How Did We Get Here // Luke H...

By OhMyGodItsLEX

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A tragic story about a girl named Emma. She finds herself in a new country, half way across the world from he... More

Chapter 1: Class Clown
Chapter 2: The One With the Weird Name
Chapter 3: Ready?
Chapter 4: Pickup Line
Chapter 5: The Deadly Crisis
Chapter 6: Government Agent
Chapter 7: French Fries and Almonds
Chapter 8: Gus-Gus
Chapter 9: The Hemmo's
Chapter 10: Are you Crazy?
Chapter 11: My Eulogy
Chapter 12: Bonding Time
Chapter 13: Its Church
Chapter 14: Be Impulsive
Chapter 15: The Scenery
Chapter 16: Really, I Just Get This?
Chapter 17: Horrible night
Chapter 18: Super Natural Stuff?
Chapter 19: I Don't Understand
Chapter 20: Into Bones
Chapter 21: Gotta Booger
Chapter 22: Bloody Nose
Chapter 23: People Are Going To Flip
Chapter 24: Pink hair
Chapter 25: Whiskey
Chapter 26: I would
Chapter 27: Super Human
Chapter 28: Past Four Months
Chapter 29: Everything Changes
Chapter 30: Acting Weird
Chapter 31: Flashed Before My Eyes
Chapter 32: Mother STOP!
Chapter 33: Simple Hey?
Chapter 34: Australia
Chapter 35: Big Day
Chapter 36: Say Good Bye Emma
Chapter 37: That's Not Right
Chapter 38: Look at Us
Chapter 39: Wonders
Chapter 40: Karma
Chapter 41: Meeting Wilbert
Chapter 42: I Get It Sharron
Chapter 43: Starry Vs. Wilma
Chapter 44: Love Me
Chapter 45: Lux?
Chapter 46: What If
Chapter 47: Just Hug Me
Chapter 48: Pranks
Chapter 49: The Truth
Chapter 50: There, I said it
Chapter 51: Am I ready?
Chapter 52: Gas Station
Chapter 53: Emma?!
Chapter 54: The Hormones Man
Chapter 55: My Vicky
Chapter 56: It's Feet
Chapter 57: Please Mom
Chapter 58: Ashton My Man
Chapter 59: Brazil?
Chapter 60: Swag
Chapter 61: Munchkin!
Chapter 62: Peppermint!?
Chapter 63: I'm So Done
Chapter 64: First Time Back
Chapter 65: Irish?
Chapter 66: Packing For Russia
Chapter 67: I Can't
Chapter 68: Bakery
Chapter 69: How Was It?
Chapter 70: My Baby
Chapter 71: Zayn...
Chapter 72: Aw Zayn
Chapter 73: Them
Chapter 74: On the Job
Chapter 75: The Hospital
Chapter 76: My Day
Chapter 77: What Happened
Chapter 78: Something's Wrong
Chapter 79: Sleep Baby Sleep
Chapter 80: Gender?
Chapter 81: I'm human
Chapter 82: Signing
Chapter 83: The Pain
Chapter 84: Alone
Chapter 85: She Has To
Chapter 86: Let's Do It
Chapter 87: What Do You Mean?
Chapter 88: First Time
Chapter 89: Emma!
Chapter 90: Mason!
Chapter 91: Call Me John
Chapter 92: Diary of an Orphan
Chapter 93: Court's Hearing
Chapter 94: One More Week
Chapter 95: Good Bye
Chapter 96: Not Your Fault
Chapter 98: Blue Eyes
Chapter 99: Didn't He Tell You?!
Chapter 100: DANI

Chapter 97: Guess What

54 9 15
By OhMyGodItsLEX

I woke up to someone screaming down the hall. High pitched voices. Screaming and crying. I jump out of bed and swing the door wide. I peak my head out and gasp. She's there. Laying on the floor, screaming. Then she stops, sits up and stares at me. Suddenly I jolt awake, sitting on my bed, clenching my chest, breathing rapidly and sweating. Then Zayn groans "What happened?" I sigh, rubbing my face "Nightmare babe." I lay back and stare into the vast of darkness. I haven't had that nightmare since I was a kid. It haunts me now, but I just need to forget about it and move on.

In the morning, Zayn and I left Niall and Harry in charge of our girl while we go out shopping. Niall laughs "I hope I get paid for this." I roll my eyes "How about I pay you back by living under a roof with food." He chuckles, frowning a bit "point taken." We laugh and walk away.

I get into the car and start laughing. Zayn looks at me weird "What?" I chuckle "this is my first time in two months where I leave the hospital." Zayn gets my hand and kisses it "One more day left and we go home with our daughter."

I groan "Zayn, she's too tiny for 1 month, look at this!" I show him and he sighs "Well, that's all they have babe. I guess she'll have to look baggie for now. Let's just get what's necessary and leave. I don't like it when one of us isn't there at the hospital." I throw the clothes on the cart and move on. I close my eyes "Zayn..." he looks over at me from the bottle section "What?" I scoff "She's too tiny, it'll fit her big." He smiles and puts the bottles the cart "She'll grow Em's. just give it time okay. Don't worry about this right now. Okay, let's just hurry up."

At the cashier, I kept staring at the guy scanning. I remember him. He looks familiar but I don't know where I've seen him. His droppy face.

As we walk out, Zayn starts laughing "Do you know who that was? Our cashier?" I gasp "No! but I knew he looked familiar." He chuckles, opening his trunk "remember when we first met, in the games. He's our cashier for that one store we robbed." I close my eyes, laughing "oh! That's right! Wow, seems like such a long time ago."

He turns on the car "it's gonna be like a year and half since then." I clip my seat belt and laugh "God, that day was so fun! Uh, I miss it." He chuckles, looking at me "yeah it was. That was the first day we kissed." I chuckle, turning away from him "Look at us now, with a daughter." He smirks and we drive off.

He drops me off first at the hospital so I could stay with our daughter while he takes the babies things home and fixes stuff.

I get off the elevator and watch Harry and Niall softly touching Danielle. Suddenly they start getting a little rowdy. I confusing try to look for clues but they were probably messing around. Then harry does his derp face and I know they're goofing off.

When they leave the room, they run to me "Emma! Emma!" I roll my eyes "What?" Harry smirks "She opened her eyes!" I gasp and quickly turn to the window, looking at my daughter. I run to the nurse and plead her to let me in. She hands me and Harry a blue gown and let us through. I slowly walk to her and sing "Sleep baby sleep, You're..." she opened her eyes wide, looking for my voice. I start tearing up, looking at her beautiful blue eyes. Harry chuckles "She has you're grandfathers eyes." I sigh, still crying "Oh thank god, she got the good genes." We both chuckle and I stare at my beautiful baby and sing to her.  

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