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Por pocoyo-yo

23.7K 1.1K 87

Miss Roselyn Sawyer; the beautiful CEO of Canopy of Crystal, a flourishing jewelry company. Dominic Pierce; t... Mais



315 16 3
Por pocoyo-yo

Hijo Del Corazón



Working was nice, but I still felt unsatisfied- maybe it was because Father only called at that point.

- 2014 -

After school I had about two hours before work- Mama just believed that I was at a club in school (extra business courses).
During the week I worked as a cook until 9PM and weekends I worked until 11PM because Matteo didn't want me to be seen since it wasn't technically legal (and I could cook).
On weekends I just told Mama I would be with my friends, and since it wasn't past 12AM she didn't care.

"Take this home to yur Ma."

That night I was sent home with two styrofoam boxes; one of lasagna and another of ribs. Two completely different things but that represented Matteo's Place well.

Late nights always worried Mama so I tried to be home as early as I could. But that night, I drove around- just the low hum of the radio and myself with two sytrafoam boxes seatbelted in the passenger.
I'd never really explored Manhatten like Queens- I only went to the places I needed to be so stumbling upon a playground near some condos and an average neighborhood was a pleasant surprise.

I parked and just sat- Exchange, crickets, and the hum of the car was all I heard and needed to hear.

I didn't want to go home- if that place was home to begin with.

Just a few weeks turned into months which had now become years; we were never going back to Queens- back to our home.
In that moment it seemed to finally hit me and there in that abandoned park.. I wondered how much would change if I just disappeared, if there was no Pierce Co, if it was just father, Mama, and Valerie.

Would it have been better for them?

From the moment Valerie opened her eyes I could just feel the difference between us- she was Father's ideal but everything was already expected to be for me.

My fists clenched and I hurried out of my car- stumbling like some drunk as I slammed the door closed.
My breathing grew ragged as I ran my fingers through my hair, massaged the tense feeling in forehead- just like father.

Was he even my father at this point?

I paced back and forth- the streetlights was all I had to keep me from falling flat on my face.
I paused; I was shaking at this point. I stood in front of a streetlight pole- I wanted to hit it.. so bad.

I kicked at the uncut grass- a decent chunk of foam padding flying onto the cracked concrete sidewalk.
I snatched it up and undid the laces of one of my shoes entirely- quickly tying the piece of foam to the pole.

I then raised my fists once I was sure it was tight- how did they do it? I'd never really watched a boxing match in my life; I just played video games and knew the gist of it.
I slammed my fist into the foam- it hurt; I knew this wasn't safe, but I needed to do more. I hit it again and again- my knuckles were practically begging for me to stop. I didn't care about that though- about the sting that ran through my viens and the dots of blood that began to appear after every punch.

"What the actual hell are you doing," A finger poked at my shoulder and I jolted away- looking over at a girl just about my age. ".. oh shit- I didn't mean to scare you."

I lowered my fists and frowned, "It's fine.. just leave me alone."

She squinted- fiddling with strands of her long black hair.
"Your form is ass y'know." She pointed out.

I rolled my eyes and questioned, "So what? Are you a boxer or somethin'..?"

"I want to be," She said before she gestured to me. ".. but despite your form being absolute shit you aren't bad- just focus on your feet and less your fists."

"I'm not trying to be a boxer," I told her. "I'm just.. I don't know."

"Kirsten Trevor." She said simply.

I mumbled, "Dominic," I then paused. "Dominic Pierce."

Kirsten glanced down and sighed, "You're bleeding."

I followed her gaze- blooding rolled from my knuckle and dripped onto the cement.

"I'll be fine." I muttered.

"I'm sure you will," Kirsten hummed- beginning to walk past me; her large backpack hung from her shoulders. ".. see ya, Dominic m'going home!"

"You're walking home by yourself.. this late?" I spoke up suddenly.

She stopped walking and looked back at me. "I told you that I box, didn't I?" She snickered- adjusting her large jacket.

"Boxing won't stop a bullet." I said- a muffled ring flowing through my ears.

Kirsten giggled, "I like that- you should write quotes or something."

With that she kept walking, and I followed suit- standing next to her on her path down the sidewalk.

"You're quite the gentleman," She huffed. ".. but did you even lock your car?"

My eyes widened, "Fucking fuck-"

Kirstein Trevor knew how to take care of herself in more ways than one- walking a girl home was just how I was raised.
Lucky for me she didn't live far from the park I was at- it was a nice place from the outside and our walk was simple and silent.

"This is mine," Kirsten trotted up the steps. ".. and you're how old?" She asked.

"16.. I'll be 17 soon." I informed her.

She grinned, "I'm older than you- Junior?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Same.. shit what school do you go to?" Kirsten grew more intrigued by the second.

"Kingsley." I replied hesistantly.

She cringed, "Of course you're a Kingsley kid- but c'mere."

I reluctantly did so and walked up the steps towards her lit porch.
Kirsten dug around her pockets before she pulled out a small pack of alcohol wipes. She tore it open and grabbed my hand- wiping away the excess blood from my hands. She then set down her backpack and pulled out some bandages- wrapping up each of my knuckles tight.

Blood still seeped into the fabric but it was enough- I let her do her thing; the girl could box after all. And when she was done she slipped a business card in my palm.

"My Dad's business card," She explained as she gathered her things once again- fiddling with her key for the door. "He was a boxing gym not to far from here- check it out when you wake up."

I put that card in the cupholder on my car and never considered looking at it again. It was late- a school night, and almost 12 AM. I was out far past how Mama preferred and I didn't want to go back- I already knew how mad she'd be. But I had to go to the house; at least in this point of my life.
Seeing that the dining room lights were still on through the blinds already told me enough. When I unlocked the door and stepped onto the stupid rug Father sent Mama for Christmas- sweaty, missing a shoelace, knuckles bleeding, and two cold styrofoam boxes of food I expected to be yelled at.

Though it was quiet- the low hum of the TV, the creak of the door, and every latch and jingle of the locks and chains were the only noteworthy sounds.

"..Ay dios mio.. where have you been, Domi?"

Yet when I turned the corner into the dining room that silence broke.
The sight of my Mama alone at the table with steaming coffee at her side and tear stains on her thinning out cheeks- how had I not noticed the difference?

I stared at the floor and muttered, "I lost track of time-"

"- I called your school.. and what? You are failing almost every class, Dominic," Mama stressed- her voice wobbled with every word. ".. there is no record of you ever being in a World Language Club, so where have you been for the past year?"

"I don't.." My voice faded into nothing.

Mama then stood up. "You do not what? What Dominic? Tell me, papá.." She pleaded.

"Work.. at a restraunt- I cook and-"

"- Then why did you come home to me like this? You look like you have just fought somebody. Forget about everything else; you just cannot fail school.. I gave up everything to be here- your familia back in the DR.. I can't let that happen.. so," She pointed out with teary eyes as she adjusted her robe. ".. mi vida, be honest with me."

"I am," I told her. "Mama, I swear am.. tonight I just- I got mad, Mama, and I needed to cool off so I just hit something. I'm not like that- I don't do that.. I'm not hi-" My voice instantly muffled as I continued to rant- I don't remember this going this way; I don't recall ever bringing him up this night.

".. You got mad?" She muttered.

"Not at you.. never at you, Mama." I reassured her.

"I know why you are mad, Domi, you are my child," Mama then approached me. ".. work if that makes you happy but you need school, mi vida. Your Father does not need to know every little thing you do," She clicked her tongue and made me look at her. ".. as long as the end stays the same I do not care what you do along the way- just do not get hurt; that's all I ask as your Mama."

"Yes ma'am.." I murmured quiety and she kissed my cheek.

"I know your Father agrees- if things go well then-"

"- Lo seinto, Mamá.. soy cansado," I interjected and gestured to my wrapped up hand. ".. buenos noches."

"No no no mijo," She frowned slightly, "Where do you work?"

I didn't want to lie to her- I admitted, "A pub.. Matteo's Place."

"Domi, that is.. you are 16! You cannot.." She tried to find the right words.

I nodded my head towards the styrofoam boxes of food and said, "The food I bring home for us- it's from my boss. He's a good guy at heart, Mama.."

"Tomorrow I will meet him." Mama huffed.

"Mama c'mon-"

"- No no no escúchame Dominic Leandre Pierce me has mantenido despierto hasta tarde," (No no no listen to me Dominic Leandre Pierce you've kept me up late enough) She ranted to me seriously- pointing directly at my chest. "..Te amo, mi vida, buenos noches."

That ended the conversation right then- I wasn't going to argue with her; I couldn't. But I was pissed off and didn't bother to say 'te amo' back; Mama didn't bother to pressure me too.

I seemed to say it less the older I grew- I thought just showing it would be enough but now when thinking about it I rarely ever did.

"Look who decided to show up.." Kirsten smiled from behind the front desk.
I looked around before setting my backpack on the floor by the front desk.

"I'm not staying for long.. I just want to see if this is worth it." I told her quickly.

"For a guy whose never boxed once you talk like it's a privilage for you to be here," Kirsten scoffed and spun around in her rolley chair. ".. must be the Kingsley in you."

"I do?" I mumbled.

"You haven't noticed? Sometimes you sound just like a spoiled little boy," She stopped the spin- now facing me completely. ".. sometimes you sound like a angry little boy, and last night you sounded a confused, sad, angry, spoiled little boy."

"Should I be offended?" I questioned.

"No that's a good thing- you can put those feelings into boxing." Kirsten hummed- pecking at her phone.

"I never said I was getting into boxing-"

"- Who's not getting into boxing?" A man asked as he walked out from the hallway on the right side of the front desk.

"Dad! This is the guy- Dominic," Kirsten grinned. ".. get him a pair of gloves 'n get him in the ring with me! He can't stay for long and is already hesitant enough."

"Thank you for walking my KiKi home last night," The man sighed as he approached me- scratching the back of his neck. ".. I'm Coach Trevor- Luke Trevor. If you want.. would you like to spar my daughter for a few?"

"It was nothing and spar," I repeated. ".. as in fight your daughter."

"Yeah," Coach Trevor looked me up and down. ".. you'll be lightwork for my KiKi- don't worry."

See when I heard that it intrigued me- his confidence in her was something I couldn't recognize for myself.
Even without the knowledge of boxing I made it my mission to not get K.O'd. Kirsten annoyed the shit out of me (and I'd only known her for a day), but she had her ups too.

I'd never worn boxing gloves before- I didn't know the proper footwork, I didnt know what punches were legal what punches made sense, and I especially didn't beat Kirsten. Though with every connecting punch I threw at her and every sorry excuse for a block I did- I could feel the smile on my face.
Work didn't even earn that smile, and I thought it would- I thought doing something of my choice would get that smile from me.

I won't lie; I loved Matteo, Becca, and staff but the job itself? Cooking wasn't my passion it was a hobby.

And Pierce Co? I knew it ever since I was young being CEO wasn't what I wanted- it was what was set out for me; it had to be my passion.

"He's got potential.." Coach Trevor snickered to Kirsten while I caught my breath.

"I told you, Dad," She rolled her eyes and casually leaned back on the wall of the ring. ".. so what, Dominic? Your not gonna try boxing 'cause your fists hurt t'much from last night." Kirsten taunted me.

"It's not.. I'm busy-"

"- Dominic, look kid, I don't need you.. at all. But, y'know, I think you need this," Coach Trevor spoke up after he cleared his throat. ".. maybe not here but somewhere. It has nothing to do with your potential or natural skill- just how boxing makes you feel."

I glanced at the floor and then asked, "How early would I have to wake up to be here?"

Coach Trevor chuckled, "I'm here all day- you can sleep as long as you want, in fact, as a coach, I encourage it."

My schedule seemed to get busier just a few hours earlier, but Mama didn't need to know that- all Mama needed to know at that point was that Matteo Cattaneo was a good man.

"Aye.. Aye," Mama snapped her fingers in front of my face as I held the door open for her. ".. ¿Quién es él? Vamos, vamos, me quieres salir de aquí rápido, ¿no?" She asked- looking around the pub.

"Mama, is this necessary?" I questioned under my breath.

Mama hovered her finger over my lips and murmured, "Hush."
She walked over towards the bar and Matteo was standing there- pouring shots.

Matteo looked up and blew some of his hair out of his face after he served the person at the bar their shots.
"Dominic, c'mere- go ahead 'n get changed after!" He called out-motioning me over.

"Oh," Mama then muttered and I followed her as she approached the bar counter. ".. you.. do you own this place?"

Matteo nodded, "Yes, miss, I do.." He paused and looked over at me- at the time I thought it was my expression but I think it was more so that Mama and I looked so alike. ".. Dominic is this yur- ma'am, shit, y'know I hired the kid 'cause-"

"- Aury Pierce and well, Dominic is not getting hurt here, and he likes it here," Mama interrupted. "I will say the food he brings home is good and he talks high of you- as long as he is happy and not being used it is fine," Mama then leaned in and whispered. ".. but let him do his homework, yeah? If his grades keep falling short this is done, sí?"

Matteo blinked- eyeing me before he said, "Yes ma'am- Matteo Cattaneo."

Mama smiled, "Bueno! I will pick you up at 9:00PM, Domi- this extra time habit is done.."

"Sí, Mama." I muttered and she patted my back befote she turned around to leave.

"Yur her twin, Dominic." Matteo scoffed once Mama had left.

"You think?" I chuckled.

He playfully hit my shoulder.
"Ya literally have her whole face- but she's just pretty."

I cringed, "That's my Mama."

"I have a girl, Dominic, my Becca is all I want and need- yur Ma is just a pretty woman," Matteo shot back. ".. she looks young."

"She's thirty-eight." I told him.

"Ya say that like that's old," Matteo argued. ".. but she looks younger than that- now get dressed."

"Alright alright," I smiled. "..damn thirty-two."

"Oh fuck ya- wait, wait," Matteo interjected. ".. why ya all bruised up, kid?"

I raised a brow before I looked at my arms- purple and dark brown bruises were already forming in my skin.

"Oh.. just tryin' something new,"

I scratched the back of my neck with a smile.

".. hopefully they'll be gone by the time I wake up."

. . .


. . .

2,845 words.

Aury is a milf

Yknow life's getting nice without papa pierce around

buy me brent tickets ya'll

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