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I went with glen and Betty to Sherwood asylum to review the tapes.

At school We were getting ready for parent teacher conference night.

Betty glen and I were watching the tapes. All of them they were crazy

Betty took her headphones off so me and glen followed "what's up?" Glen asks

"There's something on this tape" Betty says and unplugs the headphones so we all could hear.

"How were relations between you and your wife Alice at this point?" The dr asked

"We weren't in a good place. She wouldn't touch me or even look at me. So I started connecting with women on nedslist" Hal says

"Same place polly was getting on to meet that trucker" I say

"Yep that's how women working the lonely highway make their connections" Betty says

The next day I spend it with Toni as she's on bed rest after I get out of school.

I get to the school that night for parent teacher conference. I meet the parents of my students and speak with them after kev and arch bring them to my class.

The lights go out. I go out and see a man in a prisoners outfit. I hide behind my wall. I hear him start walking toward me. I grab my gun from my ankle and wait. When I hear him at my door I jump out and hit him in the head with my gun making him drop.

I go and find kev

"Oh my god Avery" kev says and he sees my gun
"I was going to the office after this so I brought my baby just in case. Thank god I did." I say I close the door and look around "where's Archie?" I ask

"He's going to take on those men" kev says

"Ok you stay here he's gonna need back up" I say

"Avery don't" kev says

"Kev I am an FBI agent. I can't take on these assholes" I say and run out

I find Archie and his Sargent and frank his uncle

"Avery, your dads behind this" arch says

"Yeah I had a gut feeling. Nice to see you frank" I say

"We gotta lock this place up" I add

Prisoners try pushing on the doors

The Sargent holds his gun up "sarge you only have six bullets in that gun what are you gonna do when you run out?" Arch asks "the smart play here is to withdraw while we still can" arch adds

"You want us to lead civilians out into open hostile territory?" The Sargent says

"No that's not what he's say he's saying we lead them to safety because it's not here if we stay here we get pinned in and between our guns Sargent I doubt we will be able to even take half" I say

"We went to school here we grew up in this town we can slip through a tunnel behind the boiler and then I can get everyone to the sheriffs station safely" Archie says

"Sounds like a plan Sargent" kev says with the civilians behind him

"Arch I'm with you man, I trust you and your judgement. I trust you with my life" I say patting his shoulder

We then go "everyone stay together and keep your eyes opened. We move quietly" I say

We get to the tunnel Archie leads us out while I take the back.

We soon get the parents to safety.

we walked through the halls

"Hiram's escapees trashed everything they pulled wires from walls smashed circuit breakers, even broke sinks and toilets." Alice says

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