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Por pocoyo-yo

23.7K 1.1K 87

Miss Roselyn Sawyer; the beautiful CEO of Canopy of Crystal, a flourishing jewelry company. Dominic Pierce; t... Mais



281 14 1
Por pocoyo-yo




"Miss Sawyer.. someone's here to see you."

I looked over at Miss Roselyn as we both walked into the office through the entrance.
Deonna sat behind her desk— nodding over towards the waiting area.

"Oh," Miss Roselyn murmured; she gave me a small shrug to express that she wasn't expecting anyone this morning. ".. well—"

"— Sorry I came on such short notice, Roselyn."

I furrowed my brows, recognizing that voice instantly, and looked over to my right— right there with a fur coat draped over his shoulders and black shades rested on the tip of his nose was Simon Parker.



Miss Roselyn and I shot each other a glance at the fact we both spoke at the same time.
Simon walked over to us— his golden chains and polished jewelry shimmering in the light of the room.

"I haven't seen ya in person in so long, kid," Simon grinned at me before he sent me a wink. ".. Roselyn been keepin' ya busy, huh? But shit, you've been dealt one hell of a hand as a newly hired bodyguard."

I stayed quiet for a moment before I muttered, ".. Of course you've heard, Simon."

"Ya love me, Dominic," He snickered while he patted my shoulder before focusing his attention of Miss Roselyn. ".. but ya— Roselyn, I haven't seen ya in person in I don't know how long," He paused— obviously thinking; he then whispered just loud enough for us three to hear. ".. last we talked was when I talked ya into giving Dominic an interview."

Miss Roselyn hummed, "You aren't wrong, Parker, 'nd that's one thing I'll thank you for."

It was odd seeing Simon in such a professional setting. I'd been around his work 'meetings'— I know what he does, I've seen him do it.

He'd put me on jobs before this one- nothing too crazy. I owed Simon more than I could voice when I was young, and I paid him back at that time; I'd rather not owe him as severely now in the present, which is why I was on my shit with paying him back— I don't even need him to pay for my hotel room anymore.

"Why are you here, Simon?" I asked simply and he rolled his eyes.

"Not for ya," He snickered— gesturing to Miss Roselyn. ".. but for Roselyn— I got something for ya, ma'am."

Miss raised a brow. ".. You do," She added. "and you know how I feel about 'ma'am', Parker."

"I do— to both of those statements.." Simon adjusted the sleeves of his coat before he whispered something to Miss Roselyn that I couldn't hear.

She then nodded, "My office it is."

. . .

".. Heard you're little brother was in town."

An elevator ride with Simon and Miss Roselyn was the last thing I expected going into work this morning.
It was silent most of the ride until now when Simon tried to start up conversation. The two knew each other— I learned that the day of my interview, but clearly Miss Roselyn didn't care that much for Simon.

At least that's how she acted in front of me.

"You hear everything, Parker." Miss Roselyn scoffed sarcastically.

And the awkwardness in the elevator wasn't any better for me since I was right in the middle— Miss Roselyn on my right and Simon on my left.

"I still haven't met the guy," Simon murmured— fixing his hair in the mirror on the elevator walls. ".. Dominic, ya met him?"

I said, "I have."

"Now that's just unfair, Roselyn," He frowned— looking past me at Miss Roselyn who wasn't even giving him a glance. ".. the kid's known ya for what? A month. And he's met your baby brother, but I've known ya since this company of yours became a hotshot."

"It wasn't my choice. Dominic's my bodyguard— he's with me practically all day," Miss Roselyn corrected unamused. ".. him meeting JJ was bound to happen— especially after that article got leaked."

So they've known each other that long— that was long enough for him to have met her first bodyguard or have known of him.

"How old is JJ again?" Simon asked while he fumbled with his phone.

"Just turned thirty." Miss Roselyn answered.

"Damn." Simon whistled and I looked over at him. He was scrolling through Twitter— countless videos and tweets about and of Jeremiah clubbing.

"You're thirty-two so don't even." She sighed.

"I only said that 'cause I didn't think we were that close in age," He murmured. ".. so y'know.. how does he feel about men—"

God.. Simon had no shame.

"— JJ is straight 'nd very much has his eyes on someone," Miss Roselyn replied; now she was looking at Simon. ".. 'nd even if he wasn't just the thought you both like that— just no."

"I'm just teasing ya, Roselyn— he's not my type." Simon snickered as he slid his phone in his back pocket.

A 'ding' filled the elevator— the two doors sliding apart.

"You don't get to tease me, Parker." Miss Roselyn huffed— stepping out of the elevator without missing a beat.

I glanced over at Simon before we both stepped out as well. She walked ahead of us past the cubicles; not even caring if we caught up to her or not.
That was new— at least for me, Miss Roselyn and I were at each others side practically everyday.

We followed behind Miss Roselyn and I looked over at Simon.

"It sounds like she hates you." I muttered under my breath.

"We've always been like that— ever since I met her," Simon sighed— looking over at me with a slight grin. ".. she loves me."

I murmured, "Everyone 'loves' you."

"Nah, it's true with her," Simon defended himself quietly while we walked down the hallway that lead to her office. ".. we've known each other since I was nineteen and we may not 've seen or talked in.. shit, forever but she didn't kick me out today."

Thirteen years— and I thought knowing Simon nine years on and off was a while.

"But forget about us," He began— stopping mid-step. ".. hey, Roselyn— you can go ahead, I need to talk to Dominic real quick."

Miss Roselyn looked back over her shoulder; eyeing Simon before she looked over at me. I gave her a reassuring nod.
Miss Roselyn then sighed, "Be quick.. you know where I am."

"Alright, Roselyn!" Simon pipped up— Miss Roselyn looked forward and started to walk towards her office.

"What is it?"

Simon chuckled, "Let's talk about the two of ya— the way ya look at Roselyn is obvious as shit, kid."

I furrowed my brows, "Obvious..?"

"Don't play stupid with me, Dominic," Simon hissed before he playfully punched my shoulder. ".. ya got the hots for her."

"I don't," I replied— I said it way to quickly. ".. she's a beautiful woman— that's it."

"Uh huh," He muttered. ".. now look me in my eyes and say that again."

I met Simon's gaze and repeated, "She's a beautiful woman; that's it."

Simon squinted before he repeated, ".. That's it," He then added. ".. Hah! Even when ya stare right at me ya eyes say different."

"Miss Roselyn was in a good mood until you showed your face— keeping her waiting won't fix that."

"You pry a lot for a bodygaurd."

"I just care."

"Oh do you?"

I looked Simon up and down.
"Are you strapped?" I asked him.

Simon scoffed, "That's a stupid question."

I glanced behind me— we were further enough down hallway not to be seen by the people working in the cubicles (or at least Harlan anyway).
I stuck out my hand in front of Simon— murmuring, "I would ask how you snuck it past security but it's you," I paused; Simon stared at me with wide eyes and an open-mouthed grin. ".. give it to me."

Simon giggled, "Oh," He fumbled around in his coat and handed me his 9mm pistol. ".. if ya tellin' me to give ya my gun— ya definitely got the hots for her."

I rolled my eyes and slid his gun in my waistband a good bit away from my own.

"C'mon, Simon." I sighed and I continued down the hall to Miss Roselyn's office.

Simon trailed next to me; unbothered— knowing him he had a knife on him too. Shit— multiple knives.

I reached Miss Roselyn's red door and stood by the place I usually stood everyday— my fist ready to knock.

"Do you really think I'd hurt her, kid?"

I paused and looked at Simon; he was still unbothered— not an ounce of offence on his expression. If anything he looked amused.
But if Simon was offended there would be no talking; simple as that.

I responded, "No— not at all."

"You don't? Then shit," Simon chuckled— twirling his finger around in front of him with a smug expression. ".. she definitely has ya little heart wrapped around her finger."

I didn't reply— only knocking on her office door.

"Let him in, Dominic." Miss Roselyn said in a muffled voice.

I opened her door, and Simon strolled right in— examening her office.

"He's so obidient, huh?" Simon joked; Miss Roselyn was obviously not amused.

"Sweetheart," She looked past Simon at me— giving me that pouty smile that made my head spin. But honestly, with the more time we've been spending together, I think that's just her natural, pretty ass smile. ".. give us a few, 'kay?"


".. Right," I gripped the door handle. ".. you know where I am, Miss Roselyn."

She giggled softly, "Of course I do, hun."

I pulled her door closed and stood at my post.

Manhatten is not small by any means, it was crowded as shit and filled with the rich and famous— and it had always felt like that before I had gotten arrested.
In prison; Manhatten never felt so damn small— the world never felt so small.
So I expected everything to feel like the  Manhatten I'd known before all of that went down when I became was a freeman again— turns out Manhatten's even smaller than I ever thought.

And surprisingly I liked it when it benefited me, but envied it when it didn't— that goes for most things though.

It wasn't my job to know everything— but damn, did I want to.

I wanted to know more about Miss Roselyn, not even because it could keep her safe anymore, but because I enjoyed learning about her— what things could get her all shy like a few days ago and what could piss her off too.

'She definitely has ya little heart wrapped around her finger.'

Simon's words repeated in my head— what did he know?

The man could barely hold a relationship and is practically a pimp on the downlow.
In fact, I don't he's ever been in a real relationship around me; just a bunch of hookups.

"Excuse me.. sir?"

I pressed my lips together in a firm line— Reagan; no offense to her but did she get promoted or something because I'd been seeing her around the workplace a hell of a lot more.

"Oh Reagan," I nodded down at her before attempting a joke. ".. you can drop the 'sir'— I'm not as old as you probably think."

Reagan smiled shyly, "Right— sorry I forgot," She held up a card-board cup holder. It obviously held six cups but there were two coffee's left— one just plan black and the other had whipped cream, caramel, shit like that. ".. there are two left and.. would you like one? Or Miss Sawyer even?"

This was nostalgic— can't believe my interview was only a month ago.

"Miss Roselyn is busy right now," I explained— I wasn't really a coffee guy, but I didn't want to be mean to her; she was shy as is. ".. and I don't drink coffee but thank you though."

"Well that's fine, Dominic," She nodded with an understanding expression. There was some sort of accent laced within her voice. ".. I shouldn't distract you— I have new hires to teach anyway."

I murmured, "Right."

Reagan smiled again before she turned around.

"Reagan," I added suddenly and she looked back at me. ".. how old are you?"

She blinked slowly, "Oh! I'm twenty-two— you?"

I said, "I'm twenty-five— told you I'm not as old you think."

Reagan glanced between me and Miss Roselyn's door before she bashfully smiled, "That goes for a lot of people who work here."

Before I could reply she hurried down the hallway— shy was an understatment for her.

There was a click and Miss Roselyn's door was pulled open— Simon poked his head out into the hallway and looked around until he spotted me.

"Dominic," Simon grinned happily before he fully stepped into the hall. ".. oh ya sneaky little shit— ya chances are sky-high, 95% success rate, I thought it was just ya, but no, ya still are a player—"

"— Do you want it back or not?" I grumbled under my breath.

Simon quickly fixed himself up and stood in front of me— palm open and ready.
I took his gun from my waistband and handed it to him.

"My baby," He gasped— tracing his thumb over the metal before he slid it back underneath his coat. ".. I'd never felt so naked until then."

"Uh huh."

"Anyway, kid, I'll leave ya to it," Simon muttered. ".. call me when ya can."

"Yeah," I nodded and I dapped him up. I could get annoyed by Simon all I wanted, not trust him all I wanted, but he was the only one I had when I had gotten out. ".. I will."

"Goodman, goodman," Simon chuckled, and he pointed towards Miss Roselyn's office and gave me a thumbs up— before turning around. ".. ya got that shit, kid."

I ignored him.


That caught my attention.

".. sweetheart?"

I turned around and Miss Roselyn motioned for me to come inside.
I stepped in and shut the door behind me— walking up to her desk like any other time.

"Yes, Roselyn?" I asked swiftly.

She scooted forward in her chair. "I just wanted to see you— m'glad he's gone; Parker talks too much for my liking." She admitted— tracing her fingertips over the surface of her desk.

"What did you two talk about?"

Shit— why'd I ask.

Miss Roselyn hummed, "Well Parker brought me weed 'nd edibles— though I didn't ask him too it's his odd way of showin' support," She pushed a tubware of brownies towards me. ".. you can have some if you want when we leave."

She was lying (well I know that's not all they talked about); her face when he whispered to her why he was here wasn't one that someone would make if they were offered weed— it was too serious for something like that.

"You actually like Simon's edibles?" I scoffed.

"No," Miss Roselyn giggled. ".. that's why I offered them to you."

"Shit.. I'd rather get a kiss from you,"

At one point I said this wasn't a steal kisses in the hallway kind of thing— I guess that still applies.
Miss Roselyn leaned forward with raised brows, but I walked around her desk instead.
She turned her chair to face me and I leaned down— holding her face. I kissed her softly; it was more of a peck.

".. yeah.. those taste way better, ma."

2,543 words.

The return of Simon Parker!!!

Dominic wanted to be in room where it happened.

A chapter ending with Dominic dialouge wowww..

Continuar a ler

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