Marrying a Boxer | H.S.

By GoldenAngel97

381K 8.8K 2.8K

Can a marriage that started by force survive? Will they open their hearts and learn to love each other? Can... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92

Chapter 15

5.4K 115 36
By GoldenAngel97


Harry drives through the streets of London on the way to his house. My new home. I feel anxious at the thought that I will not sleep in my own bed anymore, that I will not see my mother every day, that I will not see the familiar faces of the cooks, maids, and Joey. I'm going to miss Joey the most. He was always very nice to me. I don't like the idea of moving in with Harry, but we are married now, and I have to do it. I have never been to his house before, so I don't know what to expect. Is it a small house? Is it an apartment? Is it even clean?

"We're here," Harry says as the gates to a mansion bigger than mine open. I am mesmerized at the beauty of his house. I always thought boxers lived in apartments that were falling apart, and were infested with mice and insects. I never thought Harry's house would be so beautiful and clean. When I step inside, I feel like I have stepped into the Victorian Era. The interior is beautifully decorated with furniture from the Victorian Era.

"Wow," I breathe. "Your house is beautiful."

Harry smiles down at me. "I knew you'd like it. And it's your house too." He leads me up the stairs, and into his bedroom.

This bedroom is probably the most beautiful part of the house. I am absolutely in love with it. I had always loved the decor from the Victorian Era, but I was not allowed to decorate my old bedroom like that since my mother hated that decoration and said she would not have that in her house. But Harry's bedroom is what I always pictured in my head. Everything is perfect. The whole house is incredible.

"Do you like it?" Harry asks behind me.

"Harry, I love it!" I exclaim. "You know, I've always liked this décor but my mother hated it and this is how I always pictured my bedroom would look like," I tell him.

"Really? I'm quite astonished that you actually like it. I thought I was the only one that was into this type of decoration. I mean, I don't know much about this but I just hired an interior designer and told her to decorate with Victorian Era stuff. I think she did a pretty good job." I nod. She did an amazing job.

"Everything looks great," I smile at him.

"Thanks, Sweetheart." He places our suitcases on the bed, and I notice that there are many other suitcases in the bedroom.

"Why do you have so many suitca..." my voice trail off when I notice that those suitcases are actually mine and Moni's. They brought my clothes here. Everything I own is in those suitcases. My stomach clenches. This is my home now.

"Um... Maura will unpack your things, so you don't have to worry about that." Harry says awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, alright." I whisper. I don't know why I don't feel comfortable at the thought of sharing a bedroom with Harry. I mean, we've slept together before and we obviously shared a room in Hawaii, but this is different.

"Are you okay?" Harry places his hands on my shoulders.

"Um... Harry, do you think that I could get another bedroom? Like the guest room or something?" I ask. Harry's eyebrows come down in a frown.


"I just... I feel weird at the thought of sharing a bedroom with you," I shrug.

"What the fuck? Scarlet, are you serious? We've shared a room before!" He raises his voice.

"I know, but this is different. Please don't get mad, I just... Please understand," I beg him.

"Understand? You want me to understand? How am I supposed to understand this? We have shared a bed before, Scarlet. Why are you feeling weird about it?"

"I don't know! It's not the same. You have to understand that I'm not used to this. I have never slept with someone before, and-"

"Bullshit! We have slept together before Scarlet! There is absolutely nothing different about this situation and the others." He throws his hands up in exasperation.

"No, that's not what I meant! I have never shared a bed with a boyfriend, or husband in this case. And, I just don't feel ready for it. It's weird." I explain.

"Oh, and you think I am used to this? Do you think I have shared my bed with anyone before?" his voice is gruff.

"Well... you have slept with other women so-" once again he cuts me off.

"So what!?" He bellows. "That doesn't mean that I have shared my bed before. The women I have slept with have never been to my house. They  never slept in my bed. So don't you try to act like the victim because you are not the only one who was forced into this shit? This is strange for me too. I don't know how to feel at the idea of sharing my personal space with a... girl," he finishes.

"Girl?" I repeat. He nods, crossing his arms across his chest. "I am not a girl anymore. And I am not trying to act like the victim, Harry. I just want you to understand my point. I just need a little of understanding. That is all." My eyes well up with tears. Why is it that I cry all the time we argue? I used to be pretty good at keeping my shit together, but since I met Harry I have lost control of my emotions and I hate it. I hate showing weakness in front of people, especially in front of him.

He does not say anything. His eyes regard me intensely and in that cold way he always has. I open my mouth to say one more thing, but he speaks first. "I've heard enough," he states and walks out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind him. I jump, startled, and the tears fall down.

­­A knock on the door startles me awake. I had fallen asleep on Harry's bed after he left. I sniffle, and open the door. A woman is on the other side of the door. She has black hair pulled back in a low bun, pale skin with a few wrinkles in it, kind hazel eyes, and she was a bit taller than me. Maybe about 5'5". I am confused. Who is this woman? "I am sorry for waking you, Mrs. Styles. Mr. Styles gave us orders of preparing one of the guest rooms for you. I just wanted to let you know it is ready." This is when I notice her impeccable black uniform. She must be one of the servants.

"Oh, um... thank you...?" I trail off not knowing her name.

"Pardon my manners. I did not introduce myself. My name is Maura," she gives me a sweet, maternal smile at the end. So this is who Harry was talking about.

"Thank you, Maura." I smile back at her. Her eyes are concerned as they scan my blotchy face.

"Are you feeling well, Mrs. Styles?" she asks.


"If you would like, I can take your belongings to your bedroom?" she offers.

"Oh, yes. That would be great, but let me help you with them. There are many suitcases and I would like to help you."

"Ma'am, that is not necessary. The other maids will help me," she smiles. I nod and move out of the way to let her into the bedroom. A few other maids walk in minutes later and soon Harry's bedroom is free of suitcases.

I can't believe he actually agreed to do this. I was sure he wasn't going to let me sleep in another room. I should thank him. I walk out of his room, and make my way down the stairs. I search for him around the big house, but he is nowhere to be found.

"Can I help you with something, Mrs. Styles?" a tall, young maid asks me. She is probably my age.

"Um... uh, have you seen Harry anywhere?" I ask her.

"Mr. Styles stepped out, ma'am." She informs me.

"Oh, okay. Did he say where he was going?"

"No, ma'am."

"Alright. Thank you," I smile at her. She nods and leaves.

Where could he have gone? Ugh! This marriage thing is too difficult. Why me?

"Mrs. Styles?" Maura says behind me. "Dinner is ready." What? It's dinner time already? I look out of the window and see that the sun is already setting. She guides me to the dining room and I notice that there's only one plate served.

I sit. "Maura? Um, where's Harry? He should be back now, right?" I ask her.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. Mr. Styles has not returned. He said he was going to be late and would not make it to dinner."

"Thank you, Maura." She walks out of the dining room, leaving me alone. Where did he go? I have called him hundredths of times and left him thousandths of text messages and he has not answered. I don't know if I should worry or get angry.

I try to eat my dinner but I cannot finish it. This dining room is too lonely. There's no other sounds aside from my breathing and the cutlery against the porcelain plate. I stand from my chair and pick up my plate. Where was the kitchen located? I think to myself. I walk out of the dining room and look for the kitchen. "Mrs. Styles" Maura appears beside me. She looks down to my half eaten dinner and frowns. "Did you not like your food? Would you like me to tell the chefs to cook something else for you?"

"No, no, no. The food was great, I just wasn't very hungry. Where is the kitchen again? I'd like to wash the plate and cutlery." I say softly.

"Do not worry about that, ma'am. I will take this," she takes the porcelain from my hands. I thank her and make my way up to the room where I will be staying. Night covers the sky and there's still no sign of Harry. I sigh and shake my head. I swore I would try to make this work, but he is making it too difficult. But then again, so am I. I should not have asked to change rooms. After all, I should start getting used to sleeping with him. But I am not going to make Maura and the other maids move everything to Harry's room because they already unpacked everything and it is too much work.

I decide to get ready for bed and read a book. I know that I will not fall asleep knowing that Harry is still not home.

Hours and hours pass. Where is Harry? The time reads 1:30 a.m. I sigh and close the book I was reading. I hear a lot of noise down the hall and jump out of bed. I walk out of my bedroom and see Harry stumbling down the hall. Is he drunk!? I groan quietly. I walk toward him, irritated.

"Heeeyyy, baaabe!" he says loudly. Oh, god! He reeks of alcohol!

"Harry, are you serious!? Where were you? Do you know what time it is? Why are you drunk?" I ask him.

"Shhh," he places his index finger on my lips. "You are gonna wake my wife up," he slurs.

"What are you talking about? I am your wife." I say.

"Noooo," hiccup, "my wife is ashleep ov'r th're," he slurs.

"God, Harry." I sigh. "Come on, let's get you to bed." I open the door to his bedroom and help him walk in. He leans on me, and I stumble a little at his weight. He places his arm around my shoulders and with his other hand he caresses my face.

"Baaabe, you're so preeetty." I scrunch up my nose.

"Harry, how much did you drink?" I help him sit on the bed and he falls back.

"Just a few beers. And a few shots." I search for pyjama pants and a t-shirt but I have no idea where everything is.

"Where are all your pyjamas?" I ask him.

"I don't wear pj's," he says. "I only sleep with my underwear on."

Seriously? I walk back to him and start unbuttoning his shirt. "Sit up," I tell him and he does.

"What are you doing?" He asks. His eyes are red and he is trying to stay awake.

"I'm going to take your shirt off so you can sleep."

"My pants too?" he smirks. Even when he's pissed he is a perverted little shit.

I hesitate to answer. Should I? I guess I'll have to... ugh! But I don't want to. Screw it. "Yes, I suppose I will." I manage to get his shirt off and I place it next to him. I take a deep breath before moving my hands down to his belt. I don't know why this feels so awkward to me. I unbuckle his belt in a haste, followed by the button and zipper.

Harry chuckles and stands to his feet, letting his pants fall to the floor. I step aside and pull the bedspread. "Get in bed," I say in a whisper. I feel him behind me, and he presses himself against me. I take a sharp breath.

"Thank you, Sweetheart." He whispers in my ear, causing a shiver to run down my spine. He gets under the covers and closes his eyes.

I turn the lights off and walk out of his bedroom. My face feels hot. I probably look like a tomato right now.

I walk down the hall to my bedroom and go straight to the en-suite to look for some ibuprofen or aspirin in the cabinet. I walk back to Harry's room and set the two aspirins on his nightstand.

I make my way down the spiral staircase and to the kitchen. I need a cup of tea so I can go to sleep. When I enter the kitchen, I am surprised to see Maura there.

"Mrs. Styles, is everything okay? Is Mr. Styles okay? Does he need anything?"

"He's fine," I smile at her reassuringly. "He's asleep now."

"Good. Would you like some tea, Mrs. Styles?" She offers.

"Yes, please. I can't sleep and I think that could help." I sit on a small table that is set in a corner of the kitchen. Maura pours hot tea in two mugs and brings one to me. "Thank you, Maura."

"You are welcome, Mrs. Styles." She sips her tea, standing a few feet away from me.

"Maura, why don't you seat here?" I motion to the empty chair in front of me. "You don't have to stand."

"That would be disrespectful, ma'am."

"I don't think so. Come on, sit with me." She does, hesitantly. "So, how long have you been working for Harry?" I ask her, trying to get to know her a little more.

"I have worked for the Styles family for about fifteen years, but only two years for Mr. Styles. He got this house when he was eighteen, and Mrs. Twist decided to have me work for Mr. Styles." I take in this information. Harry was my age when he got this house? That's crazy!

"Wow, you've been with them for a very long time. Since when has Harry been a boxer?"

"Oh, he started his career at a very young age! Mr. Styles was only sixteen when he started boxing. He would not box professionally, of course. He was too young for that. But he started training more and more, and his first major match was at the age of seventeen." She smiles.

"Did he win?" I ask.

"Of course he won! Oh, that boy is very good at what he does. He got a few blows himself, but the opponent was left with many bruises. Mr. Styles beat him in the fourth round."

My mouth is hanging. This is new information to me. I'm glad I asked Maura about this because I doubt Harry would say anything to me.

Maura and I converse for about two hours. I know more things about Harry now. Things I know we would not discuss because he's very reserved. Like me. At least I can get to know him a little bit through Maura.

I say goodnight to Maura, and make my way to my room. Now I am exhausted. As soon as my head touches the pillow, sleep takes over me and takes me to my happy place.

A/N: Hola Peasants!!

Once again, I am so sorry for taking so long to update, but college is a bitch. I am surprised I haven't jumped off a bridge. BUT here is the next chapter, I hope you guys like it!

Thank you so much for reading this!

I love y'all!!!

~Amy <3

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