One Drunken Night (JenLisa)

By imweirdandyallknowit

226K 4.6K 698

One Drunken Night changed the lives of two friends forever. Slow Burn, I think? I don't know man. This stor... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59

Part 50

3.3K 72 14
By imweirdandyallknowit

Third's Pov

Over the past few months many things have changed in the group, from Rosé and Jisoo planning their wedding, to Lisa and Jennie looking for a house to move into. They all decided that after Hye-seong's birthday party they would move out and leave the house to  Rosé and Jisoo, they all wanted to have more privacy especially with a one year old. 

In the time the group has been on their hiatus a few things have changed with Hye-seong. For starters he can say a few words. Only small words like mom and food but it has been a blast for the girls to hear him learn how to talk. He has also been learning how to walk, that has also been a great time. Well, besides the worry from the boy's mothers, they are worried about him walking because that means he will start getting into things. 

Lisa's mom told them how much of a hassle Lisa was when she started walking, telling them stories about how she would get into cabinets, open doors, and how she learned that she could pee and walk. Leading to the couple's concern about their son taking after their mother,  like with most things he does. The couple is also worried about the public finding out, the more Hye-seong ages the more he looks like Lisa and the fans have picked up on that. They even found photos of Lisa as baby and have been comparing them, showing the similarities in the two. 

Besides the couple's son being a topic of concern within the fanbase, their relationship is also a topic. The fans seem to know they are dating, but they also don't quite know. It's not like the couple has denied anything, they simply don't comment on it and leave it up to the fans imagination. Even when Jennie was rumored to be dating Kai from EXO some fans thought it was fake while other thought it was real, all because Jennie and Kai went for a walk after a work meeting. 

For Jennie it was funny that the fans thought they were dating, but for Lisa is bothered her.  She was annoyed that Jennie didn't deny the dating rumors and of course didn't tell the company it wasn't true. So the company made things worse with saying  it was the personal  lives of the two so they didn't know. It was hard for Lisa to deal with the attention of Jennie and Kai rumors with how the fans and media would ask her about it. 

After the drama of Jennie and Kai things calmed down for the couple. Or atleast for Lisa, she decided to push the thoughts aside and focus on what was real and that was them. Now going strong for over eight months and becoming official after a month of going on small dates. For the two not much has changed since becoming a couple, they are more physical but that's about it, they have the same friendship they had before. Just now with a son. 

"You ready?" 

Lisa asked Jennie has she watches her girlfriend put Hye-seong's coat on, as they just finished their breakfast date. 

"Am I ever ready to see all the cameras?" Jennie said with a giggle. 

The taller girl lets out a small laugh before picking up her son and diaper bag. While Jennie holds her jacket and the boy's binky, they make their way out of the restaurant to meet the sea of people with cameras. They stand there while they allow the photos to be taken. It was easier to let them get their photos then have them follow the couple all the way to the car. 

(Edited by Me)

"Did you guys enjoy your food?" a fan asked. 

"We did."

Jennie said with a smile causing the cameras to go off quicker. They said their goodbyes to the group of people as they begin to walk to their car, a few fans walking with them. 

"Wink if Jenlisa is real," another fan said. 

The couple gave them a quick smile before putting Hye-seong in his car seat. Lisa opens the door for Jennie allowing her into the  car until she makes her own way to the driver's side,  before she gets into the car she turns one last time to the small group of fans. Giving them a quick wink causing them to squeal in excitement. Luckily for the couple no one was record the encounter so the wink wasn't recorded. But it would always stay in the memories of those few fans. 

Lisa gets into the car quickly after, making their way back home to get ready for their son's birthday party. 

*Hours Later*

Jennie's Pov

"Happy birthday to you!"

The whole room claps after the song is finished.  Lisa and I carefully help Hye-seong blow out his candle before removing it. We both crouch next to his highchair while everyone takes photos. We only invited friends and family to the party so nobody had to hide who they were dating. After Lisa and I got our family photos I took photos with him be myself, ones that could be posted online. Then we let him dig into his personal cake while Lisa gets the cake ready for the rest of the room, while Hye-seong was eating his cake Rosé and Jisoo took their photos  before we took our group photos. 

I can already see some people editing the photos they took of the party getting ready to post them after I post mine, which would be later tonight. The party so far was going well, Hye-seong meeting everyone went well and he seems to enjoy the attention, but for the most part he has been dancing with Lisa while she holds his small arms. 

"He seems to be having a blast," Lisa said before kissing the side of my head.  

Grabbing the plate of cake from her hands as I speak.

"I don't think it could have gotten any better, he only cried when we took him away from the cats." 

She copies my small chuckle as she eats her cake. 

"And Love seems to be enjoying all the food that was tossed on the floor by him," she said while pointing to the dog sitting next to our son. 

"I know he is supposed to be your  service dog but he has grown to be Hye-seong's dog." 

I said with another giggle. Love has been by Hye-seong since the day we brought our son home, if he's not by Hye-seong he's by me. I find it funny because sometimes he stays by Hye-seong and I most of the time, but sometimes it does worry me. I know Lisa's heart has been great the past few months, but I still have my concerns with it. 

"Well I was thinking..."

Lisa said with a small smile. 

"What about adopting one of the kittens here?" 

I  look at her  with a 'are you kidding me' expression.  

"What?" she chuckles. 

"We already have a young dog  and a one year old. Now you  want a kitten?"  I ask her.  

She nods her head at me. 

"It will be fine. Love was good with Teddy's cat, Lamon obviously loves cats and a kitten will do it's own thing." 


"Please Nini," she said with a pout. 

I look at her before  I look at the group of kittens. 

They are cute. 


A wide smile appears on her face causing one to show on mine.  She holds her plate with one hand before pulling me into a tight hug which ended in a quick kiss. 

"Rosé! She said yes!" she said pulling away from me. 

Rosé looks over at Lisa with a smile on her face. 

"Lets go! Get ready Leo, you are being adopted into a crazy family," she said while pointing to a small cat. 


I look back at Lisa.

"Did you already adopt him?"

"No... he umm... he was..."



I laugh at her reaction. I should be upset that she adopted a cat without asking me but her reaction was to funny that it pushed away any anger that could be there. I stand on my toes  slightly before kissing her pouting face causing her to smile once again. 

"It's okay. At least our house is big enough for everyone." 

"You guys make me sick with how cute you are." 

We both look over in the direction of the voice, watching us is bam with a smile on his face. 

"You know I really thought Lisa's kids would be ugly as shit, but I guess Jennie's genes saved you from an ugly kid," he said with a chuckle. 

"Bro shut up." 

Lisa walked over to him while laughing. 

"Just wait till you have kids. They will look like a wet dirty mop," she told her friend. 

"Nah Li, my kids will be supermodels." 

She shakes her head. 

"I guess have a baby and we will see." 

I smile at the two friend's interactions while I watch them move into another topic.  It was nice  seeing Lisa talking about kids with her friends, especially since she thought she couldn't have any, and while Lisa and I have been going strong it has got me thinking about our future. I wish Hye-seong had a sibling to play with but I know having him was a one in a million chance with her condition and then the added medicine that Mr. Yang forced her into having it's possible now. 

I know we could adopt further in the future but it would've been nice to have another baby, and I know we can go with a donor but I don't  know how Lisa would think about that.  I thought about bring up the idea to go to the doctor to see what the chances of having a baby are, could it be done with the help of a doctor? Or is there no chance at all? But how do you bring that up?  

It's not like we have been dating for a short amount of time, it's almost been a year and to top it off we have known each other for multiple years, and now we are moving into our own home.  So, I hope if or when I bring up the idea about more kids she doesn't think I'm rushing into it because I don't want to scared her. I just know in a perfect world I would want to become pregnant again with Lisa's baby and share the moments with her like I couldn't with Hye-seong's pregnancy. 

Jisoo told me to just come out and say it, to pull the bandaid off like she did with Rosé. She said that she was scared to talk about kids with her fiancé but after being able to have the conversation with her she was glad she did. They are now looking into adoption for their first baby, hoping to have it finalized after the wedding which was in six months. Then they wanted to go with a donor for the second and third baby, Jisoo getting pregnant and then Rosé after. 

It made me happy to know that they were getting ready to have a little family like Lisa and I, and it was exciting to know that in the future Hye-seong would have playdates with the three of their kids. At least then Hye-seong would have someone to play with. 

If it was up to me I would want four kids. I always wanted a big family but I wanted them close in age so that gives me even more of a reason to ask Lisa about it, because then we should start thinking about another baby through a donor or adoption. Knowing that it would be hard to have another baby with Lisa is a little upsetting, but I would never say that to her. I hoped that I would get pregnant again throughout these months with her but it never happened. 

Each time we have our alone time we don't use protection, I even stopped my birth control because after Hye-seong my periods became regular so there was no need to be on it.  I don't know if we are doing it alot compared to other couples but we do it almost every night, and sometimes in the mornings. Every time she's not pulling out and every time I'm hoping this is the time I get pregnant, but sadly it doesn't happen. 

I didn't realize how much I wanted  another baby with Lisa until I started thinking about it just now. I guess I really do want a baby right now so I guess I'll have to talk to her tonight after we make it to our new house. Lets just hope she wants more kids with me. 

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