Fire and Flames

By raven_fromteentitans

10.2K 199 3

This is a sweet pea fan fiction. Avery lodge twin sister of Veronica lodge. What happens when Avery runs int... More

1. (S2e3)
2 (s2e4)
3 (s2e5)
Another update (sorry)


149 2 0
By raven_fromteentitans

There was a funeral held for midge. Cheryl sang a song, I stood with sweet pea and the rest of the serpents. After Cheryl's song she speaks

"I also feel it is my duty to say that like the furies of Ancient Greece who ceaselessly pursue blood atonement when a crimes been committed the vixens and I vow that we will not rest until those responsible for the murder of our sister is rightly punished" Cheryl says

As we are walking out we see midges mom balling her eyes out the sheriff runs up to her

"Mrs Klump?" He says

We watch as he speaks to her not really hearing what he is saying from being to far. Midges mom slaps the sheriff and yells at him and then storms off.

Cheryl says something to him then walks off.

We all sat in pops as Jughead spoke

"I have a theory. It's a copycat killer and who coincidentally showed up in riverdale just after mr svenson was killed? And has been giving off creepy vibes ever since, chic he has a temper too" Jughead says

"Chic is here because I went to the hostel to get him and yes he's weird but he didn't know midge so moving on" Betty says

"What if mr svenson wasn't the black hood?" Archie asks
"We were there when he died" Betty says
"I know but just because he was wearing a hood that night it doesn't necessarily mean he's the same guy who shot my dad and now killed midge" Archie says

"what if svenson was the copy cat killer but didn't kill you know and his death drove the real one into hiding for awhile? And now he's back" I say to Archie And Archie nods his head agreeing with me

"Svenson forced me to bury you alive, he cut off his own finger and sent it to me" Betty says

"Maybe the real black hood cut it off because he was working with svenson" Archie says

"And svenson would've let himself be mutilated?" V asks

"Could be v he probably was messed up in the head hearing his whole family being murdered then saying a innocent guy did it he prob had many mental issues" I say

"Look all I'm trying to say is the real black hood could still be alive, I looked into the black hoods eyes, they weren't mr svensons eyes" Archie says

Sweet pea comes to get me and takes me to the wyrm while sweets is getting me a drink fangs walks up to me "if I tell you something promise you won't tell anyone" he says and I nod my head

"Not even sweet pea?" He asks

"What is it fangs?" I ask him

"I was seeing midge" he says to me

"What?" I ask

"I know it was wrong but I just couldn't help it" he says to me and then sweet pea comes back

"Hey what's up" he says

"Nothing I need a drink" he says and walks off I play pool for a bit with sweets

The next day I run into my mother who is going door to door

"Mom" I say

"Mija I haven't seen you in awhile I've missed you" he says and hugs me. "Are you guys safe? I know we got that letter before and I just want to make sure your safe especially since you are in the spotlight" I say

"I promise you I am ok and so is your father" she says

"Good, I may not agree with you but I still love you guys" I say "we love you too" she says

She looks at my jacket "Veronica told us you joined the serpents" she says motioning to my jacket

"Yeah I did, they protect me a lot easier now" I say

"If you need anything let us know now I should get back to going door to door" she says "stop by home every once in awhile" she says and I nod my head

I walk over to Betty's and see Betty and Jughead

"Hey guys" I say
"Hey listen to this chic isn't my brother this is" she says and shows me a picture

We all walk inside "some detectives we are" Jughead says
"We are so stupid" I say
"We should have gone to the sisters of quiet mercy weeks ago and found this out" Jughead says and we enter the kitchen

"Found out what Betty" we hear and look up to see chic

"What is he doing here mom?" Betty asks

"I took chic down to the sheriffs station to give his statement and then I invited him back for dinner" Alice says

"Great except he's not chic" Betty says

"Ok enough with the melodrama Betty" Alice says

"He's not!" Betty says

"Betty" chic tries

"Shut the hell up imposter" Jughead yells

"Don't speak" I growl

"Jughead and I paid a visit to the sister of quiet mercy that is your real son mom not this con artist" Betty says showing Alice the picture

"I-I don't understand" Alice says

"I do, Betty's been out to get me from the start she never wanted a brother" chic says

"You're not my brother!" Betty yells

"What is this picture what does it all mean?" Alice yells

Me and Jughead walk up to chic pinning him in

"It's what we're trying to figure out mrs cooper the truth" Jughead says

"So chic what's your real name" I say he looks down to the knife

"Chic no" Alice yells and he goes for it she tries to grab him and he cuts her then starts slashing at me and Jughead he cuts my cheek

"Ah" I yell and Betty grabs the rolling pin and hits the knife out of his hand then knocks him out
"Ah damn sweet pea is gonna kill me when he sees this and finds out you were with me" Jughead says to me and I roll my eyes and chuckle

"Nice going b" I say

We tie him up and wait til he wakes up "what what's going on?" Chic whimpers "mom why are you-" he tries

"Stop no more play acting it's just time for answer's now" Betty says I walk up and put my foot on the chair in between his legs.

I hood my knife out to him

"You can start by telling us your real name" Jughead says

"I am chic mom untie me please I'm scared" he cries

"You must have known him, my brother when my mom and I went to the hostel and asked for Charles smith they sent us to your room so why were you impersonating him?" Betty asks

"I'd answer carefully if I were you" I say

"I never said I was Charles smith I said I was chic" he says

"Then where's Charles how did you know him?" Alice asks

"We met on the street then moved into that flip house he told me about you guys the coopers this perfect family in riverdale who gave him up for adoption who didn't want him never even looked for him one day he knocked and you answered Alice you practically slammed the door on his face you said we're not interested you remember it don't you? Charles went on a bender that night he OD'd on jingle jangle" Chic says Alice runs off "can you two watch him" Betty asks then chases after her

"Asshole move" I say and then punch him in the face

I get a call from sweet pea

"Hey babe" I say answering the phone

"Help" chic yells

"Shut up or I'll do more than give you a black eye asshole" I growl

"Who was that?" He asks
"Remember that dude at Betty's house when we broke in to save them?" I ask

"Yeah her brother right?" He asks

"No he was impersonating her brother and when we confronted him with proof he grabbed a knife and cut me so he's tied up at the moment" I say

"Ok we'll when your done come to the wyrm ok?" He asks

"Ok I love you bye"

"Love you too" then he hangs up

"Imma go check on Betty" Jughead says and I nod my head

He goes up stairs and I sit down on the stairs

"Your just gonna leave me here?" Chic asks me

"Well yeah your a stranger and a con artist" I say

Jughead comes down the stairs "hey come here" he says and I go upstairs with them

"We are going back to where i found chic I think he's lying about my brother" Betty says

"You want me to watch chic?" I ask

"Yeah if you don't mind" Betty says

"Sure no problem he's not going anywhere" I say

I go back down stairs "we're gonna be here awhile...chic so get comfortable" I say

"So do you always do my sisters dirty work? You and the rest of the serpents?" He asks

I chuckle "we protect our own chic not like you know what that is you don't know anything about family" I say

Soon Betty and jug gets back

"We know you murdered my brother" Betty says

"Come on are you guys serious?" He asks

"Your neighbor heard you fighting she saw blood lots of it admit what you did chic" Betty says

"I admit...your brother was a junkie" chic says and I grab his shirt

"The truth asshole" I growl and Jughead hits him

"Go ahead hit me all you want you won't kill me because you're scared you won't let me go because you're worried I'll rat about the shady guy" chic says and I hit him this time he spits out blood
Betty grabs his throat "tell us the truth about my brother" she says then let's his throat go

"I already did, Betty" he says looking at her then he smiles and looks and me and jug "or maybe I didn't, you'll never know" chic says

I growl and hit him again and again and again Jughead pulls me off as he starts coughing blood

Jughead drops me off at sweet peas I walk in and he is on the couch

"Sorry I didn't make it to the wyrm" I say and he jumps up "oh my god what happened?" He asks grabbing my busted hand

"He wasn't talking so he pissed me off" I say smiling and he laughs he walks into the kitchen and gets a wet rag

"Sit down" he says and I listen he cleans the blood off my face and hands

"What's Jughead doing now?" Sweet pea asks

"He's at Betty's getting chic to talk" I say

He kisses my head before he starts wrapping my hand up in a bandage.

"I gotta teach you to throw a punch with out busting your knuckles up like this" he says laughing

"Yeah?" I ask him and kiss him I get up and sit in his lap "oh?" He asks me amused

"I love you" I whisper to him and kiss him hard

"I love you too" he says after.

"So what are they gonna do with chic?" He asks

I sigh "I don't know, that's up to Betty" I say

"Hopefully she doesn't pull all of us in again" he says and I lightly slap him shoulder he laughs "I'm sorry I know she's your friend" he says

He picks me up and then takes me to the bedroom "goodnight" he says and kisses me

"Goodnight" I say back

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