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G&g manuals kept getting confiscated but they would just pop right back up. As for me I've read the script.

"Two students have take their lives a third tried the common thread linking these tragedies all three victims were playing the game known as gryphons and gargoyles" my mother said to our class

"Wait, so you are admitting the game killed dilton and Ben?" Jughead asks

"How can a game possibly do that?" I ask

"Yes mr jones, and we believe in the game you tend to want to commit suicide for one of the challenges" my mom answers

"But where did g&g come from? Where did Ben a dilton even get it?" Betty asks

"Well we still don't have many answers but from the little that we do know about it, the game seems targeted at impressionable developing minds namely teens like yourselves" she says

"Um challenge accepted" Reggie says and we all laugh

"Respect to the dead, but some among our flock are shepherds, not sheep" Cheryl says

"The games quests and role playing scenarios are specifically designed to foster delusion, paranoia, and ultimately violence. As mayor I'm officially banning gryphons and gargoyles. Mrs burble is gonna be holding extended office hours and I've set up a 24 hour crisis hotline overseen by Kevin Keller" she says

"FYI I'm only there after school" kev says

"As a parent I'm imploring you, take care of yourselves and stay away from this game" she says I lean up in jugheads ear

"She definitely knows something about this game that she isn't saying" I whisper and he looks at me and nods his head

I sat at the table with Cheryl, Toni, sweets, and fangs. We were playing the game.

Sweets rolled the dice
"You are imprisoned in the gargoyle kings fortress. Trapped in pens, you live in fear never knowing when his legion of gargoyles will descend from the sky to feed but his guards are arrogant you've been able to observe and study their movements, and you've planned an escape" Jughead says

"Your mission was unsuccessful everyone dies" Jughead says and we all groan

"Jug you won't believe the story my mom told me last night" we hear Betty coming down

"Jug what are you doing?" She asks

He stands up "Betty, it's all making sense all of this is becoming clear the game the gargoyle king. I'm on level three and it's only a matter of time until I ascend. And I get to meet him" Jughead says

Everyone leaves and Betty tells us the story

"So you've confirmed so my dad played g&g in high school huh?" Jughead says

"And my mom" I say

"Of course, it makes so much sense" Jughead says

"All of our parents did and they swore each other to secrecy but jug, ave, while they were playing one of them killed their principal back then, Felix feather head either accuse or on purpose but he had blue lips just like Ben and dilton which is why all of this has to stop" Betty says to us

"Betty the fact that our parents played g&g just corroborates what we've come to believe that we have been playing this game for a lot longer than we know" Jughead says

"Off board think about it the hot dog rescue" I say

"What was that if not a quest the serpents the ghoulies what are they?" Jughead asks

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