Kidnapped baby

By StuckInLove123

389K 8.2K 1.9K

Ariana and Justin has had a relationship for three years. It was filled with fights, crying, but love. On the... More

Chapter 1: The anniversary
Chapter 3: The Big News
Chapter 4: Everything will be ok
Chapter 5: Goodbye America Hello Paris
Chapter 6: Accidents
Chapter 7: New guy
Chapter 8: The Date
Chapter 9: Moving In
Chapter 10: Abusive much?
Chapter 11: Baby Gender
Chapter 12: Birthday Fun Part 1
Chapter 13: Birthday Fun Part 2
Chapter 14: Food Poison
Chapter 15: Tracy convinces Ariana
Chapter 16: Apologies
Chapter 17: Date with Connor
Chapter 18: Day out with Tracy
Chapter 19: Jeanette
Chapter 20: Pool Party
Chapter 21: Painting
Chapter 22: Surprise Surprise
Chapter 23: The Call
Chapter 24: My Water Broke
Chapter 25: The Baby is Born
Chapter 26: Taking The Baby Home
Chapter 27: Stay with me
Chapter 28: Came back early
Chapter 29: Im not ashamed
Chapter 30: The Bridges of Seine
Chapter 31: More news
Chapter 32: Birthday Girls
Chapter 33: Realize
Chapter 34: In the hospital
Chapter 35: All that Matters
Chapter 36: The Cookout
Chapter 37: Kidnapped
Chapter 38: Never Wanted To
Chapter 39: Tracking
Chapter 40: Blaming
Chapter 41: I love you
Chapter 42: The meet
Chapter 43: What a Friend
Chapter 44: Another Kidnapping
Chapter 45: Im Sorry
Chapter 46: Bye Bye Madison
Chapter 47: Forgive Me?
Chapter 48: Aquaboulevard
Chapter 49: Date With the Kidnapper
Chapter 50: Visiting Tracy
Chapter 51: Bye Emily
Chapter 52: His Ex
Chapter 53: Another Dream
Chapter 54: Don't Stress
Chapter 55: Getting Briana Back
Chapter 56: Dinner Date
Chapter 57: Argue
Chapter 58: Taken at The Mall
Chapter 59: Revealed
Chapter 60: Help us Connor
Chapter 61: The Plan
Chapter 62: Arrested
Chapter 63: Another One
Chapter 64: Visitor

Chapter 2: Moving On

10.2K 195 22
By StuckInLove123

Chapter 2: Moving On

Justin's P.O.V.

I stood there after Ariana left, looking at the door.

I can't believe what just happened. I lost the best thing that has happened to me. Ariana was my one and only. She was the only one that understood me. I made the most stupidest mistake by letting her walk out that door.

I should've never said those hurtful words to her.

The flight leaves in less than an hour so I finish packing.

After I'm done packing, I head to the hotel check out. As I'm waking out the hotel looby, paparazzi begin to flash pictures of me.

How do they always find me?

They begin to start asking me a bunch of questions.

"What happened up there?"

"Did you and Ariana Grande break up?"

"Did you cheat on her?"

The sound of Ariana's name made my heart sink. They must've seen her come out crying.

I finally reach my security car that's waiting for me and get in so they can drive me to the airport.

Ariana's P.O.V.

I went to the airport. I sat in the waiting area until it was time to go.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw Justin coming in with paparazzi following.

I quickly got up and ran to give one of the attendants my passport. I jogged onto the plane and found the new seat I had requested to get. I didn't want to sit next to Justin.

I waited a good ten minutes until the plane took off.

The flight back home was very boring.

When the plane lands in California, I run out of the airport before Justin can see me.

I call a taxi to come take me home.

I run straight for my bedroom. I close the door and jump onto my bed. I scream into my pillow and started to cry again.

I slowly fell asleep.


I wake up with a huge headache. My stomach starts to feel really bad so I run straight to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet.

After I'm done, I take a nice hot shower and decide to stay home all day.

I kept throwing up and getting headaches. Everything I ate, I would just throw it up.

I decide to call my mom and tell her everything that has happened in the last two days. I start to cry again, just talking about Justin makes me upset.

My mom begins to worry when I tell her about me throwing up. She recommends I go to the doctor's office.

So, I make an appointment for Tuesday at one o' clock.

I watch a marathon of America's Next Top Model the rest of the night until I fall asleep.

Justin's P.O.V.

Once I get home, I turn on the tv to get my mind off of things.

The whole break up with Ariana was already on tv. Hearing about Ariana is too much for me to take so I turn it off.

I than call Ryan who is one of my best friends. After two rings, he answers.

"Hey Justin?"he says. "Hey Ryan"I say back, sounding dull.

"I heard about you and Ariana"he says after a minute of silence.

"I know, it's all on tv"I say back." It's weird how things spread around the country so fast."

"Look don't stress over this. You can't let a girl bring you down"he says.

"Come with me and Chaz tonight. We are going to the club. It will be fun"He adds.

After ten seconds I answer back.

"You know what, you are so right. I can't stop living because of one girl. I'll go with you and Chaz tonight to the club. I'll meet you there around ten"I say.

"Okay, see you there"he says. "Bye"I hang up.

It's probably best me and Ariana broke up. Everything happens for a reason right?

The next morning I wake up next to a brunette. I guess I had a wild night if I'm already sleeping with another girl.

I think this will be ok. I'm moving on.



Hey guys, sorry for such a short chapter but there is more so don't lose hope. So Justin is moving on but what about Ariana. Will she be ok? Maybe she got the flu or "Something". We will find out in the next chapter.




Love ya😘

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