How Did We Get Here // Luke H...

By OhMyGodItsLEX

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A tragic story about a girl named Emma. She finds herself in a new country, half way across the world from he... More

Chapter 1: Class Clown
Chapter 2: The One With the Weird Name
Chapter 3: Ready?
Chapter 4: Pickup Line
Chapter 5: The Deadly Crisis
Chapter 6: Government Agent
Chapter 7: French Fries and Almonds
Chapter 8: Gus-Gus
Chapter 9: The Hemmo's
Chapter 10: Are you Crazy?
Chapter 11: My Eulogy
Chapter 12: Bonding Time
Chapter 13: Its Church
Chapter 14: Be Impulsive
Chapter 15: The Scenery
Chapter 16: Really, I Just Get This?
Chapter 17: Horrible night
Chapter 18: Super Natural Stuff?
Chapter 19: I Don't Understand
Chapter 20: Into Bones
Chapter 21: Gotta Booger
Chapter 22: Bloody Nose
Chapter 23: People Are Going To Flip
Chapter 24: Pink hair
Chapter 25: Whiskey
Chapter 27: Super Human
Chapter 28: Past Four Months
Chapter 29: Everything Changes
Chapter 30: Acting Weird
Chapter 31: Flashed Before My Eyes
Chapter 32: Mother STOP!
Chapter 33: Simple Hey?
Chapter 34: Australia
Chapter 35: Big Day
Chapter 36: Say Good Bye Emma
Chapter 37: That's Not Right
Chapter 38: Look at Us
Chapter 39: Wonders
Chapter 40: Karma
Chapter 41: Meeting Wilbert
Chapter 42: I Get It Sharron
Chapter 43: Starry Vs. Wilma
Chapter 44: Love Me
Chapter 45: Lux?
Chapter 46: What If
Chapter 47: Just Hug Me
Chapter 48: Pranks
Chapter 49: The Truth
Chapter 50: There, I said it
Chapter 51: Am I ready?
Chapter 52: Gas Station
Chapter 53: Emma?!
Chapter 54: The Hormones Man
Chapter 55: My Vicky
Chapter 56: It's Feet
Chapter 57: Please Mom
Chapter 58: Ashton My Man
Chapter 59: Brazil?
Chapter 60: Swag
Chapter 61: Munchkin!
Chapter 62: Peppermint!?
Chapter 63: I'm So Done
Chapter 64: First Time Back
Chapter 65: Irish?
Chapter 66: Packing For Russia
Chapter 67: I Can't
Chapter 68: Bakery
Chapter 69: How Was It?
Chapter 70: My Baby
Chapter 71: Zayn...
Chapter 72: Aw Zayn
Chapter 73: Them
Chapter 74: On the Job
Chapter 75: The Hospital
Chapter 76: My Day
Chapter 77: What Happened
Chapter 78: Something's Wrong
Chapter 79: Sleep Baby Sleep
Chapter 80: Gender?
Chapter 81: I'm human
Chapter 82: Signing
Chapter 83: The Pain
Chapter 84: Alone
Chapter 85: She Has To
Chapter 86: Let's Do It
Chapter 87: What Do You Mean?
Chapter 88: First Time
Chapter 89: Emma!
Chapter 90: Mason!
Chapter 91: Call Me John
Chapter 92: Diary of an Orphan
Chapter 93: Court's Hearing
Chapter 94: One More Week
Chapter 95: Good Bye
Chapter 96: Not Your Fault
Chapter 97: Guess What
Chapter 98: Blue Eyes
Chapter 99: Didn't He Tell You?!
Chapter 100: DANI

Chapter 26: I would

106 17 9
By OhMyGodItsLEX

we stayed in the floor for a while, hands intertwined and staring at my grey ceiling. I sigh and look over at him "I need to get ready fast so we can get to your mom's" he smirks and sits up. I roll over to the desk and help myself up. I walk to the boxes and pull out my black jeans with the lose black shirt. I dig in for my sandals in another box. When I turn around, Zayn is just sitting on the chair, looking at me. He had this smirk, a seductive smirk. I roll my eyes and walk to the bathroom. I close it; I rest my entire body on my hand that's resting on the door knob. I close my eyes and bite my lip. I shake off the feeling and get changed.

I gather my phone, wallet and key, place it inside my purse. I turn around and Zayn is looking down to the floor. His eyes were closed. I felt so bad. I sigh and place my hand on his. He jolted up, causing me stumble back. He laughs "sorry, you ready?" I nod and we walk downstairs. As I locked the door, I offered to drive but he denied.

We stopped by his school; he parked right by the gate. I was nervous a cop was going to come or something but he promised he would be back in a flash. I sit in the cold, twirling my hair in circles. It had been almost 10 minutes since he left. I was getting worried. Two minutes later, he appeared, hair combed, tie around his neck and a nice tucked white shirt with his slacks. He looked so hot!

As we ride along the streets, I could feel his hand near mine, he pretended I didn't notice but I did. He started getting closer to mine. At a red light, we halted and his finger touched mine. I decided to place my hand over his and grip it. He turns to me "Emma, I was trying to be romantic." I giggle "if that's your way of being romantic, brush up on your skills." Zayn laughed "Perrie didn't think so."

I cough and remove my hand away. His eyes grow big and he starts to choke, just like I am. He grips the wheel "Emma, I didn't'" I look away quickly "Its fine." I avoid his gaze until we drive up into the driveway of a really nice mansion. Well it isn't exactly a mansion, more like a big house that could be mistaken for a mansion.

We get off, without looking at one another or talking to each other. I follow Zayn through the door and into the hall way. It was so beautiful. The floor was marble, so shiny that I could see our reflection casted down on us. Pictures hanged along the halls. We entered the dining room, I was caught by surprise. Four pair of eyes staring at us. I smile and shyly wave "Hello, good morning." What looked like Zayn's mother, she shushed me with her hand "You guys are late." Zayn sighs, but I apologize "I'm so sorry, I woke up late." She eyeballs me "That's not true, Zayn called me a couple of minutes ago saying he woke up late. Why are you defending him." shoot, what did I get myself into, think! "Oh, well yeah... it was my fault he woke up late." She grinned and stared down at her food, cutting into a steak.

Zayn turns to me, gives me a pitiful smile and leads me to the chair next to him. I sit and smile at everyone in the table. The two girls sitting in front of me, giggling quietly, I've seen them before. Suddenly a hand with a plate, places the it in front of me. I turn back and see a butler serving my food "Thank you." He looks down and smiles. I look around and wait for Zayn to get his plate. I look down momentarily and see a huge steak with fried cut country potatoes and a side of scramble eggs. I have no clue how I'm going to eat this all but I better get my purse ready to stuff the food.

Zayn grabs his fork and starts eating. I sigh and had no choice but to pray by myself. I close my eyes, bow my head and whisper softly. When I look up, everyone is staring. I shyly grin and take the fork. His father clears his voice "so, uh... you go to our church?" I smile "well I moved here to England three weeks ago, but yeah I'm starting to. Luke and Ashton invited me last Sunday." He smiles and takes a big spoon full of eggs and potatoes. As I was about to take a bite, his mom asked "do you always pray before you eat, or you're just being polite?" I place the fork down and smile "I always pray, my parents always showed me to pray." Zayn coughed "Its true mum, she is always praying before we eat." I smile at him and again, as I was about to take a bite, one of his sister blurted out "You're the reason why Zayn broke up with Perrie?" the entire table turned chaotic, Zayn yelling at her for daring to ask me that and his mother scolding her about manners. I clear my throat "No, I think Perrie was the reason why Zayn broke up with her." Everyone turns to me. I fake smile "you have a beautiful home. Thank you so much for letting me eat breakfast with you guys, it's an honor." His mother laughs "it's a pleasure having you here." I smile and quickly take a bite before anyone else asks a question..

After breakfast, everyone got up and starting leaving. The butler came in with another person; they walked over to the table and started picking up their plates. I get up and start helping them. Immediately Zayn's father halts me "stop! We hired them to clean up." I smile and turn to him "all due respect sir, I am a guest and my parents always told me that guest always help clean up after themselves and others. Let me help to show my gratitude."

Zayn's mom sighs and helps us clean up the table. While I washed the plates, she turns to me "you know Perrie never did actually respect us much. I mean she was a good girl but not wonderful like you. I can see why Zayn would want to date you." I immediately gulp on my saliva "what? Oh we..." she chuckles and cuts me off "honey, the only time he brings a girl over to the house for dinner is because he wants us to get used to her, like her even. I'm glad it's you." I smile and look down at the plates. She sighs "ill take it over from here, you guys will be late for church." She hands me a small towel, I grab it and wipe my hands clean. I sigh "see you at church." She laughs "oh I'm not going, that's why Zayn came to pick up his sisters." I smile, I reach in for a hug, not knowing if I should but she pulled me in.

On the ride to church, it was awkward. No one said a word besides when one of them sneezed and we all blessed her. We parked by the back of the parking lot. Once Zayn turned off the car, the girls took off their seat belts and left. We stayed in the car quiet. I was waiting for him to get out but he stayed, looking at me. I turn to him and smile. He reaches in and kisses me slowly and softly. Then he puts his forehead on mine and we stay like that for a while.

I could feel everything vanishing again.

Zayn rushed me to the back of the church. A bunch of people were dressed in long robes. Zayn groans "I hate Luke's..." I laugh "ZAYN! Look who it is, Liz." He turns red. Ashton was holding a red robe, but Luke wasn't. Zayn asked "Where's your robe." Liz rolled her eyes "they won't let him sing until his bruise is gone; they don't want to encourage violence." Zayn moaned "Oh if you're not doing, so am I." Matthew chuckled "nice try Zayn, the robes are in the corner, hurry, it's about to start." Zayn rolls his eyes and stomps over to them. Liz turns to me "so I hope you don't mind but I got you a job working with the babies in the nursery." I giggle "its fine, I don't mind. Thank you for thinking of me." Ashton rolls his eyes and raises his hands up "yeah she's grateful that she doesn't have to wear this pathetic piece of shit. Instead she's in a room full with sleeping babies." Matthew laughs "yeah until one baby cries, then they all start and next thing she knows, she's covered in vomit." I chuckle and raise my hands to him "see, not fun." Luke laughs "besides Dil-Hole, you would kill all those babies because you don't know how to take care of them." Ashton laughs "Yeah I would." I chuckle and look back at Zayn; he's struggling to put it on. Suddenly the people in the robes start forming line. Liz takes Ashton's bandana off, he scoffs and fixes his hair.

By the door, Luke and I peeked to see Ashton and Zayn standing in front of a huge crowd with those things on. We laugh a close the door. He shows me the nursery where women were standing outside the door. I open it in a rush and the ladies drop them off. We had five babies with us, thankfully Luke stayed to help me. There was a really grumpy baby, he didn't want anything, and he was just frustrated. Luke tried feeding him, playing with, even putting him to sleep but nothing. I slowly cradled a small baby girl in my arms. Her pink nose and rosy cheeks. She looked so beautiful.

Luke, sitting on the rocking chair pleaded for help "Emma, I can't anymore, take him." I chuckle and place the baby in her car seat. As I was about to stand up, Luke screamed a bit, startling me. I quickly jolt up "Luke!?" he had the baby extend out in front of him, his head towards his chest, complaining. I grab the baby from his grip, asking what happened. He tilted his head back and showed me his bloody nose "He hit me with his head." I walk over to his stroller and place him there, I give him his pacifier and he stays calm. Luke groans "What the hell! Stupid kid." I grab a bunch of Kleenex and walk over to him.

I slowly place them over his nose, I knew it was going to hurt him so I did it as fast as I could. I apply pressure on his nose and tilt it back. He lets out a big yelp, tightens his hands, then he places one of his hands on my back, close to my waist, pulling me closer to him. His touch felt good, secure. It's different when Zayn does it but with him, it feels almost the same but not quite. I look down at him, pain in his eyes made me want to stop but he needed to stop bleeding.

After all the babies were picked up, Luke waltzed over to me, hugging me "we didn't get vomit on." I chuckle and push him off gently to look at his nose. He smiles and we leave.

Outside we see Zayn and Ashton free from those ridiculous robes. We approach them, with serious faces and arms crossed. Luke's tone turned serious "Your majesty's" Ashton groaned angrily and jumped out to Luke and attacked him. I place my hands over my mouth and start laughing at Ashton murder rage. Suddenly Arlene yelled from a far "I bet my life that rapist eyes wins." Louis yelled "I don't know, chicken legs looks like he has a shot at victory." They stand next to me; we all look at them wrestling. Suddenly Liz came running down the stairs towards them, she gets in between and pulls both their ears. Luke and Ashton complain in pain. Zayn chuckled "seems to be a twist, the mighty mother earth takes them both down." We laugh and Liz scolds them "little pricks behave. If not, you won't go to Zayn's house." She lets go of their ears, smiles at us and leaves with Matthew to the parking lot. As they reach the bottom of the stairs, Matthew turned around and gave them two thumbs up. We laugh and wave good bye.

Louis sighed "so! ICallShotGun!" Zayn rolls his eyes, then freezes "shit, there's only four seats." Arlene sneers "the three in the back fit only two people Zayn." Louis sighed "well fit, you girls just have to sit on us."

When we got to his car I asked Zayn "And your sisters?" he giggled "they're going over a friend's house." I smile. Luke and Ashton climb into the back. Their long legs almost touched the roof; it was going to be crowded. Arlene climbed in next; she climbed over Luke and onto Ashton's. I duck down and climb over Luke's tall legs. I sit side ways on him, facing Ashton and Arlene.

Zayn pulls his seat back and we get smashed together. I whisper to him "good thing I took a shower." He shakes his head side to side, laughing at my remark. I look down at him, his nice blonde hair, his beautiful blue eyes. Even though the big nasty bruise Luke had, he still looked handsome.

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