By eclair-amj

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Jiang Tang is a bit unlucky. She transmigrated. Her husband is an absolutely wicked villain beyond redemption... More



662 13 1
By eclair-amj

Chapter 61

In the end, the two gangster teenagers were sentenced to one year in prison. When Ouyang heard about the news, his face showed a rare smile. 

Jiang Tang felt the verdict was quite good. Since their parents are incapable of educating them, let the law teach them how to be good citizens. 

One day before Children’s Day, Jiang Tang received the notice from the teachers in the parents’ group chat that guardians should also participate in this charity event. The content is to make pastries with children. The prepared pastries will be sold at the selling booth and the first to sell out will receive a small gift from the school.

For activities like this, not many parents will honestly do it themselves. Most of them chose to go buy from the bakery, but Jiang Tang is an honest person. The moment she received the announcement, she went out to buy materials. 

The cream cake is hard to make and not convenient to eat, so Jiang Tang decided to bake small biscuits, which save the trouble and are easy to carry. 

After the preparations were completed, Jiang Tang called the three children to help.

Qian Qian was only three years old, she couldn’t reach the top of the kitchen range and could only sit on a small stool as a “Food judge”. Liangshen was a bit dumb and unreliable. Jiang Tang thought about it and gave him the job of making the dough. Chu Yi handled the rest under Jiang Tang’s instructions.

“Ma, do you really know how to bake it?” Liangshen was a little impatient after seeing Jiang Tang hadn’t moved for a long time.

“Yes.” She said with a firm face. Isn’t it just baking biscuits, that can’t be hard!

The first step is to beat the butter. Jiang Tang gave this task to Liangshen. Next is mixing eggs and flour, and adding the butter in the process. 

She looked at the recipes and carefully made them step by step. The children have never been in the kitchen before, this is an exciting experience for them. After a small period of work, the biscuits finally came out of the oven.

Several pairs of eyes stared at the oven full of anticipation, especially Liangshen, involuntarily drooling several times.

Jiang Tang wore the gloves and took out the baking tray nervously. But when they saw it, everyone fell into silence. 

The dough was glued together, looking yellow and messy, with a weird oily glint on the surface. There was nowhere near the original bunny shape. 

Qian Qian slightly raised her head: “Mama, they look like poop.”

Jiang Tang: “………”

She clearly followed the steps!! Is it possible…too much cream???

“It’s okay, let’s try again.”

Jiang Tang cheered the kids up and prepared the ingredients for the second time.

She felt her cooking skills have improved a lot lately. The last mistake must have been an accident. As long as she put in an effort, she would definitely be able to make delicious bunny biscuits!!


This time it formed the bunny shape, but ….a group of black bunnies.

Qian Qian picked up the chopstick and poked it hard, it remained unmoved.

The little girl raised her head and said: “Mama, it burnt.”


This is not only burnt but more like charcoal!!!

Jiang Tang bit the bullet and tried it for the third time.

The first two failures must be because she did not follow the details properly. As they say, never give up, the first time and the second time failed, the third time will definitely succeed!!

As a result, they came out similar to rabbit shape with a little burnt but seemed to be improving. 


Chu Yi took the first bit. After putting down his chopsticks and drinking two large glasses of water in silence. He touched his mouth: “It’s delicious, but a bit salty.”


Jiang Tang picked up a piece and tasted it, her throat instantly overwhelmed by the saltiness. 

She hurriedly vomited it out and turned on the faucet to rinse her mouth. Putting on a long face: “I mistakenly put salt….”

The children looked at Jiang Tang at the same time.

At last, Liangshen blinked: “Ma, let have Papa’s cook come to make it. The biscuits backed by Giles are super delicious – slurp….”

“Go, go, go, it must be you guys affected by performance. Get out, get out.” Jiang Tang was not convinced and chased them out of the kitchen.

Qian Qian bulged her cheeks and shook her head: “Women are….”

Liangshen patted his sister on her head and said: “Qian Qian, when you grow up you will have to earn a lot of money, otherwise you will be like Mama has to work in the kitchen every day.”

And made unappetizing food. 

When it was getting dark, Jiang Tang, who had been busy in the kitchen for a whole day, finally made biscuits that are presentable. She could not wait to show them to her children. 

The shape of the cookies is very cute. There are bunnies, piggies, and Qian Qian’s favorite kittens. Although the surfaces are slightly burnt, it was already good enough. 

Chu Yi picked up a piece and carefully put it in his mouth, chewing it and suddenly a creaking sound came out, it seemed like there was eggshell…

He raised his eyes and saw red burnt on the back of Jiang Tang’s hand. He slightly frowned: “Mama, what wrong with your hand?”

Jiang Tang looked down and casually said: “I was careless and got burnt. It’s nothing.”

“Mama, inside this cookie has….”

“This cookie is very delicious.” He interrupted his younger brother.

It took Chu Yi only two mouthfuls to finish the first cookie, he then picked up the second one: “There will be a lot of buying our cookies tomorrow.”


“Yeah.” He nodded vigorously, “I’m sure.”

After that, he used his elbow to bump his younger brother’s arm lightly.

Liangshen tilted his head looking confused. It took him for a whole to realize it and quickly said: “Ma, it’s tasty.”

After getting the children’s feedback, Jiang Tang breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the kitchen to pack cookies into boxes.

The next day, Jiang Tang took the kids to the Happy Elementary School.

Booths have been set up on the playground. Some are prepared by the school and some are by parents themselves. Chu Yi is going to sell a few of his old books, Liangshen and Liangqian are going to sell their toys which they don’t like to play with anymore.

Jiang Tang looked for the location and chose the one in the center. After that, she put the things on the table and arranged them

“Isn’t Papa coming?”

Jiang Tang patted Chu Yi’s head: “He said he will be here later.”

“Okay.” Chu Yi nodded his head and started to arrange the books.

It isn’t so hot now. The simple shed on the top covers the sun to cool helping to cool off.

Jiang Tang opened a small box of cookies as a sample and arranged the rest in order, waiting for the guest to come.

Soon, more and more people showed up at the school.

“Chu Yi!”

Jiang Tang looked up, it was Ou Yang.

“How is your injury?”

Because of his injury, Ou Yang’s grandmother asked for a week off from school for him. He didn’t expect him to come back to school so soon.

“Good. I can return to school on Monday.” There were scabs on his face from the previous wound. His condition is much better than when he was hospitalized.

“Whoa, cookies.”

“Try it.” Jiang Tang fed him a piece. 

Ou Yang happily ate it, but when the taste hit, his expression changed instantly. 

This is….way too sweet!

He sneaked a glance at Chu Yi and saw he winked at him, Ouyang immediately understood it. 

“It’s very tasty. Elder sister’s baking skill is really good.”

Jiang Tang smiled: “I was worried that it might be too sweet. It’s good that you guys like it.”

She saw Ouyang was here alone and asked out of curiosity: “Yang Yang, are you here alone?”

Ouyang nodded with a well-behaved look: “Grandma must have been exhausted from taking care of me and has a fever this morning, so I asked her to rest at home.”

He then walked to the empty stall next to them and took out a few crumpled storybooks with a few pages missing from his school backpack.

Seeing this, Jiang Tang felt heartache. 

Obviously, he is the one who needs help the most but has to go out of his way to participate in the charity sale.

“Qian Qian.” Jiang Tang bent over next to the little girl’s ear, took out a fifty yuan bill from her purse, and handed it over, “Go and buy everything from Elder Brother Ouyang.”

Qian Qian blinked, “Mama, why don’t you go?”

“Mama has to watch the stall. You go.”

Qian Qian took the money: “All right then.”

She walked over to Ouyang’s booth. 

Under the burning sun, she wore a floral dress, and the small crown hairpin on the top of her head reflected giving out a warm light.

Qian Qian is the prettiest girl among all the children here. Standing there quietly looks like a little girl in a painting, very bright and lovely. 

“I want to buy these books.” Qian Qian clapped her hands above her head and revealed fifty yuan before his eyes.

Ouyang was taken aback and shook his head slightly: “It doesn’t cost that much. I also don’t have any change for you….”

Qian Qian blinked and took out five yuan from her backpack: “How about this one?”

Ouyang took the money and handed her the books.

When she was about to return to the booth with the books in her arms, Ouyang stopped her: “Qian Qian.”


Under the bright sunlight, he looked guilty: “The hairpin you gave me that day, I broke it by accident….”

He took it out from his pocket, the daisy hairpin was missing a petal.

Qian Qian bit her lower lip, and her expression was a little sad: “I really like this one…”

Ouyang lowered his head, feeling even sadder: “…I’m sorry.”

Qian Qian’s eyes moved slightly, then put the books on the table. She ran over to take the hairpin and smashed it with her little hand, leaving only four leaves.

The little girl handed him back the hairpin: “It now has only four-leaf clovers.”

He opened his mouth and said nothing.

Qian Qian smiled lightly, exposing the dimples on her face: “Older sister Xiao Gao said the four-leaf clover represents luck. You will definitely become a very lucky and successful man in the future.”

Ouyang was touched and almost burst into tears.

The two children were chatting happily, not aware of Liangshen who was watching them with his eyes almost popping out. 

Liangshen climbed on the chair and pulled Jiang Tang’s sleeve: “Ma.”

When she heard her younger son calling her, Jiang Tang who was in a trance looking at Qian Qian and Ouyang filled with motherly smiles, casually responded: “Yes?”

“I’m against Qian Qian hanging up with that poor fellow!”

Jiang Tang finally recovered: “…Huh?”

His eyes were full of displeasure: “That weasel.”


“Liangshen, you are not allowed to say that.”

“I don’t like him.”

Liangshen snorted angrily and gave Ouyang a death stare. 

He is so irritated by him. His elder brother likes him and now even Qian Qian likes to play with him. This kid is dirty and messy, very unlikable. 


If only he had grown taller, he would make sure to hit him until his teeth fall off!

Half an hour after the sale began, more and more people gathered on the school playground.

Two-thirds of Cu Yi books were sold, and all of Liangshen’s toys were bought. Even Qian Qian also had a good harvest. Some guests came to try the cookies, but they all left after a bite. There were two families next to her booths selling cupcakes, and their cakes sold out a few minutes ago.

The charity sale lasted until noon. Everything in her booth was almost empty, except the cookies in front of Jiang Tang. 

She was a little skeptical and picked up a piece to taste it. Her beautiful brows slightly frowned: “It doesn’t taste good….”

Too sweet.

Seemed to have eggshells inside.

Does she really not fit for cooking?

Jiang Tang was sad.

She sighed in her heart, and looked at Chu Yi: “Mama is going to the restroom, make sure to keep an eye on your sister, don’t let her run around.”

Chu Yi nodded, and obediently guarding his younger sister and brother.

The event is about to come to the end, and the surrounding parents have already started to close their booths. Chu Yi shook the donation box in front of him, there were about two to three hundred yuan in it, which was quite a lot for them.

At that exact moment, a figure appeared before his eyes.

The man was wearing a mask, tall and slender. His exposed eyes were sharp and deep.

Qian Qian’s eyes lit up, broke free from Chu Yi, and ran over.


The moment he hugged his daughter, even if his face was covered, it could not hide the gentleness of his father’s love. 

“Sorry, I’m late.”

Chu Yi shook his head with a joyful expression: “You come just in time.”

He looked around and said: “Seems to have been sold out.”

Chu Yi said: “We will turn in the money box in a bit.”

Lin Suizhou glanced over and saw some delicate small boxes on the table with cookies in them. One of his hands hugged Qian Qian, and the other hand pulled down the mask on his face halfway, picked up a cookie and put it in his mouth, taste it slowly.

His eyebrows raised slightly: “You mom made it?”

Qian Qian put her arms around Lin Suizhou’s neck, and whispered in his ear: “She spent a whole day just to make it.”

Lin Suizhou’s voice carried some joy: “Not even a box was sold?”

Qian Qian bulged her cheeks and nodded lightly.

Lin Suizhou smiled and looked at the assistant behind him: “Take them all.”

“Yes.” The assistant held about five or six boxes in his arms.

Lin Suizhou touched Qian Qian’s nose and looked at Chu Yi: “How much are these?”

“Mama didn’t say the price. It’s up to you.”

Because no one asked the price at all, most of them left after a bite.

“Up to me….” He raised his eyebrows, “I think it’s priceless.”

Chu Yi was astonished: “Are you serious?”

He did not speak, and randomly took out a few one hundred yuan from his wallet and stuffed them into the donation box.

After that, he squeezed Chu Yi’s little face and said with a dog voice: “Don’t tell your Mama.”

Chu Yi nodded dazedly. 

“Papa has to leave first, I still have work to finish. You guys can return home after this. We will go out to play together tomorrow.”

He rubbed Qian Qian’s face and turned to leave school reluctantly.

Inside the car.

Lin Suizhuo took out the mask and his eyes glanced over at the boxes beside him.

He untied the ribbon and a sweet creamy aroma immediately filled the tip of his nose.

He took out another piece and seemed to bite on the eggshell while slowly chewing it. He could imagine Jiang Tang’s busy look in the kitchen. It must be chaotic, over burnt, and unable to distinguish salt and sugar.

But she must be— very serious at that moment.

“President Lin, it is too sweet.” The assistant took a bite and was overwhelmed by the sweetness. 

Lin Suizhuo raised his eyes slightly: “Did I let you eat it?”


The man held the box in his arms domineeringly and muttered under his breath: “Not allowed to eat my wife’s cookies.”



Isn’t she…..your ex-wife now?

The assistant could only complain in his heart but did not dare to speak out loud.

Just right after Lin Suizhuo left, Jiang Tang returned from the restroom. 

She looked at the empty table in surprise: “Cookies are sold out?”

“Yeah.” Qian Qian cupped her face, smiling sweetly, “They were all bought.”

Jiang Tang found it skeptical: “Who has such a special taste?”

The three children looked at each other, covered their mouths with smiles but refused to speak. 

Jiang Tang’s fox-like eyes slightly narrowed and seemed to have an answer in her heart.

“Your dad was here?”

After seeing that Jiang Tang has guessed it right, the little fox Qian Qian’s face instantly down.: “He just left.”

“What did he say?”

Qian Qian replied: “He told us to go home today and will take us out to play tomorrow.

Jiang Tang pondered for a moment: “Okay.” 

At this moment, she noticed Ouyang who had been quietly cleaning up the things and was about ready to leave.

Jiang Tang hurriedly stopped him: “Yang Yang, are you going home?”

Ouyang picked up his school backpack and nodded: “I want to go back to take care of grandma.”

“Let’s go together.”

Although he didn’t understand Jiang Tang’s intention, he still agreed. 

After cleaning up their booth and receiving the gifts from the school, Jiang Tang took four children to the nearby supermarket. She bought two full bags of food and nutritional supplements. 

When they came out of the supermarket, Jiang Tang handed one of the bags to Ouyang: “I give these to your grandmother. She’s sick, she should eat good food.”

Ouyang stiffened and quickly waved his hands: “No, you don’t need to do this.”

“Ouyang.” Jiang Tang looked at him, “I’m giving these to your grandmother. You are just delivering them to her, accept it or not is up to your grandma’s decision. Not to mention, we are friends, your grandmother is sick, there’s nothing wrong with me sending her something.”

Since she has already said this, Ouyang could not refuse anymore.

He took the bag with the misty tears in the corners of his eyes: “Thank you, elder sister…”

Since the fall of his family, relatives have never contacted them again, fearing that they will ask them for help. 

Ouyang’s grandmother was stubborn and never asked for help. This is the first time someone gave them something.

He struggled to walk home while carrying the heavy bag. He vowed in his heart that he must study hard, quickly grow up, and become an outstanding person. When the time comes, he will repay the kindness of the people who helped him.

“Ma, are we going to Papa’s place?”

“You don’t want to go?”

Liangshen, who was sitting in the back seat leaned over with a hesitant look: “Can we not go?”

Jiang Tang was surprised: “You used to be making a fuss and wanted to go there, what’s wrong now?”

Liangshen frowned. He can’t say his dad has become an evil dragon, right? What’s more… Liangshen quite enjoys spending time with his mother. Since he became obedient and sensible, his mother has rarely meant him and sometimes secretly kissed him.

However, Papa is different. His dad looks serious and always has a cold expression when telling stories. His body is hard, not comfortable to hug, not as good as his mother.


He must have been confused by the evil dragon’s potion before, that was why he felt his mother was not good.

If he could go back, he would definitely slap his mouth severely.

“Sit well, I’m going to drive.”

“…..Oh.” Liangshen reluctantly returned to his seat, looking out of the car window with a sad face.

“Liangshen, are you unhappy?” As the eldest brother, Chu Yi asked with concern.

“When can I get married?”

Chu Yi made a mental calculation and said: “At least 22 years old.”

He looked at Liangshen: “You want to get married?”

“Yes.” Liangshen nodded and said to Jiang Tang, “Ma, you abandon Papa, I will support you in the future.”

Jiang Tang, who was driving, her hands shook, and almost lost control of her wheel. 


This kid…is there something wrong with his brain?”


Chapter 70April 19, 2021Liked by 23 people

Chapter 101August 8, 2021Liked by 14 people

Chapter 1June 30, 2020Liked by 107 people

Category: Uncategorized    

← Chapter 60

Chapter 62 →

3 Comments on “Chapter 61”

May 1, 2021, 5:52 pm

Liangshen is such a dumb cutie.

Liked by 6 people


Sanae Ackerman
July 23, 2021, 9:24 am

Aaaaaah the Father is becoming sweet

++ kyaaaa Liangshen is so funny and cute🤣🤣🤣😍



June 18, 2022, 7:07 am

Liangshen 😂😂😂 dumb but cute



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