Multifandom Oneshot Book

By WeaverOfWorlds

26.6K 815 284

I'm an impulsive writer, this is my brain dump There WILL be heavily triggering moments in here so pr... More

You Are My Sunshine - Suicide tw
Future You
Power - Blood tw
Nate.exe Is Rebooting
Slaughter - Severe Gore tw
Happy Anniversary
Scene - Undertale AU - Omega!Natemare
Scene - Undertale AU - Nateatton EX
Scene - Undertale AU - King Nathan
Scene - Merry-Go-Round of Life
The Death of NrtBJelly
Let Us In (Ventshot)
A Morbid Farewell - Suicide tw
Over My Dead Body
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Ropes and Whispers
Hylian Days of Old
Scene - Here Right Now
The Foolishly Valiant Hero
A Fragment Of Time
Please... Don't Go
The First Dance
Fading Away
Time To Battle
Anything To Save You
Scene - Faerie Fire
Blind - Implied Abuse tw
Scene - Imprisoned In Darkness
Scene - Alone
A Storyteller's Power
Scene - Awoken in Mist - Spooptober Day 1
Scene - The Feeling of Being Watched - Spooptober Day 2
Scene - I Still Forgive You - Spooptober Day 3
Scene - Faces In The Flames - Spooptober Day 4
Scene - The Thrill of the Hunt - Spooptober Day 5
Scene - Entombed - Spooptober Day 6
Scene - Turning - Spooptober Day 7
Scene - Scriptoris Tormentum - Spooptober Day 8
Scene - Utterly Degrading
Scene - Fleeing - Spooptober Day 9
Scene - Logic's Memories - Spooptober Day 10
Scene - Enigmatic Night - Spooptober Day 11
Scene - Departed Soul - Spooptober Day 12
Scene - The Dead of Night - Spooptober Day 14
Scene - Lights Out - Spooptober Day 15
Scene - Come - Spooptober Day 16
Scene - Eternity - Spooptober Day 17
Scene - A Bitter Pill To Swallow - Spooptober Day 18
Scene - Strings - Spooptober Day 19
Scene - From High Above - Spooptober Day 21
Scene - All a Matter of Perspective - Spooptober Day 22
Scene - Mine - Spooptober Day 23
Scene - Moonlight Through The Shadows - Spooptober Day 25
Scene - Impending Doom - Spooptober Day 28
Parody - Hellfire
Scene - Why Won't You Love Me?
Scene - Without a Trace
Scene - A Broken Heart (Followup to 'Without a Trace')
Scene - Behind You
Scene - Step Into The Shadow Of The Hellhouse
Scene - L'appel Du Vide
Scene - Submit - tw strangulation
Scene - Rest Well
Scene/Ventshot - End
Scene - Memento Mori
Scene - On The Edge Of Time
Scene - Infiltration
Scene - Ressurection
Scene - Sucker for Pain
Scene - Remembering
Scene - An Example
Scene - Stirring
Scene - Mad With Power
Scene - The Power of a God
Ventshot - Arcane - Strangulation tw
Ventshot - Memory Loss
Parody - I'm The Bad Guy
Scene - A Life For A Life
Scene - Karma's a Bitch
Scene - United
Scene - Shadows
Scene - Unspoken
Scene - Let This Happiness Be Eternal
Scene - The God of All Things
Scene - Joyful
Scene - Shadows Where They Don't Belong
Scene - Final Fear
Scene - In My Blood
Scene - Massively Off Course - Crack(ish)
Scene - Rescue Mission
Scene - Forgiveness or Revenge - minor gore tw
Scene - Affection
Scene ~ Mercer-Ray ~ Side Effects
Poem ~ When You Died
Oneshot ~ Wake Up ~ Critical Role

Scene - New Life, New Chance

152 5 0
By WeaverOfWorlds

A/N: This scene is dedicated to/about a dear friend of mine. Due to them being kin with Miles Edgeworth, they understandably have a rough time around this season. Miles/Mob/Rhys/whatever kinshift you're feeling right now, this one's for you :)

They glanced at the calender again; December 14th 2016. It would be happening in eleven days. As much as they didn't want to, they always had a rough Miles shift around Christmas, and this was the year that the games showing that life of theirs was set. On Christmas day of 2016, they was tried for the murder of Robert Hammond due to the events of DL-6, the murder of their father. While they knew they were innocent of the crime, the anniversary of that tragedy, Christmas day, still haunted them.

Feeling a nudge on their leg, they looked down; it was Grevious, their bullmastiff. They smiled and scratched her behind the ear. "Hey there Grevious, you okay?"

The dog nodded and gave a small, contented boof, laying her chin back on their knee.

Miles gave a small chuckle, while Grevious was no Pess, they still loved her to bits. "That's good. You wanna play?"

Another contented boof and the dog flopped down on her belly and rolled over, as if asking for belly scratches.

They obliged, happily giving their dog lots of love. If they were to be honest, she was one of their anchors. A solid thing they associated with this life and this world, she was one of the things that helped settle their anxiety. 

There was a call from downstairs from their sister and Grevious got up and trotted out, dinner was ready for her and she wanted food.

Miles quickly deflated, so they went to their beardie, Karson. she was an inquisitive little thing and, with Miles being dragonkin, she felt like family.

They took her out gently, giving her a strawberry to eat, and watched with a smile. They ran a hand through their short, red hair. It was definitely different to the hair they had in any of their other lives, except as Randall perhaps, but they liked it; it was what set them apart and what made them special.

Being Miles Edgeworth wasn't all bad, they reflected. They were a beloved character, one that almost every single fan loved. Also being Phoenix Wright was a help. They knew they were respected, loved. They had more friends in this life than they had in others. 

Unlike in their life as Church, they didn't have to lead an army into war.

Unlike their life as Sans, they didn't have to worry about the timelines.

Unlike Nagito, Izuru or Kyosuke, they weren't being forced to murder their friends.

They had their dog, their beardie, their hoard, the canonmates they'd found online. They had people who'd be there for them when shifts went bad. 

Not long now, they thought as they gave Karson another strawberry, seventeen days and they wouldn't have to worry about a Miles shift going bad for a while.

People cared about them, loved them despite barely knowing them.

And despite it all, it was still them.

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