Slow burn PART 2

Door Heartmyart

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BOOK 2- This is the continuation of Renzo and Kat's story, with added BONUS chapters from characters like Dan... Meer

Chapter 1 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 14 BONUS (Dante's POV)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Dante's POV) BONUS
Chapter 24 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 29 (Renzo-short)
Chapter 30 (Dante's POV) BONUS
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 (Dante'sPOV)
Chapter 37 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 38 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 39 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 45 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 46 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 53 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 58 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 63
Chapter 65 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 66
Chapter 67 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 70 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 71
BONUS (Renzo on Campus)
BONUS (One year later)
BONUS (4 years later)

Chapter 64 (Dante's POV)

14.9K 431 61
Door Heartmyart

         "Just talk to him. I did" Kitten was on the breakfast stool waving her legs back and forth because they're too short to touch the ground. Mine outstretched into her space, so it works out. It was a cereal kind of morning. 

"I'm sure talking is exactly what you did" I side eyed Kat just in time to see her blush crimson all over. It made me laugh over my bowl. "Dante" she did her little gasp she does when I say inappropriate things in front of her. 

"I'm just saying...he's a lot softer with you than he is with me. Just cuz you two made up doesn't mean he won't still kick my ass" I waved the spoon at her.

I had originally come here this morning to talk to Kat about something in particular, but I was stalling. "Do you need me to talk to him on your behalf? I feel responsible for your estrangement with one another. I'd like for you two to solve things amongst you" Kitten was all nervous. 

I told her to chill out and we continued with our cereal.

        "You know, I actually came by for a reason..." I trailed off. My head was bowed down to take in another scoop, so I wasn't looking at her when I said it. "Oh, so it wasn't to take my Reese's?" She playfully called me out. She buys better cereals. What can I say? 

"It's the nurse..." again I trailed off. Kat's feet stopped swinging and she put an elbow on the table to turn my way. "Jackie?" She wanted to clarify. "Yes, Kitten. Keep up here." She waved for me to go on. 

"Well, I met the pottery girl, right? And she's hot. I see where ya head was at with that, but..." I was hoping she would fill in the blanks. I feel stupid admitting it out loud.

        "Dante, she has a name. It's Abbie," was her main concern. Then she stopped and thought back on my words. "You like Jackie" she put it together. "Somewhat...kinda. She's a good time," I fumbled. Kat leaned her head into her closed fist and smirked. 

"You like her" she repeated herself. I huffed and dropped my spoon. "There's a certain appeal" I rubbed my neck. Those little hazel eyes were burrowing into me. Makes me skittish. 

"You can admit it. To me at least. You like her" she really drove the point home. I gave in. "Yeah...I kinda like her." The grin that split across Kitten's face you'd think I just professed my love to her. "Oh Dante, this is good" she sat up and clasped my forearm. "Really? I thought you'd be pissed that I didn't wanna see your friend."

        Kat waved me off and shook her head. "I wanted you to find someone you took seriously. Jackie seems great. You should bring her around more" she got right on board. "That's the thing...I don't know if the nurse is really up for anything more than a booty call arrangement, And maybe I'm fine with that too. I don't know" I shrugged. 

I didn't wanna admit it out loud, but I kinda wanted to see if Jackie would wanna do a more exclusive booty call thing...but then doesn't that just end up making me Renzo? Lord help us.

        "Are you fine with it?" Her eyes bounced up and down, reading me. She's pretty receptive to my innermost thoughts. I can't lie to her. "I just don't wanna fuck shit up by making my intentions sound too serious. I'm really not sure how to go about this, kitten."

Since we were finished with our breakfast Kat hopped down and grabbed both our bowls to bring with her. "I don't really know Jackie's personality type, so I can't say for sure. From what you told me she's a pretty up front girl. If you're up front with her would she really react badly to that or respect it?" She asked me, and I wish I knew. 

        "I'm just gonna freestyle it. Whatever comes into my head at the moment I'm gonna say that" I decided. Overthinking is gonna fuck me up. Kat's lips pressed together, "Are you sure you don't wanna have just a general idea about what you wanna say to her?" I could see she disapproved of my method.

I glanced at my phone and noted the time. "She has today off. We already have bedroom plans in a bit. It'll all be fine." Kat opened her mouth to say something, but I stopped her. 

"It'll all be fine."


        When Nurse Jackie has time off she likes coming by my place. She says my loft is nice as fuck and it is. She likes my overhead shower and my big ass comfy bed. Today is gonna be one of those days. 

I woke up determined today. I went to visit Kat to tell her I wasn't interested in pursuing anything with her friend. I told Kat about where my head was at with Jackie. Now all I gotta do is tell Jackie. Easy. When the bell rang I came downstairs and answered the door for her. 

        "Hey gorgeous" I smirked and checked her out as she motioned to walk in. Her little scrubs are cute and all, but whenever I see her in real clothes I instantly wanna rip them off her. She looks good. Damn good. She's in jeans and a clingy long sleeve top. It's basic but it isn't. She's got her blonde hair down in what I believe is her natural waves. It frames her face too well for it not to be. 

"Are you gonna keep checking me out or are you gonna let me in?" Her lip tipped up in the corner when she noticed my hungry eyes. I stepped aside but bit my lip. "Can't I do both?"

        Once she was inside I had a one track mind. She didn't make it to my living room before I scooped her up and made her squeal. "Choose a surface" I teased her. It doesn't only gotta be a bed I have her on. "Well, I was going to ask for a glass of water first" she chuckled at my enthusiasm to jump right in. Or in this case...slide right in. The deeper the better.

I want the girl hydrated for what I wanna do to her, so I stopped off in the kitchen and sat her on my counter. She started watching me as I moved around the room to grab a cup and fill the water. When I walked back to her I made sure to stand between her spread knees. She was smirking again as she grabbed the glass. 

       She saw my eyes taking in even more of her now that we're face to face. While she gulped the water down I brought my lips to her shoulder and placed a kiss, then a little higher up, and a little higher up. I kissed just under her ear where she's most sensitive. I was sure to use just a touch of tongue to leave her wanting for more.

I don't even know when she put the glass down, but I did hear her hum in appreciation when my lips continued to feather down her neck. Her long fingers ran up the back of my head and pushed through my hair. 

It felt good when she ran them all the way up and twisted her fingers into my strands enough to redirect my mouth to hers. Our mouths fit well together. When her knees clenched and squeezed my sides I ran my hands up her thighs and was ready to lift her up and carry her to my bed. 

        Our mouths pulled apart and she looked at me with those stunning seafoam green eyes. I don't know why I chose that moment to say something but I did. "Let's do this thing, you and me."

I watched Jackie's smirking face turn into a confused one. "Do what?" I realized I didn't clarify what I meant. I decided to change my wording. "Make this booty call thing a little more legit" was all I could think to say. I didn't practice ahead of time like Kat told me to. Now I'm faltering.

"Like, date?" Her hands used my chest to push me a step back ,so she could look at me. She was still on the counter so we were literally eye to eye. Shit. Am I fucking this up? 

"Call it what you want. We sleep with only each other and...I don't know." I'm fucking this up.

        Jackie ran her hand through her blonde locks and sort of huffed at me. "I mean...I thought we were on the same page about this? We don't want anything serious. We just want someone to call if we wanna fuck" she really put it to me there. I swiped a hand down my jaw. I feel awkward already. 

"I know, I just-" she didn't let me finish. She inched me another step back and slid off the counter. Now my head dropped to be able to look down at her. She started picking at her nails. "I told you, Dante. I told you I'm busy with my career. I don't have time for dating." 

Well fuck me. This is going terribly.

        "I know. I didn't mean to make it sound so serious. I just figured why branch out when we got a good thing, is all..." I couldn't read her face, but she tipped her head slightly at me. "But that's how it starts, isn't it? We agree to be this exclusive booty call and next I know I'm owing you my time and energy that I just don't have any extra to give right now" she slapped her hands at her sides. 

I don't know why it got her so worked up, but the more worked up she got the more I did. 

"Well, fuck, Jackie. It was just a suggestion" I didn't mean to snap, but it came off as snappy. She kind of huffed a laugh. "See...this is where it starts. Little argument that someone just doesn't owe a booty call. That's what made this work. I-I don't know" she physically backed away from me.

        Jesus, I thought I'd be the one to freak out about such a minor commitment, but I seem to be the female in this situation getting my little heart broken. Fucking Nurse Jackie, man. "Alright, forget I said anything. Let's just do what we do and leave it at that" I backed down. 

I saw those pretty seafoam eyes search me up and down. Trying to read me or something. Jackie pulled her hair away from her face, and I could tell by her darting eyes that she was thinking. We were a few feet apart by now because she kept backing away from me.

"I feel weird about this now. I thought you were just gonna be this fuckboy that I wouldn't take seriously" she muttered more to herself than me. Okay. Ouch. Now I was the one to step back.

         "Well, my bad then. You saw an asshole with a stab wound and a fine suit, and figured lemme fuck a bad boy for a little bit. Gimme something to think about when I end up with Dr. fucking Douchebag who'll need his own pill pad to prescribe himself something to get it up. Is that what you take seriously?" I was getting kinda pissed off. 

Jackie scoffed at me and put her hand down on her hip. "I didn't mean it like that, Dante. You're intriguing, for sure, but I'm not available for anything more than simple unattached sex" she spelled it out for me. 

Wow...this is what I sounded like to all the girls I've let down over the years.

        Every chick that wanted to date me would get the slip from me, just like this. How the hell did I end up on the other end of this speech? I just licked my teeth and nodded. I don't know what I was thinking even bringing this shit up. 

We had a good thing going. I was enjoying myself. Fucking idiot. It's gonna be awkward now. Jackie sort of tapped her foot impatiently before she just suddenly straightened out and said, "You know what...I should probably just go."

        I wasn't gonna fight her on it. That's the exact thing she doesn't want. She wants the quick and easy. She wants the 'slip it and flip it. The hit and run. "Yeah, alright. That's cool" I shoved my hands in my pockets to look casual and not like the fucking idiot I feel like. 

I'm not one to blush, but if I was I'd be crimson after this cringey ass conversation. Jackie bit her lip and looked me up and down again. I think she wanted to say something, but wasn't sure how she wanted to say it. It looked like something was on the tip of her tongue.

        Instead she just shrugged and said, "Maybe next time." Maybe next time...what the fuck does that mean? Like, let's try fucking in a couple days when the awkwardness fades? Was that a 'in another life maybe' kinda bullshit goodbye? Maybe next time. Next time what?! 

I was honestly glad I didn't have to respond to that. My phone started ringing and when I saw who it was I wanted to answer it. I just gave her a nod and answered my phone while she turned for the door. "Yeah?" I waited. 

        "D, I got the info. Let's not talk on the phone. Where are you?" Renzo asked me. I saw Jackie glance over her shoulder when she reached the door. I just turned away and started talking to him. "I'm at home. Why where are you? Should I head to the-" I didn't finish my sentence because my cousin just spoke right over me.

"I'll just swing by" he made it easier for me. "Yeah alright. I'll be here." By the time that was decided, and I turned back around, my front door was already closed. Well fuck my life then. 

Stupid, stupid, Dante. 

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