Traveler - Avengers Soulmate

By Amy_Hearts

676K 27.9K 2.2K

Aliana Gomez dies and wakes up in the MCU as the soulmate to the Avengers. Finding herself working for them... More

Part 1: Avengers
The Mysterious Voice
Leaving Training
Arriving in New York
Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Children
My BFF: Deadpool
Important Info
The SHIELD Heist
Final Soulmate
I Guess I'm an Alien Now
The Biggest Lie I've Ever Told
Infinity Stone: Checked
Iconic Scenes
Battle of New York
The End of the Battle
Moving Into the Tower
Part 2: The Aether
Denial- Continued
Sunrise Talks
Part 3: The Winter Soldier
Making More Plans
Tony Needs More Sleep
Saving Bucky
Invasion of Privacy
Meeting Up With Fury
Steve's Lost Boyfriend
The Twins
The Twins: Part 2
Talks With Wade
Part 4: The Vision and Spiderman
New Interns and Old Secrets
Just A Minor Freak Out
Meeting Spiderman
The Hoodie Incident
Asking For a Favor
Awkward Dinners and Robots
A Well Deserved Vacation
Birth of A Vision
Part 5: Master of the Mystic Arts
Damn Goats
White Men Problems
The Ancient One is My Friend Afterall
Finding Out
What Do You Mean Wade's Missing?
The Whole Truth
The Whole Truth- Continued
It's Getting Hot in Here
When The Wizard Lady Is Mad at You
Consequences Of My Actions
Coming Back
Death and Birth of A Sorcerer
Book 6
Work/Life Balance is Unattainable
Just A Quick Trip To Asgard
End of battle
Meeting Wade
Arriving in Wakanda
Romantic? Of Course Not
Sneaking Into A Spaceship
I Should Have Never Introduced Them
Arrival of Thor
Calling the Calvary
Book 7
Minus Two Days
Minus One Day
Battle Part 1
Battle Part 2
Back in the Tower
New Book: Daffodils

Making a Synthezoid: A Guide for Beginners

7.5K 374 38
By Amy_Hearts

An hour later I was in a meeting room with Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Tony, Steve, Bucky and Loki. Of course, Fury and Hill were there too, they were basically attached at the hip and had to know about everything going on with the Avengers.

"Ok, I know y'all will have questions so I've made a powerpoint." I took out a laser pointer and gestured to the presentation titled- Making a Synthezoid: A Guide for Beginners, "I will not be taking any questions until the end of this presentation. Now, for the past couple months I've been taking care of a pair of super-powered twins."

At this a picture of Wanda and Pietro popped up and it was a rather good picture of them, if I do say so myself. Wanda was staring directly into the camera, her green eyes staring directly into our souls, hair blowing in the wind. Pietro was turned to the side, the sun setting behind him and casting a gorgeous glow on his silver hair.

"Wait, what super powered twins?" Tony spoke up, but I just ignored him. I did say I would only take questions after the presentation.

"These are Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. They were born in Sokovia and lost their home and parents to a Stark bomb." I looked directly at Tony who flinched, "No offense Tony, but as you can imagine they hate you. Luckily I took them from Hydra-"

"What? When did you attack Hydra?" I didn't even know who said that, but again I ignored them.

"And I gave them superpowers."

"You can do that?" Now, I know that was Clint. I glared at the room, because we would never finish at the rate we were going.

"Yes," I said, "I can do that. As I was saying, I rescued them from Hydra, gave them superpowers and sent them to train at a magical temple." I was going to give more explanations, but I didn't want to chance more interruptions.

Of course that was when Fury decided to ask, "A magical temple?"

I groaned, "Yes, a magical temple that trains wizards. Can we please keep all questions to the end?" Not receiving an answer I took that as a yes and using my laser I pointed to Wanda, "Now, Wanda has the ability to tap into Chaos Energy which allows her to manipulate energy, telekinesis and some sort of neuroelectronic interfacing allowing her to read minds and kinda control them. Super cool right?"

The room did not seem to agree with me as they just kept staring. "Control minds?" Natasha asked, seeming very unhappy.

"Yep, though she's not that good at it honestly. She has gotten quite good at illusions though, so I think that's more her strength. On the other hand, Pietro is like, super fast and trained in martial arts."

The next slide was a video I had secretly taken of Wanda in the middle of a forest practicing her powers. She was shooting red energy at targets, destroying them. As she moved her arms to the center of her body, controlling the energy between her hands it seemed to flow around her, enveloping her.

She levitated slightly off the ground, her eyes closed in concentration as the energy flowed all around her. At that moment however, Pietro came running in and knocked her to the ground. They rolled on the floor, Pietro's laughter sounding just as the video ended.

"That was Pietro at the end, in case you didn't get it." At that Tony raised his hand.

"Yes, Tony?" I asked, raising an eyebrow because the man had seriously just raised his hand.

"So you're telling me that the freaky red witch and the very fast man, who hate me by the way and have been training in a temple with wizards, are your friends?" He asked.

Natasha then added, "You've been training them without SHIELD knowledge? What if they betray you, Aliana? They could be a threat."

Loki nodded, "I agree. You can't trust everyone you meet. I know you wish to help them, but you should have told us about them." He did not look happy, his brow furrowed in what I hoped was worry.

"Wizards?" Bruce was still stuck on that part, it seemed.

"Look," I called out, trying to get them to calm down, "I know you guys are worried, but I know them. It's because I know them that I helped them develop their powers and trained them. Yes, Tony, they hate you but at the very least they won't hurt you. Unless you piss them off, then I can't help you there. And no, they're not threats. They've been training under wizards that help protect the earth from evil mystical forces for months now. They also hate Hydra, like really hate them, so there's also that."

They still didn't look convinced and seemed like they were going to say something, so I quickly continued my presentation, "Moving on, let's talk about synthezoids. They're like androids but made out of biological material, so they're pretty much a living being created in a lab. There's a lot of questions that I will not be able to answer, cuz I ain't that smart, but I kinda know how to create one."

Hill spoke up, "Why do you know that?"

I didn't even need to answer that one because Steve said, "It's better not to ask."

Thank you Steve.

"I have gotten my hand on a magical, mystical, primordial source of energy that I will be giving permission to use to Bruce, Tony and Wanda. In case you haven't caught on- I want you guys to make a synthezoid with this energy that will later on become an Avenger and help save the world in the future. Just in case, of course."

Fury sighed and rubbed his eyes, "I will not even be asking about the primordial energy, but let me get this straight: you want Stark and Banner to work with an unknown person who has incredible powers and hatred for Stark."

"Yes." I answered.

Fury continued, "And you want them to create an unknown being from an unimaginably powerful source of energy."


"Then you hope that this being with unknown powers will agree to be an Avenger to save the world from... possible future threats."

"Pretty much."

"If I say no will you go and do this on your own?"

"Oh, absolutely."

Fury groaned and I could see that the others couldn't decide whether to agree with him or laugh. Deciding to just continue and let them think about it I used my laser to continue, "The way this will work is that Bruce and Tony will create the android. The body, mainframe, whatever else goes into making fancy robots. However, Tony I will need you to put JARVIS into the android- this is majorly important."

"You will then use the energy source to bring this body to life. We can test to see if it worked by making it lift Thor's hammer." I then showed a picture of Thor's hammer. There was even a cute little stick figure of a person lifting his hammer looking very happy, "The end."

As I turned to look back at the room, there was a feeling of disbelief in the air.

"Can we ask questions now?" Steve, who had been quiet this whole time while seated next to Bucky, asked. I was sure it was just the lighting, but they both looked a little pale.

* * *

It took a lot longer to convince them than I thought it would, but the team finally agreed to making the synthezoid and working with Wanda.

"Oh, thank Thor," I had said, "It would have been so awkward when they showed up tonight if y'all didn't want to work with them."

Turns out I might have forgotten to tell them they would be coming tonight and staying in the tower. Ooops.

As I walked out of the meeting room and into a dark hallway where nobody would bother me, I heard footsteps following me. Knowing it was Loki, I just closed my eyes and leaned back against the wall, waiting for him to say something.

"What are you thinking, Aliana?" His voice wasn't accusatory, merely questioning, "Giving powers to dangerous individuals, training them in secret. Do you like putting yourself in danger?"

I sighed, "I thought things through, Loki." Opening my eyes I looked at him, "This needed to be done."

He scoffed, "Another secret you're keeping from us? Is this also part of your grand, world-saving plan?"

"Yes, yes it is Loki." This only seemed to anger him more, his expression twisting in disgust. He leaned in closer to me, caging me against the wall with his arms. Like, something out of an anime or some bad teen romance.

"I agreed to keep your secrets for a year," He whispered, "But I don't like the idea of you keeping more things to yourself. And I really don't like the idea of you putting yourself in unnecessary danger, Aliana." He dragged out my name in a way that should be illegal.

"I wasn't in any danger, Loki," I whispered back, "You know I'm powerful enough to protect myself."

He reached his hand out and laid it against my cheek, "You shouldn't have to."

"You have to trust me, Loki."

"I do," His face got closer to mine, "You're the one that doesn't trust me."

Raising my hand I touched his lips lightly, feeling the softness below my fingertips, "I trust you. But I need to protect you even more."

I could tell that he was going to answer me, but a throat clearing caused me to jump up, Loki moving in front of me. Natasha was standing at the end of the hallway, eyebrow raised and arms crossed.

"Steve is looking for you, Loki." Was all she said. Loki nodded at her and walked past her, giving her a look when he did so.

"I told you, secrets will cost you." Then she just walked away, as if she didn't just indirectly tell me that she pretty much also knew the truth.

Damn, she was a good ass spy. 

AN: So I have bad news and good news.

Good news: The story is completed up until the end of part 5. So there will be solid updates for at least the next month. 

Bad news: I start grad school in two weeks... I hope to finish this story before it gets too intense, but I can't promise anything. It was never supposed to be this long, but it pretty much wrote itself. It will definitely be finished, I just don't know if I'll be able to update as much as I have been right now.

I always have at least 10 chapters completed at a time, so I can update even when I have writer's block but now I'll be pretty much relying on what I have already written. 

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