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By pocoyo-yo

23.7K 1.1K 87

Miss Roselyn Sawyer; the beautiful CEO of Canopy of Crystal, a flourishing jewelry company. Dominic Pierce; t... More



488 27 0
By pocoyo-yo

Derek Harrington



"You're grippin' that very hard.."

I glanced down at my hands, I hadn't even realized I was gripping the elevator handle so hard that my fingers were turning white from loss of bloodflow.

"Ah," I let go and stood up straight. "yeah, Miss Roselyn." I murmured with a slight chuckle.

I hate elevators.

Miss Roselyn stared at me for a moment before turning to face me completelty. She cracked a slight smile as she grabbed my hand, tracing her soft fingers over my palm.
I found myself gripping the elevator handle again as she looked up at me, her lips curling into that addictive pouty smile.

"That's cute." She hummed.

"What is?"

She continued, "That you're afraid of elevators."

How the hell did she know that?

"You may think you're not very expressive.. 'nd you're kinda right, not to be all philosophical, but your eyes in particular really do tell me everything I need to know, hun." Miss Roselyn explained, the tips of her fingers brushed over every calouse on my hand.


Like even when Alistair claimed I was 'eye fucking' her.

"I purposefully try to be less expressive so I'll take what I can, Miss Roselyn."

"Why's that?"

"I was way too expressive as a kid.." I sighed.

"So lemme guess," She pressed her fingers deeper into my palm. "that's how you got such rough hands, sweetheart?"

My breath hitched as she traced her thumb over the tattoo peaking from under my sleeve..

"No," I scoffed. ".. I surprisingly had softer hands when I was younger. Those are from hard-labor," I let go of the handle and pointed to my ear. "that's from being to expressive, Miss Roselyn."

It took Miss Roselyn a minute to realize what I was referring to before she let out a surprised 'huh'.

"Did you do martial arts or were just a deliquent, Pierce?" She asked me, eyes full of curiousity.

"Boxing and being deliquent on the side.." I corrected jokingly and she nodded, stiffling a laugh.

I have slight cauliflower ear (luckily it wasn't severe), it was normal for a person would have to stare really long and hard at my ears until it clicked their head.
Which is not common because any normal person wouldn't stare at someone's ears so nobody ever really noticed..

"Well I have to give you some advice, hun," Miss Roselyn hummed as the elevator came to a stop. "Derek likes people to be expressive."

She let go of me completely as the elevator let out a 'ding' and the automatic doors slid open.

We both left elevator and I followed behind Miss Roselyn as she led me down a hallway towards a glass door. Once we reached it, I pushed it open for her and she walked up some marble steps (me not far behind) onto a platform rooftop.

Music was blaring and it smelt like exspensive cigars, exspensive alchohol, and exspensive perfumes.

"Roselyn! You're finally here," My eyes fell on a blonde woman whose wet hair resembled Betty Boop's if Betty Boop was blonde. "Tell your little bodyguard to set your bag next to that blue one over there!" The woman smiled, pointing towards the baby blue beach bag on a tanning chair.
Miss Roselyn nodded her head in that direction still smiling at the woman.

It looked like she was putting up an act compared to being genuine.

I just did as told though and walked over to the chairs set the bag in the one next to the blonde's like asked of me.

"You smell like margarita's," I could hear Miss Roselyn joke. "have you been drinking without me, Bonnie?"

So that was Bonnie Lovell.

"I swear I haven't," Bonnie whined as she pulled her upper half out of the water. A soft smile krept on her thin lips.. "just jello-shots.."

I let them talk, not because I didn't care what they had to say but that I was looking for someone in particular.

I walked over to the bar area with a straw roof that was poorly weaved together in my opinion.

I didn't want to look like a lost puppy but I probably already look the part being the only one in a suit besides the other stereotypical bodygaurds that were posted up around the area, failing at being unnoticable.

I couldn't put my eye on a guy that looked like Derek, in fact, I couldn't even spot another man.
It was just groups of women drinking margaritas and smoking weed on the couches by the fire.

"You look lost," I looked over at a woman who was sitting on the armrest of the couch. She grinned and leaned forward a bit, her tits spilled out of her bikini top. "what's your name?" she asked me, her tequila sloshing around in the shot glass.

"Dominic Pierce," I watched as she took a sip, keeping her eyes on me. "and not lost, just looking for someone.. you?"

The woman giggled, her dyed maroon hair slid over her shoulders as she did so, "Your accents' like really hot.. where are you from?"

I walked towards the woman and look down right as she looked up, cheeks flushed red.

"Born and raised in New York."

"No there's something else mixed with it that makes it hotter.." she pouted.

"Español?" I hummed.

The woman nodded eagerly, scooting closer off the edge of the armrest.

"Mhm soy dominicano," I knelt down to her level. Her bright red lips parted as she took another sip. ".. tell me your name, ma." I said slowly, she had to be either tipsy or high.

Maybe both.

"Alessia," She replied instantly. "Alessia Fajardo."

"Well, Alessia," I hummed in a low tone, standing up again. "do you know where Derek Harrington is?"

She nodded her head behind me, towards the bar where I just was. I glanced back and there he was, standing with a girl at each hip and ordering countless drinks.

"How could I ever repay you, jeva.." I thanked her.

A woman next to her on the couch chimed in, "I think Alessia has a few ideas!"

The group women laughed while Alessia playfully hit her friend while whining, her cheeks even more red than before. Honestly that friend of hers helped me out, now I had a reason to slip out of there unnoticed-

"-Hey man,"

My fists clenched as I felt a tight, threatened grip on my shoulder.

"I don't pay you to flirt with my guests."

I yanked my shoulder away and turned around. "You don't pay me to begin with," I clicked my tongue as Derek fucking Harrington frowned at my previous action. "I work for Miss Roselyn Sawyer." I explained to him and Derek unwrapped his arms from around both girls' waists, making them pout.

He combed through his wet, brown hair with his fingers and grumbled, "Rose is here? Fuck.. and nobody told me shit..."


They were that close.

I looked Derek up and down before he smiled bashfully, with teeth so white that they looked fake, "That was my fault.. Rose didn't tell me she replaced that bitch ass aussie assistant of hers- hated his ass."

"Alistair Hughes is still her assistant," I explained, holding up my lanyard. "I'm actually Miss Roselyn's new bodygaurd.."

His smile faded into a thin line, "New bodygaurd?"

"Yeah," I scoffed. "I give her massages and everything."

Fucking fuck.

Why the hell did I say that?

I was supposed to be getting him to like me.


"I light her cigs' for her too.." I added on.

Why couldn't I stop talking?

Derek stared at me for a moment before ushering the two women along to their displeasure.
They didn't go too far.. only joining the group of girls near me.

"And your name is..." He urged for me to finish his sentence.

I sighed, "Dominic Pierce."

"You're young," Derek rolled out his shoulder with a huff. "I didn't like any of them, but I'd prefer the oldie Tony Mchartny over you."

Alistair was right.. he was a chatty one.


Derek's eyes widdened, "Rose hasn't told you about Tony? You must not be such a bigshot.."

"I was enough of a bigshot to meet you day two of the job." I murmured under my breath.

He chuckled, "You're funny-"

"- Stop bullin' my new work baby, Derek."

I looked to my right, chewing on my already slight swelled bottom lip, as Miss Roselyn wiped the water droplets from her face.

I could admit with ease that Miss Roselyn was an attractive woman, blessed by youth and any other good thing out there but fuck, I hate to admit it.. but maybe I was eye-fucking her now.

She had that on her under her sundress?

Every single curve of hers was on display in her two piece, it hugged the right places which made everything else around those places look better than they already did.
The sunlight couldn't reach her deep, brown skin due to the roof of the tent and as good as she would look if it did, I knew it wouldn't helped me one bit.


"He had a rough first day yesterday," she pouted playfully, one hand on her hip. "be nice to him for me.."

"Yeah.. uh fine," Derek muttered. "only for you Roselyn."

"And you," she pressed her finger into my chest. I could hear Bonnie Lovell calling Miss Roselyn's name from the swimming pool. "are you bein' expressive like I asked, hun?" She whispered the last bit so that only I could hear it.

"Yes ma'am," Miss Roselyn raised her brow at the 'ma'am' part and even I didn't know why I said it. "way too expressive.." I continued.

She played around with my tie a bit before a waiter walked up to us, offering her a jello-shot. Miss Roselyn took a red one and thanked him before taking a step away from me.

"Alexa play Diamonds by Chris Travis.."

Miss Roselyn hummed before puffing out her cheeks playfully, laughing just a bit.

"Now be good 'nd enjoy yourself, sweetheart."

I nodded and quickly turned away from her direction but that meant I just had to look at Derek. But in that moment all I could see was her, how soft her skin looked, how much of her tits were for show in that top part of her swimsuit (I was in surprised they stayed in place), the bottom half was no better..

"Sweetheart? ..hah," Derek scoffed, side-eyeing me. "..and you've been working for Rose for.. two days, right Daemon?"

"Dominic," I corrected. "And yeah, I have."

"..I still prefer Tony Mchartny." He sighed simply.

"Who is that?" I questioned.

Now we were getting somewhere.

"Old bodyguard of hers.. kind of a stick in the mud," Derek motioned for the two women from earlier to join him again. "but he was a fan of my work so I respected him, well, until his old ass asked out Rose."

They found themselves at his side and he cupped both of their asses.

"After I found that out, I pulled a couple of strings and just like that," He let go of one girls and snapped his fingers. "he disappeared." Derek grinned, god, his smile was too white.

"And," I tried to word this well without overstepping. "how recent was he?" I asked in a judgemental tone, trying to sound like I agreed with Derek in some way.

I could see him counting in his head as his thin eyebrows furrowed together. So unfortunately that told me enough..


..that Tony guy wasn't the first.

"the eighth." Derek answered with a smile.

I felt a tug on my sleeve and looked back.
Alessia pouted up at me and batted her eyelashes that surrounded her brown almond eyes.
She looked like a child when she did that.. when Miss Roselyn did shit like that- gave me those doe eyes, it made my mouth go dry.

"Forget about Derek," She gave me a shy smile. "sit with me.. we can talk about how you can repay me." Alessia suggested, trying to hold my hand.

I pulled my hand away with a lopsided smile, "I'm working right now.."

I didn't want to cause a scene.. piss off some rich girl and ruin the mood because I'm sure this wasn't just a simple pool party.
Miss Sawyer was probably looking for information from Bonnie Lovell about NY Times situation just like I was looking for information from Derek Harrington about this bodygaurd shit.

"I can talk to your boss lady," she whined. "my baba owns like half of these buildings.. I'm sure we can work something out- all I need is one hour.. just us."

"Alessia stop before you get the man fired 'cause you're tryin' to get some dick!" Her friend scolded her and Alessia covered the other woman's mouth.

"Jaylah's right, Alessia," Derek pushed past me and plopped down on the couch, both girls sitting on on of his thighs while they sipped their drinks. "I'd rather not piss off my guest of honor.." He muttered as I turned around to face them all.

"And that is?" Alessia grumbled.

"Roselyn Sawyer, that's who," Derek relaxed and let his head fall back with a groan. "just like you're trying to get one hour alone with that guy," He pointed to me while Jaylah yanked Alessia's hand away. "I've been trying to do that with Rose for what... a decade now?"

"Nobody gives a shit about your failed attempts of gettin' in Roselyn's pants," Jaylah scoffed before she slowly looked me up and down. "but I do understand why Alessia's so adamant on one hour with him."

I tried to map out my way out of this sitution.

Which was.. difficult.

The only way these women would leave me alone that didn't involve me pissing them off was if Roselyn showed up again.
Unfortunately for me I could see her, through the corner of my eye, grabbing another jello-shot from a waiter while inside the pool.

I focused my attention back on the group in front of me. And something clicked.. I had seen Alessia Fajardo before.

Well Simon had showed me her before.

The day I got out of prison and we were eating out.. he showed me a picture of some bikini model he followed on IG. And Simon talked about how her father was some multi-millionare named Franco Fajardo.

"Ugh.. you're just like Derek.." Alessia rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue in fustration.

"Huh?" I questioned and Derek raised his head at the mention of his name.

Alessia nodded her head towards Miss Roselyn with a frown.

"It's so damn obvious you want to fuck her.."

2,457 words.

Y'know I've been clowing Dominic this whole story and been on my knees for Roselyn, but writing that scene of him flirting actually had me giggling and kicking my feet.

But Roselyn is so fine, both Dominic and Derek don't know what to do wit allat.

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