and thick, her eyes are piercing green, you're able to make them out from far away. She wasn't hideous and it's definitely enough to make me jealous. She looks older, older than Eric, maybe 21. For some reason I don't feel threatened, yes she's pretty and that makes me envious, but not jealous. The way Eric looks at her is the way Eric looks at everyone, everyone except me.

"Just admit it you're jealous of Vanessa."

"You would like that wouldn't you?" I squint my eyes. "I know the game you're playing and I know this isn't going to last long. You can't tolerate other people, especially not people like Vanessa."

Eric gives me a look and puckers his lips out. "Okay," he shifts his attention to Vanessa and that was his signal to leave. I hear the apartment door shut and I notice Peter stayed behind.

"Who exactly is she?" I ask him as he looks at Ean.

"Vanessa?" he says. "She's two years older than Eric, transfer from Amity."

"Amity? Eric's going to get tired of her real quick," I chuckle.

"She was second in her class, she's good friends with Max, that's how her and Eric met a few years ago."

"A few years ago?"

"Yeah, nothing happened before between them. You're the only girl he's been with."

"How long do you think he's going to keep it up?"

"He's stubborn, I know you're waiting for him to crack but, he's getting something out of this. You're not."

"He's relentless. I don't want her near Ean, I don't trust her. This is where I need you to come in. I need you to make sure she's never alone with him."

"Why would I do that? I'm back being in good with Eric, I don't need you."

"I still remember the exact reason why you kissed me so don't think for a second-"

"Elena please, enough with the threats. I'm not scared of you and whatever happened is the best. It was in the moment, don't flatter yourself, I don't like you." he shrugs his shoulders.
"Peter, I know you still care about this family. Please, I don't trust her."

Peter rolls his eyes, my apartment door slams open startling us. It's Eric.

"Peter!" Eric yells. "What're you doing, come on and stop making out."

Peter bows his head and walks out of my apartment.

"You're unbelievable you know that?" I say to Eric before he follows Peter in leaving.

He shuts the door and walks closer to me.

"And why is that?" He crosses his arms. His biceps bulging and his veins popped out.

"This whole thing with Peter and Vanessa, it's all to get back at me. You did it you got back at me ten times worse, are you ready to just give up? I can't see why you're still acting like you like your airhead girlfriend." I use the word girlfriend against him.

"I'm not getting back at you," he says simply. "Vanessa is a beautiful girl, she's strong, she's got long legs," he leans in closer, " she's great in bed."

I roll my eyes. "There's still Erudite in you so I know that you're a smart boy. But that doesn't mean I'm not smart either. I was Candor and I can read body language better than anyone. I also know when you're lying and all this shit about you liking Vanessa, it's all lies." I cross my arms.

"You'd like to think you know me so well and that this is all just a game to make you jealous but oh honey, your jealousy is just a plus. I'm tired of your games Elena. You were unfaithful, conflicted, obnoxious and worst of all always disobeying me. I'm over you, the only reason we're still seeing each other like this is because you're Ean's mother and he has a right to see you. If it was my choice I'd take him."

I clench my fists together in frustration, I'm speechless at what he's saying to me. I want to admit I'm a good candor, well I did leave for a reason, if Eric is lying he's a pretty damn good liar. I think he's telling the truth.

"If I had a choice, I'd leave this faction with Ean and never see you again either so, ditto," my voice breaking.

"Don't be so dramatic Elena. I'm the best parent Ean has in this relationship. He has a good for nothing mother who doesn't belong in Dauntless and can't work. Then he has a father who supports him and will train him to become Dauntless just like me."

"You're estimating that he's going to automatically take a liking to Dauntless. What if he's a wimp? A book worm? What if he's a peaceful Amity, or even a selfless Abnegation? You think you're the best father because you're a dauntless leader when you have no clue how Ean is going to turn out, judged off the person you are, he probably won't take a liking to you."

"That's funny Elena," he chuckles lightly. "I don't care how Ean is going to grow up, I don't care about him possibly wanting to go into another faction, even if it's fucking Candor. I am the one taking care of him, I'm providing for him and I love him."

"I don't trust her and I don't like her."

"Here we go again, back on the Vanessa topic," he rolls his eyes. "Vanessa is going to be around me, so if Ean's around me then she is around him." he walks into Ean's nursery and picks him up.

"What are you doing?" I say as I watch him extremely carefully pick up Ean as if he was a dirty piece of garbage.

"You had Ean to yourself for a week, now it's my turn."

Before I could protest anymore he was out the door, gone with my son.

I run my hands through my hair and take a deep breath. I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself, I'm tired of worrying. Eric likes to think he's the best parent then fine, let him take care of Ean. I'm going out.

I sneak away from the guards and head to the pit, I see Uriah is there, like always and I say hi to him.

"Look who's out and about!" He hugs me."Where's the baby?"

"Ean is with his father." I sigh.

The group of people with Uriah all look at me.

"I'm surprised Eric even takes care of him," Marlene jokes taking a sip of her drink.

"He only acts like it to get under my skin." I roll my eyes. "Tonight, I'm having fun."

"You think it's a good idea?" Uriah says low to me.

"Why wouldn't it be?" I say back.

"You know with people after you-"

"People were after me because of Eric, I'm not with Eric. They were also after me for Ean, Ean isn't here."

Uriah smiles and we head to party not to far, I pick up a drink and jug it down. A tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes shows up and catches my eye. He sit at the bar, I sit next to him timdely.

"I'm Elena," I turn to him.

"Harrison," he smiles at me.

Harrison and I talk for a while and then before I know it he's buying me drinks and I'm starting to completely get trashed. Who needs Eric, I don't. Harrison pulls me along a corridor and into a crevice where it's just him and I. It feels good to kiss someone and feel this passionate, even if I am drunk. Harrison is gorgeous and he's sweet and sensible, it's a great change from Eric.

He leads me back to his apartment we continue to make out until he excuses himself for the bathroom. I call Eric.

"Hello." His voice stern.

"You're always soooo serious and angry. Why are you so angry all the time? You'd be a much much better person if you would just not be so cranky." I say to him.

"Elena? Are you drunk?"

"No!" Obviously I'm lying.

"Fuck," he mumbles. "Where are you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, I got me my own Vanessa. Oh, I gotta go, say hi to Ean for me, god I love that baby he's so cute, he looks just like you. I love him so so so so so much. Don't you? Of course you do. Okay bye."

I hang up before he can say anything. Harrison comes back out and sits next to me on the couch, he kisses along my neck and I close my eyes as I tangle my hands in his hair. He hands dip inside my pants, I'm tossed back along the couch and he's hovering above me, moving way too fast.

Maybe this isn't what I want.

This isn't what I want.

I love Eric, I always have and I always will and I don't want to throw it away with him. He has his double standard but I know if I do this fixing things with Eric will get a lot harder.

Harrison unbuttons my shirt leaving me in my bra. "Stop," I say to him. He roughly gropes me. I start to fight with him but I'm weak and severely impaired.

His body is crushing me and pretty soon I'm naked and vulnerable underneath him.

"No," I cry out from underneath him. I feel like I'm going to black out but I'm fighting with myself to stay awake to prevent what is going to happen from happening. I watch him as he undoes his belt and pants, my heart is beating fast and now I'm screaming and kicking. "Get off of me!" I yell. He continues at me, I'm desperately crying out.

The door swings open, it's Eric.

"Get off her!" Eric punches him in the face and throws him off of me and onto the ground where he gets on top of him and profusely pounds on him. I look down not able to see straight but I see red and I know enough to know that it is blood.

"You're killing him stop." I say weakly.

After a few more punches Eric is on the edge of the couch. I know Eric has seen me naked before but I feel embarrassed being exposed him right now.

"What is wrong with you?" he mumbles under his breath.

"I don't know," I say back and close my eyes.

He wraps me around his a blanket he got off the chair across the room and carries me in his arms. I want to tell him thank you but I pass out, I also think I threw up on him.


I wake up with a blistering headache, I'm back in the apartment I'm all so use to, Eric's apartment. I barely have any recognition of what happened last night. I'm in Eric's bed, I'm not even sure if we had sex. I'm naked though, I notice.

Eric walks in the room and sits at the edge of the bed handing me an aspirin and a glass of water.

"What happened?" I say holding my head.
"You don't remember anything?"

I shake my head.

"Good." He says.

"Did we-"


"Oh," I just thought. "Why do I have no clothes on?"

"You shouldn't of been drinking last night."

"What are you, my mother? I was just having a good time."

"No," he shakes his head. "It's dangerous and I told you that. People are looking to hurt me and you're just a link in that equation. I told you to stay in the apartment and what do you do? You go and endanger yourself. Looks like you still do need a babysitter."

"I do not," I squeeze my head tighter in my hands.

"Yes you do." he sighs. "Elena..."

"Hmm." My voice soft.

"I want you to promise you won't do this again." I don't answer. "This is an order. You aren't doing anything outside of your apartment. You're being monitored and you aren't aloud in the pit."

"Why are you so protective of me? Who cares if I die?" I look away from him.

"You're only saying that because of me. But you know what, Ean, Ean cares about you, Ean need a you so think like a mother, grow up and have some damn respect for your life."

"Well I'm sorry that I don't, especially not last night."

"So getting raped was worth it?" he mumbles.

"What?" I sit up straight my eyes wide. "What're you talking about? What happened last night?" my voice raises.

"You would've gotten yourself killed. That guy you were with, he purposely wanted to hurt you, he knew who you were and what you mean to me. I'm telling you, you have to-"

"I mean something to you?"

"You're the mother of Ean," he sighs. "That's what I meant."

I don't say anything.

I look at the bruises on my wrist, some of it is coming back to me.


I start to tear up, "Eric, I-..." I put my hands through my hair. "I'm an idiot."

"You're not an idiot." he says unsympathetic.

"Yes I am. I let that guy take advantage of me all because I was so mad at you."

"That's why you got drunk last night?"

I nodded my head. "I hate seeing you with Vanessa."

"I hate the thought of you kissing Peter."

"I never had sex with Peter. I never flaunted him around Dauntless. It was a stupid kiss, what you did, what you're doing is worse."

He doesn't say anything.

"There's hot water in the shower. Clean up."

He shuts the bedroom door while I'm left behind thinking of the horrors that occurred last night. What is going on with my life?

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