Bandage the damage // Harry S...

By chickenialls

797K 19.5K 3.1K

They were different yet alike in so many ways. Unintentionally, he burned down her walls like a lit cigarette... More

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12.7K 245 47
By chickenialls

Author's Note: Updated=12/09/2013


I hope you enjoy this chapter guys :)


*Yasmin's POV*

On Thursday I was a wreck. I had barely slept and I had no energy to do anything, I was weak. After my trip with Harry, my energy was completely drained out of my system.  I had to take a shower and wash my hair again after being covered in sand and water again. It wasn't very pleasant especially at midnight. I had put my clothes in a hamper filled with water hoping that the water will peel off the sand by tomorrow since I obviously can't go the wash room since they close at ten. 

When I finally made it to my bed, I couldn't go to sleep no matter how hard I tried to get my brain to switch off, it didn't. My thoughts were filled with only one person. I couldn't go to sleep because one obnoxious person was in my thoughts.

I don't know why I kept thinking about Harry, maybe it's because I am going on a mission to save myself at three in the morning with him or maybe it's because of the events that have previously happened either that I am not very happy about the idea of going to sleep with him on my thoughts.

He has a terrible set of mood swings, I don't know him, but I know him well enough to know this specific detail about him. He can go from nice to cold in two minutes and that confuses me a lot.

Like the moment he said that I could have his jumper. Speaking of his jumper, I really wish I was wearing it right now as lame as that sounds. Harry has an incredibly surprisingly nice scent and it was super comfortable on me, I didn't want to take it off. 

Two minutes before my alarm goes off at 3AM I find myself awake playing with my hair in anxiety. I barely slept again and it's because of all the thoughts I've been having about what could possibly go wrong tonight. When I hear a small and soft knock against the door my heart leaps and I start getting more anxious as I slowly walk towards the door and unlock it.

I take in Harry's appearance and before I can stop myself I let out a small laugh. 

"You look horrible." I whisper.

He's wearing a security guard costume and he looks so different from usual. His trousers are big on him, and they are anything but tight, and the shirt he's wearing must be two times bigger than his size as the sleeves go just past the elbows. 

"Shut up, just this on." He harshly shoves me the uniform and I roll my eyes at his attitude. 

I quickly put it on and I waste no time in checking to see how I look in the mirror as I leave the room as quietly as possible trying not to wake Linds up. The uniform fits me quite well to be honest although it's a tiny bit baggy.

"Oh yeah I look horrible." He rolls his eyes.

I roll my own and we quietly walk down the stairs and out to the corridors. We pretend to be on duty as we walk around campus and stare out into the distance, once we're out of shot, we run all the way to the block where the particular room is and then when we finally arrive, we see the door open.

Harry leans to the left to get  a better view and he widens his eyes. "There's another guard keeping an eye out." 

"I'll take care of it." I say as I bravely nod for Harry to hide and I knock against the door.

A chubby old man turns his head and raises his eyebrows.

"Hey guess what mate? You're off duty for the rest of the night, I'm taking over." I say trying to act as cool and normal as possible.

"No you've got a mistake. I have till five." He says.

I try to stay calm and say,"Don't you wanna go two hours earlier? You'll still get paid." I say with a wicked smile.

"Sounds good to me." He says and he pushes back the chair and stands up.

"And aren't you a bit too young to be working here?" 

Like the cartoon programmers, Phineas and Ferb I reply with, "Yes, yes I am."

He shrugs and leaves the room, and seconds later Harry runs into the room and closes the door behind me and makes sure to lock it.

Much to my dislike he doesn't compliment me on the way I handled the man he just grabs the chair and sits down. I sit next to him and watch him as he works his way onto the computer.

He smirks and turns to me,"Looks like I went to my dad for nothing. This old cunt didn't lock the system so we have no problem with getting in." 

I grin as well and thank god in my head for how everything is going smoothly to our plan. I watch him as he starts clicking on various things and I kinda zone out as I keep on staring at the monitor in front of me. I begin to get bored so instead of focusing on the monitor  I get up and look out the window, and just stare out into the distance.

Harry doesn't acknowledge me as he keeps on working, but I'm thankful he knows how to deal with type of shit.

"Are you done?" I ask, bored out of my mind.

"Yeah one minute." He gets up from the chair but his feet don't move as he keeps on clicking with the mouse.

"Alright fine I'm done. Let's go." He mutters.

I step out first, and he locks the door behind us and we quietly walk our way out of this block.

"Now that that is done I can finally sleep well." I say.

"I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but yeah I agree." He says with a roll of eyes.

I shake my head in amusement as we step out into the cold again.

"Well see you whenever." He says giving me a nod.

"Wait, where are you going?" I ask surprised.

"Home." He simply replies.

"You don't live in dorms?" I ask surprised once again.

He chuckles,"Why the fuck would I do that when I can stay at home with my own room, kitchen, bathroom and everything else."

"Oh." I simply say.

"Why do you seem disappointed?" He asks raising his eyebrows

"I'm.. I'm not.. I just.. I just thought.." I try to put it in a sentence but I don't know how to say it as I feel very embarrassed.

"Spit it out." He snaps.

"I just thought you were gonna come back with me to my dorm." I mutter and look away to avoid any eye contact.

He chuckles,"Why do you want me to go back with you to your room and why did you even think of it?" 

"I don't know." I mutter as I glance at the ground.

"I would go to your room with you, because there are some fun things to do at night," I look up to seem him smirking as he goes on,"However I'm not wasting my time for nothing to drop you off." 

I roll my eyes and say,"Fine whatever."

"Have a good night." He yells from behind as I start walking.

"It's morning." I correct him with a smug smile.

"Don't care." He shrugs and I turn round and start walking on my own back to my room.


"We should watch the notebook." Elease suggests.

Chloe groans and says,"No we always watch that and it's so sappy and sad." 

I agree with Chloe and say,"Maybe we should watch a comedy." 

"Thirteen going on thirty?" Sabrina suggests.

"Or we could watch the hangover." I suggest.

"Yes the hangover is a hilarious movie and we'll laugh not cry." Chloe says glaring at Elease.

Elease laughs and says,"Alright hangover it is."

"You guys can come to our room at maybe eight." Elease says.

"Sounds good to us." Sabrina replies for us.

"Okay so see you then." I say. 

We exchange good byes and I grab my bag and decide to take the bus and go buy some food for us tonight even though they didn't mention that we have to bring food, I really want to buy us some snacks.

I'm surprised with myself at how I managed to find a group of friends already, and it's only been my second week here. They're all really nice girls, and I immediately clicked with them, whereas in my head I thought I'd never make any friends, but these girls, they're a nice group, they're really fun and friendly, and just what a girl needs.

I step in a small store called Adam's. There are only a few people in the shop, mostly teenage boys, and some mums' with kids. I choose some chocolate, and popcorn. I buy two big bottles of Pepsi, along with some candy. I walk around the store and buy some strawberries for myself. I pass the cigarette box, and tell myself that I don't need any, but I don't even know where my cigarettes are, they're probably under some bags or books, in my room, so I take a step back and take out the right amount of pennies, I choose my usual cigarettes and press on the button. I bend down and pick up the cigarettes from the box and I hear a few boys laughing. I look to the direction where the voices are coming from and I roll my eyes. 

Of course they would be here.

I'm almost fifty percent sure that these boys are following me. 

I don't even give them a smile or anything I just pretend that I didn't see them, and go to the cash register. I put all of the things that I chose and she scanned them through.

"That will be twenty five sixty two dollars." The man says.

I nod and take out the money and wait for the change.

"Fancy seeing you here." 

I sigh as the man gives me my change and I grab my small bag of food and turn to face the boys. 

"Yeah Niall, same goes to you." I reply.

He chuckles and I realize that there are only three of them, Niall, Louis and Harry.

"Are you stalking us?" Harry assumes with a smirk playing on his face.

"Yeah I am, because I have nothing else to do except stalk some boys who I can't even bother to smile at."

"Ouch." Niall laughs as we head for the door.

"Well it's nice to see you again." Louis says with a smile.

"Sure it's nice to see you as well." I smile back.

For some reason, Niall opens the door for me and nods for me to go first.

"Chicks first." He grins.

I laugh as they step out behind me.

"You smoke?" Niall asks raising his eyebrows in surprise as he points to the box of cigarettes at the top of the bag.

"Yeah." I reply.

"Hmm, didn't peg you for a smoker." He says with a smirk.

"Do you smoke?" I ask him. 

"Nope, but I drink. Do you drink?" He asks me.

I laugh, "Yeah of course I drink, just not too much." 

"You should come to party with us tomorrow." Louis suggests.

"Maybe." I say with a smile.

"Maybe we need to go because we're gonna be fucking late." Harry interrupts clearly pissed off.

"Where are you guys going?" I ask curiously.


"Oh." I say.

"Where are you going?" Louis asks kindly as he puts his hands in his jeans pockets.

"I'm going to watch a movie with some of my friends." I say with a smile.

"Are you driving there?" 

"No I'm taking the bus." I say with a small smile.

"Harry can drive you, can't you Harry?" Louis says with a smirk knowing that it's the last thing he'd wanna do.

Harry turns to him and glares,"Yeah no fucking thank you." 

"We could drive you." Niall says.

"You came here with two cars?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah we didn't know Harry was coming with us here." He chuckles.

"Would I be wasting a lot of your time if you take me to the girls' dorms?" I ask politely.

"Nah it's like ten minutes away." Louis shrugs.

"It gives us enough time to see how good your mouth is." Niall laughs making it very obvious that he's joking.

"You know what?" Harry interrupts.

"You can come with me, come on." He says and grabs my hand trying to drag me away.

"You just said you don't want to. I'm going with them." I say suddenly confused.

He rolls his eyes and exhales loudly,"You're coming with me." 

I roll my eyes and say bye to the boys before I get in his beautiful car for the second time today. I notice that after what happened today in the rain, his car is once again squeaky clean from the inside.

"You cleaned it." I observe.

He rolls his eyes as he starts the car,"Yeah you think I'm gonna let it filled with sand and shit?" 

I don't reply, instead I just tap my fingers against the car door as he continues driving.

"Would you really come to a club with us?" He asks me.

I shrug,"I don't know. Niall seems like a great party person." 

"What about me?" He asks again.

"What about you?"

"Do I seem like a great party person?" 

"No you seem like the type who would party but I don't think you're as fun as him." 

He rolls his eyes,"Bullshit, I'm the best guy when it comes to party." 

"I don't think you are."

"Well why don't you come with us and find out for yourself?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Can I bring my friends?" I ask him.

"Are they hot?" 

For some reason his question annoys me. It's not that I want him for myself, but it annoys me because he's so judgmental, why can't he party with a girl who isn't hot? What's wrong with that? 

"Yeah." I say, it's true they're all pretty and hot.

"Bring them as long as they're not party poopers." 

I shrug and say,"Good then I'll bring them with me if they wanna come. What time and where?"

"It's at a frat's house, at about nine. We'll be inside." He replies.

"Okay, and where is that?" 

"Just tell Niall and he'll tell you the details." He explains.

"And wear something that shows off your body." 

"Excuse me?" I ask clearly offended.

"Don't come in jeans and a jumper." He shrugs.

"I wasn't going to do that." I huff.

"Wear something short and..tight. Guys like that." He smirks as he finally parks the car.

"I'll see what I have." 

"And by the way," He says as I open the car.

"Don't be as annoying and bitchy as usual because we just wanna have fun." 

I roll my eyes for what seems like the hundredth time and he chuckles at my reaction.

Without thanking him I get out of the car and make my way to the Chloe and Elease's room, hoping that they'll accompany me tomorrow to the party.


After what had seemed like the hundredth time they finally agree and say yes for the party,and I couldn't be more happier. I look inside my wardrobe and take out a few dresses that are tight and try to decide which one to wear. I'm not going there to impress Harry, but still I feel the need to look good in front of him, just to prove him that I do have nice clothes, even though he probably won't even look at me. 

My eyes fall on a black leather dress and I smile, I haven't worn this dress in months, I'll choose this one. It's a simple black dress, all covered in faux leather completed with a plunging mesh neck line and a mash back as well. I slip it on along a pair of black high heels. I put on my usual make up and add a bit more black eye shadow and more eyeliner. I take a step back from the mirror to examine how my make up look. I don't want to over do it. I decide against it and apply more eyeliner and mascara.

A knock on the door tells me that I need to hurry up and go. I take one last look in the mirror, grab my purse, ruffle my hair and head for the door. I open it and smile at the girls before locking it behind me.

"You look hot." Celine nods.

"So do you girls." I smile.

All the girls are wearing bright dresses and like Harry said, they're all cut and Elease's dress is a bit low cut. They all talk excitedly as we get in the car and I give Elease the address.

"Who invited you anyways?" Sabrina asks.

I gulp and say,"Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson." 

They all widen their eyes and start talking loudly.

"Is that why you didn't tell us?" Elease says from the front.

I gulp and nod,"If I told you none of you would have come with me."

"So we're gonna be hanging around them?" 

"It's a party, we'll just say hi, and then we'll go on our own okay?" I reassure them.

They nod and they start asking me why I would even want to go with them because they're bad news. I listen to them and realize they're right, they are bad news, but they seem quite okay.

"Okay guys remember we'll just say hi." I tell them as we get out of the car.

The house that stands in front of us is a big house, and the music is pouring loudly and I already feel my heart beating through the music. There are a lot of people outside as well, drinking, shouting and acting immature. 

We stand close together as we make our way inside, a few guys whistle and call us names but we just ignore them. I look around and  the house looks even bigger than usual.

"I came here a few months ago before I was in Uni." Sabrina says as she looks around.

"Oh?" Elease says.

"It's a really big house." Sabrina says.

There are drunk people everywhere and I can spot a few sober people here and there. We walk in further and Celine tells us to get drinks, so we do. I pick a red cup and fill it with what I think is Jack Daniels' once I taste it. We follow Sabrina as we walk through the crowded party.

"Should we hang in there?" She points to a room.

"Is that the living room?" Chloe asks looking through the open door.

"Yeah it's really massive." Sabrina says.

We follow her and I start to think that maybe the boys didn't come her tonight, maybe they ditched this party, which would make me feel better if I don't have to face them. I know I'm confident, but they have only saw me in jumpers and jeans, not in a tight dress like this. What if they think I look ugly? I can't handle their reactions to that. 

The living room is indeed a very big room, and it's crowded with people, there are some solfas here all occupied by horny teenagers. It's also very loud in here. Suddenly a hand is around my shoulder and I stiffen in surprise.

"You look so fucking hot tonight Yasmin." I try not to cough at how strong Niall's alcoholic breath smells like.

"Thank you Niall." I reply as I push him off me.

"You look amazing babe." Louis says and gives me a warm smile.

I shoot him a smile back and thank him. I introduce my friends to Niall and Louis and they all mutter a few hello's and then Liam and Zayn appear.  Zayn's mouth drops and Liam blinks twice.

"Was she that hot or was I not seeing it the whole time?" Liam asks Niall not caring that I'm standing right in front of him.

Niall laughs,"She always was." 

I blush and bite my lip feeling shy and awkward.

"Well you're just in time! We're gonna play truth or dare. Wanna come?" Zayn asks us.

I turn to the girls and they look at me unsure of what to say. Celine surprises me when she looks at Zayn with a smile and says,"Sure." 

I look at the others and they're just as surprised as I am, as we follow the boys to another room, where there are a few other people. 

But so far, I haven't seen the devil yet.

The boys sit down and as I'm about to, Louis turns to me and says,"Hand us that bottle of wine over that." He points to the table at the other side of the room. I nod and go and get the empty bottle. I grab it and I make my way over to the boys again when someone else comes in the room.

"Hey Harry!" Liam says as Harry walks over.

I widen my eyes as I turn around and face him. He's wearing a white t-shirt and tight black jeans with white converse,his hair looks messed up, but on purpose. He does look hot as he strolls in the room with a beer in his hand.

Harry's eyes roam my friends' bodies' before they land on me. He widen his eyes and blinks. I suddenly start feeling very nervous.

"Whoa you look really fuckable." He says still sounding surprised.

I widen my eyes and fight back a glare.

"Gee thanks."

I bend and sit down and I feel Harry's eyes on me, not on me, but on my ass. I snap my fingers in front of him and he blinks twice and looks back to me.

"Stop staring it's rude."

"Can't help it." He smirks cheekily.

We all sit in a circle and there are a few more girls with us and two more guys. I can't make out who the girls are, I have never seen them around the boys before but I see my room mate next to Harry wearing a pink low cut top and a short black shirt. Linds smiles at me and I smile back.

Niall is eager to spin the bottle first. It starts to spin fast until it eventually starts to die down and slowly stops on Elease. She widens her eyes unprepared as Niall asks her if she wants a dare or the truth. She goes with the truth.

The boys laugh and call her chicken and Niall asks her,"Are you into guys with tattoos?" 

She shrugs and says,"A few tattoos are okay I guess." 

He seems satisfied with the answer and motions for the person next to him to spin it, which is Liam. 

Liam as drunk as Niall, or possibly even more, grabs the bottle and spins it and it lands on Zayn who chooses a dare.

"I dare you to strip off to your boxers." 

I can see the hesitance in Zayn's eyes but he does as told and takes off his shirt, t-shirt, and then unbuckles and pulls down his pants. I gawk at Zayn's body. His tattoos are beautiful and I didn't know he had these many on his chest, since they're always covered.

"Stop staring it's rude." Harry loudly mocks me, embarrassing me in front of Zayn. 

I glare hard at him and the boys all crack a laugh, and this time Zayn spins the bottle, and I widen my eyes once it lands on me.

Being brave I choose a dare but I regret it when the words leave his mouth.

"I dare you to kiss Niall for ten seconds."

"No way in hell." I say shaking my head laughing at the idea of me and Niall kissing.

"Oh come on it's just a dare." Niall smirks.

"She said she doesn't want to." Harry harshly interrupts. 

Why is he irritated by the fact that I've been dared to kiss Niall? Maybe he's jealous? But why would Harry be jealous of me and Niall? Harry hates me, he makes sure to show me that every time he's around me by saying meanful things to me, trying to hurt me constantly.

I can only confirm that he's jealous by doing one thing and that's making out with Niall.

I stand up and glance at Harry and he looks frustrated as well as surprised? He looks at me and for a split second we make eye contact but I turn to meet Niall's eyes. It's obvious that Niall likes me in the friendly way and he only wants to kiss me because it's just a dare, it doesn't mean anything to him and it never will.

I give him a shy smile as I sit down next on my knees right in front of him. I lean in and as Niall starts to lean in, it suddenly hits me what I'm about to do. I'm about to kiss a boy as dare, who I have known for two weeks. 

Live a little and have fun, it's just a dare. My conscious reminds me.

I grab Niall by his t-shirt and pull him in, and kiss him. Gasps escape the mouths' of the girls and I can tell they're surprised at how I just grabbed Niall. He kisses me back and his hands slide to the back of my waist and they hung loosely on my dress. I can taste the alcohol mixed with cigarettes from Niall's mouth, and as much as disgusting that sounds, I actually like the taste. His lips on mine are soft and nice. He's definitely a good kisser.

"Time's up." Zayn says cheerfully.

Niall is about to keep on kissing me when he's pushed back. I look at Niall as I pull back in confusion and see that Harry is the one who pulled us apart.

"Time is fucking up." He says with a frown.

I smile to myself as his actions confirm my hesitation. He is indeed jealous, but the reason as to why is very unclear to me. I take my seat next to Chloe and Elease again and they all start giving me playful grins. I grin back and watch as a girl with bright purple hair spins the bottle and it lands on Celine. I eye the girl and she seems very confident and unique, she doesn't seem afraid to be herself. From her colourful straight hair that stops exactly on her breasts to her dark red lipstick, this girl looks really unique and gorgeous. She's wearing quite some make up, grey eye shadow, mascara and deep pink blush,and her eyebrows don't seem to match her hair, as the're a bit too edgy and brown.

I stop staring at the girl and look at Celine as she goes bright red, I wonder why.

"I don't know." She mutters.

"Just choose one of the guys who you think is the most attractive." The purple haired girl, her voice raspy.

I widen my eyes and smirk as everyone's focus stays on Celine and she looks at each of the boys one by one.

"Umm.. Louis?" She mumbles as she bites on her lip after.

All the boys cheer and smirk at her, and Louis smirks widely,"Thanks babe." 

She blushes madly and nods as she looks down. 

Me and the girls are still very sober, but as I glance at them I realize that maybe I'm the most sober one, I've been so caught up in my thoughts that I forgot to drink. The girls look a bit wasted. I stand up and grab my red cup with me and pour some more jack daniel's into it.

"I'm gonnago outside for some air." I tell the group, they drunkenly wave me off as they continue to play the game and I notice that by the minute, the girls are loosening up, and to prove my point I see that Elease have moved and is now sitting next to Niall.

I head out of the room and I manage to find the front door, which of course is wide open, I hold my drink and make my way through the sea of people. 

The massive house has a massive garden to go along with it, and tons of people are still out here, some boys eye me up and down but they eventually look away. I sit down on one of the benches and take out the packet of cigarettes that I bought yesterday. I take a drink out of my cup before I set it on the bench beside me and take out my lighter. I choose a cigarette and take it out and light it up. I put it between my index and middle finger and take a short drag.

"Can I have your lighter?" 

I frown at his voice.

"Did you follow me out here?" I tell him with the frown evident in my face as Harry takes a seat next to me on the far end of the bench.

"Maybe." He grins as he holds out his hand. 

I sigh and hand him the lighter and watch as he lights it up and hands it back to me.

"Thanks." He mutters.

I raise my eyebrows in surprise that he has managed to say a thank you but ignore it.

"Why are you out here all by yourself? You should be in there fucking random guys." He says before he takes a few short drags out of his fag.

Slightly shocked at his choice of words I reply,"I'm not one of those girls." 

"That fucks guys?" He says with a smirk.

"That hooks with random people that I don't know." I reply rolling my eyes.

"But you made out with Niall." 

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