One Drunken Night (JenLisa)

By imweirdandyallknowit

222K 4.6K 694

One Drunken Night changed the lives of two friends forever. Slow Burn, I think? I don't know man. This stor... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59

Part 23

3.4K 71 67
By imweirdandyallknowit

Jennie's Pov

Today is our last day before we have to leave again for more shows, so like any normal person I have decided to spend my day at home and in my bed. I plan to absolutely nothing but watch some movies, eat, and nap if I see fit and right now I'm eating. Lisa has been getting up early more and more to make me breakfast so I didn't have too, she even has been watching YouTube videos on how to cook, plus she has been asking her dad for some tips because in her words she 'doesn't want to kill me with a raw carrot or something'. How she would end up killing me with a raw carrot? I have no clue, and no clue to why that's her means of concern. 

She made us a simple bowl of cereal with fruits on top, she did put watermelon as one of the fruits which I have never seen in cereal before but surprisingly it's not horrible. Not bad, but not good. By her facial expressions she hates it, one hundred percent hates it, but she keeps eating it. It's honestly making me giggle every time she takes a bite to just make a disgusted face while she slowly chews the soggy, milky, watermelon. 


The only noise I get from her is a hum from her disgust and tiredness with it only being nine in the morning. 

"If you don't like it, why are you eating it?" I ask as I take my final watermelon bite, gratefully. 

She looks up from her bowl with a mouth full of food before she speaks. 

"Because I don't want to waste it," she said. 

I swear I could see tears in her eyes as she spoke causing me to giggle once again. It's either tears in her eyes or it's the morning sun peaking through the sliding door, as we are sitting at the dining room table. 

"It's just a few pieces of watermelon, you can take them out," I said with a smile. 

She shakes her head as she goes back to her bowl. 

"Appa didn't raise no quitter," she said as she takes another regretful bite.

While I watch her force down her watermelon it seems like it's not doing a thing in her bowl, with each bite there's still the same amount of watermelon. Where on the other hand for me I was able to eat the watermelon within a few bites. 

"Did you put more in your bowl?"

"Unfortunately. I cut half of the watermelon and give you maybe a quarter of that half, and I took the rest in cause you hated it," she said with a mouth full of food. 

I shake my head lightly when I take my last bite of cereal before I get up and sit down next to her, instead of our original seating across from each other. 

"Let me help you so you can enjoy your cereal before it's completely soggy," I move her bowl so it's in between the two of us. 

She didn't say anything to counter my offer as I take a spoon of the watermelon from her bowl, clearly she really does hate it. If it was anything else she would never in a million years let me help if something taste bad or could harm me in anyway. She has always been very thought like that. 

Well there was that time she woke you up with cold water.

Don't remind me, I would rather not get mad at her again. 

*Knock Knock*

"We expecting anybody?" Lisa asked me as she looked at the front door. 

I shake my head no before she gets up to open it. Unless Rosé and Jisoo are expecting someone then I honestly have no clue who would be at our door at nine in the morning, especially on a Sunday. I watch as Lisa opens the front door just enough for her to see who is outside, I try to peek around her but there's no luck so I just have to wait and listen to their conversation. 

"Hello?" she questioned. 

"Hello, is Jennie Kim there?" a deeper voice asked. 

"Who is asking?"

"My name is Taeyong Lee. I doubt she will remember me as we were both intoxicated when we met," he said. 

Lisa says nothing but opens the door for me to see who this person is, I get a good look at the man standing before us. 



Fucking shit. 

"Do you know him?" she asked me.

I stare at him as he gives me a smile before bowing, this is not good. 

Maybe it could be?

How could it be good? The man that I almost had sex with is at my door asking for me. 

Well, if he doesn't remember anything then you can use this as your escape code, you have a baby without a 'father'.

I can't do that. 

Yes you can.

"I do," I said to Lisa causing her to look back at Taeyong. 

"Oh yeah.., you're the guy she brought home," she said without emotion. 

I can see from here that he is blushing at her comment before he speaks again. 

"May I come in? I would like to talk to Jennie about the baby," he asked. 

Lisa looks in my direction again looking for a answer from me. I nod my head at her and then she moves out of the way allowing him into the house. I stand up while he makes his way over to me. 

"I'll be in our room Jennie, if you need anything just yell. Depending on your yell depends if I kill him or not," Lisa said seriously. 

He lets out a slight chuckle as Lisa makes her way to the room. 

"She's dead serious," I tell him causing his small smile to drop into fear.

I tell him to sit at the table as I sit back down before I signal him to start speaking. 

"I'll make this as short as I can..." he clears his throat. 

"After I woke up the morning after our night I had a feel we did something and when I saw you on the news yesterday I remembered your face, so I had my manager find you because I want to be apart of the babies life if it's mine. I couldn't live with myself if I knew I had a kid and I didn't help you take care of it." 

Does he think we had sex? I mean maybe this is a blessing that he thinks it's his baby. It's not like I can be truthful about who's baby it is. 

"Of course he's yours, I don't sleep around," I said to him causing his face to light up. 

"It's a boy?" 

I nod my head at him which earned me a bigger smile from him. 

"May I ask why you didn't tell me?" he asked. 

"Because I didn't know who you were and I'm more than suited to raise this baby by myself," I said honestly. 

"I understand that, I'm sure this has all been a rollercoaster of emotions from the start. I'm just glad I was able to see you on the news and get the chance to talk to you."

"How old are you?" I asked him. 

"I'm twenty five, you?"

"Twenty four," I told him. 

He nods his head lightly while he pulls out his phone. I watch as he types something before putting it back in his pocket. 

"I can't believe I'm a dad now," he almost whispered. 

"Listen, if you have any doubts in this then you can go and we can forget this happened," I said bluntly. 

He shakes his head quickly while looking at me. 

"No No, I'm ready. It's just two days ago I was a single, kidless adult and now I'm going to be a father and it helps that his mother is beautiful," he said with a smile.

"Okay, well I'm just saying you don't have to do this," I added. 

"I know, but I want to be there for you and the baby." 


"Jennie why is there a male species in our house," Rosé asked with a bit of disgust in her voice as she walks into the kitchen. 

"Rosé this is Taeyong, he's the baby's father."

"What!?" she said as Jisoo walks into the kitchen. 

I watch as Jisoo wraps her arms behind Rosé while she stares at me with shock in her eyes. Taeyong stands up before walking over to the kitchen counter in front of the two, he bows to the the both of them before sticking out his hand for them to shake. Rosé looks at him with a suspicious face for a second. 

"Be nice and shake his hand," Jisoo told her as she grabs Rosé's hand to pull it in the direction of Taeyong's. 

She looks at his hand and then shakes it, Jisoo followed her right after. 

"It's nice to meet you Taeyong, I'm Jisoo."

He bows again with a smile on his face. 

"It's nice to meet you too."

"Did Lisa meet him?" Rosé asked me. 

"For a brief moment, I'll call for her," I replied. 

"Lisa!" I yelled out. 

I hear the bedroom door open a second after, followed by footsteps in the hall. 

"You should give him a head start before I kill him," she said as she strolled into the main area with a bat on her shoulders. 

"Lisa put the bat down, I didn't even yell like I was getting hurt."

She stops at the counter putting the bat down against it. She changed out of her pajama pants and bra into a black Celine sports bra with brown Celine athletic shorts.  

"I decided if I heard you yell at all I was going to kill him," she said blankly. 

"You can't kill the father of Jennie's baby Li," Jisoo told her while laughing. 

Lisa looks at me to confirm the statement the oldest told her, I give her a small nod and smile to say it's true. I see hurt flash across her face quickly before going back to a blank expression. Why would she be hurt with Taeyong being the baby's father? It's not like she knows the baby is her's. 

"I can still kill him if I need to, just because it's his baby doesn't mean I won't protect the people in this house," she said while grabbing a piece of Rosé food. 

Rosé let's out a small chuckle before swatting Lisa's hand away from grabbing more of her food. Taeyong on the other hand turns back to the dining room table with fear on his face at the words just said. I don't think he thought this is how it would go when he came here, there's no way he knew if he came here he would basically get threatened with a bat by the dancer. I couldn't help but laugh at his face when he sat back down, I don't think I've seen a grown man that frightened before. 

"Taeyong, thoughts on the rainbow mafia?" Rosé asked him while she eats her food. 

"Rainbow mafia?" he questions. 

"The gays Taeyong" Jisoo added before taking a bite of Rosé sandwich. 

The three girls look at him awaiting his response. I can tell he is thinking of what to say but I can't tell if he's okay with it or not, I know it would be a big problem if he wasn't chill with it. With Lisa alone he has to be good with it or I don't know how this would work. 

"I mean if it doesn't personally involve me then I'm fine with it," he said. 

I don't know if I love that answer he gave and based on the looks of the others  I would say they didn't like that answer either. Lisa looks mad while Rosé looks annoyed, Jisoo didn't really have a expression on her face, she just let go of Rosé before standing besides her.  The mood in the house has definitely changed now.

"It's not like I'm not okay with gay people, it's just I don't want a guy to hit on me or anything, as long as they keep it to themselves," he adds. 

Lisa starts laughing causing everybody to look at her. 

"Like someone would hit on you." she said causing Rosé to almost spit out her water. 

I can see a wave of anger flash across Taeyong's face before he smiles at Lisa. 

"I did get Jennie didn't I? There's no way she would sleep with some ugly fucker," he said with a laugh. 

"She was drunk my dude."

"Drunk or not she picked me out of all the people in the club, that has to say something. Plus I could get any girl I wanted." 

She laughs again. 

"Sure bud."

What is going on?

I think this is a old fashion 'who's dick is bigger' situation, but I think for Taeyong he's threatened by Lisa's BDE.

"It's true, I could sleep with a different girl every night if I wanted. It's not like you could do any better if you dated girls," he said showing some of the anger in his voice. 

"Oh Tae, I could steal every girl that looked your way, plus her sister, friend, mom, and grandma. Well, the whole family if I wanted too," she said with a smile. 

"Sure bud," he said copying Lisa's tone before laughing. 

"It's true," Rosé said while she puts a handful of chips into her mouth.

Taeyong looks in Rosé's direction before looking back at Lisa while she speaks again. 

"And I'll have them screaming my name, round after round. Unlike you, you can't even satisfy them enough for them to remember yo-"

"Lisa!" I yell at her. 

"That's enough."

She looks at me briefly and then back at Taeyong.

"I'm just saying, at least make it memorable." 

She grabs a water from the fridge before making her way to the backyard to workout. 

"Is she gay?" Taeyong asked turning back to face me. 

"That's not our place to say anything, you have to ask her something like that Taeyong," I told him. 

He nods his head before standing up while grabbing his phone from the table. 

"I should be going, I have dance practice I need to attend to."

"Dance?" Jisoo asked. 

"Yeah we have some concerts coming up in the following months," he said causing a confused Rosé to look at him. 

"I'm in NCT," he said walking to the door while I follow him. 

"Oh okay," Rosé said. 

I say my goodbyes to him before I close the front door turning back to Jisoo and Rosé who are now back to holding each other. This time it's Rosé giving Jisoo a back hug while she rest her chin on the shorter girl's shoulder. 

"I was waiting for them to pull their dicks out to see who's was bigger."

We all burst out laughing at Jisoo's comment. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought that when Lisa and Taeyong were talking, it was like two high school boys trying to see who can throw the ball further. 

If I remember correctly Lisa is bigger.

What are you talking about?

Lisa has a right to have that big dick energy. She by far has the bigger of the two of them.

Stop talking right now.

What? it's true, and we are the same, I'm just you but a better, smarter version so it's you thinking these things. I'm just the one voicing them. 

Yes I know that, just stop talking about Lisa's dick. 

Why? Does it get you all hot and bothered just thinking about it? Cause I know it does for me.

Okay, that's enough. I'm blocking you out for a little bit.  

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