How Did We Get Here // Luke H...

By OhMyGodItsLEX

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A tragic story about a girl named Emma. She finds herself in a new country, half way across the world from he... More

Chapter 1: Class Clown
Chapter 2: The One With the Weird Name
Chapter 3: Ready?
Chapter 4: Pickup Line
Chapter 5: The Deadly Crisis
Chapter 6: Government Agent
Chapter 7: French Fries and Almonds
Chapter 8: Gus-Gus
Chapter 9: The Hemmo's
Chapter 10: Are you Crazy?
Chapter 11: My Eulogy
Chapter 12: Bonding Time
Chapter 13: Its Church
Chapter 14: Be Impulsive
Chapter 15: The Scenery
Chapter 16: Really, I Just Get This?
Chapter 17: Horrible night
Chapter 18: Super Natural Stuff?
Chapter 19: I Don't Understand
Chapter 20: Into Bones
Chapter 21: Gotta Booger
Chapter 22: Bloody Nose
Chapter 23: People Are Going To Flip
Chapter 24: Pink hair
Chapter 25: Whiskey
Chapter 26: I would
Chapter 27: Super Human
Chapter 28: Past Four Months
Chapter 29: Everything Changes
Chapter 30: Acting Weird
Chapter 31: Flashed Before My Eyes
Chapter 32: Mother STOP!
Chapter 33: Simple Hey?
Chapter 34: Australia
Chapter 35: Big Day
Chapter 36: Say Good Bye Emma
Chapter 37: That's Not Right
Chapter 38: Look at Us
Chapter 39: Wonders
Chapter 40: Karma
Chapter 41: Meeting Wilbert
Chapter 42: I Get It Sharron
Chapter 43: Starry Vs. Wilma
Chapter 44: Love Me
Chapter 45: Lux?
Chapter 46: What If
Chapter 47: Just Hug Me
Chapter 48: Pranks
Chapter 49: The Truth
Chapter 50: There, I said it
Chapter 51: Am I ready?
Chapter 52: Gas Station
Chapter 53: Emma?!
Chapter 54: The Hormones Man
Chapter 55: My Vicky
Chapter 56: It's Feet
Chapter 57: Please Mom
Chapter 58: Ashton My Man
Chapter 59: Brazil?
Chapter 60: Swag
Chapter 61: Munchkin!
Chapter 62: Peppermint!?
Chapter 63: I'm So Done
Chapter 64: First Time Back
Chapter 65: Irish?
Chapter 66: Packing For Russia
Chapter 67: I Can't
Chapter 68: Bakery
Chapter 69: How Was It?
Chapter 70: My Baby
Chapter 71: Zayn...
Chapter 72: Aw Zayn
Chapter 73: Them
Chapter 74: On the Job
Chapter 75: The Hospital
Chapter 76: My Day
Chapter 77: What Happened
Chapter 78: Something's Wrong
Chapter 79: Sleep Baby Sleep
Chapter 81: I'm human
Chapter 82: Signing
Chapter 83: The Pain
Chapter 84: Alone
Chapter 85: She Has To
Chapter 86: Let's Do It
Chapter 87: What Do You Mean?
Chapter 88: First Time
Chapter 89: Emma!
Chapter 90: Mason!
Chapter 91: Call Me John
Chapter 92: Diary of an Orphan
Chapter 93: Court's Hearing
Chapter 94: One More Week
Chapter 95: Good Bye
Chapter 96: Not Your Fault
Chapter 97: Guess What
Chapter 98: Blue Eyes
Chapter 99: Didn't He Tell You?!
Chapter 100: DANI

Chapter 80: Gender?

65 8 30
By OhMyGodItsLEX


I could hear machines whirling, beeping and clicking. I groan before opening my eyes. I carefully put my hand on my forehead and open my eyes. The light shun burningly on my eyes. I squint them close and try to lift myself up. Suddenly a vicious pain attacks my lower abdomen. I cry in pain and throw myself back. I put my hands over my stomach and feel a pad on it. What the hell happened? I remember going into the surgery room and Jane telling me she had to do the surgery. I remember my dad and Louis there. I heard whispers of Arlene. But I remember faintly someone singing a lullaby. My favorite lullaby. And cries. I heard cries I think. And I felt coldness. I open my eyes slowly and the pain on my forehead grew quickly but I endure the pain and watch a blurry empty room.

As my vision adjusted I heard footsteps entering my room. I turn to see my mother and Harry entering the room. I yelp "mom! Harry!" She rushes to my side, smothers me with kisses and cries "Emma! I'm so sorry I wasn't there! I tried to be here but I couldn't. Oh my baby." I gulp down my saliva and ask "what happened?! Where's my baby?!" She pats my hair "the baby is in the incubator Emma, it was born too early Em's." I close my eyes and cry "I don't remember it mom! I don't remember seeing it's face! Oh God!" Harry kisses my hand and my mom sighs "Emma, you were drugged. It happens to most woman Em's. If it makes you feel better, I don't remember Nat's." I sob " that's not the point! What kind of mom am I if I don't remember the birth! If I kill myself over thinking the birth! I can't cherish that kind of memory! God! I don't even know the gender!"

Then Yegor and Klavdiya enter the room. She cry's "oh Emma! She's so beautiful!" I sob "my baby's a girl! Oh it's a girl?!"  My mom cries "it's a girl Em's! Oh baby." She kisses me and Yegor sighs "I just can't wait to hold her." I close my eyes and feel the anxious thoughts of them being here. What is Zayn saying? Zayn! I clear my eyes and sigh "where's Zayn?" Harry smiles down to me "he's with your dad at the window, watching your baby sleep." I plead "can I go see her!?" My mom clicks her tongue and sighs "oh Emma, you can't..." I cut her off and plead "mom! Please! Please!" She continues "Emma baby you can't. Please sweetie, you just got surgery and you can't bend right now." I cry "I'll walk, I don't care!" I lift myself up and immediately go back down. The pain was unbearable. I cry "I don't know how she looks like! Plea-ea-ease!" My mom smiles down at me "Emma, she's beautiful. She is perfect." I cry and suddenly Harry shoves his phone in my face "I'm face timing Zayn."

I grab the phone and let it ring. Then the screen goes black and Zayn's face pops up. He yells "my beautiful Emma! You're awake!" I cry "Zayn please! My baby!" He turns the screen. Through a big glass window, a plastic box brighten. Machines surrounding the lit box. Inside, my beautiful tiny baby, hooked up to wires. It's nose hooked to machines. It's tiny chest pumping up and down. It burns my soul seeing how my baby suffers and endures that pain. That's exactly what I didn't want. I wanted my baby to be healthy and away from harms way but I couldn't. I cry "how is she?" Zayn flips the screen "she is fine. The nurse told me that she appears to be stronger for her pre mature birth. I guess what you did really helped her Em's" I cry "I don't remember Zayn... I can't remember much." He sighs, rubbing his chin "Emma, don't worry about that. Our daughter is well." I sneer "Zayn! She's in the God damn incubator! She isn't fine!" He sighs and frowns "I'll be in the room in a bit." He hangs up and I groan in pain.

I can't be there next to my child. I don't even know if we're in the same building. I can't watch her sleep. The feeling of hopelessness eats me alive, torturing even waking moment I breathe. My heart aches in sorrow. Harry kisses my hand and sits at the corner of my bed  "Emma, I know you wanted me there and I'm sorry." I cry "it's okay. It was out of our control." He stands up and slaps his hand over his heart "I vow to be there every waking moment with you and OUR baby." I roll my eyes and frown "Our?" He chuckles "she's my daughter too. I don't care if I'm not your genetic brother or your lover but this baby feels like she's mine too. I love her if she were my own." I blow him a kiss and Klavdiya sighs "I wish you two lived in Russia. Then my daughter would see how beautiful love is." My heart sinks to the bottom. It crushes every aspiration I live for. I look away and my mom smiles "My granddaughter is the most precious gift. Raise her well." I shut my eyes close and try to block their claims. Then his voice echoes "Emma, my love." I turn to see the shock on Zayn's face when he laid eyes on Yegor and Klavdiya. He shyly walks to me and I sigh "can everyone give us a moment please." They all smile and close the door behind them. Zayn sighs and lays down with me. I close my eyes "Zayn, they're here. They're gonna take our baby away." He hugs me tight and kisses my forehead.

I don't know why but at that moment, his hug didn't clear my mind, his hug didn't ease my burning soul. Before, everything would vanish and I would burry myself with him. But this time nothing happened. The troubles ate me alive.

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