The Night School [GxG] [Firs...

By ZephyrHeart

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1st DRAFT EDITION Disclaimer: I was 14 when I started and 15 when I finished this draft. It gets better towa... More

NIGHT SCHOOL REVISIONS August 2019 (read this or istg i kill off a character)
Chapter One : The New Kid
Chapter Two : My Friend
Chapter Three : Teach Me
Chapter Four : Can't You See
Chapter Five : Heart of Stone Part One
Chapter Six : Tonight We Are Free (Heart of Stone Part Two)
Chapter Seven : Hazel 2.0
Chapter Eight : Megan
Chapter Nine : One Too Many
Chapter Ten : Micha
Chapter Eleven : Feeling Blue
Chapter Twelve : Ice Cream at Marley's
Chapter Thirteen : Ghost
Chapter Fourteen : The Game
Chapter Fifteen : Ship of A Goddess : P.O.V. Hazel
Chapter Sixteen : Secret's Out
Chapter Seventeen : Playing Matchmaker
Chapter Eighteen : Marley and the Silent Treatment
Chapter Nineteen : Now You Notice
Chapter Twenty : Set Up and Under Control : P.O.V. Micha
Chapter Twenty-One : Mystery Loves Company
Chapter Twenty-Two : Explains A Lot
Chapter Twenty-Three : Blame Game Jealousy
Author's Note : Thank You and Mini-Rant
Chapter Twenty-Four : The Micha Theory
Chapter Twenty-Five : Family Ties
Chapter Twenty-Six : Halcyon Days
Chapter Twenty-Seven : Beautiful Nightmares
Chapter Twenty-Eight : Devil in the Details
Chapter Twenty-Nine : Ouroboros
Chapter Thirty : in Cold Blood
Chapter Thirty-One : Wrong Time, Wrong Place
Chapter Thirty-Two : Rue More
Chapter Thirty-Three : Soulmate, Sole Mate, Stale Mate, Checkmate and Megan
Reader's Choice : Meeting Alexa [EXPIRED]
Chapter Thirty-Four : April Levison
Chapter Thirty-Five : Surprise, Surprise
Chapter Thirty-Six : The Old and The New
Chapter Thirty-Seven : Playing with Fire
Chapter Thirty-Eight : Tatiana
Chapter Thirty-Nine : Reunion
Chapter Forty : Calm Before the Storm
Chapter Forty-One: Heroine Part One
Chapter Forty-Two : Heroine Part Two
Chapter Forty-Three : Life Problems 101
Chapter Forty-Four : Heart to Heart
Chapter Forty-Five : Dinner At The Sinclairs' Part One
Chapter Forty-Six : Dinner At The Sinclairs' Part Two
Chapter Forty-Seven : Winter Montgomery and Alexa Sinclair
Chapter Forty-Eight : Fridge-Narnia?
Chapter Forty-Nine : Hazel, Meet Friends
Chapter Fifty : A. Sinclair
Chapter Fifty-One : Say Something
Chapter Fifty-Two : Sibling Rivalry
Chapter Fifty-Three : Technically, It's Spaghettification
Chapter Fifty-Four : The Morning After
Chapter Fifty-Five : Word Vomit?
Chapter Fifty-Six : What Are Those?
Chapter Fifty-Seven : Not Really Unexpected
Chapter Fifty-Eight : The Hazel Continuums / When You're Sad, and I'm Not
Chapter Fifty-Nine : Why Hazel Should Be On Broadway
Chapter Sixty: Hey There, Delilah
Chapter Sixty-One : Megan's Dilema
Readers' Choice : The End... Or Not? [EXPIRED]
Chapter Sixty-Two: Falling Until You Hit Rock Bottom
Chapter Sixty-Three : The End of Us
Chapter Sixty-Four : Opperation Set-Up
Readers' Choice: That Moment... [EXPIRED]
Chapter Sixty-Six: Prelude
Chapter Sixty-Seven: March Twenty-First Part One
Chapter Sixty-Eight: March Twenty-First Part Two
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Interlude
The Night School : Part Two
Chapter Seventy : Haze
Chapter Seventy-One: Blue
Chapter Seventy-Two: Unwanted
Chapter Seventy-Three: Ultimatum
Chapter Seventy-Four: Mirage
Chapter Seventy-Five: Adaptation
Chapter Seventy-Six: Bioluminescence
Chapter Seventy-Seven: Confession
Chapter Seventy-Eight: Change
Chapter Seventy-Nine: Supression
Chapter Eighty: Catalyst
Chapter Eighty-One: Regression
Chapter Eighty-Two: Finale ~ P.O.V. Grace
Epilogue: Forever
Author's Note: Kira Getting Emotional Again
Deleted Scene No. 1: PREVIEW
Deleted Cache No. 1: Del Cache
Deleted Scene No. 2: Chapter Nine : One of a Kind BETA
Deleted I Don't Know No. 1: ---
Deleted Cache No. 2: AC2
Deleted Cache No. 3: Dc
Deleted Scene No. 3: Chapter Thirty : Crayola
Deleted Scene No. 4: Chapter Thirty-Four : April Leivson
Deleted Scene No. 5: Chapter Thirty-Five :
Deleted Scene No. 6: Chapter Thirty-Seven : beta
Deleted Plan Thingy: Chapter x : heroine x
Deleted Cache No. 4: Del
Deleted Scene No. 7: Outtake
Deleted Scene No. 8: Chapter Sixty-One: Megan's Guide to Training Your Hazel
Deleted Scene No. 9: Chapter Sixty-Three : While She is Asleep
Deleted Scene No. 10: Chapter Sixty-Six: March Twenty-First (Part One)
Deleted Scene No. 11: Chapter Sixty-Eight: March Twenty-First Part Two
Deleted Scene No. 12: Chapter Seventy-One: Blue
Deleted Scene No. 13.1: Holy Fluffing Fuck This is Cute
Deleted Scene No. 13.2: Holy Fluffing Fuck This is Cute

Chapter Sixty-Five: Outside Perspective P.O.V. Marley

8.8K 477 94
By ZephyrHeart

WARNING: you will be so done with me by the end of this chapter... ;*

"What the hell?!" Someone shouted next to me, flying off me and causing whatever I was laying on to lift like there'd been a dip. "Marley?! What are- oh... Oh, I'm going to strangle that little son of a bitch!" Whoever it was growled deeply. It was so familiar, but my head was still too foggy. Wait, where was I? When did I fall asleep? Last thing I remember was Grace grumbling to herself, she was getting in a car- wait, Hazel's car... And now I'm here...

"Marley? Are you awake?" Oh! I know who that is!

"No. Come back here." I waved my arm around like it was made of lead, my whole body still felt heavy and generally limp. "Baby, I'm cold!" I whined when Micha didn't listen. I felt the mat, or whatever it was that I was laying on, dip again and then Micha's arms were around me again. She hugged me tightly and pulled the covers up around us. No... Something about this was wrong... Ah, who cares.


I stretched out happily. Hm... Why was I in bed? Why did everything smell like Grace's guest bedroom? Why did I smell Micha?!

I discreetly felt around the bed for some sign of her, but nothing. I opened my eyes a little and looked around. Nothing. I heard a small shuffle from beside the bed. Tentatively and as quietly as I could, I leaned over to look at what made thespians and sure enough, there she was, curled up on the floor. My heart hurt to see her like that. First of all, I was still more than a little hurt about what happened the other day. Second, I didn't like that she was alone on the floor, probably cold.

"Micha!" I whisper-hissed, louder and harsher than I'd meant it to be. She jumped and by the time her eyes were open, she was straddling me with her forearm pressed against my throat almost painfully.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry..." She recoiled, jumping back to her feet and distancing us. God, she looked like a hot mess. She looked like she pulled an all nighter, drank too much coffee, and had finals all on the same day. Yeah, it was that bad.

We sorta just stared at each other. I wasn't going to say anything. She didn't seem able to find anything to say.

That went on until a piece of paper slipped through the door of the room.

"I got it..." Micha stated, walking over to the slip. What was wrong with her? Her walk had lost all its power, she hurt to watch. She growled irately in her throat, tossing me the small white piece of paper.

Sorry for abducting you (it was Hazel's idea), but you're not leaving until you two work it out. Don't hate me. It's both of your faults for dating my friend. -Grace

P.S. Hazel and I are going out. She locked the door so you two can't escape. Make up before one of you has to go to the bathroom :) I'm doing this because I care ♥️

I put the note down. There was no lock on the outside of this door... But I guess Micha didn't know that... And this did make an opportunity. Okay, heart, prepare for confrontation.

"I'm so sorry." Micha mumbled, rubbing her forehead. "I was inconsiderate and I didn't think through what I was saying. I never meant you to take anything like that..." She sighed.

I didn't say anything right away.

"I confided in you, Micha. I trusted you. Why didn't you take it seriously?" I swallowed my nerves, or some of them. I wanted her back. I didn't like being away from her.

"I did! I did, I just- I was caught off guard. I didn't expect you to react the way you did to what I told you..." She looked down at the floor.

"How did you think I'd take it? Micha, I told you I was in love with you and you told me you're waiting for someone else!" Now my eyes were stinging. I wanted to forget about it. Why couldn't I just accept the situation? That way I could be happy with her while I had her.

"I didn't mean it like that... I want you to know the truth. And the truth is that I don't know what I'd do if I met my soulmate. I don't know if fate would be enough to make me leave you like that..." She covered her eyes. "God, I can't take this! I'm coming undone. I miss you. I miss us. I miss all of it."

"Micha..." I bit my lip. She'd better not cry. If she cried, I'd give in. I had to talk to her, so I couldn't just give in. "You hurt me, Micha... A lot... I can't just let that go..."

"I know, I know. Please just don't think I meant to..." Her voice wavered.

"What did you mean to do?" I looked away from her, trying to stay strong and do what we both needed.

"I meant to stop hiding things from you. I meant to get the weight off my shoulders and tell you with a clear conscience that I'm fucking in love with you!" My whole body froze. "I love you, Marley." My heart broke as her voice cracked, keeping her away from me and keeping myself away from her became an impossibility. My skin itched to feel her closer.

"Micha, you know I love you too, but... I feel like we're missing the discussion we need to have..."

"Okay." She breathed in and out slowly, running her eyes before taking her hands away and leaning against the wall. She still looked hurt. Her eyes were glassy and she hid her bottom lip in her mouth.  "I don't know what else you'd like me to say. I messed up. I misspoke. I'm sorry."

"I don't really know what I want you to say..." I sighed, "it just doesn't feel right that this is put behind us so quickly. I want us to be okay." I ached to run my hands through her hair, to caress her body.

"So do I, baby, I just don't know what else you want from me to make that happen." She took a couple steps forward and gently put her hand on my cheek. "I'd give you anything you want. Just tell me what it is." I eyed her lips. God, I missed her.

"Prove that you love me." I uttered out of pure selfishness. I believed her.

She looked at me with blackened eyes, pupils like saucers.

"Marley, if I had to show you how much I love you, I'm worried you may not be comfortable with what I'd do." For a moment, the memory of her with nothing on from the waist up flashed in my mind, and I actually had to stop myself from drooling at the thought of her completely revealed to me.

"Then don't worry." I whispered, already past the point of no return, leaning in to kiss her. I missed her so much. I hated fighting with her more than almost anyone. But right now, all that mattered was that I had my Micha. And I sure as hell wasn't about to run away from her again.

"Marl-mm!" Micha uttered when I mashed my lips to hers, the surprised gasp became a long moan almost instantly. She repositioned herself on all fours so that it was easy for her to pin me down and take charge like she almost always did. I ran my fingers over her arms, as slowly and sensually as I could, up towards her shoulders. I had learned from experience that she had extremely sensitive shoulders and shoulder blades. Her back, too, was especially prone to touch.

My hands glided over her shoulders, our lips still locked together, feeling the familiar contours, joints, and movement of her skin and muscle.

"I love you, Micha..." I whispered, pulling her closer and kissing around her neck. She was trembling, breathing heavily, skin burning, and I knew I'd succeeded in turning her on. Really, it was always easy for me to do so.

"Ah!" A very sexy guttural exclamation ripped out of her throat when I bit at the crook of her neck. She arched her body into me, her head back, her eyes closed, her body shaking. She growled, lunging forward and straddling my thighs, grabbed my face, and slammed my lips back against hers. We both let out excited moans. She took her hands off my face and secured them to my hips while we fought for dominance in our kiss.

I noticed her hands slip under my shirt, so I, in return, yanked on the hem of hers. We both knew what that meant, but we paused for a second and locked eyes. The love in her silvery irises and eclipse-like pupils made me moan and clench my hands around her shirt. The lust in them was enough to drive me crazy. Having her love me was one thing, but having her look at me like she wanted to rip off all my clothes and completely soil me was the cherry on top. No. No I don't mean that as an innuendo.

"M-Marley, p-please don't do this t-t-to me! I can't t-t-take you t-teasing m-me l-like this." She whimpered as I began to lift her shirt off. I could already see the corner of a neon yellow bra.

"I'm not planning on teasing you. I'm ready, baby. I'm ready for all of you. I really want this." I moved my hips against her, which was made more affected because she was sitting on my pelvis with her legs clenched at my sides, so I ground right on her sensitive area.

"R-really? Are you s-s-sure?" Micha gasped, moving her hips with mine.

"Unless you're not..." I let my hands pass under her shirt, squeezing her covered breasts. She cried out her affirmation. I pulled off her shirt and she tore off mine; she leaned down to press our stomachs together, kissing hungrily all over my face and shoulders, all the way down to the start of my breasts. I held her head still when she slipped her tongue under my bra and licked my stiff nipple. My body ached for more contact, so I reached over her back, massaging her tender flesh all the way to the back of her bra. I played with the band, teasing her, trying to find the clasp. Micha started giggling. Then laughing. I was becoming frustrated with the stupid piece of fabric hiding away her luscious chest. She pushed my stomach down land sat up, smiling amusedly at me, biting her lip. Oh God, how lucky was I?

She reached into the cleft of her chest, and I finally noticed the clasp at the front of her bra.

"Fuck..." I salivated as she undid the clasp and slowly revealed her breasts to me.

"Grace, that's not a good idea-"

"What? Shit!" The bedroom door opened and closed in only the time it took Micha and I to jump.

"Michs..." I gulped, unable to take my eyes off her cleavage.

"Were we just about to have sex for the first time in Grace's guest bedroom?" She blushed, redoing her bra with shaky, clumsy hands.

"Uh-huh..." I chewed on my bottom lip, trying to ignore my lady parts' desperate throbbing for her. "I like your bra."

"Ha." She snorted, "I didn't plan on seeing you today." She kissed my forehead, I think she did it intentionally so that I'd be at eye level with her boobs. I smirked and blew cold air between them. "Baby, don't test me right now..."

"Well, you put your tits in my face."

"Oh, put your shirt on." She rolled her eyes, squeezing one of my boobs. I swallowed a moan. "I heard that." She snickered, getting up and putting back on her shirt. I stuck my tongue out at her as I slapped her ass and put mine back on too. She paused for a moment and looked at me. "So... Are we good?"

I walked over to her and put my hands on her hips.

"Yeah. I love you, baby." I kissed her deeply.

"I love you." She put her hands in the back pockets of my jeans. "So, do you think we should go make sure Grace isn't throwing up again?"

"Why would she be doing that?" I scowled. Did I mention her hands were on my ass?

"Because we kinda just flashed her, baby." She laughed, a red hue deepening on her face.

"We? My bra was on!" I remembered.

"Because you needed help taking off mine!" She clenched her hands, making me gasp and hug her tighter. "Let's go." She slowly dragged her hands out of my pockets and around my hips to my hands.

We walked out, hand in hand, down to Grace's living room where she and Hazel were -of course- making out on the couch. Figures.

"This seems like something of a deja vu, now doesn't it, Grace?" Micha smirked.

Hazel, who was straddling a very winded looking Grace, growled and lowered her body like she was defending her territory. She shot me a look by didn't seem to care. However, when she saw Micha, her eyes burned with irritation and protectiveness, more or less. Grace sighed and pushed Hazel up.

"It seems so. How's life?" She lifted an eyebrow at us. Hazel was still staring Micha down. I shivered. An unsettling rock formed in my stomach. You'd think I'd be used to it; it happened whenever I was around Hazel, or any Second, really...

"Sorry about that." Micha scratched the back of her neck.

"Not that I mind you two making up, but please don't make up that much in my house." She stated. "Actually, I'm really happy you two are back. Micha, I was concerned that I'd have to kill you." Grace smiled. "So now that that's been resolved and Hazel's given us a free day off, you two are off to go get back to what you were doing in your own home." She snickered, -looking directly at a blushing Micha.  "While Hazel here stops glaring at you." Grace elbowed her girlfriend lightly, playfully, her love for the girl radiating as strongly as warmth from the sun.

**yall didn't really think I'd let you see that moment through did you? Well it was for me anyway.

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