Multifandom Oneshot Book

By WeaverOfWorlds

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I'm an impulsive writer, this is my brain dump There WILL be heavily triggering moments in here so pr... More

You Are My Sunshine - Suicide tw
Future You
Power - Blood tw
Nate.exe Is Rebooting
Slaughter - Severe Gore tw
Happy Anniversary
Scene - Undertale AU - Omega!Natemare
Scene - Undertale AU - Nateatton EX
Scene - Undertale AU - King Nathan
Scene - Merry-Go-Round of Life
The Death of NrtBJelly
Let Us In (Ventshot)
A Morbid Farewell - Suicide tw
Over My Dead Body
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Ropes and Whispers
Hylian Days of Old
Scene - Here Right Now
The Foolishly Valiant Hero
A Fragment Of Time
Please... Don't Go
The First Dance
Fading Away
Time To Battle
Anything To Save You
Scene - Faerie Fire
Blind - Implied Abuse tw
Scene - Imprisoned In Darkness
Scene - Alone
Scene - Awoken in Mist - Spooptober Day 1
Scene - The Feeling of Being Watched - Spooptober Day 2
Scene - I Still Forgive You - Spooptober Day 3
Scene - Faces In The Flames - Spooptober Day 4
Scene - The Thrill of the Hunt - Spooptober Day 5
Scene - Entombed - Spooptober Day 6
Scene - Turning - Spooptober Day 7
Scene - Scriptoris Tormentum - Spooptober Day 8
Scene - Utterly Degrading
Scene - Fleeing - Spooptober Day 9
Scene - Logic's Memories - Spooptober Day 10
Scene - Enigmatic Night - Spooptober Day 11
Scene - Departed Soul - Spooptober Day 12
Scene - The Dead of Night - Spooptober Day 14
Scene - Lights Out - Spooptober Day 15
Scene - Come - Spooptober Day 16
Scene - Eternity - Spooptober Day 17
Scene - A Bitter Pill To Swallow - Spooptober Day 18
Scene - Strings - Spooptober Day 19
Scene - From High Above - Spooptober Day 21
Scene - All a Matter of Perspective - Spooptober Day 22
Scene - Mine - Spooptober Day 23
Scene - Moonlight Through The Shadows - Spooptober Day 25
Scene - Impending Doom - Spooptober Day 28
Parody - Hellfire
Scene - Why Won't You Love Me?
Scene - Without a Trace
Scene - A Broken Heart (Followup to 'Without a Trace')
Scene - Behind You
Scene - Step Into The Shadow Of The Hellhouse
Scene - L'appel Du Vide
Scene - Submit - tw strangulation
Scene - Rest Well
Scene/Ventshot - End
Scene - Memento Mori
Scene - On The Edge Of Time
Scene - Infiltration
Scene - Ressurection
Scene - Sucker for Pain
Scene - New Life, New Chance
Scene - Remembering
Scene - An Example
Scene - Stirring
Scene - Mad With Power
Scene - The Power of a God
Ventshot - Arcane - Strangulation tw
Ventshot - Memory Loss
Parody - I'm The Bad Guy
Scene - A Life For A Life
Scene - Karma's a Bitch
Scene - United
Scene - Shadows
Scene - Unspoken
Scene - Let This Happiness Be Eternal
Scene - The God of All Things
Scene - Joyful
Scene - Shadows Where They Don't Belong
Scene - Final Fear
Scene - In My Blood
Scene - Massively Off Course - Crack(ish)
Scene - Rescue Mission
Scene - Forgiveness or Revenge - minor gore tw
Scene - Affection
Scene ~ Mercer-Ray ~ Side Effects
Poem ~ When You Died
Oneshot ~ Wake Up ~ Critical Role

A Storyteller's Power

865 16 30
By WeaverOfWorlds

A/N: big thanks to salmonandsoup on Twitter for being my beta reade/editor and allowing me to use one of her AU characters as the hero of this tale.

As Chris sat there, his eyes flicking from one player to the next sat around the table onstage, he let a cruel smirk spread across his lips. The pieces were all in place; Diath, Evelyn and Strix had escaped the Amber Temple and had arrived at Strahd's throne room. The previous week, he'd left them just as the doors were thrown open by the Paladin. After giving a recap of the prior week's episode, he finally began the description he'd been longing to read since the campaign had begun.

"As the doors swing open, you are met with the majestic sight of Strahd's throne room; The stone walls, rising about forty feet to the vaulted ceiling, are made of black stone and are adorned with hanging banners in a deep, blood red. Stretching across the floor to the rosewood throne with crimson cushions is a long red carpet with golden trim. And across the room from you, sitting in the throne about fifty feet away is Strahd, but he's not alone. Standing obediently by his right side is Paultin."

Everyone gasped, looking positively betrayed .

Anna was the first to speak up, "Paultin! You're alive! But... what're you doin' with Strahd?"

Chris spoke, giving voice to the vampire lord. "He will not answer you without his master's permission, Paladin. So don't waste your breath."

"You aren't his master, Strahd. I know Paultin Seppa and I know for a fact that he'd never obey you." Jared shot back, his voice harsh and hostile.

Chris laughed Strahd's sinister laugh, sending a shiver through character and player alike. "You doubt me? Very well." As himself, Chris described the next events with a chillingly low voice and that smirk that everyone knew meant bad news. "Strahd glances at Paultin, his lips twisted in a cruel and cunning smile. And I'd like you to make a wisdom saving throw Paultin."

Nate grimaced and rolled his dice... And promptly cursed under his breath."Uh-- 9?"

Chris chuckled. "With that roll, you fall victim to Strahd's charm, feeling your own will melt away and be replaced with the overwhelming desire to follow Strahd's instruction as though you trust him. Now, the rest of you see Paultin's expression shift from mildly afraid to vacant. Then Strahd says, to Paultin, "tell your old friends what you think of me."

Nate didn't want to say this, he really didn't. But he felt something switch in his mind, a feeling like the one Chris had described. "You... I would trust you with my life, my Lord Strahd. "


Nate glared at Holly, actual malevolence in his dark eyes. "I glare at Strix for her comment and cast vicious mockery on her and say "Filthy Tiefling, you dare slander Lord Strahd?"

"Okay Strix, you need to make a wisdom saving throw."

Holly winced as Nate's words cut through her, ringing in her skull painfully. She rolled and gave a disappointed sigh at what came up. "10."

"Paultin, what's your save DC?"

"14." Nate's gaze didn't leave Holly when he answered, and it didn't become any less hostile.

"Okay Paultin, roll damage."

His eyes still fixed on Holly, Nate rolled his d4. "Max damage."

"Strix you're racked with mental pain as Paultin's cursed insults fill your ears and mind, taking four points of psychic damage."

As the words left Chris' lips, Holly's mind was filled with pain. Words in ancient and arcane languages ringing in her skull as she felt Nate's glare drilling into her soul. She clasped her head and cried out in pain, resting her head on the table.

Anna became concerned. Holly was just acting, right? "Hey, Holly? You okay?"

Holly nodded, trying to play it off as an act, but the pain wouldn't go away. She gritted her teeth and made the appropriate deduction on her sheet, returning her, almost fearful, gaze to Nate's unwavering one. She tried to speak, to formulate a plan of attack, but she could barely think.

Seeing her pain, Jared immediately spoke up. "We need to stop, Chris, someone needs to get Holly some help."

The DM waved it off. "Not yet. She'll be fine. However, if no one is going to act then Strahd will."


Chris' eyes seemed to flash with some kind of unreadable emotion. "Act. Or Strahd shall make his play."

Something was wrong, that much was clear. Jared glared at the man he knew couldn't be their DM. "Very well. Evelyn! Get Strix outta here, I've got a bad feeling. And then I'm gonna throw a dagger at Paultin to try to snap him outta this."

Chris gave a cruel smirk, "good. Make your roll."

Jared's glare hardened, he could feel it. Could feel that this man before them was an impostor--he just had to prove it. Had to make sure Holly was okay. He rolled his d20 and sagged as he did the math. "8..."

"Your dagger goes sailing across the room and misses Paultin by several feet. Strahd laughs and rises from his throne..." As he spoke, Chris stood, his voice beginning to slip to Strahd's sinister hiss. "Come to me, bard~"

To everyone's surprise, Nate stood, eyes moving to Chris, and began to approach the DM.

Jared quickly got to his feet and got between Nate and Chris, his green eyes boring into the other with a glare as sharp as daggers. "Stop this now Chris. No... you're not Chris Perkins. Chris would never ignore a player's obvious distress. Who are you?"

Chris' eyes flashed again, this time with a chillingly clear malice. As Jared and everyone else in the hall watched, the DM's form began to waver. His shape changed slowly, like a glamour dropping. His round and cheerful face became thin and pallid, cheeks sinking and skin going white. Thin, black hair sprouted from his scalp and he grew taller and thinner.

"Strahd..." Jared didn't even seem surprised, his face, instead, showing a grim determination.

The room exploded in panicked screaming, the assembled crowd fleeing as the vampire lord revealed himself to those assembled.

"Very good. You are perceptive, human, I'll give you that. It took countless souls to journey to this plane. But it will be well worth it to finally get to kill you." He darted forward at Jared, turning into a cloud of mist and vanishing, only to appear behind him. Behind Nate.

Jared turned, hand going to his belt, instincts he never knew he had making him reach for one of his daggers. He could feel something awaken within him, a strength and cunning he'd never possessed. The fog of fear cleared from his mind, his costume suddenly feeling like an outfit that he'd worn for ages, though lacking the familiar wear and tear he recalled as the line between player and character blurred.

Diath Woodrow launched a dagger at Strahd, but it missed and the rouge felt a familiar sinking feeling, a plummeting dread in the pit of his stomach as the weapon flew past its target. He darted forward, trying to grab the unknown man and save him from his fate. But he was too late, the vampire's fangs plunged into the man's neck and Strahd began to feed. Diath could see the decay of the necrotic damage begin to spread. Fearing for the lives of his friends, he turned to them, urgency etched into every line of his expression. "Evelyn, Strix, get out of here. I'm not about to have you die at the hands of this monster."

Behind him, Evelyn got to her feet, arms around a shaking Strix. "Diath? Y'sure you want to be left alone with Strahd? We can't afford to lose you again."

"Evelyn, I'm not the only one who's had an early meeting with the reaper. Keep Strix safe okay? Please, Evelyn, you can come back eventually and help if you really want but make sure she gets somewhere safe." He pleaded.

Evelyn nodded and began to carry the teifling offstage, but a voice spoke in her mind, low and threatening.

"Stay. Or do you wish for the rogue to die again~?"

Evelyn froze, Diath... she'd seen his corpse once, and that was one time too many. Strix was in no shape to fight but...

The teifling stood shakily and turned to face Strahd, a furious determination in her violet eyes. Though no one else seemed to be able to tell, the man with black hair was familiar. He was someone they all knew. "Let go of him Strahd. You killed Paultin once, isn't that enough?"

The dark haired man was deathly pale, limp and not breathing. Strahd let him drop, throwing him aside and locking eyes with Diath.

Strahd smirked, bloodstained lips curling viciously before his eyes moved to Strix. "Oh, but look at your reactions. Your anger, your despair, they're almost as delicious as that fool's blood."

Diath gave an almost primal roar and threw his silver dagger at Strahd, finally sending it sinking into the vampire's chest.

Strahd didn't even flinch. His gaze flicked down to the weapon and grasped it in a thin hand. His attention snapped back to Diath and he sent the dagger soaring at the human.

Diath attempted to dodge but was too late, and his hand clasped to his right shoulder as the dagger flew past, cutting into the flesh and spilling his blood. He looked back to Strahd to see him speed his way, longsword drawn and flashing in the lights that cut the darkness of the theatre like knives.

Diath dodged back, managing to avoid the brunt of the slash but still feeling the sting of the blade across his chest. He hit the ground in a crouch and skidded backwards slightly, his head whipping up see to Strahd as the vampire approached for a second attack. The rogue scowled, piercing fern coloured eyes flashing with determination.

Suddenly a triumphant cry echoed from the back of the stage, "GET AWAY FROM MY FRIEND YOU UNHOLY BEAST!" And a javelin soared through the air and sunk into Strahd's shoulder and thick vines erupted from the ground, binding him. Diath dashed backwards, retrieving his silver dagger as Strahd struggled against the vines.

And broke free, darting forward with supernatural speed and seizing Diath by the throat.

Evelyn's heart raced, she didn't know what to do after that. She had to protect Strix but every part of her mind screamed at her to get the monster off Diath

Strix was frozen, trembling in fear, her legs itching with the near overwhelming urge to run.

Diath scrabbled at Strahd's grip with shaking fingers as the hold around his neck tightened.


A blast of near blinding light engulfed the party's vision and a faint warmth swept over them, giving them new hope and resolve. As the light washed over them, it seemed to pass around them. Diath and Strix both looked at Evelyn and saw a barrier around them, emanating from the paladin.

Strahd staggered back a few steps, blinded by the flash, unseeing eyes darting around for the source of the attack.

"Evelyn, how did you do that?!" Diath asked, gaping at her.

"Don't ask me! I wish I did that!" she responded, holding her hands up.

"That was me," the voice that had cried out before said. The party looked to the exits of the auditorium to see a tall, bald man casually walk towards them, his deep purple cloak draped over one shoulder flowing behind him over his shining silver breastplate and touching the edges of dark pants tucked into bright silver boots.

Evelyn was in awe of this new arrival's radiant majesty, motioning in a reverent gesture of The Morning Lord. His aura was something utterly otherworldly.

Diath wrapped his arms around Strix protectively. While it seemed like this man was here to help, the fact that the new arrival had history with Strahd made him uneasy.

The being glanced back to Diath, a gentle smile on his lips. "Don't worry Diath Woodrow. You're not dying anytime soon. I refuse to allow it." He turned to address Strahd, who was still fumbling blindly "The fun's over, Strahd. It's been great, really it has."

"You.." Strahd's voice was a venomous hiss, he knew that voice well. "Krzysztof."

"The one and only." The being identified as Krzysztof took a bow and flashed a cheeky grin. He turned back to Strahd, the other now able to see again, and his smile dropped to a scowl as he reached over his left shoulder and pulled out his weapon, a mace covered in spikes on one side and a blade like an axe on the other.

When he spoke again, his tone had changed from a jovial one to what was almost a growl. "Now, get the hell away from my players before I make you," he threatened.

Strahd laughed, "This is how it has always played out Krzysztof. Never once have you come close to defeating me. And now you will fall."

Krzysztof's lips twisted upwards in a sadistically eager smirk, passing his weapon deftly from one hand to the other. "Ah yes, but I was never giving my all. You're far too fun to mess with, Strahd. You always take the bait and you always stoop to a new low upon my prompting. But this? Coming to this world, harassing these people a lifetime after they already defeated you? That is where I draw the line." He brought his weapon around to bare. "The souls of these humans are under my protection, and all those who harm them will perish."

"I'm not going anywhere. You're the one who will perish tonight!" With a chilling smile, Strahd dashed forward with blinding speed, his sword pulled back, prepared to impale the other man.

Krzysztof met the blow with little to no effort, swinging his own weapon like a baseball bat and hitting Strahd square in the gut before he could get close enough for his sword to cut flesh.

Strahd flew back around twenty-five feet, crashing onto the auditorium seats. Strahd lay there, momentarily stunned, but quickly regained his composure, shakily standing to his feet. He lifted a hand toward Krzysztof and uttered an incantation, casting blight and sending a wave of necromantic energy at the angelic being.

As the pulse hit him, the party saw Krzysztof stumble back, his flesh withering as the vitality drained from him. He recovered quickly, however, moving in again and engaging in furious combat.

The two duelled furiously back and forth, sparks flying from the clashing weapons, every blow matched as though each could read the other's mind until Krzysztof managed to outfox the vampire, dealing a nasty slash to his enemy's chest with the axe-like blade.

Strahd growled in anger and pain, casting blight at the other again, sending the deva reeling, half dead.

Krzysztof glared at the vampire, shrewd brown eyes flashing with divine power that began to emanate from his weapon. He spoke, his voice a low rumble. "That's enough fooling around Strahd. This has gone on long enough, what say we end this little dance of ours once and for all."

With that he darted forward with blinding speed, his glowing weapon slashing at the vampire lord with monumental holy damage, cutting through Strahd and utterly destroying him with a shrill and chilling cry.

Krzysztof held that position for a moment before straightening up, returning his weapon to his back. When he turned back to the party, his fierce expression had become kindly once again, and he quickly strode over to the fallen man. Upon inspection, he found the human's pulse was there, but it was so very faint. As he was crouched there, he moved to placed a hand on the human's chest when he stopped. Krzysztof gave a chuckle and turned his head to look at what he'd spotted in his peripheral vision and, sure enough, Diath was there with a rather confused look on his face.

The rogue narrowed his eyes at Krzysztof, his silver dagger gripped tight in his hand. "Okay that was cool and all, and thanks for saving our asses but I have several questions."

Krzysztof laughed, while Diath's suspicion was amusing to him, it was understandable. "Okay sure, fire away. Just let me heal your friend first, he's only just holding onto his last thread of life." Without even waiting for a response, Krzysztof began muttering the incantation for a healing spell under his breath, putting as much power into it as he could, sending vitality into the human.

Nate stirred, slowly regaining consciousness. As his eyes opened, he found himself looking up into a familiar pair of eyes. "Chris?"

"Close, it's Kryz. Krzysztof Penkin."

Diath spoke up again. "Okay then Krzystof Penkin. What are you? You destroyed Strahd with almost no effort when we," a pause, his eyes averting, sadness in them. "We lost a man to him before we could take him down." His attention went to the man Kryz had just revived. "And who is this?"

Strix made a small disgusted sound in the back of her throat. "You mean you can't see it? Diath that's Paultin."

"Strix, don't you remember? That can't be Paultin, we saw him die. We saw Strahd tear his body apart. Also Paultin was blonde. This dude has black hair."

"I know that Diath but I just," the tiefling hesitated, fiddling with her robe awkwardly. "he feels familar. There's something in him that feels like Paultin used to."

Nate was beyond confused. "Okay what? Jared? Holly? Anna? What the actual fuck is going on here?" He tried to sit up but Kryz put a hand on his chest and gently pushed him back down.

At those names, the rest of the Waffle Crew just looked at each other in confusion. Those names, they'd never heard them before in their lives but why did they feel like they fit?

"Easy Nathan. You've just been pulled away from death's door, you should take it easy." Krzysztof said gently.

His dark eyes went wide with fear. "Pulled away from death's door?"

Evelyn decided to cast Detect Good and Evil and gasped in amazement at what she'd found. She fell to her knees and bowed deeply. "Mr Penkin it's an honour."

Everyone turned to look at her with confusion except for Kryz, he smiled warmly at the paladin. "Evelyn Marthain, you need not bow to me. I am no god."

"But you're a celestial. An astral deva." Evelyn protested.

Diath and Strix's eyes widened in surprise, they had never imagined coming face to face with a true celestial being. Diath gave a small bow in respect to the other, while Strix just tilted her head, wrinkling her nose in mild disgust

"Is that so?"


Kryz looked back to Nate, and then looked over the whole party assembled. "Very well. As has already been said, my name is Krzystof Penkin and I'm an astral deva. I once watched over a small band of adventurers who'd been trapped in Strahd's land, a bard, a rogue, a paladin and a sorcerer. And when they finally slew Strahd, after the sacrifice of their bard, they left the land of Barovia. They lived long lives, with the exception of the sorcerer who was killed defending the paladin from those with violently differing faith. When their souls all acended from the material realm they were reborn in another world, this world. And when I was reborn, I followed their souls here. Diath Woodrow, Evelyn Marthain, Strix. You are reborn souls in this world in the bodies of people who think that you're fictional. When Strahd appeared, those whose bodies you inhabit were overcome by confusion and fear, awakening you from within them."

Everyone was silent and stupefied by this, but Evelyn was the first to gain the ability to speak.

"So our souls went into the light and the great Lathander saw fit to give us a second chance at life to help more poor souls?"

"For you, yes. For the others, their respective deities were the ones to give them new life. And you're all doing it. All of you help bring light to the lives of others in this new life-or rather, those whose bodies you inhabit do."

Diath cautiously approached the man that Kryz had called Nathan. "So this man... Strix was right was she? This man holds the soul of Paultin Seppa?"

"He does. He, too, would've awoken to help you fight had he not been charmed by the devil Strahd." Krzysztof affirmed.

Diath sighed heavily, he couldn't remember how many years it'd been since he'd seen Paultin. He missed him. Crouching down next to this Nathan, Diath extended a hand. "Hello there Nathan. I'm Diath Woodrow."

Nate took the proffered hand and shook it. "Hey Diath, Nathan Sharp."

Evelyn stepped forward, her head tilting and an inquisitive look in her eyes. "Um, Kryz? Nathan there called you Chris, Why?"

Kryz sighed, "It's a very long story, one I don't have time to tell. But, in short, I'm in the same boat as you are. When Christopher Perkins was stolen from this realm by Strahd's mists, exposure to planar travel awoke me and my powers within him. He was severely distressed when he first arrived in Barovia, understandably so since he, like all inhabitants of this realm, don't truly believe in our existence. When I spoke to him and explained the situation, he quickly became determined to save his players. He's still sort of awake in here," he tapped the side of his head, "but the two-way trip tired his soul. I'll need to take a long rest before he's able to come back."

Nate looked to Kryz, his eyes filled with urgency. "He's okay though right?"

"He is." the deva gave a chuckle and shook his head. "You should've heard him when I told him what was up. 'I don't care what it takes. I refuse to let that bastard hurt my players. Do whatever you have to do to get me home and you can kick Strahd's ass.' He really seems to care for you guys."

"Okay so can I just say something?" Diath interjected. "Nathan, you called us by these strange names; Jared, Holly and Anna, can you tell us about them? Your friends. The ones we've become."

Nate's face scrunched up in thought in a way so similar to Paultin that it made the adventurers' hearts ache. "Okay so Jared Knabenbauer is, well, Jared's a goofball with a heart of gold. He's kind and caring but he can be so vulgar sometimes and it's so fucking funny because he takes everything in his stride. So you needn't worry, Diath, you're still a good man, and you've got an equally amazing wife."

Diath gasped, wife? He was... married?

His gaze turned to Evelyn and he smiled. She was still smiling, still positive. "Anna Prosser Robinson is a paragon. She's a person that campaigns to bring peace and light to the online community and is one who is always striving to stop abuse and harassment towards female gamers."

Evelyn's eyes went wide and shone with pride. She still served the light after all.

Nate laughed, those dimples appearing in his cheeks. "That's right Evelyn, Lathander would be proud of you in this life." Finally he looked to to the nervous teifling who hung back from the group. "And you, Strix, were apparently reborn as Holly Conrad. In a word, Holly is awesome. She's a friend to around fifty birds she's taken in and just, in general, animals seem to love her. Also she's probably one of the best cosplayers I know, she's so skilled. And so loved. By her fans and more so by her husband."

Strix's pale eyes seemed to light up in a mixture of shock, disbelief and happiness.

There was a sound of a door opening and everyone looked up, hands going to weapons. But it wasn't a monster. It was a red haired human woman in simple casual clothing, followed by a youthful man with golden brown hair and another woman with dark brown hair. They all looked up at the stage with concern and the redhead boldly stepped forward.

"Jared? Are you okay?"

Diath stiffened in suspicion and confusion. Why did this woman look familar? Why did his heart flutter when he saw her, when she spoke? He knew her, Nathan had said his name was Jared. Who was she? And then it clicked; this was his wife.

Nate noticed Diath's panic, of course, he didn't know her name. He waved at the three who'd just entered and called out to them. "Heidi! Ross! Morgan! Come over here!"

Heidi. So that was her name, Diath thought with a nod of his head. Why did he recognise her though? Her and not Nathan.

As Heidi drew close, Diath saw something change in her eyes, worry became relief which quickly became suspicion. She knew. "Okay you're not Jared, who are you?"

Diath stepped back in shock. "How--?"

"You really think I wouldn't be able to tell when someone's impersonating my husband?"

"Okay fine, I'm," Diath fumbled with his words, eventually letting out a small sigh of resignation. "You probably won't believe me but I'm Diath Woodrow. The real one."

She narrowed her dark green eyes, "Uh huh. Is that so?"

"It's okay I swear, Jared is fine. He's just, uh, sleeping...?" on the final word he glanced at Kryz questioningly.

"Yes," the deva reassured, looking to Ross as well. "Both Jared and Holly are fine, give you my word." He'd seen Ross' glare and could easily garner his concern for his wife's wellbeing.

Both Ross and Heidi spoke together, "She'd better be."

Morgan climbed up onto the stage and wrapped her arms around Nate, "Are you okay honey?"

Nate nuzzled her, hugging her back. "Yeah, I'm good. You can thank Kryz for that."

Kryz smiled warmly at Morgan. "Miss Want, it's a pleasure."

Morgan nodded. "Whatever you did, thank you."

Kryz looked over the group and clapped his hands. "Right then, if I remember rightly you were in the middle of a very important session, were you not? I think it's time to gather the audience back."

Strix gave a heavy sigh, glancing uneasily at Ross. While he did make her heart flutter, her anxiety was still going into overdrive. "S-so we're gonna have to leave aren't we? Like, they came for the other us-es. Holly, Anna, and Jared. We're gonna have to go away."

Kryz shook his head. "Not exactly. You'll just retreat into their minds. You'll still exist, still be able to see everything and you'll be able to talk with them.

Evelyn nodded. "Alright, how do we retreat? I wouldn't wanna keep this Anna person in the dark too long."

The deva sat in thoughtful silence for a moment, "It shouldn't be too hard. Just close your eyes and imagine going to sleep."

The crew nodded and all closed their eyes as instructed with Heidi and Ross watching them carefully, standing next to their spouse.

All at once, they stumbled, their bodies going momentarily limp. Jared fell into Heidi's arms, Holly into Ross' and Kryz darted to catch Anna as she fell, not wanting her to get hurt.

As Jared's eyes fluttered open, they widened and darted around in panic before looking up at his wife. "H-heidi?"

"Shh, it's okay Jared." She soothed, gently brushing his hair from his face. "Everything's okay."

Jared smiled and stood slowly, holding onto his wife for support, softly kissing her lips and holding her close, resting his forehead against hers. "Thank you Heidi."

Holly reacted quite similarly, bolting up with a squawk, head whipping around to catch any sign of danger before realizing she was safe in Ross' arms and about to make her violet contacts move out of place.

Ross squinted, "Holly?"

"Hey Ross."

Ross hugged her, picking her up. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm great. Lil bit of a headache but I'll be fine. Is everyone okay? Last thing I remember was--" she stopped short, her eyes falling on Anna, held carefully in the arms of someone who looked exactly like Chris. She broke away from Ross and marched over, her cosplay staff gripped tightly in her hand, and whacked the Chris imposter on the head with it.

Kryz pretended to flinch when the thing hit his skull. He understood her anger, her aggression. The last she'd seen of the face he wore was Strahd. He kept his focus on Anna, however, as she too slowly awoke. At first, her eyes were fearful. Strahd held her. No, no this wasn't Strahd, his eyes were kind and warm. Her expression softened and calmed. "Chris, I... thanks for catching me dude, I dunno what came over me, I just kinda passed out I guess. Must've been more tired than I thought.."

Kryz helped Anna to her feet, "Well, out of all of us, you do have the busiest schedule. Maybe you should take it easy."

Holly hit the man again, harder this time. "Get off her Strahd! I know it's you, what've you done with Chris?!"

"Holly please, I'm not Strahd."

"That's EXACTLY waht Strahd would say, wouldn't he?!" Holly shot back.

Ross cautiously approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Holly, hon, trust him on this one. That's not Strahd. He's a good man."

Holly lowered her staff and glared at the bald man, her eyes suspicious, and made the universal 'I'm watching you' motion.

Nate looked at his watch and grimaced. "Crap. As much as I wanna do this panel over, I'm scheduled to do a panel myself in like ten minutes." He looked between his fellow players, while they were definitely themselves, the musician could see something in their eyes, a presence that wasn't there before, and he knew that the Waffle Crew of old was there and he felt something within him. A sudden surge of happiness, relief--of love. "I'll tell you later. Just try to keep an open mind, it's a pretty wild story and I still don't have it all."

As the others departed to the rest of the convention; Anna to her next job of many, Nathan to his panel and Holly and Jared to spend time with their partners, Kryz left for Christopher's hotel room. It wasn't hard to find; he hadn't taken the metaphorical wheel when the human had been consumed by fear, so he had access to all his memories. He may have gotten some strange looks for his attire but since there was a convention going on and lots of people were dressed strangely, no one truly payed him any mind, and for that he was thankful.

He set his weapon aside next to the bed and lay down to rest. While he wasn't much fatigued, he knew that Christopher would be worried about his players.

In his mind's eye, he was in a large room. The walls were lined floor to ceiling with stocked bookshelves, in the centre was a square table, set for a session of D&D and at the head of the table sat Christopher.

The human smiled his infamous sly smirk. However, his concern was clear, as was his suspicion. "Krzysztof."

Kryz sat opposite him, "Hello again Christopher. I must say I'm surprised to find you in such a good state."

Chris gave a small, condescending laugh. "I may not have the physical strength to defeat Strahd, but you shouldn't ever underestimate the mental fortitude of a person when those he cares for are in peril. Considering we're here at all, it's safe to assume that you defeated Strahd. But are they safe?"

The deva matched the human's expression, "Would I dare face you if the answer were no?"

"True, I suppose you'd just fuck off back to your own realm if you'd let them die. So what now? You just gonna leave?"

"I couldn't if I wanted to. Like the souls of the original Waffle Crew, I'm trapped here. There's something you should know, though. You used to be me in another life. It's a long story that I'll tell you later but one perk of this is that you'll have access to my memories. I warn you against viewing them though, they aren't pretty."

Chris gave a genuine laugh this time, and gestured around the room. "I figured as much. Your story's all here, you know. It's been a while so I needed to keep myself busy. You've had a tough life for sure, but if you're really me from a past life, I'll tell you this: it definitely gets better."

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