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"you're whack and you ain't intact cause you don't read Jodecidal Advisory!" Plus

EP 1 ! "Piece of My Tape"
EP 2 ! "Brothas Said Knock You Out!"
EP 3 ! "Fatal Subtraction"
EP 4 ! "Nomeo and Juliet"
EP 5 ! "Beshackled"
EP 6 ! "Don't Thlip Up"
EP 7 ! "A Wrinkle in Time"
S2 EP 1 ! "Steak and Potatoes!"
S2 EP 2 ! "Where's my Keys?"
S2 EP 3 ! "Switch it on 'Em!"
S2 EP 4 ! "Vincent Van Swing"
S2 EP 5 ! "Framed!"
S2 EP 6 ! "Dal Advisory"
S2 EP 7 ! "In Blindsight"
S2 EP 8 ! "Uncappable"
S2 EP9 ! "Dalvin Had A Little Dog"
S2 EP 10 ! "Hit the Road, Jodeci!" PT1
S2 EP 11 ! "Hit the Road, Jodeci!" PT2
S3 EP 1 ! "Popcorn & Boots"
S3 EP 2 ! "Strictly 4 the Jeeps!"
S3 EP 3 ! "You Got It Bad"
S3 EP 4 ! "She's Not Your Play Thang"
S3 Ep 5 ! "Between You, Me, & He"
S3 EP 6 ! "LaVaughna Campbell is Not My Lover"
S3 EP 7 ! "ISpy"
S3 EP 8 ! "Fiddle Diddle"
S3 EP 9 ! "Flex Appeal"
S3 EP 10 ! "Valentine's Day Blues!"
S3 EP 11 ! "Tale of 2 Crowns"
S3 EP 12 ! "Congraduations!"
S3 EP 13 ! "Stay"
S3 EP 14 ! "Stay" PT 2
S4 EP 1 ! "Bermuda Pentagon"
S4 EP 2 ! "Fights, Camera, Action!"
S4 EP 3 ! "Movin' on In"
S4 EP 4 ! "For the Love of Money"
S4 EP5 ! "Limited Eviction"
S4 EP 6 ! "Kid You Not"
S4 EP 7 ! "40 is the New 21"
S4 EP 8 ! "Bye-Bye, Tanai!"
S4 EP 9 ! "Trigger Warning" PT 1
S4 EP 10 ! "Trigger Warning" PT 2
S4 EP 11 ! "I...Don't Know"
S4 EP 12 ! "New Beginnings"
S5 EP 1 ! "What Happens in Vegas..." PT 1
S5 EP 2 ! "Fatal Attraction 2: The Creepuel"
S5 EP 3 ! "I Wanna Be Your Man"
S5 EP 4 ! "The Bodyguard"
S5 EP 5 ! "Misadventures in Babysitting!"
S5 EP6 ! "What If...?"
S5 EP 7 ! "Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired"
S5 EP 8 ! "Swing's Interlude"
S5 EP 9 ! "Let Me Explain"
S5 EP 10 ! "Stop, Drop, and Roll!"
S5 EP 11 ! "Aisle and Tribulation"
S5 EP 12 ! "Who Got the Juice Now?"
S5 EP 13 ! "Diamonds Aren't Forever"
S5 EP 14 ! "Isn't She Lovely?"
S5 EP 15 ! "In the Heat of the Night"
S5 EP 16 ! "Hickory Dickory Dock"
S5 EP 17 ! "First Time for Everything"
S5 EP 18 ! "SoNaiRae"
S5 EP 19 ! "The Final Advisory" PT 1
S5 EP 20 ! "The Final Advisory" PT 2
S5 EP 21 ! "The Final Advisory" PT 3


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this is what happens when GINSJUICE and I merge minds and come up with a bombtacular ass idea.

without further ado, we present to you:


'Save the Drama for the Bahamas!'

"I don't know 'bout y'all, but I'm ready to take my ass to the bar and start taking shots to the head!" Sharae beamed.

Tanai dapped her up, placing her shades on top of her head. "I know that's right."

"I'm so excited," Sharae continued. "I've never been out the country before."

"Keep it up and I ain't never taking you out the country again," K-Ci came over, wiping the smile off her face.

All four couples left the U.S and decided to take a trip to the Bahamas. They'd be staying there for about five days, and that was perfect for them since they didn't have anything coming up work wise.

"Sittin' up here talking 'bout drinking when we ain't even check into our hotel rooms yet," Dalvin said playfully. "Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves. Act like y'all got some sense on this trip!"

Kass looked at him, putting her hand on her hip. "I know you, of all people, ain't talking about having some sense."

JoJo strolled over with Sonia as he pulled both their suitcases along with him. "You took the words right out my mouth."

"Okay...let's talk about something else now," Dalvin said, since he felt like he was getting ganged up on.

DeVante came over to the group, passing them their room keys. "Here. I signed us all in already so y'all ain't gotta worry 'bout too much."

"Good lookin' out," K-Ci tossed the key up in the air, catching it. "We all gon' meet back in the lobby and head to the beach, right? What time?"

"Let's try around twelve-thirty," Sonia suggested.

The couples bid each other quick goodbyes and separated in the directions of their hotel rooms.

As soon as the eight walked out of the lobby, another eight strutted in as the censored doors opened.

"Dalvin, would you move?" K-Ci snapped at his friend as he kept getting shoved by him.

The multiple bags of luggage were being dragged and held by the young man as they made their way to the front desk.

"My bad, man," Dal apologized. "But if we had gotten a luggage cart like I suggested, then maybe I wouldn't have to be bumping into you every five seconds!"

Knowing he was throwing shade towards him, DeVante scoffed before looking back at him.

"Did you wanna pay seven hundred n' sixty five dollars for one?"

That left Dalvin to shake his head, indicating that his answer would most definitely have been a 'no'.

Three members out of the quartet, along with their girlfriends, were all invited to take a vocational trip to the Bahamas on JoJo's behalf as it was originally supposed to be his & his wife's, Renee, honeymoon.

After thinking about how he'd be away from the group for a good five days, he'd thought why not bring them along since they needed a break from their careers, anyway. And there was no way Renee was going to let him bring all three of them without her getting to invite her three friends, which happened to be their partners, Elise, Bianca, & Sierra.

Once they made it up to the front counter, JoJo & Renee spoke to the receptionist while the other six waited behind them.

"Hi," Renee started off with a kind smile. "Reservations for Joel & Renee Hailey!"

The receptionist immediately got to typing away on her computer, pulling up their reservation, but not before taking a good look at the men that stood in front of her.

The four of them noticed this and stared back at her awkwardly.

"What'chu lookin' at?" K-Ci rudely asked which caused his girl, Bianca, to hit him on his arm.

The receptionist chuckled, wondering if what she was seeing was a joke.

All four of them looked extremely familiar as it felt like she just rung them up not too long ago.

"I'm sorry, but I could've sworn I just signed you guys in..?"

JoJo stepped in. "How could that be? We just got here."

The rest of the crew nodded their heads, reassuring her that she was indeed having some type of deja vu.

"Oh," She just decided to drop the awkward situation. "My apologies! But I found your reservation; Two bedroom suite?"

The married couple nodded as she got their keys ready. "Alright, well here's your set of keys!"

She handed them to JoJo while giving them an apologetic smile, still feeling bad about the misconception.

"Thanks!" He & Renee moved out of the way so DeVante & Elise could go next.

After them, Dalvin & Sierra went, then K-Ci & Bianca.

The receptionist wished them all a great stay before they walked off.

"K, why did we have to get a regular ass hotel room while everybody else got suites?" Bianca walked next to her boyfriend.

He looked down at her with an arched eyebrow. "I didn't see you pullin' out yo' wallet to cough up two hundred dollar bills!"

Bianca scoffed at his smart remark as if she didn't see it coming. She then took his dark shades off the top of his head and put them on her face.

"You lucky I love you, 'cause I woulda' been left yo' cheap ass in the dust.." She mumbled as she walked up to stand by Sierra.

"Alright," Renee got the group's attention. "Let's all get settled into our rooms and meet up for the beach at about.." She looked over at her husband, trying to agree on a time.

"I'd say around twelve-thirty?" He shrugged while looking at his watch.

All of them nodded, settling on the time even though half of them already knew they weren't going to be ready by that exact time.

"Now please come get y'all luggage before I tear a muscle!" Dalvin quickly reminded them as his arms were slowly giving up on him.

They all managed to receive all of their items before going in their different directions, letting each other get used to the beautiful hotel.

"Any of y'all know how to open this?" Dalvin walked up to his other three group members while holding a coconut.

"Do it look like we open coconuts for a living?" JoJo sarcastically asked.

K-Ci squinted due to the sun shining down on him. "I hope you ain't climb a palm tree just to get that."

"No, I didn't," Dalvin denied. "I was out in the ocean and a wave hit, and I saw it get washed up on the shore so I went and grabbed it."

DeVante knocked the round and fuzzy tropical fruit out his brother's hand and onto the sand.

"Just for that, I should go find another one," Dalvin looked at the poor coconut.

A Bahamian woman spotted the four and began waving at them with a smile on their face, confusing the group of young men.

"She wavin' at us?" DeVante looked around.

The woman was careful not to trip in the sand as she lightly jogged over to them.

"Looks like it," JoJo observed.

"Hey!" The woman greeted, accent appearing. "I wanted to catch you all when you first arrived at the hotel, but I wanted to tell you that there was a switch up and you have to perform two hours early. That means you have to start getting ready now."

The male individuals before her shared a look amongst each other in confusion.

"Dal, did you schedule us a show?" K-Ci asked confusedly.

Dalvin shook his head. "No, we on vacation. I wouldn't do that when we came here to relax for a few days."

"Yes you did!" The woman spoke. "I remember speaking with someone named Dalvin over the phone. I'm Intarah, you scheduled an evening concert for the beach a couple days ago."

The band didn't have time to say anything before she managed to pull them all along with her. "Follow me!" And with that, they were confusedly led off the beach.

"Oh shoot! Be careful!" Elise gave Sierra a hand as she tripped over her own feet in the sand.

"I wish y'all would bring y'all asses on!" DeVante yelled out to Dalvin & K-Ci who were slugging tiredly, letting the sunbeam get the best of them.

Meanwhile, JoJo & Renee happily walked hand in hand, stopping next to De.

Dal ignored his brother while K-Ci retaliated under his breath. "Man you betta' wait! A brotha' boutta' pass out and you focused on some other stuff..."

Once they made it to them, the whole group stood together and prepared for the upcoming fun.

"Quick question," Sierra raised her finger. "What's the plans after this?"

"We could go out to eat or—"

"Dalvin what are you lookin' for?"

All seven of them looked his way as Renee questioned him.

While everyone was talking, he was too busy searching for a particular thing or person. He noticed the eyes that were now on him.

"Huh? Oh, nothing!" Dal nervously chuckled, failing to act casual.

They instantly began to come up with conclusions on what he could have possibly done as he was always up to something.

"What did you do, Dal?" Sierra used her hand as a covering for her eyes as the sun was irritating them.

"Girl knowing him he probably done pissed somebody off and they threatened to drown 'em!" Bianca shrugged.

"Or maybe he messed with someone's poor child and their parents lookin' for him." Elise added to the ideas.

"Nah that ain't happen," K-Ci defended Dal while patting him on his shoulder. "The kid woulda' been stuck him in a sand stock!"

Getting fed up with the offensive consumptions, he snatched away from K and corrected them.

"No! None of those things happened!"

"Then what is it?" JoJo asked what everyone else was thinking.

Dalvin took a look at each of them, feeling hesitate to tell the truth.

"Don't get mad at me, but—"

"Dalvin, I swear if you don't—"

"I scheduled us to perform at the beach later this evening!"

The sounds of children playing and screaming, strangers conversing , and  the waves crashing were the only things that was heard as the whole group stared at the questionable male in front of them.

"WHAT?!" They all yelled in unison, not caring about who heard them.

"Guys, I'm sorry!" He started pleading as much as he could. "I really am! I just thought it'd be a good experience for the four of us since we've never performed out of the country before!"

"You've gotta be kidding me, Dalvin!" JoJo let go of his partners hand. "You scheduled us to perform while on vacation? Not to mention I'm technically on my honeymoon?!"

"And did you seem to forget about.." DeVante popped his eyes out as he was trying to refer to the special event that was supposed to be taking place while they were on the resort.

"I know, I know! But I wasn't thinking like that and I'm sorry!!" He continued to try gaining sympathy from all of them, which still wasn't working.

"Wait," K-Ci stopped him from continuing. "That still doesn't explain what you was lookin' for.."

Dal sighed. "I was trying to see if I could spot Intarah, the woman I spoke with over the phone to schedule the concert. She said she'd meet me here around this time, but I don't see her."

Elise shook her head, adding onto the angry tension. "This is just ridiculous! Even if they were okay with all of this, you guys most likely don't even have time to rehearse."

Joel didn't even let Dalvin reply as he got ready to walk away. "At this point, I don't even care about it anymore. Dalvin, figure alla' this out before you make us even more angry."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need me a damn drink!" And with that, he made his way to the beach bar with Renee following behind him.

Slowly but surely, everyone caught up to both of them, leaving Dalvin to think about his actions. But instead he used his alone time to think about how he was going to find Intarah.

Elsewhere, Sonia sat at the bar enjoying her glass of an apple martini. Tanai, Kass, and Sharae were supposed to be with her but they ended up leaving her in the bathroom since she took so long. The three women brought it upon themselves to go to the bar without her, scurrying off with their drinks. Now Sonia was by herself, but she didn't mind. She actually preferred it better that way. Since she was focused on her drink and looking out at the beach from afar, she didn't notice that she was no longer about to be joined at the sitting area.

"Uh, excuse me?" Renee sat in a free seat next to her, immediately getting the bartender's attention. "Can I get whatever she's having? But make it stronger, thanks."

"Rough day?" Sonia turned to the woman next to her, raising an eyebrow.

The question only made her slouch down in her bar stool as she sighed, shaking her head.

"'Rough' isn't even the word.."

"I would ask what happened but we don't know each other enough for me to be in your business," Sonia watched as the bartender returned with the woman's drink, so she held her glass up. "Cheers?"

Renee nodded before holding up her cold glass right along with her and clinking them together. "No, you're okay. It's just my honeymoon is already off to a bad start." She ended and took a sip of her Green Apple Martini.

"Sorry to hear it's off to a bad start. On the bright side, congratulations," Sonia gave a kind smile, glancing at the shining jewel on her left hand. "That ring is gorgeous, by the way. Who's the lucky guy? Is he out on the beach somewhere?"

Renee placed her glass onto the bar coaster and smiled, looking down at her multi carrot ring.

"Thank you!" She looked back up at Sonia, then out to the beach to see if she could spot JoJo. "Uh, yeah he should be around here somewhere..."

He was nowhere to be found after a few seconds of scanning the area. "I don't see him, but you might know him. He goes by the name of Jo—"


Bianca suddenly came running towards the bar as she was currently in need of help.

"I need your help!" She paused to maintain her breathing. "Sierra, Elise & I were chillin' by the shore, and Sierra decided to go out into the ocean for a swim, right?"

Renee nodded in confusion, slightly embarrassed that the random, yet concerning problem was happening in front of Sonia.

"So while she was out there, the waves started to hit & now she's out there struggling for her life!"

Renee looked at her as if she was the craziest woman alive and jumped from her seat.

"And you didn't try to help her?!"

Bianca took a step back in guilt. "I didn't wanna get my weave wet.." She mumbled while running her fingers through her beach wave curls.

"Well Elise is out there tryna' get to her, but she's too far out!"

She just shook her head in disappointment and began to jog ahead her, but not before turning to Sonia.

"I'll be back!" Without letting her respond, Renee grabbed Bianca's arm and started making her way to the drowning body that was calling out for help.

Sonia watched as Renee walked away with her friend, anticipating her return. "Welp, back to my drink," she said to herself before taking a sip and going back to watching the ocean.

When the two made it to their friend, they wasted no time joining Elise and jumping into the water, trying their best to make it to her.

"Help me—" Was all anyone could hear before the sound of gargling was made.

"We got you!" Renee yanked Sierra's hand to pull her closer. They ended up making it back to shore and took the time to just lay in the sand, regaining their energy.

A few coughs came out of Sierra's mouth before she started talking.

"Where's Dalvin?!"

Elise, Renee, & Bianca all looked at each other, then at her.

"A 'thank you' would be nice?"

"Oh, shut up," She turned her nose up at Bianca. "If it wasn't for Renee & Elise you would've just watched me drown to my death!"

Watching the two go back and forth like the best friends they were, Renee just shook her head and lowered it, still trying to calm down from the intense deed while Elise tried to quiet them down.

When she felt the presence of someone, Renee looked up to see three out of the four boys, squinting down at them in confusion.

"What the hell happened to y'all?" K-Ci was the first to speak.

The four of the women reluctantly got up from the ground and started to explain themselves.

"Your girlfriend over here damn near let me die over getting her hair wet! That's what happened to me!"

"No, do not listen to her! You see it's wet don't you?"

"Yeah," Renee shot her a look. "That's 'cause I had to drag you into the water!"

"I tried to prevent all of this from happening, anyway! Sierra I told you not to go that far!" Elise's voice raised an octave which caused all four women to go at it.

"Hold on, hold on, hold on!" JoJo got in the middle of all of them and eventually got them to stop.

"So what I'm getting from this is; Elise told Sierra not to go out into the ocean, she did anyway and almost drowned, Bianca didn't want to help, & Renee saved the day?"

The woman looked at each other for confirmation and nodded.

"Yes." They all said at once.

"Sounds about right." K added before searching the ground for nothing specific. That was until he laid his eyes on a large coconut that sat right on shore.

He picked it up, observed it, and shrugged as he began to play around with it, throwing it from one hand to another.

"Instead of arguing, we need to be figuring out where the hell Dalvin is!" As soon as DeVante finished his statement, the person he was looking for jogged over to them.

"Wassup, I was lookin' for yall!"

"I can say the same for you," Sierra pushed her way to the front. "Where the hell were you when I almost died?!"

Dalvin lifted his arched brow and looked down at his partner. "Huh—?"

"And what did that Ursula girl say?" K-Ci stepped up.

"First of all," Dal shook his head at the automatic chaos that was going on in front of him. "What do you mean you 'almost died'?" He then turned to Ced. "And why the hell do you have a dirty ass coconut in your hand? And negro, it's 'Intarah', not 'Ursula'.."

Sierra didn't even bother to explain what happened again as she just smack her lips and moved out of the way.

"Man shut up and answer my question!"

Dalvin sighed and got to the point. "Well, I went searching for her and I think I was able to find her.."

That immediately made the whole group groan as it seemed like he couldn't do anything right.

"But," He said in high hopes of getting their attention again. "Even if it wasn't, I'm pretty sure we could just go ask someone who works—"

"You know what," Bianca cut him off. "You gon' 'head and work that out. While you do that, imma' go try to fix my hair."

She soon walked off with a visible attitude which was quickly followed by the rest of the girls.

When he felt like they were a good distance away from them, DeVante smacked Dalvin on the back of his head.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"You just had to book us a concert on one of the most special weeks of—what's supposed to be—Elise's life and now you can't even find the show host?"

Guilt soon filled Dalvin's body as his brother lectured him. He didn't dare to look at JoJo as he knew this was also his honeymoon.

"Listen, I'm tryin' the best I can! Just go relax while I get everything situated. I'll come find y'all when I get some news!"

"Do you at least still have the ring on you?" He strictly questioned.

Dal went into his shorts pocket and pulled out the red velvet box, wiggling it in his face. "Yes, I do. Now go!"

De's glare never left his face until he unwillingly walked off, going about his business.

"'Ion even know why De put his trust in you with that thing." K-Ci commented while raising the coconut next to JoJo's head, measuring the size of it.

Noticing this, Joel purposely knocked it out of his hand before walking away with an eye roll.

"Oh so now everybody just mad, huh?" He rhetorically asked with his arms out while following close behind his little brother.

Dalvin stood alone once again, now trying to figure out his next move. Before wondering off, he attempted to put the jewelry box back in his pocket, but accidentally missed the hole, making the box fall into the sand without his knowledge.

He swiftly ran off to see what he could do to get things back on track, unknowingly causing, once again, another problem.

They were oblivious to the fact that one individual just so happened to be watching the whole interaction from afar. Although she couldn't hear or see too clearly, Sharae gasped and instantly ran out to where the four young men were and picked the small velvet box up. She looked around the beach in a frenzy in an attempt to find any of her three bestfriends to brag to.

Spotting Sonia, she was careful not to sprain her ankle as she eagerly ran over to her. "Sonia! Sonia!"

Continuing to enjoy her drink by herself, Sonia ignored her. "Maybe if I pretend not to hear her, she'll go somewhere else," she said to herself.

Unfortunately, that didn't work cause Sharae still ended up reaching her in seconds. "Sonia!"

"Damn, it didn't work."

"Give me a glass of peach rum and make it snappy!" Sharae said to the bartender, taking the open spot next to Sonia with the bright smile never leaving her face. "Guess what?!"

Assuming the surprise wasn't gonna be something she cared about, Sonia still participated in the conversation anyway. "What, Sharae?"

"Okay, so!" Sharae took three sips of her alcoholic beverage as soon as the bartender passed it to her. "K-Ci, JoJo, DeVante, and Dalvin were all out near the shore and I just so happened to be paying attention to them. They were in a close circle and I have no idea what they were talking about—but I think I have a clue! They all walked off and I saw something drop, and it was this!" She held up the box. "DeVante clearly ain't drop it, and Dalvin probably don't even know how to spell ring—so this clearly belongs to K-Ci! I'm getting proposed to!"

Once she finished with her story, Sonia just stared blankly at her. Her face contorted into a gleeful expression and she began laughing, taking a sip of her green apple concoction.

This made Sharae's excitement instantly be replaced with an upcoming attitude. "Hell you laughing for? What's funny? I wanna laugh!"

"You must be out your rabid ass mind if you think K-Ci is proposing to you," Sonia continued to laugh. "That ring obviously belongs to JoJo and it's for me."

Sharae forced a quick cackle. "Now that's funny! This ring ain't yours. It's mine and K-Ci got it for me."

Sonia shook her head, finally finishing her drink. "You're drunk."

"I'm not drunk." Sharae defended, attempting to stand up straight to prove it but she stumbled in the sand. "And since you don't believe me, how 'bout we go ask for confirmation?"

Scanning the area and seeing JoJo alone, Sonia sat her empty glass down and stood up. "Okay, fine by me. JoJo's over there anyway so let's go."

The two women walked through the thick grain as they bickered over who'd be getting proposed to the whole time.

"JoJo!" Sharae said loudly once they were close enough. "Tell Sonia that your brother will be proposing to me while we on this vacation!"

"No," Sonia mugged her, turning to the male in front of them afterwards. "Tell your delusional ass future sister-in-law that the ring she found belongs to you and that you made plans to marry me."

Sharae sucked her teeth. "You really tryna go against me on this? You just don't wanna acknowledge the fact that I'll be getting married before you!"

Their loud and wrong dispute even gained the attention of Kass and Tanai, who decided to trail over to see what was happening.

"JoJo," was all Sonia said. "Tell her!"

Instant confusion hit Renee's JoJo's face as he figured that a few delusional fans had just randomly walked up to him.

"..What are you talkin' about?"

"Oop," Kass accidentally said out loud.

Sharae couldn't contain her snickers as Sonia tried explaining to JoJo. "It's okay, you don't have to play dumb. Sharae found the engagement ring you dropped, so tell her that it belongs to you and that you're gonna give it to me."

"I'm sorry, but I don't know you..or her," He looked between the two women. "Besides, I'm already happily married.."

JoJo flashed his wedding band in their faces which caught all four of their attention.

Sonia blinked, looking at the ring then looking back up at JoJo. " you've been cheating on me the whole time? Wow. I'm honestly at a lost for words. I didn't expect that from you."

"Wait a damn minute now," Sharae got serious. "Even though it's clear that me and K-Ci will be the ones getting married, you are not about to play with our girl like that in front of us. I'd hate for me, Kass, and Nai, to have to jump you!"

Before JoJo could retaliate, Elise's DeVante walked up to the group. "Yo', what's goin' on?"

Joel ignored the promised threat and turned to De.

"Why is this girl tryna tell me that she found some ring and thinks I'm gonna marry her?" He pointed to Sonia.

Suddenly, the dark red coated box that was in Sharae's hand caught his eye. With no hesitation, De started checking his pockets and ended up empty handed, then soon remembered that Dalvin was the last person with it.

"Hold up! That's the engagement ring I got for Elise! Gimme that!" He unintentionally snatched the box from her hand, making a mental note to get on his brother as soon as he seen him.

Sharae looked him up and down unpleasantly. "...did you just snatch from me???"

"Move!" Tanai pushed her, getting in front. "That's the what you got for who? You got a good five seconds to explain before I swing on you."

"No pun intended!" Sharae said from behind.

JoJo & De shared the same skeptical look before turning to Nai.

"Not to be rude or nothin', but who are you?"

"Oh, so you don't know me now?" Tanai crossed her arms. "But you know this 'Elise' bitch, right?"

"Maybe I did have too much to drink because what is going on...." Sharae kept talking, not that anyone was necessarily paying her any attention.

"So moral of the story is...we jumping both of them?" Kass pointed toward the two males.

The other versions of JoJo and DeVante continued to attempt to defend themselves which Sonia and Tanai were not trying to hear, so it just led to one big misunderstanding argument with everyone talking over each other while Sharae and Kass were on standby.

Safe to say—the two men didn't see it coming when a bunch of fists came flying their way.

"Aight, I think we lost her!" K-Ci ran back on the beach with his other three group members following.

The band had managed to escape from Intarah while she wasn't looking and they hoped she wouldn't pop up again.

Since Dalvin was in front of him, JoJo decided to push him down roughly into the sand.

"Why did I get pushed?" Dalvin questioned, still on the ground as K-Ci, JoJo, and DeVante surrounded over him.

"Who told you to schedule us a show?" K-Ci asked.

"Let alone, without our permission?" DeVante added.

Dalvin finally got up from the sand. "I already told y'all, I ain't schedule no show!"

"Well you must've did it and forgot!" K-Ci threw his hands up. "Ain't nobody else here named Dalvin!"

The four of them walked by a group of girls who appeared to be stomping out two individuals with a bunch of shouting going on, but they somehow failed to look over and realize who it was and what was taking place.

"Whatever," Dalvin shook his head. "Let's just go find the girls. I need to find Kass and convince her to get me a Berry Blast smoothie."

A man walked by with a tray of orangeish-yellowish looking drinks. "Bahama Mamas! Get your Bahama Mamas here!"

Since K-Ci was the last one trailing behind the other three, the pretty looking glasses caught his eye. He stopped in his tracks, grabbing one of the drinks as the man continued to walk with his alcohol advertisement.

Dalvin, DeVante, and JoJo continued on their little voyage, not even realizing that K-Ci was no longer with them.

"Hey boo!" Bianca popped up behind him with a smile as it seemed like her hair was back to its natural state. "What'chu over here doin'?"

K-Ci jumped, damn near choking on his tropical cocktail. "Boo—?" He turned around, glancing at the unfamiliar female and cockily laughing to himself as usual. "You must be a fan. I'm your favorite member, huh? I 'preciate that. You want an autograph? I would give you one but I ain't got a pen, so enjoy this orange for now," he rambled, passing the orange slice from his glass on over to her.

Bianca's smile faded as she furrowed her eyebrows at the unexpected greet. "Why would I want an autograph from you when I see you damn near everyday..?"

"Posters and music videos don't count," K-Ci laughed again. "This is the real deal! I'm the real deal! Come on, I'm being generous. You want me to sing on your beeper for you?"

"The only thing I want you to do right now is to be so fa' real." She blinked at him a few times before getting tired of his cocky ways. "But you know what, I will take this orange!"

She took the orange from his hand and smashed it in his face, dusting her hands off afterwards.

It's like some type of spidey-sense went off. Sharae's focus on the JoJo and DeVante tag team was ripped away from the K-Ci and Bianca interaction. Leaving her friends behind, she hurriedly made her way over to her boyfriend and random female—even falling in the sand on the way there. She got up and pretended like it never even happened, still determined.

"The hell going on over here?" She asked Bianca, standing in front of K-Ci.

K-Ci peered over her shoulder, honored that she was protecting his honor. Sipping from his straw, he decided to watch to see how this conversation would go down.

Bianca looked Sharae up and down before stepping up to her. "I don't know who you are, but whatever me & my man got goin' on should have nothing to do wit'chu!"

"Your man?" Sharae repeated distastefully, taking another step forward. "This is my man! You better just run along cause I'd hate to have to show you that you surely got the right one!"

Before they could even get to throw down, Sierra came from behind Bianca and scrunched up her face.

"Girl I know you didn't just catch ya' little leprechaun cheating!" She viewed the scene, seeing K-Ci hide behind Sharae.

Bi bitterly chuckled and switched her weight to her left leg. "Nah, but you did just stop this trick from catchin' a case!"

"And K you not even helping?!"

Sharae looked all around. "I'm tryna figure out who you callin' a trick cause...."

"And I know I ain't just get called no leprechaun?" K-Ci mugged Sierra. "You know what, let's go. We don't need this!" He continued to sip his drink and grab ahold of Sharae's hand, leading her away.

Sierra & Bianca both watched them walk off in a distance.

"So..." Sierra dragged out with her eyes still on 'the couple's' backs. "You're just gonna let him walk away with another girl—"

"Girl, forget him! She can have him for all that I care!" It was obvious that she felt salty towards the situation. She ended up stomping off, almost tripping over her feet, and leaving her friend by herself.

In the midst of all this going on, Dalvin didn't have a care in the world since he found a random volleyball and started a one-man game with it, JoJo went off somewhere to go look for Sonia, and DeVante was awkwardly standing in the middle of the beach with nothing to do.

"De!" Was randomly heard as Elise jogged over to him, watching her step. "I've been looking for you!"

"So you know how you said you had 'romantic plans' for us right? Well, you never told me what time I should be ready by. Also, how should I dress? Casual, fancy, bikini..?" She trailed off, waiting for his response.

DeVante looked at her, then looked all around to see who she could be talking to. He assumed she was talking to another individual that had the nickname of 'De', so he ignored her and left her question unanswered.

Elise's enthusiasm slowly disappeared as the last thing she expected for him to do was ignore her.

She cocked her head to the side and chuckled. "De?"

Still no answer.

Frustration finally hit her when she waved her hand in his face, blocking his ocean view.


The tall and ignorant male finally looked down at her. "...I know you?"

She was left dumbfounded from the response as she soon felt like he was joking around.

"You're kidding, right? Cause if you are, now is not the time. I really need to know what to wear!"

"So what you askin' me for?" DeVante asked. "I ain't your man, so go find 'em and ask 'em. And I never said nothin' 'bout no romantic plans cause I don't even know who the hell you are."

Taken aback, Elise took a few steps back with her hand on her chest. This was honestly the first time she had ever encountered DeVante being completely discourteous towards her.

"So you're really gonna sit up here and tell me you don't 'know me' & say you're not my man?" Then she realized what that could possibly mean. "Wait...are you tryna break up with me?!"

"Can't break up with you if you ain't my girl and I already got a girl...but if that's what makes sense to you, then yeah, I guess," DeVante shrugged and walked off, leaving Elise to stay where she stood.

The now saddened woman was left with a shocked expression on her face which was also being covered with incoming tears. Not only was her relationship now considered over, but so was her vacation as it felt ruined by the unexpected breakup.

Needing someone's shoulder to cry on, she soon walked away from the heartbreaking scene to find one of her three closest friends.

Finally torn away from the jumping upon JoJo and DeVante, Tanai angrily walked through the sand on her way to the hotel to pack her bags. She ended up walking by Elise and noticing her melancholy expression, and despite the fact that she was upset herself or didn't know the female, she still decided to check on her.

"...are you okay...?"

As if it couldn't get any worse, the question made more salty teardrops fall out of Elise's tear ducts.

"No, I'm not!" She shook her head before finally taking a breather, not even knowing she was holding her breath.

"Well I'm upset too so we might as well confide in each other," Tanai led Elise over to that same bar area, not acknowledging the same lonely glass of an unfinished martini before shouting to the bartender. "Give us two fruit punch daiquiris! Now what happened? If you actually wanna talk about it."

Elise huffed and attempted to stop crying which reluctantly worked. She grabbed a napkin from the napkin dispenser and gently wiped her face.

"To make a long story short; My long term boyfriend basically broke up with me for absolutely no reason & practically admitted to cheating on me?!" She paused with a spiteful scoff. "I don't know, it was just so random. Not to mention he was being mad rude to me, like..?" Her last sentence was more so for herself.

Tanai shook her head, sipping from the fruity alcoholic smoothie. "Ya' boyfriend's a jackass, but lemme tell you how we basically in the same boat. One of my friends found this ring, and it allegedly belonged to him, which doesn't make sense cause we just got married not too long ago," she flashed her diamond ring for a second. "Then he said something about it being for someone named Elevator—somethin' like that. So me and another one of my friends jumped him and one of his friends since they're both cheating on us."

"Yeah," Elise picked up her glass and took a sip out of it, not realizing the surprise for her had just got exposed. "I think it's now safe to say that we should never bring our asses back to this heartbreaking ass island." She lifted her drink and offered a toast to Nai.

"To being independent!" Tanai clinked glasses with her.

In spite all of the ruckus that's been caused by damn near all the men, Dalvin seemed to be the only one being out of harm's way as there was no woman charging at him with an attitude.

With no luck of finding Intarah, Dalvin walked back to the beach, now being back at square one. With his hands on his hips and eyes squinted, he stood in the middle of the beach while a woman randomly appeared behind him.

"Hey, I feel like I haven't seen you in hours," Kass walked over to him, sipping on a smoothie that was Berry Blast flavored. "You want some?"

Dal's attention was now on her as he looked down at her oddly. "Nah, I'm okay. But 'preciate it!"

Kass shrugged, continuing to enjoy the drink by herself. "You enjoying yourself so far? I bet you glad you ain't gotta perform while we here."

"Yeah, for now! Only if I can find Intarah.." He smacked his lips before looking back out into the glistening water.

"...the hell is an Intarah?" Kass asked. "Is that a drink?"

Dal chuckled. "Man, I wish! I could really use one!" He glanced back at her and noticed the dark Versace sunglasses she had on her face. "I like your shades!"

"I bet you do, you picked them out," Kass chewed on her straw.

Slightly confused, he looked from side to side as he thought to himself on when he ever spent his money on a random lady, but soon shrugged it off and sent a clueless smile her way.

Meanwhile, the other Dalvin was entertaining himself with a random beach ball that he found. He tossed it over the net and hurriedly ran over to the other side. Once he caught it from that side, he tossed it back over to its original side—basically playing a game of volleyball by himself.

"Hey.." Sierra's somewhat cheerful voice rang in his ears when she eased her way over to him. "I'm finally not mad at you anymore."

Assuming she was just starting a conversation, Dalvin wasn't as confused as he should have been. "And what did I do for you to be mad at me?"

"Because," She dragged out as she stomped her foot in the sand. "Earlier when I almost drowned out in the ocean, I kept calling your name for help and you were nowhere to be found until after the fact! What if I died?"

"You weren't gon' die, you coulda been like Ariel on ya' Little Mermaid out there," Dalvin joked around with her.

Sierra couldn't help but drop her fake attitude and giggle at his corny joke, indicating that she was no longer upset at him.

She ended her laugh with a smile and put her hand on her hip while gripping the other onto the volleyball net.

"What're you up to anyway?"

"Just playin' volleyball," Dalvin tossed the large ball into the air. "Care to join me?"

"Duh," She playfully snatched the ball from him and hurriedly ran under the net to the other side. "Me first though!"

Sharae's arms looped with K-Ci's as they walked along the first floor of the hotel. Dalvin and Kass were right beside them while Tanai and Sonia silently trailed behind, trying their hardest to ignore JoJo and DeVante's presences. The eight of them decided enough time had been spent on the beach and were headed back to their suites.

"Why you walking so fast?" JoJo asked Sonia, to which she turned her head to the opposite side.

"Y'all heard that?" She asked sarcastically.

"I sure didn't," Kass instigated.

Dalvin looked her way, noticing the straw she was chewing on that was inside of an empty cup. "Wait a minute—ain't that the smoothie I wanted? And you drank the whole thing?!" He took the cup away from her, leaving the straw in her mouth, and turned it upside down to see if anything would come out but it didn't.

"I thought you ain't want none?" She thought back to the beach interaction.

"I wanted you to get me one so of course I wanted some. Gon' have the audacity to drink it all—you gon' get me another one!" He passed the empty cup her way again.

"K-Ci, I love you so much," Sharae happily leaned against her man. "I promise to act surprised when you—you know! Imma show you how thankful I am when we get upstairs."

Even though he had no clue what the hell she was talking about, K-Ci decided not to question it and just pretended like he did. "...okay, that's fine by me."

"Dalvin, I know I might make jokes about you behind your back but it's out of love. I'm proud of you!" Sharae continued to speak, still tipsy from the drinks she had. "JoJo and DeVante, go to hell!"

"Why I gotta go to hell?" JoJo questioned and he went without an answer.

"You know why she's mad at us?" DeVante looked down at Tanai.

She ignored him the same way Sonia did JoJo, walking faster.

"You heard me?"

Taking it upon himself to gain her attention somehow, DeVante grabbed Tanai's wrist but she snatched away and swiftly swung on him—luckily he moved before the hit connected.

"Don't touch me, Donald!"

"Why you actin' like that? I did somethin'?"

"Go ask the bitch you traded on me for. You can have this back, by the way," Tanai took the ring off her left ring finger, giving it to a concerned and confused DeVante.

"Come on," Sonia pulled her away. "We can go upstairs to my hotel room and cry together," they stepped onto the elevator with the other two couples of the group.

JoJo stopped the elevator doors before they could close. "Wait a damn minute. Y'all gon' stay right here and somebody gon' explain to us what the hell goin' on! Now what did me and DeVante do?"

Dalvin and K-Ci gave blank stares since they didn't know what the problem was either. Their brothers stood on the other side of the elevator, awaiting for a response.

Sonia pushed JoJo out of the way and Sharae pressed one of the buttons to take them to their floor. "Have fun taking the stairs!" She waved with a smile on her face.

"We know what y'all ain't gon' be getting,"K-Ci ignorantly teased before the elevator doors closed.

As both JoJo & DeVante stood there dumbfounded, Elise, Sierra, & Bianca sped walked past them, not paying attention to the backs that were turned to them.

"What has gotten into them assholes?" Sierra stood in the middle of her two friends as she tried to comfort them both at the same time.

Bianca & Elise—with Sierra on standby—were currently moping over to the long lobby staircase, making their way to their hotel rooms to pack their bags.

After what went down between them & 'their boyfriends', there was no way in hell they were going to continue to stay in the same rooms as them.

"I don't know, but screw Cedric's peanut head ass," Bianca marched up the stairs while tying her hair up into a loose ponytail. "I'm ready to lay my hands on DeVante for doin' my girl like that!"

Elise eventually found the girls, excluding Renee, and told them what happened whilst Bianca ranted about her interaction with her now so called 'ex'.

As time went past, Elise ended up holding back her tears for the rest of the day as she didn't want to think about losing her high school sweetheart. But that soon failed when they made it to their correct floor and seen DeVante in the middle of the hallway by himself.

He was limping while he held his expensive shades that looked to be broken in his right hand while his left was stuck on the back of his neck.

Seeing this as a great opportunity, Bianca ran as fast as she could and swiftly attacked De, not giving him a chance to react.

"You think you can just get away with what you did, Earle?!" Her words matched the rhythm of her hits.

He soon gained the strength to fight her off which resulted into her holding onto his neck for dear life, hoping not to fall after realizing he wasn't as easy to take down like how she would do K-Ci from time to time—don't ask.

"What the hell, Bianca?!" was yelled out as DeVante tried to get out of her grasp.

Once they caught up to them, Sierra couldn't help but giggle under her breath even though they were supposed to be taking their lash out on him seriously.

Elise sighed and crossed her arms. "As much as I appreciate it, you can let go of him now, Bi."

She gave him one good glare before letting him go and adjusting herself to get up.

"What is with y'all women & hittin' on folks?" DeVante fully stood up and winced. "What did I even do?"

"So you still wanna act stupid?" Elise finally spoke. "Donald, you know exactly what you did, so I'm not even gonna explain all the damage you've caused—"

The tension got worse when she was cut off by another 'no good' man.

"Aye, baby! I was lookin' for you girl.." K-Ci's voice rang into their ears as they didn't even need to turn around to know who it was.

"Aw hell.."

"Tell me why earlier on the beach I seen this dude with a big ass head drinkin' a nasty ole' Bahama Mamas—"

"Don't 'aye baby' me! You know what, don't even talk to me! Go find you another lil' trick to mess with," Bianca spat in his face and gave him the 'talk to the hand' before he could even finish his story. "You lucky I lost energy tryna get on DeVante, cause if I hadn't, you would've been on this floor beggin' for help!"

K scrunched up his face more and more as she talked, trying to find out where her random attitude came from.

He didn't get a chance to question her as she grabbed Elise's hand.

"Now if you'll excuse us, Elise & I have some bags to pack." And with that, the two walked around the men as they were now left with Sierra.

"Mm, Mm, Mm," She looked them up and down in disgust. "Shame on y'all.."

She then pushed between them, making room for her to walk through and soon caught up to the girls. But not before viewing the light bruises and scratches on De's face.

"Damn, I ain't think Bi was gon' cause that much damage.."

She was obviously clueless to the fact that he had just gotten out of a girls fight.

When she walked away, DeVante & K-Ci did nothing but look back at her, then at each other with their facial expressions reading the same thing.

"What the hell did we do?"

As chaos was taking place on one floor, more important things was happening on another.

Renee was successfully able to make her departure from the group as she'd made plans to surprise JoJo with a romantic, rememberable night to start off their honeymoon.

As of now, she was on the telephone with one of the receptionists from the front desk.

"What do you mean I can't order a dozen roses?"

She waited for the person to respond as they were explaining to her that the Bahamas rarely grew the red flowers, but would be able to assist her with a dozen Yellow Elders.

"Yellow Elders?" She repeated in judgment. "Boy, don't nobody want no damn Yellow Elders! Find me some Red Roses, stat!"

Right when Renee slammed the phone back onto its hook, the knocks on the door gained her attention. She stood up from the bed and adjusted her red, silky rope that wrapped around her body.

"Coming!" She soon made it to the suite's door and opened it, seeing her husband in complete distress.

JoJo leaned on the door frame as if his body was about to give out. A light purple bruise circled underneath his right eye, starting to turn darker.

Sand began to scatter all over the hallway floor as it dropped from the top of his cap.

The smile on Renee's face quickly turned into a pissed frown before she yelled..

"What the hell happened to you?!"

Trying to keep the surprise for him a secret soon left her mind as she pulled him into the room and harshly shutting the door behind her.

JoJo limped his way to the couch and managed to sit down.

"I just got jumped by a bunch'a crazy, delusional chicks." He answered in a sharp tone as he tried to stretch his body out.

Renee was more appalled than anything as she stayed quiet for a good minute or two. He seen the rage in her eyes and sunk in his seat, knowing what was to come.

"You just, what?!"

Joel sighed inwardly, not needing another woman to yell in his ear for the day.

"I said—"

"No, I heard what you said," She plopped down next to him and softened her tone, but not too much. "But what kind of business did they even have putting hands on you?"

"That's what I'm tryna figure out!" He threw his hands up. "All I remember was two of them comin' up to me with one tellin' me to admit how I'm supposed to be marrying her with a ring that they found," He purposely left out the part of the ring being Elise's. "Then I told her I was already married, showed her my ring in hopes that she would leave me alone.

But then De came up and started a whole other situation I can't even explain! Then all of a sudden, there we were gettin' beat by some girls."

Renee took everything little word in and lifted her eyebrow in suspension.

"Okay, well for right now imma sit here and try my best to heal you up. But when I got time, trust, whoever did this will be dealt with." She guaranteed him.

She got up from the couch and went to go change so she could go fetch some ice & rubbing alcohol for his eye & small scratches.

From what she was thinking, there could've been no way their week had just started off the complete opposite from good. Let alone her husband getting jumped. But her detective mode would soon kick in and help her find the anonymous women.

The other JoJo just so happened to be on that floor as well, but on the other side of the hall. He had actually walked up most of the flights of stairs and his room was on the seventeenth floor, so he just decided to take the elevator for the next four floors.

By that time, Renee had just came back from the lobby with a bottle of ninety percent alcohol & a small bucket of ice.

When she looked up from the ice, she seen the backside JoJo from a far as he pressed the up button of the elevator. She squinted to make sure se was seeing correctly.

Now being sure it was him, Renee got ready to jog over to him while calling out for him. But not before looking to her right, seeing another man walking from a distance who looked like he was searching for a specific room number.

She just shrugged off her curiosity and went back to what she was doing.

"JoJo!" He looked over at her and kind of had no choice but to wait for her since he elevator hadn't opened yet.

She finally made it to him and huffed, catching her breath.

"Hey, where you goin'? I thought you were gonna wait in the room while I went to get everything for your bruises."

".....huh—?" A puzzled JoJo asked.

"What'chu mean 'huh'—" Renee cut herself off when she noticed that the slight bruises he had were now gone. His face was clear as day.

She then looked down at him, seeing that he was now in completely different clothes from before. The only thing that was the same about him was the White Sox cap he had on this head.

"What the— JoJo, what happened to the scars on your face? And why did you change your clothes..?"

JoJo was still confused, standing there dumbfounded. "What—do we know each other?"

Confusion must have been having a field day flying around the island as it seemed like that was all they were; Confused.

Scrunching her face more, Renee took a step back. "Boy!— hold up....sumn' ain't right!"

JoJo still acted clueless as she spoke.

"I don't know if you playin' games with me, or what. But imma figure it out! You know I always do.."

She slowly backed away from him, walking backwards while keeping an eye on him.

"So instead of throwing this bucket of ice at you for acting like you don't know me, imma let you have that one." And right after she finished talking, she turned on her heels and strutted away in speed.

The next few days rolled around and everything between everyone was pretty much the same. No lovey-dovey energy, just animosity that continued to go on.

Dalvin had Sonia, JoJo, DeVante, and Tanai sitting next to each other — much to the girls' dismay. Kass, Sharae, and K-Ci sat on the second bed that was in the room.

"Aight, peep this," Dalvin stated sternly, walking back and forth in front of the four sitting before him. "This animosity toward each other is gonna stop right now! It's been going on for days and it's awkward, everybody can feel the tension. So this is what's gon' happen!"

"Who let him in charge..." JoJo mumbled, still loud enough to be heard.

"Don't speak!" K-Ci snapped in his direction. "Let him finish!"

"Thank you. Now, as I was saying," Dalvin continued. "This is what's gon' happen. Tanai, you gon' act like you love DeVante—and DeVante, you gon' act like you love Tanai. Sonia, you gon' act like you love JoJo—and JoJo, you gon' act like you love Sonia. Kass and Sharae, y'all ain't allowed to disrespect DeVante or JoJo, or add any smart remarks in relation to them. K-Ci, the same goes for you. Don't say anything smart or disrespectful about any of these four over here."

"What is this all for?" Tanai asked emotionlessly.

"That's what I wanna know," Sonia pitched in. "You didn't care yesterday or the day before. Now it's different all of a sudden."

"Y'all must not listen cause I clearly said that it's getting awkward and we can feel the tension in the air. Anyway, I heard some event was gon' be happening later on this evening and we will be going whether y'all like it or not. We gon' get dressed all fly and have a good time. I don't care how mad such and such is, I don't care what such and such did, y'all better fake it till y'all make it. Capeesh? Does everyone understand?" Dalvin finished.

"Capeesh," the seven sitting down responded.

"Good!" Dalvin clapped. "Now if this ain't the hotel room you sleep in, get ya' asses outta here and go figure out what you gon' wear for tonight. It's at the hall that ain't too far from the beach and starts at seven and I better see all of y'all there!"

"Silence, everyone, silence!" No one chose to listen to Dalvin as he tried to get their attention.

It obviously didn't work since they all kept bickering amongst each other.

Seeing that he needed a little bit of help, Renee got up from where she was sitting and stood side by side next to Dal.

"You heard the man; Silence!"

Everyone managed to quiet down, excluding Bianca who said a few more slick comments towards K-Ci before shutting up.

Ever since they got the call from Dalvin to meet up in his & Sierra's hotel suite, there hasn't been not one quiet moment as they were already yapping at the mouth by the time they made it to their floor.

Since they've been staying by themselves while their girlfriends stayed in JoJo & Renee's extra room, K-Ci & DeVante were itching to know what they did wrong.

Bianca & Elise were begging for them to stop talking, whilst Sierra was trying to calm all four of them down. It had pretty much been the main problem throughout the past few days they've been spending in the supposedly, 'peaceful' country.

JoJo seemed to be the only one doing right as he sat in the recliner in the corner of the room, making absolutely no noise.

"Thank you, sis," Renee went to go sit back down, giving Dal the floor. "Now, I know it hasn't been easy for some of us on this trip, but we've gotta get this, together." He made circular motions with his hands, gesturing to the high tension.

"Listen, I got word," He paused just to send two good, stiff winks DeVante's way. "That there's supposed to be an event goin' on at the beach hall tonight, not to far from the hotel, & I am going to make it my mission to get us all back on the same track! So I expect all of you to dress to impress! It starts at seven so be ready before then. And please, please, please no fighting! You all are to be on your best behavior during this event. Is that clear?"

As everyone mumbled a response and reluctantly agreed to the plans, Elise scoffed and crossed her arms, standing up and getting ready to walk over to the door. "Well y'all have fun, 'cause I'm not going!"

It seemed as if all hell was about to break loose as DeVante almost shot up from his seat and refrained her from not going.

He quickly looked over at his brother, practically telling him to fix it. And fast.

"Wait! What do you mean you're not going?!"

What was a surprise proposal without having a woman to propose to..?

Elise stopped in her tracks and turned to Dalvin. "I mean just how I said it, I'm not going!"

"Okay, hold on," Bianca sighed and stood from the suite's couch. "As much as I should be agreeing with you, please come! Even though i'll have Sierra & Renee with me, I do not wanna be the only heartbroken woman at that event tonight."

K-Ci smacked his lips and threw his arms up as he heard her say 'heartbroken'. To be honest, he was about to be heartbroken in a minute if he didn't find out what was going on with Bi.

It looked like she was about to decline the offer again, but Renee, who was now caught up on the foolery, came forward. "Plus, why would we leave you out of our plans? You're still apart of the crew, girl! No matter bad De messed up.."

DeVante followed in K's footsteps and smacked his lips as well at the shade that was being thrown at him.

"I don't know—"

"Please?" Sierra pleaded behind the two girls. That eventually made Elise give in and finally agree to going.

That also made DeVante secretly sigh in relief, his plan now being back into action.

The three girls gathered around her, throwing a mini celebration on her agreement and started to make their way out the door.

The three boys followed suit and walked behind them, leaving so they could get ready for the special event.

"Great, it's settled!" Dalvin clasped his hands together as everyone besides Sierra began to leave. "Don't forget about what I said! No foolishness, I mean it!"

It was now a good minute or two 'til seven and everyone was beginning to meet up at the beach hall to get prepared for the proposal.

Having to walk by himself, K-Ci walked down the hallway towards the elevator. As he waited for the doors to open after pressing the down button, he looked down at himself and noticed that his silver, diamond watch was loose on his wrist.

The elevator dinged as the doors opened. Due to his jewelry nearly falling off, he didn't look up and instead just walked into the elevator.

His shiny watch was now perfectly tightened which meant he could finally look up and acknowledge his surroundings.

K-Ci raised his head and soon felt someone's presence right next to him. He then took the time to look to his left, seeing someone—or something—he wasn't prepared to see.

A figure who looked just like him was on the phone while looking down at his beeper so he didn't pay attention to the other individual in the elevator.

"Yes Sharae, I'm lookin' at my beeper right now and I see that you beeped me seven times...girl, I'm in the elevator making my way down there now! Nobody told you to leave me, I told you I had to use the said what? After I went to the bathroom I changed my outfit....what? I can't hear a word you saying...this elevator got bad reception. I—imma just see you there!" He hung up the phone and finally took his eyes off his beeper, acknowledging the person who was already staring at him.

His eyes were finally met with ones that looked exactly like his. They both stared at each other looking dumbfounded as ever.

"I know damn well I ain't lookin' at no off brand version of myself," the K-Ci who was previously on the phone criticized, eyeing his lookalike up and down.

The other K-Ci looked at him the same way with distaste. "Off brand? I'm not the one wearin' a big three XL jacket with my ashy ass chest showin'."

K-Ci scrunched his face up. "Ashy? Yeah, aight. Whole time, I bet that jewelry you got on is fake."

At that point, K was appalled by the false accusation about his newly bought jewelry. He was about to throw another insult back about his until he peeped the iconic 'Jodeci' chain that laid around his neck.

He briefly looked down to check and see if he could've anonymously snatched his from his neck, but the thought went to waste as it was still sitting there while the elevator light made it glisten.

"Holl'up," K-Ci held his hand up. "I know you ain't talkin'. You really went and copped a bootlegged 'Jodeci' chain just to be like me. Now who's really off brand?"

The two Cedrics continued to bicker the whole elevator ride. The doors opened and since they were going to the same place, they brung the argument there. Everyone from their cliques were there, waiting on each of their arrivals.

"He's tryna be like me!" They said simultaneously, catching the attention of all eight girls and both sets of Jodecis.

Everyone trailed over to them, and confused wasn't even the right word to describe the mood. All eight Jodeci members stood directly across from each other, staring at each other dumbfounded.

There was a long pause of silence between the sixteen of them as the girls looked more shocked then their men.

Renee seemed to be the only one piecing everything together as her eyes widened.

She finally stepped up before them all and looked between the eight of them, but mainly at both JoJos.

"See, I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" She pointed at them both. "I knew something was up this whole week and—"

She was confusingly interrupted by Bianca. "And you didn't mention anything because..?!"

Before Renee could even get a chance to reply to her, the JoJo that stood the closest to her snatched his shades off of his face and raised his arm to point at none other than Sonia.

"Aye! That's the girl who damn near ended my life!"

"Who?!" Renee was quick to dead the small argument with Bianca as she almost broke her neck to follow his pointing finger.

All eyes turned to Sonia who grew embarrassed from the many stares. "See....that was all a misunderstanding—as we can now see! I'd like to um, briefly apologize for the harm I've done," and with that, she scurried elsewhere to spare anymore awkwardness.

While DeVante scanned the row of the identical strangers, his eyes landed on Tanai.

He repeated JoJo's actions, "And she's the one who almost knocked me the hell out!"

Even though she wasn't in a good place with him at the moment, Elise glanced at her, not even acknowledging the fact that she had met her before. When she looked away she scoffed and mumbled, hoping not to be heard.

"She shoulda knocked you into a coma.."

"I....don't know what you're talkin' about," Tanai scratched her head. "I don't recall. I've never seen you before. Well I have but—you know what? Imma just....go somewhere else," she turned to go elsewhere, tripping in the process.

With Tanai & Sonia now gone, the rest of them still stood before each other. The tension was too high to bare so the Dalvin next to Sierra decided to step forward.

"Sooo," He looked around awkwardly. "Wasn't nobody gon' tell me I had a twin?"

The other Dalvin went to go stand next to him. "I see what this is, you're my doppelgänger! Ya' know, standing next to each other, we look real fine. I hope that's not gay to say—or on a level of incest—"

No one felt the need to let him explain himself any further as they all—except for his lookalike—began to walk away, now having to deal with the presence of their duplicates.

About twenty to thirty minutes had passed after the first interaction between the eight members of the groups and their girlfriends. Tanai was still avoiding DeVante and he was trying to decide on whether or not he wanted to approach her or not. One of the reasons he couldn't decide is because he was distracted by the fact that the other DeVante had been staring at him.

Nobody knows how long the staring had been going on, and nobody really paid attention to it. At this point, DeVante was irritated by the actions of his duplicate so he took it upon himself to approach him.

"Yo, can I ask why you keep starin' at me? It's already weird enough that I gotta look at myself. Do me a favor and stop."

"Because for one," he removed his shades from his face and continued to blankly stare at him. "Now that I am aware of there being another...— me,"

He somewhat made himself cringe but continued. "I have a feeling that you have something to do with my girlfriend not talkin' to me. For two, the girl who I am assuming is yours attacked me. And for three, due to number one, imma need you to go and apologize to her for whatever it is that you did so I can get back in her good grace & propose." He ended with two stiff blinks.

DeVante looked at the other version of himself oddly. "That ain't got nothin' to do with me. We might be the same person but we not the same person, you know what I'm sayin'? You can go fix your own relationship."

The other De lightly chuckled sarcastically while looking to the side, making sure no one was witnessing the interaction. When he seen that there wasn't, his small smile was automatically replaced with a humorless look.

"Don't even talk, just shut up & listen, 'ight? 'Ian finna argue wit'chu on this. Cause if it was the other way around, you woulda had me fix it, right or wrong?"

Considering the circumstances, DeVante instantly switched up. "Yeah....I guess you got a point. You better stop starin' at me after I do this. What am I supposed to go over and say? 'Sorry that you thought I was me, I'm not me. He's me and I'm not him'???"

He thought for a few seconds before responding.

"Yes. Now go," Giving him a light push, he sent his 'twin' off over to Elise.

DeVante went to stand in front of her, catching her attention. "Hey—this is gon' be weird to explain. Basically....I'm not the version of myself that you thought I was which should explain why I acted harsh toward you—I don't know you. The me that you thought I was is him," he nodded toward the DeVante that was injured. "So yeah. I apologize. Forgive your man so he can stop starin' at me. I'd hate to have to swing on Swing."

Elise huffed and rolled her eyes, not even willing to hear him out.

"Listen, I don't know what you & Mr. 'twin nem' got goin' on, but I'm not falling for it. So please get on with all'at."

"I did what I could do," DeVante mumbled to himself, shrugging and walking away.

Elise continued to mumble under her breath as he walked away but it soon got quiet as everyone around her—even both groups of Jodeci—gathered around with shocking faces.

She looked around at all of them and uncrossed her arms slowly before questioning them. "What are y'all looking at..?"

While they all were still in semi-shock, Bianca took the opportunity to push herself to the front and speak.

"Elise.....just to let you know ahead of time, I would like to be a bridesmaid.."

The unnecessary comment obviously didn't help Elise as all she did was knit her brows together even harder and shook her head.

"A bridesmaid?— Bianca, what the hell are you talkin' about—"

"Girl, turn yo' slow ass around!" The K-Ci from the opposite Jodeci obnoxiously shouted.

She didn't even think to retaliate since it felt like her social anxiety was going through the roof with everyone in her face.

Elise reluctantly turned on her heels to be met with nothing. That was until she lowered her eyes to the ground, seeing her DeVante on his left knee with a red velvet jewelry box in his hand which showed a simple one carat, 18K rose gold diamond engagement ring.

She couldn't help but take a stumble back, not believing what she was seeing at the moment. It didn't take long for her to cover her jaw dropped mouth with her hands as she started to get teary eyed.

He looked up at her with a serous, but loving look that Elise automatically adored right then and there.

The room soon got silent as De prepared to speak.

"Right now might not be a good time to do this since you've obviously been mad at me all week, but plannin' this surprise took too damn long just for me to cancel it," He got a few laughs out of most people before he continued.

"To be honest wit'chu, I feel like this," He gestured to the proposal event. "Has been long overdue considerin' the fact that we've been together for goin' on six years now. I've always thought of the moment I would be down here, holdin' this ring to give to you, hoping you would say yes. And I would hate for it all to be ruin by some lookalike who did or said I don't know what to you. So with that bein' said,"

At that point, any animosity she had towards him was now long gone as there was no way she was going to let something so little mess her chances of getting married to the man she loved up.

Elise stared him down with her watery eyes as he said his final words.

"Elise Noelle Pierce, will you marry me?"

She wasted no time to let out a million 'yeses' right before jumping into his arms, nearly making him fall.

Everyone watched in awe, cheering & clapping as DeVante hugged her back. She eventually stood back up so he could slip the ring onto her left ring finger.

With a lot of struggle, De managed to get back to his feet. Elise then took him into a winded, heartfelt kiss which he immediately accepted.

Sharae leaped out her seat and ran to the middle of the room, pushing the couple to the side. "Okay K-Ci, now it's your turn!"

K-Ci looked at her in confusion. "...what you mean—"

"You can propose to me now!" Sharae grinned. "I've known about the ring the whole time."

".....I ain't got no ring—and I'm not proposing—"

Sharae blinked, not even paying attention to the laugh that accidentally came from Bianca. "So you mean to tell me I've been going around thinking this was all a distraction just for you to propose to me when you're not?! I—what?! That's not the way it's supposed to be!"

"You're giving me secondhand embarrassment. Come on, let's go," Kass dragged her friend out of the middle circle.

Sonia had came back into the room, watching the other Jodeci and their girls continue to celebrate the happy news. The sound of someone clearing their throat behind her made her whip around, seeing her JoJo.

"Before you say anything, let me go first. For starters, I wanna tell you that I love you dearly and I would never put my hands on you unless I had a very valid reason. At the time, I had been drinking and caught up in some nonsense with Sharae's crazy ass so when I saw...the other you, I thought he was you because I didn't know there was a duo version. Therefore, I apologize and I hope you can forgive me for the way I acted toward you," she finished.

JoJo looked at her intently. "Girl, would I ever publicly embarrass you? Do I look like one of them?" He threw shots at the three members of his group, making Sonia laugh lightly.

"Now come here!"

Sonia happily went into his open arms and the two of them pecked each other's lips.

"You beat his ass pretty bad," JoJo glanced over at his lookalike. "You just like me, forreal. Silent but deadly."

"Oh!" Sonia made a quick realization. "I have to do something! I'll be back!" Her man watched her as she scurried off, wondering where she could be going.

In another part of the room, DeVante was over by the drinking area working on his third glass of champagne. He was slightly alarmed when arms wrapped around him from behind.


He turned around to see Tanai staring up at him. No words were exchanged and a brief silence came over the two.

"You doin' a lot of starin' at me for someone who should be apologizin' to me," DeVante took a casual sip from his glass.

Tanai paid his attitude no mind since it was somewhat necessary. She took a deep sigh, preparing herself for what she was gonna say.

"Baby, I'm sorry! I did not mean any despair I caused you. Can you blame me though? I wasn't expecting there to be another you so when I saw him on the beach, I thought he was you! Well, he is you, but a different you—you're not him. I don't know what I'm saying..."

"I forgive you," DeVante chuckled lightly, pulling her wedding ring out his pocket. "I think I got somethin' that belongs to you."

She allowed him to slip the diamond embedded piece of jewelry on her left ring finger.

"You know I love you, right?" DeVante questioned.

"Yes, and I love you more," Tanai brought his face down to hers as they shared a kiss that seemed to erase any animosity that was previously there.

"Now, I need you to do me a favor," DeVante said once they pulled away.

"What is it?"

"Since I had to apologize to Elise, I think that's what her name was, you gotta apologize to the other version of me."

Tanai gave DeVante a blank stare with no words and he laughed again, throwing an arm around her.

"Come on, I'll walk you over there."

They trailed over to the second DeVante and Elise, who didn't notice their presence at all since they were still in the midst of being lovey-dovey.

"Sorry to interrupt," DeVante ironically interrupted. "We just wanted to come over here to try and lighten up the situation. Go 'head, Nai."

Tanai looked at the double version of Swing with a facial expression that couldn't be read. ".....I'm sorry."

"On the bright side, congrats. Y'all get to be like us now," DeVante pointlessly spoke.

"Oh yeah, congratulations!" Tanai turned to Elise. "At least you got a formal proposal cause I ain't get that. You'll be a pretty bride though. And I also apologize for callin' you a bitch named Elevator."

Both Elise & her DeVante looked at each other, then at the couple in front of them, trying to take in the awkward, backhanded apology.

Nonetheless, De accepted both the apology & congrats.

"Uh, yeah it's all good," he said towards Tanai, secretly still upset about the bruise she made on his temple. Without turning his head from Nai, he switched his eyes to her partner and gave him a shady look. "And thanks....De."

There was a weird silence amongst the four before Elise broke it.

"And thank you!" She spoke in Tanai's direction, chuckling at the nice reference of her not getting a proposal. That was until she remembered what she had said after that. "Wait—"

"When did you call me a bitch named Elevator—?"

A quick silence came as Tanai stared at her, not wanting to explain. "Enjoy the rest of your night!" She quickly ended the conversation and led a tipsy DeVante elsewhere.

Before letting them get too far, the newly engaged DeVante called out to them..

"Don't forget; there's more champagne to go around! Enjoy!" Elise hit him in his arm, trying not to let out a laugh. It was pretty obvious that his clone seemed to have had a little too much to drink, and he wanted to get a good kick out of it. They eventually walked away from where they were as well to enjoy their engagement celebration.

Sonia hesitantly made her way over to where she spotted Renee. "...Hey! Can I borrow you for a quick minute?"

Renee stopped herself from taking a seat as she had just gotten back from fixing her & JoJo's plate to eat.

She took one hard look at the woman before agreeing and telling JoJo she'd be right back. From his point of view, he didn't know whether it was going to go good or bad, but just nodded and began to dig into his food.

Sonia led her to a private corner where they wouldn't be interrupted. "I wanted to apologize to you for you know, attacking your man cause I thought he was my man. I'm also sorry that my friends jumped in to help. I'll be apologizing to him as well when I'm done speaking with you, but yeah, that's all I wanted to say."

Renee continued to give her a blank stare as she talked, but when it was her turn to talk, she let out a small laugh.

"Girl, it's fine. I totally understand— well not totally but— you get it," She sighed frustratingly. "Ya' know, at first I was itching to find out who put hands on him so I could return the favor, but now that I know, I no longer wanna do that. To be honest, you're pretty cool...." She dragged out since she never had a chance to get her name.

"It's Sonia. And to completely make up for it, here you go!" Sonia held a glass over to her. It was another green apple martini, since she never thoroughly got to enjoy her first one.

Renee raised her eyebrows in surprise and happily took the neon drink from her hold and thanked her.

Instead of returning to her husband at their table, she led Sonia to the bar so they could continue their friendly interaction.

Over at another area in the room, K-Ci was still being neglected by Bianca whenever he would try to talk to her. Thinking of ways he could fix her attitude towards him, he spotted his spitting image across the room and a light switch went on in his head.

He marched over to the turned back and vigorously tapped his shoulder, waiting for his attention.

The K-Ci double took his attention away from his bottle of Smirnoff, slowly turning around. Once he saw who was behind him, he looked at the individual in disgust. "You must've realized that your jewelry actually is fake and you wanna wear mine. The answer is no."

He gave him the same look in return. "Negro, please. The day i'll start wearin' fake jewelry will be the day they asses finally get it together.."

Both of them turned towards where he was pointing and viewed both Dalvins on the dance floor trying their hardest to show off their footwork moves. Guests stood around to watch them battle each other, hyping them up.

The hype eventually stopped when one of the two tripped over their own two feet. He luckily caught himself and tried to play it off with another dance move.

The two K-Cis looked back at each other with an agreeable look.

"Mm. So what you come over here for?" K-Ci questioned, taking a quick swig from the alcohol bottle.

"To tell you that you need to go apologize to my girl," Looking down at the bottle, he felt the sudden urge to take it from him and gulp some down, so he did. "Straight up."

K-Ci snatched the bottle back, damn near spilling some. "First of all, don't take things from me," he sipped from the bottle again. "Secondly, no. I ain't gotta apologize to yo' girl for nothing cause I ain't do anything wrong. She came at me and my lady sideways, not to mention what she did to my damn orange slice. She's the one who needs to apologize!"

"How you gon' tell me not to take sumn' away from myself?" The opposite K repeated his actions, yanking the white bottle back. "I don't know or care what happened between y'all, 'ight? I just need you to go over there and fix allat' so I can finally get back to business.." He mumbled the last part before downing the rest of the extremely spiked drink and pushed it into the other's chest, giving him the empty bottle.

"I'll even throw in a lil' sumn' sumn' & buy you a new orange slice." He threw his arms out and hit his hand with his fist as he waited for his response.

K-Ci looked at the empty bottle then at his lookalike. "Not only do you owe me an orange slice but I want another bottle too! And I know one thing, yo' girl better be apologizing too with her funky ass attitude," he said distastefully, walking off.

He decided to give the empty bottle to the drunk DeVante so he wouldn't have to walk around holding it. After spotting Bianca, he made his way over to her and roughly tapped her shoulder to get her attention.

Bianca flinched at the aggressive touch and turned her head, making her hair flip. When she realized it was the K-Ci that left her at the beach, she scrunched up her face and turned her full body around.

"And what the hell do you want?" She spat out, looking him up and down while crossing her arms.

K-Ci scrunched his face up. "Lose that sour ass attitude before I not do what I was asked. I don't see how the other version of myself deals with you anyway, he must ain't be satisfying you properly. I'm gettin' off track—I'm supposed to be over here to apologize to you which I really don't see the reason for doing. You need to be apologizin' to me and my girl for the way you stepped to us."

Scoffing and uncrossing her arms, Bianca rolled her eyes and gave him an unserious look. "You are absolutely insane if you think imma really apologize for doin' what you deserved. And your lil' girlfriend? I'm definitely not sayin' nothing to her."

"Well if you ain't gon' apologize to us, then I won't be apologizing to you!" K-Ci told her before shouting at his duplicate. "Yo! The deal is off since your stubborn ass girlfriend wants to be difficult."

Bianca looked over his shoulder seeing her actual boyfriend speed walking towards them.

Her mouth slightly dropped. "Oh, I know this was not a set up.."

Once her K-Ci made it over to them, he looked between the both of them. "Okay look. Imma need you to apologize for doin' whatever it was that you did," He then turned to his woman. "And imma need you to apologize for smashing an orange in his face. To be honest Bi, you shoulda known that wasn't me when you seen that damn Bahama Mamas in his hand. You know 'ion drink that."

Sharae trailed over and completed the double coupling since she was the only significant other missing. "You over here telling people about your failed plans to propose?"

"The next person to piss me off is gon' get a coconut beamed at them, straight up!" Her K-Ci threatened. "This biscuit headed version of myself is tryna convince me to apologize to his girl cause I somehow offended her."

"Oh, well I can tell you right now that won't be happening!" Sharae stated to the couple in front of her with an ignorant smile.

"You damn right it won't!" Bianca sent the bitter smile right back. "Cause I don't need his phony ass apology—"

"No, no, no! Yes you do," K-Ci interrupted. He silently argued with Bianca and luckily he won before turning back to the conceited couple. "Now where's the apology?"

"Wait," Bi lifted her hand. "If I have to apologize, then so does she." She pointed to Sharae.

Sharae scoffed. "Yeah, okay. Apology my ass."

"Let's just get this over with cause I don't wanna have to go through this any longer," K-Ci complained.

Both duplicates moved their girlfriends directly in front of each other. The girls crossed their arms with clear bitter expressions on their faces.

"Sorry," they mumbled, not meaning the statement whatsoever.

"Okay good," K-Ci looked over at Sharae. "Now please get your fake K-Ci outta' my face, 'preciate it." Without letting either of them respond, he turned to Bianca.

Sharae and K-Ci did go elsewhere after that, but not before mumbling smart remarks under their breath.

While they walked off, Bianca kept her eye on Sharae until she was far enough then looked up at her actual boyfriend.

"I cannot believe you just made me say sorry to them."

As she rolled her eyes, K-Ci clapped back. "And I can't believe you stopped talkin' to me because of.....him. Lets be real, you owe me an apology too cause you know I wouldn't even do you like that."

"Okay well y'all do look alike so—" She tried to argue back but cut herself off when she seen the blank expression on his face. "Fine. I'm sorry.."

"What was that? I can't hear you—"

"I said I'm sorry, damn," She said a little louder, finally giving in. K-Ci smirked and pulled her into a hug & kiss that he'd been waiting for since the beginning of the week.

Now that everyone was finally back to their happy relationships, they all were able to enjoy themselves as time went on.

It was now the end of the event and guests were already starting to make their way out out the venue's double doors.

Both Dalvins were too busy laughing & hanging out to even notice how late it was. Luckily their significant partners were unintentionally walking over to them at the same time to get them.

Once they made it over, they simultaneously spoke..

"C'mon Dalvin, it's time to go!"

Hearing a feminine voice right along with theirs, Kass & Sierra awkwardly turned their heads to look at one another.

They both tried their best to not bump into each other the entire night so they wouldn't have to be in the weird predicament that they were currently in now.

"Yeah's definitely time to go," Kass tried to pull her Dalvin's arm but he backed up.

"Hold up! Me and Dal weren't finished our conversation! You can continue," he allowed his replica companion.

"So yeah," He did as told and continued. "I was just sittin' there like 'why y'all always talking to me like I'm dumb?'. Just because I trip over air a few times a day & sometimes accidentally put my shoes on the opposite feet doesn't make me slow!" He ended his storytelling with a shake of the head and pursed his lips.

"I completely understand. It's even worse when they jump you for no reason. They'll never understand us the way we understand each other."

Sierra and Kass continued to uncomfortably stand there going ignored as their airhead boyfriends continued to enjoy each other's company.

"Dal, as much as I would love to sit here and watch you talk to yourself, we gotta go. Staff is starting to lock up." Sierra stated while pointing back at the doors where workers were waiting for the building to empty out.

He just smacked his lips and gestured for his identical friend to walk with him to the exit, leaving the girls by themselves.

The silence between them was too severe to break as they looked around, making it more awkward than ever.

"Sooo," Sierra gained Kass' attention. "I'm guessing that was your Dalvin who I played volleyball with," A quick topic turned into a random rant. "Not to talk about him, but he's a pretty sore loser. He stomped off when I won and fell in the sand after he tripped. But he did make me feel better about almost drowning in the ocean! You've got yourself a lucky one, he's nice! Just like my Dalvin!" She awaited for a response with a wide smile on her face after just telling an irrelevant story.

"So you played volleyball with my Dalvin huh...." Kass stood there unmoved by her pointless story since that was the only thing that stood out to her.

Sierra said or did nothing but simply nod her head, her innocent smile still being shown.

"Thank you for telling me that," Kass made a mental note to talk to her Dalvin about being so friendly. "And how did you almost drown...?"

"I went out into the water forgetting that I couldn't swim." She answered as if it was the most normal thing on earth.

Kass couldn't find any words to say to Sierra so she just stared at her. She grew fed up with the airhead atmosphere so she just left the event all together.

The Bahamian vacation was slowly coming to an end as it was the very last night of the trip.

"It's funny how life goes, isn't it?" Dalvin laughed lightly.

The other Dalvin stood right next to him as they stood before everyone, who was clearly unmoved by the upcoming and pointless speech.

"It sure is," The Dalvins switched spots while still keeping their big, bright smiles on their faces. "Don't you all feel like this was a sign? Ya' see, I'm convinced that we were meant to be brung together, as one!" he looked at each and every one of them, seeing unamused faces. But that didn't stop him from continuing. "And to be truthfully honest, we should start hangin' out—"

Dal wasn't able to finish his suggestion as a dried up, sand filled orange peel hit him dead in the face. It stayed there for a few seconds before it slowly slid down his face and back into the same granular substance below him.

Even some of it got into his mouth since he was still in the middle of talking to the point where he had to shoot it all of out, making a irritable noise while doing so.

They wondered who the perpetrator could have been and a deep chuckle that came from the other side of the beach blanket was the dead giveaway.

"Aye!" K-Ci blurted out from the other end. "Who you think you is throwin' stuff at our Dalvin. Only we, can do that." he pointed at De & JoJo who were the closest to him, causing them to agree with him.

"Oh," the opposite DeVante shrugged nonchalantly. "Thought he was the Dalvin from our side."

That Dalvin got offended, throwing his hands up. Nevertheless, that didn't stop him from adding onto his lookalike's statements.

"It's crazy how we all just so happened to be at the same place at the same time. I feel like this was meant to happen! Even though it was kinda hectic at first, we made it work! Meeting all y'all was cool and all, but I'm really happy about the fact that I met this knucklehead right here—"

He pointed to his twin and a coconut went flying. No one could tell who threw it and he cringed in pain, covering the spot on his head where he got injured.

"Who threw that?!"

Whole time, the K-Ci sitting next to Bianca thought he aimed at the correct Dalvin, but was obviously mistaken. Not wanting to hear none of the others' mouths, he decided to apologize.

"My bad, bruh," He awkwardly played with his hoop earring. "Thought you was— man you get it! Just keep talkin'!"

"Okay, now y'all doin' too much," Sonia's JoJo spoke up. "You coulda knocked him out with that coconut. You know he already got brain damage."

"And don't think that you get to bully our Dalvin if we can't bully yours," DeVante added.

K just shook his head and took a sip from his large coconut as both Dalvins went to sit down next to their girlfriends and began to change the subject.

After swallowing the flavored beverage, he scrunched up his face and threw his head back, taking an unpleasant look at the brown fruit in his hand.

He soon figured out what would fix his minor problem. After making sure attention wasn't on him, K-Ci turned around and pulled out a Smirnoff bottle out of Bianca's beach bag which he snuck it in.

He poured some into the coconut and devilishly smiled at the outcome of his new concoction.

As he was getting ready to put it away, his seating neighbor made it known that he had definitely been caught before he could even do so.

"You thought you was slick?!" The other K-Ci asked loudly. "Don't think I forgot how you drank the rest of my bottle! You owe me! Pour me some too!"

"I think we all deserve to be included," Sharae chimed in, holding her coconut out—as well as pretty much everyone else.

As much as K wanted to tell them both no, he knew lookalike was right. He smacked his lips and mumbled under his breath as he poured some into his coconut and handed him the bottle so he could pass it on to the next person.

"What liquor store you stole this from?" His lookalike joked, passing the bottle to Tanai's DeVante.

"And when did you sneak it into my bag?" Bianca questioned from the sidelines, snatching her large bag from his side.

K-Ci avoided his girlfriend's question but answered the other one that was given to him.

"Just because you steal doesn't mean I do too. We're not that much alike," he mixed his drink with his straw, egging on his answer. "But to answer your question; I stole it from behind the beach bar." Pretending like it wasn't a big deal, he took another sharp slurp from his straw.

The K-Ci sitting next to him sucked his teeth. "Shut up talkin' to me! Let's just do this outro scene so I ain't gotta be 'round yo' ass anymore."

Both sets of Jodecis, Renee, Sonia, Tanai, Elise, Sierra, Kass, Sharae, and Bianca sat in a straight line in couple order as they watched the sunset. All of the previous animosity had disappeared for a split second, considering they'd most likely never have to see each other again.


The two Dalvins held up their round beverages, "Here's to us!"

"To us!" Everybody held up their alcohol spiked coconuts, clinking glasses and sharing quick pecks before downing the liquid.

Of course Dalvin and Dalvin had to share a high five afterwards.

Safe to say....they all had quite the experience.

if you made it here, you are so goated.
personally....we ate this up and left no crumbs idk.

Continuer la Lecture

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'𝘕𝘶𝘯, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯' 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘯 𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯' 𝘰𝘯 𝘨𝘪𝘯 & 𝘫𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘚𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘢𝘵...' 𝘐𝘮...
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ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴀɴ ᴇɴᴅ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ʙᴇɢᴀɴ?? 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬?? - ▫️◽🌑◽▫️- *ᴘᴏꜱᴛᴇʀ ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛ ɢᴏᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴜꜱ ᴏɴʟʏ*
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We were in love. What we couldn't handle was learning to open our eyes. We didn't know how to look at the big picture all while making sure the detai...