Slow burn PART 2

By Heartmyart

1.1M 36.2K 7.5K

BOOK 2- This is the continuation of Renzo and Kat's story, with added BONUS chapters from characters like Dan... More

Chapter 1 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 14 BONUS (Dante's POV)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Dante's POV) BONUS
Chapter 24 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 29 (Renzo-short)
Chapter 30 (Dante's POV) BONUS
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 (Dante'sPOV)
Chapter 37 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 38 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 39 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 45 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 46 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 53 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 58 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 63
Chapter 64 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 65 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 66
Chapter 67 (Renzo's POV)
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 70 (Dante's POV)
Chapter 71
BONUS (Renzo on Campus)
BONUS (One year later)
BONUS (4 years later)

Chapter 2

20.2K 561 205
By Heartmyart

         Since it was my night off work I decided to try and catch up on some much needed sleep. Ever since the "incident" I haven't been sleeping well at all. I feel like it's starting to catch up to me. I don't like thinking so I've kept busy this week, but then that only makes me more tired because I'm doing everything while running on no sleep.

I guess Renzo's family had a little gathering amongst themselves. Renzo didn't tell me anything about it. It was actually Dante who told me what they were all up to. 

        Last weekend I had some intense sex with Renzo where he let me 'mark' him, but we never defined what that meant to each of us. I told Renzo I love him, he tells me I'm Grace, I masturbate in the office to show him that actions and words can go hand in hand, he still hasn't used any words. 

He's used many actions. I feel like we're at a stalemate here.

He didn't say he loves me. He didn't say he wanted us to be in a relationship. I'm starting to regret ever telling Renzo how I really felt about him because he didn't do anything with that information. It was like junk mail. Didn't reach the inbox. Got no response.

        Since Renzo and I haven't defined what we are I can't get upset that he didn't invite me to something. It would have been a nice gesture, but I don't wish to dwell on it. So, I got comfy and went to bed early. That was probably around 11:35 I was up again, but this time with reason. Someone was knocking incessantly on my door.

Since the death threat I have a bat pretty close to the door now. Any funny business and I'll swing it. I don't have a peephole on this door so I never know who is on the other side. 

"Who is it?" I asked in my sleepy voice. "How many men do you have showing up at your damn door?" I heard the deep annoyed tone and knew exactly who it was. I opened the door. "Um, hello?" We didn't have plans so I wasn't sure why Renzo was here, and without notice. 

"What are you doing?" He asked, his eyes darted around me then my apartment.

        "Um, I was sleeping. Sorta. Trying to" I was confused why he seemed kind of antsy or something. "Put on some shoes" he ordered me. "No, why?" I wasn't up for sex games or something. I was tired. Renzo huffed and walked past me, into the apartment.

"Come on, I'm gonna take you somewhere" he explained but barely. "Take me where? Are you drunk, Renzo?" I tried peeking at his face to see if his eyes were red or if he smelt of liquor. He sucked his teeth, "No. Just come on" he grabbed my shoes and shooed me towards the door. 

I was flabbergasted but just went with it because what else can I do? Renzo can very easily lift me and when he's determined like this he doesn't take no for an answer. 

        "Can you at least tell me where we are going and why it had to be at 11:30 at night?" I peeked at him again on the drive over just to look for clues. I don't know what I was looking for. Drugs maybe. He was being odd. When we pulled up to a crepe shop I was so confused. I just stared at the place. 

"Is it fucking closed?!" Renzo jumped out of the car. I followed because I wanted to see what he was gonna do. "It's a bit late" I wasn't surprised the place wasn't open. Renzo was cursing under his breath like crazy. 

"Alright, fine. I can resolve this" he told me before peeking his face into the window to look for something. I just watched his attractive back muscles flex in that fitted tee he was wearing. Just a t-shirt and jeans and somehow he could have been a model for the jeans in a magazine. 

I snapped out of my thoughts when I started to hear tinkering noises.

        "Renzo...Renzo, what are you doing?" I had been behind him so his broad back had covered it, but I came up beside him and gasped. "Renzo!" He was breaking the lock. "I'm familiar with the alarm system they've got for this place. Weak. It's fine. We can break in easily and I'll lock the door on our way out" he told me and he was completely serious. 

I finally grabbed him. I grabbed his arms and made him face me. "Can you please tell me what is going on? You seem erratic...are you on drugs?" I just had to ask. I had to be sure. 

"No. Jesus. I'm just...we're making fucking crepes. I thought they'd be open, but we'll just have to make them ourselves" he told me. "That's insane" I let him know. He was erratic there was no question about it. 

        "Kat, just be quiet a moment and let me break in" he sighed at me like I was being the ridiculous one. "Renzo, we can NOT break in! That's illegal!" I've never commited a crime before in my life...well, incident aside. I've never broken into a place or stole even something as little as a lip balm. Never. Then I heard the click. He just unlocked the door.

What do I expect when dating a criminal?


        Renzo had gotten us into the crepe shop and disarmed the alarm system so that we were in the clear. I can't believe I'm doing this, but I feel like I have to keep an eye on Renzo until I figure out what is wrong with him. When we walked up to the counter Renzo looked around then hopped over it. 

"They don't have any pre-made shit?" His head popped out. I walked around the counter and into the back kitchen where he was. The shop was quaint and lovely. I would love to come here during business hours when we are supposed to be here.

Renzo started opening fridges and checking under things before he turned to me and finally stopped moving. "How the fuck do you make a crepe?" He asked me.

        I don't know what it was, maybe his clueless face or the fact that he broke into a crepe shop, but I just burst out laughing. He bit the inside of his cheek and pretended to glare at me. "I'm so confused" I tried to stop my giggling. 

"Well, you like sweets, don't you? You and Dante do this so...I don't know. They do those strawberry nutella crepes, and I know you like nutella and strawberries" he told me with less of a wild aura. Less erratic.

"I do love them both, but...why right now when the place isn't open?" I appreciated the gesture. He wanted a midnight snack I guess and took me along. 

"Well, I didn't know it was closed," he huffed. "We can come back another time. If you're really hungry I have food at my apartment" I told him. He somehow looked annoyed at me, but I didn't understand why. "No. We're doing the goddamn crepes" he turned away from me and pulled out a tub of Nutella.

        "WHO'S THERE?!" We suddenly heard the echo of a voice through some side door I didn't even notice. I jolted in surprise and Renzo shoved me behind him. What I wasn't expecting was a tiny man in his pajamas holding a golf club in warning. "You work here?" Was Renzo's question. I gaped at him. So did the man.

"I call the police" he was ready to run away, but Renzo told him to hold on. "No! You broke in. You-crazy" he told him. I couldn't place the accent but he had one. "Listen, do you know how to make crepes or not? I'll pay you very good money" Renzo spoke over him. The man paused.

"How much?" Mr. Crepe Man asked him. I popped my head out from behind Renzo. Oh my gosh, the man is considering it. 

Am I in a fever dream or something?! What a wild 20 minutes I've had. I am also in my pajamas. This man and I are kindred spirits here. Renzo also came barreling into my home in the middle of the night.

        Renzo reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. There was a metal table between where the man was and us, like a cooking table, and Renzo dropped $100 and then 2. The man stepped closer with wide eyes. He looked between me and Renzo and he seemed as baffled as I am, but he put the golf club down. 

"Make it $400 and I won't report you to the police" the sassy old man started bargaining for cash. Renzo didn't flinch. He dropped the money down on the table and stepped aside. "Now go make her some crepes," Renzo ordered the man. He can't help himself.

And I couldn't help myself from laughing again. "This is insane" I shook my head at Renzo who was now calm. He leaned his bum against the counter and crossed his arms, watching the crepe man start pulling things out to make us the dang crepes. 

"Um, strawberry nutella for me please" I put a finger up and quietly requested.

        While this old man started making these crepes I decided to talk to him a little bit. "Sorry we broke in here. My friend was...very hungry" I smiled sheepishly at the man. His skin was a deep color, but barely creased with his obvious older age. 

"He looks scary. You look nice" the man told me. "Thank you, you seem very kind, sir. Is this your place?" I asked him. "Yes, I live upstairs. I heard voices...and I live alone so I knew somebody was downstairs. How-you not do the alarm?" 

The man looked over his shoulder at Renzo who was watching our interaction. "Oh you don't want to know" I waved for the guy to let it go.

        I started asking the man all about the shop, how long he's been doing this, and all sorts of questions. He was happy to chat. We'd gone to the cute little miniature tables to eat. Eventually Renzo lost his patience. 

"Sir, you did us a big favor and all but I'm kinda on a date" Renzo told him. 

I did a double take. Did he say date or crepe? What'd he just say? The crepe man's mouth formed a perfect O. "I see. Big impression" the guy waved around at the shop we BROKE INTO. Renzo leaned back in the white chair and licked his teeth. "Something like that."

        The man turned to me and took my hand. "Come any time. The shop is the day time" he spoke to me but then looked pointedly at Renzo. I bit my lip so I wouldn't laugh. "Oh thank you so much. You're so kind for understanding. We'll lock up. I promise" I smiled at the man. 

He slapped his palm out at Renzo and said, "You stay, you pay." I couldn't believe his brazenness, but I also can't believe Renzo broke into a crepe shop, so...

        Renzo cursed him under his breath but dug out another 50 bucks or something. After that the man went back upstairs and a quiet fell over the room. "Um, Renzo...can I ask you something?" I was treading lightly while finishing the last of my snack. I ate more than I should have, but goodness they were delicious. 

"What" he asked, but his eyes were on my mouth. "I have chocolate on my mouth, don't I?" I figured that's what he was zoning in on. "No, but I wanna lick them anyways" he deadpanned. A flutter raptured in my gut. Oh.

"Is this...were you trying to take me on this a date?" I couldn't find the words but I just had to go for it. Renzo crossed his arms over his chest, he was still in this white wicker chair that was a part of the quaint aesthetic. They had cute doilies and things. Very nice.

        When Renzo wouldn't look at me I knew I just asked a question he doesn't want to admit an answer to. I could have sworn that's what he said to the crepe man. Then again, I'm not entirely convinced this isn't some sleep deprived hallucination. 

"You like sweets, don't you?" Was his question to my question. "I do. Yes." I didn't know how to press this without it turning into Renzo being angry. I guess I'll just let it go. Maybe he just said that to the old man so the guy would leave. 

We were very chatty, the man and I, and I don't think Renzo cares much for chattiness.

        I looked back down at the last bite of my crepe. A diced strawberry had fallen so I picked it up with my fingers and licked them clean. Our table didn't have those napkin dispensers, but the table next to us did. This place can only hold about six wicker tables. 

I leaned to the other table for a napkin and Renzo started to speak again. 

"I fucked it up right?" My head swiveled in his direction. "What?" I was confused what he could be referring to. "This" he waved around us. "Breaking in?" I saw Renzo's jaw tighten. He doesn't like explaining himself, and if I misunderstand him I think I stress him out. 

"The date, Kat. The fucking-" he stopped himself and took a calming breath. I felt my face blush pink. "So it is...a date?" I could barely look at him when I asked. I was fidgeting and now isn't the time to be nervous.

        "We had some unforeseen turns but my intention was going to a crepe got a little out of hand" he tapped his fingers on the table. His face was furrowed up. I scooted my chair closer to his and took his hand. "No. This is perfect. This is" I bit my lip not to laugh again, but I find this all to be so comical. 

Renzo's face unfurrowed. He side eyed me and said, "Yeah? How so?" I still had his hand in mine, so I used it to help me stand up, and then I sat on his leg so I could hug his neck. So far he's let me.

        "The crepe shop was a good idea, but you broke in like a criminal...and almost got clocked over the head with a gulf club by the shop's owner, but thennn, you paid him a lot of money and got me my crepes anyway. It's certainly not traditional but I liked it" I assured him. 

Renzo's eyes were studying me for whatever reason. I unhooked my arms, but his hand caught the back of my neck and brought our faces together. When we kissed I felt this overwhelming rush, like his lips were transferring all his thoughts he couldn't or wouldn't say into mine with just a kiss. 

"Why tonight? Why so sudden?" I asked him the second thing I had been wondering. "My brother, Miss prim, and fucking Dante got into my head" he got crabby.

        "Tell me" I wanted to know what the heck they said to prompt Renzo Revello to take me on a date. "Do you know Dante calls himself the 'better boyfriend'?" He squinted his eyes at me which made me laugh. "He just tries to annoy you" I waved it off. 

I won't tell Renzo this...but I was actually the one who started the 'better boyfriend' joke. "So, this was a competition then?" I was catching on here. "It isn't a competition because he doesn't have you. Fuck him" he practically spat.

"We never talked about..." I trailed off, getting too nervous to ask the question I wanted to ask. Is he my boyfriend? Renzo sighed and patted my bum to motion for me to stand up. He's being dismissive, but I got the hint. 

I cleaned our table up and left things tidy for the owner before I personally locked the doors to be sure everything was secure again.

        "Can we just enjoy each other?" Renzo randomly asked me when we got on the sidewalk. I tipped my head at him. "Look, I know what you want Kat, but...I can't do the relationship 'big titles' and 'big expectations' thing. Can we just enjoy each other and not get in our heads about this?" He asked me more clearly now. 

"Um, okay" I wasn't sure I could even say anything other than okay. What would I ask from him? He's clearly not willing to label us. Renzo stood in front of me studying my reaction, trying to read me. 

       "Look, it's not like I'm hiding it" Renzo turned his neck and showed me my mark on him. That mark will fade, but I get what he means. He's trying and he isn't hiding me, he just isn't ready for more. I guess that's the way to put it. 

"Renzo, you already know how I feel and everything I want. Where we go from here is entirely up to you. I can't tell you how I will feel or react to those choices you make but...we just had a nice crepe date. Let's just leave it at that" I pressed a smile and turned for his car. 

It's 1am and I don't know how this all just came into play. What a strange night.

Renzo caught my hand in his, which made me look up at his tall frame beside mine. He took my hand to link our fingers and walked us across the street to his car. No words. We didn't say anything. Renzo just held my hand for a minute and it was nice. 


Author's note: Again here is a sample of the continued chapters. Should I post more?

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