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"So jugheads moms here?" I ask Axel

"Yeah meaning imma be sticking around for awhile" he says

"Good because I love having you around" I say to him

Sweet pea comes out of his trailer and sees us talking he walks over and kisses my head. "Hey baby wanna go to pops for some breakfast before school?" He asks me

"No I'm not hungry we can go straight there" I say and he nods his head and walks back

"Good morning to you to sweet pea" Axel calls out and sweet pea flips him off without turning back

I was now in our serpent class room pissed out of my mind when Jughead came in

"Where the hell is everyone else?" Jughead asks

"Oh we're down another eight" sweet pea says

"Another eight?" Jug asks

"All girls" fangs says
"Where are they all going" Betty asks
"Turns out Toni and Cheryl started their own gang all the girls are defecting to it" sweets says
"They asked me if I would join of course I declined" I said
"The pretty poisons" fangs says and Jughead sits on his desk

"So what do you want us to do, boss?" Fangs asks

"Nothing this is all because I banished Cheryl and Toni. I just need to talk to Toni get her back into the serpent fold and the rest will come back too they need to be reminded what it means to be a serpent" Jughead says sweets looks at me and gives me a worried look

"I'll make this right" Jughead adds

Me sweets and fangs were walking out of pops
"Heads or tails for this, ready?" Sweets asks fangs

"Heads" he says he flips the coin
"Tails mine" sweets says happily
"Tails what" fangs says and we all laugh we look up and see the pretty poisons at the car.

"Oh" we all say

"Well ladies evening" fangs says
"Hey" me and sweets says and he puts his arm around me
We turn around to see Cheryl with more
"Look girls we don't want any trouble from your sorority" sweets says

"Don't call us girls and don't belittle us" Cheryl says
"That's not what he was-" I try
"Or what? You're gonna challenge us to a pillow fight?" Fangs asks and sweet pea laughs
"Whoa what?" I ask and pull away from sweet pea
"See Avery this is why you should join us, they don't respect you" Cheryl says to me
"Seriously Cheryl what is it?" Sweet pea asks
"We're the pretty poisons peabrain. And we're here to deliver a message to you and your leader that we are not to be dismissed or trifled with" Cheryl says and I back up into sweet pea
"Ladies introduce yourselves" Cheryl says and backs up
"Take it east ok?" Sweets says
"Hey honestly we don't want any trouble" fangs says
Then they attack I hit back trying to protect the boys since they wouldn't hit a girl meaning I got most of the punches.

We go to Jughead "you guys are a joke besides Avery at least she could stand up for herself" Jughead mom says as I sit in the chair with bruises all over me
"Jug if you don't get your house in order more people are going to defect" his mom says and I stand up
"They just want respect and after the way you boys spoke to them, I'm starting to think I should have taken Cheryl up on her offer" I say and leave

I go and sit down with Axel at the fire
"I heard you got jumped" he says
"I deserved it so did they, they don't respect women and it all started with that stupid serpent dance" I growled
The next day at school sweet pea and fangs catch up to me
"I'm mad at you to leave me alone" I said to them
"What did we do we got jumped" fangs says and I stop and turn around
"You don't respect women you don't think we can handle ourselves. But guess what fangs the only reason I haven't beaten your ass is because your my friend so stop being sexist and open you eyes you to sweet pea" I say and storm off

That night I sat at the fire talking to Axel

"Your fighting with sweet pea huh?" He asks me and I nod my head "I don't feel like he respects me or women in general" I say
"I'm sorry you feel that way, if he doesn't realize how strong you are then it's his loss. You are so strong and so very beautiful" he says and puts his hand on my knee
"Um thanks axe" I say
"I'm serious your so smart" he says getting closer to me and easing his hand a little up my thigh
"And so beautiful" his hands at my mid thigh and he's an inch from my face and so strong" he says and tries to kiss me and I slap his face.

"What the actual hell you jackass!" I yell
"Shh" he says trying to make me be quiet
"If you ever touch me or speak to me again I will kill you do I make myself clear" I say
"Yes" he says I storm into sweet peas trailer

He was laying on his bed when he seen me he sat up "listen don't speak, I am strong and I don't need you sweet pea I want you that's the difference. I chose you like you chose me so I don't want you thinking that I can't take care of myself because I can and I can protect myself okay?" I ask

He nods his head fastly I sit down next to hit "what made you say that?" He asks me
"Axel, god you were right he just tried to kiss me" I said
"He did what" sweet pea says and stand up and I glare at him and he sits down "sorry, what happened?" He asks
"I was explaining why I was mad at you and he was complimenting me and he tried to kiss me so I slapped him. Sweets I don't care if we fight 100 times a day I will never ever cheat on you" I say to him and he smiles and kisses me

"I know you wouldn't I trust you" he whisper I lay down With him and on his chest.

"I love you" I say to him
"I love you too" he says and kisses my head

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