Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea...

By cliffordpunkrock

45.4K 1.6K 199

Engaged, happy, and in love, Carter Chase and Ashton Irwin are setting off on a new adventure as she joins hi... More

Chapter 101
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chater 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chaper 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183

Chapter 102

775 25 1
By cliffordpunkrock

As we pulled up to the hotel I could see girls standing outside the front doors.

"At the hotel too?" I quirked an eyebrow as we drove up to the curb.

"Yup." Ashton replied.

There weren't as many as there were at the airport which I was thankful for.

The driver came around and opened up our door so we could all get out. I set Gracie down on the ground and she gasped excitedly at all the people.

She did her cheeky little smile and waved her little hand at the girls, all of them awing at her.

Ashton handed her the Frozen suitcase while handing me my duffel and Ender his.

I took Ashton's hand as we walked into the hotel, Gracie skipping in front of us with Ender walking beside her.

Inside the lobby we were checked in and given our room keys and we headed up to our room on the second to highest floor.

When we got up to our floor Michael, Calum, and Luke went into one room while our family went into one across the hall.

When Ashton opened the door it opened into a large suite, there was a living area, a bedroom, and another room which surprisingly Becca, my stylist, walked out of.

"Carter!" She squealed before running over to hug me.

"Hi!" I laughed as I hugged her back.

"How are you?"

"I'm good, and yourself?"


We pulled away and I could hear Gracie's happy gasp.

"Do you remember Becca?" I asked her and she nodded. "Do you want to tell her hello?"

"I give you hug!" Gracie went to hug Becca.

"Aw! Thank you sweetie, you are too cute!" Becca smiled at her and kissed Gracie's cheek.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked Becca once she had hugged Ender and Ashton.

"Well as the Irwin family's official stylist, as I have now been promoted, I will be styling you guys every day for the different events you have going on."

"Okay." I smiled. "This is exciting."

Ashton laughed.

"Let's get settled in for a second before we head out for today." He suggested and I nodded.

He led us to the bedroom where we set our duffels on our beds.

Gracie wandered off to explore when I heard her talking and then call out for me.

"What is it Gray?" I asked as I came across the room Becca had walked out of that had several racks of clothes, make up and hair tables set up and lines of shoes and jewellery.

"Wow." I widened my eyes.

"Ashton's management must love you, they are dropping some serious cash on you guys. When I got here this morning it was all set up."

"Oh my goodness..." I trailed off and went to the rack that was obviously for me.

There were several dresses that were very extravagant looking, but everything above a sundress was extravagant to me.

"Okay so I had an idea for today since its your first day in LA. There's this super cute dress I found and they also had a matching one for little girls..." She trailed off with her wide smile and went to the rack to pull off a red dress with white polka dots.

It looked very vintage, like the dresses the girls wore in the 50's.

"Oh that's so cute! It reminds me of when me and my mom used to watch Grease."

"It looked like you and I knew Gracie would love matching with you."

"Mommy we have dress!" Gracie tugged on my sleeve.

"I know, let's get changed." I grinned and Becca helped us get into our new dresses.

"So what was your idea?" I asked Becca as she zipped up my dress in the back.

"There's this blue wall that's really pretty for photos and I figured you and Gracie could take some with Ashton and Ender."

"I love that, it's so cute!" I smiled.

Becca and I got Gracie in her dress and then went over to the makeup tables where I sat down, Becca going to work on my face and hair.

She ended up putting my hair in a high ponytail, retouching my curls before moving onto my makeup, giving me winged eyeliner and red lips.

"Mommy I want it!" Gracie whined for the lipstick.

"I guess a little won't hurt." I said and Becca smiled as she went to do Gracie's lips and hair to match mine.

Next she brought over the shoes.

Mine were red with a thick heel that was only a couple inches tall, and Gracie's were the same but flat. 

"Hey Ashton, want to come see your hot wife!" Becca called out and Ashton walked into the room, looking at me and Gracie.

"This is seriously one of the cutest things I've ever seen." He said, a wide grin on his face.

"Come on, I have outfits for you too." She handed him a white tee to change into. "And this ones for Ender."

Ashton left to go change shirts with Ender and came back a few minutes later with my little brother.

"Very handsome." I stepped up and placed my hands on Ashton's shoulders, leaning up to kiss him.

"Let's go out then." He smirked and we gathered our things before leaving the hotel, Calum tagging along with us.

There were still girls outside and I waved as we got into the car, Ashton buckling up Gracie.

We wove through the streets of LA and I finally turned on the phone in my hand off airplane mode and watched it fill with notifications and messages.

Checking my messages first I had a few from Ari sending me her love and asking where we kept our light bulbs.

I also had some from Ann that were pictures of Bear and Indie playing together.

I showed the photos to Ender who smiled widely and then went to my Instagram.

Looking around I noticed I had been tagged in a lot of photos that Ashton's friends had taken at the party the other night.

As I kept scrolling I found pictures that the boys had shared of little Gracie on the airplane.

Michael had shared a selfie of him and Gracie that they had taken in the lounge before we had gotten on which was adorable.

Calum had one of he and Gracie napping on the plane along with the caption 'Naps with my little Gracie'.

Luke had also shared one of him sitting in his chair with Gracie in his lap facing him, her bunny in her hand while he had Ellie the Elephant. 'Plane playtime.' was the caption.

Ashton had also shared a photo of me asleep in my chair. 'Only girl that can sleep for thirteen hours straight and wake up looking as beautiful  as she did when she went to sleep.'

I smiled as I read his caption.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked Ashton as we rode to our destination.

"We can take those photos then walk around the city." He shrugged.

"And what about the rest of the week?"

"Tomorrow I have a meeting in the morning where you can meet our management team, after that we are going to meet with Ender's teacher, then I have to go to a writing session so you can go do whatever you want."

"Okay." I frowned at the thought of not being with him. "Maybe I can hang out with Becca."

"Sorry about that." Ashton gave me a guilty look.

"It's fine." I gave him a smile. "I'd like to get to know her better."

Eventually we pulled up to the light blue painted brick wall and we got out of the car, heading over to it.

Calum snapped all of the photos, the group of us acting silly and doing poses for a bit until we got what we liked and then had the driver take us to another part of downtown.

We walked around the city, Ashton holding my hand and I held onto Gracie's.

LosAngeles was beautiful and reminded me of Sydney a bit, but nothing could ever compare to home.

We spent the majority of our afternoon walking around the streets, looking in different stores and shops. Fans found us and a group of them followed us around but Brad stood between them and us as a barrier in case anything were to happen.

They took our pictures and called at us and as we stood outside a clothing store Ashton had wanted to look in, Gracie tugged on my hand.

"Mommy, I want to go say hi." She pointed towards the girls.

"Okay." I smiled and picked her up before walking her over to them, Brad following me.

"Hi." I approached the girls. "Someone wanted to come say hello."

They all awed at Gracie who waved at them.

"Do you remember what city we're in?" I asked Gracie.

"Sydney." She said.

"Nope." I shook my head with a little chuckle, the girls joining in. "Try again."

"Hav...harb..." She tried to say Haven Harbour.

"Nope, that's home."

"We in LA!" She said finally.

"Good job baby." I grinned as the girls applauded her.

"We go on airplane!" Gracie told them.

"We did." I bounced her on my hip. "Did you like the airplane?"

"Mhmm." She nodded. "Daddy say Mommy first plane." She said to the girls.

"I know, it was Mommy's first plane ride. Your Daddy was lucky he got me on a plane." I said and the girls laughed while Gracie smiled at me.

"Me Mommy match!" Gracie then exclaimed.

"You look so cute!" A girl said and Gracie clapped her hands together joyfully.

"We match I baby in tummy." She said as she leaned to pat my stomach.

"We match because you were a baby in my tummy?" I asked her and she nodded.

"She is so cute." A girl said to me and I gave her a smile.

"Yes she's quite the little charmer like her Daddy, she definitely takes after him." I tucked a loose baby hair behind Gracie's ear.

"Kissy kissy!" Gracie suddenly shouted.

"What do we say when we want something?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Pwease!" She shouted again and I gave her two kisses.

"I want Daddy cuddles." She then said.

"You can have Daddy cuddles tonight when we get back to the hotel." I thumbed at her cheek as I spoke.

"You like Daddy cuddles?" She asked me.

"I love Daddy cuddles. He gives some of the best cuddles doesn't he?"

"I want Mommy cuddles too."

"Okay, we can cuddle with Daddy." I told her and she began to cheer.

"Can we get a picture?" One girl asked and I looked to Brad who nodded at me, telling me to go ahead but he stayed close.

I took selfies and pictures with all of the girls until everyone had one and then went back to Ashton, Ender, and Calum.

We stayed out for a little bit longer, had dinner at a restaurant and then headed back to the hotel.

Gracie had told Ashton of her cuddle request and he immediately took her to our bed, turning on the television so they could watch shows while they curled up underneath the duvet.

While the father-daughter duo snuggled, I decided to take advantage of the nice bath the hotel had and filled the tub with warm water and bubbles before slipping beneath them.

I relaxed for a few moments before deciding to post a few photos from our little impromptu shoot today.

The first one was of Gracie and I in our matching dresses making kissy faces at the camera. 'Kisses with my little miss.'

The next one I had was of us making a surprised face like they did in movies with our hands over our mouths. 'Surprises.'

The next picture was one of my favourites of Ender and I with our backs together, rolling our eyes. 'The Chase siblings.'

Lastly was my other favourite. It was of Ashton and I, his arms around my waist while we kissed, one of my legs bent behind me in the air like I had seen in many movies. 'My handsome husband, my true love, my protector, my best friend, my strong man, my everything. I love you, Ashton.'

After my pictures were posted I headed to Twitter to look around a bit, seeing the pictures and videos that fans had taken of us walking around and then ones that I had taken with them.

I favourited a few of them and then decided to send his fans a little message.

'I loved getting to meet everyone at the airport and in LA today. You are all so sweet and kind and have made me feel so welcome. I hope I get to meet more of you soon! -Love Car xx'

I was on for a few more minutes before Ashton sent out a tweet from our shared account.

'Carter is being all sweet and Gracie and Ender and I are over here like' and attached was them all shoving French fries into their mouth.

'You ordered room service without me?! -Car' I sent back.

'You've been in the bath for an hour!'

'I want some :( -Car'

"Oh. My. God." Ashton walked in a few moments later with a little plate with some fries on them, setting the plate down on the side of the tub.

"I love you." I gave him a cheeky smile as he left.

'Best fiancé ever.' I took a selfie of myself from the shoulders up so you couldn't see "anything" but could still tell I was in the bath and had myself eating a French fry. I shared that to our Twitter then hurried to get out of the bath before I turned into a prune.

I got dressed in my pyjamas and joined the three in the bed, laying myself next to Ashton.

"Look who decided to join us." Ashton smirked at me.

"Shut up." I said as I snuggled my head into his stomach.

The four of us laid on the bed for a long while until it was time for everyone to get to sleep.

Ashton and I got Ender and Gracie tucked into their bed, gave them kisses and told them we loved them before he and I got into our own bed.

He pulled out his phone and I watched him share photos from today as well.

His first one was of Gracie and I smiling at the camera. 'My two girls.'

The next was of him and Ender with his arm around my brothers shoulders. 'My little man.'

And his last one was of he and I, his arms around my waist as I pressed my cheek to his chest, my eyes closed in contentment and a happy smile on my face. His smiling lips were against my skin on my forehead. 'To have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part.'

Ashton then copied me and switched to Twitter.

'I still can't believe I get to marry Carter. I never knew what it was like to be in love until I met her, and I just fall more in love with her everyday. Life is good.'

After this he set his phone on the charger and then moved so that the upper half of his body was hovering over mine.

"Goodnight baby." He used his smooth fingers to tuck some hair behind my ear.

"Goodnight." I smiled, placing my hand on the side of my neck and I pulled him down for a very lovely kiss.

"Gross!" Ender's voice came from the other bed. "Stop."

I rolled my eyes while Ashton laughed.

He kissed me twice more before going back to laying on his back, allowing me to curl myself into him like I wanted.

My first day in LA had been amazing.

I had been so worried about everything, but I hoped that if I kept an open mind and a positive attitude, that this trip with him would be great.


Sorry this took so long to upload, my internet has been very flighty for the past couple of weeks.

Like I have said before, enjoy the calm before the storm (but then enjoy the storm as well)! Because as you know, it won't always be this peaceful.

Comment and vote if you'd like!

Much love xx -M

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