The Caseys: Our Journey to Pa...

By OneChicagobyA

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Matt and Gabby's journey to parenthood has been a rocky one, with a lot of twists and turns. The most recent... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven: Ms. Gabriela Casey?
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine: Cleveland for the Night
Chapter Ten: Checking Ohio Off the List
Chapter Eleven: I Changed My Mind
Gabby Casey's Travel Blog
Chapter Thirteen: Let's Save Hot Water
Chapter Fourteen: The First Post
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen: Mr. & Ms. Chief Casey?
Vow Renewal Talk Part 1: Hawaiian Vow Renewal
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen: Telling the Firehouse
The Casey's Puerto Rico Journey - Blog Entry
(21) A Drama-Filled Welcome to Puerto Rico
There for Each Other, Forever
Gabby Dream: Matteo & Sofia Casey
(24) You let me Wake Up Naked, and Alone in Bed
Chapter Twenty-Five
(26) Earned by Torture (Forever Yours)
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Baby One, Baby Two
Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Dawsey-Stellaride Video Call
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two: Skinny Dipping
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four: Are You Sick?
(35) A Time to Relax, for The Sake of Our Kids
Blog Post
Chapter Thirty-Seven: October 18th, 2018
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One: Welcome Home
Chapter Forty-Two
(43) Through Sickness and in Health, It's In the Vows
(44) First Day Part - Part One: Breakfast
Chapter Forty-Five: First Shift Back - Part Two
Chapter Forty-Six: Here for You
Chapter Forty-Seven: Our Safe Haven
All I Need to Relax is You, Your Love, and Your Heartbeat in the Bath
Chapter Forty-Nine: Regrets from the Past
(50) A Dawson Thanksgiving - Part One
(51) A Dawson Thanksgiving - Part Two
(52) A Dawson Thanksgiving - Part Three
(53) Thanksgiving Night Alone - Part One
Chapter 54: Thanksgiving Night Alone - Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Five: Black Friday Blog Post
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Decisions
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Well, that was Unexpected
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty: Darden
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Four
(65) Welcome to Paradise
(66) The Most Perfect Welcome to Paradise
(67) Casey Beach Day - Part One
(68) Casey Beach Day - Part Two
(69) A Wet Surfer
Chapter Seventy
(71) The Shirtless, Boxer-Clad Chef
Dream Chapter Seventy-Two
(73) Bed Head Hair and Yogurt Cereal
(74) Post-Snack Teases and Kisses
(75) "I Want to Plan a Real Wedding" -Gabriela Casey
(76) The Caseys Celebrate Two Years - Part One
(77) The Caseys Celebrate Two Years - Part Two
(78) The Caseys Celebrate Two Years - Part Three
(79) The Caseys Celebrate Two Years - Part Four
(80) The Caseys Celebrate Two Years: A Romantic Bath for Two
(81) The Caseys Celebrate Two Years - Part Six
Chapter 82: Christmas-72 Hours
Chapter 83: The Arrival of Kelly & Stella
(84) Girl, It Wasn't Yesterday
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
(88) Are You Okay?
Chapter Eighty-Nine
(90) The Basics...and the Betrayal
Post-Betrayal Comfort Cuddles
Chapter Ninety-Two
(93) We'll Always Come First
(94) Papa or Daddy?
(95) DREAM: Happy Anniversary Chief Casey
(96) Dishes and Goodnights
(97) I Feel So Bad
(98) Christmas-48 Hours
(99) ELLA Apparel
Chapter One Hundred
(101) Ringing in 2019 - Part One
(102) Ringing in 2019: A Mini-Negotiating Session
(103) Ringing in 2019 - Part Three
(104) Ringing in 2019 - Part Four
(105) Ringing in 2019 - Part Five
(106) Ringing in 2019 - Part 6
(107) Happy New Year 2019
(108) Two Rounds of Sexy Time to Start 2019
(109) New Year's Day - Part Three
(110) New Year's Day - Part Four
(111) New Year's Day - Part Five
(112) New Year's Day - Part Six
(113) New Year's Day - Part Seven: Post-Lunch Fun
(114) New Year's Day - Part Eight
(115) New Year's Day - Part Nine: Baby Shopping
(116) New Year's Day - Part Ten: Surprises
(117) New Year's Day: Surprise Baby Shower
(118) New Year's Day - Part Eleven
(119) Matt Dream: Father's Day 2020 & Matteo's First Steps
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
(121) Are You Joining Us?
(122) Confidentiality and Salary Agreements
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Three
(124) Gabby Dream: Welcome Home Gabriel James and Matteo Andrew Casey
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Six
(127) The Guilt Never Goes Away
(128) Valentine's Day - Part One
(129) Valentine's Day - Part Two
(130) Valentine's Day - Part Three
(131) Valentine's Day - Part Four
(132) Valentine's Day - Part Five: Pre-Vow Renewal, Part One
(133) Valentine's Day - Part Six: Pre-Vow Renewal, Part Two
(134) Valentine's Day - Part Seven
(135) Valentine's Day - Part Eight
(136) Valentine's Day - Part Nine
(137) Valentine's Day with Mr. & Mrs. Halstead
(138) Matt Dream: Valentine's Day 2020 - Part One: Office Sex
(139) Gabby Dream: Valentine's Day 2020 - Part Two: Family Home
(140) Casey Family Blog: Valentine's Day 2019
(141) Valentine's Day - Part Thirteen
(142) Valentine's Day - Part Fourteen
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Three
Chapter One-Hundred and Forty-Four, Part One
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Four, Part Two
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Four, Part Three
(145) Assembling the Cribs
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Six
(147) Peanut, Butter, and Amazon
(148) Gabby Dream: Independence Day 2019
(149) Let's Start Casey Police Plans
(150) A Conversation Between In-Laws about PTSD
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-One
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Two
(153) The PTSD Conversation - Part One
(154) The PTSD Conversation - Part Two
Note to Readers

Chapter Sixty-Three

41 2 0
By OneChicagobyA

Well, the end of the last chapter did take quite a turn now didn't it? Well, this chapter is going to be a bit all over the place. First, I am going to start with a blog post, and then I am going to go with Matt for a bit. I hope it works out, and I hope that you guys enjoy it. Let me know what you guys think of this format that I wrote for you guys. Thanks again. Now, here's 63.

Firehouse 51 - He snuck in for a moment, not wanting to attract attention for the moment as he got ready to empty his locker for the last time; as he was going to try and just get in and out of the locker room before Cruz gets here. With him taking over Squad 3 while Kelly's out, he's asked him to help him figure out all of the forms. And the truth was, he was more than happy to help him out; as it meant that he could contribute one last time to the smooth flowing of this firehouse, which is the least he could do for his best friend. But right now, that was not what the husband and former firefighter was currently concentrating on. Rather, he was currently concentrating on his locker. The locker that's filled with a bunch of memories that he has kept for years, and they are all special to him. But this is no longer his locker, as he has left the firehouse for good. He just can't do it anymore, he can't put stress on his wife; that's not fair to her when she's pregnant with their twins, and he feels like a horrible husband whenever he thinks about trying to come back here. So, that's no longer what he's going to do. Rather, he's going to concentrate on his new future. A future that's out of the firehouse.

A future that includes helping the fire academy train the next generation of firefighters. And that was something that really did excite the future father, as he felt like it was going to prepare him for what he's going to do in the future; he's going to raise his and Gabby's children to the best of his ability, and he's going to get them ready for their life in their world when they're 18. Sure, he's not going to be perfect when he does it; but he's going to try his best and just make sure that he does everything he can. And that's going to be so much fun, as he's always wanted to be a father; he just wishes that he got to do it with Andy's help. And he thinks that's another reason why he had to come here today. He's been thinking about Andy for a bit, and he wanted to just come be in the last place where they shared a laugh with each other; the last place where Andy spoke to him about how he wanted to try and convince Heather to go for more kids. Yes, Andy wanted to go for a third child; more specifically, he wanted to go for a daughter. Heck, he can still remember the last conversation that they had here in this locker room. A conversation that he never knew would be the last one that he'd ever have with his friend.


"I mean seriously guys; do you have any pointers for how in the world I can talk to Heather about going for a daughter?" Matt just laughed when he heard his truck-mate (and best friend) talk to him about how he can convince his wife to go for a daughter. He then noticed that everybody was looking at him. "Why yare you guys looking at me? I can barely get my fiancé to choose a wedding venue, let alone agree to have kids." Andy agreed with his lieutenant when he mentioned that. "Still lucking out on convincing Hallie to have a baby someday?" That's when Gabby walked in. "Don't force her Matt, she'll come around; if not, you'll certainly find someway to have children. Right now, just get her to marry you. I have a dress to wear!"


It wasn't lost on the husband though, that the woman who told him to just get his fiancé to marry now his wife. It's a weird turn of events, but he's definitely happy that they're married rather than him and Hallie. He just has this feeling that he would never be as happy as he is with Gabby if he were married to Hallie; rather, he would be miserable and in a very unhappy marriage. Heck, they might even get divorced shortly after getting married. So, he's happy for the fact that he and Gabby are married rather than him and Hallie; and that's even more the case due to the fact that they are having twins. He still can't believe that's the case, as he didn't know that he had twin genes in him. Gabby says that they never had twins in her family, so it must be through him them. Whatever, they're happy to have twins, and that's all that matters at the end of the day. But right now, he doesn't need to think about his twins; he needs to think about everything he has to do here at the firehouse now that he's done emptying his locker, something that he just did for the final time. And it was not lost on either the Captain, or the Chief that just walked into the locker room that it was a bit of an emotional event for him.

"A lot of nostalgia in that locker." Looking up from his chief when he heard him say what he said, he laughed a bit. "Never in a million years did I think that I would empty both mine and Gabby's lockers in the same year." Boden agreed with his Captain when he said that, smiling as he decided to walk over to him; sitting down in front of him, Boden smiled. "You know, it's not too late to change your mind." Matt shook his head. "No, I'm not changing my mind. This is happening Boden, and I'm not changing my mind this time around. I'm leaving the house, because I need to do it for my sanity. I'm scared to be here." Boden sighed when his Captain said that, well aware of the fact that he's still scared to be here. "We lost a lot of great men here at the house." Matt agreed with Boden when he said that, taking a breath. "That's why my decision to leave is so easy. I was just talking to Heather and the boys today, they heard about Benny." Boden nodded. "How are they?" Matt took a breath. "They're good, they're in Oregon now." Boden nodded. "It's been a while since we saw them around here." Matt agreed with his chief when he said that. "5 years now. They left a week before I started dating Gabby."

Boden snickered when he heard Matt tell him that, nodding. "Good way to remember that." Matt smirked, looking down. "Oh trust me, there's a better way for me to remember it; it was the..." Matt then realized who he was talking to. "Okay, I am not going to finish that sentence because you're my chief." Boden then realized what he was going to say. "Oh." Matt laughed when he heard Boden say that, nodding as he must've guessed what he was trying to say. "Yeah, I guess you already know what happened that day then." Boden smiled when Matt mentioned that. "I'm glad that you decided to come here to help Cruz at least." Matt nodded. "Yeah, then I'm headed to the hospital. I was going to go to the hospital first, but this was on the way." Boden smiled. "You could've come on the way back." Matt shook his head. "That's groceries." Boden nodded. "So, how was your Thanksgiving." Matt sighed. "Full of drama. God, I was so out of it." Boden was confused when he heard Matt say that. "What are you talking about Matt?" Matt bit his lip. "I tried to go to the Dawson home."

Boden then understood. "I just couldn't concentrate after that shift, because my mind was elsewhere. We ended up leaving so early, and I felt like an ass for leaving that early. But I just couldn't concentrate because I see Benny as a dad." Boden agreed with Matt when he said that. "And then Gabby was having troubles too, she's still scared of me going I thought me emptying my locker would help with that." Boden agreed with his Captain when he said that. "Yeah and getting the information for the course." Matt then saw that there's some papers in his lap. "Oh yeah, I meant to grab that too." Boden then went to give him the bag that he has for the course material that he's going to teach in the spring. "By the way, have you decided whether you're going to continue your studies to be a Battalion Chief?" Matt sighed when Boden asked him whether he's going to continue with his studies to be a Battalion Chief. "Honestly, I think I need to take a break." Boden just looked at his Captain when he said that, deciding to listen to what he has to say. "I have to deal with a lot right now. I'm dealing with Gabby's pregnancy and hormones, getting ready for twins, and then I have Benny on my mind."

Boden agreed with Casey when he said that, clearly able to understand that he has a lot on his mind. "God, and I still haven't been able to track down my mom to tell her that she's going to have two more grandchildren." Boden nodded. "I remember when I told my dad that we were going to have Terrence, it was nice." Matt smiled at his friend. "Yeah, I was thinking of the same thing. But right now, there's just a lot going on; and I'm not even sure when I'm going to see her next. I mean, I'm hoping that I can see her before Christmas. But who knows now a days, because I'm also hoping to just take a few days away with Gabby before I have to start work in January." Boden nodded. "How many courses have they got you doing?" Matt smiled. "Mondays 9 AM, Captain's Course: Introduction. Wednesdays 2 PM, Candidate Phys Ed." Boden grimaced when he heard the second course Matt was teaching. "Oh boy. Phys ed was a hard course when I taught there for a year. A bunch of hormonal boys." Matt groaned. "Please, don't talk to me about that." Boden laughed, smiling at Matt.

"You guys find out the gender yet?" Matt shook his head. "Not yet. But I want to find out so bad." Boden agreed with Matt when he said that. "Believe me, I completely understand why that's the case; but remember to enjoy the pregnancy." Matt sighed. "Hard when we have a lot of drama." Boden agreed with Matt when he said that, well aware that there's a lot of drama for him in his life. "Oh, and don't get me started on the hormones that come with the drama. They really are the worst, especially when you're married to a Latina!" Boden couldn't help but laugh a bit when he heard Matt say that, knowing that Latinas can get a bit feisty. "But you love Gabby, and that's all that matters at the end of the day." Matt agreed with Boden when he mentioned that. "Of course. Gabby's my world, and I'm so happy that we're still together." Boden agreed with Matt when he said that. "I can really see that the trip did wonders for the both of you, as you both are really happy with each other; I can see it every time that you guys look at each other." Matt smiled, agreeing with Boden.

"Honestly, I don't remember the last time I smiled so much when me and Gabby were together. There's just something about the way that me and Gabby are together that makes me happy, more than anything in the entire world; she's the woman of my dreams, and I am so proud to be her husband." Boden agreed with Matt when he said that. That was, until they both heard a call go out for Truck 81. Thinking that he didn't have to listen, Matt then decided to go back to packing his bag. That was, until he heard something that scared him. "Kitchen fire, 1954 N Carson St." Matt just got worried when he heard that address. "Boden, did they just say 1954 N Carson St?" Boden looked at the Captain when he said that. "Yeah, why?" Matt then went to get up. "Because that's my mother-in-law's address! Boden, I'm getting on that truck!" Boden agreed with his former Captain when he said that, nodding. "Of course, go ahead." Rushing away, Matt went to work. "Boden, call Antonio and tell him what's happening!" Boden agreed with Matt. "Got it!"

Matt's POV – Part 1:
As I rushed to the truck to get in, I took a breath as I made sure to get my turn out gear (that was still here) and got dressed. "Lieutenant Jeffries!" Jeffries then turned to look at me. "Captain Casey. What are you doing?" I just looked at him. "Jeffries, in the back. Boden allowed me to take this." However, Lieutenant Jeffries was not going to listen. "The address...." Boden then came out to join us at the call. "Lieutenant Jeffries, Captain Casey will be taking control of the call as it is his mother-in-law's home." Lieutenant Jeffries agreed with me when I said that. "Of course, go ahead Captain Casey." I then went ahead and got in. "Boden, I'll call Antonio and he can get Gabby." Boden agreed with me. "I'll take your truck to the hospital." I agreed with him when he told me that, taking a breath before going to get into the front of the truck so that we can rush away. Turning to look at the driver, I went to hit the side of the truck. "Get out of here." He agreed with me.

He then went to go. "So, this is your mother-in-law's home?" I agreed with him. "Listen, right now...just concentrate on getting me to the address right now." I then turned around to look at Lieutenant Jeffries. "Lieutenant Jeffries, you are in charge of taming the flames; I will lead rescue. Understood?" Jeffries agreed with me. "Yes Lieutenant." That's when I heard someone speak to me. "Hey Casey, is that your voice I hear over the radio?" I laughed when I heard Jason Kannell (a kid whom I grew up with in my neighborhood. "Hey Kannell, fancy seeing you here on a shift." Kannell spoke up. "I thought you quit because you were going to have a kid. What you doing here?" I smiled. "Twins actually. And it's because it's my mother-in-law's home." Kannell was shocked when I said that. "Holy shit. How about you let me help you out then Captain?" I agreed with him. "Hey Lt. Michaels, care to let Kannell on my hip for this call?" Michaels agreed with me. "Go ahead."

That's when I heard Boden speak to me. "Matt, just take it easy and remember you're just there to get your mother-in-law and then you're getting out. But yes, Kannell stay on his hip and make sure that he stays safe. I don't want to get killed by his wife for letting him do this." I laughed when Boden said that. "Actually, I'd be the one getting killed if I didn't do this. She's my mother-in-law Chief Boden." Boden agreed with me when I said that. "Right, that makes sense." I agreed with him. "I'm going to call Antonio now okay?" Boden agreed. Meanwhile, I went to grab my phone to give Antonio a call. Going to put my phone up to my ear, I went to take a breath. "Hey Matt, Gabby..." I then went to speak to him. "Antonio, shut up and listen to me. I need you to do me a favor and go get Gabby, bring her to the hospital." Antonio was confused. "Aren't you at..." I then went to finish. "I had to go to the firehouse to get course material for the course I'm teaching in January."

Antonio agreed with me. "So, why do I need to..." I then went to tell him. "Because I'm currently in Truck 81 going to your mother's place. There's a fire there, and I'm..." Antonio then yelled at me. "YOU BETTER SAVE MY MOTHER, OR YOU'RE DEAD!" I agreed with him. "Get in line buddy because Gabby will kill me first. Now, can you go get her and bring her to the hospital? Trust me with your mother, I trust you with the mother of my children." I then went to hang up so that I could concentrate. That's when I heard Lt. Jeffries speak to me. "Gabby's pregnant?" I agreed with him. "Yes. So if I die, then you get a mad Latina in your face. So believe me when I say this, you don't want to let me get killed!" He agreed with me, gulping as I said that. He then shut up and made sure that he was ready to fight the fire. Meanwhile, I took a breath and just thought about what I needed to do right now. That's when I thought of Kelly. Shit, I need to call him right now to help.

Actually, no. I got it. He needs to be with his dad. God, I need to just concentrate on getting my mother-in-law from her home. And then, I need to figure something out. God, this is going to be scary.

Matt's POV - Part 2:
I took a breath as he found himself stepping out of the truck to make sure that I had enough space to get this stuff on. Putting my mask on, I then went ahead and went to check on my gear. "Kannell, get ready!" Kannell agreed with me before walking over to me. "Hey, take a breath and everything is going to be okay." I then turned to look at Boden. "Boden!" Boden then looked at me. "I want that Ambulance ready to go. Call another ambulance. The minute I'm out of here with my mother-in-law, I'm taking that ambulance and we're going to Med. Get another one on the way." Boden agreed with me when I said that. "Got it." He then turned to look at his paramedics. "You ready to go?" They agreed with him. Meanwhile, I looked at Kannell as we both got ready to make our way into the house. "You let me talk to her, she's going to be scared." Kannell agreed with me when I said that, before going ahead with following me. At the same time, I heard a voice communication. "Sgt. Platt to Captain Casey." I then sighed. "Go ahead Sgt. Platt." Platt then spoke up.

"You will be getting police escort to hospital be advised." I agreed with her. "Got it. Now, let me find my mother-in-law before that detective and my wife kill me!" She agreed, letting me go before I yelled. "CAMILA! CALL OUT!" I then heard a noise coming from the bedroom upstairs. "Matthew!" I agreed. "Upstairs." Kannell agreed with me. "Camila, are you in your room?" Camila then got nervous. "No, I'm in the bath." I then took a breath, nervous when I heard that. Kannell then looked at me. "Oh fuck." I just shook my head. "Camila, do you have your robe in there?" Camila sighed. "I just wearing a towel." I took a breath when I heard her say that. "Oh lord. Camila, stay out of the way of the door when I come up." I then went ahead and rushed upstairs, worried. Meanwhile, Kannell spoke to me. "Oh boy." I then looked at him. "Chief Boden, can you make sure that Ambo gets clothes for my mother-in-law? She's in the bath right now."

Boden then went to speak to me. "Oh boy." I then went to speak to him. "Shut up." I then went to walk over to the bathroom. "Camila, out of the way of the door!" Camila agreed with me. I then went to kick down the door to see that there was truly nothing around her but her hands. I then took a breath and just went to look at her. Seeing a face cloth, I went to grab it and then wet it in the sink. "Here Camila, put this over your mouth and just hold it there. I need you to do this so that you can meet your grandkids." Camila agreed with me, proceeding to do just that. I then went to look at her, still trying to not concentrate on the fact that she's naked. I then just looked at her. "Camila, hold on." Camila agreed with me. I then went ahead and picked Camila up in my arms. Wrapping her arms around my neck, I went ahead and proceeded to turn around to carry her out of the home. "Camila, we never speak about this ever again." Camila agreed with me.

"Agreed!" Carrying her around, I then looked at Kannell. "Let's go." Kannell agreed with me, starting to laugh a bit. "Kannell, go in front of me so that I don't let my mother-in-law fall." Kannell agreed with me, going ahead with going down in front of me so that he can catch her if she falls. Meanwhile, I went ahead and proceeded to make my way down the stairs so that I could get my (naked) mother-in-law downstairs and on her way to the hospital.

Matt's POV – Part 3:
After making my way out of Camila's house, I took a breath as I looked at everybody. "House is clear. Go at it." Everybody agreed, proceeding to do just that. At the same time, I looked at Boden who had some clothes for me. "Camila, I'm carrying you to the ambulance. You'll get dressed and then we'll go." Camila agreed with me when I said that, while I rushed over to the ambulance. Grabbing the clothes on my way past Boden, I saw that he was snickering a bit. I then shook my head and carried Camila to the ambo. With the doors open, I took a breath as I went to set her down. "I'm riding in the front." I then went to watch one of the medics get in. Afterwards, I closed the door before walking back over to Boden. Getting undressed out of the turnout gear, I took a breath and then went to grab the keys from my pocket. "Boden?" Boden then turned to look at me. "What is it Matt?" I then went to grab the keys to my truck and gave them to Boden.

"If I see one scratch on my truck, you will be paying for the repairs; and I'm going to tell Gabby that you laughed when I carried her naked mother to safety from the bath she was in. And we'll see who's laughing after you get yelled at by a hormonal pregnant Latina, and her brother." Boden gulped when I said that, well aware of the fact that Gabby can yell at him in a very harsh way. "Yeah, so I will see you at the hospital with my things; and my nice truck. Goodbye." I then went to walk away so that I can make my way over to the ambulance. Getting into the back with Camila, I smiled as I looked at her when they closed the doors completely. Meanwhile, she looked at me. "Are you really allowed to speak to your boss like that Matthew? Are you going to get fired?" I smiled when Camila asked me that. "Camila, he laughed about the fact that I just had to carry you to safety; while you're naked. I don't care, because I want you to meet your grandchildren." Camila agreed with me when I said that. "Good point." I smiled, agreeing with Camila as we made our way to safety.

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